Rapports de la présente réunion Web [R5] IFA [R 5] Local [R5 ] Date 2005-01-27 Source SG 15 Titre Report of the first meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - PART I - General [R4] [R 4] [R4 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 Report of the first meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - PART IIA Stable text for the revision of ITU-T Rec. G.652 [R3] [R 3] [R3 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 Report of the first meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - PART I General [R2] [R 2] [R2 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 [R1] [R 1] [R1 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 Report of the first meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) PART I - General Report of the first meeting of Study Group 15 Optical and other transport networks (20052008) - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - General Questions Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15, Q10/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 QALL/15 WP 1/15 - Working Party 1/15: Optical and metallic access network Contributions Web [ C 13 ] [C1] (Rev.1) IFA [C 13 ] [C 1] Local [C 13 ] [C1 ] Date 2004-10-08 2004-09-22 Source Quantum Bridge Communications WTSA-04 Titre G.983.VideoReturnPath Questions Q2/15 Questions dont l'étude est confiée à la Commission d'études 15 (Infrastructure des réseaux optiques et autres réseaux de transport) pour la période d'études 20052008 QALL/15 Documents Temporaires (GEN) Web [ TD 16GEN ] IFA [ TD 16GEN ] Local [ TD 16GEN ] Date 2004-11-17 Source ITU-T SG13 Titre LS from ITU-T SG13: Draft Recommendations on Ethernet OAM functions (Y.17ethoam) and Ethernet protection switching (Y.17ethps) Questions Q22/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q2/15 Documents Temporaires (PLEN) Web [ TD 69PLEN IFA [ TD 69PLEN Local [ TD 69PLEN Date 2004-12-03 Source Editor Rec. G.pnt3 Titre Proposed draft text for G.pnt3 (for Consent) Questions Q4/15 ] [ TD 68PLEN ] [ TD 65PLEN ] [ TD 64PLEN ] [ TD 56PLEN ] [ TD 55PLEN ] [ TD 45PLEN ] [ TD 44PLEN ] [ TD 43PLEN ] [ TD 42PLEN ] [ TD 41PLEN ] [ TD 39PLEN ] [ TD 38PLEN ] [ TD 30PLEN ] (Rev.1) ] [ TD 68PLEN ] [ TD 65PLEN ] [ TD 64PLEN ] [ TD 56PLEN ] [ TD 55PLEN ] [ TD 45PLEN ] [ TD 44PLEN ] [ TD 43PLEN ] [ TD 42PLEN ] [ TD 41PLEN ] [ TD 39PLEN ] [ TD 38PLEN ] [ TD 30PLEN ] ] [ TD 68PLEN ] [ TD 65PLEN ] [ TD 64PLEN ] [ TD 56PLEN ] [ TD 55PLEN ] [ TD 45PLEN ] [ TD 44PLEN ] [ TD 43PLEN ] [ TD 42PLEN ] [ TD 41PLEN ] [ TD 39PLEN ] [ TD 38PLEN ] [ TD 30PLEN ] 2004-12-03 Editor Rec. G.994.1 Proposed new Amendment 3 to ITU-T Recommendation G.994.1 (for approval) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Draft new Amendment 6 to Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Draft new Amendment 5 to Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.5 Revised ADSL2plus Recommendation G.992.5 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Revised ADSL2 Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.bond Issues List for G.bond Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.test Issues List for G.test Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.985 G.985 Corrigendum Q2/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.983.1 Q2/15 2004-12-02 Editors G.983.VideoReturnPath BROADBAND OPTICAL ACCESS SYSTEMS BASED ON PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORKS (PON), Revised G.983.2 Amendment 2 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.983.4 Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.983.4 (for consent) Q2/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.991.2 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.997.1 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.997.1 (for consent) Q4/15 Q2/15 [ TD 18PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 17PLEN ] [ TD 16PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 15PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 14PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 13PLEN ] [ TD 12PLEN ] [ TD 11PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 10PLEN ] [ TD 9PLEN ] [ TD 18PLEN ] [ TD 18PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 List of WP1/15 interim meeting Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 17PLEN ] [ TD 16PLEN ] [ TD 17PLEN ] [ TD 16PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 Liaison Statements from WP1/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 15PLEN ] [ TD 15PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for consent at SG15 plenary Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 14PLEN ] [ TD 14PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 report Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 13PLEN ] [ TD 12PLEN ] [ TD 11PLEN ] [ TD 13PLEN ] [ TD 12PLEN ] [ TD 11PLEN ] 2004-11-17 Editors G.983.2vrp G.983.VideoReturnPath reference to SCTE 55-2 Q2/15 2004-11-17 Editors Rec. G.983.vrp G.983.VideoReturnPath reference to SCTE 55-1 Q2/15 2004-11-26 Editor Rec. G.pnt3 Draft new Recommendation G.pnt3 (for consent) Q4/15 [ TD 10PLEN ] [ TD 9PLEN ] [ TD 10PLEN ] [ TD 9PLEN ] 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.bond A.5 input for the IEEE802.3 Reference in the Draft G.bondEthernet Recommendation Q4/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.bond Q4/15 [ TD 8PLEN ] [ TD 8PLEN ] [ TD 7PLEN ] [ TD 8PLEN ] [ TD 7PLEN ] 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.bond A.5 input for the IEEE802.3ah Reference in the Draft G.bondEthernet Recommendation and the Draft G.bond-TDIM Recommendation A.5 input for the T1.424 Reference in the Draft G.bondEthernet Recommendation 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.bond Changes to the Draft new G.bond-ATM Recommendation as contained in D-70 Q4/15 [ TD 7PLEN ] Q4/15 [ TD 6PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 6PLEN ] [ TD 6PLEN ] 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.bond Changes to the Draft new G.bond-TDIM Recommendation as contained in D-69 Q4/15 Documents Temporaires (WP1) Web [ TD 37WP1 ] [ TD 36WP1 ] [ TD 35WP1 ] [ TD 34WP1 ] [ TD 33WP1 ] [ TD 32WP1 ] [ TD 31WP1 ] [ TD 30WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 29WP1 ] [ TD 28WP1 ] [ TD 27WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 26- IFA [ TD 37WP1 ] [ TD 36WP1 ] [ TD 35WP1 ] [ TD 34WP1 ] [ TD 33WP1 ] [ TD 32WP1 ] [ TD 31WP1 ] [ TD 30WP1 ] [ TD 29WP1 ] [ TD 28WP1 ] [ TD 27WP1 ] [ TD 26- Local [ TD 37WP1 ] [ TD 36WP1 ] [ TD 35WP1 ] [ TD 34WP1 ] [ TD 33WP1 ] [ TD 32WP1 ] [ TD 31WP1 ] [ TD 30WP1 ] [ TD 29WP1 ] [ TD 28WP1 ] [ TD 27WP1 ] [ TD 26- Date 2004-12-03 Source Editor Rec. G.hs Titre G.hs: Updated Issues List Questions Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 G.992.3 Annex C.B Ad Hoc report Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.ploam Issues List of G.ploam.bis Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Revised Text to Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.991.2 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3/5 Report of Ad Hoc meeting on the SRA and DRR issue with overhead PER Q4/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Report of SHDSL Editing Ad Hoc Session Q4/15 2004-11-29 Chairman SG15 on behalf of ETSI TM6 Editor Rec. G.vdsl LS from ETSI TM6 on VDSL2 profiles Q4/15 G.vdsl: Updated Issues List Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.vdsl G.vdsl: VDSL2 work program Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Draft Text to facilitate discussion for Amendment 2 to G.991.2 based on input to the November 29, 2004 SG 15 Meeting Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.991.2 