JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 102, NO. C6, PAGES 12,749-12,784,JUNE 15, 1997 Upper ocean thermohaline fields near 2øS, 156øE, during the Tropical Ocean-Global AtmosphereCoupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment, November 1992 to February 1993 Adriana Huyer and P. Michael Kosro College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences,Oregon State University, Corvallis Roger Lukas and Peter Hacker School of Ocean and Earth Science Technology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu Abstract. Zonal and meridional Seasoarsectionscenteredat 1ø50•S,156ø06•E were repeated >30 times in three 20-day periods between Nove.mber 13, 1992, and February 15, 1993. Both sectionswere 130 km long, and sampling depth was 0- 280m, witha verticalresolution of •-2 dbar(2 x 104Pa) anda horizontal resolution of •-3 km. The observed fields are complex and variable and are summarized graphically in several forms. Characteristicsof the near-surfacelayer varied with the localwindswhichwerevariableandweak(< 6 m s-1) duringthe first20-day period,strongandwesterly(>10 m s-1) duringmuchof the second, andmoderate andwesterly(4-10 m s-1) duringmostof the third. Near-surface temperatures werewarmest(up to 30øC)duringthe first periodand coldest(often <29øC) during the second.Thermal stratificationin the near-surfacelayer was strongunder weak winds and weak under strong and moderate winds. Except during and after heavy rainfall, salinity stratification in the near-surfacelayer was generally weak. Surface salinity generally decreasedtoward the north. The depth of the surface isopycnallayer was often but not alwayslimited by salinity stratification; the surface isohalinelayer was shallowerthan the top of the thermoclinethroughout. Strong lateral temperature and salinity gradients occurred on a few occasions. Increased wind stresswas associatedwith lateral homogenizationas well as vertical mixing. Structure and water properties of the thermocline also varied between cruisesand within each cruise. The upper thermocline was shallowestin late January after prolongedeasterlywinds. Isothermsin the upperand midthermocline(20ø-25øC) slopedgenerallyupwardto the north, while thosein the lowerthermocline(12ø14øC) slopeddown to envelopthe core of the Equatorial Undercurrent,which shoaled(from 225 to 160 m) and warmed(from 15øto20øC) betweenthe first and last surveyperiods. Mesoscaleand fine-scalewater massfeatureswere usually recognizablein sectionsless than a few days apart and migrated eastward at about0.3 m s-1. Thereis a remarkably highdegreeof nonstationarity in these thermohaline fields from the Warm Pool of the western Pacific Ocean. 1. Introduction periment (COARE), conductedas part of the Tropical Ocean-GlobalAtmosphere(TOGA) program,was Progressin understandingocean-atmosphere interacdesignedto fill this vacuum. The program included tion in the warm pool of the westernequatorial Pacific Ocean had been hindered by insufficientknowledgeof the variability of both atmosphereand ocean over suitably small spacescalesand timescales,and a large international Coupled Ocean-AtmosphereResponseExCopyright 1997 by the American GeophysicalUnion. complementarysampling of both atmosphereand upper ocean over a four-month intensiveobservationpe- riod (IOP) lastingfrom November1992throughFebru- ary 1993 [Websterand Lukas,1992]. Both oceanographic and meteorologicalobservationswere concen- trated in an intensiveflux array (I'FA) centeredat Paper number 97JC00267. 1ø45•S,156ø00•E[Websterand Lukas, 1992; Parsons et al., 1994]. The oceanographic componentincluded 0148-0227/97/9 7JC-0267509.00 studies of ocean mixing, measurementsfrom surface 12,749 12,750 HUYER ET AL' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE and subsurfacemoorings,and both current and hydro- Table 1. Positionsof Apices and Intersectionof the graphic observationsfrom severalstationary shipsand Standard Butterly Pattern Used for SeasoarSectionsin a few surveyships[Moumand Caldwell,1994;Webster the COARE Intensive Flux Array Throughout Most of the Three COARE SurveyCruises,W9211A (November and Lukas, 1992]. As part of COARE, we made fre- 8 to December8, 1992), W9211B (December12 to Janquently repeated high-resolutionhydrographicobserva- uary 16, 1993), and W9211C (January22 to February tions duringthree month-longcruisesof the R/V We- 22, 1993) comato study the horizontal structure of time-varying Latitude Longitude upper ocean thermohaline and velocity fields at the Way point center of the IFA; these surveyswere designedto resolve zonal and meridional SBN SBS SBW SBE I scales of 10 to 100 km and timescalesof a few days to a few months. Results de- scribedin this papershowthat temperatureand salinity fields were remarkably nonstationary, both in the sur- 1ø14•S 2ø26•S 1ø50•S 1ø50•S 1o50 •S 156ø06•E 156ø06•E 155ø30•E 156ø42•E 156 ø06•E face layer and in the main thermocline. Each of the three Wecomasurveycruises(W9211A, W9211B, and W9211C) includedmeasurements of the Figure 2' a rather thick (>30 m) layer of very warm temperature, salinity, and velocity distribution in the (•28øC) surfacewater extendingmany degreesnorth upper 300 m of the ocean and continuousmeteorolog- and south of the equator; isothermsin the thermocline ical measurementsof wind, air temperature, humidity, (•-14ø-23øC)spreadingapart within •-2øofthe equator, etc. Sampling focusedon frequent repetition of a Stan- away from the core (at •-200-m depth) of maximum dard Butterfly Pattern consistingof a meridional sec- eastwardflow in the Equatorial Undercurrent(EUC); tion along 156ø06tWand a zonal sectionalong1ø50tS, and a subsurfacetongue of hi•h-salinity South Pacific each 130 km long, connectedby diagonalsectionsin water tending northward acrossthe equator at a depth the southwesternand northeastern quadrants of the of •-150 m, with maximum salinity decreasing from •35.6 psu at 5øS to •-34.8 psu at •-5øN and interleavCOARE IFA (Figure 1, Table 1). The centerof our samplingpattern and of the COARE ing layers extending meridionally for •100 km. The IFA, at • 1ø45tS,lies about 160 km off the equator. typical width of the EUC seemsto be about 200 km, This distance is less than the equatorial radius of de- typicalcorevelocitiesare 0.3-0.5 m s-1 andthe center formationfor first-modebaroclinicperturbations[Gill, of the coreusuallyliesbetweenløN and løS [Tsuchiya 1982],and thus our repeatedsectionslie on the south- et al., 1989; Richards and Pollard, 1991; McPhaden ern flank of equatorial phenomenasuchas the Equato- et al., 1992; Eldin et al., 1994]. The strengthof the rial Undercurrent and internal Kelvin waves. Historical EUC varies from <0.1 to •0.6 m s-1 on timescales observations in this region[Tooleet al., 1988;Tsuchiya of months[McPhadenet al., 1990, 1992; McPhaden, et al., 1989; Richards and Pollard, 1991; McPhaden et 1993]. Our observations are consistentwith this deal., 1992]andthe averageof 18 cross-equatorial sections scription o•theEUC' eastward velocities of •0.3 m s-1 madeduringCOARE [Eldin et al., 1994]all showthe in a broad core between IøN and 1øS in early Decemsame basic structure as long sectionsmade by Wecoma ber and •0.6 m s-1 in an apparentlynarrowcorenear 1ON • Federated States of Micronesia • ; [iISS-Vessel ISS Shore •1 • ............. •k I / Chuuk ß I/ Pohnpei Rawinsonde Site - IUETMooring 10øS SBN PCM-N o ELSl • / o Kapingamarangi / ....... ..... / 1 5ø5 ....... _ IMET o Manus Island •.• Ka,,ieng•• • . • SBE 20øS _ Papua NewGuinea •-J T{ •---. ;• • • , • •. "' • • Solomon • • •-7 • /s/ands • H•niara SBS 2 5øS 10s , 140E 150E •),.. Mlslma I , 160E 170E 155.OøE , I • 155.5øE , I , 156.0øE , I I 156.5øE Figure 1. Locationof the StandardButterflyPatternwithinthe COAREoutersounding array (dashed lines,left panel)andthe intensive fluxarray(solidlines,left panel),andits relationto the moorings nearthe centerof the COAREintensive fluxarray(rightpanel). 157.0øE HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE 12,751 lOO 15o 200 30oO 100 150 200 250 30oO 5O 100 150 200 25O 500 5"N 5øS 2øS 1øS 0ø 1øN 2øN 3"N 4øN Figure2. (top)Temperature, (middle) salinity, and(bottom) zonal velocity fromlongSeasoar/ADCP sections along 156.1øE: (left)December 1-3and(right) January 10-12.Shading indicates temperatures of14ø-15øC and20ø-21øC; salinities of>35.2(dark) and35.1-35.2 (light), andwestward flow(light, 0.0to -0.4 ms-1, dark,<0.4ms-1). 1ø45•Sin January(Figure 2). Abovethe EUC, there similarto the one observedduringCOARE (Figure 2) is usually a broader layer of westwardflow with core [Eldin et al., 1994];theselow salinitiesseemto be asvelocitiesof •0.3 m s-1; this westwardflowsometimes sociated with eastward surface currents and westerly hasa maximumat a depthof •125 m [Tsuchiyaet al., winds[McPhadenet al., 1992].Equatorialsurfacecur1989;McPhadenet al., 1992]asit did in early Decem- rents are highly correlated with local winds, at least ber (Figure2), and sometimes extendsto the surface during periodsof prevailingwesterlywinds;an eastward [Tsuchiya etal.,1989; Richard} andPollard, 1991] as jet-likecurrent("Yoshidajet") with a width of •200 km it did in January (Figure 2). Westwardvelocitiesof and core velocity of •1.0 m s- developsrapidly after >0.4 m s-1 at the core(Figure2) arewithinthe range the onsetof westerlywinds [McPhadenet al., 1992]. The COARE IOP occurred within one of the longest of historicalvalues[Tsuchiyaet al., 1989;McPhadenet E1 Nifio-SouthernOscillation(ENSO) eventson record al., 1992]. [Halpert et al., 1994]: the SouthernOscillationIndex Historical observationsindicate that equatorial surface salinities and surface currents are quite variable. Sometimesthere is a local salinity maximum with values (SOI)fellbelow normal earlyin 1991andremained so through at leastOctober 1993.TheSOIreached a deep >35.0 psuon or nearthe equator[Tsuchiyaet al., 1989; minimum (indicating themature phase of ENSO)in Richardsand Pollard, 1991; McPhadenet al., 1992], early 1992andreturned tonearnormal forafewmonths presumablythe resultof equatorialupwelling.On other in mid-1992beforefallingagainin late 1992[Lukaset occasions,there is a local salinity minimum with values al.,1995b]. Large-scale monthly meanwinds overthe <34.1 psu [Tooleet al., 1988; Tsuchiyaet al., 1989], COARE domainwerewesterlyduringthe maturephase 12,752 HUYER ET AL.: THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE center of the COARE IFA, and our samplingplan was designedto resolvezonal and meridionalscalesof 10 to 1992,near zeroduringthe first half of the COARE IOP, 100 km, vertical scalesof a few meters,and timescalesof and westerly again during the secondhalf of the IOP a few days to a few months. The surveyswere designed [Lukaset al., 1995b]. The 20øCisothermshoaledby to complementtime seriesobservationsfrom moorings •-20 m in late 1991, during the mature phaseof ENSO, and stationary ships: though fixed platforms provide and remained shallower than normal through the end better temporal resolution, they can resolveonly a few of the COARE IOP [Halpertet al., 1994; McPhaden, spatial scales. We chose a butterfly pattern with its intersection as close as practical to the IMET mooring 1993;Eldin et al., 1994]. The three Wecomasurveycruiseswithin the COARE and nearly stationary R/V Moana Wave at the cenIOP were conducted under quite different weather re- ter of the IFA. The long sectionsof the butterfly were of ENSO in late 1991 and early 1992, easterlyduring the relaxation from ENSO between March and September gimes[Wellerand Anderson,1996]. Justpriorto our oriented in the zonal and meridional directions, parallel and transverse to the predominantly