Contributions Web [ C 131 ] [ C 261 ] [ C 197 ] [ C 171 ] [ C 169 ] [ C 152 ] [ C 150 ] [ C 102 ] [ C 101 ] [ C 73 ] [ C 185 ] [ C 275 ] [ C 270 ] [ C 269 ] [ C 268 ] [ C 264 ] [ C 263 ] [ C 262 IFA [C 131 ] [C 261 ] [C 197 ] [C 171 ] [C 169 ] [C 152 ] [C 150 ] [C 102 ] [C 101 ] [C 73 ] [C 185 ] [C 275 ] [C 270 ] [C 269 ] [C 268 ] [C 264 ] [C 263 ] [C Local [C 131 ] Date 2006-10-19 Source Draka Comteq Titre Data on the macrobending loss ratio at 1550 nm vs 1625 nm of G.smx class A single mode fibres at 15 mm radius Proposal of a generic Home Network architecture on the transport stratum Questions Q10/5, Q5/15 [C 261 ] 2006-10-20 NTT [C 197 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Proposal for the study of Ethernet OAM ME in G.984.4 Q2/15 [C 171 ] 2006-10-19 CMCC, MII China Wireless protection in PON Q2/15 [C 169 ] 2006-10-19 CMCC, MII China Proposal of adding a new protection type in G.984.1 Q2/15 [C 152 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Power Load Management M.E. Q2/15 [C 150 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for G.984.4 modelling of SDH over GEM Q2/15 [C 102 ] 2006-10-18 NTT Q2/15 [C 101 ] 2006-10-18 NTT Proposal for the collaboration activities to study GPON and next generation PON management Proposal of new draft Recommendation of wavelength allocation for PON [C 73 ] [C 185 ] 2006-10-18 PMC Sierra Protocol specific rate limiting Q2/15 2006-10-19 NTT Q3/15 [C 275 ] 2006-10-20 [C 270 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies Germany Infineon Technologies Proposed update for "Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan" Serial 100 Gigabit Ethernet PHY proposal in 802.3 [C 269 ] 2006-10-20 Infineon Technologies G.vdsl2: Method of Downstream FEXT cancellation Q4/15 [C 268 ] 2006-10-20 Infineon Technologies G.vdsl2: Proposal on SRA initiating mechanism Q4/15 [C 264 ] 2006-10-20 Infineon Technologies G.ADSL2, G.ADSL2+, G.VDSL2: Requirements for retransmission technique Q4/15 [C 263 ] 2006-10-20 Infineon Technologies On the home network topology Q4/15 [C 2006-10-20 Infineon G.VDSL2: Correction to the formula for Q4/15 Proposed changes on the working text for accuracy of test parameters in G.992.3 Q1/15 Q2/15 Q3/15, Q6/15, Q11/15 Q4/15 ] [ C 257 ] [ C 256 ] [ C 255 ] [ C 254 ] [ C 220 ] [ C 192 ] (Rev.1) [ C 191 ] [ C 190 ] [ C 189 ] [ C 177 ] [ C 173 ] [ C 165 ] [ C 153 ] [ C 149 ] [ C 132 ] [ C 117 ] [ C 116 ] 262 ] [C 257 ] [C 256 ] [C 255 ] [C 254 ] [C 220 ] 262 ] [C 192 ] [C 191 ] [C 190 ] [C 189 ] [C 177 ] [C 173 ] [C 165 ] [C 153 ] [C 149 ] [C 132 ] [C 117 ] [C 116 Technologies computing received virtual noise from TXREFVN parameter G.vdsl: VDSL2 Impulse Noise Monitor Performance/Accuracy Requirements [C 257 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Bell Q4/15 [C 256 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Bell G.gen: G.vdsl: G.ploam: Full Proposed Text for VDSL2 Impulse Noise Monitor Q4/15 [C 255 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Bell G.vdsl: VDSL2 Initialization Success/Failure Code DRAFT Q4/15 [C 254 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Bell Q4/15 [C 220 ] 2006-10-20 [C 192 ] 2006-10-20 Ikanos Communications, Conexant Systems Alcatel Bell G.gen: G.vdsl: G.ploam: VDSL2 Reporting of Actual Impulse Noise Protection G.VDSL2: Proposal on INM functionality for G.993.2 Amendment 1 : PCS reassembly buffer size Q4/15 [C 191 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Bell ADSL: Longitudinal Conversion Loss Q4/15 [C 190 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Bell VDSL: Framer changes in OLR Q4/15 [C 189 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Bell, G.hs : Ethernet bonding initialization time Q4/15 [C 177 ] 2006-10-19 Upzide Labs G.vdsl2: Pilot sequence assisted vector channel estimation Q4/15 [C 173 ] 2006-10-19 CopperGate Communications Next generation home networking architecture Q4/15 [C 165 ] 2006-10-19 BT Q4/15 [C 153 ] 2006-10-19 Conexant Systems [C 149 ] 2006-10-19 [C 132 ] 2006-10-19 VDSL2: Work Items on In-Domain FEXT Cancellation Q4/15 [C 117 ] 2006-10-18 MII China, Huawei Technologies MII China, Huawei Technologies Aware ADSL: Response to Liaison CD089R1from the DSL Forum regarding WT-100 REIN tests VDSL2: Proposed Framework for Enabling Downstream FEXT Cancellation in VDSL2 VDSL2: Key issues to emergency rate reduction(SOS) VDSL2: Loop Diagnostic Mode: Duration of MEDLEY Q4/15 [C 116 ] 2006-10-18 Aware VDSL2: Proposal for a VDSL2 Data Retransmission Protocol Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 [ C 115 ] [ C 100 ] ] [C 115 ] [C 100 ] [C 115 ] 2006-10-18 Aware ADSL2/2plus: REIN Testing Q4/15 [C 100 ] 2006-10-18 NTT, Sumitomo Electrics, NEC, Fujitsu, ACCA Networks Broadcom G.vdsl, G.hs: proposed draft texts of Handshake specifications for G.993.2 Amendment 1 Annex C Q4/15 ADSL:G.vdsl: Control parameters and performance of a retransmission scheme VDSL2: Follow up on proposed baseline text for OLR mechanism Q4/15 The LLC sub-layer functions Q4/15 G.vdsl2 - Revised European Operator Requirements for VDSL2 Band Plan Extensions Q4/15 G.VDSL2: Proposed update of G.993.2 Annex A Q4/15 Proposed Requirements for Home Networking Standard ADSL:VDSL: Discussion of several issues related to Accuracy of Test Parameters ADSL, VDSL: Noise and Accuracy of HLOG ADSL:VDSL: LATN and SATN Accuracy Requirements ADSL, VDSL: Enhancements to Proposal on Working Text for ATTNDR Comments on and proposals for G.650.2 Q4/15 [ C 90 ] [ C 70 ] [C 90 ] [C 70 ] [C 90 ] [C 70 ] 2006-10-18 [ C 69 ] [ C 68 ] [C 69 ] [C 68 ] [C 69 ] [C 68 ] 2006-10-18 [ C 66 ] [C 66 ] [C 66 ] 2006-10-17 [ C 52 ] [ C 49 ] [C 52 ] [C 49 ] [C 52 ] [C 49 ] 2006-10-16 Conexant Systems, Ikanos Communications CopperGate Communications BT, Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, Deutsche Telekom, Swisscom, Teliasonera, Telenor, Telecom Italia, France Telecom Ikanos, Infineon, AT&T, Conexant, Aktino Qwest, AT&T 2006-10-16 Assia [ C 48 ] [ C 47 ] [ C 46 ] [ C 230 ] [C 48 ] [C 47 ] [C 46 ] [C 230 ] [C 222 ] [C 156 ] [C 155 ] [C [C 48 ] [C 47 ] [C 46 ] [C 230 ] 2006-10-16 Assia 2006-10-16 Assia 2006-10-16 Assia 2006-10-20 Deutsche Telekom [C 222 ] 2006-10-20 Corning Incorporated SBS measurement: Proposal for text in G.650.2, Appendix II.5 Q5/15 [C 156 ] 2006-10-19 NTT Comments on Draft Rec. G.650.3 Q5/15 [C 155 ] 2006-10-19 NTT, CLPAJ Proposal on definition of SBS threshold Q5/15 [C 2006-10-19 NTT Proposal on new document regarding the Q5/15 [ C 222 ] [ C 156 ] [ C 155 ] [ C 130 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q5/15 ] [ C 121 ] [ C 258 ] [ C 184 ] [ C 131 ] [ C 124 ] [ C 290 ] [ C 249 ] [ C 239 ] [ C 237 ] [ C 236 ] [ C 210 ] [ C 208 ] [ C 206 ] [ C 205 ] [ C 196 ] [ C 195 ] [ C 194 ] 130 ] [C 121 ] [C 258 ] [C 184 ] [C 131 ] [C 124 ] [C 290 ] [C 249 ] [C 239 ] 130 ] [C 237 ] [C 236 ] [C 210 ] [C 208 ] [C 206 ] [C 205 ] [C 196 ] [C 195 ] [C 194 general characteristics of an optical fibre operation Way forward to improve the SBS measurement guidance given by G.650.2 [C 121 ] 2006-10-19 OFS-Fitel Q5/15 [C 258 ] 2006-10-20 Draka Comteq Discussion on macrobending loss specification for G.mmx Q5/15, Q10/15 [C 184 ] 2006-10-19 NTT [C 131 ] 2006-10-19 Draka Comteq Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15 Q5/15, Q10/5 [C 124 ] 2006-10-19 NTT, CLPAJ Proposal concerning response time necessary for adaptive PMD compensation based on polarization fluctuation speed Data on the macrobending loss ratio at 1550 nm vs 1625 nm of G.smx class A single mode fibres at 15 mm radius Comments on draft G.smx [C 290 ] 2006-10-20 NTT Proposal of multi-granularity photonic cross-connect in G.otf Q6/15 [C 249 ] 2006-10-20 Deutsche Telekom WDM interface with a total capacity of 100 Gbit/s Q6/15 [C 239 ] 2006-10-20 NTT Q6/15 [C 237 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel [C 236 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Proposal of wavelength-selective-switchbased photonic cross-connect for transparent optical network systems in G.otf Proposal to discuss on OSNR sensitivity data at applications for narrow spectral excursion at new G.dapp2 Proposals for application code with wide spectral excursion at G.dapp2 [C 210 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Impact of cascaded ONEs on line system channel uniformity in G.otf Q6/15 [C 208 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Comments on G.695 further revision Q6/15 [C 206 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Classification of Maximum (residual) chromatic dispersion in G.dapp.2 Q6/15 [C 205 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Application of G.otf in optical networks Q6/15 [C 196 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Proposal on dispersion parameters in G.otf Q6/15 [C 195 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Proposal for ROADM examples in G.otf Appendix I Q6/15 [C 194 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Proposal for Physical Parameter Values in G.dapp2 Q6/15 Q5/15, Q10/15 Q6/15 Q6/15 [ C 193 ] [ C 188 ] [ C 157 ] [ C 138 ] [ C 135 ] [ C 129 ] [ C 128 ] [ C 127 ] [ C 118 ] [ C 105 ] [ C 104 ] [ C 59 ] [ C 58 ] [ C 57 ] [ C 56 ] [ C 37 ] [ C 280 ] [ C 275 ] ] [C 193 ] [C 188 ] [C 157 ] [C 138 ] [C 135 ] [C 129 ] [C 128 ] [C 127 ] [C 118 ] [C 105 ] [C 104 ] [C 59 ] [C 58 ] [C 57 ] [C 56 ] [C 37 ] [C 280 ] [C 275 ] [C 193 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Proposal for Measurement of OSNR penalty in G.dapp2 Q6/15 [C 188 ] 2006-10-19 Telecom Italia Revision of Recommendation G.698.1 Q6/15 [C 157 ] 2006-10-19 Finisar Q6/15 [C 138 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies [C 135 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Considerations on extending Recommendation G.695 to bitrates beyond 2.5 Gbit/s Proposals for application code and Physical layer parameters and values for G.dapp2 applications Comments on draft G.dapp2 version 0.31 [C 129 ] 2006-10-19 Lucent Technologies Revised proposal for extended VSR applications at 40 Gb/s in G.959.1 Q6/15 [C 128 ] 2006-10-19 Lucent Technologies Proposal for new 10G application codes in G.dapp2 Q6/15 [C 127 ] 2006-10-19 Lucent Technologies Proposal for new 2.5G application codes in G.dapp2 Q6/15 [C 118 ] 2006-10-18 Republic of Korea 40 Gbit/s modulation format for G.dapp2 Q6/15 [C 105 ] 2006-10-18 Telecom Italia Proposals for the revision of G.697 Q6/15 [C 104 ] 2006-10-18 Marconi Q6/15 [C 59 ] [C 58 ] [C 57 ] [C 56 ] [C 37 ] [C 280 ] 2006-10-17 Nortel Networks (Europe) Nortel Networks (Europe) Nortel Networks (Europe) Nortel Networks (Europe) Deutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom Proposal to include in G.959.1 very-longhaul 10G application codes based on the duobinary modulation format, capable to tolerate up to 3200 ps/nm of residual chromatic dispersion with no need of dispersion compensation Use of spectral excursion in G.959.1 Dispersion values in G.959.1 Q6/15 G.653 applications in G.695 Q6/15 Reference diagrams for G.698.1 Q6/15 Automatic Power Reduction in G.696.1 and G.698.2 High Speed Interface for Packet Transport Networks Q6/15 [C 275 ] 2006-10-20 Serial 100 Gigabit Ethernet PHY proposal in 802.3 Q6/15, Q3/15, Q11/15 2006-10-17 2006-10-17 2006-10-17 2006-09-27 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies Germany Q6/15 Q6/15 Q6/15 Q6/15, Q11/15 [ C 240 ] [C 240 ] [C 240 ] 2006-10-20 AT&T, Sprint Nextel, Verizon [ C 211 ] [C 211 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation [C 184 ] 2006-10-19 NTT [C 106 ] 2006-10-18 Italy [C 103 ] 2006-10-18 Telecom Italia [ C 55 ] [C 211 ] [C 184 ] [C 106 ] [C 103 ] [C 55 ] [C 55 ] 2006-10-17 Sprint Nextel 10GbE LAN PHY within OTN optical hierarchy [ C 44 ] [C 44 ] [C 44 ] 2006-10-17 Proposed Supplement on Network Architecture for transport of Ethernet Services [ C 238 ] [C 238 ] [C 229 ] [C 64 ] [C 238 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies, Sprint Nextel, AT&T, Verizon, AMCC, Alcatel Alcatel [C 229 ] 2006-10-20 Deutsche Telekom Definitions in G.666 Q7/15 [C 64 ] 2006-10-17 Proposal for Appendix of G.666 Q7/15 [C 211 ] [C 184 ] [C 106 ] [C 103 ] [C 174 ] [C 211 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies Germany, Deutsche Telekom ZTE Corporation Inconsistent issue between G.959.1 and draft version G.667(ex-G.adc) Q7/15, Q6/15 [C 184 ] 2006-10-19 NTT [C 106 ] 2006-10-18 Italy Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15 Q7/15, Q6/15 [C 103 ] 2006-10-18 Telecom Italia Proposal concerning response time necessary for adaptive PMD compensation based on polarization fluctuation speed Some proposals for characterizing the transient response of OADMs, ROADMs and PXCs in G.otf All Optical Packet Networks: outcomes of the IST LASAGNE project [C 174 ] 2006-10-19 France Telecom [ C 184 ] [ C 106 ] [ C 103 ] [ C 229 ] [ C 64 ] [ C 211 ] [ C 184 ] [ C 106 ] [ C 103 ] [ C 174 ] Engagement of ITU-T SG15 with IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group (802.3 HSSG) in consideration of current 802.3 HSSG efforts to define objectives for Higher Speed Ethernet Inconsistent issue between G.959.1 and draft version G.667(ex-G.adc) Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Proposal concerning response time necessary for adaptive PMD compensation based on polarization fluctuation speed Some proposals for characterizing the transient response of OADMs, ROADMs and PXCs in G.otf All Optical Packet Networks: outcomes of the IST LASAGNE project Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15 Q6/15, Q7/15 Proposals for Definitions and Appendix to support revision of G.666 (ex G.PMDC) Characteristics and performances for Optical Submarine Equalizers (OSE) for G.977 Q6/15, Q7/15 Q6/15, Q7/15, Q12/15 Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q7/15 Q7/15, Q6/15, Q12/15 Q8/15 [ C 172 ] [ C 125 ] [ C 292 ] [ C 267 ] [ C 244 ] [ C 235 ] [ C 218 ] [ C 217 ] [ C 216 ] [ C 215 ] [ C 204 ] [ C 202 ] [ C 187 ] [ C 186 ] [ C 183 ] [ C 162 ] [ C 161 ] [C 172 ] [C 125 ] [C 292 ] [C 267 ] [C 172 ] 2006-10-19 MII China Characteristics of optical fibre submarine cable Q8/15 [C 125 ] 2006-10-19 NTT Proposal on