G.991.2 (SHDSL) Issues List Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.985 G.985 corrigendum Q2/15 2004-11-29 WP1 ] [ TD 25WP1 ] [ TD 24WP1 ] [ TD 23WP1 ] [ TD 22WP1 ] [ TD 21WP1 ] [ TD 20WP1 ] [ TD 19WP1 ] [ TD 18WP1 ] [ TD 17WP1 ] [ TD 16WP1 ] +Add.1 [ TD 15WP1 ] [ TD 14WP1 ] [ TD 13WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 25WP1 ] [ TD 24WP1 ] [ TD 23WP1 ] [ TD 22WP1 ] [ TD 21WP1 ] [ TD 20WP1 ] [ TD 19WP1 ] [ TD 18WP1 ] [ TD 17WP1 ] [ TD 16WP1 ] [ TD 15WP1 ] [ TD 14WP1 ] [ TD 13WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 25WP1 ] [ TD 24WP1 ] [ TD 23WP1 ] [ TD 22WP1 ] [ TD 21WP1 ] [ TD 20WP1 ] [ TD 19WP1 ] [ TD 18WP1 ] [ TD 17WP1 ] [ TD 16WP1 ] [ TD 15WP1 ] [ TD 14WP1 ] [ TD 13WP1 ] 2004-11-28 Chairman SG15 on behalf of ETSI TM6 Rapporteur Q.2/15 LS from ETSI TM6: Relevant changes in TS 101 524 SDSL (SHDSL) Q4/15 LS from Rapporteur Q.2/15 to SG 4: Revision of Rec. G.983.2 Q2/15 2004-11-25 Rapporteur Q.1/15 Agenda for Q.1/15 meeting Q1/15 2004-11-22 Rapporteur Q.2/15 Revision of Recommendation G.983.2 Q2/15 2004-11-19 ITU-T SG15 Q.4/15 LS from ITU-T SG15 Q.4/15 to SG15 Q.12/15 and SG16 Q.21/16: Draft text for ITU-T Q4/15 communication to QB/SG16 Q21/16, Q4/15 2004-11-18 SG 15 Representative to IEC 86C PON systems: Verification of physical plant: IEC proposal for Technical Report Q2/15 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.984.4 Living List for Recommendation G.984.4 Q2/15 2004-11-18 Rapporteur Q.2/15 WITHDRAWN Q2/15 2004-11-29 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Proposed agenda for Q.4/15 Q4/15 2004-11-23 Editors Rec. G.983.2 Rev.2 Draft Recommendation G.983.2 Rev. 2 ONT management and control interface specification for B-PON Q2/15 2004-11-17 Editor Rec. G.983.2 Rev.2 Updated Living List for G.983.2 Rev 2 Q2/15 2004-11-17 Editor Rec. G.983.1 Updated Living List for G.983.1 rev. Q2/15 2004-11-17 DSL Forum LS from DSL Forum on Ethernet transport over DSL Q4/15 2004-11-25 [ TD 12WP1 ] [ TD 11WP1 ] [ TD 10WP1 ] [ TD 9WP1 ] [ TD 8WP1 ] [ TD 7WP1 ] [ TD 6WP1 ] [ TD 5WP1 ] [ TD 4WP1 ] [ TD 3WP1 ] [ TD 2WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1WP1 ] [ TD 12WP1 ] [ TD 11WP1 ] [ TD 10WP1 ] [ TD 9WP1 ] [ TD 8WP1 ] [ TD 7WP1 ] [ TD 6WP1 ] [ TD 5WP1 ] [ TD 4WP1 ] [ TD 3WP1 ] [ TD 2WP1 ] [ TD 1WP1 ] [ TD 12WP1 ] [ TD 11WP1 ] [ TD 10WP1 ] [ TD 9WP1 ] [ TD 8WP1 ] [ TD 7WP1 ] [ TD 6WP1 ] [ TD 5WP1 ] [ TD 4WP1 ] [ TD 3WP1 ] [ TD 2WP1 ] [ TD 1WP1 ] 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG9 LS from ITU-T SG9: Reply to ITU-T SG 15 on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5 (COM 15-LS42) LS from ITU-D Rapporteur's Group for Q.20-1/2: Reply to liaison statement from ITU-T WP 5/15 - TD95(PLEN) dated 24-30 April 2004 LS from ITU-R WP9B: Access Network Transport Standardization (ANTS) - Plan and Work Plan Q1/15 2004-11-13 ITU-D 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP9B 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP8A LS from ITU-R WP8A: The ANT Standardization Plan and Work Plan Q1/15 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP4B LS from ITU-R WP4B: Comments on the access network transport standards overview Q1/15 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP4B LS from ITU-R WP4B: New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) standards overview and work plan Q1/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Report of Q.4/15 Rapporteur's meeting (October 2004, Stresa, Italy) Q4/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Report of Q.4/15 Rapporteur's meeting (August 2004, Lake Tahoe, USA) Q4/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Report of Q.4/15 Rapporteur's meeting (June 2004, Leuven, Belgium) Q4/15 2004-11-15 Editor Rec. G.992.3/5 Draft new G.992.3 Annex K.4 (64/65 based PTM-TC) Q4/15 2004-11-15 