Contributions Web [ C 29 ] [ C 28 ] [ C 27 ] IFA [C 29 ] [C 28 ] [C 27 ] Local [C 29 ] [C 28 ] [C 27 ] Date 2005-12-09 [ C 28 ] [ C 29 ] [C 28 ] [C 29 ] [C 28 ] [C 29 ] 2005-12-09 2005-12-09 2005-12-09 2005-12-09 Source Draka Comteq Draka Comteq Deutsche Telekom, Swisscom, Telecom Italia Draka Comteq Draka Comteq Titre Small bending radius optimized G.652 compatible single mode fibres Use of Rec. G.652 SMF outside its specification Proposal to cancel "controlled locations" in G.664 Questions Q5/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q7/15 Q6/15 Use of Rec. G.652 SMF outside its specification Small bending radius optimized G.652 compatible single mode fibres Q7/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q5/15 Lettres Collectives Web [ COL 2 ] +Add.1 IFA [ COL 2] Local [ COL 2] Date 2005-11-15 Source SG 15 Titre Réunion de la Commission d'études 15, Genève, 6-17 février 2006 Contributions Tardives Web [D 543 ] [D 652 ] [D 583 ] [D 578 ] [D 575 ] [D 569 ] [D 502 ] [D 507 ] [D 518 ] IFA [D 543 ] [D 652 ] [D 583 ] [D 578 ] [D 575 ] [D 569 ] [D 502 ] [D 507 ] [D 518 ] Local [D 543 ] Date 2006-01-26 Source NTT Titre Proposal for how to study the standardization of Home Network interfaces Questions Q1/15 [D 652 ] 2006-01-27 CMCC Discussion of introducing wireless protection in G.984 Q2/15 [D 583 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Status migration between power shedding and normal status Q2/15 [D 578 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Proposal of GPON in support of 802.1ad Q2/15 [D 575 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei New requirement for Power Shed on ONT Q2/15 [D 569 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Comments on H248/MGCP management in OMCI Q2/15 [D 502 ] 2006-01-24 Mitsubishi Concept and Frame Structure for TDM over Ethernet Q2/15 [D 507 ] 2006-01-24 NTT Q3/15 [D 518 ] 2006-01-25 Nortel Networks (Canada) Proposed update for "Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan" G.7713 - Restoration - SP10 Q3/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 [D 673 ] [D 672 ] [D 671 ] [D 670 ] [D 669 ] [D 668 ] [D 638 ] [D 637 ] [D 636 ] [D 627 ] [D 626 ] [D 619 ] [D 581 ] [D 580 ] [D 579 ] [D 571 ] [D 570 ] [D [D 673 ] [D 672 ] [D 671 ] [D 670 ] [D 669 ] [D 668 ] [D 638 ] [D 637 ] [D 636 ] [D 627 ] [D 626 ] [D 619 ] [D 673 ] 2006-01-30 LEA G.adsl, G.vdsl: Text for Termination impedance model of ADSL or VDSL2 Q4/15 [D 672 ] 2006-01-30 LEA, Alcatel G.vdsl: Defining impedance models for VDSL for testing and designing splitters Q4/15 [D 671 ] 2006-01-30 LEA, Alcatel G.adsl, G.vdsl, G.test: Limiting the input capacitance of DSL transceivers over ISDN Q4/15 [D 670 ] 2006-01-30 LEA, Alcatel G.adsl, G.vdsl, G.test: Limiting input capacitance of DSL transceivers over POTS Q4/15 [D 669 ] 2006-01-30 LEA G.adsl, G.vdsl, Input capacitance of xDSL should have upper and lower bounds Q4/15 [D 668 ] 2006-01-30 G.vdsl: 5 liaisons to SG Q4/15 and 5 papers not handled under VDSL in Munich Q4/15 [D 638 ] 2006-01-27 LEA on behalf of the chair of ETSI AT-A Infineon G.shdsl, G.selt: SHDSL Test Parameters Q4/15 [D 637 ] 2006-01-27 BSNL ADSL: Working Text for India Annex Q4/15 [D 636 ] 2006-01-27 LM Ericsson AB Q4/15 [D 627 ] 2006-01-27 BT PLOAM: Proposal to change the definition of Severely errored second -line (SES-L) to accommodate for dual latency application Line diagnostics functionality [D 626 ] 2006-01-27 BT G.VDSL Capacity Simulations using Band Plans for 7 MHz and above Q4/15 [D 619 ] 2006-01-27 VDSL2: DPBO specifications of G.993.2 Annex C; the revised version of MG-031 Q4/15 [D 581 ] [D 580 ] [D 579 ] [D 571 ] [D 570 ] [D [D 581 ] 2006-01-27 NTT, SoftbankBB, NEC, Fujitsu, ACCA Huawei Proposed Text Annex x. Automode Q4/15 [D 580 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Proposal to current G.hs carrier set designation Q4/15 [D 579 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Proposal to criteria of automode Q4/15 [D 571 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Dynamic Transmitting Power Adaptation Q4/15 [D 570 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Modified Proposal for a Crosstalk Reduction Method on Channel Discovery Phase Q4/15 [D 2006-01-25 Ikanos G.vdsl2: Interleaver reconfiguration: Q4/15 Q4/15 535 ] [D 534 ] [D 533 ] [D 500 ] [D 499 ] (Rev.1) [D 496 ] [D 495 ] [D 492 ] [D 491 ] [D 490 ] [D 489 ] [D 487 ] [D 663 ] [D 607 ] [D 513 ] [D 511 ] [D 506 ] [D 504 ] 535 ] [D 534 ] [D 533 ] [D 500 ] [D 499 ] [D 496 ] [D 495 ] [D 492 ] [D 491 ] [D 490 ] [D 489 ] [D 487 ] [D 663 ] [D 607 ] [D 513 ] [D 511 ] [D 506 ] [D 504 ] 535 ] protocol & activation [D 534 ] 2006-01-25 Ikanos G.vdsl2: Simultaneous use of U0 and U1 Q4/15 [D 533 ] 2006-01-25 Infineon Q4/15 [D 500 ] 2006-01-24 Conexant G.vdsl2, G.ploam: Proposal for a primitive and a parameter to monitor impulsive noise in the line Proposed Transition Band PSD for Profile 17a for Annex A of G.993.2 [D 499 ] 2006-01-24 Conexant Proposed Framework for Band-plans and PSDs above 12 MHz for Annex A Q4/15 [D 496 ] 2006-01-24 Alcatel Bell PLOAM: Using shared resource in AN for PM and Test data Q4/15 [D 495 ] 2006-01-24 Alcatel Bell G.ploam: Delay definitions in ADSL/VDSL standards Q4/15 [D 492 ] 2006-01-24 2Wire G.vdsl: Proposed working text for PSD shaping in the US0 band Q4/15 [D 491 ] 2006-01-23 ASSIA, AKTINO Band Plan for (more) Symmetric VDSL2 Q4/15 [D 490 ] 2006-01-23 ASSIA, AT&T Defining a TXPSDps parameter in ADSL2/2+ and in the PLOAM MIB Q4/15 [D 489 ] 2006-01-23 ASSIA, AT&T Q4/15 [D 487 ] 2006-01-23 [D 663 ] 2006-01-27 Assia, Texas Instruments, BT, AT&T MII China Discussion of Accuracy of Test Parameters for ADSL2 and VDSL2 and determining the reference conditions Justification for reporting of FEC and Interleave Parameters for the ADSLs in G.997.1 Best practice of cable link test in China [D 607 ] 2006-01-27 Telecom Italia Comments on the proposal for the new Recommendation G.650.3 Q5/15 [D 513 ] 2006-01-24 Corning Clarification on the fitting method for SBS using second derivative definition Q5/15 [D 511 ] 2006-01-24 NTT, CLPAJ Additional proposals on draft new Rec. G.650.3 Q5/15 [D 506 ] 2006-01-24 NTT, CLPAJ Proposal on SBS threshold definition and its test methods Q5/15 [D 504 ] 2006-01-24 NTT, CLPAJ Comments on proposed revisions of Rec. G.655 Q5/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q5/15 [D 486 ] [D 608 ] [D 536 ] [D 515 ] [D 514 ] [D 512 ] [D 501 ] [D 488 ] [D 472 ] [D 457 ] [D 662 ] [D 635 ] [D 618 ] [D 611 ] [D 604 ] [D 586 ] [D 582 ] [D 568 ] [D 486 ] [D 608 ] [D 536 ] [D 515 ] [D 514 ] [D 512 ] [D 501 ] [D 488 ] [D 472 ] [D 457 ] [D 662 ] [D 635 ] [D 618 ] [D 611 ] [D 604 ] [D 586 ] [D 582 ] [D 568 [D 486 ] 2006-01-23 OFS Further consideration of SBS critical power definitions including some insights from analog CATV system work Proposal for G.652 compliant G.smx fibres Q5/15 [D 608 ] 2006-01-27 Italy [D 536 ] 2006-01-25 NTT New application code in G.959.1 based on adaptive PMD compensation 2006-01-25 Corning Counterproposal for macrobending improved fibre Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15 Q5/15, Q10/15 [D 515 ] [D 514 ] 2006-01-25 Corning G.655 Revision: Proposal to add additional dispersion limits to Appendix I Q5/15, Q6/15 [D 512 ] 2006-01-24 NTT, CLPAJ Information on splice loss of bending insensitive optical fibres Q5/15, Q10/15 [D 501 ] 2006-01-24 Draka Comteq Further proposal for revision of Rec. G.655 Q5/15, Q6/15 [D 488 ] 2006-01-24 CLPAJ Small bending radius optimized single mode fibres Q5/15, Q10/15 [D 472 ] 2006-01-23 Draka Comteq Lifetime expectation of small radius storage of single mode fibre Q5/15, Q10/15 [D 457 ] 2005-12-23 Draka Comteq Comments to proposed revisions of Rec. G.655 Q5/15, Q6/15 [D 662 ] 2006-01-27 MII China To put the formula of nominal central frequencies into G. Suppl 39 Q6/15 [D 635 ] 2006-01-27 Deutsche Telekom Q6/15 [D 618 ] 2006-01-27 Deutsche Telekom Relation between ITU-T and other SDOs or consortia in the context of the "black link" approach Topics for a Liaison Statement to IEC on restart conditions after APR (G.664) [D 611 ] 2006-01-27 AMCC Q6/15 [D 604 ] 2006-01-27 Telecom Italia Proposal for application codes using EDC for 80km 10 Gb/s applications in G.959.1 and supporting data Proposals for the new Recommendation G.dapp.2 [D 586 ] 2006-01-26 Huawei Proposal for G653/G655 fiber Ultra longhaul applications with FEC in G.959.1 Q6/15 [D 582 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Several Comments of G.OTF Q6/15 [D 568 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Proposal to include non dispersion compensated applications in G.dapp2 Q6/15 Q5/15, Q10/15 Q6/15 Q6/15 [D 567 ] [D 566 ] [D 565 ] [D 564 ] [D 563 ] [D 556 ] [D 532 ] [D 531 ] [D 530 ] [D 529 ] [D 528 ] [D 503 ] [D 497 ] [D 606 ] [D 605 ] [D 536 ] [D 514 ] [D ] [D 567 ] [D 566 ] [D 565 ] [D 564 ] [D 563 ] [D 556 ] [D 532 ] [D 531 ] [D 530 ] [D 529 ] [D 528 ] [D 503 ] [D 497 ] [D 606 ] [D 605 ] [D 536 ] [D 514 ] [D [D 567 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Proposal to include 32 and 40 channels in G.959.1 Q6/15 [D 566 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Q6/15 [D 565 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Proposal for supporting the application codes of P1L1-2D2E and 1L1-2D2FE in G.959.1 Proposal for Definitions of Reference Points in Clause 6 for G.otf [D 564 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Proposal for clarifying the definition of optical path penalty in G.959.1 Q6/15 [D 563 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Q6/15 [D 556 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Proposal for including application codes of multichannel long-haul span transmission in G.959.1 Comments on application code 1V1-2C2F parameters of G.959.1 [D 532 ] 2006-01-25 India Proposed text on relevant weather parameters and effects in G.fso Q6/15 [D 531 ] 2006-01-25 India Proposed text for safety aspects in clause 7) for draft new Recommendation G.fso Q6/15 [D 530 ] 2006-01-25 India Proposed terms & definitions for clause 3) & 4) and parametric table for clause 6) of G.fso Q6/15 [D 529 ] 2006-01-25 India Q6/15 [D 528 ] 2006-01-25 India Proposed additional terms and definitions relevant but not essential to CLC in draft Recommendation G.fso Effect of weather on crosstalk in clause 6.2/G.fso [D 503 ] 2006-01-25 Proposed starting point for G.dapp2 Q6/15 [D 497 ] 2006-01-25 Proposal to include OADMs in G.698.1 Q6/15 [D 606 ] 2006-01-27 Nortel Networks (Europe) Nortel Networks (Europe) Telecom Italia Values of PXC transfer parameters for G.otf Q6/15, Q7/15 [D 605 ] 2006-01-27 Telecom Italia Values of OADM transfer parameters for G.otf Q6/15, Q7/15 [D 536 ] 2006-01-25 NTT New application code in G.959.1 based on adaptive PMD compensation [D 514 ] 2006-01-25 Corning G.655 Revision: Proposal to add additional dispersion limits to Appendix I Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15 Q6/15, Q5/15 [D 2006-01-24 Draka Comteq Further proposal for revision of Rec. G.655 Q6/15, Q6/15 Q6/15 Q6/15 501 ] [D 457 ] [D 558 ] [D 549 ] [D 548 ] [D 606 ] [D 605 ] [D 536 ] [D 648 ] [D 587 ] [D 505 ] [D 498 ] [D 658 ] [D 615 ] [D 577 ] [D 554 ] [D 553 ] [D 552 ] 501 ] [D 457 ] [D 558 ] [D 549 ] [D 548 ] [D 606 ] [D 605 ] [D 536 ] [D 648 ] [D 587 ] [D 505 ] [D 498 ] [D 658 ] [D 615 ] [D 577 ] [D 554 ] [D 553 ] [D 552 ] 501 ] Q5/15 [D 457 ] 2005-12-23 Draka Comteq Comments to proposed revisions of Rec. G.655 Q6/15, Q5/15 [D 558 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Contribution on adaptive chromatic dispersion compensator implementation Q7/15 [D 549 ] 2006-01-26 NTT Q7/15 [D 548 ] 2006-01-26 NTT [D 606 ] 2006-01-27 Telecom Italia Proposal for characterizing transient response of optical amplifier systems from an aspect of WDM signal transmission Proposal for characterizing transient response of optical amplifier systems in time domain Values of PXC transfer parameters for G.otf [D 605 ] 2006-01-27 Telecom Italia Values of OADM transfer parameters for G.otf Q7/15, Q6/15 [D 536 ] 2006-01-25 NTT New application code in G.959.1 based on adaptive PMD compensation [D 648 ] 2006-01-27 MII China Characteristics of optical fibre submarine cable Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15 Q8/15 [D 587 ] 2006-01-26 France Telecom Draft text proposal for clause 6 in new Rec. G.subcab Q8/15 [D 505 ] 2006-01-24 NTT Proposed draft text of clause 8 in Rec. G.subcab Q8/15 [D 498 ] 2006-01-24 CLPAJ Draft new Rec. G.subcab (clause 9) Q8/15 [D 658 ] 2006-01-27 MII China Proposal of new drafts for survivability of ASON network Q9/15 [D 615 ] 2006-01-27 Ciena Role of ITU-T work on Ethernet Equipment Q9/15 [D 577 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Proposal for APS protocol phase in Y.1720 Q9/15 [D 554 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu Proposal on additional state transition tables in G.8031 (1+1 Bi-directional) Q9/15 [D 553 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu Proposed text for "Principle of operation of 1-phase protocol" in G.8031 Q9/15 [D 552 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu Comments and proposed update to G.8031 Q9/15 Q7/15 Q7/15, Q6/15 [D 522 ] [D 521 ] [D 509 ] [D 508 ] [D 480 ] [D 479 ] [D 478 ] [D 477 ] [D 475 ] [D 474 ] [D 473 ] [D 463 ] [D 462 ] [D 459 ] [D 458 ] [D 633 ] [D 625 ] [D 