questionnaire for collecting the latest cable ship information Q8/15 [C 292 ] 2006-10-20 Mitsubishi WITHDRAWN - Duplicate with C65 WITHDRAWN Duplicate with C65 Q9/15 [C 267 ] 2006-10-20 Proposals for draft Recommendation G.8131 (Protection switching for Transport MPLS (T-MPLS) networks) Q9/15 [C 244 ] [C 235 ] [C 218 ] [C 217 ] [C 216 ] [C 215 ] [C 204 ] [C 202 ] [C 187 ] [C 186 ] [C 183 ] [C 244 ] 2006-10-20 Huawei Technologies, Alcatel, Tellabs Oy Siemens Ethernet Ring Protection Q9/15 [C 235 ] 2006-10-20 BT Ethernet protection and physical constraints Q9/15 [C 218 ] 2006-10-20 NTT Proposed mechanisms of Loop Free Ethernet Rings Protection Q9/15 [C 217 ] 2006-10-20 NTT The influence of loops on frame forwarding Q9/15 [C 216 ] 2006-10-20 NTT Comparison of Y.1731with IEEE802.1ag Q9/15 [C 215 ] 2006-10-20 NTT Proposal for Initial Draft of Ethernet Rings Protection Q9/15 [C 204 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation A Proposal for T-MPLS Tandem Connection Monitoring Mechanism Q9/15 [C 202 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation A Proposal for T-MPLS Loopback to G.8121 Q9/15 [C 187 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel T-MPLS Shared Protection Ring Initial Draft Q9/15 [C 186 ] 2006-10-19 NTT Concerns about development of 2-phase APS protocol Q9/15 [C 183 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Q9/15 [C 162 ] [C 161 ] [C 162 ] 2006-10-19 Fujitsu Comment on WD51r1 (Sept.06) and G.808.1 (03/06) Enhancing text on kphase (k=1,2,3) protocols in clause 24/G.808.1 Proposal of updating G.8131 (SNC protection) [C 161 ] 2006-10-19 Fujitsu Consideration of APS protocol and protection architectures for G.8131 Q9/15 Q9/15 [ C 120 ] [C 120 ] [C 120 ] 2006-10-18 Republic of Korea [ C 119 ] [C 119 ] [C 91 ] [C 81 ] [C 78 ] [C 65 ] [C 45 ] [C 43 ] [C 274 ] [C 273 ] [C 271 ] [C 265 ] [C 242 ] [C 119 ] 2006-10-18 [C 91 ] [C 81 ] [C 78 ] [C 65 ] [C 45 ] [C 43 ] [C 274 ] [ C 240 ] [ C 233 ] [ C 91 ] [ C 81 ] [ C 78 ] [ C 65 ] [ C 45 ] [ C 43 ] [ C 274 ] [ C 273 ] [ C 271 ] [ C 265 ] [ C 242 ] [ C 232 ] [ C 181 ] [ C 179 ] [ C 164 Q9/15 Republic of Korea Proposed corrections and clarifications to the protection architectures and APS protocols in G.808.1 and next version of G.8031 A Proposal for additional protection types operating without APS in G.8031 2006-10-18 BT Comment on G.8021 Q9/15 2006-10-18 Ethernet Ring Protection Scheme - Ring Steering RPR for G.8021 Q9/15 2006-10-17 Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Mitsubishi Q9/15 2006-10-16 Ericsson 2006-10-10 Hitachi Clarifications for 1-Phase/2-Phase APS protocols for G.8031 Proposals to restructure packet ring and linear protection Recommendations Proposal to add state diagram in G.808.1 2006-10-20 Alcatel, Ericsson T-MPLS Definition Q9/15, Q12/15 [C 273 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Proposed mechanism for T-MPLS TCM using label stacking [C 271 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Transport MPLS Protection Architecture Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 [C 265 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Proposal for T-MPLS TCM using label stacking Q9/15, Q12/15 [C 242 ] 2006-10-20 Cisco Systems Impact of T-MPLS on a carrier operations group [C 240 ] [C 240 ] 2006-10-20 AT&T, Sprint Nextel, Verizon [C 233 ] [C 232 ] [C 181 ] [C 179 ] [C [C 233 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Engagement of ITU-T SG15 with IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group (802.3 HSSG) in consideration of current 802.3 HSSG efforts to define objectives for Higher Speed Ethernet Proposal for T-MPLS MIP Identification Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q6/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 [C 232 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel 100 Gbit/s interface Q9/15, Q11/15 [C 181 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Q9/15, Q11/15 [C 179 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Proposal to specify a T-MPLS Transport Module (TTM) interface in G.8112 and G.8121 Ethernet SSM encoding description in Appendix VIII/G.8261 [C 2006-10-19 Lucent 2006-10-18 Completion of jitter specifications in Q9/15 Q9/15 Q9/15 Q9/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15 Q9/15, ] 164 ] [ C 93 ] [ C 83 ] 164 ] [C 159 ] [C 151 ] [C 144 ] [C 140 ] [C 137 ] [C 136 ] [C 93 ] [C 83 ] [ C 82 ] [ C 80 ] [ C 159 ] Technologies Germany Fujitsu G.783 and G.825 for 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s Q13/15 Proposed TTL description for G.8110.1 Amendment 1 Q9/15, Q12/15 [C 159 ] 2006-10-19 [C 151 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Path Degradation in Packet Transport Network Q9/15, Q12/15 [C 144 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Shared Bandwidth Rate Control Q9/15, Q12/15 [C 140 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for TCM in G.798 Q9/15, Q11/15 [C 137 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for TCM in G.709 Q9/15, Q11/15 [C 136 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for sequencing TCM levels in G.798 Q9/15, Q11/15 [C 93 ] [C 83 ] 2006-10-18 BT Comment on G.8021 and G.8010 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) [C 82 ] [C 80 ] [C 82 ] [C 80 ] 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) PBB Model For G.8010v2 Appendix III and related G.8010v2 & G.8021v2 sections Resilient Packet Ring for G.8010 Q9/15, Q12/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 [ C 77 ] [ C 55 ] [C 77 ] [C 55 ] [C 77 ] [C 55 ] 2006-10-18 [ C 54 ] [C 54 ] [C 54 ] [ C 53 ] [C 53 ] [ C 44 ] [ C 221 ] [ C 151 ] [ C 144 ] [ C 140 ] [ C 137 ] [ C 136 ] 2006-10-18 Ethernet priorities Nortel Networks (Canada) Sprint Nextel Ethernet Ring Requirements by Network Segment 10GbE LAN PHY within OTN optical hierarchy 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Proposal for management communications methodology between systems connected by virtual concatenation of PDH signals [C 53 ] 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Questions to consider on Ultra-High Rate Services with OTN Virtual Concatenation [C 44 ] [C 44 ] 2006-10-17 Proposed Supplement on Network Architecture for transport of Ethernet Services [C 221 [C 221 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies, Sprint Nextel, AT&T, Verizon, AMCC, Alcatel Corning Incorporated 2006-10-17 Relationship of bend radius to reliability Q9/15, Q12/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 Q9/15, Q6/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q6/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q10/15 [ C 163 ] [ C 123 ] [ C 122 ] [ C 107 ] [ C 258 ] [ C 124 ] [ C 283 ] [ C 282 ] ] [C 163 ] [C 123 ] [C 122 ] [C 107 ] [C 258 ] [C 124 ] [C 283 ] [C 282 ] [C 241 ] [C 163 ] 2006-10-19 BT Comments on version 0.2 of G.smx Q10/15 [C 123 ] 2006-10-19 NTT, CLPAJ Proposal on chromatic dispersion on G.mmx Q10/15 [C 122 ] 2006-10-19 OFS-Fitel Comments on the Reference Macrobend Loss Measurement for Class A Fiber Q10/15 [C 107 ] 2006-10-18 Italy Comments on G.smx draft 0.2 Q10/15 [C 258 ] 2006-10-20 Draka Comteq Discussion on macrobending loss specification for G.mmx Q10/15, Q5/15 [C 124 ] 2006-10-19 NTT, CLPAJ Comments on draft G.smx Q10/15, Q5/15 [C 283 ] 2006-10-20 Deutsche Telekom 10 Gbit/s Interface for Packet Transport Networks Q11/15 [C 282 ] 2006-10-20 Deutsche Telekom Q11/15 [C 241 ] 2006-10-20 Japan [ C 234 ] (Rev.1) [C 234 ] [C 234 ] 2006-10-20 Japan [ C 212 ] [C 212 ] [C 178 ] [C 167 ] [C 166 ] [C 154 ] [C 142 ] [C 139 [C 212 ] 2006-10-20 NTT [C 178 ] 2006-10-19 NTT [C 167 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Shanghai Bell Proposal for a new Recommendation Packet Transport NNIs and their applications Two customer needs of 10GbE LAN PHY transport: one can be fulfilled by using existing standards and the other needs new standards All-Japan interoperability trial of fulltransparent 10GbE LAN PHY transport Rev1: Correction of a template issue causing the seventh contact not to appear Proposal of the modifications of description on the usage of SDH overhead for automatic discovery in G.707 Initiation of > 10 Gb/s Ethernet transport discussions at ITU-T: IEEE is already discussing higher speed Ethernet CM, CF definition in G.8011 and Traffic conditioning algorithm in G.8021 [C 166 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Shangai Bell Support point to multi-point in Ethernet over Transport and T-MPLS Q11/15 [C 154 ] 2006-10-19 ETRI Proposed modification to ODTU23 frame format and mapping of ODU2 in G.709 Q11/15 [C 142 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for E-Tree service in G.8011 Q11/15 [C 139 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Corrigendum to G.7043/Y.1343 Q11/15 [ C 241 ] [ C 178 ] [ C 167 ] [ C 166 ] [ C 154 ] [ C 142 ] [ C 139 ] Q11/15 Q11/15 Q11/15 Q11/15 Q11/15 [ C 72 ] [ C 71 ] [ C 280 ] [ C 275 ] [ C 273 ] [ C 243 ] [ C 242 ] ] [C 72 ] [C 71 ] [C 280 ] [C 275 ] [C 273 ] [C 243 ] [C 242 ] [C 72 ] [C 71 ] [C 280 ] 2006-10-18 PMC Sierra Proposed Amendment 2 to G.7043/Y.1343 Q11/15 2006-10-18 PMC Sierra Q11/15 2006-10-20 Deutsche Telekom Proposed Corrigendum to ITU-T Rec. G.7041 (GFP) High Speed Interface for Packet Transport Networks [C 275 ] 2006-10-20 Serial 100 Gigabit Ethernet PHY proposal in 802.3 [C 273 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies Germany Alcatel [C 243 ] 2006-10-20 Cisco Systems Proposal to continue work on 10GbE bit rates [C 242 ] 2006-10-20 Cisco Systems Impact of T-MPLS on a carrier operations group Engagement of ITU-T SG15 with IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group (802.3 HSSG) in consideration of current 802.3 HSSG efforts to define objectives for Higher Speed Ethernet 100 Gbit/s interface Q11/15, Q3/15, Q6/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Proposed mechanism for T-MPLS TCM using label stacking Q11/15, Q6/15 [ C 240 ] [C 240 ] [C 240 ] 2006-10-20 AT&T, Sprint Nextel, Verizon [ C 232 ] [C 232 ] [C 231 ] [C 181 ] [C 180 ] [C 179 ] [C 140 ] [C 137 ] [C 136 ] [C 80 ] [C 232 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel [C 231 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Multi-layer T-MPLS network architecture and layer network signal formats Q11/15, Q12/15 [C 181 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Q11/15, Q9/15 [C 180 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Proposal to specify a T-MPLS Transport Module (TTM) interface in G.8112 and G.8121 Proposal to start the development of a MPLS service specification [C 179 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Ethernet SSM encoding description in Appendix VIII/G.8261 [C 140 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for TCM in G.798 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q13/15 Q11/15, Q9/15 [C 137 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for TCM in G.709 Q11/15, Q9/15 [C 136 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for sequencing TCM levels in G.798 Q11/15, Q9/15 [C 80 ] 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) Ethernet priorities Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, [ C 231 ] [ C 181 ] [ C 180 ] [ C 179 ] [ C 140 ] [ C 137 ] [ C 136 ] [ C 80 ] Q11/15, Q9/15 Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15 Q11/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q12/15 [ C 55 ] [C 55 ] [C 55 ] 2006-10-17 Sprint Nextel 10GbE LAN PHY within OTN optical hierarchy [ C 54 ] [C 54 ] [C 54 ] 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Proposal for management communications methodology between systems connected by virtual concatenation of PDH signals [ C 53 ] [C 53 ] [C 53 ] 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Questions to consider on Ultra-High Rate Services with OTN Virtual Concatenation [ C 44 ] [C 44 ] [C 44 ] 2006-10-17 Proposed Supplement on Network Architecture for transport of Ethernet Services [ C 291 ] [C 291 ] [C 289 ] [C 288 ] [C 287 ] [C 285 ] [C 284 ] [C 281 ] [C 272 ] [C 266 ] [C 260 ] [C 259 ] [C [C 291 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies, Sprint Nextel, AT&T, Verizon, AMCC, Alcatel Alcatel [C 289 ] 2006-10-22 Tellabs Oy Functional Classes and Network Modes Q12/15 [C 288 ] 2006-10-22 Tellabs Oy A Unified Modelling View of OAM Modes Q12/15 [C 287 ] 2006-10-20 Tellabs Oy Modelling Ethernet VLANs Q12/15 [C 285 ] 2006-10-20 Tellabs Oy Semantics of Functional Modelling Diagrams Q12/15 [C 284 ] 2006-10-20 Tellabs Oy T-MPLS Control Plane Requirements Q12/15 [C 281 ] 2006-10-20 Deutsche Telekom Proposal for a specification of the architecture of Packet Transport Networks Q12/15 [C 272 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel, Huawei Technologies Proposed text for Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.8110.1 Q12/15 [C 266 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel T-MPLS Control Plane Architecture Q12/15 [C 260 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Channel/senders/receivers complex model Q12/15 [C 259 ] 2006-10-20 Unifying G.805 and G.809 Q12/15 [C 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies UK, KPN Alcatel Work Load of Q12/15 - Proposal for Q12/15 [ C 289 ] [ C 288 ] [ C 287 ] [ C 285 ] [ C 284 ] [ C 281 ] [ C 272 ] [ C 266 ] [ C 260 ] [ C 259 ] [ C 228 Channel transparency in G.805 and G.ufatn ] [ C 214 ] [ C 209 ] [ C 207 ] [ C 203 ] [ C 198 ] [ C 182 ] [ C 170 ] [ C 168 ] [ C 160 ] [ C 158 ] [ C 148 ] [ C 146 ] [ C 145 ] [ C 143 ] [ C 92 ] [ C 89 ] [ C 88 ] [ C 87 ] 228 ] [C 214 ] [C 209 ] [C 207 ] [C 203 ] [C 198 ] [C 182 ] [C 170 ] [C 168 ] [C 160 ] [C 158 ] [C 148 ] 228 ] [C 146 ] [C 145 ] [C 143 ] [C 92 ] [C 89 ] [C 88 ] [C 87 ] advanced working methods [C 214 ] 2006-10-20 NTT Proposal of operation scenarios for VCAT and LCAS management in ASON Q12/15 [C 209 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Definition of SNP states in LRM Q12/15 [C 207 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Combination of protection and restoration in G.8080 Q12/15 [C 203 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation A proposal for T-MPLS support