Editor Rec. G.992.3 & G.992.5 Issues list for ADSL related projects Q4/15 2004-11-28 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 agenda and workplan Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 WP 2/15 - Working Party 2/15: Optical transport network technology Contributions Q1/15 Q1/15 Web [C1] (Rev.1) IFA [C 1] Local [C1 ] Date 2004-09-22 Source WTSA-04 Titre Questions dont l'étude est confiée à la Commission d'études 15 (Infrastructure des réseaux optiques et autres réseaux de transport) pour la période d'études 2005-2008 Questions QALL/15 Titre Draft agenda/Work Schedule for Joint Question Meeting on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies (OTNT) Coordination Questions Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q3/15 Documents Temporaires (GEN) Web [ TD 24GEN ] IFA [ TD 24GEN ] Local [ TD 24GEN ] Date 2004-11-28 Source Acting Rapporteur Q.3/15 Documents Temporaires (PLEN) Web [ TD 70PLEN ] IFA [ TD 70PLEN ] Local [ TD 70PLEN ] Date 2004-12-03 Source Chairman WP2/15 Titre List of texts for consent Questions Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q6/15 [ TD 47PLEN ] [ TD 46PLEN ] [ TD 40PLEN ] [ TD 36PLEN ] [ TD 29PLEN ] [ TD 47PLEN ] [ TD 46PLEN ] [ TD 40PLEN ] [ TD 36PLEN ] [ TD 29PLEN ] [ TD 47PLEN ] [ TD 46PLEN ] [ TD 40PLEN ] [ TD 36PLEN ] [ TD 29PLEN ] 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.695 Changes to draft revised Recommendation G.695 (for consent) 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.693 Changes to draft revised Recommendation G.693 (for consent) Q6/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.671 Draft revised Recommendation G.671 (for consent) Q7/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.665 Summary for G.665 (for consent) Q7/15 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 List of WP2/15 interim meetings [ TD 28PLEN ] [ TD 28PLEN ] [ TD 28PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 27PLEN [ TD 27PLEN [ TD 27PLEN 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements WP2/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, ] ] ] [ TD 26PLEN ] [ TD 26PLEN ] [ TD 26PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part IIA) [ TD 25PLEN ] [ TD 25PLEN ] [ TD 25PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Documents Temporaires (WP2) Web [ TD 43WP2 ] [ TD 42WP2 ] [ TD 41WP2 ] [ TD 40WP2 ] [ TD 39WP2 ] IFA [ TD 43WP2 ] [ TD 42WP2 ] [ TD 41WP2 ] [ TD 40WP2 ] [ TD 39WP2 ] Local [ TD 43WP2 ] [ TD 42WP2 ] [ TD 41WP2 ] [ TD 40WP2 ] [ TD 39WP2 ] Date 2004-12-02 Source Rapporteur Q.6/15 Titre Report of the Q. 6/15 meeting Questions Q6/15 2004-12-02 ITU-T SG15 LS to OIF - Response to liaisons from OIF PLL WG relating to EDC Q6/15 2004-12-02 Acting Rapporteur Q.10/15 Report of the Q.10/15 Meeting Q10/15 2004-12-02 ITU-T SG15 LS to IEC SC86B & SC86C on OTNT SWP updates Q7/15 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 38WP2 ] [ TD 37WP2 ] [ TD 38WP2 ] [ TD 37WP2 ] [ TD 38WP2 ] [ TD 37WP2 ] 2004-12-02 Acting Rapporteur Q.7/15 Draft Q.7/15 Meeting Report Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q7/15 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent [ TD 36WP2 ] [ TD 36WP2 ] [ TD 36WP2 ] 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 35WP2 [ TD 35WP2 [ TD 35WP2 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, ] ] ] [ TD 34WP2 ] [ TD 33WP2 ] [ TD 32WP2 ] [ TD 31WP2 ] [ TD 30WP2 ] [ TD 29WP2 ] [ TD 28WP2 ] [ TD 34WP2 ] [ TD 33WP2 ] [ TD 32WP2 ] [ TD 31WP2 ] [ TD 30WP2 ] [ TD 29WP2 ] [ TD 28WP2 ] [ TD 34WP2 ] [ TD 33WP2 ] [ TD 32WP2 ] [ TD 31WP2 ] [ TD 30WP2 ] [ TD 29WP2 ] [ TD 28WP2 ] Q6/15, Q5/15 Q5/15 2004-12-02 Rapporteur Q.5/15 Request for liaison with IEC SC86C - for action 2004-12-02 Interim Rapporteur Q.5/15 Report of the Q5/15 meeting Q5/15 2004-12-01 Acting Rapporteur Q.8/15 Draft Meeting Report