2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications IPCSIT vol.2 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore Entropy Evaluation of Uncertainty in M&A Transaction System Changbing Tong, Qiusheng Zhang, Jinchuan Ke School of Economics & Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044 Email:tongcb01@163.com, qszhang@bjtu.edu.cn, jchke99@126.com Abstract: Because of the indeterminations in Merger and Acquisition (M&A) trading, the participants are not always able to achieve the objective. This paper conducts a study on the comprehensive evaluation of M&A uncertainty from the angle of complexity science. In the process of study, beginning with the discussion of uncertainties in M&A transaction and trading environment, a structure diagram of the system uncertainty is created, and then the system is evaluated based on the entropy information theory. It is concluded that a low information entropy would be helpful to reduce the system uncertainty and facilitate the development of M&A transaction towards an orderly, steady and efficient direction. Keyword: Complexity; M&A; Entropy; Evaluate; Uncertainty. 1. Introduction There exists the mutual penetration and interaction between the M&A transaction and the environment, from which the exchange of material, energy and information speeds up the development of M&A transactions. As the impact of environment on M&A transactions increases, the environmental subsystems might be converted into M&A transaction’s subsystems. For example, with the involvement of potential third-party competitor for M&A transaction, the intervention of arbitrageurs, and the public voices in the market have a direct impact on the M&A transactions. It is known that the border of the open M&A transaction system is vague and is equipped with access way which can be in and out. To some extent, the key to the M&A transaction success depends on whether the involvers can adapt to a changing environment or not. The M&A system consists of the enterprise entities, intermediary organizations, and environments. A simple M&A transactions is constructed as shown in Table 1. Table 1: The complex M&A transaction system framework indicated M & A E n te r p r is e s / T a rg e t E n te rp ris e I n te r m e d ia r y o r g a n iz a tio n s board of shareholders Board of Directors Executives label union Investment Bank public accounting firm law issue office other microenvironment M & A e n v iro n m e n t the overall environment o th e rs … 545 The personnel actually involved in the M&A transaction M&A Team Accountants Lawyers … legal agent public relation staffs analysts public opinion local government economic environment social environment market environment political setting entironment Although the rules of M&A transaction system are exactly the same for all participants, it is difficult to make two M&A transactions identical. The M&A market provides a trade-off for all parties involved in the transactions, however, because of the existence of uncertainty, the participants are not always able to achieve the desired goals. During the M&A transaction process, the involvers will face with a lot of uncertainty such as the uncertainty of negotiations, the uncertainty of payment, the uncertainty of decision-making, the uncertainty of social environment and so on. Uncertainty can be measured by assessing the probability of all possible occurrence, the associated risks, as well as gains (or "effect"), that is, link the uncertainty with the probability of event, using the variance of random variable to describe the size of its uncertainty. The decision making is often based on the assessment of the risk and return which are associated