603 ] [D 522 ] [D 521 ] [D 509 ] [D 508 ] [D 480 ] [D 479 ] [D 478 ] [D 477 ] [D 475 ] [D 474 ] [D 473 ] [D 463 ] [D 462 ] [D 459 ] [D 458 ] [D 633 ] [D 625 ] [D 603 [D 522 ] 2006-01-25 G.8021 Amendment concerns Q9/15 Comments on G.8021 Q9/15 2006-01-24 Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) NTT [D 521 ] 2006-01-25 [D 509 ] Proposed text for Clause 9.6 for Draft Recommendation G.8031 Q9/15 [D 508 ] 2006-01-24 NTT Proposed "introduction" text for Draft Recommendation G.8031 Q9/15 [D 480 ] 2006-01-23 NTT Proposal for inserted OAM frame priority for G.8021 and G.8031 Q9/15 [D 479 ] 2006-01-23 NTT Proposed text for the interval of ETH-APS frames for G.8031 Q9/15 [D 478 ] 2006-01-23 NTT Proposal for state transition for protection switching for G.8031 Q9/15 [D 477 ] 2006-01-23 Mitsubishi Proposed modifications to Clause 10.3.1 and 10.4 in G.8031 Q9/15 [D 475 ] 2006-01-23 Mitsubishi Proposal on additional state transition tables in G.8031 Q9/15 [D 474 ] 2006-01-23 Mitsubishi Proposed modification to the State Transition Table in G.8031 Q9/15 [D 473 ] 2006-01-23 Mitsubishi Proposed modification to APS channel alarm in G.8031 Q9/15 [D 463 ] 2006-01-18 Hitachi Clarification of ETH-Test processes in G.8021 Q9/15 [D 462 ] 2006-01-18 Hitachi Modification of Defects in G.8021 Q9/15 [D 459 ] 2006-01-18 Hitachi Comment on ETV_FT_Sk Block in G.8021 Q9/15 [D 458 ] 2006-01-18 Hitachi In-Service and Out-of-Service State in G.8021 Q9/15 [D 633 ] 2006-01-27 Alcatel Reserved Labels for Transport MPLS [D 625 ] 2006-01-27 BT Ethernet Clock extraction and insertion [D 603 ] 2006-01-27 Italy, France Support for consenting Transport MPLS Recommendations Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, (Rev.1) [D 585 ] [D 555 ] [D 551 ] [D 550 ] [D 542 ] [D 541 ] (Rev.1) [D 523 ] [D 494 ] [D 485 ] ] [D 585 ] [D 555 ] [D 551 ] [D 550 ] [D 542 ] [D 541 ] [D 523 ] [D 494 ] [D 485 ] [D 585 ] 2006-01-26 Huawei TTL process of the transport MPLS Q12/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 [D 555 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu Proposal of updating G.8121 for Transport MPLS and PWE3 support Q9/15, Q12/15 [D 551 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu [D 550 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu Q9/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 [D 542 ] 2006-01-25 NTT [D 541 ] 2006-01-25 NTT Secure Ethernet VLANs for Multi-domain MCN and SCN for Transport MPLS and Ethernet Layer Networks Addition of OAM to Transport MPLS Architecture and Equipment - G.8110.1 and G.8121 Proposal of adjustments among SDH Recommendations concerning automatic discovery function Proposal of SDH overhead byte description in G.7714.1 [D 523 ] 2006-01-25 RPR in G.8010 and G.8021 [D 494 ] 2006-01-26 Nortel Networks (Canada) Siemens AG Ethernet Ring Protection Q9/15, Q12/15 [D 485 ] 2006-01-23 Proposed Text for G.asm Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q10/15, Q5/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 [D 484 ] [D 484 ] [D 484 ] 2006-01-23 Ceterus Networks, Lucent, Sprint Nextel USA [D 608 ] [D 608 ] [D 515 ] [D 512 ] [D 488 ] [D 472 ] [D 667 ] [D 655 [D 608 ] 2006-01-27 Italy Proposal for G.652 compliant G.smx fibres [D 515 ] 2006-01-25 Corning Counterproposal for macrobending improved fibre Q10/15, Q5/15 [D 512 ] 2006-01-24 NTT, CLPAJ Information on splice loss of bending insensitive optical fibres Q10/15, Q5/15 [D 488 ] 2006-01-24 CLPAJ Small bending radius optimized single mode fibres Q10/15, Q5/15 [D 472 ] 2006-01-23 Draka Comteq Lifetime expectation of small radius storage of single mode fibre Q10/15, Q5/15 [D 667 ] 2006-01-27 Alcatel Proposed text for EoM mapping description in G.8012 Q11/15 [D 655 ] 2006-01-27 China Telecom Addition of three more sub-type EVPL services to G.8011.2 Q11/15 [D 515 ] [D 512 ] [D 488 ] [D 472 ] [D 667 ] [D 655 ] List of topics related to G.asm (Client Service Management) [D 645 ] [D 644 ] [D 614 ] [D 613 ] [D 612 ] [D 594 ] [D 574 ] [D 573 ] [D 572 ] [D 538 ] [D 520 ] [D 633 ] [D 629 ] [D 603 ] (Rev.1) [D 542 ] [D 541 ] (Rev.1) ] [D 645 ] [D 644 ] [D 614 ] [D 613 ] [D 612 ] [D 594 ] [D 574 ] [D 573 ] [D 572 ] [D 538 ] [D 520 ] [D 633 ] [D 629 ] [D 603 ] [D 542 ] [D 541 ] [D 645 ] 2006-01-27 Nortel Networks Missing words in G.707 Q11/15 [D 644 ] 2006-01-27 Nortel Networks Client Service Management Methodology considerations Q11/15 [D 614 ] 2006-01-27 Deutsche Telekom GFP MTU sizes for the GFP-F Payload Q11/15 [D 613 ] 2006-01-27 Deutsche Telekom Incorporation of Provide Bridge issues in Recommendation G.8012 Q11/15 [D 612 ] 2006-01-27 Deutsche Telekom Deletion of length encapsulation from subclause 6.1.2/G.8012 Q11/15 [D 594 ] 2006-01-27 Israel Proposal to define pseudowire over GFP encapsulation Q11/15 [D 574 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei G.783 corrections intended for new revision Q11/15 [D 573 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Enhancement of LCAS SDL diagrams in G.7042/Y.1305 Q11/15 [D 572 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Enhancement of LCAS process in G.7042/Y.1305 Q11/15 [D 538 ] 2006-01-26 Contribution to Q11/15 regarding Implementing Ultra-High Rate Services with OTN Virtual Concatenation Q11/15 [D 520 ] 2006-01-25 G.8012 Amendment Q11/15 [D 633 ] 2006-01-27 Lucent, Deutsche Telekom, Alcatel (Germany), Nortel Networks (UK) Nortel Networks (Canada) Alcatel Reserved Labels for Transport MPLS [D 629 ] 2006-01-27 Requirements of 10GE LAN signal transport over OTN ODU connections [D 603 ] 2006-01-27 Lucent Technologies Germany Italy, France Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q11/15, Q12/15 [D 542 ] 2006-01-25 NTT [D 541 ] 2006-01-25 NTT Proposal of adjustments among SDH Recommendations concerning automatic discovery function Proposal of SDH overhead byte description in G.7714.1 Support for consenting Transport MPLS Recommendations Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q14/15 [D 540 ] [D 540 ] [D 539 ] [D 485 ] [D 540 ] 2006-01-25 Cisco Proposed Updates to G.7715 on RC-RC Communications for Route Query [D 539 ] 2006-01-25 Cisco Proposed Additional form for components Interactions for Connection Setup in G.8080 [D 485 ] 2006-01-23 Proposed Text for G.asm [D 484 ] [D 484 ] [D 484 ] 2006-01-23 Ceterus Networks, Lucent, Sprint Nextel USA [D 476 ] [D 476 ] [D 666 ] [D 659 ] [D 657 ] [D 642 ] [D 641 ] [D 640 ] [D 639 ] [D 634 ] [D 628 ] [D 621 ] [D 617 ] [D 610 ] [D 476 ] 2006-01-23 Japan [D 666 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Proposal on the standardization of fully transparent 10GbE-LANPHY transport scheme Proposal for Standardization of Ethernet transport networks [D 659 ] 2006-01-27 MII China Proposals for the interactions between the control plane components in G.8080 Q12/15 [D 657 ] 2006-01-27 MII China Proposal For the Interface of Connection Controller Component in G.8080 Q12/15 [D 642 ] 2006-01-27 Tellabs Comments on Transport MPLS SCN Q12/15 [D 641 ] 2006-01-27 Tellabs Synchronous Connection Points Q12/15 [D 640 ] 2006-01-27 Tellabs Comment on Appendix on PWE3 - MPLS Interworking Q12/15 [D 639 ] 2006-01-27 Tellabs Modelling Terminology Mapping Q12/15 [D 634 ] 2006-01-27 MII India Clash of SNC-P protection within TCM section and addendum to ITU-T G.803 Q12/15 [D 628 ] 2006-01-27 N/A WITHDRAWN (same as D596) Same as D.596 Q12/15 [D 621 ] 2006-01-27 BT Proposed New Draft Recommendation G.PBT Q12/15 [D 617 ] 2006-01-27 Ciena Unified Functional Model Q12/15 [D 610 ] 2006-01-27 Siemens Considerations on unified model Q12/15 [D 539 ] [D 485 ] [D 666 ] [D 659 ] [D 657 ] [D 642 ] [D 641 ] [D 640 ] [D 639 ] [D 634 ] [D 628 ] [D 621 ] [D 617 ] [D 610 ] List of topics related to G.asm (Client Service Management) Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q12/15 Q12/15 [D 609 ] [D 596 ] [D 576 ] [D 562 ] [D 560 ] [D 547 ] [D 537 ] [D 519 ] [D 517 ] [D 516 ] [D 510 ] [D 464 ] [D 461 ] [D 460 ] [D 651 ] [D 633 ] [D 632 ] [D 629 ] [D 609 ] [D 596 ] [D 576 ] [D 562 ] [D 560 ] [D 547 ] [D 537 ] [D 519 ] [D 517 ] [D 516 ] [D 510 ] [D 464 ] [D 461 ] [D 460 ] [D 651 ] [D 633 ] [D 632 ] [D 629 [D 609 ] 2006-01-27 Alcatel Proposed extended definition of transport entity Q12/15 [D 596 ] 2006-01-27 BT Proposed Entity Definitions for the Unified Model Q12/15 [D 576 ] 2006-01-27 Huawei Proactive advertisement of MAC address in MAC-in-MAC networks Q12/15 [D 562 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Transport Resource Address management in ASON Q12/15 [D 560 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Multi-domain call and connection in ASON Q12/15 [D 547 ] 2006-01-26 Siemens AG VLAN Switching (Cross-Connect) Q12/15 [D 537 ] 2006-01-26 Tellabs Modelling Aggregation Q12/15 [D 519 ] 2006-01-25 G.8010 Amendment concerns Q12/15 [D 517 ] 2006-01-25 Unified Model, identifiers Q12/15 [D 516 ] 2006-01-25 2006-01-24 Unified Model, relationship between topological components and transport entities Proposed list of requirements for "Next Generation Ethernet" Q12/15 [D 510 ] Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) NTT [D 464 ] 2006-01-18 Hitachi In Service and Out of Service State in G.8010 Q12/15 [D 461 ] 2006-01-18 Hitachi Comment on the categorization of ondemand and proactive OAM in G.8010 Q12/15 [D 460 ] 2006-01-18 Hitachi Comment on the categorization of OAM injection method in G.ufatn Q12/15 [D 651 ] 2006-01-27 CMCC, Huawei A proposal to inter-layer aspects Q12/15, Q14/15 [D 633 ] 2006-01-27 Alcatel Reserved Labels for Transport MPLS [D 632 ] 2006-01-27 Alcatel Control of a T-MPLS packet transport network Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Q12/15, Q14/15 [D 629 ] 2006-01-27 Lucent Technologies Requirements of 10GE LAN signal transport over OTN ODU connections Q12/15, Q11/15 Q12/15 [D 625 ] [D 603 ] (Rev.1) [D 585 ] [D 584 ] [D 557 ] [D 555 ] [D 551 ] [D 550 ] [D 540 ] [D 539 ] [D 523 ] [D 518 ] [D 494 ] [D 485 ] ] [D 625 ] [D 603 ] [D 585 ] [D 584 ] [D 557 ] [D 555 ] [D 551 ] [D 550 ] [D 540 ] [D 539 ] [D 523 ] [D 518 ] [D 494 ] [D 485 ] [D 625 ] 2006-01-27 Germany BT [D 603 ] 2006-01-27 Italy, France Support for consenting Transport MPLS Recommendations [D 585 ] 2006-01-26 Huawei TTL process of the transport MPLS [D 584 ] 2006-01-26 Huawei, China Mobile Summary of the issues on interlayer aspects in G.8080 draft Q12/15, Q14/15 [D 557 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE, China Mobile Comments on SPC activation/deactivation functions Q12/15, Q14/15 [D 555 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu Proposal of updating G.8121 for Transport MPLS and PWE3 support Q12/15, Q9/15 [D 551 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu [D 550 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu Q12/15, Q9/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 [D 540 ] 2006-01-25 Cisco Secure Ethernet VLANs for Multi-domain MCN and SCN for Transport MPLS and Ethernet Layer Networks Addition of OAM to Transport MPLS Architecture and Equipment - G.8110.1 and G.8121 Proposed Updates to G.7715 on RC-RC Communications for Route Query [D 539 ] 2006-01-25 Cisco Proposed Additional form for components Interactions for Connection Setup in G.8080 [D 523 ] 2006-01-25 RPR in G.8010 and G.8021 [D 518 ] 2006-01-25 [D 494 ] 2006-01-26 Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Siemens AG [D 485 ] 2006-01-23 Proposed Text for G.asm Proposal on the standardization of fully transparent 10GbE-LANPHY transport scheme Draft Liaison Statement for Synchronous Ethernet OUI [D 484 ] [D 484 ] [D 484 ] 2006-01-23 Ceterus Networks, Lucent, Sprint Nextel USA [D 476 ] [D 476 ] [D 647 [D 476 ] 2006-01-23 Japan [D 647 ] 2006-01-27 BT [D 647 ] Ethernet Clock extraction and insertion G.7713 - Restoration - SP10 Ethernet Ring Protection List of topics related to G.asm (Client Service Management) Q12/15, Q9/15, Q13/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 Q12/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q11/15 Q13/15 [D 646 ] [D 643 ] [D 631 ] [D 630 ] [D 623 ] [D 622 ] [D 620 ] [D 602 ] [D 601 ] [D 600 ] [D 599 ] [D 598 ] [D 597 ] [D 595 ] [D 593 ] [D 592 ] [D 591 ] [D ] [D 646 ] [D 643 ] [D 631 ] [D 630 ] [D 623 ] [D 622 ] [D 620 ] [D 602 ] [D 601 ] [D 600 ] [D 599 ] [D 598 ] [D 597 ] [D 595 ] [D 593 ] [D 592 ] [D 591 ] [D [D 646 ] 2006-01-27 USA Input to G.pactiming on DS1 network limits for CES Q13/15 [D 643 ] 2006-01-27 Nortel Networks Ethernet timing flows Q13/15 [D 631 ] 2006-01-27 Issues with use of Slow protocol OAM PDUs for SSM in Ethernet networks Q13/15 [D 630 ] 2006-01-27 Improvement of clause 10 of G.pactiming in respect to normative and informative content Q13/15 [D 623 ] 2006-01-27 Lucent Technologies Germany Lucent Technologies Germany BT Limiting jitter & wander production SyncEth Network Clock Q13/15 [D 622 ] 2006-01-27 BT Enhancements to G.pactiming Appendix VIII Q13/15 [D 620 ] 2006-01-27 2006-01-27 Simulation and Test Configurations for Clock Synchronization over Packet Networks Improvements proposals for the G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 602 ] Nortel Networks (Canada) Ericsson [D 601 ] 2006-01-27 Ericsson Proposals for improvements of Figure 2 in G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 600 ] 2006-01-27 Ericsson Proposals on Study Point 20 in G.pactiming Living List Q13/15 [D 599 ] 2006-01-27 Ericsson Proposals on Network Limits (clause 