Document 13147841

WHEREAS, the economic and social well-being of our state is tied to the health of the people of Texas. and
WHEREAS, the spiraling costs of health care and health insurance are making health services and health insurance coverage vexy difficult for
individuals and employers to afford, and
WHEREAS, the growth in health care spending by our federal, state, and local governments is placmg unmanageable financial
taxpayers at the same time they are struggling with growing financial responsibility for their personal health, and
WHEREAS, more than three million Texans, including one million children, have no health insurance and are not eligible for public-funded
health care, and
WHEREAS, uninsured and underinsured individuals usually do not receive preventive and primary health services and rely on expensive
emergency room treatment or recave no medical care, and
WHEREAS, m 1989, Texas hospitals provided over $2 billion in uncompensated care and physicians provided over $150 million m free
services, causing financial problems for many health care providers and a shifting of costs from non-paying to paying and insured patients, and
WHEREAS, Texans livmg in rural areas often lack access to important health services because of hospital closures and difficulty recm~ting
and retaining health professionals, and
WHEREAS, the lack of trauma care services statewide places people's lives at risk and overburdens the few facilities that treat the growing
number of trauma patients, and
WHEREAS, our current health care system exposes people to anxiety, genuine health risks, and the threat of financial rum, and
WHEREAS, Texas does not have a comprehensive, coordinated state health plan to address the needs of all people;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ann W. Richards, Govemor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the authority vested in me, do hereby order as follows:
Create the Texas Health Policy Task Force. hereinafter referred to as the Task Force.
The purpose of the Task Force is to propose legislative and policy changes to allow Texans to have access to affordable basic health care.
The Task Force is charged to:
1. Define a basic health care service package for Texans, emphasizing preventive and primary care;
2. Propose a basic health insurance benefits package or other health care financing mechanism for Texans that is not necessarily tied to place
of employment and includes recommendations for state regulation of health insurance or other financing plans;
3. Provide a range of options for small businesses to assist with health care benefits for their employees;
4. Recommend cost containment and financing options for health services;
5. Recommend a coordinated health care delivery system, with special emphasis on rural health services and trauma care;
6 . Delineate the responsibilities and commitments of consumers, providers, insurers, employers, and government at the local, state, and federal
levels for high quality, affordable health care.
The Task Force is composed of at least fourteen public members appomted by the Governor, Six Senators appointed by the Lieutenant
Governor, and six House of Representative members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Governor will appomt the
Chair from among the public members, and the Chair will have full voting rights as a member of the Task Force. The Governor may appoint
Ex-Officlo members from state agencies to serve on the Task Force. Ex-Officio members will have full voting rights on the Task
Task Force shall meet at the call of the Chair.
The Task Force may employ or otherwise utilize consultants with expertise in particular aspects of health planning. health care delivery,
msurance and other financmg options, cost containment, and accountability.
A member of the Task Force is not entitled to compensation but is entitled to reimbursement for actual expenses (travel and per diem, as
provided by state guidelines) mcurred in performing duties of the Task Force. Consultants may be paid reasonable fees and reimbursed for
actual and necessary expenses.
Staff may be employed as needed to facilitate the work of the Task Force. State agencies and facilities will cooperate as requested. The Task
Force may accept conmbutions from private sources and transfer of funds and other resources from state agencies.
Tlus Executive Order shall be effechve immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
Issued in Ausbn, Texas on November 13, 1991
Ann W Richards
Governor of Texas