JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL. 85, NO. C4, PAGES 1910-1916, APRIL 20, 1980 TheBatchelor Spectrum andDissipation in theUpperOcean THOMAS M. DILLON AND DOUGLAS R. CALDWELL School of Oceanography, Oregon StateUniversity, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Observations of vertical temperature microstructure at ocean station P duringthemixedlayerexperiment(Mile)indicate thattheshape ofthehigh-frequency temperature gradient spectrum depends onthe relativestrengths of turbulence andstratification. ForlowCoxnumber((dT/dz)2)/(dT/dz)• thelinear rangeof theBatchelor spectrum isnotwellapproximated byobserved spectra, whileforhighCoxnumbera remarkably closecorrespondence to theBatchelor spectrum isfound.Dissipation ratescalculated by the temperaturegradientspectrumcutoffwave numbermethodshowa dramaticcontrastin turbu- lencebetween lowandhighwindspeed periods separated byonly3 hours, showing thattheresponse of themixedlayerandtransition zoneto windforcingis rapid.Someindicationis foundthatthe thermoclinemay alsorespondrapidlyto surfaceforcing. INTRODUCTION and foundthat the temperaturegradientspectrumwasalmost Numerous comparisons ofthetheoretical universal temper-alwaysresolvedto an easilyidentifiablecutoff.With this data atureand temperaturegradientformspredictedby Batchelor set a test can be made of the universalityof the Batchelor [1959]have beenmade with spectrameasuredin natural wa- spectrum in natural stratified waters. In addition, the particularmeteorologicalconditionsenters[e.g.,Grantet aL, 1968;Gregg,1976,1977;Nasmyth,1970; ElliotandOakey,1976;MarmorinoandCaldwell,1978].While counteredduring the microstructurecastson Julian date 244 suchmeasurements oftencomparefavorablywith theviscous- at stationP enableus to usethe Batchelorscalingto address pertinentto mixedlayerdynamics: (1) What is the convective Batchelorspectrumby showinga linearrange,it questions of thesurfacewatersto surfaceforcing? has seldombeenpossibleto resolvethe entiretemperature timescaleof response distributedvertically,and doesthe disgradientspectrum for a varietyof reasons, includinglimited (2) How is dissipation change? (3) Canthevertior unknownsensorfrequencyresponse characteristics and too tributionvaryassurfaceconditions muchnoise.Whenthespectrum hasbeenresolved beyondthe cal distribution of dissipationbe associatedwith features of (4) Doesthe upperseasonalthermoclineremicrostructure peak,a detailedcomparison with the Batchelor the stratification? spond significantly to surfaceforcing? spectrum hasnot provedfavorablein certaincases[Nasmyth, 1970;Elliot and Oakey,1976],promptingat leastoneinvestiTHEORETICAL BACKGROUND gator[Elliotand Oakey,1976]to proposea differentmodelfor The Batchelorspectrumof temperaturegradientfluctuathehigh-frequency spectrum. Sincetheapplicability of a Batchelor spectrumallows one to make an estimateof the kinetic tionsin one dimensionmay be written [Gibsonand Schwarz, energydissipation rate from a temperature spectrumalone,it 1963] is importantthat the natureof the viscous-convective spectrum be well understood and that the universalityof the Bat- S(k) -- (q/2)•/2X•s-•D-•f(a) wherek is thewavenumber(herein unitsof radiansper unit A companionpaperdescribes a testof the hypothesis that length),q is a universalconstant,Xois the temperaturevarithe cutoffwave numberin the spectrumis identifiablewith ance dissipationrate satisfying the Batchelorwavenumber[Caldwellet al., 1980].The result chelor spectrumin stratified fluids be tested. is favorable when turbulent fluctuations are weak in com- parison to the mean stratification, but because it assumes strong stratification, the test is not relevant to intense turbu- Xo6D foøø S(k) dk-6D ((-•-z ]l (2) diffusivity, T' is a temperature fluctuation, lence.The presentpapershowsthat the Batchelorspectral D is themolecular form is followed more closelywhen the fluctuationsare z is depth,ks is theBatchelor wavenumber(Ep-•D-•)•/4,• is strong. It is thus plausible that the cutoff wave number is re- thekinetic energy dissipation rate,v isthekinematic viscosity, lated to the Batchelor wave number in both casesand so can anda is a nondimensional