7) in G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 598 ] 2006-01-27 Ericsson Proposals on Measurement Guidelines Appendix in the G.pactiming (SP23) Q13/15 [D 597 ] 2006-01-27 Ericsson Proposals for Clause 12, IWF Requirements in G.pactiming (SP25 and SP7) Q13/15 [D 595 ] 2006-01-27 Israel Timing Diagrams for TDM transport over Packet Switched Networks Q13/15 [D 593 ] 2006-01-27 Israel Clarifications regarding Figures 4,5, and 7 of G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 592 ] 2006-01-27 Israel Additional text for Appendix VI/G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 591 ] 2006-01-27 Israel Proposed changes to clause 9/G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 2006-01-27 Israel Clarifications concerning Table Q13/15 Q13/15 590 ] [D 589 ] [D 588 ] [D 546 ] [D 545 ] (Rev.1) [D 544 ] [D 525 ] [D 524 ] [D 493 ] [D 483 ] [D 482 ] [D 481 ] [D 471 ] [D 470 ] [D 469 ] [D 468 ] [D 467 ] [D 466 ] 590 ] [D 589 ] [D 588 ] [D 546 ] [D 545 ] [D 544 ] [D 525 ] [D 524 ] [D 493 ] [D 483 ] [D 482 ] [D 481 ] [D 471 ] [D 470 ] [D 469 ] [D 468 ] [D 467 ] [D 466 ] 590 ] 2/G.pactiming [D 589 ] 2006-01-27 Israel Effect of packet loss/packet mis-order on timing recovery (High BW PLL) Q13/15 [D 588 ] 2006-01-27 Israel Q13/15 [D 546 ] 2006-01-26 Alcatel Reference timing source noise model for simulation of the differential clock recovery method Proposed editorial modification for G.pactiming [D 545 ] 2006-01-26 Alcatel Proposed modification of F12 G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 544 ] 2006-01-26 Alcatel Wander proposal for Annex A Case 2A of G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 525 ] 2006-01-25 2006-01-25 [D 493 ] 2006-01-25 Characterization of Ethernet Frame Delay Variation using Time and Frequency Statistical Metrics Simulation and Test Configurations for Clock Synchronization over Packet Networks Definition of "Preservation of Service Clock" Q13/15 [D 524 ] Nortel Networks (Canada) Nortel Networks (Canada) Symmetricom [D 483 ] 2006-01-23 Ukraine Draft of G.pactiming: SSM implementation details Q13/15 [D 482 ] 2006-01-23 Ukraine Draft of G.pactiming: proposal to Figure 12 Q13/15 [D 481 ] 2006-01-23 Ukraine Draft of G.pactiming: proposal for IWF synchronization function Q13/15 [D 471 ] 2006-01-19 Zarlink Semiconductor Settling Time Q13/15 [D 470 ] 2006-01-19 Zarlink Semiconductor The Effect of Network Disturbances on Differential Clock Recovery Schemes Q13/15 [D 469 ] 2006-01-19 Zarlink Semiconductor Figure 4 of Section 9 of G.Pactiming Q13/15 [D 468 ] 2006-01-19 Zarlink Semiconductor Behaviour of Clock Recovery Mechanisms under Packet Loss Q13/15 [D 467 ] 2006-01-19 Zarlink Semiconductor Section 11.2 of G.Pactiming Q13/15 [D 466 ] 2006-01-19 Zarlink Semiconductor Section 11.1 of G.Pactiming Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 Q13/15 [D 465 ] [D 625 ] [D 665 ] [D 664 ] [D 661 ] [D 660 ] [D 656 ] [D 654 ] [D 653 ] [D 650 ] [D 649 ] [D 624 ] [D 616 ] [D 561 ] [D 559 ] [D 527 ] [D 526 ] [D 651 ] [D 465 ] [D 625 ] [D 665 ] [D 664 ] [D 661 ] [D 660 ] [D 656 ] [D 654 ] [D 653 ] [D 650 ] [D 649 ] [D 624 ] [D 616 ] [D 561 ] [D 559 ] [D 527 ] [D 526 ] [D 651 [D 465 ] 2006-01-19 Zarlink Semiconductor Mergers of Annex A into Section 7 of G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 625 ] 2006-01-27 BT Ethernet Clock extraction and insertion [D 665 ] 2006-01-27 China United Telecomms Proposal for Automatic Discovery Synchronization and Update in ASON Q13/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q14/15 [D 664 ] 2006-01-27 China United Telecomms Proposal for Multiple Control Channels in ASON Q14/15 [D 661 ] 2006-01-27 MII China Proposal for the introduction of Control Network Element Object in G.7718 Q14/15 [D 660 ] 2006-01-27 MII China Proposals on the Usage of the Different Discovery Mechanisms Q14/15 [D 656 ] 2006-01-27 MII China The response of call to a failure of connection Q14/15 [D 654 ] 2006-01-27 China Telecom Proposed modification of label allocation rules to G.7713.2 Q14/15 [D 653 ] 2006-01-27 CMCC, Huawei Discussion of SPC activation/deactivation functions Q14/15 [D 650 ] 2006-01-27 CMCC, Huawei A proposal of adding connection status attributes for connection objects Q14/15 [D 649 ] 2006-01-27 MII China Proposal for Multiple Similar Connections per Call Q14/15 [D 624 ] 2006-01-27 BT Comments/additions to G.7714.1 Q14/15 [D 616 ] 2006-01-27 Ciena Comments on G.7718.1 UML Q14/15 [D 561 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE The extension of label in GMPLS Q14/15 [D 559 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE Q14/15 [D 527 ] 2006-01-25 Etri Proposal to modify the C-Type of FLOWSPEC object and SENDER_TSPEC object in Table2 of G.7713.2/Y.1704.2 Addition of Control Channel Management Component in G.8080 [D 526 ] 2006-01-25 Etri Architecture and Requirements of Control Channel Management for ASON Q14/15 [D 651 ] 2006-01-27 CMCC, Huawei A proposal to inter-layer aspects Q14/15, Q12/15 Q14/15 [D 632 ] [D 584 ] [D 557 ] [D 551 ] [D 542 ] [D 541 ] (Rev.1) [D 540 ] [D 539 ] [D 518 ] [D 485 ] [D 484 ] ] [D 632 ] [D 584 ] [D 557 ] [D 551 ] [D 542 ] [D 541 ] [D 540 ] [D 539 ] [D 518 ] [D 485 ] [D 484 ] [D 632 ] 2006-01-27 Alcatel Control of a T-MPLS packet transport network Q14/15, Q12/15 [D 584 ] 2006-01-26 Huawei, China Mobile Summary of the issues on interlayer aspects in G.8080 draft Q14/15, Q12/15 [D 557 ] 2006-01-26 ZTE, China Mobile Comments on SPC activation/deactivation functions Q14/15, Q12/15 [D 551 ] 2006-01-26 Fujitsu [D 542 ] 2006-01-25 NTT [D 541 ] 2006-01-25 NTT Secure Ethernet VLANs for Multi-domain MCN and SCN for Transport MPLS and Ethernet Layer Networks Proposal of adjustments among SDH Recommendations concerning automatic discovery function Proposal of SDH overhead byte description in G.7714.1 [D 540 ] 2006-01-25 Cisco Proposed Updates to G.7715 on RC-RC Communications for Route Query [D 539 ] 2006-01-25 Cisco Proposed Additional form for components Interactions for Connection Setup in G.8080 [D 518 ] 2006-01-25 G.7713 - Restoration - SP10 [D 485 ] 2006-01-23 [D 484 ] 2006-01-23 Nortel Networks (Canada) Ceterus Networks, Lucent, Sprint Nextel USA Q14/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Q14/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Proposed Text for G.asm List of topics related to G.asm (Client Service Management) Rapports Web [ R 10 ] IFA [R 10 ] Local [R 10 ] Date 2006-05-01 Source SG 15 [ R 11 ] [R 11 ] [R 11 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 [ R 11 ] [R 11 ] [R 11 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 [ R 13 ] [R 13 ] [R 13 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Titre Report of the third meeting of Study Group 15 Optical and other transport networks (20052008) - (Geneva, 6 - 17 February 2006) General Report of the third meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (Geneva, 6 - 17 February 2006) - General Report of the third meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (Geneva, 6 - 17 February 2006) - General Report of the third meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General Questions Q1-14/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, [ R 11 ] [R 11 ] [R 11 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (Geneva, 6 - 17 February 2006) - General Report of the third meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 12 ] [R 12 ] [R 12 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 [ R 12 ] [R 12 ] [R 12 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 12 ] [R 12 ] [R 12 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 12 ] [R 12 ] [R 12 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 13 ] [R 13 ] [R 13 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 12 ] [R 12 ] [R 12 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 13 ] [R 13 ] [R 13 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 13 ] [R 13 ] [R 13 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General [ R 13 ] [R 13 ] [R 13 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General Q13/15, Q14/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 [ R 13 ] [R 13 ] [R 13 ] 2006-05-01 SG 15 Report of the third meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 6-17 February 2006) - General Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Documents Temporaires (GEN) Web [ TD 131GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] IFA [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] Local [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] Date 2006-02-03 Source Convenor of ITU-T JCAHN Titre Report of JCA-HN activities Questions Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 LS - Draft new Recommendation J.mcvifarch - Architecture of multi-channel video signal distribution over IP-based network 2006-01-10 ITU-T SG9 2006-02-03 Convenor of ITU-T JCAHN LS - Draft new recommendation J.resilipmulti titled "IP network architecture with network layer route diversity providing resilient IP multicast video distribution" Report of JCA-HN activities Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q12/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q12/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Consent on Draft Rec. Y.1731 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 LS - Draft new Recommendation J.mcvifarch - Architecture of multi-channel video signal distribution over IP-based network 2006-01-10 ITU-T SG9 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - Draft new recommendation J.resilipmulti titled "IP network architecture with network layer route diversity providing resilient IP multicast video distribution" LS - ETH-USR OAM functionality 2006-02-13 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination Q2/15, Q4/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15, Q12/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15, Q12/15 Q2/15, Q4/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, [ TD 131GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] 2006-02-03 Convenor of ITU-T JCAHN Report of JCA-HN activities 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Consent on Draft Rec. Y.1731 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 LS - Draft new Recommendation J.mcvifarch - Architecture of multi-channel video signal distribution over IP-based network 2006-01-10 ITU-T SG9 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - Draft new recommendation J.resilipmulti titled "IP network architecture with network layer route diversity providing resilient IP multicast video distribution" LS - ETH-USR OAM functionality 2006-02-13 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] 2006-02-13 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q12/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q12/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q6/15, Q3/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q6/15, Q3/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q7/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q7/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] 2006-02-13 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] 2006-02-13 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] 2006-02-13 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Consent on Draft Rec. Y.1731 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 LS - Draft new Recommendation J.mcvif- [ TD Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, 108GEN ] 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 122GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] arch - Architecture of multi-channel video signal distribution over IP-based network 2006-01-10 ITU-T SG9 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - Draft new recommendation J.resilipmulti titled "IP network architecture with network layer route diversity providing resilient IP multicast video distribution" LS - ETH-USR OAM functionality 2006-02-13 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 122GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 122GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] 2006-02-02 SG15 Representative to IETF CCAMP WG Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Report on IETF activities [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] 2006-02-07 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft agenda for joint Question sessions on Optical Transport Networks (OTN) Coordination [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 102GEN [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 102GEN 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Consent on Draft Rec. Y.1731 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - ETH-USR OAM functionality [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] 2006-02-13 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 7 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 Q12/15, Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 Q12/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q14/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q2/15, Q4/15, [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] [ TD 135GEN ] [ TD 134GEN ] [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] [ TD 130GEN ] [ TD 128GEN ] [ TD 127GEN ] [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD ] [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] [ TD 135GEN ] [ TD 134GEN ] [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] [ TD 130GEN ] [ TD 128GEN ] [ TD 127GEN ] [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD ] [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] [ TD 135GEN ] [ TD 134GEN ] [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] [ TD 130GEN ] [ TD 128GEN ] [ TD 127GEN ] [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD 2006-02-16 TSB Final list of participants Q12/15 QALL 2006-02-15 SG15 Representative to IEEE 802.1 WG SG15 Representative to SG13 on NGN Issues SG 15 representative to MEF Update on IEEE 802.1 QALL Report of NGN activities QALL Update on MEF QALL 2006-02-05 SG 15 representative to IEEE 802.3 Update on IEEE 802.3 QALL 2006-02-05 SG 15 representative to IEEE 802.17 Update on IEEE 802.17 QALL 2006-02-03 TSB TSB Director consultation meeting on IPTV Standardization, Geneva, 4-5 April 2005 QALL 2006-02-03 TSB Extracts from TSAG report related to SG15 QALL 2006-02-05 SG15 EWM Coordinator Electronic Working Methods (EWM) premeeting report QALL 2006-02-02 TSB World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Second phase QALL 2006-02-05 TSB Status of Recommendations consented at the last SG15 meeting, May 2005 QALL 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Accessibility checklist for use in ITUT standardization work QALL 2006-02-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - NGN and satellite work; and Intersector Coordination Group on Satellite (ICG-SAT) Matters QALL 2006-02-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - Requirements and framework for QALL 2006-02-05 2006-02-05 125GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] [ TD 123GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] [ TD 118GEN ] [ TD 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] [ TD 114GEN ] [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111- 125GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] [ TD 123GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] 125GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] [ TD 123GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] [ TD 118GEN ] [ TD 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] [ TD 114GEN ] [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111- [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] [ TD 118GEN ] [ TD 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] [ TD 114GEN ] [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111- CGOE components 2006-02-03 ITU-T SG11 LS - Response on the SG17 liaison statement concerning ITU-T guidance on conformance and interoperability testing QALL 2006-02-03 ITU-T SG11 LS - NGN Protocol Sets QALL 2006-01-31 SG15 Representative to TM Forum on MTNM issues SG15 Representative to SG4 on TNM SG15 Represesntative to IETF on TNM SG15 Representative to INCITS T11.2 Rapporteur Q2/15 Report on Multi Technology Network Management (MTNM) activities QALL Report on SG4 Transport Network Management QALL Report on IETF Transport Network Management QALL Report on INCITS T11.3 recent activities related to Fibre Channel over SDH QALL SG15's Outcome of FTTP Demo to Showcase ITU-T Standards at SUPERCOMM 2005 (Update from TD174/PLEN) ITU-T/ATIS workshop on Next Generation Network Technology and Standardization, 19 - 20 March 2006, Las Vegas, USA QALL 2006-01-30 2006-01-30 2006-01-26 2006-01-13 2006-01-10 TSB QALL 2006-01-09 TSAG LS - Application of WTSA Resolution 40 QALL 2005-12-23 ITU-T SG2 LS - SG2, Lead Study Group on Service Definition, Numbering and Routing QALL 2005-12-23 ITU-T SG2 LS - SG2 Lead Study Group on TDR QALL 2005-11-25 FGNGN LS - Report of the 9th FGNGN meeting (Gatwick, 14-17 November 2005) QALL 2005-11-21 MEF LS - Response to MEF (MEF-LS001-E & MEF-LS002-E) on the Management of EoT QALL GEN ] GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 110GEN ] [ TD 110GEN ] [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 106GEN ] [ TD 105GEN ] [ TD 104GEN ] [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] [ TD 96GEN ] [ TD 95GEN [ TD 110GEN ] [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 106GEN ] [ TD 105GEN ] [ TD 104GEN ] [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] [ TD 96GEN ] [ TD 95GEN [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 106GEN ] [ TD 105GEN ] [ TD 104GEN ] [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] [ TD 96GEN ] [ TD 95GEN ] (COM4-LS44-E) & Management of Ethernet over Transport (EoT) (COM4LS43-E) LS - Request for registration and dissemination of ITU-T Technology Watch function 2005-11-17 TSAG QALL 2005-11-17 TSAG LS - Archiving of Rapporteur Group Meeting Documents QALL 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 LS - Official contacts in ITU-T SG9 QALL 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG17 LS - Work to extend OIDs to provide Object Hierarchical Names QALL 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG17 LS - SG17 guidance to TSAG and SGs on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing QALL 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG17 LS - SG17 Action Plan for DC-CET QALL 2005-09-13 FGNGN LS - Report of the 8th FGNGN meeting QALL 2005-09-12 ITU-T SG19 Reply to LS from TSAG on Work on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Early Warning and an Action Plan QALL 2005-09-01 ITU-T SG16 Reply to LS on work on telecommunications for disaster relief and early warning and an action plan QALL 2005-09-01 ITU-T SG16 LS - Promotion of the participation of research and academic experts in the SG work QALL 2005-08-15 TSB Introduction to ITU-T's Technology Watch activity QALL 2006-02-05 TSB Meeting facilities and submission of documents QALL 2005-08-15 TSB Opportunity to hold SG15-related webinars QALL [ TD 94GEN ] ] [ TD 94GEN ] ] [ TD 94GEN ] 2005-08-01 FGNGN LS - Report of the 7th FGNGN meeting QALL Documents Temporaires (PLEN) Web [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 241PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 236PLEN ] [ TD 235PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 233PLEN ] (Rev.1-2) [ TD 200PLEN ] IFA [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] [ TD 241PLEN ] [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 236PLEN ] [ TD 235PLEN ] [ TD 233PLEN ] [ TD 200PLEN ] Local [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] [ TD 241PLEN ] [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 236PLEN ] [ TD 235PLEN ] [ TD 233PLEN ] [ TD 200PLEN ] Date 2006-02-14 Source Chairman WP1/15 Titre ANT Standards Overview (v12) Questions Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 ANT Standards Work Plan (v11) Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 interim activities Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Liaison Statements from WP1/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for approval consent and agreement at SG15 plenary Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Report of WP1/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-10 Editor Rec. G.983.2 G.983.2 Rev.2, OMCI Implementers' Guide 1 Q2/15 2006-02-09 Editor Rec. G.984.3 G.984.3, Implementers' Guide (for agreement) Q2/15 2006-02-03 Editor Rec. G.984.4 Draft ITU-T Recommendation G.984.4 Amendment 2 (for consent) Q2/15 2006-01-12 Chairman WP1/15 Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendations G.983.6, G.983.7 G.983.8 G.983.9 G.983.10 and the G.983.2 Implementers' Guide Q2/15 [ TD 196PLEN ] (Rev.1-3) [ TD 194PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 193PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 192PLEN ] [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 241PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 196PLEN ] [ TD 194PLEN ] [ TD 193PLEN ] [ TD 192PLEN ] [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] [ TD 241PLEN ] [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 196PLEN ] [ TD 194PLEN ] [ TD 193PLEN ] [ TD 192PLEN ] [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] [ TD 241PLEN ] [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] 2005-12-12 Editor Rec. G.983.2 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.983.2 (for consent) Q2/15 2005-12-08 Editor Rec. G.984.3 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.984.3 (for consent) Q2/15 2005-12-08 Editor Rec. G.984.2 Draft Amendment 1 to G.984.2 (for consent) Q2/15 2005-12-08 Editor Rec. G.983.3 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.983.2 (for consent) Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 ANT Standards Overview (v12) Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 ANT Standards Work Plan (v11) Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 interim activities Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Liaison Statements from WP1/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for approval consent and agreement at SG15 plenary Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Report of WP1/15 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-16 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Corrections to E-NNI and I-NNI definitions in G.8081/Y.1353 Amendment 1 (TD-218Rev1/Plen) 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 218PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 218PLEN ] [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 266PLEN ] [ TD 210PLEN ] [ TD 203PLEN ] [ TD 202PLEN ] [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264- [ TD 218PLEN ] [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 266PLEN ] [ TD 210PLEN ] [ TD 203PLEN ] [ TD 202PLEN ] [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264- 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.8081/Y.1353 Draft Amendment 1 to Rec. G.8081/Y.1353 ( for consent ) 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.8001/Y.1354 Draft new Recommendation G.8001/Y.1354 (for consent) 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.993.2 Draft new Recommendation G.993.2 (for approval) 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.997.1 Draft revised Recommendation G.997.1 (rev3) (for consent) Q4/15 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.992.5 Draft New Amendment to Rec. G.992.5 (for consent) Q4/15 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Draft New Amendment to Rec. G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 ANT Standards Overview (v12) Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 ANT Standards Work Plan (v11) Q4/15, Q1/15, [ TD 201PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 266PLEN ] [ TD 210PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 203PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 202PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 265PLEN ] [ TD 264PLEN ] Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q4/15 PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] [ TD 241PLEN ] [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] [ TD 241PLEN ] [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 244PLEN ] (Rev.1) Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 interim activities Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Liaison Statements from WP1/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for approval consent and agreement at SG15 plenary Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP1/15 Report of WP1/15 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 248PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 195PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 195PLEN ] [ TD 272PLEN [ TD 195PLEN ] [ TD 272PLEN 2005-12-08 Editor Rec. G.655 Draft revised Recommendation G.655 (for consent) Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15 2006-02-14 Editor Rec. G.693 Modifications to draft revised Recommendation G.693 (for consent) [ TD 243PLEN ] [ TD 242PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 241PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 240PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] [ TD 272PLEN ] Q6/15 ] [ TD 271PLEN ] [ TD 270PLEN ] [ TD 234PLEN ] [ TD 207PLEN ] [ TD 198PLEN ] [ TD 197PLEN ] [ TD 191PLEN ] [ TD 190PLEN ] [ TD 189PLEN ] [ TD 188PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] ] [ TD 271PLEN ] [ TD 270PLEN ] [ TD 234PLEN ] [ TD 207PLEN ] [ TD 198PLEN ] [ TD 197PLEN ] [ TD 191PLEN ] [ TD 190PLEN ] [ TD 189PLEN ] [ TD 188PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN [ TD 271PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 270PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 234PLEN ] (Rev.1-2) [ TD 207PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 198PLEN ] [ TD 197PLEN ] [ TD 191PLEN ] [ TD 190PLEN ] [ TD 189PLEN ] [ TD 188PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Editor Rec. G.664 Modifications to TD-197 (PLEN), draft revised G.664 for consent Q6/15 2006-02-14 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Modifications to draft revised Recommendation G.959.1 (for consent) Q6/15 2006-02-08 Editor G.Supp39 Changes to TD-191 (PLEN) (G.Suppl 39) Q6/15 2006-01-24 Editor Rec. G.fso Draft new Recommendation G.640 (former G.fso) (for consent) Q6/15 2006-01-11 Editor Rec. G.693 Draft revised Recommendation G.693 version 3.2 (for consent) Q6/15 2005-12-12 Editor Rec. G.664 Draft revised