for Q.8/15 Q8/15 2004-12-01 Correspondence leader on Section 6 Sup.dsnsub Editor Sup.dsnsub Daft text for section 6: - Optical network topology Q8/15 Draft Sup.dsnsub Q8/15 2004-12-01 Rapporteur Q.8/15 Study points for optical submarine cable systems and work plan Q8/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.671 Correspondence report on Revisions to Recommendation G.671 Q7/15 2004-12-01 WP 3/15 - Working Party 3/15: Optical transport network structure Contributions Web [C4] IFA [C 4] Local [C4 ] Date 2004-09-22 [C3] [C 3] [C3 ] 2004-09-22 [C2] [C 2] [C2 ] 2004-09-22 [C1] (Rev.1) [C 1] [C1 ] 2004-09-22 Source ZTE Corporation (P.R. China) ZTE Corporation (P.R. China) ZTE Corporation (P.R. China) WTSA-04 Documents Temporaires (GEN) Titre Mesh Network Protection Questions Q9/15 Necessity of Out-of-band APS Signaling Architecture and Effects on Standards Related to Protection Switching Q9/15 Proposal on implementation of protection switching protocol in WDM optical networks Q12/15, Q9/15 Questions dont l'étude est confiée à la Commission d'études 15 (Infrastructure des réseaux optiques et autres réseaux de transport) pour la période d'études 2005-2008 QALL/15 Web [ TD 24GEN ] IFA [ TD 24GEN ] Local [ TD 24GEN ] Date 2004-11-28 Source Acting Rapporteur Q.3/15 Titre Draft agenda/Work Schedule for Joint Question Meeting on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies (OTNT) Coordination Questions Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q3/15 Q21/15, Q12/15 [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP 3/15 Proposal to combine Q.12/15 and Q.P/13(Q.21/15) 2004-11-22 Chairman WP3/15 Proposed merger of Q.11/15 with part of Q.C2/17 (Q.23/15) Q23/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2004-11-22 Chairman WP3/15 Proposal to combine Q.9/15 with Q.E2/13(Q.22/15) and part of Q.C2/17(Q.23/15) 2004-11-17 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Draft Recommendations on Ethernet OAM functions (Y.17ethoam) and Ethernet protection switching (Y.17ethps) Q23/15, Q22/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 Q22/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q2/15 Documents Temporaires (PLEN) Web [ TD 63PLEN ] [ TD 62PLEN ] [ TD 59PLEN ] [ TD 58PLEN ] [ TD 57PLEN ] [ TD 54PLEN ] IFA [ TD 63PLEN ] [ TD 62PLEN ] [ TD 59PLEN ] [ TD 58PLEN ] [ TD 57PLEN ] [ TD 54PLEN ] Local [ TD 63PLEN ] [ TD 62PLEN ] [ TD 59PLEN ] [ TD 58PLEN ] [ TD 57PLEN ] [ TD 54PLEN ] Date 2004-12-02 Source Editor Rec G.8810/Y.1370 Titre A.5 Justifications for Draft New Recommendation G.8110/Y.1370 Questions Q12/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8810/Y.1370 Modifications to G.8810/Y.1370 (Previously G.mta) (for consent) Q12/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8080 Changes to D.007 (G.8080 Amendment 2) Q12/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8080 Draft Amendment 2 (0.2) to Recommendation G.8080 (for consent) Q12/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7042 Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7041 Draft Corrigendum 1 for G.7041Y.1303 (GFP) (for consent) Q11/15 [ TD 53PLEN ] [ TD 52PLEN ] [ TD 51PLEN ] [ TD 50PLEN ] [ TD 49PLEN ] [ TD 48PLEN ] [ TD 37PLEN ] [ TD 23PLEN ] [ TD 53PLEN ] [ TD 52PLEN ] [ TD 51PLEN ] [ TD 50PLEN ] [ TD 49PLEN ] [ TD 48PLEN ] [ TD 37PLEN ] [ TD 23PLEN ] [ TD 53PLEN ] [ TD 52PLEN ] [ TD 51PLEN ] [ TD 50PLEN ] [ TD 49PLEN ] [ TD 48PLEN ] [ TD 37PLEN ] [ TD 23PLEN ] 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8040 Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7043 Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.7043/Y.1343 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7041/Y.1303 A.5 justification of references for G.7041/Y.1303 Amendment 2 Q11/15 2004-12-03 Acting Editor Rec. G.806 Proposed Corrigendum 2 to Recommendation