zonal equatorial currents, and connecting diagonal sectionswere in surveys,there had been a prolongedburst of moderate westerlies in late October and early November. During our first surveyperiod, winds were generallyweak with net surface heating and little rainfall; these generally calm conditionswere interruptedonly by a brief the northeastand southwestquadrants(Figure1). Al- burst of moderate westerlies on November 24-25. ional (N2S) line and east alongthe zonal (W2E) sec- Low most all of our sampling was done while underway at 7-8 knots(4 m s-1), travelingsouthalongthe merid- tion. Sampling included standard meteorologicalobwhen there was another burst of moderate westerly servations and underway current profiling, as well as winds that ended a few days before the beginning of upper ocean temperature and salinity measurements. our secondsurveyperiod. A seriesof three strongwest- The length of the orthogonal sectionswas limited to erly wind bursts occurredbetweenDecember20 and •-130 km to allow for completion of the entire pattern January 2, coincidingwith the first half of our second in •1.5 days, with multiple repetitions per week. Since Wecomawas based in Guam, there was a long survey period; these were followedby calm winds and transit at the beginning and end of each cruise, and heavy rain. Between our secondand third surveyperion some of these transits we were able to make a ods,winds were generallyfrom the southeast,i.e., favorlong cross-equatorial Seasoarsectionalong156øE(Figable for equatorial upwelling. Westerly winds resumed ure 2); the remaining time (•-20 days) was spent in on January 27, at the beginning of our third survey the COARE IFA. During each of the three Wecoma period. Moderate westerly winds with frequentstrong cruises, we sampled repeatedly alongthe Standard Butsquallsprevailed from late January through the entire terfly pattern (Figure 1, Table 1)with a towedundumonth of February. lating vehicle, Seasoar, equipped with a conductivityIn this paper we provide a summary of our hydrotemperature-depth (CTD) unit. The Seasoarvehicle, graphicsamplingand an overviewof the spatial strucmanufactured by Chelsea Instruments, resemblesthe ture and temporal variability of the temperature, salinvehicle described by Pollard [1986], but we useda Seaity, and density fields measured along the zonal and Bird CTD with ducted temperature and conductivity meridional sections. As this is the first hydrographic data set obtained from pumped Sea-Bird temperature sensorsrather than a Neil Brown CTD. Seasoartowing and conductivity sensorsin an undulating Seasoarvehi- speedwas7-8 knots(4 m s-l). Minimumandmaxicle, data acquisitionand processingproceduresare also mum sampling depths were usually •3 m and •270 m, summarized briefly in section 2. In section3, we show respectively. The cycling rate was 6-8 undulations per overall time-averagedvertical sectionsalong the merid- hour, yielding a horizontal resolution of •3 km. The ional and zonal lines and discussthe averageproperties Seasoartows had a typical duration of 2-5 days. Deof the principallayers(surfacelayer,thermocline,ther- tails of the Seasoaroperationshave been presentedin a winds and net heating continued until December 10, mostad,salinity maximum). In section4, we compare seriesof data reports[Huyeret al., 1993,1994;O'Malley cruise-averaged sectionsfor eachof the three surveype- et al., 1994]. Sincethis wasthe first fielduseof pumped riods, corresponding to three rather differentweather Sea-Bird sensors in a Seasoar vehicle and conventional regimes.In section5, we examinethe temporalvari- CTD processingproceduresproved not to be fully adability on timescales of daysto weeksby plottingthe equate, sensor configuration and modified processing propertiesof selectedisobars,isotherms, andisopycnals proceduresare summarized here. Seasoar was equipped with dual-ducted Sea-Bird and discussthe behavior of the principal layers. The (SBE) temperature(T) and conductivity(C)sensors structureof the surfacelayer is further discussed in secmounted inside the nose, with intake and outlet ports tion 6, and the mostimportantresultsare summarized in section 7. (•-0.05 m apart) on eachsideof the lowernose.Extra tubing between the intake and the standard SBE duct 2. Observations and Data Processing The objectiveof our surveyswasto measurethe timevarying thermohalinefieldsof the upper oceanat the was •-0.08 m long. Water was pumped through each duct by an SBE submersiblepump. Raw 24-Hz CTD data from Seasoarand unfiltered position and time data from the Global PositioningSystem (GPS) were ac- HUYER ET AL' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE 12,753 quiredandarchived simultaneously. Forin situconduc- concludethat both the amplitude parameter and the tivity calibration,conventional CTD castsweremade time constant of the thermal mass correction are related to flow rate. For the COARE data set, we found before and after each Seasoartow, and salinity sam- plesfrom Wecoma's 5-mintakewerecollected onceper that varying the value of the amplitude constantwas hour. The sampledata werepairedwith near-surface sufficient to remove most of the systematic difference (3.0-5.5m) Seasoar values,andconductivity corrections between successiveascendingand descendingprofiles, were determinedfrom regression of Seasoarconductiv- with no appreciableimprovementfrom usinga variable ity onsampleconductivity, separately for eachtow and time sensor pair. The entire Seasoardata set was therefore reprocessed as follows: by calculatingthe T-C lags for consecutive data segmentsin specifieddepth ranges;usingthe time seriesof lagsto offsetthe 24-Hz conductivitydata relative to the temperature data within each segment;applying the appropriateconductivitycalibrationequations; applyingLueck's[1990]correctionfor the thermal massof the conductivity cell, with the value of the amplitudeparameterrelatedto the T-C offsetfor each data segment;and finally block averagingthe data to 1-Hz values. Since the salinity data from descending profilessometimesexhibitedhigh-frequency noisethat was absent from ascendingprofiles, we use only data from ascendingprofilesfor all three cruises. We estimate the processedSeasoarCTD data to be accurate to -F0.01øCin temperature, -F0.01 psu in salinity, and :El dbar (:El0 kPa) in pressure. LueckandPicklo[1990]haveshownthat salinities calculated from Sea-Bird ducted T-C sensorsare subject to error from two main sources:a finite time lag between the temperatureandconductivity measurements anda finite transfer of heat from the mantle of the conduc- tivity cellto the water flowingthroughit. In a conventional SBE CTD, theseerrorsare reducedby pumping the water throughthe ductedpair at a fixedrate and by applyinga fixedT-C alignmentoffsetanda thermal mass correction with fixed vales for the time constant andamplitudeparameters to the raw 24-Hzdata [SeaBird Electronics,1992].Eventhoughwe usedthe standard SBE duct with high-speedpumps, the flow rate throughthe sensors mountedinsidethe Seasoar vehicle wasapparentlynot constant,presumably because of dynamicpressuregradientswhichvariedwith vehicleattitude and relativecurrents[Huyeret al., 1993].Cross constant. The basic Seasoar data set discussedin this paper consistsof the 1-Hz temperature, salinity, and density data from ascendingSeasoarprofiles. A representative ensembleof vertical profilesfor a singlemeridional correlation between 24-Hz T and C data indicated that the T-C lags (and flow rate) variedsignificantlyand that the data should be realigned accordingly. Mori- sonet al. [1994]havefoundthat flowrate alsoaffects (N2S)sectionfromeachcruiseisshownin Figure3. For someanalyses,the data wereplacedon a fine-resolution the rate of heat transfer from the conductivity cell and 20 November 5 January 5 February 20 Nov 5 Jan 5 Feb 5 .• •c •_. •c ß r 300 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS ,• 2 5øS i , 2 0øS I • 1.5øS 2 5øS 2.0øS 1 5øS 8( 12 16 20 24 28 36 40 44 lOO 15o ...... 200 _ 300 2.5øS . , I 2.0øS , I 1.5øS , I ,I 2 5øS 20 Nov , 20øS I 1 5øS • , 2.5øS I 2.0øS , 5 Jan 5 Feb I 1 5øS 34 35 36 37 38 Figure3. Samples ofSeasoar datafromtheCOARE IFA:(left)vertical distributions (plotted from2-nm,2-dbargridded data)and(right)ensemble profiles (1-Hzdata)of (top)temperature, and(bottom) salinity, foroneN2Slinefromeachcruise. Profile axislabels applytotheNovember 20 data;the January5 profiles areoffsetby 10øCand1.5psu,andthe February5 profiles are offset by 20øC and 3.0 psu. 48 12,754 HUYER ET AL.: THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE Table 2. Times of CompleteMeridional(N2S) Sectionsof the StandardButterfly Pattern W9211A W921 lB 0755 to 1938, Nov. 13a 0627 to 1534, Nov. 15 1652, Nov. 17 to 0118, Nov. 18 2325, Nov. 18 to 0754, Nov. 19 0605 to 1508, Nov. 20 1107 to 2032, Nov. 22 1854, Nov. 23 to 0258, Nov. 24 0435 to 1431, Nov. 25 1242 to 2215, Nov. 26 2102, Nov. 27 to 0645, Nov. 28 2023 Nov. 29 to 0550, Nov. 30 0421 to 1330, Dec. 1 1734, Dec. I to 0229, Dec. 2c 1945, Dec. 0553, Dec. 0346, Dec. 1138, Dec. 1238, Dec. 20 to 22 to 24 to 25 to 27 to W9211C 0516, 21 Dec. 1653, Dec. 22 1323, Dec 24. 2120, Dec. 25 2225, Dec. 27 2209,Dec. 28 to 1721,Dec. 29b 1607, Dec. 30 to 0124, Dec. 31 2358, Dec. 31 to 0922, Jan. 1 1349, Jan. 2 to 2316, Jan. 2 1224, Jan. 3 to 2343, Jan. 3 1336 Jan. 5 to 2311, Jan. 5 2123, Jan. 6 to 0728, Jan. 7 1017, Jan. 8 to 2017, Jan. 8 0917, Jan 27. to 1827, Jan. 27 1930, Jan. 28 to 0430, Jan. 29 0945, Jan. 30 to 1926, Jan. 30 1827, Jan. 31 to 0358, Feb. 1 0320, Feb. 2. to 1221, Feb. 2 0604, Feb. 4 to 1524, Feb. 4 1425, Feb. 5 to 0015, Feb. 6 2200, Feb 7. to 0820, Feb. 8 0803 to 1824, Feb. 9 1819, Feb. 10 to 0452, Feb. 11 0433 to 1456 Feb. 12 0151 to 1139, Feb. 14 Timesaregivenin UT. Almostall sections weresouthward along15ø06'EfromSBN(1ø14'S)to SBS(2ø26'S). aNorthernportion of sectionwas along155ø56•E. bSection wasinterrupted by Seasoar recovery anddeployment. CSection was northward from SBS to SBN. grid by block averaginghorizontally over 2 minutes of latitude or longitude(2 nm) and verticallyovereither 2-dbarpressure bins(e.g.,Figure3) or over0.1 kg m-3 incrementsof the densityanomaly(at). Althoughdata tend to be relatively sparsenear the surface,at depths >230 m, and at the extreme ends of each line, almost all 2-dbar grid points above 250 dbar were sampledin > 75% of the sections. GPS receiverswere used to determineship's heading and to correct for gyro heading errors. The nominal depth range is 20-300 m. Vertical resolutionwas nominally 8 m, from data from 8-m bins with 16-m pulse length (W9211A) or 8-m pulselength (W9211B,C). The processedvelocity data are accurateto better than 0.02m s-• on horizontalscalesgreaterthan 10 km. The overall Seasoar data set from the three cruisesincludesa total of 38 complete 3. Spatial Structure of Time-Averaged sectionsalongthe meridional(N2S)line (Table2) and Fields 33 completesectionsalongthe zonal (W2E) line (Table 3). Each sectionwas usuallycompletedin about 9 Althoughour sectionsareshort(,,•130km) compared hours. to the equatorialradiusof deformation(,,•200km), sigUpper oceancurrentsweremeasuredalongthe ship's nificant horizontal structure is discernible in the time- track [Lukaset al., 1995a]with a 150-kHzRD Instru- averagedthermohaline fields. Time averagesand temmentsacousticDopplercurrentprofiler(ADCP). Dual poral standard deviationsfor the entire three-cruisepe- Table 3. Timesof Complete andNearlyComplete Zonal(W2E)Sections oftheStandard ButterlyPattern W9211A W921 lB 0814 to 1808, Nov. 14 0329 to 1038, Nov. 17• 0723 to 1647, Nov. 18 1422 to 2310, Nov. 19 0242 to 1206, Nov. 23 0925 to 1755, Nov. 24 