Recommendation G.664 (for consent) Q6/15 2005-12-08 Editor Suppl 39 Revised G.Suppl 39 (for agreement) Q6/15 2005-12-07 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Draft revised Recommendation G.959.1 (for consent) Q6/15 2005-12-07 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Draft revised Recommendation G.957 (for consent) Q6/15 2005-12-06 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Draft revised Recommendation G.691 (for consent) Q6/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 248PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 247PLEN 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, ] ] [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 195PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 195PLEN ] [ TD 231PLEN ] [ TD 213PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] [ TD 195PLEN ] [ TD 231PLEN ] [ TD 213PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] 2005-12-08 Editor Rec. G.655 Draft revised Recommendation G.655 (for consent) 2006-02-03 Editor Rec. G.661 Draft revised Recommendation G.661 (for consent) Q7/15 2006-01-26 Editor Rec. G.671 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.671 (for consent) Q7/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 237PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 237PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 237PLEN ] [ TD 2006-02-14 Rapporteur Q8/15 Corrigendum of Appendix I in G.975.1 (for agreement) Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q8/15 2006-02-14 Chairman Interim activities [ TD 231PLEN ] [ TD 213PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 249PLEN ] [ TD 249- Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15 Q8/15, PLEN ] 249PLEN ] 249PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 276PLEN ] [ TD 276PLEN ] [ TD 275PLEN ] [ TD 267PLEN ] [ TD 222PLEN ] [ TD 220PLEN ] [ TD 219PLEN ] [ TD 276PLEN ] [ TD 275PLEN ] [ TD 267PLEN ] [ TD 222PLEN ] [ TD 220PLEN ] [ TD 219PLEN ] 2006-02-16 Editors Rec. G.8031 A.5 justification of references for G.8031/Y.1342 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.8121/Y.1741 A.5 Justifications for Draft New Recommendation G.8121/Y.1741 Q9/15 2006-02-16 Editor Rec. G.8021 A.5 justification of references for G.8021 amendment 1 (for consent) Q9/15 2006-02-01 Editor Rec. G.873.1 Draft revised Recommendation G.873.1 (for consent) Q9/15 2006-01-30 Editor Rec. G.806 Draft revised Recommendation G.806 (for consent) Q9/15 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.808.1 Q9/15 [ TD 217PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 217PLEN ] [ TD 2006-02-03 Editor Rec. G.8021 2006-01-27 Editors Rec. Draft new Recommendation G.808.1 (Generic protection switching - Linear trail and subnetwork protection) (for consent) Draft revised Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 (for consent) Corrigendum 1 adding contact person Draft new Recommendation [ TD 275PLEN ] [ TD 267PLEN ] [ TD 222PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 220PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 219PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 217PLEN ] (Rev.1)+Corr.1 [ TD 215- WP2/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q9/15 Q9/15 Q9/15 PLEN ] (Rev.1) 215PLEN ] [ TD 211PLEN ] [ TD 205PLEN ] [ TD 187PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] 215PLEN ] [ TD 211PLEN ] [ TD 205PLEN ] [ TD 187PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] G.8121 G.8121/Y.1741 (ex G.mplseq) (for consent) 2006-01-27 Editors Rec. Y.1720 Draft Recommendation Y.1720 (Protection switching for MPLS networks) (for consent) Q9/15 2006-01-25 Editor Rec. G.8031 Draft new Recommendation G.8031 (for consent) Q9/15 2005-12-14 Editor Rec. G.783 Draft revised Recommendation G.783 (for consent) Q9/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 253PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 249PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] [ TD 249PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] [ TD 248PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 211PLEN ] [ TD 205PLEN ] (Rev.1-2) [ TD 187PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 254PLEN ] Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q11/15 [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] [ TD 247PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] [ TD 246PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] [ TD 245PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 274PLEN ] [ TD 274PLEN ] [ TD 268PLEN ] [ TD 238PLEN ] [ TD 225PLEN ] [ TD 221PLEN ] [ TD 209PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 274PLEN ] [ TD 268PLEN ] [ TD 238PLEN ] [ TD 225PLEN ] [ TD 221PLEN ] [ TD 209PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.8112 A.5 justification of references for G.8112 2006-02-14 Editor Rec. G.8012/Y.1308 A.5 justification of references for G.8012/Y.1308 Q11/15 2006-02-13 Editor Rec. G.7041 Draft Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.7041-2005 (GFP) (for consent) Q11/15 2006-02-01 Editor Rec. G.8012 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.8012/Y.1308 (for consent) Q11/15 2006-01-31 Editor Rec. G.7042 Q11/15 2006-01-25 Editor Rec. G.motnni Draft revised Recommendation G.7042 (Link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS) for virtual concatenated signals) (for consent) Draft 0.3 of new Recommendation G.motnni: MPLS Transport Network NNI (for consent) 2006-02-16 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Corrections to E-NNI and I-NNI definitions in G.8081/Y.1353 Amendment 1 (TD-218Rev1/Plen) 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, [ TD 268PLEN ] [ TD 238PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 225PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 221PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 209PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] Q11/15 Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15 [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 201PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 259PLEN ] [ TD 208PLEN ] [ TD 204PLEN ] [ TD 199PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 259PLEN ] [ TD 208PLEN ] [ TD 204PLEN ] [ TD 199PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.8001/Y.1354 Draft new Recommendation G.8001/Y.1354 (for consent) 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.8110.1 A.5 justification of references for G.8110.1 2006-01-26 Editor Rec. G.8010 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.8010 (02/04) (for consent) Q12/15 2006-01-25 Editor Rec. G.8110.1 Draft new Recommendation G.8110.1 (for consent) Q12/15 2006-01-11 Editor Rec. G.8601 Draft Recommendation G.8601 v1.0 (for consent) Q12/15 2006-02-16 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Corrections to E-NNI and I-NNI definitions in G.8081/Y.1353 Amendment 1 (TD-218Rev1/Plen) 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, [ TD 259PLEN ] [ TD 208PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 204PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 199PLEN ] (Rev.1-2) [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q14/15 [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 218PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 218PLEN ] [ TD 212PLEN ] [ TD 269PLEN ] [ TD 206PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 218PLEN ] [ TD 212PLEN ] [ TD 269PLEN ] [ TD 206PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.8081/Y.1353 Draft Amendment 1 to Rec. G.8081/Y.1353 ( for consent ) 2006-01-26 Editor Rec. G.8080 Draft revised Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 (for consent) Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.8261 A.5 justification of references for ITU-T G.8261 (former G.pactiming) Q13/15 2006-01-24 Editor Rec. G.pactiming Recommendation G.8261 (former G.pactiming) (for consent) Q13/15 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 [ TD 212PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 269PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 206PLEN ] (Rev.1-2) [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 201PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 273PLEN ] [ TD 216PLEN ] [ TD 214PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 273PLEN ] [ TD 216PLEN ] [ TD 214PLEN ] [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.8001/Y.1354 Draft new Recommendation G.8001/Y.1354 (for consent) 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.7713/Y.1704 Summary for draft Revised Recommendation G.7713/Y.1704 (for consent) 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.7713 Draft Revision of Recommendation G.7713/Y.1704 (for consent) Q14/15 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.7714.1 Q14/15 2006-02-16 Acting Rapporteur Q3/15 Draft new Appendix VI for Recommendation G.7714.1/Y.1705.1 (for agreement) Corrections to E-NNI and I-NNI definitions in G.8081/Y.1353 Amendment 1 (TD-218Rev1/Plen) 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] [ TD 253PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] [ TD 252PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] [ TD 251PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 273PLEN ] [ TD 216PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 214PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 277PLEN ] [ TD 254PLEN ] Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q14/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q12/15 [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] [ TD 250PLEN ] 2006-02-14 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 218PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 218PLEN ] [ TD 212PLEN ] [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 278PLEN ] [ TD 218PLEN ] [ TD 212PLEN ] [ TD 201PLEN ] [ TD 278PLEN ] 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.8081/Y.1353 Draft Amendment 1 to Rec. G.8081/Y.1353 ( for consent ) 2006-01-26 Editor Rec. G.8080 Draft revised Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 (for consent) Q14/15, Q12/15 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.8001/Y.1354 Draft new Recommendation G.8001/Y.1354 (for consent) 2006-02-16 Chairman SG15 [ TD 263PLEN ] [ TD 262PLEN ] [ TD 261PLEN ] [ TD 257PLEN ] [ TD 256PLEN ] [ TD 255PLEN ] [ TD 239PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 263PLEN ] [ TD 262PLEN ] [ TD 261PLEN ] [ TD 257PLEN ] [ TD 256PLEN ] [ TD 255PLEN ] [ TD 239PLEN ] [ TD 2006-02-16 SG15 EWM Coordinator ITU-T NGN-GSI event (Joint Rapporteur's meetings) and Rapporteur's groups on Transport networks, 22-27 April 2006, Kobe, Japan Outgoing LS to WP3/TSAG EWM issues Q14/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q13/15 QALL 2006-02-16 SG15 EWM Coordinator Electronic Working Methods (EWM) report QALL 2006-02-16 Chairman SG15 Proposed networking event during the next Study Group 15 meeting QALL 2006-02-15 SG15 Management team SG15 representatives and other roles QALL 2006-02-16 SG15 Management team Liaison Statements Output Tracking from the 06-17 Feb. 2006 SG15 Meeting QALL 2006-02-15 SG15 Management team The proposed Action plan for Promotion, Workshops and Coordination of ITU-T SG 15 QALL 2006-02-14 Chairman SG15 Proposed meeting agenda for the Study Group 15 Closing Plenary QALL 2006-02-05 SG15 SG15 Action Plan for Promotion, QALL [ TD 212PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 201PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 278PLEN ] [ TD 263PLEN ] [ TD 262PLEN ] [ TD 261PLEN ] [ TD 257PLEN ] [ TD 256PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 255PLEN ] [ TD 239PLEN ] [ TD 232- QALL PLEN ] [ TD 230PLEN ] [ TD 229PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 228PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 227PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 226PLEN ] [ TD 224PLEN ] [ TD 223PLEN ] [ TD 186PLEN ] [ TD 185PLEN ] [ TD 184PLEN ] 232PLEN ] [ TD 230PLEN ] [ TD 229PLEN ] [ TD 228PLEN ] [ TD 227PLEN ] [ TD 226PLEN ] [ TD 224PLEN ] 232PLEN ] [ TD 230PLEN ] [ TD 229PLEN ] [ TD 228PLEN ] [ TD 227PLEN ] [ TD 226PLEN ] [ TD 224PLEN ] [ TD 223PLEN ] [ TD 186PLEN ] [ TD 185PLEN ] [ TD 184PLEN ] [ TD 223PLEN ] [ TD 186PLEN ] [ TD 185PLEN ] [ TD 184PLEN ] Management team Workshops and Coordination 2006-02-03 Chairman SG15 Appointment of acting Rapporteurs QALL 2006-02-03 TSB Initial list of texts for consent, agreement or deletion QALL 2006-02-03 SG15 Management team Incoming LS - SG15 meeting, 617 February 2006 QALL 2006-02-03 SG15 Management team SG15 "Other roles" representatives reports list QALL 2006-02-03 TSB Interim meetings and reports QALL 2006-02-01 Chairman SG15 QALL 2006-02-01 Chairman SG15 ITU-T workshop on NGN and its Transport Networks and Rapporteurs meeting on Ethernetworking in Kobe, Japan in April Change of Question 6/15 Rapporteur 2006-02-03 TSB Initial documents allocation for SG15 meeting (6-17 February 2006) QALL 2006-02-03 TSB List of White and Delayed Contributions for SG15 meeting (6-17 February 2006) QALL 2006-02-03 Chairman SG15 Draft meeting agenda and the relevant input douments for the third Study Group 15 meeting QALL QALL Documents Temporaires (WP1) Web [ TD 109WP1 ] [ TD 94- IFA [ TD 109WP1 ] [ TD 94- Local [ TD 109WP1 ] [ TD 94- Date 2006-02-03 Source Rapporteur Q12/16 Titre A method to study