G.806 (for consent) Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7041 Draft Amendment 2 for G.7041 (GFP) (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8040 Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7718/Y.1709 Draft new Recommendation G.7718/Y.1709 (for consent) Q14/15 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP 3/15 [ TD 22PLEN ] [ TD 22PLEN ] [ TD 22PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Status of Recommendations [ TD 21PLEN ] [ TD 21PLEN ] [ TD 21PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, [ TD 20PLEN ] [ TD 20PLEN ] [ TD 20PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Texts for Consent [ TD 19PLEN ] [ TD 19PLEN ] [ TD 19PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 29 November-3 December 2004) PART I GENERAL Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Documents Temporaires (WP3) Web [ TD 73WP3 ] IFA [ TD 73WP3 ] Local [ TD 73WP3 ] Date 2004-12-02 Source Rapporteur Q.3/15 Titre Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5.1 [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 70WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD 67WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 70WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD 67WP3 ] [ TD 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.707 Amendment 2 to ITU-T Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 2004-12-02 Acting Editor Rec. G.8021 Updated Draft of the Living List of G.8021 as per Results of SG15 Meeting Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8021 Updated Draft of G.8021 as per Results of SG15 Meeting Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Living List: Draft Recommendation Y.17ethps (Ethernet Protection Switching) Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Draft Recommendation Y.17ethps (Ethernet Protection Switching) Q9/15 2004-12-01 Acting Rapporteur Q.11/15 Draft Recommendation G.8011.2/Y.1307.2 Ethernet Virtual Private Line Service Q11/15 2004-11-30 ITU-T LS from ITU-T SG16 on information on draft Q13/15 [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 70WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD 67WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD Questions Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15 Q11/15 66WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] [ TD 60WP3 ] +Add.1 [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] [ TD 55WP3 ] [ TD 54WP3 ] [ TD 66WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] 66WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] [ TD 60WP3 ] [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] [ TD 55WP3 ] [ TD 54WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 60WP3 ] [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] [ TD 55WP3 ] [ TD 54WP3 ] [ TD SG16 Recommendation G.IP2IP 2004-11-29 Acting Rapporteur Q.11/15 Draft meeting agenda and workplan for Q.11/15 Q11/15 2004-11-29 Acting Rapporteur Q.3/15 Agenda and workplan for Q.3/15 meeting Q3/15 2004-11-28 Rapporteur Q.9/15 Agenda and Workplan for Q.9/15 meeting Q9/15 2004-11-28 Rapporteur Q.12/15 Q.12 and Q.21 meeting agenda Q21/15, Q12/15 2004-11-28 Chairman of SG15 on behalf of IETF ASON Routing So Editor Rec. G.8021 Report on status of work on ASON routing protocol Q14/15 Draft revised Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 Q9/15 2004-11-26 Editor Rec. G.8012 Draft revised Recommendation G.8012 Q12/15, Q11/15 2004-11-26 Rapporteur Q.13/15 Q.13/15 meeting agenda Q13/15 2004-11-26 Rapporteur Q.14/15 Agenda and Workplan of Q14/15 Q14/15 2004-11-26 CCAMP WG of the IETF Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery Q14/15 2004-11-25 LS from OIF: New OIF project on interworking of ASON - GMPLS Network domains Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-25 SG15 Chairman