wavenumberkkB-•(2q) •/'•.The be usedto estimatedissipation.The definitivetestof the rela- nondimensional shapeof thespectrum is givenby tionbetweenthecutoffwavenumberandthedissipation will be direct simultaneousmeasuresof the smallestscalesof both (3) velocityandtemperature. Thisdifficulttaskhasnot yet been accomplished, and so the presentpaperand its companion mustbe assessed as indirectevidenceonly,showingthat the If an inertial subrangeexists,the transitionfrom inertial to relationsbetweenthe cutoffwave number,Batchelorscale, viscous-convective behavior occurs atthewavenumber k, --- and dissipationrate are plausibleand consistent. C,Pr-•/2kB, andforwavenumbers in theequilibrium range is givenby During the Mile experimentat oceanstationP (50øN, smallerthank, thespectrum 145øW),August-September 1977,we performeda numberof castswith a verticalmicrostructure profilingdevicein the surfacelayerand seasonal thermocline duringa moderatestorm Copyright¸ 1980by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Paper number 9C 1648. 0148-0227/80/009C-1648501.00 S(k) --•]•Xt•-l/3ki/3 Here both C. and fi are universalconstants, and Pr is the Prandtl number v/D. 1910 (4) DILLON AND CALDWELL: DISSIPATION 1.0 IN THE UPPER OCEAN 1911 [1959] suggeststhat even when the Reynolds number is so small that an inertial subrange does not exist, the Batchelor form may be found. ' The effect of stratificationon the Batchelor spectrum,however, has not been explored. In natural waters (Prandtl number of the order of 10), temperature fluctuations are usually causedby turbulent stirring in the presenceof a mean gradi- _\ 0.1 S(k)ke D q,/'•'•Xe ent. The level of turbulence relative to the stratification is O.Ol likely to be important in determiningthe scaleat which local isotropy is approachedand in determining whether or not a Batchelor spectrumis found. o OOl 0.0001 I 0.001 i 0.01 i O. I i A measure of the turbulence relative to the stratification 1.0 may be constructedin the form of a 'stratificationReynolds O•(cycles/cm) number'Rs= Ulv-', where U is estimatedas•/31•/3 [Tennekes Fig. 1. Nondimensionaluniversalspectrumwith a 'fine structure' and Lumley, 1972] and the length scale is estimated as the rangefor a < aR, the Richardsonwave number;an inertial subrange Richardson length I = e•/2N-3/2,where N is the local buoyfor aR< a < a,; anda viscous-convective Batchelor spectrum for a > a,. The positions of theKolmogorov wavenumberasandBatchelor ancyfrequency.Thus Rsreducesto (ev-')N -2, a squaredratio wavenumberaB are determinedby choiceof the universalconstantq of time scales of the turbulence and stratification. If E is esti- (2(3)•/2assumed here), whiletheshape ofthespectrum fora > a, is matedby the Cox numberCx = ((dT'/dz)2)/(dT/dz) 2 and N independentof universalconstants.The inertial subrangeis rarely observed in vertical microstructure. [Caldwellet al., 1980],e is proportionalto DN2Cx, so that Rs is proportionalto Pr-'Cx. We might thereforeexpectthat the Nondimensionalizingthe spectrumby the Batchelor scale kB and X0yields the equilibrium range spectrum(Figure 1) approach to the Batchelor spectrum in a stratified natural fluid would depend on the Cox number. We imagine that for small Cox number (turbulence weak compared to the stratification),small-scaletemperature features which are possibly remnants of the mean stratification may exist at wave numbers large enough to coincide with wave numbers in the viscous-convectivesubrange and alter the low wave number portion of the Batchelor spectrum. A wherea, = C,Pr-•/2(2q)'/2 anda• marksthewavenumberat similar situationwas hypothesizedby Gregg[1977],who, upon whichthe free structureand internalwageeffectsbecomeap- examining spectrafrom the main oceanic thermocline, which preciable.Continuityat k, establishes the relationbetweenq, somewhatresembledthe Batchelor spectrumbut failed to reveal a distinct linear range, supposedthat the low wave numfi, and C, as [WilliamsandPaulson,1977] ber viscous-convectivespectrum was 'contaminated' by the fi = qC,2/• (6) fine structure-internal wave spectrum. In the remainder of this work, following a brief experimenGibson[1968]advanceda theoreticalargumentthat 3'/2 < q tal