of the Diff-Serv Q12/15 [C 198 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Proposals to add directory service component into G.8080 Q12/15 [C 182 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Proposed enhancement to G.805 and G.ufatn scope and introduction text Q12/15 [C 170 ] 2006-10-19 Proposal of adding sharing channel protection in G.8080 Q12/15 [C 168 ] 2006-10-19 China Unicom, Alcatel Shanghai Bell MII China Component interactions for the multi connection setup Q12/15 [C 160 ] 2006-10-19 Fujitsu Proposed scope of G.8110.1 Amendment 1 Q12/15 [C 158 ] 2006-10-19 Fujitsu Consideration on T-MPLS OAM architecture for G.8110.1 Amendment 1 Q12/15 [C 148 ] 2006-10-19 VS Tunnel Multiplexing and Services Discussion Q12/15 [C 146 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies, Siemens AG, China Telecom Huawei Technologies Proposal for TCM in G.8110.1 Q12/15 [C 145 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Propose to add RPR/TM adaptation function Q12/15 [C 143 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposal for FC over T-MPLS Q12/15 [C 92 ] [C 89 ] [C 88 ] [C 87 ] 2006-10-18 BT Comments on G.8110.1 Q12/15 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Unified model - Topology Q12/15 Unified model - Symbols and conventions Q12/15 Unified model - Identifiers Q12/15 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 [ C 86 ] [ C 85 ] [ C 84 ] [ C 75 ] [ C 42 ] [ C 41 ] [ C 40 ] [ C 39 ] [ C 38 ] [C 86 ] [C 85 ] [C 84 ] [C 75 ] [C 42 ] [C 41 ] [C 40 ] [C 39 ] [C 38 ] [C 86 ] [C 85 ] [C 84 ] [C 75 ] [C 42 ] [C 41 ] [C 40 ] [C 39 ] [C 38 ] 2006-10-18 [ C 286 ] [C 286 ] [C 274 ] [C 273 ] [C 271 ] [C 265 ] [C 243 ] [C 242 ] [ C 240 ] [ C 233 ] [ C 274 ] [ C 273 ] [ C 271 ] [ C 265 ] [ C 243 ] [ C 242 ] [ C 231 ] [ C 201 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Alcatel 2006-10-04 Alcatel 2006-10-04 Alcatel 2006-10-04 Alcatel 2006-10-04 Alcatel 2006-10-04 Alcatel [C 286 ] 2006-10-20 Tellabs Oy [C 274 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel, Ericsson T-MPLS Definition Q12/15, Q9/15 [C 273 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Proposed mechanism for T-MPLS TCM using label stacking [C 271 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Transport MPLS Protection Architecture Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 [C 265 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Proposal for T-MPLS TCM using label stacking Q12/15, Q9/15 [C 243 ] 2006-10-20 Cisco Systems Proposal to continue work on 10GbE bit rates [C 242 ] 2006-10-20 Cisco Systems Impact of T-MPLS on a carrier operations group [C 240 ] [C 240 ] 2006-10-20 AT&T, Sprint Nextel, Verizon [C 233 ] [C 231 ] [C [C 233 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Engagement of ITU-T SG15 with IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group (802.3 HSSG) in consideration of current 802.3 HSSG efforts to define objectives for Higher Speed Ethernet Proposal for T-MPLS MIP Identification Q12/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 [C 231 ] 2006-10-20 Alcatel Multi-layer T-MPLS network architecture and layer network signal formats Q12/15, Q11/15 [C 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation The corrigendum for G.8080 and G.7713 Q12/15, 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 Unified model - Division of layer network resources Unified Model - Sublayers Q12/15 Unified Model - Network Management Aspects Proposed PBB model and I-Tag definition issue A unified model description of the packet transport network Ports and flows in the unified model Q12/15 OAM Information (OI) in the functional architecture (G.ufatn) Proposal to modify MEG level names in the context of the unified model Proposed stepwise construction of the unified functional architecture for transport networks from G.805 Considerations for Modelling Timing and Synchronization Q12/15 Q12/15 Q12/15 Q12/15 Q12/15 Q12/15 Q12/15 Q12/15, Q13/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 ] 201 ] [ C 93 ] [ C 83 ] 201 ] [C 200 ] [C 180 ] [C 159 ] [C 151 ] [C 144 ] [C 103 ] [C 93 ] [C 83 ] [ C 82 ] [ C 80 ] [ C 200 ] Q14/15 Some concerns on the new-type control plane for circuit & packet transport network Proposal to start the development of a MPLS service specification Q12/15, Q14/15 Fujitsu Proposed TTL description for G.8110.1 Amendment 1 Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Path Degradation in Packet Transport Network Q12/15, Q9/15 [C 144 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Shared Bandwidth Rate Control Q12/15, Q9/15 [C 103 ] 2006-10-18 Telecom Italia All Optical Packet Networks: outcomes of the IST LASAGNE project [C 93 ] [C 83 ] 2006-10-18 BT Comment on G.8021 and G.8010 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) [C 82 ] [C 80 ] [C 82 ] [C 80 ] 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) PBB Model For G.8010v2 Appendix III and related G.8010v2 & G.8021v2 sections Resilient Packet Ring for G.8010 Q12/15, Q6/15, Q7/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 [ C 77 ] [ C 55 ] [C 77 ] [C 55 ] [C 77 ] [C 55 ] 2006-10-18 [ C 54 ] [C 54 ] [C 54 ] [ C 53 ] [C 53 ] [ C 44 ] [ C 279 ] [ C 180 ] [ C 159 ] [ C 151 ] [ C 144 ] [ C 103 ] [C 200 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation [C 180 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel [C 159 ] 2006-10-19 [C 151 ] 2006-10-18 Ethernet priorities Nortel Networks (Canada) Sprint Nextel Ethernet Ring Requirements by Network Segment 10GbE LAN PHY within OTN optical hierarchy 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Proposal for management communications methodology between systems connected by virtual concatenation of PDH signals [C 53 ] 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Questions to consider on Ultra-High Rate Services with OTN Virtual Concatenation [C 44 ] [C 44 ] 2006-10-17 Proposed Supplement on Network Architecture for transport of Ethernet Services [C 279 [C 279 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies, Sprint Nextel, AT&T, Verizon, AMCC, Alcatel France Telecom 2006-10-17 Proposal of Liaison Statement with 3GPP RAN WG Q12/15, Q11/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 Q12/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15 Q13/15 [ C 278 ] [ C 277 ] [ C 276 ] [ C 253 ] [ C 252 ] [ C 251 ] [ C 250 ] [ C 248 ] [ C 247 ] [ C 246 ] [ C 245 ] [ C 226 ] [ C 225 ] [ C 224 ] [ C 223 ] [ C 219 ] [ C 176 ] [ C 175 ] [C 278 ] [C 277 ] [C 276 ] [C 253 ] [C 252 ] [C 251 ] [C 250 ] [C 248 ] [C 247 ] [C 246 ] [C 245 ] [C 226 ] [C 225 ] [C 224 ] [C 223 ] [C 219 ] [C 176 ] [C [C 278 ] 2006-10-20 Agere Systems Deterministic Packet Delay Variation (PDV) Test Sequences for TES and CES Performance Evaluation The usefulness of Deterministic Packet Delay Variation (PDV) in the evaluation of Adaptive Timing Protocols Definition of Timing Traceability for G.8261 Q13/15 [C 277 ] 2006-10-20 Agere Systems [C 276 ] 2006-10-20 Agere Systems [C 253 ] 2006-10-20 Israel MOC Clock bandwidth considerations for G.paclock Q13/15 [C 252 ] 2006-10-20 Israel MOC Text changes for Appendix VIII of Recommendation G.8261 Q13/15 [C 251 ] 2006-10-20 Israel MOC Appendix VI/Test Case 8: Can G.8261 masks be met Q13/15 [C 250 ] 2006-10-20 Israel MOC Clarifications and text changes for Appendix VI of G.8621 Q13/15 [C 248 ] 2006-10-20 BT Synchronisation Modelling Components Time Q13/15 [C 247 ] 2006-10-20 BT Synchronous Ethernet Equipment Clock Selection Function Q13/15 [C 246 ] 2006-10-20 BT Synchronisation Modelling - Frequency and Time Converging Q13/15 [C 245 ] 2006-10-20 BT Synchronous Ethernet - Synchronisation Status Message (SSM) Delay Analysis Q13/15 [C 226 ] 2006-10-20 Nortel Networks (USA) Time distribution in synchronization networks Q13/15 [C 225 ] 2006-10-20 Nortel Networks (USA) SSM behaviour for packet networks Q13/15 [C 224 ] 2006-10-20 USA Network limits for 1544 kbit/s interface description in G.8261 Q13/15 [C 223 ] 2006-10-20 Adtran Additional Information on Virtual Synchronous Ethernet Method Q13/15 [C 219 ] 2006-10-20 Tellabs Oy Supporting Time synchronization (timeof-day) across a transmission network Q13/15 [C 176 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Specification of a clock applicable to Synchronous Ethernet Q13/15 [C 2006-10-19 Alcatel Transport of SSM in Synchronous Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 ] 175 ] [ C 99 ] [ C 98 ] [ C 97 ] [ C 96 ] [ C 95 ] [ C 94 ] 175 ] [C 141 ] [C 134 ] [C 133 ] [C 126 ] [C 114 ] [C 113 ] [C 112 ] [C 111 ] [C 110 ] [C 109 ] [C 108 ] [C 99 ] [C 98 ] [C 97 ] [C 96 ] [C 95 ] [C 94 ] [ C 79 ] [ C 76 ] [ C 74 [C 79 ] [C 76 ] [C [ C 141 ] [ C 134 ] [ C 133 ] [ C 126 ] [ C 114 ] [ C 113 ] [ C 112 ] [ C 111 ] [ C 110 ] [ C 109 ] [ C 108 ] Ethernet [C 141 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposed Functional Requirements for Automatic Synchronization Distribution Q13/15 [C 134 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Q13/15 [C 133 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Clarification to questions raised to WD23 at Ottawa Q13/15 Meeting that was held June 19 - 23, 2006 in Ottawa, Canada Automatic Sync Distribution Technique [C 126 ] 2006-10-19 Symmetricom Importance of time-of-day in packetswitched networks Q13/15 [C 114 ] 2006-10-18 Ericsson Discussion on G.8261, G.paclock and G.pacmod scope Q13/15 [C 113 ] 2006-10-18 Ericsson IWF in G.8261 Q13/15 [C 112 ] 2006-10-18 Ericsson Discussion on IWF model (G.pacmod living list item 2) Q13/15 [C 111 ] 2006-10-18 Ericsson Proposals for Service Clock and Network Clock in G.8261 and G.paclock Q13/15 [C 110 ] 2006-10-18 Ericsson Packet Network reference Models in G.8261 Q13/15 [C 109 ] 2006-10-18 Ericsson MPLS in the G.8261 scope Q13/15 [C 108 ] 2006-10-18 Ericsson Proposals for corrections in ITU-T G.8261 Q13/15 [C 99 ] [C 98 ] [C 97 ] [C 96 ] [C 95 ] [C 94 ] 2006-10-18 Zarlink Semiconductor Zarlink Semiconductor Zarlink Semiconductor Zarlink Semiconductor Zarlink Semiconductor Zarlink Semiconductor G.paclock draft rearrangement Q13/15 G.paclock alignment with G.813 for Synchronous Ethernet G.paclock - Wander Tolerance test results for Synchronous Ethernet G.paclock - Wander Tolerance for Synchronous Ethernet G.paclock - Scope Q13/15 Q13/15 [C 79 ] [C 76 ] [C 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) Telcordia ITU-T G.8261 - Reference missing in Recommendation Proposals for corrections in ITU-T G.8261 G.813 clock for Synchronous Ethernet equipment Terminology for G.paclock 2006-10-18 Symmetricom Considerations in synchronous Ethernet Q13/15 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 2006-10-18 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 ] [ C 63 ] [ C 62 ] [ C 61 ] [ C 60 ] [ C 51 ] [ C 50 ] [ C 286 ] 74 ] [C 63 ] [C 62 ] [C 61 ] [C 60 ] [C 51 ] [C 50 ] [C 286 ] [ C 55 ] 74 ] [C 63 ] [C 62 ] [C 61 ] [C 60 ] [C 51 ] [C 50 ] [C 286 ] [C 179 ] [C 164 ] [C 55 ] [ C 44 ] [ C 227 ] [ C 179 ] [ C 164 ] [ C 213 ] [ C 199 ] [ C 147 ] [ C 67 ] [ C 243 ] [ C 242 ] equipment provisioning Considerations for messaging in Synchronous Ethernet OAMPDU Characterization of Packet Delay Variation Enabling efficient synchronization network management Considerations for Auto-configuration in Synchronization Networks Considerations for intra-office synchronization Measurement of Packet Delay Variation 2006-10-17 Symmetricom 2006-10-17 Symmetricom 2006-10-17 Symmetricom 2006-10-17 Symmetricom 2006-10-16 Symmetricon 2006-10-16 Symmetricon 2006-10-20 Tellabs Oy Considerations for Modelling Timing and Synchronization Q13/15, Q12/15 [C 179 ] 2006-10-19 Alcatel Ethernet SSM encoding description in Appendix VIII/G.8261 [C 164 ] 2006-10-19 Completion of jitter specifications in G.783 and G.825 for 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s [C 55 ] 2006-10-17 Lucent Technologies Germany Sprint Nextel Q13/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Q13/15, Q9/15 [C 44 ] [C 44 ] 2006-10-17 Proposed Supplement on Network Architecture for transport of Ethernet Services [C 227 ] [C 213 ] [C 199 ] [C 147 ] [C 67 ] [C 243 ] [C 242 ] [C 227 ] 2006-10-20 Lucent Technologies, Sprint Nextel, AT&T, Verizon, AMCC, Alcatel ETRI [C 213 ] 2006-10-20 NTT Proposal of amendments for flexible connection release in G.7713 Q14/15 [C 199 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation Proposals to start Directory Service research work Q14/15 [C 147 ] 2006-10-19 Huawei Technologies Proposed text for G.7716 draft Q14/15 [C 67 ] [C 243 ] 2006-10-18 ETRI Q14/15 2006-10-20 Cisco Systems Protocol extension for automatic discovery in OTN networks Proposal to continue work on 10GbE bit rates [C 242 ] 2006-10-20 Cisco Systems 10GbE LAN PHY within OTN optical hierarchy Protocol extension for automatic discovery in OTN networks Impact of T-MPLS on a carrier operations group Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15 Q14/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, [ C 201 ] [C 201 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation The corrigendum for G.8080 and G.7713 [C 200 ] 2006-10-20 ZTE Corporation [ C 80 ] [C 201 ] [C 200 ] [C 80 ] [C 80 ] 2006-10-18 Nortel Networks (Canada) Some concerns on the new-type control plane for circuit & packet transport network Ethernet priorities [ C 55 ] [C 55 ] [C 55 ] 2006-10-17 Sprint Nextel 10GbE LAN PHY within OTN optical hierarchy [ C 54 ] [C 54 ] [C 54 ] 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Proposal for management communications methodology between systems connected by virtual concatenation of PDH signals [ C 53 ] [C 53 ] [C 53 ] 2006-10-17 Ceterus Networks, Sprint Nextel Questions to consider on Ultra-High Rate Services with OTN Virtual Concatenation [ C 200 ] Q12/15 Q14/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Lettres Collectives Web [ COL 3 ] IFA [ COL 3] Local [ COL 3] Date 2006-09-06 Source SG 15 Titre Réunion de la Commission d'études 15, Genève, 30 octobre-10 novembre 2006 Rapports Web [ R 14 ] IFA [R 14 ] Local [R 14 ] Date 2006-12-22 Source SG 15 [ R 15 ] [R 15 ] [R 15 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 [ R 15 ] [R 15 ] [R 