JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 96, NO. C7, PAGES 12,781-12,795, JULY 15, 1991 Wave VariancePartitioningin theTroughof a BarredBeach PETER A. HOWD, JOAN OLTMAN=SHAY, 1 ANDROBERT A. HOLMAN Collegeof Oceanography, OregonStateUniversity, Corvallis Thewave-induced velocity fieldinthenearshore iscomposed ofcontributions fromincident windwaves (f > 0.05Hz),surface infragravity waves (f< 0.05Hz,I}cl < (o•/g•)andshear waves (f< 0.05Hz,I}cl > •2/g•), where fis thefrequency, • = 2•f, }cistheradialalongshore wavenumber (2re/L, L beingthealongshore wave- length),[• is thebeachslope,andg is theacceleration dueto gravity.Usinganalongshore arrayof current meters located in thetroughof a nearshore bar(meandepth= 1.5m), weinvestigate thebulkstatistical behaviorsof thesewavebandsovera widerangeof incidentwaveconditions. The behaviorof eachcontributing wavetypeisparameterized in termsof commonly measured oreasilypredicted variables describing thebeach profile,windwaves, andcurrent field.Overthe10-day period, themeancontributions (tothetotalvariance) of theincident, infragravity, andshearwavebandswere71.5%,14.3%and13.6%for thealongshore component of flow(mean rmsoscillations of 44,20,and19cms-1,respectively), and81.9%,10.9%,and6.6%forthe cross-shore component (mean rmsoscillations of92,32,and25cms-1,respectively). However, thevalues variedconsiderably. Thecontribution to thealongshore (cross-shore) component of flowranged from44.888.4%(58.5-95.8%)for the incidentband,to 6.2-26.6%(2.5-32.4%)for theinfragravityband,and3.433.1%(0.6-14.3%)for theshearwaveband.Incidentwaveoscillations werelimitedby depth-dependent satu- rationovertheadjacent barcrestandvariedonlywiththefide.Theinfragravity wavermsoscillations onthis barredbeacharebestparameterized by theoffshore waveheight,consistent withprevious studies onplanar beaches. Comparison withdatafromfourotherbeaches of widelydifferinggeometries showstheshoreline infragravity amplitude tobea near-constant ratioof theoffshore waveheight. Themagnitude of theratiois found tobedependent ontheIribarren number, •0= [•(H/Lo) -1/2.Shear waves are,asprevious observation and theorysuggest (Oltman-Shay et al., 1989;BowenandHolman,1989),significantly correlated with a prediction of theseaward facingshearof thelongshore current. GalvinandEagleson[ 1965]found? to havea valuerangingfrom INTRODUCTION 0.7 to 1.2. For field data,Thorntonand Guza [ 1982] found? to be Motivation muchlower,approximately 0.42.Many researchers havereported For nearly two decades,one of the primary interestsin the studyof nearshoreprocesses hasbeenthe characterizationof two frequencybandsof gravitywaves: incidentwind waves(0.33 Hz > f > 0.05 Hz) and infragravitywaves (f < 0.05 Hz). The recent discovery of a third "band," shear waves [Oltman-Shay et al., difficult problemof quantifyingwave energyin the nearshore. This paper has two primary objectives: (1) to provide an ? to be a functionof beachslopeand/orwave steepness [Bowenet al., 1968; Weishat and Byrne, 1978; Sallenger and Holman, 1985b]. Statisticalrepresentationsof random waves from field experimentsincludebothbrokenandunbrokenwaves,onereason why the saturationvalue of ? is significantlylower for field data than for monochromaticlaboratorywaves. Infragravity waves are traditionally consideredto be those surfacegravitywaveswhichresultfrom the second-order interac- overview tion of incident wind waves. Under most conditions in surf zones 1989a' Bowen and Holman, 1989], has added a new twist to the of the variance contributions of these different waves in the trough of a barredbeach (the contributionof shearwaves, which hasnot beenpreviouslyquantified,is of particularinterest) and (2) to examine the lowest-order controls of variance on a barredbeachand to compareour findingswith thoseof previous studies. In the remainder of this section we will review some of the relevantliteratureconcerningthe three wave typesand their behaviorsin the surf zone. We then discussthe acquisitionand analysistechniquesfor the presentdata,followedby thepresentation of our findingsand a comparisonwith {.)Lilt31 11UIU Ui::tti;I,. on coastsopento the ocean,thesewaveshave frequenciesranging from 0.005 to 0.05 Hz. The free infragravitywaves can be broken into two distinct groups: a discrete set of edge wave modes,which are trappedto the shoreline,and a continuumof leaky waves,which reflect from the shorelineandradiateenergy back out of the nearshore zone. Bounded waves, the forced dis- placementof the free water surfaceby the structureof wave groups[Longuet-Higginsand Stewart,1964], alsocontributeto infragravitywave energy [Guza et al., 1985; Elgar and Guza, 1985]. Previous Work Edgewaveson a planebeachof slope[• havea discretesetof It has been shown consistentlythat statistical measuresof incidentwind wave heightbecomedepth-limitedin the inner surf zone of natural beaches,and thus independentof the offshore wave height,accordingto the linearrelation Hrms= Th (1) where Hrms = (8s2) 1/2,s2 istheincident wavevariance, andh is the local water depth. For monochromaticlaboratory waves, possible alongshore wavenumbers (r), in therangeo2/g< I•cl< o2/g• satisfying therelationship o2 = girl (2n+l)[• [Eckart, 1951],whileforleakywaves thereisacontinuum withI•cl< o2/g [Suhayda,1974;Guza and Bowen, 1976]. Boundwaveshave no constrainton r. Analytic solutionsto the linear, shallow-water equationsof motionon a plane-sloping beachgive the free wave velocity potential(•) as ß = ag/o cos(ry-•t) q•(x) 1NowatQuest Integrated, Kent,Washington. Copyright1991by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Papernumber91JC00434. 