with the probability. For instance, in the famous Arrow - Debreu model, uncertainty is assumed to be: (i) Each of the uncertainty factors is identifiable in advance; (ii) Each of the uncertainty factors is tradable, and the transaction is in balance, which means each of the consequence of uncertainties is specific, or can be offset through the transaction. In the presence of uncertainty, the rational knowledge could be expressed as the capacity to judge and analyze the likely outcome of various behaviors, including the possible results and the possibility of results. The uncertainty problem is expected to be an outcome with deterministic probability distribution. As a consequence, it can be translated into a calculation problem. In this paper, the theory of information entropy is introduced to evaluate the uncertainty of M&A system. 2. Information power and entropy measure As a measure of information content, entropy can be used to study the changes and uncertainties of the system’s internal and external environment. The concept of entropy which comes from the thermodynamics was brought forward by Germany Clausius in 1865, it reflects the degree of confusion in the micro system. From then on, the models of entropy has been well developed and widely used. For a set A = (x1, x2 ,...} and a set B={y1,y2,...},where X and Y are random variables, A and B have intersection with some constraints between the two sets. The information contained in the set A and B can be measured through the probability distribution function P (X) and P (Y), and the conditional probability distribution function can be expressed as P (Y | X). The entropy for X is: H ( X ) = − P ( xi ) log P ( xi ) (1) ∑ i The conditional entropy of the average amount of information about X provided by Y can be expressed as: H ( X ; Y ) = −∑∑ P ( xi , y j ) log P ( xi | y j ) (2) P ( xi ) For any k, if an estimated value Q has QK(X|Yk) = P(X|zk), then it indicates that the prediction is in line with truth. When all QK (xi | yk) ∈ (0,1) , it indicates that this prediction is a determined case. Generalized information measure can be measured and expressed as: j I ( xi ; y k ) = log i Q ( xi | y k ) Q ( xi ) (3) When Q(X) is determined, the predictive value of Q(X|yk) is more closer to the truth, and the greater the amount of information would be. After averaging I(X;yk), we can obtain mutual probability prediction information: Q ( xi | y k ) (4) I ( X ; Y ) = ∑∑ P( xi , y k ) log Q ( xi ) k i Generally, P(xi) and P(xi| yj) are unknown. What we can do is to judge if Q(xi) and Q(xi| yj) are truth based on the experience and semantics. Therefore, we have to use the probability logic in lieu of the probability. If and only if the truth of xi occurs, expression (4) can be extended: Q( x i | y j _ is_true) Q( xi | A j ) Q( A j | xi ) (5) I ( xi ; y j ) = log = log = log Q( xi ) Q( xi ) Q( A j ) Expression (5) shows that: The smaller the transcendental logic probability Q (Aj) and the greater the posterior logic probability Q (Aj | xi), the greater the amount of information. In the contrary, the amount of information is smaller, or even negative, and the statement is more vague. 