2120, Nov. 25 to 0525, Nov. 26 0505 to 1353, Nov. 27 2019, Dec. 19 to 0227, Dec. 20• 1217 to 2048, Dec. 21 0000 to 0827, Dec. 23 2026, Dec. 24 to 0455, Dec. 25 2017, Dec. 26 to 0526, Dec. 27 0532 to 1450, Dec. 28 0018 to 0846, Dec. 30 0826 to 1715, Dec. 31 1602, Jan. 1 to 0007, Jan. 2 2230, Jan. 4 to 0639, Jan. 5 0603 to 1443, Jan. 6 1354 to 2234, Jan. 7 0250 to 1139, Jan. 9 1330,Nov. 28 to 1323,Nov. 29b 1225 to 2123, Nov. 30 W9211C 0143 to 1207, Jan. 28 1646, Jan. 29 to 0225, Jan. 0238 to 1112, Jan. 31 1124 to 2015, Feb. 1 1410 to 2304, Feb. 3 2230, Feb. 4 to 0719, Feb. 0747 to 1641, Feb. 6 1524, Feb. 8 to 0114, Feb. 0200 to 1128, Feb. 10 1207 to 2135, Feb. 11 0845 to 1856, Feb. 13 1833, Feb. 14 to 0456, Feb. 30 5 9 15 Timesaregivenin UT. All sections wereeasthward along1ø50'S fromSBW(155ø30'E) to SBE(156ø42'E). •Partial section only, completed with CTD stations. •Section wasinterrupted bySeasoar recovery anddeployment. HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE 12,755 riod (November13, 1992to February15, 1993) were (•34.5 psu), nearlyisothermal,and weaklystratifiedin calculatedfrom both the 2-dbar pressure-griddeddata salinity[Lukasand Lindstrom,1991];the surfacesalinand the 0.1 kg m-a density-gridded data. Averages ity was slightly lower than normal and about the same of pressure-gridded data (i.e., alongisobars)are more as observed after strong westerly winds in early 1986 appropriate for comparison with data from moored in[Eldin et al., 1994]. The very steepthermocline,with strumentsand for studying layerswith very weak strat- temperaturedecreasing •15øC in 200 m [Tooleet al., ification. Averagesof density-gridded data (i.e., along 1988],containsthe broadsubsurface salinitymaximum isopycnals)are more appropriatefor studyingwater [Richardsand Pollard, 1991];Eldin et al. [1994]note mass characteristics. As might be expected from the closeproximity to the equator, these fields showasymmetry in the meridional plane and lateral homogeneity in the zonal plane. Vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, and density anomaly at the four cornersof our sampling pattern Figure 4 show the characteristic structure of the western equatorial Pacific. The surface layer is rather that the upper thermocline in this period was 10-40 m shallower than climatology, consistent with the ongo- ing E1 Nifio conditions.The deepthermostad(250 to 300 m) is about 1øC colderthan suggestedby its historical name (Thirteen DegreeWater [e.g., Tsuchiya, 1981]), which is more appropriatein the easternPacific. Statistics of the pressure-griddedtemperature, salinity,and density(Figure 4) showmaximumvarithick (>30 m), very warm (>28øC), relativelyfresh ability at depths with the strongestvertical gradients Average Std Dev Average 50 Std Dev 22 100 '7• 23 15o T SBS 200 T •o•25 250 26 300 , 27 0 ,,,3 21 50 22 100 'vf•23 150 S 200 250 • S •24 o•25 26 300 ............... 34 0 27 34.5 , i , I 35 , I 35.5 , I , 0 0.2 0.4 ............... 34 I , 21 50 34.5 35 35.5 0 ,,,,I,,,,I,,,,I,,1,1,,,,I,,,, I 0.2 0.4 I I 10 20 22 SBS SBN 150 ot 200 • •24 E •25 250 26 300 27 ß 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 0 0.4 0.8 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 Figure 4. Profilesof the averageand standarddeviationof (top) temperature,(middle) salinity,and (bottom)sigma-tnearthe four corners:SBN (heavyline), SBS (thin line), SBW, (thin dottedline), and SBE (heavydottedline). Statisticswerecalculated fromboththe (left) pressure-gridded data and (right) density-gridded data. 12,756 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHAI,INE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE and the standard deviation of isopycnal displacement is depth, and differencesbetween the northern and southern cornersare small at most depths. The surfacelayer has virtually the sametemperature at all four locations: 10-15 m throughmostof the water column(Figure4). The isopycnal standard deviations of temperature and salinity are very small (<0.2øC, •-0.05 psu), exceptin differences amongprofiles(<0.15øC) are lessthan the the coreof the salinitymaximum(23.5to 26.3 crt)and standard deviation at each location. Surfacesalinity is 0.05psuhigherin the south(at SBS)and0.05psulower at the top of the surfacelayer (ort <21.5). The average profiles for the four cornersare remark- in the north(at SBN) than at eitherthe western(SBW) ably similar (Figure 4): the profilesfrom the western or eastern(SBE) corners;this latitudinal salinitygraand eastern cornersdo not differ significantlyat any dient might be expected from the usual position of the AverageT (øC) AverageS (psu) Average Sigma-t 29.2 - .-- 21.35 - .... --'.,'29.1 -..,-- ,' ..... I I -;I,, - "" ' '-2•.,½5 .... :: .... 5O ' ' ',--21.4- •'••-21.5 _ _ - -- •27.• .-----.--.•26.• lOO -•22.0• __••55.-1 • - -•------- 23.0 • - •24..0 ••' 1•o - '"'-'"'"'•"• -• 2OO -• 19. • - •25.5• 17. • -_•13.• 25.0'"--'-•- •::::::***:•:,:..:.•72 i 55.1• ""'--- ::1'*::½? - -• •-'-'""----26.0 • -- -_ - •55.0• 250 _ -- _ _ '• 54.9-••• _ _ _ _ _ _ , 5OO 2.5øS I , I 2.0øS T , 1.5øS 2.•øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5øS I , 2.0øS I I 1.5øS 21.4O _ _ _ .... _.........%•.•,5 .....,-',,_,•:,,,,,, _ _ 5O ......... - -----'-----•21.5'•-----•-•_• 28.9 .... ' ............... _ -'-'---"--• lOO 28. • - -•27.• - -•26.• - ----------• 24-. • .0----- - - ---•23. 150 • _ _ - f•::•il:: i•i ;:/; :•::::• '•-'•:':'::•::•:•.: ' .......................... .... • --• - 23.0 • - •----23.5 • - ,,__ --_. • 24.5 • - i i -.----------- 25.0 • _ -•25.5 - -'- _ 200 • 17.•• 16.• - - •26.0• .............. •*;•**•**•**•?;:*;:• ............ ===================== *:**•:::' ........................ • • 55.O• •54.9• 250 --"-'% _ 26.5 • _ I 500 155.5øE , I 156.0'E , I 156.5øE , , 155.5'E I 156.0'E , I 156.5'E 155.5øE 156. O"E 156.5øE Figure 5. Distributionof time-averaged (left) temperature,(middle)salinity,and(right)sigma-t in the upper300 m along(top) N2S and (bottom)W2E. Theseaverages werecalculatedfromthe 2-dbar pressure-gridded values.Extra (dashed)contoursshowthe structurein the low-gradient near-surface layer. _ _ -'-----•- - -•18.• -- - -- -•19.• -- -•24.0-- _ -•22.• _ -•22.0--•22.5• ---'--'-• - - - - HUYER ET AL' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE 12,757 Intertropical Convergence Zone north of the equator, 24øC isotherms slope up toward the equator, and the though surface salinities on the equator are sometimes 12ø to 13øC isothermsslope down toward the equator, raisedby equatorialupwelling[Tooleet al., 1988].Wa- while the 15ø to 17øC isotherms are very nearly level. ters in the upper thermocline are warmer and lighter Isopycnals generallyparallelthe isotherms(Figure5). at SBS than at SBN, while waters in the lower thermo- Through geostrophyand the thermal wind relation, the cline are colder and denser at SBS than at SBN; these average temperature and density sectionssuggestthat gradients are consistentwith geostrophicshear above the core of the EUC was near the 16øC isotherm, at a and below the core of the EUC. The salinity maximum depth of about 200 m; this is consistentwith the average is moreintense(by 0.2 psu) and muchlessvariableat distribution of currents measured by the ship's acous- SBSthan SBN. The deepthermostad(250to 300 m) is tic Doppler current profiler (Figure 7), which shows cooler(by 0.6øC) and slightlyfresher(by 0.03 psu) in strongest eastwardflow (•0.35 m s-1) at a depthof --175 m at the north end of our section. the souththan in the north (Figure4). Verticalsections(Figures5 and 6) showthat meridThe subsurface salinitymaximum(S •35.3 psu) lies ional variations are generally monotonic with latitude, though the sign changeswith depth. Zonal gradientsare comparatively weak and generally insignificant. Within the upper 60 m, the average salinity decreasesnorthward toward the equator, and the top of the halocline within the layer of upwardslopingisothermsand isopycnalsat depthsbetween120 and 200 m (Figures5 and 6). Becauseof the verticalexcursionof isopycnals, this feature appears to be lessintense and thicker when sections are averagedon isobars(Figure 5) rather than (at --34.3 psu) slopesdowntowardthe north. Within isopycnals(Figure 6). The isopycnalaveraging(Figthis surface layer, the average temperature has very ure 6) showsthe 35.5 psuisohalineextendsthroughour weakstratification (<0.01øCm-1) and no systematiczonal section, to as far north as 1.5øS. The intensity of meridional gradient. Within the thermocline, the 19øto the maximum decreases,while its variability increases AverageT (øC) AverageS(psu) Std Dev of Salinity soL lOO 150 200 I 250 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 50 • '-------lOO • 28. -•----•--.--.----.--"• 27. • 26. •'••. ' •--•- •,--,..,-•,-25.• 24. -- I ' I ' ttl--o ..,' -.-'" I ' -.4._.,.' 4 I.-o,•.,,.,---.,,..-..• 0.05 ------.-.-'-'•'--i -. ..... - _ . -.--.•--•150 ] 200 22. • ::i::i::i:;i!::i::i i::i::iii::iiiiii:i,•:::::::i:i:i:::i:i:i:!:i:•:iiii:2!!!ii..i::i::i:•::i!::!::• iiii::i::i;iii!i!iii:i:•:• ........... ::::::::::::::::::::::: '-------• -•17.• - 18. • ---- 16.• _ 250 I 155.5•E , I 156.0øE , I 156.5øE , 155.5øE '----tf,:. I 156.0øE , I 156.5øE , 155.5øE 156.0øE 156.5øE Figure 6. Distributionof time-averaged temperatureandsalinitywithinthe thermocline, along (top) N2S and (bottom)W2E; the standarddeviationof salinityalongboth linesis alsoshown. Thesestatistics werecalulatedfromthe 0.1 kg in-1 density-gridded data andplottedversusthe time-averaged pressureof each bin. 12,758 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE Average U (cm/s) Average V (cm/s) 10 5O _ lOO i!i::•!!' -'••'••'"•::..• '"-"--•'- ".:*::•;::iiiiill I •lo • 150 _ _ _ 200 _ •o• 250 300 I 2.5 2.0 S i S i i i i 1.5 i 2.5 S S 2.0 S 1.5 S Figure 7. Distributionof the averagezonal(U) and meridional(V) currentalongN2S, from ADCP on Wecoma. Shaded areas indicate westward or southward flow. of the towardthe north (Figure6); the regionsof maximum reflectedin the upperocean,temporalaverages variability coincide roughly withregions ofhighvertical thermohalinefieldswere calculatedseparatelyfor each data and the shearaboveand belowthe coreof the EUC (Figures6 cruise,usingboth the pressure-gridded density-gridded data. Results (Figures 8, 9, and10) and7). Thesalinitymaximum andtheEUCcorelieat aboutthe samedepth,but watercarriedby the EUC are shown for the meridional sectiononly, since cruise- [Tsuchiya et al., 1989]. section. properties at all locations onthe zonalsection is less saline than water farther south becauseof up- averaged are similar to those near the midpoint of the meridional stream dilution with low-salinityNorth Pacificwaters Cruise-to-cruisedifferencesin surfacelayer properties (Figures 8 and9) areconsistent withdifferences in the 4. Cruise-Averaged Sections meanwindsandsurfacefluxes(Table4). Althoughthe The verydifferentlocalforcingregimes correspond-surfacelayerwasverywarm(>28.5øC)in all threesur- it wasdistinctly cooler(by-•0.3•C)during ingto thethreesurvey periods canbecharacterized by veyperiods, theiraverage windstress,surfaceheatfluxandprecipi- December20 to January9 (Figure 9), the surveype- tationvalues (Table4): calmwinds,lowrainfallandnet riod with strongestwesterlywinds and net heat loss stratification in heatingduringthe firstsurveyperiod;strongwesterly (Table4). The averagetemperature the upper 50 m was relatively strong (•0.04•C m -1) winds,highrainfall,andnetcooling duringthesecond; 13to December 2 (Figures 8 and9), and ]noderatenorthwesterlywinds, moderaterainfall, duringNovember surface and n9 net heatingor coolingduringthe third. To see the surveyperiodwith calmwindsandstrongest whether these cruise-to-cruise weather differenceswere heating (Table 4);it wasnearly absent (<0.01oC m-1) Table 4. AverageandStandardDeviationof Daily AveragedWind Stress(PositiveEastwardor Northward), Precipitation,and SurfaceHeat Flux (PositiveUpward),for EachSurveyPeriod < r• >, Pa Nov. 13 to Dec. 2 Dec. 20 to Jan. 10 Jan. 27 to Feb. 15 0.006 0.045 0.034 < % >, Pa 0.001 -0.035 -0.027 r}, r}, < P >, mm mm 0.015 0.048 0.022 0.015 0.032 0.013 1.9 12.3 4.5 3.6 17.6 7.8 Pa Pa P, < Qr >, W m -2 W m -2 -66.3 14.6 -1.3 64.4 77.8 55.9 Wind stressdata (providedby R. Weller)are fromthe WoodsHoleOceanographic Institutionbuoyat 1ø45'S, 156ø00'E.Rainfall and surfaceheat flux estimates(providedby C. A. Paulson)wereobtainedfrom measurements aboard Wecoma and do not include the heat flux by rainfall. HUYER ET AL' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE ,•j,l•,,,I,,•lf•,,I,,,,l•,l,,,,I,''' 12,759 21 22 50 23 _ 100 SBN // - 150 ._ E•24 200 25 250 26 3OO f• •••r''l 10 15 20 .... I .... 