0148-0227/91/91 JC-00434505.00 (2) wherex is thecross-shore coordinate, y is thealongshore coordinate,anda is the wave amplitudeat the shoreline[Eckart, 1951; Suhayda,1974; Guza and Bowen, 1976]. The cross-shorenodal structure,q•(x),is as follows 12,781 12,782 HOWDET AL.:WAVE VARIANCEPARTITIONINGIN TROUGHOFBARREDBEACH {(x) = e-rXLn(2rx) edgewaves (3) /4•:x• 1/2 •)(x) =J0•,-•I K=0leaky wave with Ln beingthe Lague•e polynomialof ordern (wheren is the modenumberof the edgewave) andJ0 is the zeroth-orderBessel function. The cross-shorestructureof the higher-modeedge waves (n > 2) •d the no•ally incident leaky wave are very similar near the shoreline and can be representedby the J0 solutionfor approximatecalculations[Holman, 1981; Sallenger and Holman, 1985a]. The cross-shorestructureof infragravity waves has made frequency spectra of surf-zone cu•ents difficult to inte•ret and comparebetweenbeaches.Wavenumber-frequencyspectraesti- mated from cross-shorecu•ents are also difficult to inte•ret, being dominatedby someunresolvedcombinationof high-mode edge waves, leaky waves, phase-lockededge waves, and bound waves [Elgar and Guza, 1985; Oltman-Shay and Guza, 1987; Huntley, 1988; Haines and Bowen, 1988]. However, wavenumber-frequency spectraof the alongshorecomponentof cu•ents have beenshownto be panicularlyusefulin dete•ining the progressivelow-mode edge wave contentof the infragravity wave field [Huntleyet al., 1981; Oltman-Shayand Guza, 1987]. o oo Pastfield studieshave showna dependencebetweenthe magnitudeof thelocalinfragravitywaveoscillations, U/Ganda/G (the cross-shore oscillationand the wave amplitude),and the offshore wind wave height [Holman, 1981; Guza and Thornton, 1985]. Holman and Sallenger[1985] andSallengerand Holman [ 1985a] concludedthat the dependencewas also function of the deep- waterIribarren number,•0 = [•/(H/Lo) ]/2, where H andL0 are representativeof the deep-waterheight and wavelengthof the incidentwaves,andof thedimensionless cross-shore distance,Z = c•2x/g[•, tothelocation ofthemeasurements WG= mu(Z, •0)H (4) alG= ma(X, •0)H (5) wherem is the slopeof thelinearregression. Shearwaves,a newclassof nearshore wave,aredistinguished by large wavenumbers,well outsidethe wavenumberrange of gravitywaves,Irl > c•2/g[• [Oltman-Shay etal., 1989a].Onthe onebeachstudiedto date,a typicalenergeticperiodis 200 s, with an alongshorewavelengthof 200 m. This distinctivesignature permitstheircontribution to totalcurrentvarianceto be separated in wavenumber-frequencyspace.Bowen and Holman [1989] showtheoreticallythat thesewavesmay be an instabilityof the meanlongshorecurrentwhichconservespotentialvorticity.The -;:• oo - 9OO SUPERDUCK EXPERIMENT SITE - 800 O Pressure - 700 • E I Current Sensor Meter 0 z 600 • 500 nO 400 0 0 300 200 I I I I glll ß 1 ...... ....:........................:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:................................ ..... ............... ...... Fig. 1. Planview of theSUPERDUCKfield siteat theCoastalEngineering Research Center'sField Research Facilityin Duck, North Carolina.Shownare the nearshorecurrentmeter array,the nestedpressuresensor,and the offshorewind wave directional arrayrelativeto thelocationof thepier.All measurements weremadeoutsidetheknownregionof thepier'sinfluence. HOWD ET AL.: WAVE VARIANCE PARTITIONING IN TROUGH OF BARRED BEACH VARIANCE Cross-shore a PARTITIONING SCHEME Current b 0.25 _ 12,783 Longshore Current 0.25 o 0.225 0.225 _ [] [] 0.2 0.2 0.175 [] [] 0.175 _ INCIDENT 0.15 oo BAND INCIDENT 0.15 0.125 BAND 0.125 0.1 0.1 E] [] 0.075 0.075 0.05 0.05 n INFRAGRAV 0.025 0.025 SHEAR 0.0 SHEAR I I 0 .... o, o,' 0 0 0 o, o, o, .-, 0 Cq 0 cs cs I I cs cs •'• 0 d CyclicAlongshore Wavenumber (m") 0.0 SHEAR I I I o. o. o. SHEAR I o o i o o CyclicAlongshore Wavenumber (m-') I I ....... :•:::::• !•!•:i•i•!• "•• "•" •' '"•' ;'•............. ':':' :'':"-' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .., "iS•i•::::-:. 0 0 0 0 0 % Power % Power Fig.2. Cyclicalongshore wavenumber (k = l/L) versus frequency (f= l/T) spectra, withlinesshowing thebounds of eachof the threewavetypes.Theboxesrepresent peaksin S(kj')withthedarkness indicating thepercent of variance in thatfrequency band contained in thatpeak.Thewidthof theboxindicates thehalf-power wavenumber bandwidth. Thearraywasdesignrd forinfragravityfrequencies, thustheincident bandis shown forreference only.(a).Estimate fromcross-shore (u)current. (b).Estimate from longshore(v) current. cross-shoreshearof the mean longshorecurrentprovidesthe Coastal Engineering ResearchCenter (CERC) Field Research background vorticity(therole of Coriolisin larger-scale flows). Facility (FRF) in Duck, North Carolina, during October, 1986 Usinga simplemodel,theyshowthatthereis a frequency range (Figure 1). The beachis locatednear the centerof a 100-km-long wherea perturbation to the meancurrent(the shearwave) will barrier island. The mean slope is approximately 1 in 10 on the growexponentially at a ratewhichdepends onthemagnitude of foreshore,decreasingoffshoreto 1 in 100. Sandbarsare consistently present,most commonlyin a 3-dimensionalconfiguration theshearontheseaward faceof thecurrent(•)V/•)xlseaward). While onlythegrowthrateis predicted, we will testtheassumption that which becomeslinear during most storm events [Lippmann, 1989]. The extremetide