Route 79 / Davol Street Corridor Study Appendix L Public Correspondence Comments Received During the Public Comment Period on the Draft Report Comments Received on Draft Report Comment Reference Number Comment Author Comment Summary • • • • • 1 Jamie Fosburgh, National Park • Service • • • Convert Brightman St. “U-turn” flyover into a bike/pedestrian facility Provide direct link from Veterans Memorial Bridge bike/ped ramp to the converted “U-turn” flyover Provide City sponsored bike-ped upgrades to Brightman St. between North Main St. and the waterfront Eliminate Veterans Memorial Bridge to Davol St. (south) offramp Eliminate Rte. 79 to Davol St. (south) offramp Convert Old Brightman St. Bridge into a pedestrian pier Develop waterfront lands near Old Brightman St. Bridge as a waterfront park Convert lands north of Old Brightman St. Bridge into waterfront park Extend 15ft multi-use pathway from Cory St., past the Old Brightman St. Bridge and continue north to a scenic overlook north of Old Brightman St. Bridge Page 1 of 4 Comment Response Conversion of the “U-turn” flyover ramp to an exclusive pedestrian / bicycle facility along with elimination of the Veterans Memorial Bridge and Rte. 79 ramps to southbound Davol St. is possible and should be further investigated in the next project phase. It should be noted that several elements of the currently developed concepts would be affected by these modifications and should be reviewed with the community at-large. Potential impacts include: • • • • Brightman St. access to points south would be via Lindsey St. to President Ave. rather than the flyover ramp Access from Veterans Memorial Bridge to the waterfront or points east of Rte. 79 including Brightman St. would be via Rte. 79 to President Ave. intersection, which could contribute to increased congestion at that intersection Access to Lindsey St. and Brightman St. from Veterans Memorial Bridge and points north would be via President Ave. to North Main St. Two-lane ramp from Veterans Memorial Bridge to the south would be reduced to a single lane, potentially crating a bottleneck. Consideration should be given to revising lane configuration on eastbound Veterans Memorial Bridge. Additional discussion of this option is contained in the Memorandum to MassDOT dated 5/1/14, addressing FHWA comments and included in this Appendix. Comment Reference Number 2 3 Comment Author Comment Summary Steven Camara, Support for comments Lower presented by Mr. Fosburgh of Highlands / the National Park Service Historic Downtown Neighborhood Association Support for comments Tim Bennett, presented by Mr. Fosburgh of Green Futures the National Park Service • 4 5 6 7 8 Convert U-turn flyover ramp to pedestrian/ bicycle path • Eliminate Veterans Memorial Bridge and Rte. 79 off-ramps to Davol St. SB • Improve access to old Brightman St. Bridge • Maintain two-way access to Rte. 79 via Brightman Kris Bartley, St. North End Neighborhood Do not eliminate Davol St. Association between Cory St. and President Ave. Comment Response Please see response to Comment 1 by Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. Please see response to Comment 1 by Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. Please see response to Comment 1 by Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. Davol St. extents should be studied in the next project phase. Discussion of issues associated with eliminating this portion of Davol St. is contained in the Memorandum to MassDOT dated 5/1/14, addressing FHWA comments and included in this Appendix. Consider extending Cory St. Provision of an at-grade crossing at Cory across RR tracks with St. needs to be coordinated with provision of an at-grade RR MassDOT Rail and Transit Division and crossing should be addressed at the next project phase. Support for comments Please see response to Comment 1 by Paul and Susan presented by Mr. Fosburgh of Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. de Villers the National Park Service Support for comments Please see response to Comment 1 by Liz Garant presented by Mr. Fosburgh of Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. the National Park Service Support for comments Please see response to Comment 1 by Marge and Rick presented by Mr. Fosburgh of Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. McNally the National Park Service Support for comments Please see response to Comment 1 by Frank Menezes, presented by Mr. Fosburgh of Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. Bike Fall River the National Park Service member Page 2 of 4 Comment Reference Number Comment Author 9 Rosemarie Normandin 10 Ronald M. Thomas Comment Summary Support for comments Please see response to Comment 1 by presented by Mr. Fosburgh of Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park Service. the National Park Service Consider provision of a slip • Connection to Cove St./Fulton St. ramp from the ramp could be studied during the next connecting Veterans project phase. While such a Memorial Bridge to Rte. 79 connection would appear to have NB to Cove St./Fulton St. transportation benefits, it would be complicated by significant difference in grades and right-of-way impacts. Consider converting U-turn • Please see response to Comment 1 by flyover ramp to bike/ped Mr. Fosburgh of the National Park ramp. Service regarding the U-turn ramp. Consider a new bridge over • Rte. 79 connecting Brightman St. to southbound Davol St. Provide non-rounded cost estimates for alternatives. 