546 3. The entropy evaluation of the M&A transaction system’s uncertainty System uncertainty can be evaluated from the following aspects: (i) the uncertainty of time. To predict the future event, the historical records should not be ignored. (ii) the uncertainty of the semantics itself. The understanding of the concept and rules might result in different uncertainty. (ii) The uncertainty resulted by the nonlinear interaction between the elements both in inner system and the environment. From the analysis of M&A market, there are a lot of uncertainties in M&A transactions system. For a simple case study, some factors are selected and formed a tree like diagram as shown in the Figure 1 and Table 2. In order to facilitate the calculation, we have directly given the probability which uncertainty variable may happen (information content) listed in Table 3: M & A transactions uncertain system The main bodies of M & A transactions Trading environment M & A market Market Order Market Structure Supervision environment Social environment Financing Negotiation Decision-making Figure 1: The schematic diagram of M&A transaction uncertain system Table 2: The factors hierarchy of M & A transaction uncertainty The mai n bodi es of t r ansact i on ( X) The M&A t r ansact i on syst em’ s Tr adi ng uncer t ai nt y envi r onment ( Y) M& A mar ket ( Z) P1,P2,P3,P4 Deci si onmaki ng( Xx) Board of Directors,Shareholders,Trade unions, Individual Negot i at i on( Xy) The structure style, Price, Ownership, P5,P6,P7,P8 Location Fi nanci ng t o pay( Xz) Cash, Debt financing, Securities, Other ways Soci al envi r onment ( Yx) Local governments, Institutions, Public opinion Super vi si on envi r onment ( Yy) Antitrust, Trade regulation, Judicial decision Mar ket St r uct ur e( Zx) Intermediaries, Investment banks, Consultants, Competitors Mar ket Or der ( Zy) Purpose, Disclosure of information, Synergies P9,P10,P11,P12 P13,P14,P15 547 P16,P17,P18 P19,P20,P21,P22 P23,P24,P25 Table 3: The uncertainty probability of M & A transaction system P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 25% 20% 10% 5% 30% P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 50% 40% 10% 20% 10% P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 20% 15% 20% 25% 25% P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 10% 20% 30% 30% 5% P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 15% 30% 5% 30% 30% 4. The comprehensive evaluation of M & A system’s uncertainty Suppose management activities: T1, T2,…, Ti,…, Tn. Subsystems or departments constitute a concerted activity set: [S1,S2,…, Si,…, Sm], so the department coordination matrix as follows: ⎡ A11 ⎢A Aij = Ti , S j = ⎢ 21 ⎢M ⎢ ⎣ An1 [ ] [ A12 L L A1m ⎤ A22 L L A2 m ⎥⎥ M M M M ⎥ ⎥ An 2 L L Anm ⎦ ] (6) After evaluate information entropy of the various events, in order to assess the uncertainty of the whole system and further assess the ordering of various subsystems, we introduce the evaluation value of the orderliness unification. Assuming entropy function H has a vector with variable X, Y and Z. Elements of E are defined as the complexity three-dimensional vector: ei=(xi, yi, zi), or two-dimensional vector: ei=(xi, yi), or one-dimensional vector: ei=(xi). If ‖ei‖: E→H is expressed as information entropy of the complexity of vector ei, then ‖ei-ei+1‖is called the E value, and the distance is[3]:: d (ei , ei +1 ) = ( xi − xi +1 ) 2 + ( y i − y i +1 ) 2 + ( z i − z i +1 ) 2 (7) Corresponding to the M&A system tree structure, Bi+1 produces the amount of entropy information after a structure Bi. The interaction of the various synergies exists in the organizational system. The definition of entropy vector can be obtained from the synergistic information force field and its components: w m X = ∑ Z xi i =1 e xi 2 − z xi (8) 2 Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6 list the evaluation of the M&A subsystem transactions’ uncertainty, as well as the calculations of each component’s information entropy. Tabl e 4: The t he uncer t ai nt y scal e cal cul at i on of t he M & A t r ansact i ons' mai n bodi es Decision-making Negotiation Financing to pay e(Xxi) e(Yxi) e(Zxi) (Xx) (Xy) Structure Board of Directors 0.25 The mai n style bodi es of 0.20 