rangeduringthe experimentwas 137 cm. An array of 10 Marsh-McBirneybidirectionalelectromagnetic currentmeterswas deployedapproximately55 m seawardof the Usw =msw •xx (6) mean shorelinepositionin the troughof a nearshorebar system. seaward The depth rangedfrom ---0.5to ---2.5m over the courseof this study. Only the seven southernmostsensorswere used in this METHODS studyto minimize spatialinhomogeneity.The sampledarray was In thissectionwe brieflydescribethe field site,theinstrumen- thus290 m in length,sufficientto resolvetypical wavelengthsat tationusedin this study,andthe datasampling.Thenwe present this site [Oltman-Shayet al., 1989a]. Sensorswere orientedin the analysistechniques andthe sensitivityof thesetechniques to sucha mannerthat their axes coincidedwith the longshore(+v currentsflow north) and cross-shore(+u currentsflow offshore) differentprocessing options. The data used for this study were collectedas part of the directions.All gagesremainedsubmergedat low fide. the rms velocities of the shear waves also scale as the maximum seawardshearof the longshorecurrent SUPERDUCK experiment[Crowsonet al., 1988]hostedby the Complementary datawerecollectedby otherinvestigators. A 12,784 HOWD ET AL.: WAVE VARIANCEPARTITIONINGIN TROUGHOF BARREDBEACH TABLE 1. Basic Environmental Conditions Run Day* Time, EST Tide H, cm T, s ot (o) HiNC, cm <U>, cms-1 <V>, cms-1 1 2 3 9 9 10 0930 2200 1030 high high high 57.8 35.8 184.2 6.4 5.8 7.3 -31.9 -29.9 24.3 19.6 53.5 -4.5 2.8 31.5 16.3 3.6 -159.3 4 10 1700 low 205.5 7.9 16.0 36.4 12.9 -114.4 5 10 2320 high 216.5 8.9 8.9 55.8 22.2 6 11 0540 low 216.2 9.7 4.2 35.0 7.5 -52.7 7 11 1200 high 213.7 9.7 4.9 69.4 23.6 -41.3 0.3 -13.0 -88.1 8 11 1820 low 190.3 10.0 35.7 3.6 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 0040 0130 1500 0330 high high high high 172.6 126.2 57.1 110.5 11.9 12.0 9.7 5.5 -3.7 -10.4 -25.3 36.1 61.3 57.2 49.6 63.3 14.4 16.4 4.8 8.9 13 15 0945 low 96.2 6.0 25.0 23.3 5.9 -91.1 14 15 1600 high 71.3 6.4 22.7 49.8 5.0 -35.5 30.5 29.1 21.4 -87.1 15 15 2200 low 71.4 4.4 25.8 20.2 2.8 -64.2 16 17 16 16 0400 1630 high high 79.3 75.8 4.6 5.2 27.9 24.4 50.5 45.3 5.0 4.9 -40.0 -35.3 18 16 2240 low 69.1 5.5 16.5 21.4 3.8 -52.8 19 17 0450 high 75.5 5.1 18.4 48.5 5.2 -29.5 20 17 1100 low 70.1 5.8 6.6 21.4 3.7 -40.7 21 18 0530 high 91.3 9.7 20.4 51.8 9.6 -45.3 H, incidentroot meansquarewave heightin 8-m depth;T, peak spectralperiodin 8-m waterdepth, medianspectraldirectionin 8-m waterdepth(CCW fromshorenormal);HiNC,incidentrootmeansquarewave height in the surf zone (from pressure);<U>, mean cross-shore currentaveragedover the array of current meters;<V>, meanlongshorecurrentaveragedover the arrayof currentmeters. *Day of the monthOctober 1986. pressuresensor(maintainedby Asbury Sallenger,Jr., U.S. GeologicalSurvey)was located3 m southof the centralcurrent meter.Thewindwaveclimatewassampled in 8-mdepth,usinga 255-m-long arrayof bottom-mounted pressure sensors aspartof sI• (9) -•cNy 2 Ioø'ø5I+rNYS(K,f)dKdf2 SSW= where s2 istheintegrated variance foreachof thebands, •CS• is theNyquistradialwavenumber of thearray,_+r• 0 aretheestimated theroutinemonitoring programof theFRF. The surf-zonemormode zero wavenumbers,•5is a constantwavenumberoffset used phology was measuredusing the FRF Coastal Research to account for the wavenumber bandwidth of the mode zero Amphibious Buggy(CRAB) [Birkemeier andMason,1984]. All currentmetersandpressuresensorswerehard-wiredto the data collectionsystem.Gageswere sampledat 2 Hz for 4 hours centered on high and low tides. High-quality data from the majorityof thegageswerecollectedfor 10 days,with theexception of approximately22 hourslost owing to a power failure. Eachtime serieswasexhaustivelycheckedfor reliabilityin both time andfrequencydomains.Suspectgageswereexcludedfrom further analysis,as were time periodsmarked by large spatial inhomogeneities or temporalnonstationarity.From a total of 36 collections,21 wereprocessedfurther. The currentmeterarray datawere usedto calculatethe alongshore wavenumber-frequencyspectrafor both the cross-shore and alongshorecomponentsof flow. First, each of the 21 time serieswas dividedinto 13 ensembleswith 50% overlap,2048 s in length, demeanedand then detrended(using a least squares quadraticfit) prior to beingtaperedwith a Kaiser-Besselwindow. Wavenumber-frequency spectrawere estimatedusingthe iterative maximum likelihood estimator(IMLE) developedby Pawka [ 1982, 1983] andpreviouslyappliedto surf-zonedataby OltmanShayand Guza [1987] and Oltman-Shayet al. [1989a]. Variancefor each4-hourrun wasthenpartitionedbetweenthe three bands in wavenumber-frequency space (Figure 2). Integratedvariancesfor eachbandweregivenby TABLE Variable Mean S.D. Maximum Minimum Offshore Hrm s,crn T,s ix,ø 118.4 61.1 216.5 35.8 7.5 -8.3 2.3 19.1 12.0 6.1 4.4 -31.9 Surf-Zone H•Nc, cm 43.5 15.4 69.4 19.6 U•N c, cms-1 UtG, cms-l usw, cms-• V•N c,cms-l v•o,cms-• Vsw, cms-l 92.0 32.1 25.1 44.4 20.2 19.5 11.0 16.0 10.6 8.8 7.8 7.3 108.5 62.5 40.6 60.8 32.6 34.8 74.2 15.0 6.0 27.5 8.4 8.4 % ue4 c % UtG % USW % v•$C % vtG % VSW 81.9 10.9 6.6 71.5 14.3 13.6 11.8 8_5 4.1 11.2 6.0 6.7 95.8 32.4 14.3 88.4 26.6 33.1 58.5 2.5 0.6 48.8 6.2 3.4 Mean indicatesmeanvalueof variablefor the 21 dataruns,S.D. is standarddeviation about mean value, Maximum is maximum value of variable for these 21 runs, Minimum is minimum value of variable for 2 = Jf0.05 0.33 f +•:NY S(K, f)drdf SINC j-•cNy (7) 2 I O0'05 I (_tO_6) (+rO+-b) S(K,f) dK