15 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 [ R 17 ] [R 17 ] [R 17 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Titre Report of the fourth meeting of Study Group 15 - Optical and other transport networks (20052008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN structure (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October-10 November 2006) - Part I General and Part IIA - Agreements Questions Q1-14/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 [ R 15 ] [R 15 ] [R 15 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN technology (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General [ R 16 ] [R 16 ] [R 16 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 [ R 16 ] [R 16 ] [R 16 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN technology (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General [ R 16 ] [R 16 ] [R 16 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN technology (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General [ R 16 ] [R 16 ] [R 16 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN technology (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General [ R 17 ] [R 17 ] [R 17 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN structure (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October-10 November 2006) - Part I General and Part IIA - Agreements [ R 16 ] [R 16 ] [R 16 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN technology (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October - 10 November 2006) - General [ R 17 ] [R 17 ] [R 17 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN structure (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October-10 November 2006) - Part I General and Part IIA - Agreements [ R 17 ] [R 17 ] [R 17 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN structure (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October-10 November 2006) - Part I General and Part IIA - Agreements [ R 17 ] [R 17 ] [R 17 ] 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN structure (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October-10 November 2006) - Part I General and Part IIA - Agreements [ R 17 [R [R 2006-12-22 SG 15 Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q14/15, ] 17 ] 17 ] 3/15 - OTN structure (2005-2008) - (Geneva, 30 October-10 November 2006) - Part I General and Part IIA - Agreements Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Documents Temporaires (GEN) Web [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) IFA [ TD 174GEN ] Local [ TD 174GEN ] Date 2006-10-29 Source Rapporteur Q3/15 Titre Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 185GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] 2006-11-03 Chairman WP1/15 Home Networking activities in ITU-T 2006-10-29 FG IPTV Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] 2006-11-01 Rapporteur Q2/15 Status report on the G-PON Pavilion at ITU World Telecom 2006, Hong Kong 2006 2006-11-03 Chairman WP1/15 Home Networking activities in ITU-T 2006-10-29 FG IPTV Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 185GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] Questions Q13/14, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q10/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q10/15, Q12/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q3/15, Q4/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q2/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15, Q10/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15, Q10/15, Q12/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q3/15, Q4/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/14, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q10/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q10/15, Q12/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q6/15, Q3/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/14, Q14/15 Q6/15, Q9/15 [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 185GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] 2006-11-03 Chairman WP1/15 Home Networking activities in ITU-T 2006-10-29 FG IPTV Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - Integration of SG15 comments (COM15 LS 01) in Draft of Recommendation O.otn 2006-05-08 ITU-T SG15 LS - Response to Q4/4 on draft Recommendation O.otn (COM4 LS 031) Q6/15, Q9/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Q7/15, [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) 174GEN ] 174GEN ] Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 151GEN ] 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - Integration of SG15 comments (COM15 LS 01) in Draft of Recommendation O.otn 2006-05-08 ITU-T SG15 LS - Response to Q4/4 on draft Recommendation O.otn (COM4 LS 031) Q9/15, Q6/15 2006-11-03 Chairman WP1/15 Home Networking activities in ITU-T 2006-10-29 FG IPTV Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id Q10/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 Q10/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q12/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/14, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q3/15, Q4/15, Q9/15, [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 182GEN ] Q3/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/14, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/14, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q3/15, Q4/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q6/15 [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] 2006-10-29 FG IPTV Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative to SG13 on NGN Issues Rapporteur Q3/15 Report of NGN activities [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative on TNM Report on SG4 TNM 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative to IETF on TNM Report on IETF Transport Network Management [ TD 174GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 169GEN ] 2006-10-29 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q10/15 Q12/15, QALL Q12/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/14, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q3/15, Q4/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q3/15, Q4/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/14 Q14/15, QALL Q14/15, QALL [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2006-09-28 IEEE LS -Requested information: Organizationally Unique Identifier and company_id [ TD 186GEN ] [ TD 186GEN ] [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 179GEN ] [ TD 178GEN ] [ TD 177GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD [ TD 186GEN ] [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 179GEN ] [ TD 178GEN ] [ TD 177GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 2006-11-09 TSB Final list of participants Q14/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q3/15, Q4/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 QALL 2006-10-30 SG15 Representative to IETF for Routing SG15 EWM Coordinator IETF Routing Report QALL Electronic Working Methods (EWM) report QALL Update on IEEE 802.1 QALL 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative to IEEE 802.1 WG TSB Meeting facilities and submission of documents QALL 2006-10-29 TSB Communication with CEPCA (Consumer Electronics Powerline Communication Alliance) QALL 2006-10-29 TSB Status of Recommendations consented at the last SG15 meeting, February 2006 QALL 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative to SG13 on NGN Issues TSB Report of NGN activities QALL, Q12/15 Planned ITU G-PON (G.984) Pavilion at the ITU Telecom World 2006 (Hong Kong, 4-8 December, 2006) QALL 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative on TNM Report on SG4 TNM QALL, Q14/15 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative to IEEE 802.17 SG15 Update on IEEE 802.17 QALL Update on MEF QALL [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 179GEN ] [ TD 178GEN ] [ TD 177GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 2006-10-29 2006-10-29 2006-10-29 2006-10-29 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD 157GEN ] 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD 157GEN 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD 157GEN Representative to MEF 2006-10-29 SG15 Representative to IEEE 802.3 Update on IEEE 802.3 QALL 2006-10-29 Report on IETF Transport Network Management QALL, Q14/15 Report on IETF CCAMP activities QALL 2006-10-24 SG15 Representative to IETF on TNM SG15 Representative to IETF CCAMP WG IEC SC86B LS - Change of liaison from IEC SC86B to ITU-T SG15 QALL 2006-10-22 JCA-NID LS to all ITU-T SGs and TSAG QALL 2006-10-19 Report on INCITS T11.3 Activities QALL Report on TM Forum Multi Technology OSS Program (mTOP) activities QALL 2006-08-24 SG15 Representative to INCITS T11.3 SG15 Representative to TMF on MTNM issues ITU-T SG13 LS - Terminology for NGN QALL 2006-08-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - Information from Daidalos QALL 2006-07-21 FG IPTV LS - Initiation of IPTV End System Study QALL 2006-07-18 TSAG LS - Conformance and Interoperability Testing QALL 2006-07-18 TSGA LS - New Meeting Document Distribution Practice QALL 2006-07-18 TSAG LS - Reporting of workshops QALL 2006-10-26 2006-10-17 [ TD 156GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] [ TD 149GEN ] [ TD 148GEN ] [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 145GEN ] [ TD 144GEN ] [ TD 143GEN ] ] [ TD 156GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] [ TD 149GEN ] [ TD 148GEN ] [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 145GEN ] [ TD 144GEN ] [ TD 143GEN ] ] [ TD 156GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] [ TD 149GEN ] [ TD 148GEN ] [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 145GEN ] [ TD 144GEN ] [ TD 143GEN ] 2006-07-18 TSAG LS - Author's guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations QALL 2006-07-11 Ad Hoc Group on IPR LS - Trademark Advice to ITU-T SG 15 QALL 2006-07-10 ITU-T SG12 LS - Responsibility for some of the G.820series Recommendations QALL 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - NGN Management Focus Group QALL 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - SG 4 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management QALL 2006-05-17 ITU-T SG2 LS - SG2, Lead Study Group on Service Definition, Numbering, Routing and TDR QALL 2006-05-09 ITU-T SG17 LS - Reply on Guidance on conformance and interoperability testing workshop in January 2006 QALL 2006-05-09 ITU-T SG17 LS - Status of WTSA Resolution 50 Obligations QALL 2006-05-08 ITU-T SG17 LS - Summary of ITU-T Study Groups Security Related Activities QALL 2006-05-04 ITU-T SG16 LS - IPTV Focus Group QALL 2006-05-04 ITU-T SG16 QALL 2006-05-04 ITU-T SG13 LS - Comments on LS on SG17 guidance to TSAG and SGs on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing LS - NGN Project Management Database QALL Documents Temporaires (PLEN) Web [ TD IFA [ TD Local [ TD Date 2006-11-07 Source Chairman Titre Draft new Supplement G.Sup42 - Generic Questions Q1/15 331PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 326PLEN ] [ TD 325PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 348PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 347PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 346PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 345PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 284PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 282PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 349- 331PLEN ] 331PLEN ] WP1/15 Home Network Architecture (Not for agreement at this meeting) [ TD 326PLEN ] [ TD 325PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] [ TD 326PLEN ] [ TD 325PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q1/15 Access Network Transport Standards Work Plan Q1/15 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q1/15 Access Network Transport standards overview Q1/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 interim activities Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 [ TD 348PLEN ] [ TD 348PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15Q1 LS from WP1/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 [ TD 347PLEN ] [ TD 347PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 [ TD 346PLEN ] [ TD 346PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 [ TD 345PLEN ] [ TD 345PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 Report of WP1/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 [ TD 284PLEN ] [ TD 284PLEN ] 2006-09-13 Editor Rec. G.984.4 Draft new Amendment 3 to Recommendation G.984.4 (for consent) Q2/15 [ TD 282PLEN ] [ TD 282PLEN ] 2006-09-13 Editor Rec. G.983.2 Draft new Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.983.2 (for consent) Q2/15 [ TD 349- [ TD 349- 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 interim activities Q2/15, Q1/15, PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 348PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 347PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 346PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 345PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 283PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 359PLEN ] PLEN ] PLEN ] Q4/15 [ TD 348PLEN ] [ TD 348PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15Q1 LS from WP1/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 [ TD 347PLEN ] [ TD 347PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 [ TD 346PLEN ] [ TD 346PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 [ TD 345PLEN ] [ TD 345PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 Report of WP1/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 [ TD 283PLEN ] [ TD 283PLEN ] 2006-09-13 Editor Rec. G.984.3 Draft new Amendment 3 to Recommendation G.984.3 (for consent) Q2/15, Q11/15 [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15 [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 [ TD 301PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 366PLEN ] [ TD 365PLEN ] [ TD 364PLEN ] [ TD 363PLEN ] [ TD 333PLEN ] [ TD 312PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 311PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 298PLEN [ TD 301PLEN ] [ TD 301PLEN ] 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.8101/Y.1355 Draft new Recommendation G.8101/Y.1355 (Terms and Definitions for Transport MPLS (for consent) [ TD 366PLEN ] [ TD 365PLEN ] [ TD 364PLEN ] [ TD 363PLEN ] [ TD 333PLEN ] [ TD 312PLEN ] [ TD 366PLEN ] [ TD 365PLEN ] [ TD 364PLEN ] [ TD 363PLEN ] [ TD 333PLEN ] [ TD 312PLEN ] 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.994.1 Draft integrated text for Recommendation G.994.1 (for consent) Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.994.1 Draft new Amendment 5 to Recommendation G.994.1 (for consent) Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.993.2 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.993.2 (for consent) Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.993.2 Draft amendment 1 to Recommendation G.993.2 (for consent) Q4/15 2006-11-07 Editor Rec. G.998.2 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.998.2 (for consent) Q4/15 2006-10-26 Editor Rec. G.997.1 Draft new Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.997.1 (for consent) Q4/15 [ TD 311PLEN ] [ TD 311PLEN ] 2006-10-26 Editor Rec. G.997.1 Draft New Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.997.1 (for consent) Q4/15 [ TD 298PLEN [ TD 298PLEN 2006-10-19 Editors Rec. G.9954 Draft revised Recommendation G.9954 (for consent) Q4/15 ] [ TD 293PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 292PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 291PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 348PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 347PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 346PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 345PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 313PLEN ] [ TD 308PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 306- ] [ TD 293PLEN ] ] [ TD 293PLEN ] [ TD 292PLEN ] 2006-10-17 Editor Rec. G.992.x Draft new Amendment 3 to Recommendation G.992.5 (for consent) Q4/15 [ TD 292PLEN ] 2006-10-17 Editor Rec. G.992.x Draft new Amendment 3 to Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 [ TD 291PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] [ TD 291PLEN ] [ TD 349PLEN ] 2006-10-17 Chairman WP1/15 Proposed revision of text of Question 4/15 Q4/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 interim activities Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 [ TD 348PLEN ] [ TD 348PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15Q1 LS from WP1/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 [ TD 347PLEN ] [ TD 347PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 [ TD 346PLEN ] [ TD 346PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 [ TD 345PLEN ] [ TD 345PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP1/15 Report of WP1/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 [ TD 313PLEN ] [ TD 308PLEN ] [ TD 313PLEN ] [ TD 308PLEN ] 2006-10-27 Editor Rec. G.654 Draft revised Recommendation G.654 (ver. 1.0) (for consent) Q5/15 2006-10-24 Editor G.Sup40 Draft revised Supplement G.Sup40 (for agreement) Q5/15 [ TD 306- [ TD 306- 2006-10-22 Editor Rec. G.656 Draft revised Recommendation G.656 (ver. 0.1) (for consent) Q5/15 PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 303PLEN ] [ TD 299PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 303PLEN ] [ TD 299PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 303PLEN ] [ TD 299PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] 2006-10-20 Editor Rec. G.653 Draft revised Recommendation G.653 (for consent) Q5/15 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.650.3 Draft revised Recommendation G.650.3 (for consent) Q5/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 336PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 323PLEN ] [ TD 307PLEN ] [ TD 286PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 336PLEN ] [ TD 336PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Editor Rec. G.698.1 Modifications to draft revised Recommendation G.698.1 (for consent) Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15 [ TD 323PLEN ] [ TD 307PLEN ] [ TD 286PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 323PLEN ] [ TD 307PLEN ] [ TD 286PLEN ] [ TD 2006-11-07 Editor Rec. G.695 Modifications to draft revised Recommendation G.695 (for consent) Q6/15 2006-10-22 Acting Editor Rec. G.698.1 Draft Revised Recommendation G.698.1 (for consent) Q6/15 2006-10-02 Editor Rec. G.695 Draft revised Rec. G.695 (for consent) Q6/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 interim activities Q6/15, 354PLEN ] 354PLEN ] 354PLEN ] WP2/15 Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q3/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q7/15 [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 [ TD 330PLEN ] [ TD 300PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 330PLEN ] [ TD 300PLEN ] [ TD 330PLEN ] [ TD 300PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Editor Rec. G.671 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.671 (for consent) 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.667 Draft New Recommendation G.667(exG.adc) (version 0.21R1) (for consent) Q7/15 [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 352PLEN [ TD 352PLEN [ TD 352PLEN 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, ] ] ] Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q8/15 [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 [ TD 337PLEN ] [ TD 309PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 337PLEN ] [ TD 309PLEN ] [ TD 337PLEN ] [ TD 309PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Editor Rec. G.978 Draft new Recommendation G.978 (for consent) 2006-10-26 Editor Rec. G.977 Draft revised Recommendation G.977 (for consent) Q8/15 [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 [ TD 343PLEN ] [ TD 314PLEN ] [ TD 304PLEN ] [ TD 297PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 296PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 295PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 294PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 343PLEN ] [ TD 314PLEN ] [ TD 304PLEN ] [ TD 297PLEN ] [ TD 343PLEN ] [ TD 314PLEN ] [ TD 304PLEN ] [ TD 297PLEN ] 2006-11-09 Editors G.8131 Editorial corrections to TD297R1 Q9/15 2006-10-29 Editor Rec. G.808.1 Draft Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.808.1 (for consent) Q9/15 2006-10-20 Editors Rec. G.8021/Y.1341 Draft revised Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 (for consent) Q9/15 2006-10-19 Editors Rec. G.8131 Draft new Recommendation G.8131 (Protection switching for Transport MPLS networks) (for consent) Q9/15 [ TD 296PLEN ] [ TD 296PLEN ] 2006-10-19 Editors Rec. Y.1720 Draft Revised Recommendation Y.1720 (Protection switching for MPLS networks) (for consent) Q9/15 [ TD 295PLEN ] [ TD 295PLEN ] 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.798 Draft revised Recommendation G.798 (for consent) Q9/15 [ TD 294PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 294PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] 2006-10-17 Editors Rec. G.8121 Draft new Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.8121/Y.1381 (03/2006) (for consent) Q9/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15 [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 [ TD 301PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 310PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 301PLEN ] [ TD 301PLEN ] 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.8101/Y.1355 Draft new Recommendation G.8101/Y.1355 (Terms and Definitions for Transport MPLS (for consent) [ TD 310PLEN ] [ TD 310PLEN ] 2006-10-26 Editor Rec. G.smx Draft Recommendation G.smx version 1.0 (for consent) Q10/15 [ TD 354PLEN ] [ TD 354PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] [ TD 353PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] [ TD 352PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] [ TD 351PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] [ TD 350PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 338PLEN ] [ TD 338PLEN ] [ TD 338PLEN ] 2006-11-08 Rapporteur Q11/15 A.5 justification of references for G.8112 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q11/15 [ TD 335PLEN ] [ TD 334PLEN ] [ TD 332PLEN ] [ TD 328PLEN ] [ TD 321PLEN ] [ TD 305PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 335PLEN ] [ TD 334PLEN ] [ TD 332PLEN ] [ TD 328PLEN ] [ TD 321PLEN ] [ TD 305PLEN ] [ TD 335PLEN ] [ TD 334PLEN ] [ TD 332PLEN ] [ TD 328PLEN ] [ TD 321PLEN ] [ TD 305PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Editor Rec. G.8112 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.8112 (for consent) Q11/15 2006-11-07 Editor Rec. G.709 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.709 (03/03) (for consent) Q11/15 2006-11-07 Editor G.Sup43 Draft new Supplement G.Sup43 "Transport of IEEE 10G Base-R in Optical Transport Networks (OTN)" Q11/15 2006-11-06 Editor Rec. G.7043/Y.1343 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.7043/Y.1343 (for consent) Q11/15 2006-11-01 Editor Rec. G.7041/Y.1303 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 (GFP) (for consent) Q11/15 2006-10-22 Editor Rec. G.707/Y.1322 Draft revised Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 (for consent) Q11/15 [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q2/15 [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 [ TD 283PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 342PLEN ] [ TD 302PLEN ] [ TD 287PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 283PLEN ] [ TD 283PLEN ] 2006-09-13 Editor Rec. G.984.3 Draft new Amendment 3 to Recommendation G.984.3 (for consent) [ TD 342PLEN ] [ TD 302PLEN ] [ TD 287PLEN ] [ TD 342PLEN ] [ TD 302PLEN ] [ TD 287PLEN ] 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.8110.1 Draft new Amendment 1 to G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 Q12/15 2006-10-20 Editor Rec. G.8110 Draft new Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.8110 (for consent) Q12/15 2006-10-02 Editor Rec. G.8110.1 Draft new Recommendation G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 v1 (for approval) TD287 withdrawn and replaced by TD287Rev1 Q12/15 [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD [ TD [ TD 2006-11-07 Chairman Report of WP3/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, 355PLEN ] 355PLEN ] 355PLEN ] WP3/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q13/15 [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 [ TD 327PLEN ] [ TD 289PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 327PLEN ] [ TD 289PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 327PLEN ] [ TD 289PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Editor Rec. G.8261 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.8261 (for consent) 2006-10-11 Editor Rec. G.8261 Draft Amendment 1 to Appendix VIII in G.8261 (for consent) Q13/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 [ TD 329PLEN [ TD 329PLEN [ TD 329PLEN 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, ] ] ] Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q14/15 [ TD 322PLEN ] [ TD 290PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 288PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 285PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 322PLEN ] [ TD 290PLEN ] [ TD 322PLEN ] [ TD 290PLEN ] 2006-11-01 Editors Rec. G.7718.1 Draft New Recommendation G.7718.1 A5 References 2006-10-17 Editors Rec. G.7718.1 Draft new Recommendation G.7718.1 (V0.7) (for consent) Q14/15 [ TD 288PLEN ] [ TD 288PLEN ] 2006-10-04 Editor Rec. G.7715/Y.1706 Draft new Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.7715/Y.1706 (06/2002) (for consent) Q14/15 [ TD 285PLEN ] [ TD 285PLEN ] 2006-10-02 Editors Rec. G.7715.2 Draft new Rec. G.7715.2/Y.1706.2 (for consent) Q14/15 [ TD 359PLEN ] [ TD 359PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] [ TD 358PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] [ TD 357PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] [ TD 356PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] [ TD 355PLEN ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] [ TD 329PLEN ] 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 8 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 QALL [ TD 370PLEN ] [ TD 369PLEN ] [ TD 368PLEN ] [ TD 367PLEN ] [ TD 362PLEN ] [ TD 361PLEN ] [ TD 360PLEN ] [ TD 344PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 341PLEN ] [ TD 340PLEN ] [ TD 339PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 370PLEN ] [ TD 369PLEN ] [ TD 368PLEN ] [ TD 367PLEN ] [ TD 362PLEN ] [ TD 361PLEN ] [ TD 360PLEN ] [ TD 344PLEN ] [ TD 370PLEN ] [ TD 369PLEN ] [ TD 368PLEN ] [ TD 367PLEN ] [ TD 362PLEN ] [ TD 361PLEN ] [ TD 360PLEN ] [ TD 344PLEN ] 2006-11-09 ITU-T SG15 Draft outgoing LS to TSAG on modifications to Q4/15 and Q9/15 2006-11-09 TSB Proposed new SG15 Editor roles QALL 2006-11-09 Chairman SG15 Change of Question 7/15 Rapporteur QALL 2006-11-09 Chairman SG15 Call for contributions on SG15 Questions for the 2009-2012 Study Period QALL 2006-11-09 SG15 Public Relation Coordinator The updated SG15 other roles representatives QALL 2006-11-07 SG15 Public Relation Coordinator Liaison Statements (LS) Tracking at the 30 Oct.