A Comparison of Returns and Risk Across a Variety of Georgia Agricultural Commodities Dawn L. Black and John C. McKissick (1) Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The University of Georgia June 6th, 2000 Center Special Report No. 8 According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Georgia's total cash receipts for crops, livestock and poultry in 1998 was an estimated 5.45 billion dollars. The pie chart below shows the major commodities in this group and their percent contribution to the total. Since Georgia agriculture claims such a significant portion of the state's economy, it is important to examine the risk and returns inherent in producing the state's major crop and animal products. CHART 1: Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development has conducted a study to determine the return on assets and probability of making a profit for a variety of commonly produced Georgia agricultural commodities using historical yields and best management production budgets. The commodities included in the study are; hogs, dairy, broilers, cow-calf, dryland wheat, dryland and irrigated corn, cotton, peanuts, and soybeans, hand harvested and mechanically harvested tobacco. This report outlines the methods used to assess the cost, returns and risk of producing these important Georgia commodities. The University of Georgia's Cooperative Extension Service enterprise budgets were used to estimate the return on assets for years 1990 through 1999. In addition, the return to assets and the probability of making profit were computed for the 10 year historical average. Two example budgets are included in this report; however, all budgets are freely available on the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics website (www.agecon.uga.edu). Costs The Cooperative Extension Service budgets are formulated according to the following scales of operation. The hog operation was assumed to be a farrow to finish, 1200 sow enterprise with 19 pigs weaned per female per year. The cow-calf operation was based on 100 brood cows with an average weaning weight of 490 lbs. for steers and 440 lbs. for heifers. The dairy was assumed to contain 150 cows with calving intervals of 13.3 months. The broiler operation was based on one house with varying capacities (see table 6 in the appendix for details). Basic production costs for all row crops, except tobacco and peanuts, were based on 200 planted acres with an irrigation system based on a 150 acres. Hand harvested tobacco was based on 35 planted acres while mechanically harvested tobacco was based on 30 planted acres, both with an irrigation system based on 50 acres. Peanut costs were based on a 100 planted acres with an irrigation system based on 150 acres. These operation size assumptions are used for computing the per acre cost of such large items as tractors, combines, etc. For ease of comparison, crop returns and cost figures for each of the 10 years are presented in table 6 located in the appendix. Peanuts and tobacco required special consideration with regards to the cost of quota. The peanut quota figures used in this study were based on based on an average purchase price of $.050 per pound. This amount was multiplied by an average yield of 3500 lbs./acre for irrigated peanuts and 2500 lbs./acre for dryland peanuts, resulting in $1750 and $1250 per acre, respectively. The tobacco quota figures were based on an average purchase price of $3.75 per pound. This amount was multiplied by an average yield of 2200 lbs./ acre resulting in $8250 per acre(2). The quota costs were treated as fixed costs and calculated in the investments section of the budget. Additional assumptions were made pertaining to management, overhead, and interest. In addition to all direct cost of production, a cost for management equal to 5% of the commodities variable costs is subtracted before computing the net return and returns to assets. Thus, the net returns displayed are above and beyond the management charge. Depreciation for all equipment and the facilities needed for production at the specified scale were calculated and included as a fixed cost. Taxes and insurance were also included. Total cost include typical fixed and variable costs, excluding interest and overhead. Interest on investment and operating cost was calculated and included for profitability comparisons; however, was not included when calculating the return on assets. Returns The Cooperative Extension Service budgets are formulated using best management practices (BMP) and provide estimated yields for each commodity. BMP yields are based on a certain level of fertility, management and equipment use. These estimated yields were adjusted accordingly by each year's state average yield as provided by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). For actual yields used in this study, refer to table 1 in the appendix. The prices used in the study to calculate net returns were state average prices as reported by NASS. In an effort to obtain the net price a Georgia crop farmer actually received for his commodity, a closer look was given to income received from farm programs. The total amount of deficiency payments made to Georgia cotton, corn, and wheat farmers was obtained from the Farm Service Agency for years 1990-1996. For years 1997-1999, the total amount of loan deficiency payments (LDP) was obtained (soybeans were also eligible for LDPs during 1997-99). The amounts were divided by each year's total production to obtain a state average amount that was then added to the cash market price (for actual figures, refer to table 2 in the appendix). The following charts show the variation in the cash price versus the price farmers received after the program payments. CHART 2: CHART 3: CHART 4: CHART 5: The reader should keep in mind that the amount added to the NASS price is simply an average and many farmers may have received more or less than the average. No consideration for disaster aid payments or crop insurance