description,we report that for large Cox number in the < 2(3)•/:;Grantetal. [1968]estimated q -- 3.9ñ 1.5andC, -0.024 +_0.008 (standarderror estimates).Williamsand Paulson oceanicsurfacelayer the Batchelorspectrumcloselyapproxi[1977] found from inertial subrangemeasurementsin air that matesobservedspectra.For smallerCox number the observed fi -• 0.5 and noted a small but definite dependenceof • upon spectradepart significantlyfrom the Batchelor form, showing Reynolds number. The atmosphericmeasurementsof • are a broader, lesspeaked shape.We then presentdepth profiles surelymore accuratethan one could reasonablyexpectfrom of dissipationcalculatedby the cutoff wave number technique marine measurements,and there is no reasonto expect iner- and compareprofiles taken during low and high winds. tial subrangeparameterssuchasfi to dependon Prandtl num- S(k){(q/2) '/2 Xk-•}-'=f(a ) a>_a, ber.If q is 2(3)•/2and• is 0.5, C, becomes 0.055,twiceas EXPERIMENTAL DESCRIPTION large as the value found by Grant et al. [1968] and subThe vertical microstructure profiles to be discussedhere stantiallylarger than the values0.03 and 0.04 found by Gibson were collected at ocean station P during August-September et aL, [1970]but only haftthe value of 0.1 estimatedby Gibson 1977 as part of the Mile experiment. The microstructureproand Schwarz [1963] from laboratory measurements.There is filer usedwas a small, winged, nearly freely falling devicesimilar to that describedby Caldwell et al. [1975]. The fall rate is thusa largeuncertainty regarding the valueof C,. If dissipation rates are to be estimated from the cutoff fre- adjustable;for theseruns it was set at 10 cm s-•. The probe quencyof the Batchelorspectrum,q is the only relevant uni- carried two thermistors, a Neil Brown conductivity sensor, versal constant.A percentageerror in q is reflectedas a sys- and a pressuresensor.The data were transmittedto the ship tematic error twice as large in E.This error may not be as large through a small-diameter (1.6 mm) cable containing four as that resultingfrom direct high-frequencyvelocity determi- pairs of expendablebathythermograph(XBT) wire sheathed nations of E in water and will not affect relative measures of e, in a Kevlar strengthmember and coated with syntacticfoam; so that depth variability can be assessedwithout error from the foam density is adjusted so that the entire cable has a this source. slight tendency to sink. Although the Batchelorspectrumwas proposedfor homogOnethermistor Wasredundantly amplified, andthetwosigeneous, locally isotropic turbulence in an unstratified fluid nals were sent to the surfacethrough different wires, where it with large Prandtl number, it is clear, in contrast to inertial was again amplified, differentiated,filtered with a 12-pole subrangeturbulence,that the spectralform is not an asymp- Butterworthfilter (3-dB frequencysetat 30 Hz), and then digtotic limit of high Reynolds number turbulence. Batchelor itized and recorded at a rate of 90 s-•. Since most of the noise 1912 DILLON AND CALDWELL:' DISSIPATION IN THE UPPER OCEAN the observedspectrumis well resolved,Xomay be found by integratingthe spectrum.Without simultaneoushigh-frequency velocity measurements,e cannot be measureddirectly. An estimate of the dissipationrate can be made from the spectrum Spectrum of heated laminar jet if the transitionalwavenumberk, can be determined.This E 1.0 techniqueis of limited applicability, however,becausespectra exhibiting unambiguous transitions from the inertial to the viscous-convectivesubrange are found in only a few of the ß ß casts. We believe that this is so because the low wave numbers ß of the inertial subrangespectrumcan be seen only in thick ß sectionsof the water column. The turbulence properties in such a thick sectionmay changewith depth, causingthe obß Uncorrected Spectrum served spectrum to be nonstationary. These low wave numbers may also be contaminated by the fine structure-internal o Corrected Spectrum, i,af •' , 6 wave spectrum [Gregg, 1977]. I i I I If the entire spectrumhas been resolved,a high wave number normalization can be used.Supposethat the fluid is turbuf(Hz) lent and the signal is well above noise. Then