25 30 35 40 Average Temperature 27 I .... 45 34 50 34.5 35 35.5 i 0[IL•'I.... I,],,i.... I,,,,1•]•[I .... I.... 21 SBS 50 36 36.5 37 37.5 Average Salinity • i J i i . ß ß . . i i i J i . 22 SBI• 100 23 150 m24 200 25 250 26 300 lW9211A B•......... , ,C/IJ.... j i , , , i ,' ,'" J• 27 , W92•11B 0.2 0 W9211C i i i j l 0.2 Std Dev of Salinity Average Salinity Figure8. Vertical profiles ofthecruise-averaged temperature andsalinity nearSBN(thick lines) andSBS(thinlines). Scales refertoprofiles forW9211A; profiles areoffset by10øC or1.0 psuforW9211B andby20øC or2.0psuforW9211C. Profiles werecalculated fromboth(left) pressure-gridded dataand(right)density-gridded data. scaleof thisavduringDecember 20 to January9, the surveyperiod the third (Figure11). The meridional spreading is of O(100km);thedepthof with strongwesterlywindsandnet surfacecooling.In erageisotherm in themeridional temperature gradient all threesurveyperiods, thesurface layerwasveryfresh thesignreversal shoaledfrom -•220 to -•160 dbar and warmed from -•14 (<34.3psu)compared to the underlying thermocline andtheirscaleare waters,andnear-surface salinities decreased towardthe to -•20øC(Figure8). Thesechanges with the shoaling of the coreof the northendof the line (Figures8 and9); bothareconsis- roughlyconsistent tent with the absenceof equatorialupwelling.The near- EUC from -•190 to -•150 m (Figure10). The average surfacesalinitystratificationwasstrongerduringthe zonalvelocityat the coreof the EUC alsointensified, at thenorthern endofourN2Sline,where second surveyperiod(Figure9) whenrainfallwashigh particularly fromabout0.25ms-• during thefirstsurvey (Table4). Thezonalcomponent ofthenear-surface cur- it changed rentswaseastwardduringall threecruises(Figure10) periodto >0.5 m s-• duringthethird(Figure10). andwasespecially strong(>0.3m s-•) duringthesec- The structureand intensityof the subsurfacesalinalsochanged significantly (Figures 8 and ondsurveyperiod,whenaneastward Yoshida jet devel- ity maximum thesalinitymaximum was opedin response to thelocalwesterly winds[Lukaset 11). Duringall threecruises, al., 1995a]. The thermocline remained at about the same depth mostintenseat SBS,the southernend of the N2S line. The depthof maximum salinityat SBSshoaled slightly W9211A to about145dbardur(70to 230dbar)during thethreesurvey periods (Fig- (from170dbarduring ures8 and Figure11), exceptthat the 13øCisotherm ingW9211C,Figure8) andlay withinthe layerof up(OT/Oy < 0), just abovethe at the bottom of the thermocline at SBS was -•10 wardslopingisotherms dbar shallowerduringthe third period(Figures8 and coreof the EUC duringall three surveyperiods.Dursurvey,whenthe EUC wasapparently 11). The equatorward spreading of isotherms within ingthe second the thermoclineshoaledsignificantlybetweenNovem- centeredat about1.5ø S (Figure10), the structureof corewasmorecomplex, andthe maxber andJanuary:the horizontalisothermchanged from the high-salinity 15øCat 220 m duringthe first surveyperiodto 17øC imumsalinityat SBN waslower(Figures8 and 11). at 190m duringthe secondand20øCat 160m during Duringthe third surveyperiod,the EUC corelay far- 12,760 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE 10 20 • 40 EL SO 60 70 8O 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5os 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 10 20 • 40 n 5o 60 70 80 2.5øS 1.5 Nov to 2 Dec 20 Dec to 9 Jan 27 Jan to 15 Feb Figure 9. Distributions of thecruise-averaged near-surface (top)temperature and(bottom) salinityalongthe N2Sline,calculated fromthe 2-dbarpressure-gridded values.Contourintervals are 0.1øC and 0.05 psu; areaswith temperaturesof 29.0ø- 29.4øCor salinitiesof 34.25-34.30 are shaded. ther north (Figure 10), and the intensesalinitymaxi- isothermsas well as in depth. Variationsin the depth mum layer extended along the entire length of the N2S of the thermoclineand in the strengthand depth of section(Figure 11). the EUC have previouslybeen observedin this region The most surprisingresult of comparingthesecruise- [McPhaden et al., 1990,1992;McPhaden, 1993]and averagedsectionsis that the coreof EUC (represented can be explainedin terms of a propagatedresponse by spreadingisothermsand isopycnals) migratesacross to remote forcing and large-scalepressuregradients HUYER ET AL.: THERMOHALINE 50 FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE 12,761 - 100 _ 150 - 200 250 300 2.5 2.5 øS 2.0 oS øS 1.5 •S 2.5 øS 2.0 øS 1.5 øS o 50 100 150 200 250 300 I I 2.5 øS I I I 2.0 øS 13 Nov I i I 1.5 øS to 02 Dec i I 2.5 øS 2.0 øS 1.5 øS 19 Dec to 10 Jan 2.5 øS 2.0 øS 1.5 øS 27 Jan to 14 Feb Figure 10. Distributionsof the average(top) zonaland (bottom)meridionalcomponents of ADCP velocityalongthe N2S line, calculatedseparatelyfor eachcruise.Areasof negativevalues (westwardor southward flow)are shaded. [McPhaden et al., 1990;KesslerandMcPhaden, 1995]. riod, our data can be usedto study local-variationson We know of no dynamical modelsthat include a mech- timescalesof 2-20 days,aswell asthe spatialdifferences between cruises. Data from the moored array and staanism for the EUC to migrate acrossisotherms. tionary shipsare moresuitablefor time seriesanalysis, but theseplatformsprovidevery limited spatial infor5. Temporal Variability mation. Resultsfrom the moorings[Weller and AnA central purposeof the Wecomasurveyswasto mea- derson,1996; Eriksen et al., 1995a,b; Kutsuwadaand surethe temporalvariabilityof the zonalandmeridional Inaba,1995]andstationaryships[Smythet al., 1996a, and Gregg,1996]showthereis significant structure on scales of 5-100 km during the COARE b; Wijesekera (daysto weeks) IOP. Since each occupationof the butterfly sampling variabilityon boththe longtimescales pattern lasted about 32 hours, and the averagere- that can be resolvedby the Wecomasamplingand on peat time was <2 dayswithin each•020-daysurveype- shortertimescales(<1.5 days)that werenot resolved 12,7t52 HUYERET AL- THERMOHALINE FIELDSNEAR2øS,!56øE 150 200 250 2.5øS 2.0øS 13 1.5øS Nov to 2 Dec 2.5øS 2.0øS 20 1.5øS Dec to 9 Jan 2.5øS 2.0øS 1.5øS 27 Jan to 15 Feb Figure11. Distributions ofcruise-averaged (top)temperature and(bottom) salinity along the N2Sline,calculated fromthe2-dbar pressure-gridded values (fortemperature) andthe0.1kg m-3 density-gridded values (forsalinity). in our sampling.Much of the high-frequency variabil- showed evidence of surfaceheatingor freshening, especiallywhenwindswereveryweak(e.g.,November 22, cyclingin the near-surface layers[MournandCaldwell, January 8) or following highrainfall(e.g.,January 8). ity is due to semidiurnal internal waves and to diurnal 1994];theseandotherhigh-frequency signals mightap- Rainfallthat occurred duringstrongwinds(e.g.,De- pear as noise in our data. In this presentationof the temporal variability of the upper oceanin the COARE cember20-25) causedslightfreshening throughout the upperlayer,to depths>40 m (Figure12, Plate2). IFA, weincludesampling time asan independent variThermalstratification of the near-surface layer(Figableand usea varietyof techniques to reducethe noise ure 12, Plate 1) wasgenerallystrongduringW9211A from high-frequencysignals;theseare describedin the (November 1992),whenweakwindswereprevalent. appropriate subsections. Salinitystratification ofthenear-surface layerwasgenerally weak, under both weak and strong winds; strong 5.1. The Near-Surface Layer salinitystratificationin the upper 10 m wasobserved Water abovethe main pycnocline wasusuallywell ononlya fewoccasions (notablyJanuary 3-8) immedimixed or very weakly stratified(Figure 12, Plates 1 atelyfollowing veryheavy rainfall(Figure 12,Plate2). and 2) exceptin the upper 5-10 m, whichsometimes The near-surface layerwaswell-mixed duringportions HUYERET AL.' THERMOHALINEFIELDSNEAR2øS,156øE DEC NOV 15 0.16 20 25 JAN JAN 20 25 30 I I I I I I I I I I II III 50 12,763 FEB 30 5 10 I I I I I I I I I I 5 10 15 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0.08 0.00 '.1 -0.08 40.00 20.00 0.00 100. x i -lOO. 20 25 20 30 JAN JAN DEC NOV 15 50 25 FEB 30 10 5 5 10 15 2O •:: • 60 8O ß lOO I I I IIIIII i IIII i , ,, IIIII ' i ''• • ,,'.• • IIIII I II II III IIII IIIII I I IIIII II III I IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII III !'•!!B',iii',!',:!:"!'i ........ •::•::::::4ii•i:: ::iii•iiiiii::i:,i'•,•:.::,,::,•,,::.• ...... •........... •...::•:•:•:•::::::s•.•::• •'""'•• ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::•:: •::• :•..... ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......... ............................. :i............................. e .......,•. • :::::::::•:::: ..... i..... '"':'::: ...... ......... ....................... •.?] .•:: ß....... :.......... :•:::::( ...... •:..•. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....... ;•::•::•:::: •::::• .... '?::•:: • , ,' lOO I 317 322 327 332 337354 359 364 369 374 ,,,%,,, 593 398 403 408 413 W9211A W921lB W9211C Figure12. Time-depth distributions of upperlayertemperature (middle panel)andsalinity (bottom panel)at 1ø50;S, 156ø06;E; vertical ticsbetween panels indicate thetimeof Seasoar profiles at thislocation.Dailyaveraged windstress components (newtons persquare meter, measured onIMET buoy),rainfall(millimeters perday,measured on Wecoma) andsurface heat flux(wattspersquare meter,calculated fromobservations on liVecoma) areshown in thetop panel.Contour intervals are0.1øCat T >28øC,IøCat T <28øC,0.05psuat $ <34.5,and0.1 psu for $ >34.5. of W9211B(lateDecember) andW9211C(earlyFebru- nal and tidal variations(Figure12, PlatesI and 2). ary)whenstrongor moderate westerly windsprevailed. We therefore chosethe 20-dbar surface to examine the Water propertiesat a depthof 20 dbar seemto be time-varyinghorizontalstructureof the near-surface plotsof the 20typicalof the upperlayerand relativelyfreeof diur- layer.Time-latitudeandtime-longitude 12,764 HUYER ET AL.: THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE t ,• 28.5 29 29.5 -1.2 -1.8 a3d ' O/ 4O W9211B 40 o 897 W9211C 400 41•2'4 Plate 1. Time variation of upper layer temperaturealong 156ø06'Eduring the COARE IOP, represented by a subsetof N2S sectionsfrom eachcruise(Table2). Contoursof T (28øC are suppressed. Time axisis labeledin day number,with day 367 corresponding to January1, 1993. The sectionsshown begin on November 13, 17, 22, and 26; on December 1, 20, 25 and 30; on January 3, 8 and 28; and on February 2, 5, 9 and 14. HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE • 33.75 34 " 40 12,765 34.25 34.5 I .•, 80 •J 318 ' -1.2 322 W9211A 40 80 W9211 B a6o a•s o 40 u'•' . •. ,• -1.8 • ' ß 397 W9211C 4 400 .,•'•o3 ..../ ",," ,' • 406 •''•, _,•,.