11 Comment Response Federal Highway Administration One of the reasons for considering conversion of the U-turn flyover ramp to pedestrian/ bicycle facility is to eliminate roadways and open up land in front of the old Brightman St. Bridge for potential creation of a park. Provision of another bridge over Route 79 at Brightman St. may impede with this goal; however, it could be further studied at the next project phase. The cost estimates contained in the report are conceptual and were rounded to illustrate order-of-magnitude implementation costs. They were developed based on schematic layouts, without the benefit of having actual topographic or right-of-way information. The back-up for the cost estimate is contained in Appendix J. The costs prior to rounding are as follows: Construction Costs: Alternative 1: Alternative 2: Alternative 2 Modified: Alternative 3: $96,401,500 $54,019,000 $51,682,000 $52,722,500 Total Costs(including engineering, permitting and ROW): Alternative 1: $114,101,500 Alternative 2: $64,719,000 Alternative 2 Modified: $63,182,000 Alternative 3: $64,922,500 Page 3 of 4 Comment Reference Number Comment Author Comment Summary • 12 Ken Fiola, Jr., Executive Vice President, Fall River Office of Economic Development • • 13 Carole A. Fiola • State Representative 6th Bristol Dist. Comment Response Support for Urban Boulevard Concept as depicted in Alternatives 2 and 2 Modified. To facilitate start of construction in 2017, initiate preparation of Project Initiation Form and release previously secured funding for project design, environmental permitting, and right of way work. Alternatives 2 and 2 Modified are recommended in the Study for advancing to the next steps. MassDOT will continue working with the City of Fall River on further project development. Support for Urban Boulevard Concept as depicted in Alternatives 2 and 2 Modified. Requests Patrick Administration to release the balance of previously secured federal grant funds for the next phase of permitting and construction. Alternatives 2 and 2 Modified are recommended in the Study for advancing to the next steps. MassDOT will continue working with the City of Fall River on further project development. Page 4 of 4 United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Northeast Region Office 15 State Street Boston, Massachusetts 02109-3572 IN REPLY REFER TO' Comments of National Park Service Rte 79/Davol Street Corridor Study June 19, 2014 The National Park Service commends the MA DOT and its team of consultants for doing an excellent job with the Rte 79/Davol St. Corridor Study. As a regular participant of the Study's "Working Group" NPS supports the main recommendations of the Study, including the selection of Alternatives 2 and 2-Modified to can-y forward in to the next phase of analysis, development and refinement. The core of both alternatives is the lowering ofRte 79 and its conversion to an urban boulevard with full service crossings, together with a full commitment to modem bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. Short and Mid-Term recommendations are also worthy of implementation. NPS does believe that further thought and analysis needs to be conducted in conjunction with the next phase of the project in regards to the northern end of the project area (north of Cory St.) to ensure that project benefits are maximized. This end of the project was not initially included in the project scope, and has always seemed to be a project "orphan." It is NPS' belief that this portion of the project area is critical to larger project purposes and to the long-tenn future of the Fall River watedi'ont. Specifically, NPS believes that the following elements (some associated with this project and others that are closely related) have high significance that has not been recognized to date. " Conversion ofthe Brightman St "U-turn" flyover into a bike-pedestrian facility • Direct linking of the Veterans' Memorial Bridge pike/ped ramp to the converted "U­ tnrn" flyover • City sponsored bike-ped upgrades to Brightman St between North Main St am! the waterfront. • Elimination of the