payments was given in this study. Table 3 in the appendix shows the average annual prices used in this study. Results The estimated annual net returns were computed by comparing costs and returns for each of the previous 10 years and the 10 year average for each enterprise. The return on assets was calculated by dividing the net return (excluding interest on investment and operating costs) by the total investment. Return on assets measures the profitability of a particular enterprise relative to the level of investment required to produce the commodity. In addition, the probability of a positive net return was calculated for the 10 year average. Unlike the return on assets calculation, interest was considered when computing profitability as mentioned earlier. The probability of profit can be interpreted as the percentage of years in which an operator can expect to earn a positive net return from the enterprise, based on the yield and price variability of the last 10 years. The net returns, total costs, total investment and return on assets calculations for each year are provided in table 6 located in the appendix; and a summary of the return on assets and probability of making a profit are shown below in table 4. Table 4: Return on Assets and Probability of Positive Net Returns for a 10 Year Historical Average Commodity ROA Irrigated Cotton Irrigated Peanuts Hogs Dryland Peanuts Dryland Soybeans Dryland Cotton Irrigated Corn Irrigated Soybeans Hand Harvested. Tobacco Wheat Cow-Calf Broilers Mech. Harvested Tobacco Dairy Dryland Corn 15.48% 13.77% 12.09% 12.08% 11.82% 10.30% 9.21% 8.03% 8.21% 7.67% 7.63% 7.20% Prob. of Profit 97% 97% 51% 73% 61% 71% 72% 58% 87% 52% 52% 99% 6.94% 68% 5.77% 58% 4.25% 44% Finally, the following chart displays the 10 year historical average return results in a manner that shows the return on assets and the associated risk as measured by the probability of positive net return in any one particular year. Each commodity is represented by a labeled dot on the graph. The farther the dot is to the right, the higher the returns on assets (the more profitable the enterprise is relative to the assets required to produce it). The higher the dot is on the graph, the more likely that enterprise is to be profitable in any one year. Thus, dots that are more toward the upper right corner of the graph are more desirable. An enterprise that is both farther right and higher up than another is superior in terms of both profitability and riskiness (i.e., the farmer gets a bigger return with less risk). It is important to note that the investment costs, and thus the net returns, for peanuts and tobacco are extremely sensitive to the costs of quota and will vary substantially among farmers with quota costs that are different than those specified in this study. For sake of comparison, the return to assets and probability of making a profit were also computed with no regards to quota and for rented quota. For peanuts, cost of rented quota was based on the 1999 average rental rate of $.092 per pound, resulting in a cost of $322 per acre for irrigated peanuts and $230 per acre for dryland peanuts. Rented tobacco quota was based on $.40 per pound resulting in $880 per acre (2). Chart 7 shows a comparison of the return on assets with the varying costs for quota (for exact figures, refer to table 5 in the appendix). CHART 7: The results of this study should be considered against the assumptions inherent in their calculation. Capital requirements and production levels are based on the enterprise budgets of the UGA Cooperative Extension Service using best management practices. Overhead and land are not included as costs for the purposes of this study. The results presented will not accurately reflect those of any particular Georgia producer. Contrary results could be expected for agricultural operations of different sizes, financial conditions, management styles and location. However, the results presented should provide some evidence of the levels of risk and returns provided by Georgia's major livestock and crop enterprises based on the average conditions of the past 10 years. 1. Dawn L. Black is a research coordinator and John C. McKissick the Interim Director, both with the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia; phone (706) 542-9811; fax (706) 542-0739; e-mail dblack@agecon.uga.edu or jmckissick@agecon.uga.edu 2. Peanut quota purchase price was provided by Don Shurley, extension economist cotton, and the tobacco quota purchase price was provided by Michael J. Moore, extension agronomist - tobacco, both with the University of Georgia's Cooperative Extension Service. 3. The quota rental rate for peanuts was taken from the "Georgia Farmland Values & Cash Rents, 1999," prepared by The University of Georgia's Cooperative Extension Service. The rental rate for tobacco was provided by Michael J. Moore, extension agronomist - tobacco. APPENDIX TABLES TABLE 1: AVERAGE ANNUAL ROW CROP YIELDS USED IN ROA STUDY IRRIGATED Year PEANUTS COTTON CORN SOYBEANS TOBACCO 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2808.833 3503.285 3705.051 3029.369 3859.895 3409.440 3690.974 3578.360 3808.280 3606.514 881.070 1134.722 1106.100 911.666 1165.318 950.158 1070.569 970.884 903.770 905.744 22.619 58.483 64.001 30.896 69.518 60.920 58.046 43.678 43.678 37.930 2415.000 2015.000 2295.000 2240.000 2180.000 2000.000 2470.000 2075.000 2200.000 1940.000 Average 3500.000 1000.000 152.695 48.977 2183.000 Year PEANUTS COTTON CORN SOYBEANS WHEAT 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1512.619 2504.692 2792.930 1827.669 3014.135 2370.628 2772.820 2611.943 2940.400 2652.163 495.391 825.138 787.929 535.166 864.913 585.205 741.739 612.150 524.901 527.467 39.001 66.768 66.768 40.737 89.968 72.614 78.037 88.884 67.190 86.714 14.137 36.552 40.001 19.310 43.449 36.552 34.828 26.207 26.207 22.758 35.000 33.000 46.000 38.000 51.000 38.000 48.000 44.000 43.000 43.000 Average 2500.000 650.000 69.668 30.000 41.900 123.751 158.460 