df (8)singlepressuregage. sIG= 2. Basic Statistics these 21runs.Themeanvalueforeachrunistheresultof anaverage of manysensors, with theexception of HiNC, whichis calculated froma HOWDETAL.:WAVEVARIANCE PARTITIONING IN TROUGHOFBARREDBEACH 250.00 -- Offshore Wave Height --- -- 200.00 H -- -- LHLH 12,785 LH 150.00 -- HLHLH HLHL H -- 100.00 _ _ H 50.00 - . I 9 0.00 8 H H I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 80.00 40.00 L L H H HH H H H L L i g 8 i 10 i 11 LH i 12 i 13 I 14 i 15 L i 16 I 9 0.00 8 i 17 i 18 L L L L I 11 20 H H H H HH H I 10 i 19 H HH 20.00 H U Infragravity H HLH 40.00 20 L L 80.00 60.00 I 19 L 20.00 0.00 I 18 TroughWave Height H H H 60.00 I 17 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 80.00 I 17 i i 18 19 20 V Infragravity 60.00 40.00 20.00 H H I 0.00 9 8 HLHLHL H H H HLHLH HLHL H I I I I I I I I I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 80.00 20 U Shear Wave 60.00 HLHLHLH 40.00 H L H H H LH HI. HL H 20.00 0.00 8 I 9 H H I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 80.00 I 17 I 18 I 19 20 V Shear Wave 60.00 40.00 L 20.00 HLHLHLH H • 0.00 8 H H H Lu n HL•4 '-L H I I I I I I I I I I I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DAY - OCTOBER, 1986 Fig.3. Timeseries of4-hour mean statistics forwave parameters attheoffshore array pressure sensors andforthecurrent meters/pressure sensor inthesurf zone. H andL refer tothetidestage. Seethetextfordetails ofhowthevariances were partitioned betweenwave types. of the offshorepressuregage spectral peak(setat0.0094m-! in radialunits;thisaccounts for basedon the spectralcharacteristics the variationin •cfrom the bottomof the frequencybin to the top, seeOltman-ShayandGuza [1987]) andS0cd')is the spectraldensity.The subscripts referto theincident(INC), infragravity(IG), and shearwave (SW) bands,respectively. The incidentbandintegration limits(in frequency)werechosen arraydata.The upperlimit, 0.33 Hz, wasthe highestfrequency for which the depth-attenuated wave signalsreliably exceeded instrumentnoise.The lower limit (0.05 Hz) was chosensuchthat all wind wave variance would be excluded from estimates of the infragravitymotions(but not the opposite).Examinationof 12,786 HOWDETAL.:WAVE VARIANCEPARTITIONING IN TROUGHOFBARREDBEACH Cross-shore Current Variance Partitioning lOO% 90% 80% 70% 60% 5O% 4O% co 3O% 0 20% 10% 0% Run Number • %Uig ""•%Usw AlongshoreCurrentVariancePartitioning lOO% 90% I= 80% 70% 60% 50% 0 •z 40% 30% 0 20% 10% 0% Run Number • %Vig ':":•%Vsw Fig.4. The percentcontributions madeby eachbandto thetotalvarianceof eachflow component (theincidentbandcontribution bringsthe totalto100%).The incidentbandis clearlydominantat thiscross-shore locationfor boththe alongshore and cross-shore flows. HOWD ET AL.: WAVE VARIANCE PARTITIONING IN TROUGH OF BARRED BEACH TABLE 3. RegressionResults 12,787 and infragravityregimes.The resultswere not sensitiveto reasonable choices for 6. Y X m + 95% Confidence b r2' HiNC HiNC Hrm s tide 0.100 + 0.111 0.261+ 0.063 31.3 30.0 0.158 0.798 ltlG ViG % ltlG % ViG HnT • HnT • Hnn s Hrrm 0.224 + 0.064 0.110 + 0.030 0.001+ 0.0004 0.059+ 0.001 5.6 7.1 -0.023 0.007 0.729 0.746 0.641 0.526 Usw Vsw % usw % Vsw [<V'A [<V'A [<V'A [<V'A 0.143 + 0.117 0.130 + 0.071 0.0007+ 0.0004 0.0009+ 0.0007 17.7 12.7 0.032 0.088 0.245 0.419 0.342 0.260 usw VSW % USW % VSW 3VM• 3VM• 3VM• 3V•t/3x 868.7+ 388.9 637.7+ 249.2 3.491+ 1.457 4.172+ 2.981 13.9 11.2 0.021 0.083 0.521 0.587 0.555 0.300 Here (19 DOF) Y = mX + b + error. *Ther2isgreater than0.185correlation different from0 at95%level, andr2isgreater than0.303correlation different from0 at99%level. The wavenumberlimits for the infragravityband calculation are basedon estimatesof +r 0, the largestwavenumberspossible for free surfacegravity waves (plus and minus signsindicate directionof propagation).We have assumed+•c0 can be closely approximatedby the plane beachsolutionwith a simplecorrection for the mean longshorecurrent +%= [o - (+%) vl2 g[3 (10) Kenyon [1972] demonstratedthat the dispersioncurve for the mode zero edgewave, in the presenceof a currentwith constant shear, behavesas if it were Doppler-shifted, as above, by the longshorecurrent at an offshore distance of L/4n, which is approximately33 m for the "typical"modezeroedgewave in this study.This behaviorhas alsobeenreportedby Oltman-Shayand Guza [ 1987] for field data.Values chosenfor the beachslopeand meanlongshorecurrentat x = 33 m were basedon averagevalues overthelengthof thealongshore array.A constant [• waschosen spectrafrom the 8-m arrayshowedno energeticswellat frequencies below 0.05 Hz. The 0.05-Hz cutoff results in a small underestimate of the infragravityband variance. Varying the cutofffrom0.04 to 0.06 Hz resultedin typicalchangesof +5% of the total variance,with the tradealwaysbeingbetweenincident to matchthe observedmode zero dispersionlines. Testswere conductedconcerningthe sensitivityof the analysis to different data windows and ensemblelength, detrending,and changes in the wavenumber-frequencypartitioning scheme. There were no statisticallysignificantdifferencesfrom varying the ensembleand window characteristics. As expected,detrended Trough RMS Wave Height vs. Tide 80.00 70.00 x x x 60.00 x 50.00 x x x x x x > 40.O0 30.00 20.00 x lO.OO - - - . 