a Home Network Architecture Questions Q1/15 2006-01-24 Rapporteur Q1/15 Agenda for Q1/15 meeting Q1/15 WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 93WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 92WP1 ] [ TD 90WP1 ] [ TD 89WP1 ] [ TD 84WP1 ] [ TD 83WP1 ] [ TD 80WP1 ] [ TD 77WP1 ] [ TD 76WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 118WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 93WP1 ] [ TD 92WP1 ] [ TD 90WP1 ] [ TD 89WP1 ] [ TD 84WP1 ] [ TD 83WP1 ] [ TD 80WP1 ] [ TD 77WP1 ] [ TD 76WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 118WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 93WP1 ] [ TD 92WP1 ] [ TD 90WP1 ] [ TD 89WP1 ] [ TD 84WP1 ] [ TD 83WP1 ] [ TD 80WP1 ] [ TD 77WP1 ] [ TD 76WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 118WP1 ] 2006-01-11 Rapporteur Q1/15 Report of Q1/15 meeting, 18-20 May 2005 Q1/15 2006-01-11 Rapporteur Q1/15 ITU Study Groups' Activities in Access Network-User Interface Standardization Q1/15 2005-12-15 ITU-R WP9B LS - Access Network Transport Standardization (ANTS) Plan and Work Plan Q1/15 2005-11-30 ITU-R WP8F LS - ANTS Q1/15 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 LS - Home Networking Studies in ITU-T SG9 Q1/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - Response on New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan Q1/15 2005-09-01 ITU-T SG16 Reply LS on ANT standardization plan and work plan Q1/15 2005-08-01 ITU-R WP4B LS - Comments on the ANT standards overview Q1/15 2005-08-01 ITU-R WP8F LS - ANTS Q1/15 2005-11-08 ITU-T SG12 LS - Terms of Reference for the HN QoS Task force under JCA HN Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP1/15 LS - Reply to TSAG (LS01-TSAG) on work on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Early Warning and an Action Plan WP 1/15 Agenda and Work Plan 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.984.4 Living List for G.984.4 Q2/15 Q1/15, Q2/15, Q4/15 [ TD 114WP1 ] [ TD 108WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 107WP1 ] [ TD 97WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 96WP1 ] [ TD 95WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 119WP1 ] [ TD 117WP1 ] [ TD 116WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 115- [ TD 114WP1 ] [ TD 108WP1 ] [ TD 107WP1 ] [ TD 97WP1 ] [ TD 96WP1 ] [ TD 95WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 119WP1 ] [ TD 117WP1 ] [ TD 116WP1 ] [ TD 115- [ TD 114WP1 ] [ TD 108WP1 ] [ TD 107WP1 ] [ TD 97WP1 ] [ TD 96WP1 ] [ TD 95WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 119WP1 ] [ TD 117WP1 ] [ TD 116WP1 ] [ TD 115- 2006-02-06 Rapporteur Q2/15 Proposed Agenda (Draft D) for Q.2/15 Q2/15 2006-01-31 Editor Rec. G.984.3 Living List for G.984.3 Implementers' Guide Q2/15 2006-01-31 Editor Rec. G.984.3 G.984.3, Implementers' Guide Q2/15 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.983.2 Living List for G.983.2 Rev 2 Am 2 Q2/15 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.983.2 G.983.2 Rev.2, OMCI Implementers' Guide 1 Q2/15 2006-01-09 Rapporteur Q2/15 Report of Q2/15 meeting, 10 November 2005, Makuhari, Japan Q2/15 2005-11-08 ITU-T SG12 LS - Terms of Reference for the HN QoS Task force under JCA HN Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2005-10-06 DSL Forum TC LS - Reply to TSAG (LS01-TSAG) on work on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Early Warning and an Action Plan LS - DSL Forum Liaison w.r.t. Quality of Experience for Video over DSL 2006-02-05 Chairman WP1/15 WP 1/15 Agenda and Work Plan Q2/15, Q1/15, Q4/15 2006-02-28 Editor Rec. G.hs G.hs: Updated issues list Q4/15 2006-02-14 Editor Rec. G.selt G.selt issues list Q4/15 2006-02-07 Editor Rec. G.997.1 G.ploam issues list Q4/15 2006-02-07 Editor G.vdsl G.vdsl: Updated Issues List Q4/15 Q2/15, Q4/15 WP1 ] [ TD 113WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 112WP1 ] [ TD 111WP1 ] [ TD 110WP1 ] [ TD 106WP1 ] [ TD 105WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 104WP1 ] [ TD 103WP1 ] [ TD 102WP1 ] [ TD 101WP1 ] [ TD 100WP1 ] [ TD 99WP1 ] [ TD 98WP1 ] (Rev.1) WP1 ] [ TD 113WP1 ] [ TD 112WP1 ] [ TD 111WP1 ] [ TD 110WP1 ] [ TD 106WP1 ] [ TD 105WP1 ] [ TD 104WP1 ] [ TD 103WP1 ] [ TD 102WP1 ] [ TD 101WP1 ] [ TD 100WP1 ] [ TD 99WP1 ] [ TD 98WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 113WP1 ] [ TD 112WP1 ] [ TD 111WP1 ] [ TD 110WP1 ] [ TD 106WP1 ] [ TD 105WP1 ] [ TD 104WP1 ] [ TD 103WP1 ] [ TD 102WP1 ] [ TD 101WP1 ] [ TD 100WP1 ] [ TD 99WP1 ] [ TD 98WP1 ] 2006-02-06 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Issues List for G.991.2 Q4/15 2006-02-06 Editor Rec. G.997.1 Minutes of G.997.1 conference call of 2 February 2006 Q4/15 2006-02-06 ETSI TM-06 LS - VDSL2 Q4/15 2006-02-05 Rapporteur Q4/15 Proposed Agenda Q4/SG15 Q4/15 2006-01-31 LEA on behalf of ETSI AT-A LS - G.vdsl: Liaison to SG Q4/15 regarding impedance presented by VDSL2 modems Q4/15 2006-01-31 LEA on behalf of ETSI AT-A Q4/15 2006-01-31 LEA on behalf of ETSI WG TM6 LS - G.gen: G.vdsl: (ADSL:) Response of AT-A to Liaison from ITU-T Q4/15 regarding improved transceiver impedance model LS - G.gen: G.vdsl: (ADSL:) Liaison to ITU-T Q4/15 relating to VDSL2 input capacitance 2006-01-31 LEA LS - VDSL2 Q4/15 2006-01-31 LEA on behalf of ETSI WG TM6 LS - G.vdsl: Liaison to ITU-T Q4/15, answer on a request for comments on impedance models Q4/15 2006-01-30 Rapporteur Q4/15 Report of Q4/15 Rapporteur meeting, 2529 July 2005, Stockholm, Sweden Q4/15 2006-01-30 Rapporteur Q4/15 Report of Q4/15 Rapporteur meeting, 1014 October 2005, Edinburgh, UK Q4/15 2006-01-30 Rapporteur Q4/15 Report of Q4/15 Rapporteur meeting, 1216 December 2005, Munich (Germany) Q4/15 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.992.3/G.992.5 ADSL: Issues list for ADSL projects Q4/15 Q4/15 [ TD 91WP1 ] [ TD 88WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 87WP1 ] [ TD 82WP1 ] [ TD 79WP1 ] [ TD 78WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 91WP1 ] [ TD 88WP1 ] [ TD 87WP1 ] [ TD 82WP1 ] [ TD 79WP1 ] [ TD 78WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] [ TD 91WP1 ] [ TD 88WP1 ] [ TD 87WP1 ] [ TD 82WP1 ] [ TD 79WP1 ] [ TD 78WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 75WP1 ] 2005-12-23 ITU-T SG5 LS - EMC requirement for DSL equipment Q4/15 2005-11-29 DSL Forum TC LS - DSL Forum Liaison w.r.t. Remote Management of Residential Gateway Q4/15 2005-11-29 ETSI TC TM WG TM6 LS - Answer on a request for comments, related to impedance models for xDSL Q4/15 2005-10-11 ETSI TC/TM WG TM6 LS - VDSL Annex B Q4/15 2005-08-01 ETSI TC/TM WG TM6 LS - VDSL Annex B Q4/15 2005-08-01 ETSI TC/TM VWG TM6 LS - VDSL Annex B Q4/15 2005-11-08 ITU-T SG12 LS - Terms of Reference for the HN QoS Task force under JCA HN Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 2005-10-06 DSL Forum TC LS - Reply to TSAG (LS01-TSAG) on work on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Early Warning and an Action Plan LS - DSL Forum Liaison w.r.t. Quality of Experience for Video over DSL 2006-02-05 Chairman WP1/15 WP 1/15 Agenda and Work Plan Q4/15, Q1/15, Q2/15 Q4/15, Q2/15 Documents Temporaires (WP2) Web [ TD 149WP2 ] [ TD 148WP2 ] [ TD 124- IFA [ TD 149WP2 ] [ TD 148WP2 ] [ TD 124- Local [ TD 149WP2 ] [ TD 148WP2 ] [ TD 124- Date 2006-02-15 Source SG6 Liaison Officer Titre Outgoing LS to SG6 regarding macrobending loss Questions Q5/15 2006-02-15 Rapporteur Q5/15 Report of Q5/15 meeting Q5/15 2006-01-31 Rapporteur Q5/15 Agenda for Q5/15 meeting Q5/15 WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 120WP2 ] [ TD 112WP2 ] [ TD 109WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 120WP2 ] [ TD 112WP2 ] [ TD 109WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 120WP2 ] 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.650.3 Corrigenda to "Draft structure of new Recommendation G.650.3" TD 51 (WP 2/15) Geneva, 16-27 May 2005 Q5/15 2006-01-23 IEC SC86C LS - Provision of IEC documents for development of G.650.3 Q5/15 2005-12-19 SG15 Liaison Officer LS - Reply on inquiry for the development of G.650.3 Q5/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 146WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 110WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 110WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 2006-02-03 Rapporteur Q10/15 2006-01-19 Rapporteur Q10/15 Draft new ITU-T Recommendation G.mmx on characteristics of a 50/125 ?m multimode graded index optical fibre cable for use in the access network Draft new ITU-T Recommendation G.smx on characteristics of a single mode optical fibre and cable for the access network Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q5/15, Q10/15 2006-01-11 Editor Rec. G.655 Refinement of G.655 Low and Medium Dispersion Envelopes Q5/15, Q6/15 2005-12-08 Editor Rec. G.655 Correspondence on the revision of G.655 Q5/15, Q6/15 [ TD 112WP2 ] [ TD 109WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 110WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 ] Q5/15, Q10/15 [ TD 105WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 155WP2 ] [ TD 151WP2 ] [ TD 150WP2 ] [ TD 140WP2 ] [ TD 127WP2 ] [ TD 126WP2 ] [ TD 125WP2 ] [ TD 123WP2 ] [ TD 122WP2 ] [ TD 121WP2 ] ] [ TD 105WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] ] [ TD 105WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 155WP2 ] [ TD 151WP2 ] [ TD 150WP2 ] [ TD 140WP2 ] [ TD 127WP2 ] [ TD 126WP2 ] [ TD 125WP2 ] [ TD 123WP2 ] [ TD 122WP2 ] [ TD 121WP2 ] [ TD 155WP2 ] [ TD 151WP2 ] [ TD 150WP2 ] [ TD 140WP2 ] [ TD 127WP2 ] [ TD 126WP2 ] [ TD 125WP2 ] [ TD 123WP2 ] [ TD 122WP2 ] [ TD 121WP2 ] 2005-12-08 IEC 86A Liaison Officer IEC 86A: Highlights of October, 2005 meetings Q5/15, Q10/15 2005-12-08 IEC 86A Liaison Officer New work on high optical power safety issues in TC76 Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP2/15 Agenda for WP 2/15 2006-02-15 Rapporteur Q6/15 Report of the Q6/15 meeting Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15 2006-02-15 ITU-T SG15 Outgoing LS to OIF TCC - Advanced modulation and EDC based applications in G.959.1 Q6/15 2006-02-15 ITU-T SG15 Outgoing LS to IEC TC76 - APR shutdown requirements from IEC 60825-1 and 60825-2 Q6/15 2006-02-13 G.959.1 Correspondence Coordinator Further correspondence on applications for G.959.1 Q6/15 2006-02-02 Rapporteur Q6/15 Agenda for the Q6/15 meeting Q6/15 2006-02-01 FSO Correspondence Coordinator Correspondence on G.fso Q6/15 2006-02-01 Editor Rec. G.695 Correspondence report on draft revised G.695 Q6/15 2006-01-30 Editor Rec. G.664 Correspondence report on draft revised G.664 Q6/15 2006-01-30 Correspondence coordinator G.959.1 Correspondence on applications for G.959.1 Q6/15 2006-01-30 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Application parameters for G.959.1 version 3.7 Q6/15 [ TD 119WP2 ] [ TD 119WP2 ] [ TD 118WP2 ] [ TD 117WP2 ] [ TD 113WP2 ] [ TD 103WP2 ] [ TD 102WP2 ] [ TD 101WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 119WP2 ] [ TD 118WP2 ] [ TD 117WP2 ] [ TD 113WP2 ] [ TD 103WP2 ] [ TD 102WP2 ] [ TD 101WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] 2006-01-27 Correspondence group leader Correspondence report to black link application parameters for G.695 Q6/15 2006-01-27 Correspondence group leader Black Link application parameters for G.695 version 1.12 Q6/15 2006-01-27 Temporary Editor and Editor Rec. G.otf Editor Rec. G.fso Recommendation G.otf: Version 0.41 Q6/15 Text of clause 6)/G.fso for crosstalk developed in correspondence activity before Ottawa meeting 13-16 September 2005, for agreement Report of the Q6/15 Rapporteur Group meeting, Ottawa, 13-16 September 2005 Q6/15 [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 118WP2 ] [ TD 117WP2 ] [ TD 113WP2 ] [ TD 103WP2 ] 2006-01-24 2005-10-19 Rapporteur, Q6/15 2005-09-09 OIF LS - OIF Project 16: EDC for 10Gb/s 1550nm links Q6/15 2005-08-01 OIF TC LS - Response to questions from Vimercate meeting regarding alternate signalling technologies Q6/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 146WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD [ TD [ TD 2006-01-11 Editor Rec. Refinement of G.655 Low and Medium Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q6/15, [ TD 102WP2 ] [ TD 101WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] Q6/15 110WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 154WP2 ] [ TD 153WP2 ] [ TD 141WP2 ] [ TD 139WP2 ] [ TD 134WP2 ] [ TD 132WP2 ] [ TD 116WP2 ] [ TD 115WP2 ] [ TD 114- 110WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] 110WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 154WP2 ] [ TD 153WP2 ] [ TD 141WP2 ] [ TD 139WP2 ] [ TD 134WP2 ] [ TD 132WP2 ] [ TD 116WP2 ] [ TD 115WP2 ] [ TD 114- [ TD 154WP2 ] [ TD 153WP2 ] [ TD 141WP2 ] [ TD 139WP2 ] [ TD 134WP2 ] [ TD 132WP2 ] [ TD 116WP2 ] [ TD 115WP2 ] [ TD 114- G.655 Dispersion Envelopes Q5/15 SG15 Liaison Officer and Rapporteur Q6/6 Editor Rec. G.655 LS on information on catastrophic failure induced by high power Q6/15, Q7/15 Correspondence on the revision of G.655 Q6/15, Q5/15 2005-12-08 IEC 86A Liaison Officer New work on high optical power safety issues in TC76 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP2/15 Agenda for WP 2/15 2006-02-15 ITU-T SG15 Outgoing LS to ITU-T SG6 - Consent of G.671 Amendment 1 for PON 1xN splitters Withdrawn - Duplicate of TD141/WP2 