158.460 125.921 164.968 147.614 153.037 163.884 142.190 188.667 DRYLAND TABLE 2: AVERAGE DEFICIENCY AND LOAN DEFICIENCY PAYMENTS MADE TO GEORGIA FARMERS COTTON Year Cash Total Total Loan Total State Average Payment Average Final Price Price / lb. Deficiency Deficiency Prod ( lbs. ) Made to Farmers Received by Payments Payments State-wide / lb. Farmers State-wide 90 $0.69 $13,297,611.00 $0.00 194,400,000 $0.07 $0.76 91 $0.60 $17,817,771.00 $0.00 346,560,000 $0.05 $0.65 92 $0.56 $37,751,828.00 $0.00 357,120,000 $0.11 $0.66 93 $0.60 $68,867,210.00 $0.00 351,840,000 $0.20 $0.79 94 $0.73 $10,275,001.00 $0.00 737,760,000 $0.01 $0.75 95 $0.77 $0.00 $0.00 931,680,000 $0.00 $0.77 96 $0.71 $0.00 $0.00 997,920,000 $0.00 $0.71 97 $0.70 $0.00 $636,932.08 921,120,000 $0.00 $0.70 98 $0.65 $0.00 $54,231,376.80 740,160,000 $0.07 $0.72 99 $0.45 $0.00 $86,003,131.51 753,600,000 $0.11 $0.57 90 $2.77 $23,560,879.00 $0.00 37,400,000 $0.63 $3.40 91 $2.72 $13,685,337.00 $0.00 55,000,000 $0.25 $2.97 92 $2.31 $19,605,187.00 $0.00 69,000,000 $0.28 $2.59 93 $2.72 $33,290,524.00 $0.00 39,200,000 $0.85 $3.57 94 $2.47 $12,786,988.00 $0.00 57,240,000 $0.22 $2.69 95 $3.55 $0.00 $0.00 31,500,000 $0.00 $3.55 96 $3.58 $0.00 $0.00 49,875,000 $0.00 $3.58 97 $2.90 $0.00 $0.00 47,250,000 $0.00 $2.90 98 $2.10 $0.00 $3,503,401.92 22,525,000 $0.16 $2.26 99 $2.25 $0.00 $5,539,742.83 30,900,000 $0.18 $2.43 90 $3.02 $18,134,501.00 $0.00 20,650,000 $0.88 $3.90 91 $2.44 $14,188,740.00 $0.00 14,025,000 $1.01 $3.45 92 $3.11 $12,091,226.00 $0.00 16,100,000 $0.75 $3.86 93 $2.61 $26,279,966.00 $0.00 13,680,000 $1.92 $4.53 94 $3.03 $9,324,424.00 $0.00 20,400,000 $0.46 $3.49 95 $3.39 $0.00 $0.00 11,400,000 $0.00 $3.39 96 $4.38 $0.00 $0.00 15,840,000 $0.00 $4.38 97 $3.20 $0.00 $0.00 15,400,000 $0.00 $3.20 98 $2.65 $0.00 $596,894.65 10,320,000 $0.06 $2.71 99 $2.55 $0.00 $2,745,237.60 9,675,000 $0.28 $2.83 90 $5.74 $0.00 $0.00 9,800,000 $0.00 $5.74 91 $5.53 $0.00 $0.00 15,930,000 $0.00 $5.53 92 $5.49 $0.00 $0.00 18,560,000 $0.00 $5.49 93 $6.52 $0.00 $0.00 8,160,000 $0.00 $6.52 94 $5.37 $0.00 $0.00 15,500,000 $0.00 $5.37 95 $6.71 $0.00 $0.00 8,370,000 $0.00 $6.71 96 $6.87 $0.00 $0.00 10,140,000 $0.00 $6.87 97 $6.75 $0.00 $0.00 7,980,000 $0.00 $6.75 98 $5.10 $0.00 $699,765.22 4,620,000 $0.15 $5.25 99 $4.60 $0.00 $2,639,751.36 3,610,000 $0.73 $5.33 CORN WHEAT SOYBEANS TABLE 3: AVERAGE ANNUAL PRICES USED IN ROA STUDY ROW CROPS Year Cotton / lb. Peanuts / lb. Tobacco / lb. Corn / bu. Soybeans / bu. Wheat / bu. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0.762 0.651 0.663 0.795 0.747 0.766 0.705 0.703 0.723 0.567 0.338 0.283 0.303 0.310 0.286 0.295 0.297 0.272 0.313 0.272 1.683 1.694 1.692 1.653 1.654 1.759 1.813 1.712 1.708 1.685 3.400 2.969 2.594 3.569 2.693 3.550 3.580 2.900 2.256 2.429 5.740 5.530 5.490 6.520 5.370 6.710 6.870 6.750 5.251 5.331 3.898 3.452 3.861 4.531 3.487 3.390 4.380 3.200 2.708 2.834 Average 0.708 0.297 1.705 2.994 5.956 3.574 Livestock Year Hogs / cwt. Dairy / cwt. Steers / cwt. Heifers / cwt. Broilers / lb. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 53.000 47.900 37.800 43.500 39.300 39.700 49.000 48.600 29.100 31.000 15.800 13.700 15.100 14.700 14.900 14.300 16.300 14.700 16.600 17.830 102.337 105.427 91.596 98.317 88.668 70.450 55.222 84.621 81.600 85.921 90.439 94.469 81.983 86.707 77.938 61.545 46.015 72.634 69.988 75.729 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.046 Average 41.890 15.393 86.416 75.745 0.045 * PRICES FOR STEERS AND HEIFERS ARE FOR MEDIUM FRAMED #1'S 4-500 LBS. TABLE 5: A COMPARISON OF RETURN ON ASSETS AND PROBABILITY OF A POSITIVE NET RETURN FOR PEANUTS AND TOBACCO WITH VARYING QUOTA COSTS COMMODITY Purchased Quota ROA Prob. of Profit ROA Irrigated Peanuts Dryland Peanuts Hand harvested Tobacco Mech. Harvested Tobacco 13.77% 12.08% 8.21% 6.94% 31.15% 33.10% 24.81% 18.82% 97% 73% 87% 68% Rented Quota Prob. of Profit 99% 89% 99% 99% ROA No Quota Costs Prob. of Profit 41.40% 48.15% 31.28% 22.77% 99% 99% 99% 99% Table 6: Cumulative Summary Table for the Return on Assets vs. the Probability of Making a Profit Study Irrigated Peanuts (excluding interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Irrigated peanut costs were based on 100 planted acres with an irrigation system based on 150 acres. Based on purchased quota. ($.50/lb. X 3500 lbs. = $1750 quota investment / acre) 90 $0.338 2808.83 $362.00 $0.21 $587.02 $2,116.20 $550.01 $2,666.21 13.58% 91 $0.283 3503.29 $311.00 $0.19 $680.58 $2,130.66 $550.01 $2,680.67 11.60% 92 $0.303 3705.05 $483.00 $0.17 $639.94 $2,145.21 $550.01 $2,695.22 17.92% 93 $0.310 3029.37 $307.00 $0.21 $632.47 $2,162.43 $550.01 $2,712.44 11.32% 94 $0.286 3859.90 $471.00 $0.16 $633.29 $2,179.37 $550.01 $2,729.38 17.26% 95 $0.295 3409.44 $343.00 $0.19 $662.77 $2,202.18 $550.01 $2,752.19 12.46% 96 $0.297 3690.97 $421.00 $0.18 $675.26 $2,228.31 $550.01 $2,778.32 15.15% 97 $0.272 3578.36 $300.00 $0.19 $665.97 $2,256.56 $550.01 $2,806.57 10.69% 98 $0.313 3808.28 $497.00 $0.18 $695.07 $2,281.25 $550.01 $2,831.26 17.55% 99 $0.272 3606.51 $289.00 $0.19 $691.64 $2,304.27 $550.01 $2,854.28 10.13% Average $0.297 3500.00 $378.40 $0.19 $656.40 $2,200.64 $550.01 $2,750.65 13.77% 99% Based on rented quota. ($.092/lb. X 3500 lbs. = $322 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $0.338 2808.83 $391.00 $0.20 $558.46 $688.20 $550.01 $1,238.21 31.58% 91 $0.283 3503.29 $339.00 $0.19 $652.02 $702.66 $550.01 $1,252.67 27.06% 92 $0.303 3705.05 $511.00 $0.17 $611.38 $717.01 $550.01 $1,267.02 40.33% 93 $0.310 3029.37 $335.00 $0.20 $603.91 $734.43 $550.01 $1,284.44 26.08% 94 $0.286 3859.90 $499.00 $0.16 $604.73 $751.37 $550.01 $1,301.38 38.34% 95 $0.295 3409.44 $372.00 $0.19 $634.26 $774.18 $550.01 $1,324.19 28.09% 96 $0.297 3690.97 $449.00 $0.18 $646.74 $818.30 $550.01 $1,368.31 32.81% 97 $0.272 3578.36 $329.00 $0.18 $637.42 $828.56 $550.01 $1,378.57 23.87% 98 $0.313 3808.28 $526.00 $0.18 $666.45 $853.25 $550.01 $1,403.26 37.48% 99 $0.272 3606.51 $318.00 $0.18 $662.94 $876.27 $550.01 $1,426.28 22.30% Average $0.297 3500.00 $406.90 $0.18 $627.83 $774.42 $550.01 $1,324.43 30.79% 99% 92 $0.303 3705.05 $518.00 $0.16 $604.94 $395.21 $550.01 $945.22 54.80% 93 $0.310 3029.37 $342.00 $0.20 $597.47 $412.43 $550.01 $962.44 35.53% 94 $0.286 3859.90 $506.00 $0.16 $598.29 $429.37 $550.01 $979.38 51.67% 95 $0.295 3409.44 $378.00 $0.18 $627.82 $452.18 $550.01 $1,002.19 37.72% 96 $0.297 3690.97 $456.00 $0.17 $640.30 $478.31 $550.01 $1,028.32 44.34% 97 $0.272 3578.36 $335.00 $0.18 $630.98 $506.56 $550.01 $1,056.57 31.71% 98 $0.313 3808.28 $532.00 $0.17 $660.01 $549.24 $550.01 $1,099.25 48.40% 99 $0.272 3606.51 $324.00 $0.18 $656.50 $554.27 $550.01 $1,104.28 29.34% Average $0.297 3500.00 $413.40 $0.18 $621.39 $452.44 $550.01 $1,002.45 41.40% 99% 95 $0.295 3409.44 $161.00 $0.25 96 $0.297 3690.97 $245.00 $0.23 97 $0.272 3578.36 $124.00 $0.24 98 $0.313 3808.28 $342.00 $0.22 99 $0.272 3606.51 $128.00 $0.24 Average $0.297 3500.00 $196.50 $0.24 Based on no costs for quota. Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment 90 $0.338 2808.83 $397.00 $0.20 $552.02 $366.20 $550.01 $916.21 43.33% 91 $0.283 3503.29 $346.00 $0.18 $645.58 $380.66 $550.01 $930.67 37.18% Irrigated Peanuts (inluding interest) Based on purchased quota. ($.50/lb. X 3500 lbs. = $1750 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. 90 $0.338 2808.83 $145.00 $0.29 91 $0.283 3503.29 $104.00 $0.25 92 $0.303 3705.05 $292.00 $0.22 93 $0.310 3029.37 $140.00 $0.26 94 $0.286 3859.90 $284.00 $0.21 Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit $804.05 $2,116.20 $550.01 $2,666.21 5.44% $887.84 $2,130.66 $550.01 $2,680.67 3.88% $830.41 $2,145.21 $550.01 $2,695.22 10.83% $798.86 $2,162.43 $550.01 $2,712.44 5.16% $819.79 $2,179.37 $550.01 $2,729.38 10.41% $845.24 $2,129.28 $550.01 $2,679.29 6.01% $851.45 $2,228.31 $550.01 $2,778.32 8.82% $842.01 $2,256.56 $550.01 $2,806.57 4.42% $849.83 $2,281.25 $550.01 $2,831.26 12.08% $852.97 $2,304.27 $550.01 $2,854.28 4.48% $838.25 $2,193.35 $550.01 $2,743.36 7.15% 97% Based on rented quota. ($.092/lb. X 3500 lbs. = $322 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $0.338 2808.83 $297.00 $0.23 $652.54 $688.20 $550.01 $1,238.21 23.99% 91 $0.283 3503.29 $248.00 $0.21 $743.04 $702.66 $550.01 $1,252.67 19.80% 92 $0.303 3705.05 $430.00 $0.19 $692.32 $717.01 $550.01 $1,267.02 33.94% 93 $0.310 3029.37 $263.00 $0.22 $676.20 $734.43 $550.01 $1,284.44 20.48% 94 $0.286 3859.90 $418.00 $0.18 $685.99 $751.37 $550.01 $1,301.38 32.12% 95 $0.295 3409.44 $287.00 $0.21 $718.44 $774.18 $550.01 $1,324.19 21.67% 96 $0.297 3690.97 $367.00 $0.20 $729.38 $818.30 $550.01 $1,368.31 26.82% 97 $0.272 3578.36 $247.00 $0.20 $719.06 $828.56 $550.01 $1,378.57 17.92% 98 $0.313 3808.28 $450.00 $0.19 $741.59 $853.25 $550.01 $1,403.26 32.07% 99 $0.272 3606.51 $240.00 $0.21 $740.58 $876.27 $550.01 $1,426.28 16.83% Average $0.297 3500.00 $324.70 $0.20 $709.91 $774.42 $550.01 $1,324.43 24.56% 99% 92 $0.303 3705.05 $461.00 $0.18 $661.18 $395.21 $550.01 $945.22 48.77% 93 $0.310 3029.37 $291.00 $0.21 $648.54 $412.43 $550.01 $962.44 30.24% 94 $0.286 3859.90 $448.00 $0.17 $655.82 $429.37 $550.01 $979.38 45.74% 95 $0.295 3409.44 $316.00 $0.20 $689.84 $452.18 $550.01 $1,002.19 31.53% 96 $0.297 3690.97 $395.00 $0.19 $701.33 $478.31 $550.01 $1,028.32 38.41% 97 $0.272 3578.36 $275.00 $0.19 $691.33 $506.56 $550.01 $1,056.57 26.03% 98 $0.313 3808.28 $475.00 $0.19 $717.18 $549.24 $550.01 $1,099.25 43.21% 99 $0.272 3606.51 $266.00 $0.20 $715.24 $554.27 $550.01 $1,104.28 24.09% Average $0.297 $3,500.00 $353.90 $0.20 $680.92 $452.44 $550.01 $1,002.45 35.43% 99% 95 $0.295 2370.63 $177.00 $0.22 $522.53 $1,738.68 10.18% 96 $0.297 2772.82 $299.00 $0.19 $524.50 $1,767.56 16.92% 97 $0.272 2611.94 $196.00 $0.20 $514.58 $1,796.81 10.91% 98 $0.313 2940.40 $369.00 $0.19 $551.54 $1,817.08 20.31% 99 $0.272 2652.16 $174.00 $0.21 $547.53 $1,847.52 9.42% Average $0.297 2500.00 $211.00 $0.22 $526.19 $1,736.10 12.08% 93% 95 $0.295 2370.63 $197.00 $0.21 96 $0.297 2772.82 $319.00 $0.18 97 $0.272 2611.94 $216.00 $0.19 98 $0.313 2940.40 $389.00 $0.18 99 $0.272 2652.16 $194.00 $0.20 Average $0.297 2500.00 $231.00 $0.21 Based on no costs for quota. Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Dryland Peanuts (excluding interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $0.338 2808.83 $331.00 $0.22 $618.37 $366.20 $550.01 $916.21 36.13% 91 $0.283 3503.29 $281.00 $0.20 $710.39 $380.66 $550.01 $930.67 30.19% Dryland Peanuts were based on 100 planted acres. Based on purchased quota. ($.50/lb. X 2500 lbs. = $1250 quota investment / acre) 90 $0.338 1512.62 $44.00 $0.31 $467.49 $1,645.45 2.67% 91 $0.283 2504.69 $154.00 $0.22 $555.10 $1,661.41 9.27% 92 $0.303 2792.93 $324.00 $0.19 $522.51 $1,676.96 19.32% 93 $0.310 1827.67 $54.00 $0.28 $512.64 $1,695.43 3.19% 94 $0.286 3014.14 $319.00 $0.18 $543.48 $1,714.12 18.61% Based on rented quota. ($.092/lb. X 2500 lbs. = $230 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. 90 $0.338 1512.62 $64.00 $0.30 91 $0.283 2504.69 $174.00 $0.21 92 $0.303 2792.93 $344.00 $0.18 93 $0.310 1827.67 $74.00 $0.27 94 $0.286 3014.14 $339.00 $0.17 Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit $447.09 $625.45 10.23% $534.70 $641.41 27.13% $502.41 $656.96 52.36% $492.24 $675.43 10.96% $523.08 $694.12 48.84% $502.13 $718.68 27.41% $504.20 $747.56 42.67% $494.25 $776.81 27.81% $531.08 $797.08 48.80% $527.05 $827.52 23.44% $505.82 $716.10 31.97% 95% 92 $0.303 2792.93 $348.00 $0.18 $497.81 $426.96 81.51% 93 $0.310 1827.67 $79.00 $0.27 $487.64 $445.43 17.74% 94 $0.286 3014.14 $344.00 $0.17 $518.48 $464.12 74.12% 95 $0.295 2370.63 $202.00 $0.21 $497.53 $488.68 41.34% 96 $0.297 2772.82 $324.00 $0.18 $499.60 $517.56 62.60% 97 $0.272 2611.94 $221.00 $0.19 $489.65 $546.81 40.42% 98 $0.313 2940.40 $394.00 $0.18 $526.48 $567.08 69.48% 99 $0.272 2652.16 $199.00 $0.20 $522.45 $597.52 33.30% Average $0.297 2500.00 $235.90 $0.21 $501.22 $486.10 48.15% 99% 95 $0.295 2370.63 $46.00 $0.27 $649.96 $1,738.68 2.65% 96 $0.297 2772.82 $174.00 $0.23 $649.04 $1,767.56 9.84% 97 $0.272 2611.94 $73.00 $0.24 $637.58 $1,796.81 4.06% 98 $0.313 2940.40 $259.00 $0.22 $660.99 $1,817.08 14.25% 99 $0.272 2652.16 $60.00 $0.25 $661.83 $1,847.52 3.25% Average $0.297 2500.00 $84.20 $0.27 $652.49 $1,736.10 4.75% 73% Based on no costs for quota. Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $0.338 1512.62 $69.00 $0.29 $442.49 $395.45 17.45% 91 $0.283 2504.69 $179.00 $0.21 $530.10 $411.41 43.51% Dryland Peanuts (including interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Based on purchased quota. ($.50/lb. X 2500 lbs. = $1250 quota investment / acre) 90 $0.338 1512.62 ($106.00) $0.41 $617.09 $1,645.45 -6.44% 91 $0.283 2504.69 $15.00 $0.28 $694.04 $1,661.41 0.90% 92 $0.303 2792.93 $193.00 $0.23 $653.53 $1,676.96 11.51% 93 $0.310 1827.67 ($61.00) $0.34 $627.94 $1,695.43 -3.60% 94 $0.286 3014.14 $189.00 $0.22 $672.87 $1,714.12 11.03% Based on rented quota. ($.092/lb. X 2500 lbs. = $230 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $0.338 1512.62 $2.00 $0.34 $508.87 $625.45 0.32% 91 $0.283 2504.69 $118.00 $0.24 $590.61 $641.41 18.40% 92 $0.303 2792.93 $291.00 $0.20 $555.20 $656.96 44.29% 93 $0.310 1827.67 $26.00 $0.30 $540.32 $675.43 3.85% 94 $0.286 3014.14 $285.00 $0.19 $577.30 $694.12 41.06% 95 $0.295 2370.63 $140.00 $0.24 $559.38 $718.68 19.48% 96 $0.297 2772.82 $263.00 $0.20 $560.20 $747.56 35.18% 97 $0.272 2611.94 $161.00 $0.21 $549.75 $776.81 20.73% 98 $0.313 2940.40 $337.00 $0.20 $583.67 $797.08 42.28% 99 $0.272 2652.16 $140.00 $0.22 $581.55 $827.52 16.92% Average $0.297 2500.00 $176.30 $0.23 $560.69 $716.10 24.25% 89% 92 $0.303 2792.93 $313.00 $0.19 $532.96 $426.96 73.31% 93 $0.310 1827.67 $46.00 $0.28 $520.56 $445.43 10.33% 94 $0.286 3014.14 $306.00 $0.18 $555.75 $464.12 65.93% 95 $0.295 2370.63 $160.00 $0.23 $538.96 $488.68 32.74% 96 $0.297 2772.82 $283.00 $0.19 $540.17 $517.56 54.68% 97 $0.272 2611.94 $180.00 $0.20 $529.95 $546.81 32.92% 98 $0.313 2940.40 $354.00 $0.19 $566.24 $567.08 62.43% 99 $0.272 2652.16 $158.00 $0.21 $563.45 $597.52 26.44% Average $0.297 2500.00 $196.90 $0.22 $539.98 $486.10 40.01% 99% Based on no costs for quota. Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $0.338 1512.62 $27.00 $0.32 $484.46 $395.45 6.83% 91 $0.283 2504.69 $142.00 $0.23 $567.29 $411.41 34.52% Irrigated Cotton Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Irrigated cotton costs were based on 200 planted acres with an irrigation system based on 150 acres. 90 $0.762 881.07 $256.00 $0.47 $415.40 $833.62 $550.01 $1,383.62 18.50% 91 $0.651 1134.72 $244.00 $0.44 $494.58 $840.33 $550.01 $1,390.34 17.55% 92 $0.663 1106.10 $297.00 $0.39 $436.16 $847.21 $550.01 $1,397.21 21.26% 93 $0.795 911.67 $304.00 $0.46 $421.08 $868.86 $550.01 $1,418.87 21.43% 94 $0.747 1165.32 $386.00 $0.42 $484.37 $853.04 $550.01 $1,403.05 27.51% 95 $0.766 950.16 $242.00 $0.51 $485.37 $909.97 $550.01 $1,459.97 16.58% 96 $0.705 1070.57 $246.00 $0.47 $508.38 $955.51 $550.01 $1,505.51 16.34% 97 $0.703 970.88 $154.00 $0.54 $528.76 $975.41 $550.01 $1,525.42 10.10% 98 $0.723 903.77 $123.00 $0.59 $530.45 $995.28 $550.01 $1,545.28 7.96% 99 $0.567 905.74 ($38.00) $0.61 $551.48 $1,036.23 $550.01 $1,586.24 -2.40% Average $0.708 1000.00 $221.40 $0.49 $485.60 $911.54 $550.01 $1,461.55 15.48% 99% 92 $0.66 1106.10 $227.00 $0.46 $506.25 $847.21 $550.01 $1,397.21 16.25% 93 $0.80 911.67 $242.00 $0.53 $482.78 $868.86 $550.01 $1,418.87 17.06% 94 $0.75 1165.32 $316.00 $0.48 $554.57 $853.04 $550.01 $1,403.05 22.52% 95 $0.77 950.16 $170.00 $0.59 $557.32 $909.97 $550.01 $1,459.97 11.64% 96 $0.71 1070.57 $173.00 $0.54 $581.59 $955.51 $550.01 $1,505.51 11.49% 97 $0.70 970.88 $80.00 $0.62 $602.41 $975.41 $550.01 $1,525.42 5.24% 98 $0.72 903.77 $57.00 $0.66 $596.49 $995.28 $550.01 $1,545.28 3.69% 99 $0.57 905.74 ($107.00) $0.69 $620.63 $1,036.23 $550.01 $1,586.24 -6.75% Average $0.71 1000.00 $148.70 $0.57 $558.24 $911.54 $550.01 $1,461.55 10.49% 97% (including interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Dryland Cotton Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $0.76 881.07 $163.00 $0.58 $508.14 $833.62 $550.01 $1,383.62 11.78% 91 $0.65 1134.72 $166.00 $0.50 $572.21 $840.33 $550.01 $1,390.34 11.94% Dryland cotton costs were based on 200 planted acres. 90 $0.762 495.39 $64.00 $0.63 $313.69 $848.95 7.54% 91 $0.651 825.14 $172.00 $0.44 $364.82 $856.32 20.09% 92 $0.663 787.93 $197.00 $0.41 $325.40 $863.50 22.81% 93 $0.795 535.17 $116.00 $0.58 $309.66 $885.74 13.10% 94 $0.747 864.91 $277.00 $0.43 $368.66 $870.43 31.82% 95 $0.766 585.21 $77.00 $0.63 $371.35 $927.91 8.30% 96 $0.705 741.74 $134.00 $0.52 $388.56 $973.87 13.76% 97 $0.703 612.15 $22.00 $0.67 $408.46 $994.53 2.21% 98 $0.723 524.90 ($39.00) $0.80 $418.30 $1,014.89 -3.84% 99 $0.567 527.47 ($135.00) $0.82 $434.28 $1,056.36 -12.78% Average $0.708 650.00 $88.50 $0.59 $370.32 $929.25 10.30% 90% 92 $0.663 787.93 $149.00 $0.47 $313.20 $863.50 17.26% 93 $0.795 535.17 $73.00 $0.66 $352.20 $885.74 8.24% 94 $0.747 864.91 $229.00 $0.48 $417.22 $870.43 26.31% 95 $0.766 585.21 $26.00 $0.72 $422.53 $927.91 2.80% 96 $0.705 741.74 $76.00 $0.60 $447.33 $973.87 7.80% 97 $0.703 612.15 ($31.00) $0.75 $461.67 $994.53 -3.12% 98 $0.723 524.90 ($83.00) $0.88 $462.62 $1,014.89 -8.18% 99 $0.567 527.47 ($187.00) $0.92 $485.62 $1,056.36 -17.70% Average $0.708 650.00 $37.80 $0.67 $415.04 $929.25 4.81% 71% (including interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Irrigated Soybeans 90 $0.762 495.39 $7.00 $0.75 $370.15 $848.95 0.82% 91 $0.651 825.14 $119.00 $0.51 $417.83 $856.32 13.90% Irrigated soybeans were based on 200 planted acres with an irrigation system based on 150 acres. Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $5.74 22.62 ($83.00) $9.42 $213.02 $226.46 $550.01 $776.47 -10.69% 91 $5.53 58.48 $102.00 $3.79 $221.57 $233.62 $550.01 $783.63 13.02% 92 $5.49 64.00 $138.00 $3.34 $213.75 $242.45 $550.01 $792.45 17.41% 93 $6.52 30.90 ($13.00) $6.93 $214.25 $259.49 $550.01 $809.49 -1.61% 94 $5.37 69.52 $146.00 $3.26 $226.91 $265.51 $550.01 $815.52 17.90% 95 $6.71 60.92 $185.00 $3.68 $224.07 $280.70 $550.01 $830.70 22.27% 96 $6.87 58.05 $168.00 $3.98 $230.81 $299.38 $550.01 $849.38 19.78% 97 $6.75 43.68 $63.00 $5.32 $232.30 $329.75 $550.01 $879.76 7.16% 98 $5.25 43.68 ($9.00) $5.45 $237.84 $341.92 $550.01 $891.93 -1.01% 99 $5.33 37.93 ($35.00) $6.26 $237.31 $347.98 $550.01 $897.98 -3.90% Average $5.96 48.98 $66.20 $5.14 $225.18 $282.72 $550.01 $832.73 8.03% 76% 92 $5.49 64.00 $100.00 $3.93 $251.76 $242.45 $550.01 $792.45 12.62% 93 $6.52 30.90 ($47.00) $8.03 $248.17 $259.49 $550.01 $809.49 -5.81% 94 $5.37 69.52 $107.00 $3.82 $265.82 $265.51 $550.01 $815.52 13.12% 95 $6.71 60.92 $146.00 $4.31 $262.65 $280.70 $550.01 $830.70 17.58% 96 $6.87 58.05 $130.00 $4.64 $269.19 $299.38 $550.01 $849.38 15.31% 97 $6.75 43.68 $24.00 $6.20 $271.02 $329.75 $550.01 $879.76 2.73% 98 $5.25 43.68 ($43.00) $6.24 $272.68 $341.92 $550.01 $891.93 -4.82% 99 $5.33 37.93 ($71.00) $7.21 $273.38 $347.98 $550.01 $897.98 -7.91% Average $5.96 48.98 $27.90 $6.02 $263.47 $282.72 $550.01 $832.73 3.41% 58% (including interest) Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Dryland Soybeans Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $5.74 22.62 ($127.00) $11.36 $256.87 $226.46 $550.01 $776.47 -16.36% 91 $5.53 58.48 $60.00 $4.50 $263.18 $233.62 $550.01 $783.63 7.66% Dryland soybeans were based on 200 planted acres. 90 $5.74 14.14 ($54.00) $9.59 $135.61 $226.46 -23.85% 91 $5.53 36.55 $59.00 $3.91 $142.89 $246.86 23.90% 92 $5.49 40.00 $83.00 $3.42 $136.97 $240.61 34.50% 93 $6.52 19.31 ($11.00) $7.10 $137.16 $257.57 -4.27% 94 $5.37 43.45 $81.00 $3.50 $151.97 $263.51 30.74% 95 $6.71 36.55 $95.00 $4.10 $149.89 $278.62 34.10% 96 $6.87 34.83 $86.00 $4.40 $153.16 $297.22 28.94% 97 $6.75 26.21 $23.00 $5.87 $153.71 $327.51 7.02% 98 $5.25 26.21 ($22.00) $6.08 $159.24 $339.60 -6.48% 99 $5.33 22.76 ($22.00) $6.30 $143.43 $345.58 -6.37% Average $5.96 30.00 $31.80 $5.43 $146.40 $282.35 11.82% 74% 92 $5.49 40.00 $67.00 $3.81 $152.54 $240.61 27.85% 93 $6.52 19.31 ($26.00) $7.85 $151.65 $257.57 -10.09% 94 $5.37 43.45 $64.00 $3.89 $169.20 $263.51 24.29% 95 $6.71 36.55 $78.00 $4.58 $167.43 $278.62 28.00% 96 $6.87 34.83 $68.00 $4.92 $171.37 $297.22 22.88% 97 $6.75 26.21 $4.00 $6.59 $172.62 $327.51 1.22% 98 $5.25 26.21 ($39.00) $6.75 $176.97 $339.60 -11.48% 99 $5.33 22.76 ($40.00) $7.07 $160.92 $345.58 -11.57% Average $5.96 30.00 $14.50 $6.07 $163.68 $282.35 5.59% 61% (including interest) Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Irrigated Corn 90 $5.74 14.14 ($73.00) $10.88 $153.78 $226.46 -32.24% 91 $5.53 36.55 $42.00 $4.39 $160.31 $246.86 17.01% Irrigated Corn was based on 200 planted acres with an irrigation system based on 150 acres. Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $3.40 123.75 $77.00 $2.78 $344.01 $290.98 $550.01 $840.99 9.16% 91 $2.97 158.46 $87.00 $2.42 $383.77 $301.44 $550.01 $851.44 10.22% 92 $2.59 158.46 $54.00 $2.25 $356.78 $313.74 $550.01 $863.74 6.25% 93 $3.57 125.92 $109.00 $2.73 $344.20 $335.37 $550.01 $885.38 12.31% 94 $2.69 164.97 $76.00 $2.23 $368.06 $344.35 $550.01 $894.36 8.50% 95 $3.55 147.61 $158.00 $2.48 $365.98 $364.17 $550.01 $914.18 17.28% 96 $3.58 153.04 $179.00 $2.41 $369.36 $387.53 $550.01 $937.53 19.09% 97 $2.90 163.88 $86.00 $2.38 $389.70 $424.38 $550.01 $974.38 8.83% 98 $2.26 142.19 ($57.00) $2.65 $377.41 $440.42 $550.01 $990.43 -5.76% 99 $2.43 188.67 $62.00 $2.10 $396.01 $449.75 $550.01 $999.76 6.20% Average $2.99 152.70 $83.10 $2.44 $369.53 $365.21 $550.01 $915.22 9.21% 90% 92 $2.59 158.46 $10.00 $2.53 $401.03 $313.74 $550.01 $863.74 1.16% 93 $3.57 125.92 $65.00 $3.05 $383.92 $335.37 $550.01 $885.38 7.34% 94 $2.69 164.97 $31.00 $2.51 $413.55 $344.35 $550.01 $894.36 3.47% 95 $3.55 147.61 $112.00 $2.79 $412.00 $364.17 $550.01 $914.18 12.25% 96 $3.58 153.04 $133.00 $2.71 $414.80 $387.53 $550.01 $937.53 14.19% 97 $2.90 163.88 $39.00 $2.66 $436.33 $424.38 $550.01 $974.38 4.00% 98 $2.26 142.19 ($99.00) $2.95 $419.33 $440.42 $550.01 $990.43 -10.00% 99 $2.43 188.67 $19.00 $2.33 $439.43 $449.75 $550.01 $999.76 1.90% Average $2.99 152.70 $37.20 $2.75 $414.97 $365.21 $550.01 $915.22 4.16% 72% 92 $2.59 66.77 ($3.00) $2.64 $176.53 $294.78 -1.02% 93 $3.57 40.74 ($24.00) $4.15 $169.02 $314.65 -7.63% 94 $2.69 89.97 $49.00 $2.15 $193.75 $323.51 15.15% 95 $3.55 72.61 $67.00 $2.62 $190.48 $341.53 19.62% 96 $3.58 78.04 $83.00 $2.51 $195.98 $363.05 22.86% 97 $2.90 88.88 $45.00 $2.39 $212.33 $396.26 11.36% 98 $2.26 67.19 ($50.00) $3.00 $201.26 $411.26 -12.16% 99 $2.43 86.71 $3.00 $2.39 $207.44 $420.15 0.71% Average $2.99 69.67 $15.30 $2.88 $189.42 $342.14 4.25% 62% 92 $2.59 66.77 ($22.00) $2.92 $194.93 $294.78 -7.46% 93 $3.57 40.74 ($41.00) $4.57 $186.15 $314.65 -13.03% 94 $2.69 89.97 $29.00 $2.38 $213.71 $323.51 8.96% 95 $3.55 72.61 $46.00 $2.91 $211.41 $341.53 13.47% 96 $3.58 78.04 $62.00 $2.78 $217.13 $363.05 17.08% 97 $2.90 88.88 $23.00 $2.64 $234.80 $396.26 5.80% 98 $2.26 67.19 ($71.00) $3.30 $221.86 $411.26 -17.26% 99 $2.43 86.71 ($18.00) $2.64 $228.73 $420.15 -4.28% Average $2.99 69.67 ($5.00) $3.19 $209.78 $342.14 -1.79% 44% 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Average (including interest) Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Dryland Corn Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $3.40 123.75 $25.00 $3.20 $395.80 $290.98 $550.01 $840.99 2.97% 91 $2.97 158.46 $37.00 $2.74 $433.48 $301.44 $550.01 $851.44 4.35% Dryland corn was based on 200 planted acres. 90 $3.40 39.00 ($30.00) $4.16 $162.39 $273.12 -10.98% 91 $2.97 66.77 $13.00 $2.77 $184.99 $283.12 4.59% (including interest) Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Dryland Wheat 90 $3.40 39.00 ($51.00) $4.71 $183.57 $273.12 -18.67% 91 $2.97 66.77 ($7.00) $3.08 $205.51 $283.12 -2.47% Dryland wheat was based on 200 planted acres. 