0.00 I -40.O0 I I I I -20.00 I I I I 0.00 '''' I'''' I'''' I'''' I'''' 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 I'' 100.00 Tide (cm, NGVD) Fig. 5. The magnitudeof the incidentband rms wave height measuredin the troughplotted versusthe tide elevation.This, combinedwith the lack of correlationbetweenoffshorewaveheightandrmsoscillation,indicatesthe incidentbandis depthlimited duringthe majorityof the experiment.The one outlierrepresentsour lowestwave conditions(2200 EST on October9), whenoscillationswere not depth-limited. I I 120.00 12,788 HOWDETAL.:WAVEVARIANCE PARTITIONING IN TROUGH OFBARRED BEACH 80.00 a 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 x X x x 20.00 1 o.oo o.oo 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 OffshoreWaveHeight(crn) 50.00 b 40.00 - _ 30.00 20.00 - X _ _ X - 10.00 - - 0.00 I 0.00 .... I 50.00 100.00 .... I .... 150.00 I 200.00 ' ' ' ' 250.00 Offshore Wave Height (crn) Fig.6. Values of(a)tl!Gand(b)¾IG plotted versus theoffshore wave height, Hrm s.Bothshow alinear relationship withincreasing waveheight,ashasbeenseenon otherbeaches. datacontainedlesstotalvariancethandatawith trends,but the Thedatacovera widerange of conditions, withHrm sin 8-m waterdepthranging from30 cmto over215cm (significant heights inexcess of 300cm),thepeakperiod varying from4.4to RESULTS 12.0 s, and the mean longshore current averaged over thecurrent Statistics meterarray,<V>,ranging from-159cms-1 (southward) to +31 Tables 1and2 andFigures 3 and4 present a summary ofbasic cms-1 (northward). waveandcurrent statistics. In all cases, therootmeansquare Statistics for the rms oscillations in each band are found in (rms)statistics, calculated as(852) 1/2,arepresented for wave Table2. Meanvalues(plusor minusonestandard deviation)over differences occurred onlyin thelowest-frequency bin. heights andcurrent oscillations. Because oftheprocessing tech- theexperiment for/linCandViNCare92 + 11cms-1 and44 + 9 niques, rmscurrent oscillations represent theaverage overthe cms-1,withmaxima of 108and61cms-1,respectively. Mean array.Percent contributions always referto thepercent of total values of theu andv infragravity waveoscillations (U/GandV/G) were32.1+ 16.0cms-1 and20.2+ 7.8cms-1, withmaximaof variance contributed by theband. HOWD ET AL.:WAVE VARIANCEPARTITIONINGIN TROUGHOF BARREDBEACH TABLE 5. DirectionalDependence TABLE 4. IribarrenRegressionResults Y X rn+ 95% Confidence 12,789 b r2' Y U/G (• <0.40) • ItlG(•-o0 > 0.40) • 0.157 +0.054 8.26 0.808 0.256+ 0.076 6.14 0.872 v/G(• < 0.40) V•G(•0 > 0.40) • •0 0.093+ 0.046 0.121+ 0.043 8.00 7.00 0.677 0.819 X ItlG Hrms I•l 0.22 + 0.06 shore variance and from 2.5% to 32.4% of the cross-shore vari- P arame te rizatio n Incidentbandrmscurrentoscillations,/,lin C andVlNC,andwave 5.62 0.73 76.70 0.85 43.38 0.75 17.08 0.76 16.74 + 0.38 28.80 Hrmsalone Hrms anceat the surf-zonelocationof the alongshorearray.Shearwave oscillationscontributedup to 33.1% of the total longshorecurrent variance,but only up to 14.3% of the cross-shore variance. Error rIG 62.5and32.6cms-1,respectively. Themeanshear waveoscillationswere25.1+ 10.6cms-] forUswand19.5+ 7.3cms-] for Vsw. Maximawere41 and35cms-1,respectively. infragravitybandwavesrangedfrom6.2% to 26.6% of thelong- MeanSquare 0.14 + 0.06 -0.74 Here (8 DOF) Y = mX + b + error. The percentagecontributionsof eachbandto the total variance are shownin Figure4. The incidentbandoscillations,on average, provided71.5% of the alongshorecurrentvarianceand 81.9% of the cross-shorecurrentvariance.The percentcontributionof the r2 Confidence Hrmsalone *Ther2isgreater than0.400correlation different from0 at95%level, andr2isgreater than0.585correlation different from0 at99%level. b rn+ 95% Ic•l 0.11 + 0.02 7.14 0.10 + 0.04 -0.14 + 0.24 11.44 Here Y = m•X• + m2X2 + b + error. (0.20 + 0.03) wasconsiderably lowerthansaturation value(0.30 + 0.01) previouslypredictedfor this beach at the bar crest [SallengerandHolman, 1985b]. Valuesof UiG,VIG,andtheirpercent contributions, werefound to be significantlycorrelatedwith the offshorewave height (Figures6a and6b), in agreement withcurrentmeterdatafrom similarwaterdepthsonthreeotherbeaches [Holman,1981'Guza and Thornton,1985]. Comparisonwith thesedata setswill be presented in thediscussion. Holmanand Sallenger[1985]and Guza et al. [1985] alsofoundthat for the infragravityband,the of theregression linesfor swash amplitude versus offshore ited, but not saturated,in agreementwith the previousobserva- slopes ontheIribarrennumber(largerslopesfor tionsof Wrightet al. [1986]. However,therewas evidencefor waveheightdepended forthevelocityoscillations, we saturation seawardof thearray,astherewasa lack of statistically larger•0). To testthisdependence heights,HINC, in thebartroughwereobserved to be depth-lim- significant correlations between theincident waveheights in the troughandtheoffshore waveheight(Table3). Theoscillations were,however,significantly correlated with the tide (Table3, Figure5), clearlyshowing thattheincident bandwastypically limitedbydepth,presumably atthebarcrest.Giventhatthesurfzoneinstruments werein thetroughof thenearshore barfor much oftheexperiment, it isnosurprise thatthelocalmeanvalueof7 havedividedthedatasetintotwo subsets (•,0< 0.40 and•,0> 0.40) andcalculatedthe regression slopefor eachgroup(Table 4). Whilethereisanincrease in slopeforthehigher•,0,thedifferenceis not statistically significantfor thissmallsample. The large range of conditions experienced during SUPERDUCK also allowed examination of the impact of the wind waveincidentangleon infragravitybandvariancelevels. Directional Dependence (H > 125 cm) 80.00 70.00 D 60.00 DID 50.00 o o n 40.00 x x 30.00 x x x x x 20.00 10.00 0.00 ß 0.00 ' ' ' ' I 5.00 .... I .... 