Q6/15, Q5/15, Q7/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15 2006-02-15 Rapporteur Q7/15 Report of the Q7/15 meeting Q7/15 2006-02-14 ITU-T SG15 Outgoing LS - Consent of G.671 Amendment 1 for PON 1xN splitters Q7/15 2006-02-10 Rapporteur Q7/15 Agenda for the Q7/15 meeting Q7/15 2006-02-03 Rapporteur Q7/15 Report of Question 7/15 Experts Meeting Ottawa, Canada September 12, 2005 Q7/15 2006-02-03 IEC TC86 Liaison Officer LS - Report on categorization of different optical components and devices Q7/15 2006-01-26 Editor Rec. G.adc Draft Recommendation G.adc Version 0.14 of Ottawa Meeting Output Q7/15 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.adc Draft New Recommendation G.adc Q.7/15 e-mail correspondence output (Version 0.18) Q7/15 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.adc Correspondence report on Draft New Recommendation G.adc Q7/15 2005-12-19 2005-12-08 WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 107WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 107WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 107WP2 ] SG15 Liaison Officer and Rapporteur Q9/6 Chairman WP2/15 LS - Reply on PON 1xN splitters Q7/15 Interim activities 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 145WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] 2005-12-19 SG15 Liaison Officer and Rapporteur Q6/6 IEC 86A Liaison Officer LS on information on catastrophic failure induced by high power Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q7/15, Q6/15 New work on high optical power safety issues in TC76 Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP2/15 Agenda for WP 2/15 [ TD 138WP2 ] [ TD 137WP2 ] [ TD 131- [ TD 138WP2 ] [ TD 137WP2 ] [ TD 131- 2006-02-08 Editor Rec. G.subcab Draft new Recommendation G.subcab Q7/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q8/15, Q10/15 Q8/15 2006-02-07 Editor Rec. G.975.1 Clarification of editorially modified point from the consented text in October 2003 Q8/15 2006-02-07 Rapporteur Q8/15 & Summary of replies to questionnaire Q8/15 [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 138WP2 ] [ TD 137WP2 ] [ TD 131- 2005-12-19 2006-02-15 2005-12-08 WP2 ] WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 130WP2 ] [ TD 130WP2 ] [ TD 129WP2 ] [ TD 128WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 130WP2 ] [ TD 129WP2 ] [ TD 128WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] 2006-02-03 [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 129WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 128WP2 ] Corresp leader of Questionnaire Rapporteur Q8/15 Status Report for Q8/15 Q8/15 2006-02-03 Rapporteur Q8/15 Draft agenda for Q8/15 meeting Q8/15 2006-02-03 Rapporteur Q8/15 Proposal of restructuring of submarine cable system Recommendations Q8/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 146WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] 2006-02-05 Chairman WP2/15 Agenda for WP 2/15 [ TD 142WP2 ] [ TD 142WP2 ] [ TD 136WP2 ] [ TD [ TD 142WP2 ] [ TD 136WP2 ] [ TD 2006-02-14 Rapporteur Q10/15 Report of the Q.10/15 Meeting Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q8/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q10/15 Q10/15 2006-02-06 Rapporteur Q10/15 Summary and overview of data originating from submitted contributions on low macrobending loss single mode fibres Q10/15 2006-02-06 Rapporteur Agenda for the Question 10/15 experts Q10/15 [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 136WP2 ] [ TD 135WP2 ] 135WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] 135WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] Q10/15 meeting 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Interim activities [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent and for agreement [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 105WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 105WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] 2006-02-03 Rapporteur Q10/15 2006-01-19 Rapporteur Q10/15 Draft new ITU-T Recommendation G.mmx on characteristics of a 50/125 ?m multimode graded index optical fibre cable for use in the access network Draft new ITU-T Recommendation G.smx on characteristics of a single mode optical fibre and cable for the access network 2005-12-08 IEC 86A Liaison Officer IEC 86A: Highlights of October, 2005 meetings Q10/15, Q5/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP2/15 Agenda for WP 2/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 105WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15, Q6/15, Q7/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q5/15 Documents Temporaires (WP3) Web [ TD 235WP3 ] [ TD IFA [ TD 235WP3 ] [ TD Local [ TD 235WP3 ] [ TD Date 2006-02-07 Source Rapporteur Q3/15 Titre Agenda for Q3/15 meeting Questions Q3/15 2006-01-11 IETF CCAMP LS - Response to your liaison on the SG15 Q3/15 200WP3 ] 200WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] 200WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] OTNT Standardization Work Plan 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 247WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 210WP3 ] [ TD 210WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 210WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. G.motvoc Initial working text for Draft MPLS over Transport Recommendation (G.motvoc v.0.1) 2006-02-05 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and Work Plan for WP 3/15 [ TD 232WP3 ] [ TD 222WP3 ] [ TD 221WP3 [ TD 232WP3 ] [ TD 222WP3 ] [ TD 221WP3 2006-02-05 Rapporteur Q9/15 Agenda for the Q9/15 meeting 2006-02-01 Rapporteur Q9/15 Liaison statements from Q9/15 meeting in Sophia Antipolis - Sept 2005 Q9/15 2006-02-01 Editor Rec. G.783 Correspondence report on G.783 Q9/15 [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 232WP3 ] [ TD 222WP3 ] [ TD 221WP3 ] Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15 ] [ TD 218WP3 ] [ TD 217WP3 ] [ TD 211WP3 ] [ TD 201WP3 ] [ TD 187WP3 ] [ TD 168WP3 ] [ TD 167WP3 ] [ TD 162WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] ] [ TD 218WP3 ] [ TD 217WP3 ] [ TD 211WP3 ] [ TD 201WP3 ] [ TD 187WP3 ] [ TD 168WP3 ] [ TD 167WP3 ] [ TD 162WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 218WP3 ] [ TD 217WP3 ] [ TD 211WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 201WP3 ] [ TD 187WP3 ] [ TD 168WP3 ] [ TD 167WP3 ] [ TD 162WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] 2006-01-30 Editor Rec. G.873.1 New version of G.873.1 recommendation (Optical Transport Network (OTN): Linear protection) Q9/15 2006-01-27 Editors Rec. G.8031 Proposed update for draft Recommendation G.8031 (Ethernet Protection Switching) Q9/15 2006-01-25 Editors Rec. G.8031 Living List of Recommendation G.8031 Q9/15 2006-01-11 Rapporteur Q9/15 Report of Q9/15 meeting, 19-23 September 2005, Sophia Antipolis, France Q9/15 2005-11-08 ITU-T SG12 LS - Response to LS on Ethernet performance parameters (COM 13 - LS 32) Q9/15 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - Automatic Protection Switching (APS) frame format and description in draft Y.17ethoam Q9/15 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - Response to LS on bi-directional MPLS protection switching with ASP Q9/15 2005-09-02 IEEE P802.3 LS - Synchronization of Ethernet PHY Q9/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 247WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 245WP3 [ TD 245WP3 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, ] ] [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 236WP3 ] [ TD 236WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 ] [ TD 204WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] [ TD 236WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 ] [ TD 204WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] 2006-02-15 MEF LS - Response from Rapporteurs for Q9 and Q12/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Joint experts meeting (April 2006) Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2006-01-18 IEEE 802.1 WG LS - IEEE 802.1 response to Q.5/13, Q.9/15, Q.12/15 on 802.1ag and Y.17ethoam issues Q9/15, Q12/15 2005-12-08 Reply to LS from DSL Forum on Ethernet OAM functionality Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 [ TD 196WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] 2005-12-08 Reply to LS from Q17/12 on Ethernet performance parameters Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] 2005-12-05 ITU-T Joint Q9,11,12/15 & 5/13 Rapporteur Groups ITU-T Joint Q9,11,12/15 & 5/13 Rapporteur Groups Rapporteurs Q9, 11, 12/15, 5/13 Report of Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, and Q5/13 Joint Interim Meeting in Chicago, 28 November - 2 December, 2005 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - Draft of Recommendation O.OTN Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and Work Plan for WP 3/15 [ TD 242WP3 ] [ TD 237WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 242WP3 ] [ TD 237WP3 ] [ TD 2006-02-13 Editor Rec. G.7041 Current Living List for G.7041 (GFP) Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.8112 G.8112 living list Q11/15 2006-02-03 ITU-T SG13 LS - Reply to Liaisons on ITU-T Q11/15 [ TD 223WP3 ] [ TD 204WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 242WP3 ] [ TD 237WP3 ] [ TD Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q9/15, Q12/15 230WP3 ] 230WP3 ] [ TD 228WP3 ] [ TD 249WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] 230WP3 ] [ TD 228WP3 ] [ TD 249WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 228WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 249WP3 ] Recommendations G.827 and G.8201 2006-02-03 Rapporteur Q11/15 Draft Q11/15 Meeting Agenda & Work Plan Q11/15 2006-02-14 Editor Rec. G.707 Amendment to G.707 and G.709 concerning auto-discovery Q11/15, Q14/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 247WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 226WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 226WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 ] [ TD 2006-02-03 OIF LS - Signaling for Ethernet services Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Resolution of issues related to TDM over packet switched networks Q11/15, Q13/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Joint experts meeting (April 2006) Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 2006-01-23 Editor Rec. Initial working text for Draft MPLS over Q11/15, [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 226WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 ] [ TD 210WP3 ] 210WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] 210WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] 2005-12-08 [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 166WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 166WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] 2005-12-05 [ TD 234WP3 ] [ TD 231WP3 ] [ TD 227WP3 ] [ TD 225WP3 ] [ TD 224WP3 ] [ TD 215WP3 [ TD 234WP3 ] [ TD 231WP3 ] [ TD 227WP3 ] [ TD 225WP3 ] [ TD 224WP3 ] [ TD 215WP3 [ TD 197WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 166WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 234WP3 ] [ TD 231WP3 ] [ TD 227WP3 ] [ TD 225WP3 ] [ TD 224WP3 ] [ TD 215WP3 ] G.motvoc Transport Recommendation (G.motvoc v.0.1) ITU-T Joint Q9,11,12/15 & 5/13 Rapporteur Groups ITU-T Joint Q9,11,12/15 & 5/13 Rapporteur Groups Rapporteurs Q9, 11, 12/15, 5/13 Reply to LS from DSL Forum on Ethernet OAM functionality 2005-10-27 2005-12-08 Q3/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Reply to LS from Q17/12 on Ethernet performance parameters Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Report of Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, and Q5/13 Joint Interim Meeting in Chicago, 28 November - 2 December, 2005 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 ITU-T SG4 LS - Draft of Recommendation O.OTN Q11/15, Q9/15, Q13/15 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - Resolution of issues related to TDM over packet switched networks Q11/15, Q13/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and Work Plan for WP 3/15 2006-02-06 MEF Response from ITU-T Q12/15 regarding the transport of VC-11 and VC12 over Ethernet Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q12/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15 2006-02-05 Rapporteur Q12/15 Q12/15 meeting agenda Q12/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Draft Recommendation Y.gina Q12/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SGS13 LS - Recommendation on " High level architecture of FPBN" Q12/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Recommendation on "General requirements of Future Packet Based Networks" Q12/15 2006-01-31 Editor Rec. G.8010 Extensions and modifications to G.8010 (02/04) not included in amendment 1 Q12/15 (Rev.1) [ TD 214WP3 ] ] [ TD 214WP3 ] [ TD 189WP3 ] [ TD 170WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] ] [ TD 214WP3 ] [ TD 189WP3 ] [ TD 170WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.8010 UNI-C, UNI-N, E-NNI and I-NNI functional models Q12/15 2005-11-22 Rapporteur Q12/15 Report of Q12/15 interim meeting, Ottawa, 24-28 October 2005 Q12/15 2005-09-23 Rapporteur Q12/15 Report of interim meeting of Q12, Sophia Antipolis (France), 19-23 September 2005 Q12/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 247WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 236WP3 ] [ TD 236WP3 ] [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 [ TD 236WP3 ] [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 2006-02-15 MEF LS - Response from Rapporteurs for Q9 and Q12/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-02-03 OIF LS - Signaling for Ethernet services Q12/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Joint experts meeting (April 2006) Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 [ TD 189WP3 ] [ TD 170WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 223WP3 ] ] [ TD 219WP3 ] [ TD 213WP3 ] [ TD 212WP3 ] [ TD 210WP3 ] [ TD 207WP3 ] [ TD 206WP3 ] [ TD 204WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] ] [ TD 219WP3 ] [ TD 213WP3 ] [ TD 212WP3 ] [ TD 210WP3 ] [ TD 207WP3 ] [ TD 206WP3 ] [ TD 204WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] [ TD 196WP3 ] 2005-12-08 [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 191WP3 ] [ TD 186WP3 ] [ TD 173WP3 [ TD 194WP3 ] [ TD 191WP3 ] [ TD 186WP3 ] [ TD 173WP3 2005-12-05 [ TD 219WP3 ] [ TD 213WP3 ] [ TD 212WP3 ] [ TD 210WP3 ] [ TD 207WP3 ] [ TD 206WP3 ] [ TD 204WP3 ] [ TD 197WP3 ] [ TD 191WP3 ] [ TD 186WP3 ] [ TD 173WP3 ] 2006-01-31 Editor Rec. G.8080 G.8080 living list Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-01-26 Editor Rec. G.8080 Proposed text to close G.8080 study point 17, Relationships and namespaces Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-01-26 SG15 Representative to IETF CCAMP Editor Rec. G.motvoc Report on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography Q12/15, Q14/15 Initial working text for Draft MPLS over Transport Recommendation (G.motvoc v.0.1) 2006-01-18 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Response to your liaison on ASON lexicography Q12/15, Q3/15, Q11/15, Q14/15 Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-01-18 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Response to your liaison on ASON Related Work Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-01-18 IEEE 802.1 WG LS - IEEE 802.1 response to Q.5/13, Q.9/15, Q.12/15 on 802.1ag and Y.17ethoam issues Q12/15, Q9/15 2005-12-08 ITU-T Joint Q9,11,12/15 & 5/13 Rapporteur Groups ITU-T Joint Q9,11,12/15 & 5/13 Rapporteur Groups Rapporteurs Q9, 11, 12/15, 5/13 Reply to LS from DSL Forum on Ethernet OAM functionality Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Reply to LS from Q17/12 on Ethernet performance parameters Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 Report of Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, and Q5/13 Joint Interim Meeting in Chicago, 28 November - 2 December, 2005 Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2005-11-23 Rapporteurs Q12/15 and Q14/15 Report of Q12/15 and Q14/15 joint interim meeting, Chicago, 14-18 November 2005 Q12/15, Q14/15 2005-11-11 IETF CCAMP LS - Publication of New RFCs Related to GMPLS Q12/15, Q14/15 2005-10-03 OIF LS - Liaison response regarding the progression of the OIF UNI 2.0 signaling Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-01-23 (Rev.1) [ TD 159WP3 ] [ TD 158WP3 ] [ TD 157WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 240WP3 ] [ TD 220WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 205WP3 ] [ TD 203WP3 ] [ TD 202WP3 ] [ TD 198WP3 ] [ TD 195WP3 ] [ TD 188WP3 ] [ TD 185WP3 ] ] [ TD 159WP3 ] [ TD 158WP3 ] [ TD 157WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] ] [ TD 159WP3 ] [ TD 158WP3 ] [ TD 157WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 240WP3 ] [ TD 220WP3 ] [ TD 205WP3 ] [ TD 203WP3 ] [ TD 202WP3 ] [ TD 198WP3 ] [ TD 195WP3 ] [ TD 188WP3 ] [ TD 185WP3 [ TD 240WP3 ] [ TD 220WP3 ] [ TD 205WP3 ] [ TD 203WP3 ] [ TD 202WP3 ] [ TD 198WP3 ] [ TD 195WP3 ] [ TD 188WP3 ] [ TD 185WP3 2005-08-04 TMF MTNMCP Subteam LS - Control Plane Management Q12/15, Q14/15 2005-08-01 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Response on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography Q12/15, Q14/15 2005-08-01 OIF TC LS - OIF demo findings Q12/15, Q14/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and Work Plan for WP 3/15 2006-02-15 Editor Rec. G.8261 ITU-T draft Rec.G.8261 (former G.pactiming) Living List Q12/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q13/15, Q14/15 Q13/15 2006-01-31 Rapporteur Q13/15 Agenda for Q13/15 meeting Q13/15 2006-01-18 ITU-T SG15 LS - Reply to Resolution of issues related to TDM over packet switched networks Q13/15 2006-01-11 Editor Rec. G.pactiming G.pactiming Living List Q13/15 2006-01-11 Editor Rec. G.pactiming Recommendation G.pactiming, latest draft Q13/15 2005-12-08 Rapporteur Q13/15 Report of the SG15/13 Rapporteur meeting, Sophia-Antipolis, 20-22 September 2005 Q13/15 2005-12-22 Rapporteur Q13/15 Report of the SG13/13 Interim meeting, Southampton, 29 November-1 December 2005 Q13/15 2005-11-15 MEF LS - Response to COM 15 LS43 on Timing issues on TDM over packets Q13/15 2005-11-01 ITU-T SG9 LS - Draft new Recommendation J.dti Q13/15 ] [ TD 164WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] ] [ TD 164WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 164WP3 ] 2005-09-01 ITU-T SG16 Reply LS on the implication of frequency offsset on fax and modems Q13/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 247WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 226WP3 ] [ TD 226WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 166WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 226WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 166WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] 2006-02-02 ITU-T SG13 LS - Resolution of issues related to TDM over packet switched networks Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q13/15, Q11/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - Draft of Recommendation O.OTN Q13/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2005-09-15 ITU-T SG13 LS - Resolution of issues related to TDM over packet switched networks Q13/15, Q11/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and Work Plan for WP 3/15 [ TD [ TD 2006-02-05 Rapporteur Agenda and workplan for Q14/15 Q13/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q14/15 Q14/15 [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 175WP3 ] [ TD 166WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] [ TD 233WP3 ] [ TD 216WP3 ] [ TD 209WP3 ] [ TD 208WP3 ] [ TD 199WP3 ] [ TD 193WP3 ] [ TD 192WP3 ] [ TD 190WP3 ] [ TD 184WP3 ] [ TD 183WP3 ] [ TD 182WP3 ] [ TD 181WP3 ] [ TD 180WP3 ] [ TD 179WP3 ] 233WP3 ] [ TD 216WP3 ] [ TD 209WP3 ] [ TD 208WP3 ] [ TD 199WP3 ] [ TD 193WP3 ] [ TD 192WP3 ] [ TD 190WP3 ] [ TD 184WP3 ] [ TD 183WP3 ] [ TD 182WP3 ] [ TD 181WP3 ] [ TD 180WP3 ] [ TD 179WP3 233WP3 ] [ TD 216WP3 ] [ TD 209WP3 ] [ TD 208WP3 ] [ TD 199WP3 ] [ TD 193WP3 ] [ TD 192WP3 ] [ TD 190WP3 ] [ TD 184WP3 ] [ TD 183WP3 ] [ TD 182WP3 ] [ TD 181WP3 ] [ TD 180WP3 ] [ TD 179WP3 Q14/15 2006-01-27 Editor Rec. G.7713 G.7713 - General Edits Q14/15 2006-01-20 Editor Rec. G.7718.1 Draft new Recommendation G.7718.1 (V0.4) Q14/15 2006-01-20 Editor Rec. G.7718.1 Living List of Recommendation G.7718.1 v1105 Q14/15 2006-01-09 ETSI TISPAN LS - Response LS to ITU-T on Management Specification Harmonization Status Report Q14/15 2005-11-29 3GPP TSG SA WG5 LS - Reply to ITU-T SG4 on Management Specification Harmonization (COM 4 - LS 41) Q14/15 2005-11-29 3GPP TSG SA WG5 LS - Reply to TISPAN WG8 on NGN Management Requirements and Architecture Q14/15 2005-11-24 IETF CCAMP LS - Publication of New RFC : GMPLS Routing Requirements for ASON Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG17 LS - Work on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief and Early Warning and an Action Plan (TDR/EW) Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG17 LS - Status of Action Plan to address WTSA-04 Resolution 50 - Cybersecurity obligations Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - Consent Recommendation M.3060 (Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks) Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SGS4 LS - Response to MEF (MEF-LS001-E & MEF-LS002-E) on the Management of EoT Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - Management of Ethernet over Transport (EoT) Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SGS4 LS - NGN Management Focus Group Q14/15 [ TD 178WP3 ] [ TD 177WP3 ] [ TD 176WP3 ] [ TD 174WP3 ] [ TD 172WP3 ] [ TD 171WP3 ] [ TD 169WP3 ] [ TD 165WP3 ] [ TD 163WP3 ] [ TD 161WP3 ] [ TD 160WP3 ] [ TD 156WP3 ] [ TD 155WP3 ] [ TD ] [ TD 178WP3 ] [ TD 177WP3 ] [ TD 176WP3 ] [ TD 174WP3 ] [ TD 172WP3 ] [ TD 171WP3 ] [ TD 169WP3 ] [ TD 165WP3 ] [ TD 163WP3 ] [ TD 161WP3 ] [ TD 160WP3 ] [ TD 156WP3 ] [ TD 155WP3 ] [ TD ] [ TD 178WP3 ] [ TD 177WP3 ] [ TD 176WP3 ] [ TD 174WP3 ] [ TD 172WP3 ] [ TD 171WP3 ] [ TD 169WP3 ] [ TD 165WP3 ] [ TD 163WP3 ] [ TD 161WP3 ] [ TD 160WP3 ] [ TD 156WP3 ] [ TD 155WP3 ] [ TD 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - Management Specification Harmonization Status Report Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - M.3016 Series Recommendations Approved Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SGS4 LS - NGN Management Focus Group Q14/15 2005-10-27 ITU-T SG4 LS - SG4 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management Q14/15 2005-10-03 NGNMFG LS - Final report of NGNMFG Q14/15 2005-09-26 Rapporteur Q14/15 Report of interim meeting of Q14, Stuttgart (Germany), 18-22 July 2005 Q14/15 2005-09-19 ETSI TISPAN LS - Publication of NGN Management OSS Architecture and Requirements Specifications Q14/15 2005-09-01 MEF LS - Management of EoT (COM 4-LS015) Q14/15 2005-09-02 IETF CCAMP LS - New request for Comment Published Q14/15 2005-09-01 MEF Liaison response to ITU-T SG15, Q14/15 on scope of network element management requirements (D00045_003) Q14/15 2005-08-04 ETSI TISPAN WG8 LS - NGN Management Architecture Specifications Q14/15 2005-08-01 3GPP TSGSA5 LS - Reply to ITU-T SG4 on Management Specification Harmonization Q14/15 2005-08-01 ETSI TISPAN WG8 LS - Approval of NGN Management Specifications Q14/15 2005-08-01 ETSI TISPAN LS - OSS Standards Overview and Gap Q14/15 154WP3 ] 154WP3 ] [ TD 249WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] 154WP3 ] [ TD 249WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] WG8 Analysis 2006-02-14 Editor Rec. G.707 Amendment to G.707 and G.709 concerning auto-discovery Q14/15, Q11/15 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 [ TD 247WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP3/15 [ TD 246WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 Status of Recommendations for WP 3/15 [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] [ TD 245WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 WP 3/15 Texts for Consent, Agreement and Deletion [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] [ TD 244WP3 ] 2006-02-15 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 6-17 February 2006) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 219WP3 ] [ TD 213WP3 ] [ TD 212WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 229WP3 ] [ TD 219WP3 ] [ TD 213WP3 ] [ TD 212WP3 ] [ TD 2006-02-03 OIF LS - Signaling for Ethernet services Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15 Q14/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 247WP3 ] [ TD 246WP3 ] 2006-01-31 Editor Rec. G.8080 G.8080 living list Q14/15, Q12/15 2006-01-26 Editor Rec. G.8080 Proposed text to close G.8080 study point 17, Relationships and namespaces Q14/15, Q12/15 2006-01-26 SG15 Representative to IETF CCAMP Editor Rec. Report on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography Q14/15, Q12/15 Initial working text for Draft MPLS over Q14/15, [ TD 249WP3 ] [ TD 248WP3 ] [ TD 219WP3 ] [ TD 213WP3 ] [ TD 212WP3 ] [ TD 2006-01-23 210WP3 ] [ TD 207WP3 ] [ TD 206WP3 ] [ TD 191WP3 ] [ TD 186WP3 ] [ TD 173WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 159WP3 ] [ TD 158WP3 ] [ TD 157WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] 210WP3 ] [ TD 207WP3 ] [ TD 206WP3 ] [ TD 191WP3 ] [ TD 186WP3 ] [ TD 173WP3 ] [ TD 159WP3 ] [ TD 158WP3 ] [ TD 157WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] 210WP3 ] [ TD 207WP3 ] [ TD 206WP3 ] [ TD 191WP3 ] [ TD 186WP3 ] [ TD 173WP3 ] [ TD 159WP3 ] [ TD 158WP3 ] [ TD 157WP3 ] [ TD 153WP3 ] G.motvoc Transport Recommendation (G.motvoc v.0.1) 2006-01-18 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Response to your liaison on ASON lexicography Q3/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q14/15, Q12/15 2006-01-18 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Response to your liaison on ASON Related Work Q14/15, Q12/15 2005-11-23 Rapporteurs Q12/15 and Q14/15 Report of Q12/15 and Q14/15 joint interim meeting, Chicago, 14-18 November 2005 Q14/15, Q12/15 2005-11-11 IETF CCAMP LS - Publication of New RFCs Related to GMPLS Q14/15, Q12/15 2005-10-03 OIF LS - Liaison response regarding the progression of the OIF UNI 2.0 signaling Q14/15, Q12/15 2005-08-04 TMF MTNMCP Subteam LS - Control Plane Management Q14/15, Q12/15 2005-08-01 IETF CCAMP WG LS - Response on GMPLS/ASON Lexicography Q14/15, Q12/15 2005-08-01 OIF TC LS - OIF demo findings Q14/15, Q12/15 2006-02-05 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and Work Plan for WP 3/15 Q14/15, Q3/15, Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15, Q13/15