Consultation Panel 2 EU Funding of exchange projects with North Africa

Parallel Open Forums
Consultation Panel 2
EU Funding of exchange
projects with North Africa
By Maram Hassan Anbar
Saturday, 24 November 2012
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Who are your funders?
Where can you get funding from?
When identifying your funder what do
you need to do?
Youth in Action Programme
(2007 - 2013)
Eligible MED countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, West bank
and Gaza Strip, Syria, and Tunisia
Young people aged between 13 to 30 years old.
legally resident in one of the Programme or Partner Countries
Youth leaders/Youth workers.
a non-profit or non-governmental organisation
a local, regional public body
an informal group of young people
a body active at European level in the youth field (ENGO), having member branches in at
least 8 Programme Countries
a profit-making organization organizing an event in the area of youth, sport or culture All
person or organization involved in the Youth field.
Action 2 - European Voluntary Service
•  Partners: 2+ promoters from different countries, of
which at least 1 is from an EU country.
•  Participatns: between 1-30 volunteers aged (18 -30),
legally resident in the country of the Sending
•  Duration: 2 weeks to 12 months
•  Where to apply: Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency (EACEA) or National Agency
Action 3.1 - Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries
of the EU
•  Partners: 2+ promoters from different countries, of which at
least 1 is from an EU country.
•  Participatns: between 16-60 participants aged (13 and 25),
legally resident in the country of the Sending Organization
•  Duration: 6-21 days
•  Where to apply: Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency (EACEA) or National Agency
Action 3.1 - Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries
of the EU
•  Job Shadowing: up to 2 participants.
•  Feasibility Visit: up to 2 participants per promoter.
•  Evaluation Meeting, Study Visit, Partnership-Building,
Seminar and Training Course: up to 50 participants
(including trainers and facilitators) representing each
promoter. The appropriate number of participants depends on
the nature and the type of the Activity.
•  Networking: no limitation on the number of participants.
Action 3.1 - DEADLINES
•  For projects submitted to a National Agency:
•  1 February (1 May and 31 October)
•  1 May (1 August and 31 January)
•  1 October (1 January and 30 June)
•  For projects submitted to the Executive Agency :
•  1 February (1 August and 31 December)
•  1 June (1 December and 30 April)
•  1 September (1 March and 31 July)
EuroMed Youth Program
•  Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan,
Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority,
Tunisia and Israel + 27 EU Member States
•  Call for proposals is launched by Euro-Med
Youth Units.
•  Euro-Med Youth Exchanges
•  Euro-Med Youth Voluntary Service
•  Euro-Med Youth Training and
Networking (Contact Making Seminars,
Study Visits, Training Courses and
EuroMed Youth Program
•  Deadline for applications: EuroMed
Youth Unit
European Youth Foundation
•  Established in 1972 by the Council of Europe to
provide financial support for European youth
•  Aged 15 - 30
•  Who can apply:
•  An international non-governmental youth
organisation or network
•  A national or local non-governmental youth
organisation or network
•  Non-governmental structures involved in youth
European Youth Foundation
•  A. International youth meetings (Category A)
•  international youth meetings for youth leaders,
including seminars, conferences, workshops, camps,
festivals, etc.
•  B. Youth activities other than meetings
•  specialised publications (such as training manuals &
audio-visual materials)
•  C. Administration of international nongovernmental youth organisations and
networks (Category C)
•  D. Pilot projects
European Youth Foundation
•  1 February
•  for requests for EYF administrative grants (Categories
C) concerning the current year.
•  1 April
•  for Category A and B activities of the EYF taking place
between 1 January and 30 June of the following year.
•  1 October
•  for Category A and B activities of the EYF taking place
between 1 April and 31 December of the following
European Youth Foundation
priorities 2012-2013
•  Project N°1: Human rights and democracy:
youth policy and youth work promoting the core
values of the Council of Europe
•  Project N° 2: Living together in diverse societies:
youth policy and youth work promoting
intercultural dialogue”
•  Project N° 3: Social inclusion of young people
•  Project N° 4: Policy approaches and instruments
benefiting young people and children”