•'•'::' 8 -2.4 Plate 2. Time variationof upperlayersalinityalong156ø06'Eduringthe COARE IOP, repre- sentedby a subsetof N2Ssections fromeachcruise.Contours of S >34.5 psuaresuppressed. Time axisis labeledin day number,with day 367 corresponding to January1, 1993. The sections shownbeginon November 13, 17,.22,and26; on December 1, 20, 25, and 30; on January3, 8 and 28; and on February2, 5, 9 and 14. 12,766 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE m temperatureand salinity (Figure 13) showa general welling driven by the strongwesterlywinds. The frontal warmingand increasein patchiness(at scalesof --10- migration rate (--0.3m s-1) is consistent withtheEk30 km) duringthe first cruisewhen windswereweak, mantransport estimate(Tx/f = 1.5x 104 kgm-1 S-1, and show general cooling and homogenizationduring where Tx is the zonal wind stress and f is the Coriolis the strongwesterly winds of the secondcruise;the mod- parameter),assumingthe transportis distributedover erate winds of the third cruise similarly reduce patchi- the top 60 m. Such a rapid downwellingresponseis also ness. These trends are more obvious in the time series consistentwith the rapid formation of the Yoshida jet of the spatial averagesand standarddeviations(Fig- by eastwardacceleration of equatorialcurrents[Eldinet ure 14); the meridionaland zonalaverages are indistin- al., 1994].This migratingfront seemsto be associated with large residual cooling in a one-dimensionalheat guishable,and they are subject to the sametrends. In general,the large-scale(50-100 km) temperature budgetof surfacelayersat the centerof the IFA [Smyth gradients were weak in both zonal and meridional di- et al., 1996b]. A secondexception to the generally weak temperarections(Figure 13a), but there weresomenotableexceptions. During December 24-27, while winds were ture gradientswas observedin early January,soonafter strongandwesterly,a temperaturefront (28.5øto29øC) the endof the strongwesterlywind burst(Figure13a). migrated 100 km northward. This temperature change A small local temperatureminimum (T <28.5øC, dioccurredsimultaneouslyalong the entire W2E line, sug- ameter--40 km) migrated'50 km northwardalongthe gestingthat a zonal front moved northward as a result of equatorward Ekman transport and equatorial down- a) NOV 15 0.16 >.. (o 0.08 • 0.00 -0.08 20 southern half of the N2S line during January 5-8 and crossedthe W2E line on January 9. This local tern- DEC 25 30 20 JAN 25 30 5 JAN 10 FEB 30 5 10 15 1,,,,,,,,,I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • .,.,............ ,. .. •__ NOV 15 2O ;".., ß ........ ....... .... :.'":' DEC 25 50 20 30 5 FEB •0 10 5 10 15 403 408 415 1.3øS 1.5øS 1.7øS 1.9øS 2.1 øS 2.3øS 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 2.5øS 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,'1,1,1,1,1,] ,I,1,1•1•1•1•1•1 156.7øE 156.5øE 156.3øE 156.1øE 155.9øE 156.7øE 155.5øE 517 322 327 332 537 354 359 364 369 374 593 398 Figure 13. Latitude-time and longitude-timedistributionsof propertiesof the near-surface layer with timeseriesof dailywindstress:(a) temperature at 20 dbar;(b) salinityat 20 •ibar.Plots weremadefrom individual1-Hz ascending profiles(indicatedby dots),interpolatedverticallyto 20 dbar. 120. -120. JAN JAN 25 240. 0. HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE b) NOV 15 20 FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE DEC 25 50 20 JAN 25 50 5 I I I I I.,I 12,767 JAN lO I I I I I I I FEB 50 5 lO 15 •Z 0.16 >- 0.08 24- ";'• •......- •' o.oo • o ' -0.08 NOV 15 20 DEC 25 30 20 JAN 25 30 5 -24- JAN 10 FEB 30 5 10 15 1.3øS 1.5øS 1.7øS 1.9øS 2.1 øS 2.3os 1,1,1,1,1,1,1•1,1,1,1,'1,1,1,1,1,• 2.5øS ]1 156.7øE ,I,1,1•1,1,1,1,1 i iU.,IJ i i i 1,1, i i œi ,Li I i ki I i I i .I i iJ'..,•J,,.t,..l i i i i i L.'.J i ili 11 "iF"'" ....... '" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'Dii: i::•::::::!•::::i::i:'.!:•illiii:i;•i• :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'i•;',•:,•½:•'"•::'::::':::". ..."•• "::, '"":'"'" 156.5"E 156.3øE 156.1øE 155.9øE 156.7øE 155.5øE 517 522 527 552 337 354 35g 364- 36g 374 595 598 405 408 415 Figure 13. (continued) perature minimum was connected to the bottom of the ciated with westerly winds which induce equatorward mixedlayer,ratherthan to the seasurface(Figure12); Ekman transport. it could result from local upwelling or perhaps from mixing by high-velocity shear at the base of the mixed layer. Velocity data from a stationary ship adjacent to There was little or no correlation between the time- space fields of near-surfacetemperature and salinity (Figures13a and 13b). For example,the two mesoscale the IMET mooring[Smythet al., 1996a,b]andfromthe features that were so obvious in the temperature field IMET and ADCP moorings[Plueddemann and Weller, (i.e., the migratingfront seenDecember24-27 and the 1994; Kaneko et al., 1993] indicatethis cold feature cold spot seenJanuary5-10) had no signaturein the was on the southernflank of the decayingeastwardjet salinity field. Hence, each of the mesoscalefeatures seen [LukasandHacker,1995].Likethe migratingfront,this in either temperature or salinity is also reflected in the mesoscalefeature seemsto result in a strong cooling density. episodeat the centerof the IFA [Smythet al., 1996b]. 5.2. The Thermocline The near-surface salinityfield (Figure 13b) was less patchy than temperature(Figure 13a), and it had a The near-equatorialthermocline is complex, and its persistentlarge-scale(50-100 km) meridionalgradient, differentaspects(e.g., depth, thickness)can vary inwith lower valuesfarther north. A rather sharp salin- dependently. In this sectionwe describevariations in ity front (at --34.2 psu) migratednorth-northeastward isothermdepth, thermoclinethickness,strength of the during November 13-15 and east-southeastwarddur- vertical gradients,isothermspreading,and temperatureing November 25-30. Northward propagating isoha- salinity characteristics. lines were also observedduring December 20-25 and In the COARE IFA, the main thermocline coincides February 4-10. Northward migration seemsto asso- with a strongpycnocline(Figure 4), and this pycno- 12,768 HUYERET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDSNEAR2øS,156øE NOV DEC 10 15 20 25 30 0.16 - 5 JAN 10 15 20 25 30 5 FEB 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I . >- 0.12 • 0.08 • >• 0.04 o.oo • -0.04 -0.08 - -0.12 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• x 29.5 >. 0.4 '•"e•,•e o ©© I-- ** © , o, eAo A OAee ß A'eA AO AeAeA AOAeAeAeAeA eOAAA ßO ß AeAeAe ß oAOAo• øA A 27.5 IIII....I....J....]....]....]....]....I....I....III'lIJ....]....]....]....]....I....]....]il• f•lAI ]....]I1II] 0.0 0.6 > 34.1 0.4 34.3 c• o.• • 34.5 0.0 m 21.1 - . - 21.3 _ -•215 ' - 21.7 21.9 ße 22.1 Aee eeee ß e e ß ße AOAoA A AAAAA _ AAAeA AA ø A ß AA A ß A OAAOAo O O "',,,,0,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I,t,^•i,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it,*, •1th,*, •,,, 515 525 535 345 555 o N2S Ave o N2S Std Dev 565 375 585 395 405 415 x W2E Ave , W2E Std Dev Figure14.Timeseries ofthespatial averages andstandard deviations of20-dbar temperature, salinity, anddensity anomaly (sigma-t) along theN2SandW2Elines,withtimeseries ofwind stress components in the top panel. Statistics were calculated from the 2-dbar, 2-nm gridded data. cline(with•t of -• 22-26kg m-s) lay in the depth board observations fromNoroit[Eldinetal.,1994] show they covered a largeareaand werestronger on and Figure15). Temperature variednearlymonotonically northoftheequator. Theresulting equatorial upwelling withdensity, withonlya fewsmallinversions (Figure apparentlycauseduplift of the upperthermoclineasfar 15).The28ø,20øand 14øC isotherms, laynearthetop, southas 2.5øS,i.e., alongthe entireN2S line. After middle,andbottomof thethermocline (Figures 5 and the resumption of moderate westerly windsandequa11) respectively, andcoincide approximately withthe torialdownwelling (onJanuary26),the 28øCisotherm 22.1,25.2,and26.2kgm-a isopycnals (Figure 15);the droppedrapidlyto a depthof about80 m andremained rangeof about80-200 m throughoutthe COARE IOP 23øCisothermlay in the upperthermoclinenear the constant throughtheremainder ofthethirdsurveype24.2kg m-a isopycnal. The depthsof someisothermsriod. variedwith latitudeaswellasin timeFigure16, and Within the main thermoclinethere were subtle and the variousisothermsdo not behavein unison. complex variations in isotherm depth(Figure16).The The 28øCisothermnearthe top of the thermocline verticalcoherence variedfrom one surveyperiodto wasrelativelydeep(>70 m) duringandimmediatelythe nextandwithinsurveyperiods.Forexample, the afterwesterlywinds(Figure16), andit wasshallow- depths ofthe20øand23øCisotherms werein phase durest (-•5 m) afterthe periodof sustained easterlies last- ing November andlate December but out of phasein ing fromJanuary7 to 26. Theseeasterlywindswere mid-February (Figure16).In lateDecember andearly quite weak at the centerof the IFA, but the TOGA- January,temporalchanges in the depthof the 14øC Tropical Atmosphere Ocean(TAO)Atlasmoorings at isotherm seemto mirrorthoseof 23øCisotherm, par2øN,156øE,and 0øN, 157.5øE[McPhaden, 1995;N. ticularlyat the northernendof oursampling pattern $oreide, personal communication, 1994]andtheship- (Figure16). HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE NOV 15 20 FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE DEC 25 50 20 JAN 25 50 12,769 JAN 5 10 FEB 50 5 o,,, •26.0 ' 'l'½l'l'l'llt•lM'l'l'lH'l'l'l'!'!'l'l'l I-M-H-H-'f-'-P-I"I'I'I"I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I'I PH-H'M-H'I'I'I'I'I'I'I ........... /'1111111 - 22 28. --------•-----28. - •27. • _ V-•-----26. 25 ------2B•' 27. -'•-'•---•- ----- - •• --------- -'-----------26.-- -•-------- -•25.-' E 24 '...... . _ V _ 23 15 '"'"'"'"'"" 200 - 10 _ • - -----26.• •25.- _ ' - 24. z__--"--'-'-----24. --'-:--'------•23.--'%• -- 2•_•• •.•__..•_____________ • 3. :'• - • 26 _ . •'•:•_.• , __ , , .................................... 7 322 327 332 337 354 359 364 • : _ ._ ,,,,,•1 369 374 393 398 403 408 4 Figure 15. Time-depthdistributionof (top) densityand (bottom)time-densitydistributionof temperatureat the intersection (1ø50•S,156ø06•E), contoured fromascending 1-Hzdata;sampling times are indicatedby the tics between(top) and (bottom)panels. Contourintervalsare 0.5 kg m-3 and 1øC,with heavycontoursat intervalsof 2 kg m-3 and 5øC. The main thermocline was typically about 140 m no significant tilt in November but sloped down to the thick (Figures 15 and 16), but this thicknessvaried, north in December,January,andFebruary(Figure16). from more than 160 m in November to less than 120 m These slow variations in isothermal tilts seem to be re- in early February. lated to the zonal currents: A surprisingfeature of the time-depth distribution of density (Figure 15) is the growth and disappear- rent (above•28øC and •70 m), the westwardflow at the top of the thermocline(•23-28øC and •70-120 m), andthe eastwardEUC (•13-24øC and•120-250 m) all accelerated duringthe westerlywindburst[Lukaset al., 1995a]. The coreof the EUC lay betweenthe 14øand 23øC isotherms(compareFigures10 and 11), and the ance of weakly stratified layers within the main pycnocline. During much of the first survey period, the verticaldensitygradientOp/Ozhasa rathersmallrange the eastward surface cur- (Op/Oz= 0.02to 0.05kgm-q, or N = 5 to 10cph).A morenearlyuniformlayer(with Op/Oz< 0.02kg m-q, thickness of this layer increased with latitude toward N < 9 cph)occurred at at of 24.0-24.5kg m-• through the equator(Figure 17). Water mass characteristics of the thermocline vary in complexways. Temperature-salinitycharacteristics tend to be simplest at the southernend of our sampling from November 20 to 27 and from December 25 to January 4. Strongly stratified layerswere also ephemeral, pattern, where there was almost no temporal variabiland occurredat the top of the pycnocline(i.e., the bot- ity in water characteristics below the 20øC isotherm tom of the surfacemixedlayer);strongeststratification (Figure 18). Farther north, there is a wide range of T-S characteristicsin the density range of 23.5 to (N >20 cph) occurredduringJanuary5-10 . Latitudinal tilting of isothermswithin the thermo- 25.5kg m-3. Within this range,thereis a generaltenclinevaried with both depth and time. The upper ther- dency for waters to be cooler and fresher farther north mocline(represented by 23øC)slopedup to the north than waters on the same isopycnalfarther south. throughoutthe entireIOP, thoughthe slopevariedfrom 5.3. Salinity Maximum most of November, December20-30 and January 6-10. Anotherweakly stratifiedlayer occurredat 25.0-25.5 at < 2 x 10-4 to > 4 x 10-4 (Figure16). Themidthermo- cline (20øC) alsoslopedup to the north in November, Water mass variations can be seen most clearly in December, and early January but had no significant the structure of the salinity maximum embedded in slopein February. The lowerthermocline(14øC) had the lowerthermocline(Figure 18 and Figure 19). This 12,770 HUYERET AL' THERMOHALINE FIELDSNEAR2øS,156øE NOV DEC 10 15 20 25 30 5 0.16 -! >- 0.12 • 0.08 JAN 10 15 20 25 30 5 FEB 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t :><[0.00 v--•,--,•-, g -0.04 I---0.08 -0.12 IIIIIII - • ,, , , '".,, .