the gradient Fig. 2. Frequencyresponseof the P-85 thermistoras determined by passing thethermistor througha heatedlaminarjet at 10cm s-l; spectrumwill exhibit a peak of some sort followed by a very rapid roll-off. First, we calculateXoby integration;then we dea -- 2.6352x 10-2, b -- -2.1897 x 10-5, and c -- 3.2556x 10-?. ß _ fine a cutoff wave number kc as the wave number at which the contentof the temperaturesignalsoriginatedin the first stage spectrum falls to some fraction, say, one tenth, of its peak amplifier, these noise sourceswere incoherenton the two value. If the Batchelor spectrumdoes obtain, ks will be some channels.A calculation of the in-phasepower [Caldwell et al., fraction (which depends on the value of q assumed) of kc. 1969] allowed a significant reduction in noise level to be Wave numbersare then nondimensionalized by ks-'(2q)'/2, made. A secondthermistor was differentiatedinside the probe and the spectrum$(k) is nondimensionalized by (q/2)'/2 rather than at the surface but otherwise preprocessedin a xoks-'D-'. Note that whilethe particularvalueof ks (and manner similar to the first. The conductivity was sent to the also % = ks4v-lD-l) dependson q, the shapeof the nonsurfaceon the remaining XBT pair, and the pressuresignal dimensionalizedspectrum is independent of q. A number of was transmitted in frequency-modulatedform in the range suchnondimensionalizedspectramay then be ensemble-aver500-1300 Hz. aged and compared to the Batchelor spectrum. This comThe frequencyresponseof the thermistors(Thermometrics parisonwill be independentof the particular value usedfor q. P-85) was determinedby a test similar to the Fabula test [FaA slightly improved technique is to find the cutoff wave bula, 1968],using for the plume a laminar jet emitted from a number kc (and hence ks and es) by performing a nonlinear 0.30 x 12.7mm nozzle.The velocityof thejet was2-3 cm s-' weighted least squares fit to the Batchelor spectrum. The at the heightwherethe probe,movingat 10 cm s-', passed weightingused correspondsto the degreesof freedom of the through.A detailedmap of the jet revealeda nearly Gaussian band-averagedspectralestimates[Otnesand Enochson,1972]; temperaturedistributionwith a spectralpower 3 dB in wave- hence the high-frequencyroll-off portion of the spectrumis length of 1.9 mm. The frequency response, which sub- much more heavily weighted (by a factor of 25-50) than the stantiallyagreeswith a similar testperformedby M. C. Gregg lower-frequency, prepeak linear region of the spectrum. In (personalcommunication,1979)on anotherP-85, could not be well describedby either single or double pole response functions;for computationalpurposes,a power seriesin even powersof frequencyup to the sixthpowerwasusedinstead.It describesthe responseto 30 Hz with 3% standarderror (Figure 2). I The data were collected on Julian date 244, 1977, between the hours 0500 and 1200 UT in the midst of a moderate storm (maximumsustained wind speedsof 16 ms-'). This wasthe secondstorm encounteredduring the Mile experiment. The low-pressurecenterof the stormpasseddirectlyover stationP, and a dramatic change in wind speed (Figure 3) was noted, along with a reversalof wind direction,at 0200 hours.Casts during the earlier part of the samplingperiod, when winds were low, showmarkedly lessactivity in the surfacelayer and thermocline than later castsin higher winds [Dillon and Caldwell, 1977], showinga rapid responseof the upper waters to increasingwind stress.We sampled,in a shortperiodof time, water with greatlydifferentlevelsof turbulencerelativeto the mean stratification. COMPuTATIoNAL TECHNIQUES A nondimensional form of the high-frequency gradient spectrummay be determinedif both Xoand e are known. If 1600 2400 0800 1600 TIME (GMT) ,1ULIAN DATES 245,244 Fig. 3. Surfacestressand wind directionduring the secondsignificant storm encounteredduring the Mile experiment. Wind speed droppedto near zero, and wind directionchangedas the low-pressure storm center passedover station P. Times of the five microstructure dropsduring light winds and the 10 dropsduring stormwinds are indicated as vertical bars on the lower portion of the figure. DILLON • 1.0 AND CALDWELL: DISSIPATION IN THE UPPER OCEAN i 1.0 1913 • , o.,- 0.1 S(k)kBD '•, 0.01 0.01 o.ool 0.001 ...