Veterans' Memorial Bridge to Davol Street (south) off-ramp • Elimination of the Rte 79 to Davol Street (south) off-ramp • Conversion of the Old Brightman Street Bridge into a pedestrian pier • Development of the waterfront lands near the Old Brightman Street Bridge as a waterfront park " Conversion of the waterfront lands north of the Old Brightman Street Bridge into waterfront park (on lands gained from off-ramp removal) • Extension of the 15ft multi-use pathway from Cory St, past the Old Brightman St. Bridge and continuing north (on lands gained from off-ramp removal) to a scenic overlook (or other waterfront destination) north ofthe Old Brightman St Bridge. Additional detail & comments related to those elements included in the Rte 79/Davol St Corridor Study are provided below. I am also attaching a crude plan view sketch to help visualize these comments taken together. Conversion ofthc Brightman St "U-turn" flyover into a bike-pedestrian facility Conversion of the U-tum flyover into a bike/pedestrian facility would allow bicycle and pedestrian visitors coming from Somerset to link directly to the Fall River waterfront without need to cross any streets. It would also allow people coming from the extensive north Fall River residential neighborhoods to come down Brightman St (with ample space for effective bike/ped improvement) and then cross over Rte 79 directly to the waterfi·ont This would be a world class bike/ped feature linking both Somerset and Fail River residential neighborhoods to the waterfi·ont without needing to get into their cars. In contrast to the analysis contained in the Corridor Study (figures 4.20 and 4.21), this conversion would likely only make sense when combined with the elimination of the Davol Street off-ramps from 79S and Veterans' Memorial Bridge. In the absence of the vehicle off-ramps, the bike/ped traffic coming off the converted flyover ramp would simple 'T' directly into the extended 15ft shared use pathway at some spot north of Corey St (likely about where the pathway as depicted in figures 4.21 and 4.20 tums from a solid to a dotted line). There would be no need for a second "bridge" (figure 4.20), nor would or should it extend all the way south to Cory. These two features (U-tum flyover conversion and elimination of the two vehicle off-ramps) could be pursued either in conjunction with Altemative 2 or 2-modified. Elimination of the Veteran's Memorial Bridge Davol Street (sonth) off-ramp Elimination of the Rte 79 to Davol Street (south) off-ramp In addition to allowing for the direct bike/ped connection as described above, the elimination of these two off-ramps would allow the re-capture of substantial acres/feet of waterfront lands for other uses, and would allow a much greater connection between all of parcel 5 and the waterfront. lt would also allow for the northward extension of the shared use pathway (on the bed of the discontinued 79 off-ramp?) to the north of the Old Brightman Street B1idge to a destination closer to the Veterans' Memorial Brdige (waterfront overlook?) that would serve as the northern terminus ofthe pathway. .Another benefit of this scenario would be to greatly simplify the Cory St/Davol intersection, which would no longer have to contend with the convergence of three vehicle off-ramps to this one locatlon. Together, implementation of these and related project elements would allow ParcelS, based on its large size, substantial waterfi·ont, converted pedestrian pier and world-class bike/ped connections to be the most significant land conversion of the entire Corridor Study. Summary It is the belief of the National Park Service that the potential significance of the project elements discussed in this letter have been underestimated and/or not recognized in a coherent way as a part of the Con·idor Study and its analysis. Several of the elements are discussed individually, but never are the pieces put together in a logical and cohesive way. Therefore, NPS strongly supports the carrying forward of these ideas as a part of the Alternative Refinement Considerations, consistent with the final two bullets under in the recommendations on page 5.31 (Project Development): • Further examination ofU-turn bridge near Brightman Street for bicycle and pedestrian use • Access to and potential for development of area near old Brightman Street Bridge Thank you for this opportunity to comment. J a ie Fosburgh . ' ional Park Service BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: Attachments: FW: NPS comments on Rte 79/Davol Study NPS Rte 79-Davol Comments 6-19-14.pdf From: Camara, Steven [] Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 10:21 AM To: Jill Barrett; 'Ethan Britland ('; '' Subject: FW: NPS comments on Rte 79/Davol Study Dear Jill & Ethan, As a member of the Route 79 Corridor Study Task