- A• ,, ' ""v•• •"'•-." III A '-- .-., ,-_ .-, ,--,"-,.I- t- I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 8O 100 160 0 00 0 140 180 o • • • • o o • • • • 0 0 •x x 00 0 • •, 130• 190 /_• o • •x 0 0 0• 0 0 0 O00 • x xx x •x x 210 (,,D 190 x ..• 210 x x 2,.50 xO u 250 n 270 x x O0 •0 x 0 : 0 x iii I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... illill .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... i i i ii I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... i i ii i i 315 325 335 345 355 365 375 585 395 405 415 oSBN xSBS Figure 16. Time series ofthedepths ofselected isotherms: atthesouthern (crosses) and northern (circles) ends oftheN2Slineandaveraged along theN2Sline(shown aslines plotted I standard error above andbelow themean); timeseries ofaverage isotherm depths along the W2E line are similar. NOV 15 20 DEC 25 30 ' ' 'l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' L , , , , 20 , I, i 25 i ,i i i "•:•:•:•:•:• : •:•:•:•:•:•E::•:•½:" : ' 0 : :; ' " ' '• JAN 30 i 5 't't ...... 1o • JAN , i 30 i , , 5 i I i FEB , i i , 1o i I i i 1.5 ":":• 2.5.S •1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,,I,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, ,I,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 1,1,1,I1,1 , ,I,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,!l,l,l,l,l,i• 317 322 327 332 337 354 359 364 36• 374 393 398 403 408 Figure17.Latitude-time distributions ofthethickness ofthelayer between the23ø0and14ø0 isotherms, smoothed withhalfpower at 5 d•ysand20km. 413 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE W9211A FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE W9211 B 12,771 W9211C 3O 25 -• SBN .(o 20 E : • 30 • /• •J• ........ I,,• ....... I ..... I ......... I ......... 20 I •o•,,•;,......... ,•:• ...../ 30 .... J .......... •' '• ....... 20 ...... ,.. ••• •• - SBS 15 .... ,......... ,......... 34 35 Salinity(psu) 36 34 35 36 34 Salini• (psu) •ia•re zs. T-S aa•a•t•isti•s at (top) t• no• •nd (S•), (middle)• (bottom)t•e so•thernend(S•S) of t•e •2S line,for ea• s•rveyperiod. 35 36 Salini• (psu) midpoint(Z), and 12,772 HUYERET AL.' THERMOHALINEFIELDSNEAR2øS,156øE Nov 15 Nov22 Dec 1-2 I-,-• -I 21 I ' •-__• , ,_• ]._, . '---• _,I '3 • - - 54.8.... ' I ' ][•- --•44•••--'--• - •,.34.4 ------,-----.--- ] I- - ,34.6•: • _ 2.0øS Dec 20 Dec 1.5øS 2.5øS 30 I 2.0øS 1.5øS Jan 21 8 -•34.2 I• 22 34 7 5. 23 • 34._9 ••-•- F: 24 25 26 •.• 27 2.5øS 2.0øS Jan 1.5øS 2.5øS 27 I I 2.0øS 1.5øS 2.5•S Feb 5 21 - , 2.0•S 1.5•S Feb 14 22 •---------•--• 34.6• _ 4.7 23 9 25 26 27 2.5øS 2.0os I 1.5os 2.5os I 2.0os I 1.5os 2.5os I 2.0os 1.5øS Figure19. Salinity distributions along theN2Sline,atthebeginning, middle, andendofthe eachcruise, withdensity ratherthandepthasthevertical axisto remove fluctuations dueto waves. internal 12,773 HUYERET AL.' THERMOHALINEFIELDSNEAR 2øS,156øE broadtongueof high-salinity waterextends northward COARE IOP. A subsetof individualsectionsfrom the middle, andendofeachcruise suggests that across the equator(Figure2) fromthe SouthPacific beginning, scales>50 km Ocean[Tsuchiya et al., 1989;Richards andPollard, the largerstructure(with meridional range>0.5kgm-3) tendsto persist forat 1991], though meanmeridional velocities at thatdepth anddensity have are small(Figures7 and 10). Boththe shapeand least10 daysbut that smalleror thinnerfeatures Forexample, the maintongueofthe the intensityof the high-salinity corevariedduringthe shortertimescales. NOV 15 20 DEC 25 50 20 25 JAN JAN 50 211,1,1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1 I•'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1•1' 5 '•'1 10 ••'"--'---• Z 5 10 15 I'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'q •:: [•34.8 FEB 50 :::: -q,•'•'--.-,---,-'-'-•--- t 3"4.:4" -•-1 • •.:• •'• ....................................................... SBN E 24 .... 26 - 1,1,1,1•1,1,1,1•1•1,1,1,1•1•1,1,1,1,1,1,1 hl,l,l,l•l•l,l,l,l,l•l•l,l,l,l•l•l,l,l,l,l,l,l,I 27 21 ..2_3344.34 22 23 E 24 25 26 I'1'1'1 I I I'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1 I I I I I I I I'1'•1 •-.-..,-1-._• iii i i i i i i i i i i i i iI iI iI iI iI iI iI iI iI iI iI'1iI'1 . /' . 23 SBS E 24 25 26 27 317 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 522 527 552 557554 559 564 569 574 595 598 405 408 415 Figure20.Variability ofthesalinity profile at(top)thenorth end(SBN), (middle) themidpoint (I),and(bottom) southern end(SBS) oftheN2Sline.Density rather thandepth isused asthe vertical axis to removefluctuationsdue to internal waves. 12,774 HUYER ET AL' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE sent at SBS, the southern apex, where salinity almost salinity maximum (with S>35.5 psu, centeredat pt - 25 kg m-a) wasnearlyunchanged fromNovember 13 always decreasedmonotonically away from the maxito 22 and remainedsimilar through December2 (Fig- mum, both aboveand below. At the midpoint(I, at ure 19). Meanwhile,a smallsecondary salinityinversion lø50'S,156ø06'E),the verticalstructurewasbothmore seenat crt= 24.2 kg m-a and2.25øSon November 13 complexand more variable; small secondarysalinity indevelopedinto the intense secondarymaximum at 1.5øS versionsemerged and faded, and the crt range of the on December 1-2; remnants of this or a similar sec- layerwith S >35.5psuvariedfrom< 0.1to > 1 kgm-3 ondarymaximumwereobserved alongc4=24.2 kgm-a (Figure 20). Secondarysalinity inversionswere even on December more common at SBN, the northern apex, and the layer 20. There is substantial eastward flow at this depth (0.2-0.3 m s-1 in November[Lukaset with S >35.5 psuwastransientratherthanpersistent al., 1995a]),and thusthe observed changes may reflect there. At all threelocations,anomalies tendto migrate zonal inhomogeneitiesas well as meridionalvariations. upward through the water column in the crt range of Figure20 shows that a veryhighsalinitylayer(with 25.5to 23 kg m-a (Figure20): suchupwardmigration Smax usually>35.6 and always>35.5) wasalwayspre- is particularlyobviousat SBS and I in early January a) NOV DEC 20 25 JAN 30 5 JAN 10 FEB ,7,0 5 10 15 I I I III I I I I I I I I [ I 1.3øS 1.5øS 1.7øS 25.5 1.9øS 2.1øS 2.3øS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.5øS ,:, 1.3øS 1.5øS 1.7øS 24.5 1.9øS 2.1øS 2.3øS 2.5øS 1.3øS 1.5øS 1.7øS 25.5 1.9øS 2.1øS 2.3øS 2.5øS 317 322 527 352 I,Iil,lll,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,t,l,l•l•l•l•l•l•l 557 554 559 364 369 374 393 398 405 408 413 Figure 21. Variation of T-S propertieson three isopycnalsin the main thermocline(Pt = 23.5, 24.5, 25.5). Contoursare labeledin units of salinity;corresponding valuesof temperatureare givenin Table 5. (a) The latitude-timedistributions for the N2S line along156ø06•E.(b) The longitude-time distributions for the W2E sectionalong1ø50•S. 12,775 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE b) NOV 30 25 20 15 DEC 25 20 30 JAN 5 JAN 30 10 5 FEB 10 15 '1 ':1 ','•!...'.l '1' I'I,.L.I.L' I'.I..'...,....I..I..LI..!..I..'..L,.' .•::; l.•..l I..!..!...Li..!..I...[.I...,... I!I' I"::::':i I::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: 156.7øE 156.5øE : 156.5øE 25.5 156.1øE 155.9øE 155.7øE 155.5øE 156.7øE '1 '.1' I '1 'l'l'l'l'l'l :. : 156.5øE 156.5øE 24.5 156.1øE 155.9øE 155.7øE ........... 155.5øEI. '1 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I11 156.7øE •,,•: ?.'::.• ..•'• ::•::>•:.•:>..:>.:<:.' ......... ::::::::::::::::::::::: 156.5øE •i:•:>.• :: •::...:.M?•:•.: • 156.3øE 25.5 156.1øE 155.9øE 155.7øE I 155.5øE ,317 ,322 ,327 3,32 ,337 ,354 ,359 ,364 ,.369 ,374 595 598 405 408 415 Figure 21. (continued) 21). A thinintrusion ofrelatively freshwater (d•ys368-375) •nd •t I •ndSBNin e•rlyFebruary(Figure centered at •t =25.5(Figure18)wasobserved alongthe northernportionof the N2SlinefromNovember 19to 26, but it did not penetrate as far south as W2E line tempemture-s•linity characteristics onisopycn•ls sp•n(d•ys395-405). Time-l•titude •nd time-longitudedistributionsof 21aand21b). A fairlythickisohaline layer ningthes•linitym•ximum •reshown inFigures 21•nd (Figures centeredat about •t = 24.5 (Figure 18) was present 22;though contours •re l•beled ass•linity, e•chisoh•thisperiodalongmuchof the W2E line line•lsorepresents •n isotherm (T•ble5). Thethree throughout and at the northern end of the N2S line (Figure 21a isopycn•ls shown in Figure21 sp•nmostof thev•rithisrelatively fresh •bilityin T-S characteristics (Figure18);thoseshown and21b). Thefrontseparating isohaline intrusion from adjacent waters was narrow in Figure22 lie nearthecoreof them•ximum (Figure 19). (10-20 km)andsharp (• 2x 10-• psum-l);thisfront In November, thes•linity•t •t - 25.2w•snearlyuni- seemedto be stationaryduringNovember15-19, mi- gratingslowlyeastward duringNovember 20-24,miform(Figures 18•nd22),though thereweresignificant grating rapidly northward (at >0.1 m s -•) beginning l•temlgradients •nd temporal v•ri•bilityboth•bove 29, andpassing the W2E lineonNovember •nd belowthishigh-sMinity core;w•ters•t •t - 23.5 November 30. A much more diffuse but otherwisesimilar front wereMsorelativelyhomogeneous •t •,24øC,35.15psu 12,776 HUYERET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDSNEAR2øS,156øE a) NOV 15 DEC 20 25 30 20 25 ' 1.5øS JAN 30 5 2.''' ':?' ....... i:, .................... .•½:l•.&": : !i JAN 10 3O FEB •o 15 ': ! i :::iii'•i • 24.8 :It 1.3øS 1.5øS 1.7øS 25.0 1.9øS 2.1øS 2.3øS 2.5øS 4 1.3øS I I ! I I I ! I ! I I I I : I•l•-•,t::•J:::•.