-' ,,, - - cx>2.500 Cx< 500 150 samples samples i o.oool O.Ol o.oool i O.Ol i i o. i i.o / 1.0 o. i k Fig. 4. Ensemble-averagednondimensional spectrum for Cox numberslessthan 500. The lower wave number portion of the spectrum departssignificantlyfrom the Batchelorspectrum(solid curve). Error bars are the standard error of the mean based on the standard deviation. The dashedenvelope showsthe averagepositive and negative deviationfrom the mean;that is, half of the spectralestimateslie within the envelope. Thus although the mean of the spectral values has a small uncertainty (the bars), the estimatesin an individual spectrum may lie quite far from the mean. Fig. 6. Ensemble-averagednondimensionalspectrum for large Cox numbers.The low wave number portion of the spectrumis in remarkably close agreement with the Batchelor spectrum. Thus althoughthe mean of the spectralvalueshas a small uncertainty(the bars), the estimatesin an individual spectrummay lie quite far from the mean. sembleaveraginggroupsof spectrawe will know that we have found a Batchelor form if the low wave number region of the ensembleaverageagreeswith the linear region of the Batcheaddition, since the spectrumrolls off so rapidly, the fitting lor spectrum. The high wave number roll-off region is conprocedurewill be very sensitiveto the slopeof the spectrumin strained by the fit to follow the Batchelor spectrumas well as the cutoff range of wave numbersand insensitiveto the spec- it may, but the low wavenumberregion is not. tral estimatesat low, prepeak wave numbers. To minimize vertical intermittency, the data were broken After performingthe high-frequencynormalizationand en- into 512 point segments(--60 cm). (Even for these thin samples, however, there is no guaranteethat the turbulenceis homogeneousthroughoutthe segment.)A Gaussianwindow was applied to each segmentto reducespectralleakage,and a fast Fourier transform was applied. After band averaging, the spectral estimateswere corrected for thermistor attenuation. Only fully resolvedspectraare included in this paper; a speco.i trum was operationallydefined as 'resolved'if it fell to 10%of 1.01 I its peakv.alue and wasstill abovenoiselevelsbeforethe 3-dB S(k)kBD frequency(30 Hz) of the analoguefilter was reached.Approximately 90% of the spectrain the surfacelayer met this criterion. 0.01 SPECTRAL SHAPES Nondimensional spectra from all surface layer runs on Julian day 244 were groupedtogetherin rangesof Cox number for comparisonto the Batchelor form (the surface layer was defined as the region of temperaturewithin 0.25o C of the surfacevalue). Spectrawith low Cox numberswere markedly 89 samples different from those with a high Cox number. The low Cx spectra (Cx < 500) characteristicallyexhibit a broad maxi0.0001 I O.Ol o. i mum before roll-off and do not agree well with the Batchelor k form in the linear range (Figure 4). Spectrawith higher values of Cx progressivelyapproach the Batchelor spectrum at low Fig. 5. Ensemble-averagednondimensionalspectrum for inter- wave number (Figure 5), and for Cx > 2500 the low-fremediate Cox numbers.The low wave number portion of the spectrum quency fit to the Batchelor form is quite remarkable (Figure o.ool - 500 <cx<2500 is closer to the Batchelor spectrum than the low Cox number spectrum but still is significantlydifferent. Thus althoughthe mean of the spectralvalueshas a small uncertainty(the bars), the estimatesin an individual spectrummay lie quite far from the mean. 6). The same trend of the averaged spectra to approach the Batchelor spectrum is found if they are grouped by Rs = 1914 DILLON 0 2õ i AND CALDWELL: i i DISSIPATION IN THE UPPER OCEAN i COX ß Cx2 2500 0.::'0 - I00 ß 0 Cx< I00 10-4 i 150.15 I01 102 I I I NUMBER I0$ I 104 io5 ios I •e (cm2/s$) i0-$ i 10-2 i0-• i i - S(k)kBD 0.10 - 0.05 • 30 W ....... - 0.1 1.0 2 k 4O Fig. 7. Variance-preserving plot of ensemble-averagea nondimensional spectrafor large (solid circles) and small (open circles) Cox numbers compared to the Batchelor spectrum (solid curve). Slightly elevatedvaluesof the large Cox number spectrumnear