10.00 I 15.00 .... I 20.00 .... 25.00 Absolute value wind wave direction (degrees) X v IG FI U IG Fig.7. Thedependence ofrmsinfragravity oscillations ontheabsolute valueoftheincident direction, I•l, forcases withHrm s> 125 cm. 12,790 HOWD ET AL.: WAVE VARIANCE PARTITIONING IN TROUGH OF BARREDBEACH 50.00 a 45.00 _ _ 40.00 - x _ _ x x _ 35.00 x _ x _ 30.00 - 25.00 - 20.00 - o o xx x x x 15.00 - 10.00 - 5.00 __ _ 0.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 Absolute value mean longshore current (cm/s) 50.00 b 45.0O - 40.00 - 35.00 - 30.00 - 25,00 - 20.00 - 15.00 - x o o x x x x x x x x x . 10.00 5.0O 0.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 Absolutevalue mean longshorecurrent(cm/s) Fig.8. Valuesof (a) Uswand(b) Vswplottedversus theabsolute valueof themeasured meanlongshore current,I<V>I. Multiple regression analysisshowsa significantnegativerelation Shear waves are hypothesizedto scale with the longshore of the longbetweenU/GandI•xl,while thereis not a significantrelationship currentshear(equation(5)), but no measurements betweenV/GandI•xl(Table5). The directionaldependence is most shorecurrentshearwere obtainedfor extendedperiodsof the clearly illustrated (Figure 7) during the passageof the storm (October 10-12), when the direction of wave approach was highlyvariable,but the waveheightwasnearlyconstant.The WG oscillationsclearly decreaseas I•xl increases,while the oscillationsare essentiallyconstant.Preliminaryanalysissuggests that U/Goscillationsin the presenceof a large I•xl(low WG) are dominatedby high-modeedge waves, while the low I•xl oscillations are dominated by more energetic leaky or bound waves [Elgar et al., 1989; Oltman-Shayet al., 1989b].The oscillationsare expected to be dominatedby low-mode edge wavesregardless of the leaky/high-mode contributions to WG' experiment.Thusbasedon the observations of Oltman-Shayet al. [1989a], we assumethat the absolutevalue of the measuredmean longshore current,I<V>l,is a proxyfor thedynamicallyimportant shear(Figures8a and 8b). The meancurrent,<V>, wasestimated as the mean of the 4-hour averagesof the currentmetersusedin the wavenumber-frequency spectralanalysis.The UswandVsw were significantlycorrelatedwith I<V>l, but with considerable scatter. In an attemptto better parameterizethe shearwaves,we have modeledthe longshorecurrent, and its theoreticallyimportant shear, based on the work of Thornton and Guza [1983, 1986]. HOWDET AL.:WAVE VARIANCEPARTITIONING IN TROUGHOFBARREDBEACH Waveheights in thesurfzonewereassumed to be Rayleigh- sin[cz(x)] V•4(x) = Ou(x) C(x) c•} <œ> distributed with a probability(p) of p(U) =• 12,791 (13) cfisanempirical dragcoefficient, cz(x) isdefined asby (11) where Thorntonand Guza [ 1986],C is thephasevelocityof the incident exp This distributionis modifiedby a weightingfunctionto providea statisticalestimateof thosewaveswhich are breaking.The mean waves,andu is givenfor a Rayleighdistribution by u(x)=4•;h(x) Hrms (x) g ] 1/2 dissipation dueto wavebreaking,<œ>(integratedthroughthe waveheightdistribution),is givenby (14) We have assumedthe bottom stressto be linear, ignored the turbulentReynold's stresses, andassumed constant valuesfor 7 = 0.45,B = 1.0,andcf= 0.009. lm A typicaloutputof the modelis shownin Figure9. The pre(Hrms'•2) 5/2 dicted maximumlongshorecurrentwas significantlycorrelated X,•'rmsh ] with theobserved current(r2 = 0.942).We assume themodel wherep is thedensityof water,B is an empiricalcoefficient doesa reasonable job of predictingtherelativechanges(between representing theportion of theborefaceactively breaking, andf the 21 data collections)in the cross-shorestructureof the longisthepeakincident frequency. It isthensimpleto stepshoreward shorecurrentin the absenceof the mixing inducedby the shear from the inputconditions at the 8-m array,calculatingwave wavesandReynold'sstresses. No attemptwas madeto further heightbasedon energyflux balance,with the incidentangle tune the model to match conditions observed in the surf zone. variedaccording to Snell'slawof linearwaverefraction. The dependence of shearwavemagnitude onthemaximumof The waveheightanddissipation profilesacross thesurfzone the modeledshearon the seawardfaceof the longshorecurrentis werethenusedto predictlongshore currentfollowingThornton and Guza, [1986] 10 OCT 86 1030 shownin Figure 10. The correlationsare not significantlyimprovedoverthatwith the meanvelocitymeasured in the trough (Table3). Clearly,morefield dataareneededto betterdefinethe forcingof this new phenomenon. 0.00 DISCUSSION -0.10 The SUPERDUCK data, collectedin the trough of a barred -0.20 beach,havea "process signature" whichqualitatively agrees with theresultsof Wrightand Short[1983] andWrightet al. [1986]. They presenteddistinctiveratiosbetweenthe differentcompo- -0.30 0 200 400 600 800 (long-shore barandtrough/rhythmic barandbeach)statebetween fully dissipativeandfully reflective.The signatureis characterizedby low-frequency oscillations in thesurfzoneapproximately half themagnitude of theincidentbandoscillations. Four large data setsof lQG oscillationsand incidentwave heights are available for quantitativecomparisonwith the 1.21.0- •'g• 0.8 0.4- 0.2 0.0 I 0 I 200 400 600 200 400 600 SUPERDUCK data. Guza and Thornton [1985] presenteddata I 800 • 1.8• "• 1 2 EO.6 -r- 0.0 nentsof the flow field basedon the morphodynamic stateof the beach.The SUPERDUCK data clearly fall into the intermediate • 0 • I I 0 I I 200 I I 4o0 I I 60o I 800 I 800 Distonce Offshore (rn) Fig.9. Modelresults forH, VM,and3VM/3X onthemeasured profile. The inputvaluesforH and{• werethosemeasured attheoffshore arrayatthe offshoreboundary of themodel.Twojetsareseenin thecurrent,oneover the bar, andoneat the shoreline.The shorelinejet is largeowingto the assumption thatall incidentenergyis dissipated (no reflection).Shear wavetheorypredicts thattheshearontheseaward faceof thebaris the dynamicallyimportantvariable. fromtwo experiments at two nonbarred beaches of verydifferent slopes,Torrey Pines(TP) and SantaBarbara(SB). Thesedata represent thevarianceintegrated overthefrequency range0.0050.05 Hz and averagedover a variablenumberof currentmeters positionedat depthsbetween1 and2 m. The authorsnotethat lessthan 10% of the energylay at frequencies below0.005 Hz. Wright et al. [1986] reportedstatisticsfor eight moderate-to high-energy (H > 160cm)datarunsof two-foursensors between 1- and 2-m depth(with highly variablecross-shore locations) from a barredsectionof NinetyMile Beachin southeast Australia (AU). We choseone representativesensorfor each data run (rather than average different cross-shorelocations) and combined the subharmonic and infragravity bands (their infragravity bandwasf < 0.03Hz). Holman[ 1981] presented data from a singlesensorat 2-m depth,integratedfrom 0 to 0.05 Hz, on MartiniqueBeach(MA). The SUPERDUCK(SD) variances for thiscomparison includecontributions from all wavenumbers in thefrequencyband0-0.05 Hz. All datawereconverted to rms oscillations. Figure1la showsthesefive datasetsof UiGoscillations plotted versus offshore H. The four North American locations show sta- 12,792 HOWDETAL.:WAVEVARIANCEPARTITIONING IN TROUGHOFBARREDBEACH a 50.00 45.00 - 40.00 - 35.00 - 30.00 - A x x x x x x x x _ _ _ o 25.00 _ _ x 20.00 -_ _ x x 15.00 - 10.00 _ 5.00 - -X - _ 0.00 , ' ' 0.00 ' I .... I 0.01 .... I 0.02 ' 0.03 ' ' I 0.04 .05 0.04 0.05 Model I dV/dx I b 50.00 45.00 - 40.00 - 35.00 - A 3O.OO - 25.00 x - 2O.OO - X X _ _ X x x x X X X > _ 15.0o x x _ x•x _ 10.00 _ 5.00 - X - 0.00 , 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 Model I dV/dx I Fig.10.Values of(a)Usw and(b)Vsw plotted versus I•)VM/•XI, theabsolute valueofthemodeled maximum current shear sea- wardofthebarcrest. Thescatter, ofunknown origin, isnotsignificantly reduced. Compare withFigure 11. tisticallysignificant positiveregression slopes(Table6) even whiletheseslopes varybetween thedifferent beaches (except betweenTP andSB). Thisis reflectedin thelow skill (r2) of linearregression modelsbetweenU/Gandoffshore H for the siGp =aft; (0.05) [•xL• 0 ' (15) wherexi is the instrument locationand the point at whichthe derivativewith respectto x is evaluated.This approach is very Theregression slopefortheAustralian datais negative, a result similar to that of $allenger and Holman [1985a]. Assuming a of the highly variablecross-shore locationof the chosensensors white spectrum allows •21G to be taken outside the integrals. We (no onesensorwasoperational for all runs). assume thatthecross-shore shape,q•(x),canberepresented by the Theseresults arenotunexpected because infragravity waves leaky wave solutiongiven in (3). Substitutionand solutionfor havean offshoredecaydependent on [5.In an effortto remove beaches asa group, butthehighr2foreachbeach individually. complications arisingfromthecross-shore decayandvarying instrument positionsfor the four datasets,we havecalculatedan "equivalent shoreline amplitude," d/G,by scaling thedatafrom eachbeach bythepredicted WGvariance, S2iGP, contributed bya whiteshoreline spectrum of normally incident standing waves •21Gyields ^2 alG = •0 2•(ø-ø5) S(o) do Jo21'02X 1122 fo2X(ø'ø5)fo2'{•x[gC (C-•) )]}dtdo (16) HOWD ET AL.: WAVE VARIANCEPARTITIONINGIN TROUGHOF BARREDBEACH I NFRAGRAVITY a T=T. BAND PINES S=S. BARB 12,793 U OSCILLATIONS El=DUCK M=M 'QUE A=AUS 140 130 - 120 - 110 - 100 - 90BOA 70- M 60- 50- M D D O M A D 40- q• A AD A A i I 302010- 0 ' 0 i 120 i i ! i 160 i 200 240 i 280 OFFSI.-13•E H i•dSCcm) PREDICTED b SHORELINE T=T.PINE$ S=S.BAR8 I NFRAGRAVlTY D=DUCK HEIGHT M=M 'QUE A=AUS 8O D 60- D M T D O A AD 50- s •J S5 T$ 40- T,• s'•S•s • S M 30- STSMO MSs•TT!•$ M 20- OA 10- M •s D M M OFFSHORE H I:lvlS Ccm•) Fig.11. (a) Comparison of U/Goscillations fromfivebeaches plotted versus theoffshore waveheight. Thereis considerable scatter in thedataaga whole,yeteachbeachtakenby itselfis quitewellbehaved (Table5). (b) Thesamedatascaledto estimate the"equivalent shoreline height" if-IiG - 2•iGoftheinfragravity oscillations (assuming a whitespectrum). Whilethedata collapse considerably, theyarenotstatistically better correlated withoffshore waveheightatthe95%level(Table5). cross-shore space,Z = •2•/•13,forthese measurements. This approach is a particularlyusefulmethodto removethe site- sionless (Figure12), however,that thereis a •0 specificnatureof pointmeasurements in thesurfzone,thusfacili- Thereare indications tating the comparisonof data collectedeither on different dependencefor the regressionslopes(equation(4)) in agreement with the predictionof Holman and Sallenger [1985] that infragravityenergylevelsdependon the Irabarrennumber. It is importantto note that thesenew measurements of infra(Figure1lb), theimprovement in r2 from0.521to0.646isnot significant at the95% level.This wouldseemto implythatto the gravity and shearwave variancesare representativeof only one distance,that of the array. It is clear that theseresults lowestorder,the magnitudeof cross-shore infragravityoscilla- cross-shore tions are much less sensitive to the details of the incident wave are influencedby the arraylocation,sinceSallengerand Holman spectrumor the beachtopographythan they are to the wave [ 1985a]haveshownU/Gto be a strongfunctionof x on thissame height.The lack of significantdependence on the cross-shore beach. The shearwave measurements,while clearly showingan alsoneedto be takenin the measurement locationmay be dueto the limitedrangein dimen- importantandenergeticphenomenon, beaches,or at different cross-shorelocationson the samebeach. While thereis visualimprovement in the clusteringof the data 12,794 HOWDETAL.