•J•J•:•J J ..I•4•,I.... ... : I I I 1.5øS 1.7øS 25.2 1.9øS ' ::::::::•i::iiiiiiii]iiiii :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.::•"•':':•:•••• 2.1øS 2.3øS 2.5øS •1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1•1•1•1,1,1,1,1•1 3 7 322 327 332 Figure 22.Variation ofT-Sproperties onisopycnals near thecore ofthesalinity maximum (at - 24.8, 25.0, 25.2).Contours arelabeled inunits ofsalinity; corresponding values oftemperature aregiven inTable 5. (a)Thelatitude-time distributions fortheN2Slinealong 156ø06•E. (b) Thelongitude-time distributions fortheW2Esection along1ø50•S. wasobserved onthe•rt- 24.8and25.0isopycnals (Fig- andmostintenseat this density;aboveandbelowthe ure22) atthelower limitofthisintrusion (Figure 18). coreoftheintrusion, thefrontintersected isopycnals at Northward migration of the front coincidedwith net anoblique angle(Figure19). Thisfrontmigrated southnorthwardcurrentsin the layerbetween110and 180m wardin lateDecember andnorthward in earlyJanuary [Lukaset al., 1995a]. (Figure22a). Typicalmeridional migration rateswere In lateDecember andearlyJanuary, waterproper- about10 kmd-x (0.1m s-i), consistent withtypitieson•rt - 23.5wereagainnearlyuniform, though the calmeridional ADCPcurrents at thisdepth[Lukas et salinitywasslightly higher(by0.1psu)thanin Novem- al., 1995a].Thefrontalsomigrated generally eastward ber(Figure21). Relatively freshwateragainintruded (Figure 22b),withtypical speeds of20-30kmd-1 (0.2fromthe north(in late December) intowatersof uni- 0.3m s-i); these areconsistent withtheaverage eastformlyhighsalinity(35.5-35.6psu)between the•rt - wardvelocities measured at thedepthof thesalinity 24.8andat -- 25.5isopycnals, andwithdrew againin maximum(Figures7 and10). earlyJanuary (Figures 19,21,and22);thefreshest waDuringmuchof the third surveyperiod,maximum ter was centeredat •rt - 25.2. The front was narrowest salinities were>35.5psuoverlargeportions ofboththe HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE b) NOV 15 20 DEC 25 50 20 ' i '.1 ' I' I:: I'•I' :1'I 'J' l' I ',1'I.' I,'l.!J..',œ•.i•.' I' ] .• •: : : '•::i::i::: ::iii::::•. ,,,•i.'.• •.½; 156.7øE dAN 25 50 5 12,777 JAN 10 FEB 50 5 10 15 ........................................ i?,iiiiiiiii',i',i',i',iiiii•',:,',ii::::,:. • i !.,:•:,ii??i.:•','?,',•:', :'.'ii;½ll•l il•11•-•J•.'.½,•l:';.'•: ,,:;•::::•::'"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 156.5øE 156.5øE 156.1 øE •:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:*:•:•:•:•:: :i•::•::*•.-"•.•.::•:l•'•**•: ============================= .....•:•:I:::•::•::*:: •::•]:f• .......... •l:'.• 155.9øE 24.8 :;::::::•:: .....•I•t¾•.. •t•l'•'•i •::::•::•:: .....................•.:::M:'i•;• t 155.7øE I 155.5øE •i•:[•*•J•2•.•j•]•.•::•::•::•::•::•..ii/:•::•::•::::•::•::::::•:5::•:•:::;•. : =================================================================== ½ ':!ii::iiii!ii!•ii::i::i!i!iii!iii::i.t..iiil ii!i::i::il:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =============================== ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •1' I:.:.:.':,,•.L!.:.:.:';...• • '.•'• ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 156.7øE 156.5'E 156.5øE 156.1OE 25.0 155.9øE 155.7øE 155.5øE 156.7øE 156.5øE ::?:i:::•i•i::i::•::i::•:i::i•i::i::i::iii::•iiii::•::i::i•`i!i::i::•::i::i::i::.[i•::!•i:•i::i:::•:i•::•::i:•i::i•i::i::•:::.::i::i::ill::i::!::!::iii::i::•::•i::i::ii::::•::i::i::ii::i::•:: 156.5OE 25.2 156.1 øE 155.9øE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... ::::•.'..•::;• .... •::i::iii::i::i::11 ,,,!• 155.7øE 155.5øE 517 522 527 552 557 554 559 564 569 574 595 598 405 408 415 Figure 22. (continued) Mostof thesesubtlefeatures extendfor N2SandW2E sections (Figures19,21, and22) andover ary4 section. a largerangeof densities (at = 24.5to 25.2). Intrusions >40 km, and most lie on a line or curvethat liesoblique of relativelyfreshwater fromthe north occurredat the to the isopycnals. Features are observedboth above and beginningand end of this period(in late Januaryand below the maximum salinity, i.e., in the regimethat is mid-February),andthe frontalstructureandmigration diffusivelystable as well as in the regime that is favorrates were similar to those observed earlier. able for salt fingering. The generation,evolution, and The migrationof theserelativelylargewatermassfea- decay of these small features are very likely affected tures(extending >20 km laterallyand>20 m vertically, by the complex equatorial flow field, in which internal or >0.2 kg m-a in density)seems to be governed by the tides and other baroclinic waves are superimposedon ambientcurrents. Smaller,very subtle featurescan also the highly shearedmean currents,but further study of be coherentin both spaceand time. For example,the these processesis beyond the scopeof this paper. "waterfall" plot of salinity profilesin Figure 23 shows that a very small (<0.04 psu) salinityinversionat at = 21.8 extendingfor >130 km on February4 (from 1.25øto2.4øS)is still present32 hourslater. Other similarly subtle features are spatially coherentover as few asthreeor four adjacentSeasoarprofiles(i.e., <12 km), as seenat at = 24.6 just left of the center of the Febru- 6. Discussion 6.1. The Surface Layer Sinceall atmosphere-ocean interactionsare inevitably mediated through the surface of the ocean, the ocean surface layer is the focus of special attention within 12,778 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE Table 5. Values of Temperature Correspondingto Specific Values of Salinity on the Isopycna! Surfaces with err= 23.5, 24.5, 24.8, 25.0, 25.2, and 25.5 kg m-3 Temperature at Isopycnal,øC $, psu err -- 23.5 err = 24.5 err= 24.8 err= 25.0 err----25.2 err = 25.5 35.2 35.3 24.98 25.23 21.54 21.82 20.44 20.72 19.68 19.97 18.91 19.20 17.70 18.02 35.4 35.5 35.6 25.48 25.72 25.96 22.09 22.36 22.62 21.00 21.28 21.56 20.26 20.54 20.83 19.50 19.79 20.08 18.32 18.63 18.93 COARE [WebsterandLukas,1992;Tomczak, 1995;You, 1995; Andersonet al., 1996]. Definitionsof this surface layer abound [Brainerdand Gregg,1995; Lukas and Lindstrom,1991], and its depth is affectedby a to surface cooling; stirring by the local wind stressor by shearinstabilities;restratificationby the addition of cool but fresh water from rainfall; and differential ad- variety of processes:diurnal heating due to solar radiation; coolingat the surfaceby evaporation,sensibleheat flux, and long wave radiation; nocturnal convectiondue fields of temperature and salinity have been presented and discussedearlier in this paper, in the form of cruise- vection from/to the surroundingocean. Near-surface averagedand individualmeridionalsections(Figure 9, 22 23 • 24 25 26 27 21 la ...... I I I 35 36 37 I I I I 38 39 40 41 . 22 23 • 24 25 26 27 42 Salinity(psu) Figure 23. Salinity profiles showing 1-Hz data from adjacent ascendingSeasoarprofiles from consecutive sectionsalong156ø06•E.Sectionswererun from lø14tS (on the right) to 2ø26•S(on the left), beginning(top) at 0604 UT on February4 and (bottom) at 1425 UT on February5. Axis labelsapply to the northernmostprofile;successive profilesare offsetby 0.1 psu for display and are usually separatedby <2.5 km. HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE Plates 1 and 2), time-depthdistributionsfor the intersection(Figure 12), time-distancedistributionsfor the 20-dbarsurface(Figures13aand 13b), and time series of laterally averagedstatistics(Figure14), but we have FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE 12,779 nal is nearlycoincidentwith the 28øCisotherm(Figure 15). The second,Ht, estimatesthe depthof the "top of the thermocline" from a critical gradient criterion of 0.05øCm-1 but ignoringthe top 20 m [Lukasand Lindstrom,1991]. For the remaininglayers,definedin not yet discussedthe structure of the mixed layer per se. Here we explicitly considerthe vertical structure of the near-surfacelayer, by estimating the surface layer depths using several different criteria. Surface "mixed" layer depth can be defined in terms terms of differencesfrom the surface, we used the shal- lowest gridded value above 10 m to representthe surface value; it was usually centered at 0.5 or 2 m. The "isopycnallayer depth," HD, is defined as the depth at which the potential density first exceedsthe surface of a finite changefrom valuesat the surface[e.g.,Andersonet al., 1996; Wijesekeraand Gregg,1996; $myth et al., 1996b],in termsof a criticalgradient[e.g.,Lukas and Lindstrom,1991], or even in terms of a specific isopycnal[e.g., $myth et al., 1996b]. We estimate "mixed layer" depths from the 2-dbar, 2-nm gridded Seasoardata using all three of these generalclasses. The first of these, H22, definedby the depth of the as densityby Ape ----0.01kg m-3. Thislayeris sometimes calledthe "diurnalmixed layer" [$mythet al., 1996b]. The "isothermallayer depth", HT, and "isohalinelayer depth", H$, are definedseparately,by AT - -0.030 ø C - c•-lA•e and AS -- 0.013psu - -/•-iA•, respec- tively, where c• and /• are the thermal and haline expansioncoefficientsat 28øC and 35 psu. FollowingAn- = 22.0 kg m-3 isopycnal,corresponds to the "upper dersonet al. [1996],we calculatedHT (and Hs) by oceanlayer" usedby Smythet al. [1996b]to repre- findingthe maximumtemperature(minimumsalinity) sentthe regionabovethe main pycnocline;this isopyc- in the top 20 m and starting the differencingfrom that NOV 15 20 DEC 25 50 20 JAN 25 50 JAN 5 10 FEB 50 5 10 15 ,, . e "'..'. , :-. ', , ,: ? ß e: I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'•IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt ..... , ;•..-/,,'../..."./' 20 '"' ,,... '... :. ,,..., ..' -•, .. ,, , , • , .:.• ,',:' , HD Isopycnal ... ,,j • 60 8o 100 ß 6 pm to 8 om 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1•1 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 20''• '"' •' ''•''•' 'L' ', "... ',... 40 60 '.... • I m ' ,' •' • ' ? ... •.." ," :, HT :"'• , ,' Isothermal o 8 om to 6 pm 8o ß6,pmto•,I,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,I om 'b.... 100 1,1,1, ,I,l,l,I, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 20 , - -', I,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,l,I /:"'.:,, , I ß .,., Hs Isohaline 60 80 I 0 ß 20 40 80 ß. .... '"'",,,--'", •.', 60 ......... . ß I Ht' Top of ß 100 I I,I I I I, I • Therm 0 20 H22 40 60 • 80 ....100 317 .- ', ,,, :. ,' I•1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,I I 322 •27 332 3•7 •54 359 •64 •.,..., • •69 ....'.•.%..,.:...• 22.0 kg/m '"' •'"f... I I, 374 I 393 , 398 403 408 413 Figure 24. Time seriesof surfacelayer depthsat three locations(SBN (dotted lines), SBS (dashedlines) and I (solidlines)), estimatedfrom 2-dbargriddedSeasoardata usingcriteria specified in the text. Symbols are used to distinguish daytime and nighttime estimates of H• and H•. 