the peak may indicateviolation of Taylor's hypothesis. es•,-'N-2. Similarbehavioris exhibitedwhen the spectraare , I I I I I 12 TEMPERATURE DAY 244,IIii WIND SPEED (øC) /5.5 m/$ Fig. 9. Profilesof es, Cox number,and temperature duringstrong winds. No systematictrend is seen in es. Note the vertical intermittency in es in the thermocline below 32 m. classified and averaged in terms of cutoff wave number or buoyancy frequency; that is, low kc and high N spectraare lent fields in which the temperature gradient spectrum debroad and flat, while high kc and low N spectraresemblethe pendsonly on Xoand es and thosein which it dependson adBatchelor spectrum, although the approach to the Batchelor ditional parameters (Cx, for example). In the former case, form is less pronounced for these classificationsthan for fluctuations in the viscous-convectivesubrange will not declassificationby Cx or Rs. pend on the history of the fluid but simply reflectthe stateof We have at present no means of knowing whether the the local dissipation.In the latter casethe mean stratification, broad spectraseenat low Cox number are indicative of small- which certainly dependson the history of the fluid, seemsto scale temperature structuresattributable to the 'mean' strati- be important (in a way not yet clearly defined). Until we have fication or whether they have a fundamental meaning for tur- evidence to show otherwise, we assume that although the bulencein a stratifiedfluid. Although one might claim that all stratificationmay be important in the viscous-convectivesubtemperature fluctuations are in a sense due to a turbulent range at low wave numbers in the prepeak region, the wave field, a clear distinction can be made between stratified turbunumber of the spectral roll-off dependsonly on the local dissipationrate; that is, the highest-frequencyturbulenceis independentof stratification.The effectof stratificationis simply COX NUMBER to add a mean 'background' spectrum at low viscous-coni0ø iOt i0z 103 104 105 % (cmZ/s $) , , , • t , vectivewave numbers,as was suggestedby Gregg[1977]. This point of view has some empirical backing, since the dissipationrate calculatedfrom the cutoffwave number is highly correlated with the dissipation rate as calculated from N, D, and Cx [Caldwell et aL, 1980]. 20 Stratified regions may exhibit 'fossil turbulence' [Turner, 1973], that is, temperature microstructurepersisting after velocity gradientshave disappeared.Schedvin[1979] statesthat ß 25 i I i when(es/v)'/2 _<N, the microstructure may be fossil.If es can be approximatedas NeDCx [Caldwellet aL, 1980],this condition for fossilizationis equivalent to Cx < Pr, a condition rarely seenin the actively mixing surfacelayer. For the data 35 examinedhere, (es/v)'/: waslessthan N only 6% of the time, and these cases were confined to the thermocline. 40 I 6 I I 8 I TEMPERATURE DAY 244, 0542 I I0 I I 12 (øC) WIND SPEED 5, 5m/$ Fig. 8. Profilesof es, Cox number, and temperatureduring light winds. Note the intermittency in es and Cox number and a trend toward increasinges as the seasonalthermoclineis approached.The dashedline indicatesa region where the spectrumwas unresolved.Estimatesof Cox number in the surfacelayer may be particularly uncertain becauseof the small temperature gradient. The effect of fossilization or the approach to fossilizationon the shape of the viscous-convectivespectrumis as yet unknown. On a variance-preservingplot (Figure 7), the low wave number difference appears less pronounced, and differences near the peak are accentuated.The high Cox number spectrum is significantlyhigher than the Batchelor spectrumnear the peak; we attribute this to a violation of Taylor's hypothesis caused by a larger turbulent intensity for the high Cox number spectra[Lumley, 1965]. The first-order correctionfor this effect depends on the turbulent intensity and is particu- DILLON ((cm2/s$) <;6 •d5 •d4 •d3 •6z 0 I i i I i I , AND CALDWELL: N (cycles/hr) •0 20 i i I [ DISSIPATION I IO _> ß ß IN THE UPPER OCEAN 1915 In modeling the surface mixed layer it is usually assumed that both the energy available for mixing and the dissipation are proportional to the cube of the wind speed [Niiler and Kraus, t 977]. The 'high' winds have about 3 times the speedof the 'low' winds, so the energy available for mixing is expected to increase by a factor of about 30. The calculated increase in dissipation is of approximately this magnitude. A more detailed comparison of the variation of dissipation with wind speed is not warranted from these data becausethe surface wave zone, in which dissipationis expectedto be largest, is not adequately sampled. For this reason a depth-integrated dissipationcannot be calculatedand related to changingwind stress. ca 3o ß Low Winds o High Winds Fig. 10. Average of • and buoyancyfrequencyin low (solid circle) and high (open circle)wind speed.During low winds,• increaseswith depth until the therm•line is reachedand showstwo regionsof hi• dissipationassociated with the top of the transitionzone near 20 m and the top of the thermoclineat 33 m. During high winds, • is nearly •nstant with depth and is much larger than during low winds. The volume averageof • shouldnot be attempted•1ow 30 larly simple for the Batchelorspectrum,but sincewe do not measure the turbulent intensity, we can make no correction The method usedto calculatethe mean profileswas to average all resolveddissipationsduring low or high winds; those caseswhere the spectrumwas unresolvabledue to any cause were not included in the average.The spectrawere almost always resolvedabovethe seasonalthermocline,so lack of resolution had little effect in the surface layer and the transition zone. However, the thermocline spectra were often unresolvable, usually becauseno turbulence was found sufficiently intense to produce a microstructurepeak significantly above the fine structurebackground.Thus the profile averagesbelow 35 m are biasedtoward larger values,so that dissipationrates in the thermocline region may not be representativeof the actual volume averagethermocline dissipation.The average of the resolved spectrain the thermocline is, however, significantly greaterin high winds than in low winds, indicating that when turbulenceis found in the upper seasonalthermocline, it is moreintensein higl{windsthan in low. This indication must, however, be treated rather more cautiously than confor this effect. clusionsregarding the mixed layer and transition zones. DISSIPATION RATES One is then led to inquire how energy is transmitted through the zonesof large stratificationtypical of the seasonal Dissipationratesin the surfacelayer and upper thermocline were estimatedfrom the spectraby usingq -- 2(3)I/2. In the thermocline. While only speculationsmay be offered, two early, quiet casesthe dissipationrate profile was intermittent mechanisms are possible: (t) intense shearing within the in the vertical and showed a definite increase with depth as thermoclineand (2) transmissionthrough the stratifibationby internal waves. Of these,the latter seemsmore plausible, bethe thermoclinewas approached(Figure 8). This may reflect causeclassicalmean shearingimplies an exchangeof momenincreased shear production in the mixed layer-thermocline tum by actual masstransport,which would causea more contransition region. In the region of maximum temperature gratinuous distribution of turbulence, while transmission by dient the dissipationdecreasesand is even more intermittent internal waves generated at the top of the thermocline reand smaller below. As the wind speedincreased,the dissipationrate became quiresno massexchange.If energyleakageby internal waves through the transition zone to an already saturated internal larger and more uniform in the vertical (Figure 9). Again, a wavefieldwereto o•cur,internalwaveinstabilities wouldresharp falloff occurredwhere the temperature gradient was leaseenergy in the thermoclineregion in a necessarilypatchy largest,but in this zone and below, the dissipationrate was and highly intermittent distribution. It should be noted that significantlylarger than it was earlier. the two mechanismsare not mutually exclusive,for shearing Much of the scatterdue to intermittency was removed from of the mean flow can intensify internal wave instabilities. the dissipationrate profilesby averagingall profilesfrom simA significantdifferencebetweenthe