Price t r ansact i on Shareholders Subt ot al (Xz) 0.30 Cash 0.50 Debt financing H(Xx) H(Yx) H(Zx) e(x) W(x) 0.20 0.1584 0.147 0.1575 0.2674 0.03403 0.10 0.159 0.1596 0.12506 0.2577 0.02818 Trade unions 0.10 Ownership 0.40 Securities 0.20 0.1297 0.1575 0.1575 0.2577 0.03213 Individual 0.05 Location 0.10 Others 0.15 0.0899 0.0857 0.14696 0.1924 0.01825 0.60 1.30 0.65 0.5371 0.5498 0.58703 0.9753 0.1126 548 Tabl e 4: The t he uncer t ai nt y scal e cal cul at i on of t he M & A envi r onment Supervision Social environment e(Xyi) e(Yyi) e(Zyi) environment (Yx) Local government Tr adi ng envi r onment Institution Public opinion Subt ot al 0.20 (Yy) Antitrust 0.10 H(Xy) H(Yy) H(Zy) 0.15544801 0.1297 e(y) W(y) 0.2024 0.02016 0.25 Trade regulation 0.20 0.1596993 0.159 0.2254 0.0254 0.25 Judicial decision 0.30 0.1596993 0.1505 0.2195 0.02404 0.60 0.47484661 0.4392 0 0.6473 0.0696 0.70 Tabl e 5: The t he uncer t ai nt y scal e cal cul at i on of t he M & A mar ket Market Structure( Market Order e(Xzi) e(Yzi) e(Zzi) (Zx) (Zy) H(Xz) H(Yz) H(Zz) e(z) W(z) Intermediaries 0.30 Purpose 0.05 0.15973827 0.0857 0.1813 0.01369 M& A mar ket Investment banks 0.05 Consultants Competitors 0.15 0.30 0.80 Subt ot al Disclosure of information 0.30 Synergies 0.30 0.65 0.0752575 0.155 0.1723 0.01166 0.13631226 0.155 0.15973827 0.53104631 0.3956 0.2064 0.02113 0.1597 0 0 0.7197 0.04648 5. Conclusion The nonlinear interaction between the system and the elements as well as interaction between the element subsystems and environments are keeping change. On the one hand, participants constantly sum up experience in order to reduce or even eliminate uncertainty in the process of M&A transactions; On the other hand, with the creation of new rules, the system would result new uncertainties. It is this kind of interaction between the orderliness and uncertainties that makes the M&A transactions complex and diverse. From the viewpoint of the entropy information theory, the contribution of information entropy reduction to the system would give rise to a decrease of the uncertainty, the greater the value of information entropy is, the more undetermined the system would be. Therefore, it is important to reduce the uncertainty for the M&A transaction system to develop towards an orderly, steady and efficient direction. 6. References [1]. 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Al-Mudimigh Ahmad Adel Abu Shareha Ahmad Faraahi Ailing QIAO Alaa M. Wadi Albert Y.C. Fong Ali Munir Amir Khademhoseini AmirMasoud Rahmani Amr Ahmed Anas F. Bayan Ankit Charls Ankit Charls Anurag Dixit Anwar M. Mirza Ardeshir Bahreininejad Arfan Jaffar Arshad Ali Shahid Ashfaq H. Farooqi Aws Alaa Zaidan Ayad Ahmed Yass Ayyappan Palanissamy Ayyaz Hussain Azizah A. Manaf Azuraliza Abu Bakar 467, 285, 316, 430, 355, 316, 504 540 290 540 66 476 487 424 140 321 311 174 163 290 66 419 461 326 152 158 61 435 321 435 400 290 360 360 260 430 370 467 B. PARATHASARATHY Bhabani Sankar Prasad Mishra Biju Issac Bilal Bahaa Zaidan Bi-wu Xiao 338 221, 536 147 360 211 C.P. Chen Camelia Elena Ciolac Camelia Ratiu-Suciu Catherine Weddum Cha Narisu Changbing Tong Changchun Li Changi Nam 134, 163 497 497 275 231 545 179 301 Dai Hao Darryl K Forsyth Deepak P C Denis Mušić Devi Prasad Bhukya Dhanesh Ramachandram Duraiswamy K 16 140 408 E.M.A. Zawawi Edwin Y.S. Sim Emilyn B. Escabarte 540 163 206 F.Y.C. Albert Fahriana Abdul Karim Fang Zhu Faranak Mohsenzadeh Farrukh Saleem Fasee Ullah Fernando Almeida Florica Luban 134 113 1 444 424 244 280 497 Gabriel F. Villorente Gu Liu Guang Xu Guanzhong Li 206 27 27 509 H.Mirsalari Habibollah Haron Hamidah Jantan Hao Yan Hassan Abolhassni Haytham Mohtasseb Hejab M. Al Fawareh Hiren H D Sarma