Force, I wish to align myself totally with the comments offered by Jamie Fosburgh of the National Park Service. At the upcoming meeting of the North End Neighborhood Association to be held Thursday at 6:30p.m. at the Morton Middle School in Fall River Robert Bernier, an architectural illustrator, will present on my behalf and on behalf of a coalition of neighborhood leaders, bicycle advocates and other “green” and “pedestrian/bicycle” advocates an illustration that builds on the sketch that Mr. Fosburgh has presented in his “NPS comments on Rte 79/Davol Study”. As I have stated repeatedly, I commend the work of the “Task Force” and particularly of you and your company’s and MA DOT’s staff in its deliberations and efforts to move this project forward in an expeditious manner. Creating a bicycle/pedestrian “flyover” out of the existing “vehicular flyover” will enhance this project’s goals of better linking the neighborhoods of Fall River to and from the Fall River Waterfront. This “flyover” linkage will advance the economic development of both neighborhood and waterfront businesses. The creation of a North End/Brightman Street Bridge park and scenic overlook, too, will enhance this project. Finally, creating more “green space” for residents and visitors to the area adjacent to the “Historic (Old) Brightman Street Bridge” is beneficial to the project’s goals and objectives. As co‐chair of The Lower Highlands/Historic Downtown Neighborhood Association, a Board member and former President of the Highland Neighborhood Association and as an attendee of the North End Neighborhood Association I assure you that there is great support by Fall River’s residents for the comments offered by Mr. Fosburgh on behalf of the National Park Service. I look forward to our continued deliberations on this project. Regards, Steve Steven A. Camara Co‐chair Lower Highlands/Historic Downtown Neighborhood Association From: Fosburgh, Jamie [] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:21 PM To: Camara, Steven Subject: Fwd: NPS comments on Rte 79/Davol Study 1 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Fosburgh, Jamie <> Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 4:18 PM Subject: NPS comments on Rte 79/Davol Study To: Jill Barrett <> JillPlease find attached the NPS comments. Please be in touch if anything needs clarification, etc. Thank You! -Jamie Fosburgh, New England Team Leader NER Rivers Program 617 223-5191 -Jamie Fosburgh, New England Team Leader NER Rivers Program 617 223-5191 2 BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: FW: Fall River Waterfront From: GreenFutures Info [] On Behalf Of Green Futures Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 8:35 AM To: Britland, Ethan (DOT); Subject: Fall River Waterfront Dear Ms. Barrett and Mr. Britland, At our June meeting Green Futures’ members voted support for the recommendations of Mr. Jamie Fosburgh, US National Park Service, and the North End Neighborhood Association, Fall River, for expanded access to the Fall River waterfront by bike and pedestrian paths that would connect the Route 79 Flyover Ramp with the Brightman Street Bridge area and then onto the bicycle path on the new Veterans’ Memorial Bridge. We also support all efforts to expand public open space greenways and public access to the shore of the Wild and Scenic Taunton River. Sincerely, Tim Bennett, President 1 t~1\. 'North End Neighborhood Association North End Neighborhood Association Est. 1988 83 Norfolk St, Fall River, MA 02720 508-951-9284 I Comments ofthe North End Neighborhood Association Route 79/Davol St. Corridor Study June 26, 2014 The North End Neighborhood Association recently met on May 29 111 with individuals from multiple organizations to discuss, what the group feels are additional suggested improvements needed to the Route 79/Davol Street Corridor Study design. The overall feeling from the group is the northern section of the proposed boulevard design near the old Brightman Street Bridge area needs additional design changes to allow this valuable waterfront area to be utilized as recreational green space accessible by vehicle, bicycle and pedestrians. The group came to consensus on the following items: • Continuous connection from the pedestrian/bike path on the Veteran's Memorial Bridge to the old Brightman Street Bridge area over the U-turn flyover bridge. Converting the U-turn flyover to a pedestrian/bicycle path. • Elimination of the Veteran's Memorial Bridge Davol Street (south) off-ramp and the Route 79 to Davol Street (south) off-ramps, directing all vehicular traffic traveling North/South to converge for travel under the flyover. This allows pedestrians/bicycles to arrive on the waterfront side via the flyover without having to contend with vehicular traffic. • Improved vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle access to the old Brightman Street Bridge area allowing for the development of the old Brightman Street Bridge into a pedestrian pier and new recreational green space attained from the removal of off ramps. • Maintaining two-way access to Route 79 north/south via Brightman Street along with new improvements suggested to the current design. Additional Concerns (North End Neighborhood Meeting with MassDOT 7/26/14) The suggestion from Federal Highway to remove sections of Davol Street should be reconsidered. The connection from Cory to Brownell Streets along Davol Street needs to remain in place; otherwise the Cory St. intersection becomes useless until future private development connects the roadway. Additionally, in order to relieve daily traffic congestion along North Main Street and President Ave., continuous travel on Cory Street from North Main Street to the waterfront needs to be considered. This obviously would require railway-crossing gates across the rail tracks on Cory Street. The collection of traffic data on these roads was conducted before the building of Morton Middle School on North Main Street, resulting in less effective data. This connection to waterfront along Cory Street diverts vehicles away from President Ave. that are traveling to and from the waterfront. The enclosed rendering illustrates the U-tum flyover bridge utilized as a fluid continuation of the pedestrian/ bike path coming from the Veteran ' s Memorial Bridge and crossing over Route 79 and landing on the waterfront side near the old Brightman Street Bridge area. The comments above have been submitted on behalf ofthe following individuals: Eric Andrade, Mass In Motion Jim Bartley, Lower Highlands Neighborhood Association Kris Bartley, North End Neighborhood Association Steven Camara, Lower Highlands Neighborhood Association John Coelho, Fall River resident Jim Cusick, Fall River Bike Commission Tony Dias, North End Neighborhood Association Jack Machado, North End Neighborhood Association Jamie Fosburgh, National Park Service Brian Pearson, Chairman, Bike Fall River Karen Pearson, Bike Fall River Reverend Jim Hornsby Ron Thomas, North End Neighborhood Association Thank you for your time and the opportunity to provide comments. It has been a pleasure working with you on this project over the last year. Sincerely, ~7.?4 Kris Bartley President North End Neighborhood Association BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: FW: Route 79 Flyover From: Paul de Villers [] Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 6:54 AM To: Britland, Ethan (DOT) Subject: Route 79 Flyover Dear Ethan Britland, We support the recommendations of Jamie Fosburgh of the U.S. National Park Service to create access to the waterfront via a bike/pedestrian path connecting the "Route 79 Flyover" with the old Brightman Street Bridge area and the adjacent Veterans' Memorial Bridge Bike Path. Opening-up the riverfront to bicyclists and pedestrians and the accompanying expanded green space created by these actions will be of immeasurable benefit to the city, the environment, the Wild and Scenic Taunton River and its residents and visitors. Please make our comments part of the official record. Thank you. Sincerely, Paul and Susan de Villers 256 Hood St. Fall River, MA 1 BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: FW: Route 79, Fall River, MA From: Elizabeth Garant [] Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 9:03 AM To: Jill Barrett Subject: Route 79, Fall River, MA Good morning, I wanted to let you know that as a resident of Fall River, I support the proposed plan of the Neighborhood Association and recommendations of Jami Fosberg for a bicycle/pedestrian path connecting to the existing Berto Bike path and allowing people to connect to the waterfront (with a park would be nice) without risking lives crossing major roadways or relying on cars to get there. Helps solve issues with health to get people out more and saves on emissions if they are not always using their cars and provides a better level of safety while keeping up with current trends that are happening all around us. Fall River may be small, but can still keep up with larger cities. I travel all over the state and RI to find nice safe bikepaths to ride on and would love to be able to ride in my own City and get others to do the same. Thank you. Liz Garant 1961 Yellow Hill Road Fall River, MA 1 BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: FW: Access to Fall River waterfront From: Rick McNally [] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:33 PM To:; Britland, Ethan (DOT) Subject: Access to Fall River waterfront I (we) support the recommendations of Jamie Fosburgh of the U.S. National Park Service to create access to the waterfront via