Office of Risk Management and Environmental Health & Safety NOISE MONITORING REPORT FORM TO: [Employee name and address] FROM: [RMEHS Representative] DATE: [Current date] SUBJECT: Noise Monitoring Results The information provided below summarizes the most recent sound level measurement data collected in your zone. In accordance with the OSHA noise standard, the requirement of providing hearing protection devices is triggered at an exposure level of 85 dBA (decibel A-weighted) for a duration of 8 hours or more. At or above this level, mandatory annual audiometric testing is required. If levels exceed 90 dBA for an 8-hour duration exist, the use of hearing protection is mandatory. These requirements were specifically designed to protect exposed employees from permanent hearing damage. Levels below the OSHA limits may result in a nuisance problem to the building occupants, but there is no specific policy for levels below the OSHA limits at this time. Noise Survey Summary Sample # Date Employee/Location dBA 8-Hr Avg OSHA Allowed 8-Hour Avg % Dose (8-Hr Equivalent) OSHA Allowed Dose Based on the data collected from your zone, the office of Risk Management has concluded that: [Summary of findings]. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Risk Management and Environmental Health & Safety at 202-885-2007.