12,780 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS,156øE point downward to prevent near-surfaceinversionsfrom influencing our estimates. Estimates of these surfacelayer depthswere made for all of the complete meridional and zonal Seasoarsections. Figure 24 showstime seriesof the values at the January 4-6, after the cessationof the strong westerly winds and while the overlying water is restratified by rainfall(Figures24 and25). The top of the thermocline is always deeper than the surface "isohaline"layer, H$ (Figure24), but the "barrierlayer" [Lukasand Lind< 10m intersectionpoint (I) and at the northernand south- strom,1991]that liesbetweenthemissometimes ern apices(SBN and SBS).In general,eachlayershows thick. By definition,the isopycnallayer, HD, is equalto similar behavior at all three locations. HD and HT are or lessthan H$ and HT. The "isothermal"layer, HT, is often deeper than H$, presumably becausesubsequent precipitation has overlain a remnant mixed layer; it shouldbe noted that theselayersneednot be strictly homogenous. The frequent occurrencesof HT > H$ suggestthat at least the upper portion of the barrier of HD and HT to occur during daytime and deeperval- layer is transient or patchy in nature. Nevertheless,HT uesto occur at night, but exceptionsare not uncommon approacheswithin 10 m of Ht on only a few brief oc- subjectto strongdiurnalvariabilityasexpected[Anderson et al., 1996],exceptduringperiodsof weakwinds combinedwith either sustainedheating(November15 to 22, November29 to December1) or heavyprecipitation (Jan 4-10). There is a tendencyfor smallervalues (Figure 24). H$ tendsto shoalduringthe November casions(December20-22, December25-28, December survey period and to deepen during the westerly wind 31, February10-11) of strongwesterlywinds,and HT burst in late December, before shoalingabruptly in re- and Ht do not coincideon any occasion.Thus the lower sponse to heavy rainfall in early January; it deepens portion of the barrier layer effectively insulated the sea rapidlyin unisonwith Ht and H22 (Figure24) during surface from direct exchangewith the cooler waters in January 27-31, apparently downwellingin responseto the thermoclinethroughout the COARE IOP. the renewedwesterlywind stress(Figure14). Thereis a tendencyfor Ht andH22 (andthe 28øCisotherm,Fig6.2. Lateral Homogenization ure 16) to be deeperin the north, particularlyduring In section 5.1. we noted that property distribution our November survey period and during the westerly wind burst in late December. on the 20-dbarsurface(Figure13) suggested an associ- At all three locations, the top of the thermocline, Ht, ation betweenthe degreeof patchinessand the strength liesabovethe 22.0 kg m-3 isopycnal (Figures24 and of the wind: standard deviations along each section Figure 25). Their separationis <10 m duringmuchof were relatively large during the weak winds of Novemour secondsurvey period, during and after the strong ber and early January and small during the westerly westerly wind burst. The two convergecompletelyon wind burst in December and the squallsin early FebruNOV DEC 20 25 50 20 I 0.16 IIIIIIIIIIIII 0.08 0.00 -0.08 I JAN 25 I I I I I 50 I •1! I I I I JAN 5 I I I I I I 10 I I I I I [ FEB 50 5 10 15 I / xx,._......_l/! • - .,,...__......,•.•x...,,,/____. .... 40.00 20.00 o.oo lOO. o. -lOO. ' 2O ., ," "i :\."i I ".: .'..' .' """' ,'-', .'',,' t/I•..".: ".: :i ' ,' 4O .: 6O ....?-'/'•,_,,',, ,, ','.,.,.-/, . ,' i " .,..;•. ,' / / •'--' ':. •i i!'..'.;;;• *, !• • •/t ;' , ,' ,,,,,, ',I•'A','/ ,•, ;;:; t :,. :i .": ;:'. ;.. .'•T ..',,"' ..': .':' ':: '.,!:.'>.',, ,: , ; :' ':'':, :: ': •:...., .•........ :,.' ..' Ht,' ,,'- ..... ,,,'-....' .. •.. . . : •. ,,. •._., ' :'" ","" .... ' 8O 1,1•!,1,1,1,1,1,I,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 lOO 517 322 527 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 352 357 554 559 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1•1•1• 564 569 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 374 393 398 403 408 Figure 25. Variationof surfacelayerdepthsat the intersection I (1ø50/S,156ø06/E),estimated from 2-dbar gridded Seasoardata; time seriesof wind stress,rainfall, and heat flux are repeated from Figure 12. 413 HUYER ET AL.' THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE 12,781 aw (Figure14). Although thisisobardoesnot always ual patchinessin both zonal and meridional directions lie within the surfacemixed layer as defined by either (Figure26). Whetherthis homogenization resultsfrom Ho or HT (Figures24 and 25), it is usuallyshallower large-scale accumulation of surface water and broad than the daily maximum[Andersonet al., 1996, Fig- equatorial downwellingdriven by the westerly winds or ure 6], and thus it represents,at least approximately, whether it is the result of lateral mixing by small-scale the nocturnal surface mixed layer. The apparent rela- processessuch as local convergencesdriven by squalls tion betweenthe degreeof patchinessand the strength is not clear. of the wind (Figure 14) is verifiedby scatterdiagrams 6.3. The Thermocline, (Figure26), whichshowlargerspatialvarianceto be Maximum EUC, and Salinity associatedwith weak zonal wind stress;similar results are obtained for the meridional wind stress and for the The structure and properties of the main thermocline wind stressmagnitude,sincewindswerepredominantly were surprisinglyvariable, on timescalesranging from from the northwestthroughoutthe IOP. Strongwinds days to weeks and months. Some of the variability in seem to reduce meridional .... I trends as well as the resid- .... I .... I . . . , I , , the upper thermocline was related to variations in the , .... + 0.20 I I I I 0.20 -I-_ I_ x x x N2S x 0.10 x -I- I .... I + o 0.00 , .... N2S x•x• + xß % + o•o+ ee x•;ooo o+ ooo o 0.00 x x 0.10 .... I .... I .... .... i .... i .... i .... I .... 0.20 0.20+ + • 0.10- W2E x•+, > + 0.10 xXx X X + I .... I + o -t-+ + o .... .... I .... i 0.00 .... 0.15 "-o 0.15 t+ 0.10 W2E X_FX+ XX øøøedroø 0.00 x xx xx N2S + + ø•1-"•ø•o o X• .... I .... I .... .... I .... I , + I , , , .... I I I N2S 0.10 ß .... x x -o 0.05 + Xx o 0.05 X Xf:>øøo + + 0.00 0.15 x 0.10- x )X X + + x W2E 0.00 .... 0.15 .... X + o o X•.,,•o o+ee+ o I I .... .... I I .... + I I .... I , , , 0.10 ß X x 0.05 + 0.05 x x + W2E x ..•++o+ 0.00 .... I 0.0 .... I .... I .... 0.1 Ave Tau-X (Pa) I 0.00 .......... 0.2 I 0.0 .... I .... I 0.1 0.2 Ave Tau-X (Pa) Figure 26. Lateralstandard deviations of 20-dbartemperature andsalinityversus the average zonalwind stressfor the preceding24-hourperiod;resultsare shownfor both observedvaluesand valuesdetrendedby linearregression versuslatitudeor longitude.Differentsymbolsdistinguish data fromthe threesurveyperiods'W9211A(crosses), W9211B(pluses)andW9211C(circles). 12,782 HUYER ET AL.: THERMOHALINE FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE zonal wind stress, but we also observedvariations that under calm winds in November, and salinity stratifiwere not related to local winds; this is hardly surpris- cation was strongunder calm winds and heavyrainfall ing, since long equatorial waves are known to be effi- in early January; both thermal and haline stratificacientconveyors of signalsfrom the centralPacific[e.g., tion were weak during the westerlywind burst in late Kesslerand McPhaden,1995]. Someof the variations, December and the moderate winds in February. Une.g., the degree of equatorward spreadingbetweenthe expectedly,we also observedsomemesoscalefeatures upper and lowerthermocline,are relatedto the strength with strong lateral gradientsin the near-surfacelayer: and position of the Equatorial Undercurrent, and the mostnotably,a zonaltemperaturefront (with AT of undercurrentis clearly important in advectingwaters -•0.2øC in --10 km) that migratednorthwardduring eastward in and along the core of the salinity maxi- the westerlywind burst in late Decemberand a small cold mum: we do not yet fully understand the dynamics patchor narrowband(--40 km wide)of unusually water (•28.5øC) that migrated slowly northward durwhich determine the depth and the temperature of the core of the undercurrent, nor do we know what governs ing January5-9, the nature and originof thesefeatures is still not fully understood. Also unexpectedwas the the properties of its sourcewaters. observationthat strong winds seemedto causelateral homogenizationof near-surfacewaters as well as vertical mixing. 7. Summary and Conclusions Within the main thermocline, isotherm depths varThe COARE survey cruiseshave provideda large set ied from section to section and from cruise to cruise. of repeated 130-km meridional and zonal sections at High-frequencyinternalwavesand tides,thoughnot rethe center of the COARE intensive flux array. These solvedby our samplingpattern, were manifest as noise sectionshave fine vertical (--2 dbar) and horizontal with vertical displacementsof --10 m. Cruise-averaged (--2 nm) resolutionandextendto a depthof •280 dbar. sectionsshow that both the equatorward spreadingof Observationswere repeated at intervalsof --2 days dur- isothermsand the Equatorial Undercurrentshoaledsiging three 20-day periods,spanningmostof the 4-month nificantly during the 100-dayobservationperiod;while COARE intensive observation period from November the core layer shoaled from --220 to --160 m, its tem1992 to February 1993. perature increasedfrom -•14øto -•20øC. The separation Our time-averaged fields show a number of features between the 23øC and 14øC isotherms in the upper that are typical of the westernequatorialPacificOcean: and lower thermocline spreading seemed to be greata very warm and relatively freshsurfacelayer,with tem- est (• 120 m) duringperiodswhenthe EUC xvasstrong peratures >28.5øC and salinity decreasingnorthward; (•0.4 m s-i). Watermasscharacteristics of the salina very sharp thermocline with temperature decreasing ity maximum within the thermocline were surprisir•gly from •-28øC at --50 m to •-12øC at •-250 m and invariable: maximum salinity values ranged from --35.2 termediate isotherms diverging northward toward the to --35.7 psu. The front between high-salinity southequator to envelopthe core of the Equatorial Undercur- ern and low-salinity northern waters was often narrow rent at •-175 m; a subsurfacesalinity maximum, con- (--30 km), and it migratedmeridionallybetweenand sisting of a northward tending tongue of high-salinity within cruises;this front was also observedto migrate South Pacific water; and a deep vertically mixed layer, eastward at a speed consistentwith advectionby the --50 m thick, with a temperature of --12øC and salinity Equatorial Undercurrent. Secondarysalinity inversions of 34.8 psu, correspondingto the equatorialthermostad. with lateral scales of 10-50 km were observed both The duration of the COARE Intensive Observation aboveand below the high-salinitycore;thesewere easPeriod was exceptionally long for an intensive study ily recognizablein sectionsa few days apart but did not of the upper ocean, but this was clearly appropriate persist from cruise to cruise. This large, high-resolutionSeasoardata set shows given the lack of stationarity in both atmosphericand oceanicregimes. In general, near-surfacetemperature that the thermohaline fields in the COARE intensive respondedas expected from the variations in the lo- flux array are both heterogeneousand nonstationary. cal winds: general heating during the calm winds in Even within the broadly uniform Warm Pool of the November, rapid coolingduring the westerlywind burst western equatorial Pacific, there are instancesof mesoin late December, warming during weak easterly winds scale and submesoscalefronts in the surface layer. We in January, and gradual coolingduring moderatewest- look forward to combiningthis data set with observaerlies in February. Variations in the depth of the 28øC tions from other survey shipsand with time seriesfrom isothermandthe 22.0kgm-3 isopycnal at thetopofthe stationary platforms. Work to estimate advectiveheat thermocline also varied with the wind: deepeningdur- and freshwaterfluxes and three-dimensionalbudgetsof ing the westerlywind burst, shoalingduring the easter- heat, freshwater, and momentum and to study the evolies in January, and deepeningrapidly with the resump- lution of particular features and phenomenais undertion of westerly winds in early February. Vertical strat- way. This large data set will provide many opportuniification within the near-surfacelayer varied with wind ties to improve communityunderstandingof the upper stress and rainfall: thermal stratification was strong ocean dynamics in this region. HUYER ET AL.: THERMOHALINE Acknowledgments. We are deeply indebted to COARE Surveys co-investigatorsClayton Paulson and Eric Firing, who participated fully in the cruise planning and data collection. We are also indebted to Wecoma's Marine FIELDS NEAR 2øS, 156øE 12,783 pp. 36-55, Ocean ResearchInstitute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 1993. 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Hacker, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii, Hon- olulu, HI 96822. (email:; (ReceivedJune 28, 1996; revisedNovember21, 1996; acceptedDecember5, 1996.)