a bike/pedestrian path connecting the "Route 79 Flyover" with the old Brightman Street Bridge area and the adjacent Veterans' Memorial Bridge Bike Path. Opening-up the riverfront to bicyclists and pedestrians and the accompanying expanded green space created by these actions will be of immeasurable benefit to the city, the environment, the Wild and Scenic Taunton River and its residents and visitors. The commercial, industrial, highway interests have blocked the citizens of Fall River from their waterfront for 150 years; you now have the opportunity to rectify one of the most egregious flaws in city planning, don’t mess it up, do it right this time, adopt these recommendations. Please make my (our) comments part of the official record. Thank you. Sincerely, Marge and Rick McNally 1 BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: FW: Fall River Rt. 79 Plan From: Frank Menezes [] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 4:10 PM To: Britland, Ethan (DOT) Subject: Fall River Rt. 79 Plan I support the recommendations of Jamie Fosburgh of the U.S. National Park Service to create access to the waterfront via a bike/pedestrian path connecting the "Route 79 Flyover" with the old Brightman Street Bridge area and the adjacent Veterans' Memorial Bridge Bike Path. Opening-up the riverfront to bicyclists and pedestrians and the accompanying expanded green space created by these actions will be of immeasurable benefit to the city, the environment, the Wild and Scenic Taunton River and its residents and visitors. Please make my comments part of the official record. Thank you. Frank Menezes, Bike Fall River member 1 BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: FW: Fall River Waterfront From: [] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 10:01 PM To: Britland, Ethan (DOT) Subject: Fall River Waterfront Hello, I strongly support the recommendations of Jamie Fosburgh of the U.S. National Park Service to create access to the waterfront via a bike/pedestrian path connecting the "Route 79 Flyover" with the old Brightman Street Bridge area and the adjacent Veterans' Memorial Bridge Bike Path. The benefits to the community will be immeasurable! Sincerely, Rosemarie Normandin 1 BO-Lenny Velichansky Subject: FW: NENA comments on Route 79/Davol St Corridor Study From: [] Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 9:51 PM To: Jill Barrett; ethan britland Cc: Kris Bartley Subject: Re: NENA comments on Route 79/Davol St Corridor Study Also see attached below which was submitted via the massdot site but not sure if it went to right place. Thank you for providing the slide show at the Morton Middle School on 06/26/2014. After review of the final proposal being forwarded as a recommendation of an additional sub ramp installation off of Veterans Memerial Bridge going to route 79 Northbound ending at the intersection of west end of Cove Street and North end of Fulton streets along side the city owned pumping station would elimate a good portion of the traffic from Somerset and releave a good portin of left hand turns onto Cory and President Ave. Also this ramp could make a emerency outlet when route 79 NB is backed up due to a accident at the North Main st exit ramps. Also the Flyover at the west end of Brightman Street being considered as a bike/pedesterian bridge deserves merit. A additional bridge at the west end of Brightman Street connecting to Davol Street South would provide acess to the mill complexes on the waterfront. Thank You Ronald M. Thomas 160 Mount Pleasant St. Fall River, MA. From: "NENA-Kris Bartley" <> To: "Jill Barrett" <>, "ethan britland" <> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 4:08:25 PM Subject: NENA comments on Route 79/Davol St Corridor Study Hello Jill / Ethan Please see the attached letter for the North End Neighborhood Association's comments on the Route 79/Davol St Corridor Study. Please let me know if you have questions or comments. Thank you, -Kris Bartley 1 President North End Neighborhood Association 508-951-9284 2 FALL RIVER OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT June 27,2014 Mr. Ethan Britland Massachusetts Department of Transportation Office of Transportation Platming 10 Park Plaza, Room 4150 Boston, MA 02116 RE: Route 79/Davol Street Corridor Study Dear Mr. Britland: With regard to the above referenced subject matter, please be advised that after extensive review of previously compiled study information and discussions at the Working Group and Public Infonnation meetings, the Fall River Office of Economic Development supports the Urban Boulevard concept as depicted in Alternative 2 and 2 Modified in information distributed at the May 7, 2014 meeting. Supp011 for Alternatives 2 and 2 Modified for the Davol Street Corridor is primarily based upon FHWA Review and