on behalf of the OIF ITU-T SG9 Q3/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. LS from ITU-T SG9: Reply on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5 (COM 15-LS42) Draft revised Recommendation G.8010 2004-11-26 Q12/15 53WP3 ] 53WP3 ] [ TD 52WP3 ] [ TD 51WP3 ] [ TD 50WP3 ] [ TD 49WP3 ] 53WP3 ] [ TD 52WP3 ] [ TD 51WP3 ] [ TD 50WP3 ] [ TD 49WP3 ] [ TD 48WP3 ] [ TD 48WP3 ] [ TD 47WP3 ] [ TD 52WP3 ] G.8010 2004-11-24 IEC TC86 and its SCs Reply to LS from Q19/15 (on OTNT-SWP, Issue 4) Q3/15 2004-11-24 Editor G.asm Draft new Recommendation G.asm v0.1.0 Q12/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.7713 Draft G.7713 incorporating Amendment 1 Q14/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.870 OTN definitions defined in both Recommendation G.870/Y.1352 and other ITU-T Recommendations [ TD 48WP3 ] 2004-11-24 Acting Rapporteur Q.19/15 SDH definitions defined in both G.780/Y.1351 and other ITU-T Recommendations [ TD 47WP3 ] [ TD 46WP3 ] [ TD 44WP3 ] [ TD 47WP3 ] [ TD 46WP3 ] [ TD 44WP3 ] 2004-11-23 Editor Rec. G.7713 G.7713 Living List Recommendation G.7713 v4.0 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q14/15 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.8021 Living List: G.8021/Y.1341 Q9/15 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP 3/15 [ TD 43WP3 ] [ TD 43WP3 ] [ TD 43WP3 ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Status of Recommendations [ TD 42WP3 ] [ TD 42WP3 [ TD 42WP3 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Draft 0.2 of G.motnni: MPLS over Transport NNI Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, [ TD 51WP3 ] [ TD 50WP3 ] [ TD 49WP3 ] [ TD 46WP3 ] [ TD 44WP3 ] ] ] [ TD 41WP3 ] [ TD 41WP3 ] [ TD 41WP3 ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Texts for Consent [ TD 40WP3 ] [ TD 40WP3 ] [ TD 40WP3 ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 29 November-3 December 2004) PART I GENERAL [ TD 39WP3 ] [ TD 39WP3 ] [ TD 38WP3 ] [ TD 37WP3 ] [ TD 36WP3 ] [ TD 39WP3 ] [ TD 38WP3 ] [ TD 37WP3 ] [ TD 36WP3 ] 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.motnni Draft 0.1.1 of Recommendation G.motnni: MPLS over Transport NNI 2004-11-22 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T, WP3/4 on the Management of EoT Q14/15, Q9/15 2004-11-19 ITU-T SG15 Q.14/15 LS to ITU-T SG4, Qs 12 & 14: Draft G.7718 Q14/15 2004-11-19 LS from IETF CCAMP WG on Crankback Crankback in GMPLS Systems Q14/15 [ TD 35WP3 ] [ TD 34WP3 ] [ TD 33WP3 [ TD 35WP3 ] [ TD 34WP3 ] [ TD 33WP3 2004-11-19 Chairman SG15 on behalf of IETF CCAMP WG on Crankb Editor Rec. G.8081 ASON definitions defined in both G.8081/Y.1353 and other ITU-T Recommendations Q12/15, Q3/15 2004-11-17 Editor Rec. G.798 Formatting and editorial errors in prepublished G.798 (06/2004) Q9/15 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.7041 Current Living List for G.7041 (GFP) Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 [ TD 38WP3 ] [ TD 37WP3 ] [ TD 36WP3 ] [ TD 35WP3 ] [ TD 34WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 33WP3 ] Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q11/15 (Rev.1) [ TD 31WP3 ] [ TD 29WP3 ] [ TD 28WP3 ] [ TD 27WP3 ] [ TD 26WP3 ] [ TD 25WP3 ] [ TD 24WP3 ] [ TD 23WP3 ] [ TD 22WP3 ] [ TD 21WP3 ] [ TD 20WP3 ] [ TD 19WP3 ] [ TD 18WP3 ] [ TD ] [ TD 31WP3 ] [ TD 29WP3 ] [ TD 28WP3 ] [ TD 27WP3 ] [ TD 26WP3 ] [ TD 25WP3 ] [ TD 24WP3 ] [ TD 23WP3 ] [ TD 22WP3 ] [ TD 21WP3 ] [ TD 20WP3 ] [ TD 19WP3 ] [ TD 18WP3 ] [ TD ] [ TD 31WP3 ] [ TD 29WP3 ] [ TD 28WP3 ] [ TD 27WP3 ] [ TD 26WP3 ] [ TD 25WP3 ] [ TD 24WP3 ] [ TD 23WP3 ] [ TD 22WP3 ] [ TD 21WP3 ] [ TD 20WP3 ] [ TD 19WP3 ] [ TD 18WP3 ] [ TD 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13 Q.3/13 on Ethernet OAM functions Q11/15, Q12/15, Q9/15 2004-11-16 CCAMP WG on the IETF LS from CCAMP WG on the IETF: GMPLS MIB Modules