-WAVEVARIANCE PARTITIONING INTROUGH OFBARRED BEACH REGRESSION SLOPE vs. I RIBARREN NUMBER T--T. P I NES S=S. BArB D=DOCK IVI=M 'QUE A=AUS 0.B 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.2 - 0.1 - 0O ' i i 0.2 I I 0.4 I I O.E I t:l I BAI:IREN I I I 0.8 I I I I 1. 12 NUMBER Fig. 12. Regressionslopesfor the five beaches(with 95% errorbars)as a functionof the meanIribarrennumber(plusor minus one standarddeviation)for that beach.There is a significant increasein regressionslopewith an increasein Iribarrennumber, confirmingobservations that infragravitywavestend to be largeron dissipativebeachesthan on reflectivebeachesfor a given offshorewave height. contextof some(presentlyunknown)cross-shore variancestructure. Recent measurementsmade during the 1990 DELILAH experimentshouldprovidea clearerframeworkfor understanding the cross-shore structureof theselow-frequencymotions. Theinfragravity waveoscillations averaged 20 cms-] and32 cms-] forVlGandtriG,respectively, andarebestparameterized CONCLUSIONS Twenty-one4-hour data runs collectedover a wide rangeof incident wave conditionshave been used to quantify the bulk statistical behaviors of the alongshoreand cross-shoreflow components of threeclassesof wavesin thetroughof a nearshore bar. The incident band oscillations,while not locally saturated, were limited by the presenceof a depthminimumat the offshore bar. Thus the incident band, while not significantly correlated m + 95% Confidence b r2 DOF Surf-Zone U•GrmsOscillations VersusOffshore IncidentH* All beaches 0.174 _+0.068 TorreyPines 0.847_+0.153 0.24 0.924 11 Santa Barbara Duck 0.839 _+0.162 0.232 + 0.027 7.35 7.80 0.751 0.776 33 19 0.759 25 Martinique Australia 0.419+ 0.095 --0.339 + 0.315 31.26 3.73 127.69 0.521 0.479 102 6 EquivalentShorelineHeightVersusOf/•horeIncidentH* 13.92 All beaches 0.215 + 0.031 TorreyPines 0.554+ 0.100 0.15 0.924 11 Santa Barbara Duck 0.459 + 0.089 0.237 + 0.057 4.02 7.77 0.751 0.790 33 19 Martinique 0.323+ 0.073 0.759 25 Australia 0.185 + 0.157 2.87 by the offshorewave height. During stormsthey provided up to 33% of the total variance,with an averageof approximately12%. Thesepercentagesare expectedto be higherat the shoreline.We have alsofoundevidencethat UiG,the cross-shore componentof infragravitywave oscillation,was, to a lesserdegree,sensitiveto the directional character of the incident waves. Shear waves were found to be an importantcontributorto the energeticsof this beach,typicallycomprisingapproximately10% of the total variance,but at times contributingup to 35%. The magnitudes of theoscillations exceeded 40 cms-l in cross-shore and30 cms-l alongshore. Shearwavemagnitudes werecorre- TABLE 6. Intercomparison of Beaches Beach with the offshorewave height,was correlatedwith the tide elevation. The incidentbandat this location,approximately55 m from the shorelinein the bar trough,is the largestcontributorto total variance,typically providing70-80%. 0.646 102 lated with the seaward facing shear of the longshorecurrent (which was modeled,not measured),as expectedfrom theory. It is difficult to place thesemeasurementsin cross-shorecontext with this data, owing to the lack of adequatemeasurement of the cross-shore structureof the longshorecurrent. Comparisonof the cross-shorecomponentof the infragravity bandwith datacollectedon otherbeachesandpreviouslyreported in the literature showsthat while each experiment'sdata scales approximatelylinearlywith offshorewaveheight,the trendof the relationshipvariesas a functionof the Iribarrennumber.For these data, all collectedin a similar depthof water, correctingfor the cross-shorelocation of the sensorprovides only a minor improvementin the correlationwith the offshorewave height. 6 Acknowledgments. We wouldlike to thank(onceagain)the staff of CERC's Field ResearchFacility duringthe SUPERDUCK experiment. *Model: u•o= mH+ b+ error orequivalent shoreline height (//to)= Not onlydidtheyassistwhenever andwherever needed,theyoftendidso withouthavingto be asked.In additionto the manpowersupport,CERC mH + b + error. 14.26 0.525 HOWD ET AL.: WAVE VARIANCE PARTITIONINGIN TROUGH OF BARREDBEACH fundedthedeployment of thegagesandthecollection of thedatawhich form the bulk of this paper.P.A.H. wasemployedby, andJ.O.S.was undercontract to, CERCduringtheperiodof theexperiment. R.A.H. and thesubsequent analysis of thedatahavebeenfundedby grantsfromthe National ScienceFoundation(OCE87-11121) and the Office of Naval Research, CoastalSciences Program (N00014-87-K0009). Thispaperhas beenimproved by thecomments of TonyBowen,BobGuza,andthetwo anonymous reviewers. REFERENCES Birkemeier,W. A., and C. Mason,The CRAB' A uniquenearshoresur- veyingvehicle,J. Surv.Eng.,110, 1-7, 1984. Bowen, A., D. 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