Homayoun Motameni Hong An Hongming Li Hongpeng Wang Hossein Rajabalipour Cheshmehgaz Huan Wang Huei-Tse Hou Jarrod Trevathan Jasmin Azemović Jen-Teng Tsai Jia-Nan Yen Jiannong Cao Jin Deqiang Jinchuan Ke Jisoo Nam Jonas Talon Jose Cruz Jose Oliveira Juggapong Natwichai 39 106 482 83 K Rajani Kanth 551 195 118 476 179 321 461 520, 526 414 419 27 44 44 118 123 456 6, 254 83 96 96 44 21 545 301 275 280 280 514 190 K Venkatramaiah K. Arulanandam Kalpana Sharma Kenji Imou Khairulmizam Samsudin Khalil El-Khatib Kim Dong Yoon Kuo-En Chang Laiha Mat Kiah Legesse Zerubabel Lei Guo Leqiu Qian Li Bin Li Xianghong Liana Khamis Qabajeh Lingling Zi Liqiang He Lloyd R Jenkins Luisito Tabada M. Arfan Jaffar M. Halaiyqah M. O'Neill M. Yasir Khan M.Mrunalini M.Sulleman Memon Ma Mingkai Maheyzah Md Siraj Manadava Rajeswari Manjur S. Kolhar Manzoor Hashmani Mark Oliver L. Ouano Mary Grace C. Dy Jongco Masoud Goli Maya Ingle Mazdak Zamani Mazura Mat Din Md. Asri Ngadi Megat Norulazmi Megat Mohamed Noor Mehdi Dehghan Mehdi Rahmati Mehdi Vojdani Mikiyas Teshome Ming Li Mo Siquan Mohamad Shanudin Zakaria Mohammad Moustafa Qabajeh Mohammad Ramzan Mohammad Reza Meybodi Mohd Aizaini Maarof Mosleh AbuAlhaj Mouhcine Guennoun M-Tahar Kechadi Mu Xu 482 338 414 129 113 265, 270, 275 12 456 50 12 44 123 90 39 50 472 231 106 295 316, 430 226 504 169 190 348 39 395 140 226 348 206 206 321 76 370 385 385 531 365 306 365 12 129 21 487 50 400 118 390, 395 226 265, 270, 275 504 27 552 Muhammad Asif Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad Ishtiaq Muhammad Tahir Qadri Myungbae Yeom 332 244 430 169 301 Nan Wang Navneet Goyal Nhien An Le Khac Niaz A. Memon Niaz Memon Noppamas Pukkhem Norazwin Buang Norhazilan Mohd. Noor Norizan Mohd Yasin 285, 311 482 504 348 348 71 487 385 355, 360 O. Abouabdalla Omid Gholami 226 419 P.C. Saxena P.K. Singh Pierre Tagle Ping Yao Ping-bo Liu Poonam Goyal Preeti Paranjape Punam Mishra Puttamadappa C 61 152, 158 295 27 211 482 450 536 414 Qiusheng Zhang 545 R. Sureswaran R.A.Khan R.Madhav Prashanth Rabiah B. Ahmad Rafia Khalid Rahmat Budiarto Rashidah Kadir Rodel Balingit Rostam Mozafari 226, 326 216 184 370 169 380 390 6, 254 444 S Ramachandram S. Jagannatha S. R. Biradar S.Akbarpoor S.Amjadi S.K.Tiong S.K.Tiong S.M.Hosseini S.P. Koh S.Senbaga Devi S.Y.S. Edwin Sai Peck Lee Sajid Anwar Sammer Markos Samreen Amir 16 190 414 195 195 134 163 195 134, 163 343 134 174 400 504 332 Samsudin Wahab Sanoop P S Sasmita Behera Seongcheol Kim Seyed-Amin Hosseini-Seno Shahab Bayati Shahrel A. Suandi Shaidah Jusoh Shilpa Bhalerao Shinya Yokoyama Shirou Tani Shuichi Enokida Shui-Shun Lin Siti Zaiton Mohd Hashim Songyot Nakariyakul Subhra Swetanisha Subir Kumar Sarkar Sudeepta Mishra Sun Park Suraiya Parveen Syahrul N. Kamaruzzaman Syed Shafi-Uddin Qadri Valliappan Raman Vijayaragavan S Visanu Changniam 250 482 375 301 380 321 32 520, 526, 531 76 129 129 32 96 395 492 221 414 375 101 216 540 169 T V Suresh Kumar T.R.Ganesh Babu Tahir Mehmood Tat-Chee Wan Tayyaba Azim Tiange Zhang Toshiaki Ejima Tushar Sharma 190 343 244 326, 380 435 123 32 152, 158 Umesh Deshpande 450 V.janani V.Prasanna Venkatesh V.Ranjana Vahid Tabataba Vakili 184 184 184 306 Wan Azizun Wan Adnan Wang Rui Wayne Read WEI Yu-wei Weigang Hou Wenting Han Wenyi Liu Wiwat Vatanawood Wu-yi LU 553 260 408 514 113 39 6, 254 56 44 27 240 71 201 Xiaochun Xiao Xiaodong Liu Xiao-hong NIAN Xingwei Wang 123 179 201 44 Yadong Meng Yan Zhang Yang Wenlin Yao-Ting Sung Ying-Shen Juang Yong Jin Lee Yong-min Liu 179 240 440 456 96 6 201, 211 Zahid Ullah Zalizah Awang Long Zeshan Hayder Zhang Lei Zhenhe Ma Zhiyong Tao Zhou Entao Zhu Juan Zine E.A Guennoun Zulaiha Ali Othman 424 467 316 39 472 472 440 21 265, 270 476