-10 Nov. 2006 SG15 Meeting QALL 2006-11-09 SG15 Public Relation Coordinator QALL 2006-11-07 Chairman SG15 The proposed Action plan for Promotion, Workshops and Coordination of ITU-T SG15 at the 30 Oct. - 10 Nov. 2006 SG15 meeting Draft revised meeting agenda and the relevant input documents for the fourth SG15 meeting [ TD 341PLEN ] [ TD 340PLEN ] [ TD 339PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 341PLEN ] [ TD 340PLEN ] [ TD 339PLEN ] [ TD 2006-11-07 ITU-T SG15 Outgoing LS - Electronic Working Methods QALL 2006-11-09 SG15 EWM Coordinator Electronic Working Methods (EWM) report QALL 2006-11-08 Chairman SG15 Joint ITU-T/IEEE workshop on carrierclass Ethernet QALL 2006-11-06 Chairman Proposed networking event during the QALL QALL 324PLEN ] [ TD 320PLEN ] [ TD 319PLEN ] [ TD 318PLEN ] [ TD 317PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 316PLEN ] [ TD 315PLEN ] [ TD 281PLEN ] [ TD 280PLEN ] [ TD 279PLEN ] 324PLEN ] [ TD 320PLEN ] [ TD 319PLEN ] [ TD 318PLEN ] [ TD 317PLEN ] 324PLEN ] [ TD 320PLEN ] [ TD 319PLEN ] [ TD 318PLEN ] [ TD 317PLEN ] [ TD 316PLEN ] [ TD 315PLEN ] [ TD 281PLEN ] [ TD 280PLEN ] [ TD 279PLEN ] [ TD 316PLEN ] [ TD 315PLEN ] [ TD 281PLEN ] [ TD 280PLEN ] [ TD 279PLEN ] SG15 next Study Group 15 meeting 2006-10-29 TSB Initial list of texts for consent, agreement or deletion QALL 2006-10-29 SG15 Public Relation Coordinator The proposed Action plan for Promotion, Workshops and Coordination of ITU-T SG 15 QALL 2006-10-29 TSB List of Incoming Liaison Statements QALL 2006-10-29 SG15 Public Relation Coordinator SG15 "Other roles" representatives' reports list QALL 2006-10-29 TSB Interim meetings and reports QALL 2006-10-29 Chairman SG15 Extracts from TSAG report related to SG15 QALL 2006-10-30 TSB Initial Question allocation of documents QALL 2006-10-29 TSB List of White Contributions for SG15 meeting (30 October-11 November 2006) QALL 2006-10-29 Chairman SG15 Draft revised meeting agenda and the relevant input documens for the fourth SG15 meeting QALL Documents Temporaires (WP1) Web [ TD 167WP1 ] [ TD 165WP1 ] [ TD IFA [ TD 167WP1 ] [ TD 165WP1 ] [ TD Local [ TD 167WP1 ] [ TD 165WP1 ] [ TD Date 2006-11-03 Source ITU-R WP8A Titre LS - ANTS Questions Q1/15 2006-10-31 Chairman WP1/15 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 project on taxonomy of specifications for intelligent homes Q1/15 2006-10-22 ITU-T LS - New Recommendations Regarding IP Q1/15 156WP1 ] [ TD 155WP1 ] [ TD 144WP1 ] [ TD 143WP1 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 130WP1 ] [ TD 129WP1 ] [ TD 128WP1 ] [ TD 127WP1 ] [ TD 121WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 164WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 162- 156WP1 ] [ TD 155WP1 ] [ TD 144WP1 ] [ TD 143WP1 ] 156WP1 ] [ TD 155WP1 ] [ TD 144WP1 ] [ TD 143WP1 ] [ TD 130WP1 ] [ TD 129WP1 ] [ TD 128WP1 ] [ TD 127WP1 ] [ TD 121WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 164WP1 ] [ TD 162- [ TD 130WP1 ] [ TD 129WP1 ] [ TD 128WP1 ] [ TD 127WP1 ] [ TD 121WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 164WP1 ] [ TD 162- SG9 Cable Modems consented by SG9 2006-10-22 ITU-T SG9 LS - Multi-channel video transmission over IP based network Q1/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q1/15 Rapporteur's Report of the ITU-T Question 1 Study Group 15 February 2006 meeting Q1/15 2006-10-29 Rapporeur Q1/15 Draft agenda for Q1/15 Q1/15 2006-09-06 ITU-R WP8F LS - Access Network Transport Standardization (ANTS) Q1/15 2006-07-27 ITU-R WP9B LS - ANTS Plan and Work Plan Q1/15 2006-07-24 ITU-R WP 9B LS - Fixed service applications using frequency bands above 3 000 GHz Q1/15 2006-06-20 ITU-T SGS4 Q1/15 2006-04-03 ITU-R WP4B LS - Response to SG15 on "Reply on New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan" (COM 15 - LS 71 - E) LS - Response to LS-69 on satellites in Access Network Transport 2006-10-29 FG IPTV LS - Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) WITHDRAWN See TD182/GEN Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-10-22 ITU-T SG9 LS - Free-viewpoint TV system Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-06-16 Chairman WP1/15 Draft agenda WP1/15 meeting Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q2/15 Draft Liaison Statement to DSL Forum Q2/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q2/15 Draft agenda for Q2/15 Q2/15 Q1/15 WP1 ] [ TD 160WP1 ] +Corr.1 [ TD 151WP1 ] [ TD 150WP1 ] [ TD 149WP1 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 147WP1 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 146WP1 ] [ TD 135WP1 ] [ TD 134WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 176WP1 ] [ TD WP1 ] [ TD 160WP1 ] [ TD 151WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 160WP1 ] [ TD 151WP1 ] [ TD 150WP1 ] [ TD 149WP1 ] [ TD 150WP1 ] [ TD 149WP1 ] 2006-10-17 [ TD 147WP1 ] [ TD 146WP1 ] [ TD 135WP1 ] [ TD 134WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 176WP1 ] [ TD 2006-10-26 IEC 86B Liaison Officer LS - Request for confirmation of applications relevance for WDM PON Q2/15 2006-10-17 Editor Recs. G.983.2 and G.984.4 Editor Rec. G.983.2 PON OMCI editing progress Q2/15 ONU power consumption survey Q2/15 2006-10-17 Editor Rec. G.983.2 Living List for G.983.2 Rev 2 Am 2 Q2/15 [ TD 147WP1 ] 2006-10-16 Editor Rec. G.984.4 Living List for Recommendation G.984.4 Q2/15 [ TD 146WP1 ] [ TD 135WP1 ] [ TD 134WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 176WP1 ] [ TD 2006-10-16 Editor Rec. G.984.3 Living List for Recommendation G.984.3 Amendment 3 Q2/15 2006-09-18 Rapporteur Q2/15 Report of Q2/15 Rapporteur's meeting (Piscataway, NJ, USA, 25 May 2006) Q2/15 2006-09-18 Rapporteur Q2/15 Report of Q2/15 Rapporteur's meeting (Petaluma, CA, USA, 8 September 2006) Q2/15 2006-10-29 FG IPTV LS - Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) WITHDRAWN See TD182/GEN Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-10-22 ITU-T SG9 LS - Free-viewpoint TV system Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-06-16 Chairman WP1/15 Draft agenda WP1/15 meeting Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.vdsl G.vdsl: Updated Issues List Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Issues List for Q4/15 175WP1 ] [ TD 174WP1 ] [ TD 173WP1 ] [ TD 172WP1 ] [ TD 171WP1 ] [ TD 170WP1 ] [ TD 169WP1 ] [ TD 168WP1 ] [ TD 166WP1 ] [ TD 163WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 159WP1 ] [ TD 158WP1 ] [ TD 157WP1 ] [ TD 153WP1 ] 175WP1 ] [ TD 174WP1 ] [ TD 173WP1 ] [ TD 172WP1 ] [ TD 171WP1 ] [ TD 170WP1 ] [ TD 169WP1 ] [ TD 168WP1 ] [ TD 166WP1 ] [ TD 163WP1 ] [ TD 159WP1 ] [ TD 158WP1 ] [ TD 157WP1 ] [ TD 153WP1 175WP1 ] [ TD 174WP1 ] [ TD 173WP1 ] [ TD 172WP1 ] [ TD 171WP1 ] [ TD 170WP1 ] [ TD 169WP1 ] [ TD 168WP1 ] [ TD 166WP1 ] [ TD 163WP1 ] [ TD 159WP1 ] [ TD 158WP1 ] [ TD 157WP1 ] [ TD 153WP1 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.hs G.hs: Updated Issues List Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. Updated Issues List Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.997.1 G.997.1 Issues list Q4/15 2006-11-09 Editor Rec. G.992.x Working Text for G.992.3/5 Test Parameter Accuracy Q4/15 2006-11-03 Chairman SG15 Rationale for initiating communication with PLC standardizing entities Q4/15 2006-11-03 Editor Rec. Updated Issues List Q4/15 2006-11-03 Editor Rec. G.vdsl G.vdsl: Updated Issues List Q4/15 2006-11-01 Editor Rec. G.994.1 G.hs: Integrated G.994.1 draft text Q4/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q4/15 Draft agenda for Q4/15 Q4/15 2006-10-25 Editor Rec. G.997.1 G.ploam:G.vdsl: Report of ad-hoc session on Impulse Noise Monitoring Q4/15 2006-10-24 Editor Rec. G.997.1 G.ploam:G.vdsl: Report of ad-hoc session on Impulse Noise Monitoring Q4/15 2006-10-24 CEPCA LS - Introduction to CEPCA PLC Coexistence Specification Q4/15 2006-10-22 ITU-T SG9 LS - Reply to liaison concerning work on Home Networking Transceivers Q4/15 [ TD 152WP1 ] [ TD 148WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 145WP1 ] [ TD 142WP1 ] [ TD 141WP1 ] [ TD 140WP1 ] [ TD 139WP1 ] [ TD 138WP1 ] [ TD 137WP1 ] [ TD 136WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 133WP1 ] [ TD 132WP1 ] [ TD 131WP1 ] [ TD ] [ TD 152WP1 ] [ TD 148WP1 ] [ TD 145WP1 ] [ TD 142WP1 ] [ TD 141WP1 ] [ TD 140WP1 ] [ TD 139WP1 ] [ TD 138WP1 ] [ TD 137WP1 ] [ TD 136WP1 ] [ TD 133WP1 ] [ TD 132WP1 ] [ TD 131WP1 ] [ TD ] [ TD 152WP1 ] [ TD 148WP1 ] [ TD 145WP1 ] [ TD 142WP1 ] [ TD 141WP1 ] [ TD 140WP1 ] [ TD 139WP1 ] [ TD 138WP1 ] [ TD 137WP1 ] [ TD 136WP1 ] [ TD 133WP1 ] [ TD 132WP1 ] [ TD 131WP1 ] [ TD 2006-10-22 ETSI TC/TM WG TM6 LS - G.992.3 Annex B Q4/15 2006-10-17 Editor Rec. G.992.x Issues List for ADSL Projects Q4/15 2006-10-06 Rapporteur Q4/15 Report of Q4/15 Rapporteur meeting (Denver, Colorado, USA, 25-29 September 2006) Q4/15 2006-09-27 ITU-T SG5 LS - Studying influence of Impulsive Noise for DSL system Q4/15 2006-09-26 DSL Forum LS - G.ploam: liaison from DSL Forum Home Networking Group to ITU-T Q.4/15 Q4/15 2006-09-26 DSL Forum G.gen,, G.ploam: liaison from DSL Forum Operations and Network Management Technical Working Group to ITU-T Q.4/15 Q4/15 2006-09-26 DSL Forum LS - Testing and Interoperability Q4/15 2006-09-26 ETSI TC/TM WG TM6 Liaison to ITU-T Q4/15 on Power Consumption Reduction of DSL Equipment Q4/15 2006-09-26 ETSI TC/TM WG TM6 Liaison to ITU-T Q4/15 relating to G.993.2 Annex B Q4/15 2006-09-26 ETSI TC/TM WG TM6 Liaison to ITU-T Q4/15 relating to extended ADSL2plus interleaving memory Q4/15 2006-09-18 Rapporteur Q4/15 Report of Q4/15 meeting (Ghent, Belgium, 1216 June 2006) Q4/15 2006-09-18 Rapporteur Q4/15 Report of Q4/15 meeting (Shenzhen, China, 24-28 April 2006) Q4/15 2006-09-12 ITU-T SG16 LS - Reply on "Home Networking transceivers" Q4/15 2006-06-09 ETSI TC LS - Liaison to ITU-T Q4/15 relating to Q4/15 126WP1 ] [ TD 125WP1 ] [ TD 124WP1 ] [ TD 123WP1 ] [ TD 122WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] 126WP1 ] [ TD 125WP1 ] [ TD 124WP1 ] [ TD 123WP1 ] [ TD 122WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] 126WP1 ] [ TD 125WP1 ] [ TD 124WP1 ] [ TD 123WP1 ] [ TD 122WP1 ] [ TD 161WP1 ] [ TD 154WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] TM WG TM6 G.993.2 Annex B 2006-06-09 ETSI TC TM WG TM6 LS - Liaison to ITU-T Q4/15 relating to LCL for ADSL Q4/15 2006-06-05 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 LS - Interconnection of information technology equipment Q4/15 2006-06-02 DSL Forum Technical Committee DSL Forum Technical Committee FG IPTV LS - Home Networking transceivers Q4/15 LS - G.997.1 Q4/15 LS - Collaboration on the activity for IPTV end systems (to ITU-T SGs 9&15; JCA-HN) WITHDRAWN See TD182/GEN Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-10-22 ITU-T SG9 LS - Free-viewpoint TV system Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-06-16 Chairman WP1/15 Draft agenda WP1/15 meeting Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-06-02 2006-10-29 Documents Temporaires (WP2) Web [ TD 157WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 210WP2 ] [ TD 204WP2 ] [ TD 193WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 184WP2 ] IFA [ TD 157WP2 ] [ TD 210WP2 ] [ TD 204WP2 ] [ TD 193WP2 ] [ TD 184WP2 Local [ TD 157WP2 ] [ TD 210WP2 ] [ TD 204WP2 ] [ TD 193WP2 ] [ TD 184WP2 Date 2006-06-02 Source OIF Technical Committee Chair Titre LS - Signalling for Ethernet services Questions 6/15 2006-11-08 SG6 Liaison Officer Outgoing LS - Updates on G.sup.40 Q5/15 2006-11-08 Rapporteur Q5/15 Report of Q5/15 meeting Q5/15 2006-10-30 Rapporteur Q5/15 Draft agenda for Q5/15 meeting Q5/15 2006-10-27 Editor Rec. G.654 Correspondence on the revision of G.654 fibres Q5/15 ] [ TD 174WP2 ] [ TD 162WP2 ] [ TD 161WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] ] [ TD 174WP2 ] [ TD 162WP2 ] [ TD 161WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 174WP2 ] 2006-10-24 Editor Rec. G.656 Correspondence on specifications of the chromatic dispersion for G.656 fibres Q5/15 2006-09-27 ITU-T SG6 Reply LS on macrobending loss (COM 15LS 81) Q5/15 2006-09-27 ITU-T SG6 LS on additional items for Supplement 40 Q5/15 2006-11-08 SG6 Liaison Officer Outgoing LS - SG15 reply on aspects related to minimum bend radius and L.omhp Q5/15, Q6/15, Q10/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 208WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 plenary [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 201WP2 ] [ TD 201WP2 ] [ TD 197WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 201WP2 ] [ TD 197WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] 2006-11-06 Q5/15, Q7/15 by Correspondence Outgoing LS - Reply to request for G.671 on fusion splice documentation Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q7/15 2006-11-02 Representative from ITU-T SG6 Highlights of the September meeting of SG6 Q5/15, Q10/15 2006-11-02 Representative from IEC SC86C Highlights of the October meetings of IEC SC86C Q5/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 [ TD 162WP2 ] [ TD 161WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 197WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 171WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 213WP2 ] [ TD 212WP2 ] [ TD 192WP2 ] [ TD 190WP2 ] [ TD 189WP2 ] [ TD 183WP2 ] [ TD 175WP2 ] [ TD 173WP2 ] [ TD 172WP2 ] [ TD 166WP2 ] [ TD [ TD 171WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] [ TD 171WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] 2006-10-23 IEC SC86A Liaison Officer LS - Summary of the October meetings of SC86A Q5/15, Q10/15 2006-09-28 ITU-T SG6 Reply LS on request for fusion splicing documentation Q5/15, Q7/15 2006-10-29 Chairman WP2/15 Draft agenda for WP2/15 meeting [ TD 213WP2 ] [ TD 212WP2 ] [ TD 192WP2 ] [ TD 190WP2 ] [ TD 189WP2 ] [ TD 183WP2 ] [ TD 175WP2 ] [ TD 173WP2 ] [ TD 172WP2 ] [ TD 166WP2 ] [ TD [ TD 213WP2 ] [ TD 212WP2 ] [ TD 192WP2 ] [ TD 190WP2 ] [ TD 189WP2 ] [ TD 183WP2 ] [ TD 175WP2 ] [ TD 173WP2 ] [ TD 172WP2 ] [ TD 166WP2 ] [ TD 2006-11-08 ITU-T SGS15 Outgoing LS - New ITU-T draft Recommendation G.dapp2 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15 2006-11-08 Rapporteur Q6/15 Report of Q6/15 meeting Q6/15 2006-10-30 Editor Rec. G.696.1 Correspondence on G.696.1 about Optical Safety Q6/15 2006-10-29 Editor Rec. G.695 Summary of changes applied to draft revised G.695 and of further correspondence Q6/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q6/15 Draft agenda for Q6/15 Q6/15 2006-10-29 Acting Editor Rec. G.698.1 Correspondence report on Draft Revised Recommendation G.698.1 Q6/15 2006-10-25 Editor Rec. G.dapp2 Correspondence on G.dapp2 about "black link" approach Q6/15 2006-10-24 Editor Rec. G.dapp2 Version 0.22 of application parameters for G.dapp2 Q6/15 2006-10-24 Editor Rec. G.dapp2 Version 0.31 of Draft G.dapp2 Q6/15 2006-10-19 Editor and Temporary Editor Rec. G.otf Editor Rec. Recommendation G.otf: Version 