storm studiedhere and ilar wind conditions(Figure t0); the depth for each cast was the first, stronger storm during the Mile experiment is that normalized to the t0 ø C isotherm to minimize the effect of induring this secondstorm, no large-scalecatastrophicmixing ternal waves. The low-wind profile showsa definite trend towas observed.The temperature inversionsobservedhere were wardincreasing dissipation withdeptha•ovethethermocline, with smallpeaksof dissipation bothat the top andbottomof all of moderatesize (---1-m vertical scaleor less),while in the first Mile storm on Julian dates 235-236, larger-scaleevents the transition zone; this may be indicative of two distinct may have been the dominant mechanism of heat and mass shear zones. In the seasonal thermocline and below, the distransport [Dillon and Caldwell, 1978]. sipationrate is severelyattenuated.In contrast,the later high- wind profile averageis nearly constantwith depth. No in- SOURCES OF ERROR tensification is seen in the transition layer, and stratification The sourcesof error in computing the dissipation rate Ea above the seasonalthermocline has no observableeffect upon the profile. In addition, dissipationsare larger during high from the cutoff wave number are both random and systemwinds than during low winds. We concludethat the responses atic. The random error associatedwith determining the cutoff frequency from the spectral estimatesis 5-10%, negligible of the turbulence to surfaceforcing is very rapid. 1916 DILLON AND CALDWELL: DISSIPATION when comparedwith either systematicerrorsor the variability found in the upper waters. Another random error, associated with violation of Taylor's hypothesisdue to possiblylarge turbulent intensity [Lumley, 1965],may causea 40% overestimate of EBfor intenseturbulence.Surfacewave orbital velocity may also introduce an uncertainty in the estimate of EB,for while the microstructureprofiler respondswell to vertical velocities at surface wavefrequencies [DillonandCaldwell, 1980], itsresponseto a fluctuating horizontal velocity field is unknown. An imperfect responsewould causefluctuationsin the angle of attack of the sensor and deviations from the constant value assumedfor application of the Taylor hypothesis(T. R. Osborn, personal communication, 1979). Systematicerror in all estimatesof e.• resultsfrom uncertaintyin the universalconstant q. While this does not affect comparisonsof the dissipation (Figure 9), it may be the major sourceof error in computing volume averages of the total mixed layer dissipation. Another sourceof error pertinentto volume averageslies in' the fact that an estimate of Es in intermittent turbulence is biased toward the larger values.This may be seenby considering the extreme hypothetical caseof a 60-cm segmentwhich contains a turbulent core with a vertical scale of a few cen- timeters surrounded by nonturbulent water. In this case the turbulent core would completely determine the cutoff wave number, but an Escomputed from this should not be taken as being typical of the entire 60-cm segment.An attempt to delineate such regions of turbulent and nonturbulent fluid within a segmentwould be a painstaking and highly subjective task, possiblysubject to interpretational errors as severe as imputing the single value of Es to the entire segment. Such circumstancesmay occur in the seasonalthermocline, so that caution should be used in volume averaging in highly stratified and intermittent regions. Since most of theseuncertaintiesare impossibleto assessat this time, we chooseto place no error estimateon EBand simply caution the reader that large uncertaintiesexist. It should be noted, however,that the conclusionsof this studyare based upon vertical variations in Es of an order of magnitude or more and so are independent of the above uncertainties. CONCLUSIONS IN THE UPPER OCEAN stantiallyagreedwith our own. 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Blood for computational aid. M. C. Gregg generouslyprovidedus with preliminary resultsof a thermistorfrequencyresponsetest of the P-85 which sub- 547-567, 1977. (Received June 20, 1979; revised November 5, 1979; acceptedNovember 15, 1979.)