Q14/15 2004-11-16 CCAMP WG on IETF LS from CCAMP WP on IETF: Procedures for Modifying the Resource reSerVation Protocol (RSVP) Q14/15 2004-11-16 TMOC LS from TMON: Announcement of New Standards Work: Security Management System (TMOC Issue 56) Q14/15 2004-11-16 OIF LS from OIF on Results from OIF World Interoperability Demo Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-16 TMF MTNM Team LS from TMF MTNM Team on Optical Control Plane Management Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.atd Initial Draft of Recommendation G.atd Q12/15 2004-11-13 Editor Rec. G.798 ODU over SDH equipment functions Q9/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Reply to LS on draft Rec. Y.17ethps on Ethernet protection switching Q9/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SGs13: Timing issues on TDM over packets -Response to liaison statement Q13/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Description of interworking function - Response to liaison statement Q12/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Ethernet - MPLS network interworking - Response to liaison statement Q12/15 2004-11-16 MEF LS from MEF to SG15 Q.13/15 Q13/15 2004-11-13 ATM LS from ATM Forum: PNNI application to Q14/15 17WP3 ] [ TD 16WP3 ] [ TD 15WP3 ] [ TD 14WP3 ] [ TD 13WP3 ] [ TD 12WP3 ] [ TD 11WP3 ] [ TD 10WP3 ] [ TD 8WP3 ] [ TD 7WP3 ] [ TD 6WP3 ] [ TD 5WP3 ] [ TD 4WP3 ] [ TD 3WP3 ] 17WP3 ] [ TD 16WP3 ] 17WP3 ] [ TD 16WP3 ] [ TD 15WP3 ] [ TD 14WP3 ] [ TD 13WP3 ] [ TD 12WP3 ] [ TD 11WP3 ] [ TD 10WP3 ] [ TD 8WP3 ] [ TD 7WP3 ] [ TD 6WP3 ] [ TD 5WP3 ] [ TD 4WP3 ] [ TD 3- [ TD 15WP3 ] [ TD 14WP3 ] [ TD 13WP3 ] [ TD 12WP3 ] [ TD 11WP3 ] [ TD 10WP3 ] [ TD 8WP3 ] [ TD 7WP3 ] [ TD 6WP3 ] [ TD 5WP3 ] [ TD 4WP3 ] [ TD 3- Forum ASON Routing 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG9 Q9/15, Q11/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG16 LS from ITU-T SG9 to ITU-T SG 15 and ITU-R WP6M on draft new Recommendation J.mcvif - Requirements for multi-channel video signal transmission over IP-based fibre network LS from ITU-T SG16: Further enhancement of Profile and Package Definition 2004-11-13 ITU-T SGS4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Management of EoT Q9/15, Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Reply on G.7718 Q14/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Reply on Physical Port Object Definition Q14/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Progressing ITU-T Security for the Management Plane Q14/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 Q14/15 2004-11-22 Rapporteur Q.14/15 LS from ITU-T SG4: Clarification of the scope and responsibilities for telecommunications management and OAM activities Report of W.14/15 Interregnum meeting (1317 September 2004, Holmdel, USA) 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.14/15 Report of Q.14/15 Rapporteur meeting (1-5 November 2004, Berlin, Germany) Q14/15 2004-11-16 Rapporteur Q.13/15 Report of the SG15/13 Interregnum Meeting (21-23 September 2004, Rome, Italy) Q13/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.12/15 Report of Q.12/15 Experts meeting (25-29 October 2004, Ottawa, Canada) Q12/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteurs Q.9/15 and Q.12/15 Report of Qs9, 11 and 12/15 Experts meeting (18-22 October 2004, Milan, Italy) Q9/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.9/15 Report of Q.9/15 Experts meeting (20-24 September 2004, Sophia Antipolis, France) Q9/15 Q14/15, Q12/15 Q14/15 [ TD 2WP3 ] [ TD 1WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 2WP3 ] [ TD 1WP3 ] WP3 ] [ TD 2WP3 ] [ TD 1WP3 ] 2004-11-15 Editor Rec. G.pactiming First draft of Recommendation G.pactiming Q13/15 2004-11-26 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and workplan for WP 3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15