0.62 Q6/15 Correspondence on P1I1-2D5 in G.959.1 Q6/15 2006-10-17 165WP2 ] 165WP2 ] [ TD 164WP2 ] [ TD 158WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] 165WP2 ] [ TD 164WP2 ] [ TD 158WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 164WP2 ] G.959.1 2006-10-17 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Application parameters for G.959.1 version 4.0 Q6/15 2006-07-10 Rapporteur Q6/15 Q6/15 Rapporteur Group meeting report (Berlin, Germany, 29 May-1 June 2006) Q6/15 2006-11-08 SG6 Liaison Officer Outgoing LS - SG15 reply on aspects related to minimum bend radius and L.omhp Q6/15, Q5/15, Q10/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 208WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 plenary [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] 2006-10-19 Editor and Temporary Editor of G.otf Appendix I version 0.2 for G.otf 2006-09-27 ITU-T SG6 LS on comment request for Table 1 of new ITU-T Rec. L.omhp Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 [ TD 156WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q7/15 2006-10-29 Chairman WP2/15 Draft agenda for WP2/15 meeting [ TD [ TD [ TD 2006-11-08 Rapporteur Meeting report of Q7/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15 [ TD 158WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] 203WP2 ] 203WP2 ] [ TD 200WP2 ] [ TD 199WP2 ] [ TD 194WP2 ] [ TD 191WP2 ] [ TD 182WP2 ] [ TD 170WP2 ] [ TD 169WP2 ] [ TD 168WP2 ] [ TD 159WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] 203WP2 ] [ TD 200WP2 ] [ TD 199WP2 ] [ TD 194WP2 ] [ TD 191WP2 ] [ TD 182WP2 ] [ TD 170WP2 ] [ TD 169WP2 ] [ TD 168WP2 ] [ TD 159WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 200WP2 ] [ TD 199WP2 ] [ TD 194WP2 ] [ TD 191WP2 ] [ TD 182WP2 ] [ TD 170WP2 ] [ TD 169WP2 ] [ TD 168WP2 ] [ TD 159WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] Q7/15 2006-11-06 Rapporteur Q7/15 Draft agenda for Q7/15 meeting Q7/15 2006-11-02 Liaison Officer IEC SC86B Report on the last SC86B plenary meeting with its working groups (Quebec City, Canada, 10-20 October 2006) Q7/15 2006-10-30 Editor Rec. G.671 Correspondence report on "Phase ripple" discussion for G.667 and G.671 Q7/15 2006-10-30 Editor Rec. G.666 Correspondence on G.666 about an Appendix Proposal Q7/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q7/15 Report of Q7/15 Rapporteur Group meeting (Berlin, Germany, 29 May-1 June 2006) Q7/15 2006-10-22 SG86A Liaison Officer LS - Request for documents on fusion splicing Q7/15 2006-10-22 Editor Rec. G.671 Proposal for an Appendix to G.671 with categorization of optical components Q7/15 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.667 Correspondence report on Draft New Recommendation G.667(ex-G.adc) Q7/15 2006-08-08 IEC SC86A & SC86C Liaison officer LS - Request for fusion splicing documentation Q7/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 208WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 207WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 plenary [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 201WP2 ] [ TD 201WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] [ TD 201WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] 2006-11-06 Q5/15, Q7/15 by Correspondence Outgoing LS - Reply to request for G.671 on fusion splice documentation 2006-11-02 Representative from IEC SC86C Highlights of the October meetings of IEC SC86C Q7/15, Q5/15, Q10/15 2006-10-19 Editor and Temporary Editor of G.otf Appendix I version 0.2 for G.otf Q7/15, Q6/15 2006-09-28 ITU-T SG6 Reply LS on request for fusion splicing documentation Q7/15, Q5/15 2006-09-27 ITU-T SG6 LS on comment request for Table 1 of new ITU-T Rec. L.omhp Q7/15, Q6/15, Q10/15 2006-10-29 Chairman WP2/15 Draft agenda for WP2/15 meeting [ TD 202WP2 ] [ TD 198WP2 ] [ TD 195WP2 ] [ TD 188WP2 ] [ TD 187WP2 [ TD 202WP2 ] [ TD 198WP2 ] [ TD 195WP2 ] [ TD 188WP2 ] [ TD 187WP2 2006-11-07 Rapporteur Q8/15 Meeting report of Q8/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q8/15 2006-11-02 Rapporteur Q8/15 New approach for the revision of the Recommendations on the submarine systems Q8/15 2006-11-01 Editor Rec. G.lca.sub Proposal of table of contents for new recommendations G.lcasub Q8/15 2006-10-29 Editor Rec.G.974 Draft revised Recommendation G.974 Q8/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q8/15 Status Report for Q8/15 Q8/15 [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 202WP2 ] [ TD 198WP2 ] [ TD 195WP2 ] [ TD 188WP2 ] [ TD 187WP2 ] Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15 ] [ TD 186WP2 ] [ TD 181WP2 ] [ TD 180WP2 ] [ TD 179WP2 ] [ TD 177WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] ] [ TD 186WP2 ] [ TD 181WP2 ] [ TD 180WP2 ] [ TD 179WP2 ] [ TD 177WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 186WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 181WP2 ] 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q8/15 Draft agenda for Q8/15 Q8/15 2006-10-27 Editor Rec. G.mda.sub Proposal of table of contents for new recommendations G.mdasub Q8/15 2006-10-27 Editor Rec. G.973 Draft 0.1 of revised Recommendation G.973 Q8/15 2006-10-27 Editor G.Sup41 Draft 0.1 of revised Supplement G.Sup41 Q8/15 2006-10-26 Editor Rec. G.subcab Draft new Rec. G.subcab (ver. 0.4) Q8/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 208WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 plenary [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 156WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 156WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] 2006-10-29 Chairman WP2/15 Draft agenda for WP2/15 meeting [ TD 214WP2 ] [ TD 214WP2 [ TD 214WP2 2006-11-08 Rapporteur Q10/15 Report of Q10/15 meeting Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q10/15 [ TD 180WP2 ] [ TD 179WP2 ] [ TD 177WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] ] [ TD 185WP2 ] [ TD 178WP2 ] [ TD 176WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] ] [ TD 185WP2 ] [ TD 178WP2 ] [ TD 176WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 208WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 185WP2 ] 2006-10-27 Rapporteur Q10/15 Draft agenda for Q10/15 Q10/15 2006-10-26 Rapporteur Q10/15 Overview of comments on draft text Recommendation G.smx Q10/15 2006-10-26 Editor Rec. G.mmx Draft Recommendation G.mmx version 0.4 Q10/15 2006-11-08 SG6 Liaison Officer Outgoing LS - SG15 reply on aspects related to minimum bend radius and L.omhp Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 interim activities [ TD 208WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 LS from WP2/15 [ TD 207WP2 ] [ TD 207WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Status of WP2/15 Recommendations [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] [ TD 206WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 WP2/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 plenary [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] [ TD 205WP2 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP2/15 Report of WP2/15 [ TD 197WP2 ] [ TD 197WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 171WP2 ] [ TD 197WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 171WP2 ] 2006-11-02 Representative from ITU-T SG6 Highlights of the September meeting of SG6 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15 2006-11-02 Representative from IEC SC86C Highlights of the October meetings of IEC SC86C Q10/15, Q5/15, Q7/15 2006-10-23 IEC SC86A Liaison Officer LS - Summary of the October meetings of SC86A Q10/15, Q5/15 [ TD 178WP2 ] [ TD 176WP2 ] [ TD 211WP2 ] [ TD 209WP2 ] [ TD 196WP2 ] [ TD 171WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] 2006-09-27 ITU-T SG6 LS on comment request for Table 1 of new ITU-T Rec. L.omhp Q10/15, Q6/15, Q7/15 2006-10-29 Chairman WP2/15 Draft agenda for WP2/15 meeting Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Documents Temporaires (WP3) Web [ TD 321WP3 ] IFA [ TD 321WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] Local [ TD 321WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] Date 2006-10-29 Source Rapporteur Q3/15 Titre Draft agenda for Q3/15 Questions Q3/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary - N/A [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] 2006-03-02 Chairman WP3/15 Draft agenda for WP3/15 meeting [ TD 333- [ TD 333- [ TD 333- 2006-11-08 ITU-T SG15 Qs 9 & 12/15 LS to IEEE P802.1 & 802.17 from ITUT SG15 on protection and Restoration Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15 [ TD 344WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 332WP3 ] [ TD 331WP3 ] [ TD 329WP3 ] [ TD 328WP3 ] [ TD 326WP3 ] [ TD 319WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 310WP3 ] [ TD 309WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 305WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 304WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 303WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 301WP3 ] [ TD 300WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 332WP3 ] [ TD 331WP3 ] [ TD 329WP3 ] [ TD 328WP3 ] [ TD 326WP3 ] [ TD 319WP3 ] [ TD 310WP3 ] [ TD 309WP3 ] [ TD 305WP3 ] [ TD 304WP3 ] [ TD 303WP3 ] [ TD 301WP3 ] [ TD 300WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 332WP3 ] [ TD 331WP3 ] [ TD 329WP3 ] [ TD 328WP3 ] [ TD 326WP3 ] [ TD 319WP3 ] [ TD 310WP3 ] [ TD 309WP3 ] [ TD 305WP3 ] [ TD 304WP3 ] [ TD 303WP3 ] [ TD 301WP3 ] [ TD 300WP3 ] 2006-11-08 Editor Rec. G.808.1 Results of drafting session on G.808.1 recommendation Q9/15 2006-11-08 Rapporteur Q9/15 UNASSIGNED Q9/15 2006-11-08 Q9/15 Breakout Group Chair Draft Rec. G.8032 Ethernet Rings Protection Switching Q9/15 2006-11-08 Ethernet Rings Correspondence Requirements activity consolidated output document Q9/15 2006-10-31 Q9/15 Correspondence Breakout Group Chair ITU-R WG8 Recommendation ITU-R F.1330-2 Q9/15 2006-10-26 Rapporteur Q9/15 Draft agenda for Q9/15 meeting Q9/15 2006-10-22 Editors Rec. G.8121/Y.1741 G.8121/Y.1741 Living List Q9/15 2006-10-20 Editors Rec. G.8021 Editors update of G.8021 - mainly OAM functionality Q9/15 2006-10-19 Editors Rec. G.8031 The latest draft of G.8031v2 Q9/15 2006-10-19 Editors G.8031 Living List for G.8031 Q9/15 2006-10-19 Editors Rec. G.8031 Discussion items for G.8031v2 Q9/15 2006-10-19 Editors Rec. G.8131 Living list for G.8131 Q9/15 2006-10-19 Editors Rec. G.8121 Editor's draft of G.8121/Y.1741 v2 "Characteristics of multi protocol label switched (MPLS) equipment functional blocks" Q9/15 [ TD 294WP3 ] [ TD 294WP3 ] [ TD 288WP3 ] [ TD 281WP3 ] [ TD 273WP3 ] [ TD 271WP3 ] [ TD 258WP3 ] [ TD 253WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] [ TD 294WP3 ] [ TD 288WP3 ] [ TD 281WP3 ] [ TD 273WP3 ] [ TD 271WP3 ] [ TD 258WP3 ] [ TD 253WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] 2006-09-28 Rapporteur Q9/15 Q9/15 meeting report (Sophia Antipolis, France, 18-22 September 2006) Q9/15 2006-09-15 ITU-R WP4B LS - OUTage intensity objectives for satellite digital paths Q9/15 2006-08-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - Reply to LS on propagation behaviour ETH-LCK Q9/15 2006-06-29 N/A WITHDRAWN See TD154/GEN Q9/15 2006-06-30 Rapporteur Q9/15 Q9/15 Meeting Report (Ottawa, Canada, 19-23 June 2006) Q9/15 2006-05-04 N/A WITHDRAWN - See TD146/GEN Q9/15 2006-03-16 ITU-T SG13 LS - Reply on Ethernet OAM functionality Q9/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary - N/A [ TD 340- [ TD 340- [ TD 340- 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, [ TD 288WP3 ] [ TD 281WP3 ] [ TD 273WP3 ] [ TD 271WP3 ] [ TD 258WP3 ] [ TD 253WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] WP3 ] WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 287WP3 ] [ TD 285WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282WP3 ] [ TD 275WP3 ] [ TD 268WP3 ] [ TD 267WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 257- [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 287WP3 ] [ TD 285WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282WP3 ] [ TD 275WP3 ] [ TD 268WP3 ] [ TD 267WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 257- [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 287WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 285WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282WP3 ] [ TD 275WP3 ] [ TD 268WP3 ] [ TD 267WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 257- Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-10-25 IETF CCAMP WG Notification of work in the IETF CCAMP working group 2006-10-24 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS 2006-09-14 IETF LS - T-MPLS use of the MPLS Ethertypes Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-09-08 IEEE P802.1 & P802.17 WG LS - Ethernet Ring Protection (response to ITU-T Q9/15, Q12/15, Q5/3 Liaison LS01) Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-08-30 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-08-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - T-MPLS OAM aspects Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-07-05 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Continued IETF / SG15 Cooperation on T-MPLS and other MPLS Issues Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - Response to SG13 on "Consent on draft new Rec. Y.1731" (COM 13 - LS 92 - E) Q9/15, Q14/15 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - Confirmation of schedule to apply STM-256 jitter specification in G.783 and G.825 Q9/15, Q13/15 2006-06-16 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-06-09 IETF PWE3 Working Group LS - Follow up to PWE3 WG response to your liaison on T-MPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-05-25 IETF MPLS WG LS - Response to your liaison on TMPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-05-02 Rapporteurs Q9, 12/15, 5/13 Report of Q9/15, Q12/15, and Q5/13 Joint Interim Meeting in Kobe Japan, Q9/15, Q12/15 WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 252WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 252WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 322WP3 ] [ TD 312WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] 22-26 April 2006 2006-04-21 MFA Forum LS - Reply to T-MPLS Consented Recommendations (COM15 LS 102) Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-04-13 IETF MPLS WG LS - Response to your LS on T-MPLS Consented Recommendations Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-03-14 IEEE P802.1 & P802.17 WG LS - Ethernet Ring Protection (response to COM 15 LS 98) Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-03-02 Chairman WP3/15 Draft agenda for WP3/15 meeting [ TD 322WP3 ] [ TD 312WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q11/15 Draft agenda for Q11/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15 2006-10-24 Editor Rec. G.709 G.709 Living List Q11/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary - N/A [ TD 340- [ TD 340- [ TD 340- 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 252WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 322WP3 ] [ TD 312WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] WP3 ] WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-10-25 IETF CCAMP WG Notification of work in the IETF CCAMP working group 2006-10-24 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS 2006-08-30 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-08-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - T-MPLS OAM aspects Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-06-28 OIF LS - Relationship between the ASON and G.8011 network models Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-06-16 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-06-09 IETF PWE3 Working Group LS - Follow up to PWE3 WG response to your liaison on T-MPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-05-25 IETF MPLS WG LS - Response to your liaison on TMPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-05-05 MEF LS - MEF and OIF UNI issues Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-04-21 MFA Forum LS - Reply to T-MPLS Consented Recommendations (COM15 LS 102) Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-04-13 IETF MPLS WG LS - Response to your LS on T-MPLS Consented Recommendations Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-03-02 Chairman WP3/15 Draft agenda for WP3/15 meeting Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 [ TD 346WP3 ] [ TD 345WP3 ] [ TD 330WP3 ] [ TD 327WP3 ] [ TD 323WP3 ] [ TD 315WP3 ] [ TD 307WP3 ] [ TD 293WP3 ] [ TD 292WP3 ] [ TD 291WP3 ] [ TD 278WP3 ] [ TD 276WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] [ TD 346WP3 ] [ TD 345WP3 ] [ TD 330WP3 ] [ TD 327WP3 ] [ TD 323WP3 ] [ TD 315WP3 ] [ TD 307WP3 ] [ TD 293WP3 ] [ TD 292WP3 ] [ TD 291WP3 ] [ TD 278WP3 ] [ TD 276WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] [ TD 346WP3 ] [ TD 345WP3 ] [ TD 330WP3 ] [ TD 327WP3 ] [ TD 323WP3 ] [ TD 315WP3 ] [ TD 307WP3 ] [ TD 293WP3 ] [ TD 292WP3 ] [ TD 291WP3 ] [ TD 278WP3 ] [ TD 276WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] 2006-11-08 Editor Rec. G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 Current Living List for G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 version 2 Q12/15 2006-11-08 Editor Rec. G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 Draft new Amendment 1 to G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 Q12/15 2006-11-08 Editors Rec. G.8021/Y.1341 Draft revised Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 Q12/15 2006-10-29 Editor Rec. G.ufatn Draft of G.ufatn Q12/15 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q12/15 Draft agenda for Q12/15 meeting Q12/15 2006-10-24 Editor Rec. G.8010 Editor's version of G.8010 (02/2004) including G.8010 amendment 1 (05/2006) Q12/15 2006-10-20 Editor Rec. G.ufatn Draft Recommendation G.ufatn Q12/15 2006-09-27 N/A WITHDRAWN - see TD287/PLEN Q12/15 2006-09-27 Rapporteur, Q.12/15 LS - Reponse to liaisons on G.8110.1 Q12/15 2006-09-27 Rapporteur Q12/15 Q12/15 interim meeting report (Sophia Antipolis, France, 18-22 September 2006) Q12/15 2006-07-24 IEEE 802.1 LS - Ethernet Connection Management Study Items (response to Q12/15 LS 3) Q12/15 2006-07-10 Rapporteur Q12/15 Q12/15 Interim Meeting Report (Ottawa, Canada, 19-23 June 2006) Q12/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary - N/A [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 [ TD 320WP3 ] [ TD 320WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 289WP3 ] [ TD 287WP3 ] [ TD 285WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282- [ TD 320WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 289WP3 ] [ TD 287WP3 ] [ TD 285WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282- 2006-10-27 OIF TC LS - Update to Q14/15 on OIF Networking Projects 2006-10-25 IETF CCAMP WG Notification of work in the IETF CCAMP working group 2006-10-24 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS 2006-09-19 IETF CCAMP WG LS - New RFC on GMPLS Extensions for SONET/SDH Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-09-14 IETF LS - T-MPLS use of the MPLS Ethertypes Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-09-08 IEEE P802.1 & P802.17 WG LS - Ethernet Ring Protection (response to ITU-T Q9/15, Q12/15, Q5/3 Liaison LS01) Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-08-30 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2006-08-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - T-MPLS OAM aspects Q12/15, Q9/15, [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 311WP3 ] [ TD 289WP3 ] [ TD 287WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 285WP3 ] [ TD 284WP3 ] [ TD 282- Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 WP3 ] [ TD 275WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 257WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 252WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 324WP3 ] [ TD 318- WP3 ] [ TD 275WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 257WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 252WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 275WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 264WP3 ] [ TD 263WP3 ] [ TD 262WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 257WP3 ] [ TD 256WP3 ] [ TD 255WP3 ] [ TD 252WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 324WP3 ] [ TD 318- [ TD 324WP3 ] [ TD 318- Q11/15 2006-07-05 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Continued IETF / SG15 Cooperation on T-MPLS and other MPLS Issues Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-06-28 OIF LS - Relationship between the ASON and G.8011 network models Q12/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 2006-06-16 MFA Forum LS - Comments on T-MPLS Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2006-06-09 IETF PWE3 Working Group LS - Follow up to PWE3 WG response to your liaison on T-MPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2006-05-25 IETF MPLS WG LS - Response to your liaison on TMPLS of May 4 and April 2 2006 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2006-05-05 MEF LS - MEF and OIF UNI issues Q12/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 2006-05-02 Rapporteurs Q9, 12/15, 5/13 Report of Q9/15, Q12/15, and Q5/13 Joint Interim Meeting in Kobe Japan, 22-26 April 2006 Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-04-21 MFA Forum LS - Reply to T-MPLS Consented Recommendations (COM15 LS 102) Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2006-04-13 IETF MPLS WG LS - Response to your LS on T-MPLS Consented Recommendations Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2006-03-14 IEEE P802.1 & P802.17 WG LS - Ethernet Ring Protection (response to COM 15 LS 98) Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-03-02 Chairman WP3/15 Draft agenda for WP3/15 meeting 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q13/15 Draft agenda for Q13/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q13/15 2006-10-26 Editor Rec. G.8080 G.8080 living list Version 0.7 Q13/15 WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 306WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 306WP3 ] [ TD 299WP3 ] [ TD 298WP3 ] [ TD 296WP3 ] [ TD 295WP3 ] [ TD 280WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 306WP3 ] [ TD 299WP3 ] [ TD 298WP3 ] [ TD 296WP3 ] [ TD 295WP3 ] [ TD 280WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.pacmod G.pacmod living list Q13/15 2006-10-17 Editor Rec. G.paclock G.paclock Living List Q13/15 2006-10-17 Editor Rec. G.paclock G.paclock latest draft Q13/15 2006-10-11 Editor Rec. G.8261 Rec. G.8261 latest draft Q13/15 2006-10-10 Editor Rec. G.8261 G.8261 Living List Q13/15 2006-07-31 Rapporteur Q13/15 Q13/15 Interim meeting Report (Ottawa, Canada, 19-23 June 2006) Q13/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 343WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD 342WP3 ] [ TD 342WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary - N/A [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, [ TD 299WP3 ] [ TD 298WP3 ] [ TD 296WP3 ] [ TD 295WP3 ] [ TD 280WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] [ TD 267WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 325WP3 ] [ TD 317WP3 ] [ TD 316WP3 ] [ TD 313WP3 ] [ TD 308WP3 ] [ TD 302WP3 ] [ TD 297WP3 ] [ TD 290WP3 ] [ TD 286WP3 ] [ TD 283WP3 ] [ TD 279- Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q9/15 [ TD 267WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 267WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - Confirmation of schedule to apply STM-256 jitter specification in G.783 and G.825 2006-03-02 Chairman WP3/15 Draft agenda for WP3/15 meeting [ TD 325WP3 ] [ TD 317WP3 ] [ TD 316WP3 ] [ TD 313WP3 ] [ TD 308WP3 ] [ TD 302WP3 ] [ TD 297WP3 ] [ TD 290WP3 ] [ TD 286WP3 ] [ TD 283WP3 ] [ TD 279- [ TD 325WP3 ] [ TD 317WP3 ] [ TD 316WP3 ] [ TD 313WP3 ] [ TD 308WP3 ] [ TD 302WP3 ] [ TD 297WP3 ] [ TD 290WP3 ] [ TD 286WP3 ] [ TD 283WP3 ] [ TD 279- 2006-10-29 Rapporteur Q14/15 Draft agenda and workplan for Q14/15 2006-10-25 Editor Rec. G.tmpls-mgmt Draft new Recommendation G.tmplsmgmt (v0.2) Q14/15 2006-10-25 Editor Rec. G.eotmgmt Draft new Recommendation G.eotmgmt (v0.2) Q14/15 2006-10-25 IETF PCE WG New Path Computation Element (PCE) RFCs Q14/15 2006-10-20 Editors Rec. G.7718.1 Enhanced UNM for Recommendation G.7718.1 Q14/15 2006-10-19 Editor Rec. G.784 Draft revised Recommendation G.784 (V0.3) Q14/15 2006-10-12 ITU-T SG15 Q14/15 Response to LS on Call/Connection Deletion Q14/15 2006-09-27 Q.5/17 Rapporteur Group (Ottawa, 11-15 September 2 LS - Response to a LS on ASON Control Plane Session Security Q14/15 2006-09-08 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Publication of new RFC on PCE Architecture Q14/15 2006-08-15 OIF LS - OIF Deletion Procedures Alignment with IETF RFC3473 Q14/15 2006-08-01 MEF LS - MEF / ITU-T Q.840.1 Coordination; Response to Progress on Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q14/15 WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 277WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 277WP3 ] [ TD 274WP3 ] [ TD 272WP3 ] [ TD 269WP3 ] [ TD 266WP3 ] [ TD 265WP3 ] [ TD 260WP3 ] [ TD 259WP3 ] [ TD 251WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 277WP3 ] [ TD 274WP3 ] [ TD 272WP3 ] [ TD 269WP3 ] [ TD 266WP3 ] [ TD 265WP3 ] [ TD 260WP3 ] [ TD 259WP3 ] [ TD 251WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] Q.840.1 about EoT/MEN management (LS-068) LS to ITU-T SG 4 and SG 15 (Q14), TeleManagement Forum, 3GPP SA5, 3GPP2 TSG-S (WG5), ETSI TISPAN (WG8), ATIS TMOC, OASIS (WSDM), OSS/J, MEF, IPDR, DMTF, TTC, OCAF, SNO, and IETF Operations and Management Area Q14/15 Meeting Report (Darmstadt, Germany, 26-30 June 2006) 2006-07-13 NGN MFG Q14/15 [ TD 274WP3 ] [ TD 272WP3 ] [ TD 269WP3 ] [ TD 266WP3 ] [ TD 265WP3 ] [ TD 260WP3 ] [ TD 259WP3 ] [ TD 251WP3 ] [ TD 344WP3 ] 2006-07-05 Rapporteur Q14/15 2006-06-28 IETF LS - Response to ASON control plane session security Q14/15 2006-06-23 ITU-T SG17 LS - Response on ASON control plane session security Q14/15 2006-06-20 ITU-T SGS4 LS - Management Specification Harmonization Status Report Q14/15 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - Progress on Q.840.1 about EoT/MEN management Q14/15 2006-05-05 MEF LS - Liaison Proposing MEF / ITU-T G.EoTmgmt Coordination Q14/15 2006-05-08 Rapporteur Q14/15 Report of Q14/15 Interim Meeting in Kobe, 22-27 April 2006 Q14/15 2006-03-02 ITU-T SG4 LS - New draft version of Q.840.1 (for consideration) Q14/15 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 interim activities [ TD 343WP3 ] [ TD 343WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 LS from WP3/15 [ TD [ TD 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Status of WP3/15 Recommendations Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q14/15 342WP3 ] 342WP3 ] 342WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] [ TD 341WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 WP3/15 texts for approval, consent and agreement at the SG15 Plenary - N/A [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] [ TD 340WP3 ] 2006-11-07 Chairman WP3/15 Report of WP3/15 [ TD 320WP3 ] [ TD 320WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 289WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 268WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] [ TD 320WP3 ] [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 289WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 268WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] 2006-10-27 OIF TC LS - Update to Q14/15 on OIF Networking Projects 2006-10-25 IETF CCAMP WG Notification of work in the IETF CCAMP working group 2006-09-19 IETF CCAMP WG LS - New RFC on GMPLS Extensions for SONET/SDH 2006-06-28 OIF LS - Relationship between the ASON and G.8011 network models Q14/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-06-20 ITU-T SG4 LS - Response to SG13 on "Consent on draft new Rec. Y.1731" (COM 13 - LS 92 - E) Q14/15, Q9/15 2006-05-05 MEF LS - MEF and OIF UNI issues Q14/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-03-02 Chairman WP3/15 Draft agenda for WP3/15 meeting Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 [ TD 314WP3 ] [ TD 289WP3 ] [ TD 270WP3 ] [ TD 268WP3 ] [ TD 261WP3 ] [ TD 250WP3 ] Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q12/15