Comments as well as the construction of a new boulevard which will result in improved vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle transportation corridors, greater public accessibility to the waterfront as well as the creation of new developable land along Davol Street. The creation of an urban boulevard tlu-ough the implementation of either Alternative or Alternative 2A Modified helps to create 10.2 - I 0.6 acres of developable land along the waterfront which can accommodate 1.2 million s/f of mixed use development inclusive of residential, office and retail use along \Vith 877 parking spaces within structured parking. In my opinion, the Urban Boulevard concept best exemplifies the type of mixed use development that is complimentary to existing neighborhoods and businesses along North and South Davol Street. In addition, we believe that the Urban Boulevard not only re-establishes two traffic along Brightman Street but also (i) helps to create a direct Brightman Street/Rt 79 North access; (ii) strengthens user friendly, multi-model connectivity between the surrounding neighborhoods and the waterfront via new pedestrian walkways and bike paths; (iii) creates safe vehicular traffic conditions conducive to neighborhood development; (iv) helps to create much needed job opportunities for SouthCoast residents via the project build out scenarios; (v) expands the city's tax base and (vi) best positions the waterfront for SouthCoast Rail. Lastly, so as to facilitate a 2017 design/ build construction start date, I respectfully request that MassDOT prepare and submit a Project Initiation Form and Transportation Evaluation Criteria and release preiviou8sly secured funding for Project design, enviromnental permitting and right of way work pertaining to the project. Please note that we believe it is essential that One Government Center, Fall River, Massachusetts 02722-7700 (508) 324-2620 (508) 675 - 1497 FAX (508) 677-2840 Mr. Ethan Britland June 27,20 14 Page 2 construction on the proposed project begin no later than 2017 so as to dovetail the completion of the Braga Bridge Accelerated Bridge Construction Project. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, n eth Fiola, Jr. , Esq., Ec.D. Ex cutive Vice President cc: Mayor William Flanagan Senator Michael Rodrigues State Representative Carole Fiola State Representative Paul A. Sclunid, JIT Sate Representative Alan Silvia The Commonwealth of Massachusetts HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1054 CAROLE A. FIOLA STATE REPRESENTATIVE 6th Bristol District __________ STATE HOUSE, ROOM 446 TEL: (617) 722-2460 June 25, 2014 Mr. Ethan Britland Massachusetts Department of Transportation Office of Transportation Planning 10 Park Plaza, Room 4150 Boston, MA 02116 Re: Route 79/Davol Street Corridor Study Dear Mr. Britland: I would like to thank you and your team for your continued efforts with the Working Group for the Route 79/Davol Street Corridor Study. As the deadline for public input comes to a close, I would like to further express my support for the Alternative 2 and Alternative 2 Modified Urban Boulevard plan, which I believe is the most comprehensive option in covering important aspects such as economic development, land use, pedestrian access, vehicular traffic, and aesthetic appeal. In terms of impact upon the city and its waterfront, these alternatives will help facilitate greater public access to the water, transportation improvement, and the development of 10+ acres of newly created land for mixed use economic development opportunities, which will result in more than 500,000 sq/ft. of retail/office use, 650 residential units, close to 1,000 jobs, $50 million in disposable income, and more than $20 million in state and local taxes. These are all crucial elements in developing Fall River’s waterfront to its fullest potential as we move towards the next phase. I encourage work on this Urban Boulevard alternative to begin as soon as possible so as to seamlessly fit with the current Route 79/Braga Bridge project scheduled for completion in 2017. Although the tenure of the Patrick administration is coming to a close, I respectfully request that the Administration release Ethan Britland – Route 79/Davol St. Corridor Study – 6/25/14 the balance of previously secured federal grant funds for this next phase of design-build permitting and construction for a 2017 start date as the Accelerated Bridge Project starts to wind down. According to the MassDOT schedule, this would allow the project to be completed by the 2020/2021 time period and forever change the face of Fall River’s waterfront. I thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Carole Fiola cc: Mayor William Flanagan Senator Michael Rodrigues State Representative Paul Schmid State Representative Alan Silvia