90 91 92 Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit $3.90 35 $25.00 $3.19 $111.69 $206.97 12.08% $3.45 33 ($13.00) $3.84 $126.69 $212.50 -6.12% $3.86 46 $60.00 $2.55 $117.35 $219.85 27.29% $4.53 38 $50.00 $3.22 $122.55 $235.91 21.19% $3.49 51 $48.00 $2.54 $129.67 $240.58 19.95% $3.39 38 ($3.00) $3.47 $132.01 $254.68 -1.18% $4.38 48 $72.00 $2.87 $137.98 $270.79 26.59% $3.20 44 ($6.00) $3.34 $146.87 $300.31 -2.00% $2.71 43 ($36.00) $3.54 $152.33 $310.57 -11.59% $2.83 43 ($30.00) $3.53 $157.71 $315.73 -9.50% $3.57 41.9 $16.70 $3.21 $133.49 $256.79 7.67% 76% 92 $3.86 46 $46.00 $2.85 $131.26 $219.85 20.92% 93 $4.53 38 $37.00 $3.57 $135.65 $235.91 15.68% 94 $3.49 51 $33.00 $2.84 $145.00 $240.58 13.72% 95 $3.39 38 ($19.00) $3.90 $148.15 $254.68 -7.46% 96 $4.38 48 $56.00 $3.22 $154.44 $270.79 20.68% 97 $3.20 44 ($24.00) $3.74 $164.45 $300.31 -7.99% 98 $2.71 43 ($52.00) $3.93 $168.82 $310.57 -16.74% 99 $2.83 43 ($47.00) $3.92 $168.67 $315.73 -14.89% Average $3.57 41.9 $1.00 $3.59 $148.65 $256.79 1.46% 52% 95 $1.76 2000 $719.00 $1.40 $2,799.12 $11,438.60 $520.02 $11,958.62 6.01% 96 $1.81 2470 $1,696.00 $1.13 $2,782.21 $11,487.09 $520.02 $12,007.11 14.12% 97 $1.71 2075 $679.00 $1.38 $2,873.82 $11,550.63 $520.02 $12,070.65 5.63% 98 $1.71 2200 $662.00 $1.39 $2,890.01 $11,599.46 $520.02 $12,119.48 5.46% 99 $1.69 1940 $360.00 $1.50 $2,909.28 $11,649.03 $520.02 $12,169.05 2.96% Average $1.71 2183 $977.00 $1.27 $2,727.11 $11,416.21 $520.02 $11,936.23 8.21% 99% (including interest) Price Received / bu. Yield Net Return Total Cost / bu. Total Cost / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Hand Harvested Tobacco (excluding interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $3.90 35 $9.00 $3.65 $127.64 $206.97 4.35% 91 $3.45 33 ($29.00) $4.32 $142.43 $212.50 -13.65% Hand harvested tobacco was based on 35 planted acres with an irrigation system of 50 acres. Based on purchased quota. ($3.75/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $8250 quota investment / acre) 90 $1.68 2415 $1,566.00 $1.03 $2,498.67 $11,187.77 $520.02 $11,707.79 13.38% 91 $1.69 2015 $767.00 $1.31 $2,646.42 $11,237.94 $520.02 $11,757.96 6.52% 92 $1.69 2295 $1,328.00 $1.11 $2,555.49 $11,282.51 $520.02 $11,802.53 11.25% 93 $1.65 2240 $1,087.00 $1.17 $2,615.95 $11,337.97 $520.02 $11,857.99 9.17% 94 $1.65 2180 $906.00 $1.24 $2,700.17 $11,391.09 $520.02 $11,911.11 7.61% Based on rented quota. ($.40/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $880 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $1.68 2415 $1,713.00 $0.97 $2,351.27 $3,817.77 $520.02 $4,337.79 39.49% 91 $1.69 2015 $914.00 $1.24 $2,499.02 $3,867.94 $520.02 $4,387.96 20.83% 92 $1.69 2295 $1,475.00 $1.05 $2,408.09 $3,912.51 $520.02 $4,432.53 33.28% 93 $1.65 2240 $1,234.00 $1.10 $2,468.55 $3,967.97 $520.02 $4,487.99 27.50% 94 $1.65 2180 $1,053.00 $1.17 $2,552.77 $4,021.09 $520.02 $4,541.11 23.19% 95 $1.76 2000 $866.00 $1.33 $2,651.72 $4,068.60 $520.02 $4,588.62 18.87% 96 $1.81 2470 $1,843.00 $1.07 $2,634.81 $4,117.09 $520.02 $4,637.11 39.74% 97 $1.71 2075 $826.00 $1.31 $2,726.42 $4,180.63 $520.02 $4,700.65 17.57% 98 $1.71 2200 $810.00 $1.32 $2,742.61 $4,229.46 $520.02 $4,749.48 17.05% 99 $1.69 1940 $507.00 $1.42 $2,761.88 $4,279.03 $520.02 $4,799.05 10.56% Average $1.71 2183 $1,124.10 $1.20 $2,579.71 $4,046.21 $520.02 $4,566.23 24.81% 99% 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Average Based on no costs for quota. 90 91 Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit $1.68 2415 $1,731.00 $0.97 $2,333.67 $2,937.77 $520.02 $3,457.79 50.06% $1.69 2015 $932.00 $1.23 $2,481.42 $2,987.94 $520.02 $3,507.96 26.57% $1.69 2295 $1,493.00 $1.04 $2,390.49 $3,032.51 $520.02 $3,552.53 42.03% $1.65 2240 $1,252.00 $1.09 $2,450.95 $3,087.97 $520.02 $3,607.99 34.70% $1.65 2180 $1,071.00 $1.16 $2,535.17 $3,141.09 $520.02 $3,661.11 29.25% Hand Harvested Tobacco Based on purchased quota. ($3.75/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $8250 quota investment / acre) $1.76 2000 $884.00 $1.32 $2,634.12 $3,188.60 $520.02 $3,708.62 23.84% $1.81 2470 $1,861.00 $1.06 $2,617.21 $3,237.09 $520.02 $3,757.11 49.53% $1.71 2075 $844.00 $1.31 $2,708.82 $3,300.63 $520.02 $3,820.65 22.09% $1.71 2200 $827.00 $1.31 $2,725.01 $3,349.46 $520.02 $3,869.48 21.37% $1.69 1940 $525.00 $1.41 $2,744.28 $3,399.03 $520.02 $3,919.05 13.40% $1.71 2183 $1,142.00 $1.19 $2,562.11 $3,166.21 $520.02 $3,686.23 31.28% 99% 95 $1.76 2000 ($34.00) $1.78 $3,551.67 $11,438.60 $520.02 $11,958.62 -0.28% 96 $1.81 2470 $824.00 $1.42 $3,695.71 $11,487.09 $520.02 $12,007.11 6.86% 97 $1.71 2075 ($52.00) $1.74 $3,604.09 $11,550.63 $520.02 $12,070.65 -0.43% 98 $1.71 2200 $36.00 $1.69 $3,515.99 $11,599.46 $520.02 $12,119.48 0.30% 99 $1.69 1940 ($296.00) $1.84 $3,564.92 $11,649.03 $520.02 $12,169.05 -2.43% Average $1.71 2183 $204.30 $1.62 $3,503.63 $11,416.21 $520.02 $11,936.23 1.73% 87% (including interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $1.68 2415 $650.00 $1.41 $3,414.19 $11,187.77 $520.02 $11,707.79 5.55% 91 $1.69 2015 ($99.00) $1.74 $3,512.64 $11,237.94 $520.02 $11,757.96 -0.84% 92 $1.69 2295 $517.00 $1.47 $3,366.24 $11,282.51 $520.02 $11,802.53 4.38% 93 $1.65 2240 $383.00 $1.48 $3,319.43 $11,337.97 $520.02 $11,857.99 3.23% 94 $1.65 2180 $114.00 $1.60 $3,491.37 $11,391.09 $520.02 $11,911.11 0.96% Based on rented quota. ($.40/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $880 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $1.68 2415 1432 1.09 2632.23 $3,817.77 $520.02 $4,337.79 33.01% 91 $1.69 2015 648 1.37 2765.32 $3,867.94 $520.02 $4,387.96 14.77% 92 $1.69 2295 1230 1.16 2653.57 $3,912.51 $520.02 $4,432.53 27.75% 93 $1.65 2240 1016 1.2 2686.35 $3,967.97 $520.02 $4,487.99 22.64% 94 $1.65 2180 805 1.28 2800.8 $4,021.09 $520.02 $4,541.11 17.73% 95 $1.76 2000 621 1.45 2897.21 $4,068.60 $520.02 $4,588.62 13.53% 96 $1.81 2470 1602 1.16 2876.08 $4,117.09 $520.02 $4,637.11 34.55% 97 $1.71 2075 583 1.43 2969.53 $4,180.63 $520.02 $4,700.65 12.40% 98 $1.71 2200 595 1.43 2957.34 $4,229.46 $520.02 $4,749.48 12.53% 99 $1.69 1940 284 1.54 2984.9 $4,279.03 $520.02 $4,799.05 5.92% Average $1.71 2183 $881.60 $1.31 $2,822.33 $4,046.21 $520.02 $4,566.23 19.48% 99% 92 $1.69 2295 $1,315.00 $1.12 $2,568.47 $3,032.51 $520.02 $3,552.53 37.02% 93 $1.65 2240 $1,092.00 $1.17 $2,610.76 $3,087.97 $520.02 $3,607.99 30.27% 94 $1.65 2180 $887.00 $1.25 $2,718.35 $3,141.09 $520.02 $3,661.11 24.23% 95 $1.76 2000 $699.00 $1.41 $2,819.07 $3,188.60 $520.02 $3,708.62 18.85% 96 $1.81 2470 $1,679.00 $1.13 $2,799.43 $3,237.09 $520.02 $3,757.11 44.69% 97 $1.71 2075 $659.00 $1.39 $2,893.77 $3,300.63 $520.02 $3,820.65 17.25% 98 $1.71 2200 $662.00 $1.39 $2,890.64 $3,349.46 $520.02 $3,869.48 17.11% 99 $1.69 1940 $353.00 $1.50 $2,915.64 $3,399.03 $520.02 $3,919.05 9.01% Average $1.71 2183 $960.90 $1.27 $2,743.11 $3,166.21 $520.02 $3,686.23 26.36% 99% Based on no costs for quota. Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Mech. Harvested Tobacco 90 $1.68 2415 $1,526.00 $1.05 $2,538.86 $2,937.77 $520.02 $3,457.79 44.13% 91 $1.69 2015 $737.00 $1.33 $2,676.09 $2,987.94 $520.02 $3,507.96 21.01% Mechanically harvested tobacco was based on 30 planted acres with an irrigation system based on 50 acres. (excluding interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Based on purchased quota. ($3.75/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $8250 quota investment / acre) 90 $1.68 2415 $1,614.00 $1.01 $2,450.82 $13,958.00 $520.02 $14,478.02 11.15% 91 $1.69 2015 $809.00 $1.29 $2,604.70 $14,110.97 $520.02 $14,630.99 5.53% 92 $1.69 2295 $1,343.00 $1.11 $2,540.01 $14,257.40 $520.02 $14,777.42 9.09% 93 $1.65 2240 $1,111.00 $1.16 $2,591.36 $14,416.53 $520.02 $14,936.55 7.44% 94 $1.65 2180 $1,151.00 $1.23 $2,683.42 $14,572.93 $520.02 $15,092.95 7.63% 95 $1.76 2000 $732.00 $1.39 $2,786.42 $14,722.80 $520.02 $15,242.82 4.80% 96 $1.81 2470 $1,731.00 $1.13 $2,788.90 $14,873.80 $520.02 $15,393.82 11.24% 97 $1.71 2075 $700.00 $1.37 $2,852.57 $15,042.37 $520.02 $15,562.39 4.50% 98 $1.71 2200 $877.00 $1.31 $2,880.24 $15,193.77 $520.02 $15,713.79 5.58% 99 $1.69 1940 $380.00 $1.49 $2,888.71 $15,346.03 $520.02 $15,866.05 2.40% Average $1.71 2183 $1,044.80 $1.25 $2,706.72 $14,649.46 $520.02 $15,169.48 6.94% 99% Based on rented quota. ($.40/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $880 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $1.68 2415 $1,786.00 $0.94 $2,278.85 $5,359.67 $520.02 $5,879.69 30.38% 91 $1.69 2015 $981.00 $1.21 $2,432.74 $5,512.63 $520.02 $6,032.65 16.26% 92 $1.69 2295 $1,515.00 $1.03 $2,368.05 $5,659.07 $520.02 $6,179.09 24.52% 93 $1.65 2240 $1,283.00 $1.08 $2,419.39 $5,818.20 $520.02 $6,338.22 20.24% 94 $1.65 2180 $1,323.00 $1.15 $2,511.45 $5,974.60 $520.02 $6,494.62 20.37% 95 $1.76 2000 $904.00 $1.31 $2,614.45 $6,124.47 $520.02 $6,644.49 13.61% 96 $1.81 2470 $1,903.00 $1.06 $2,616.93 $6,275.47 $520.02 $6,795.49 28.00% 97 $1.71 2075 $872.00 $1.29 $2,680.60 $6,444.03 $520.02 $6,964.05 12.52% 98 $1.71 2200 $1,049.00 $1.23 $2,708.27 $6,595.43 $520.02 $7,115.45 14.74% 99 $1.69 1940 $552.00 $1.40 $2,716.75 $6,747.70 $520.02 $7,267.72 7.60% Average $1.71 2183 $1,216.80 $1.17 $2,534.75 $6,051.13 $520.02 $6,571.15 18.82% 99% 92 $1.69 2295 $1,536.00 $1.02 $2,347.51 $4,632.40 $520.02 $5,152.42 29.81% 93 $1.65 2240 $1,304.00 $1.07 $2,398.86 $4,791.53 $520.02 $5,311.55 24.55% 94 $1.65 2180 $1,344.00 $1.14 $2,490.92 $4,947.93 $520.02 $5,467.95 24.58% 95 $1.76 2000 $924.00 $1.30 $2,593.92 $5,097.80 $520.02 $5,617.82 16.45% 96 $1.81 2470 $1,924.00 $1.05 $2,596.40 $5,248.80 $520.02 $5,768.82 33.35% 97 $1.71 2075 $892.00 $1.28 $2,660.07 $5,417.37 $520.02 $5,937.39 15.02% 98 $1.71 2200 $1,070.00 $1.22 $2,687.74 $5,568.77 $520.02 $6,088.79 17.57% 99 $1.69 1940 $573.00 $1.39 $2,696.21 $5,721.03 $520.02 $6,241.05 9.18% Average $1.71 2183 $1,237.40 $1.16 $2,514.22 $5,024.46 $520.02 $5,544.48 22.77% 99% 95 $1.76 2000 ($192.00) $1.86 $3,710.08 $14,722.80 $520.02 $15,242.82 -1.26% 96 $1.81 2470 $824.00 $1.50 $3,695.71 $14,873.80 $520.02 $15,393.82 5.35% 97 $1.71 2075 ($201.00) $1.81 $3,753.44 $15,042.37 $520.02 $15,562.39 -1.29% 98 $1.71 2200 $102.00 $1.66 $3,644.39 $15,193.77 $520.02 $15,713.79 0.65% 99 $1.69 1940 ($436.00) $1.91 $3,704.89 $15,346.03 $520.02 $15,866.05 -2.75% Average $1.71 2183 $115.70 $1.68 $3,634.71 $14,649.46 $520.02 $15,169.48 0.79% 68% Based on no costs for quota. Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Mech. Harvested Tobacco 90 $1.68 2415 $1,806.00 $0.94 $2,258.32 $4,333.00 $520.02 $4,853.02 37.21% 91 $1.69 2015 $1,001.00 $1.20 $2,412.20 $4,485.97 $520.02 $5,005.99 20.00% Based on purchased quota. ($3.75/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $8250 quota investment / acre) (including interest) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $1.68 2415 $511.00 $1.47 $3,553.93 $13,958.00 $520.02 $14,478.02 3.53% 91 $1.69 2015 ($240.00) $1.81 $3,653.30 $14,110.97 $520.02 $14,630.99 -1.64% 92 $1.69 2295 $356.00 $1.54 $3,527.30 $14,257.40 $520.02 $14,777.42 2.41% 93 $1.65 2240 $252.00 $1.54 $3,450.61 $14,416.53 $520.02 $14,936.55 1.69% 94 $1.65 2180 $181.00 $1.68 $3,653.40 $14,572.93 $520.02 $15,092.95 1.20% Based on rented quota. ($.40/lb. X 2200 lbs. = $880 quota investment / acre) Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $1.68 2415 1432 1.009 2632.23 $5,359.67 $520.02 $5,879.69 24.36% 91 $1.69 2015 632 1.38 2781.43 $5,512.63 $520.02 $6,032.65 10.48% 92 $1.69 2295 1187 1.17 2695.84 $5,659.07 $520.02 $6,179.09 19.21% 93 $1.65 2240 991 1.21 2712.02 $5,818.20 $520.02 $6,338.22 15.64% 94 $1.65 2180 987 1.31 2847.74 $5,974.60 $520.02 $6,494.62 15.20% 95 $1.76 2000 571 1.47 2946.55 $6,124.47 $520.02 $6,644.49 8.59% 96 $1.81 2470 1573 1.19 2946.79 $6,275.47 $520.02 $6,795.49 23.15% 97 $1.71 2075 539 1.45 3013.12 $6,444.03 $520.02 $6,964.05 7.74% 98 $1.71 2200 754 1.37 3003.63 $6,595.43 $520.02 $7,115.45 10.60% 99 $1.69 1940 241 1.56 3028.2 $6,747.70 $520.02 $7,267.72 3.32% Average $1.71 2183 $890.70 $1.31 $2,860.76 $6,051.13 $520.02 $6,571.15 13.83% 99% 92 $1.69 2295 $1,287.00 $1.13 $2,596.56 $4,632.40 $520.02 $5,152.42 24.98% 93 $1.65 2240 $1,079.00 $1.17 $2,623.83 $4,791.53 $520.02 $5,311.55 20.31% 94 $1.65 2180 $1,083.00 $1.26 $2,751.54 $4,947.93 $520.02 $5,467.95 19.81% 95 $1.76 2000 $663.00 $1.43 $2,855.38 $5,097.80 $520.02 $5,617.82 11.80% 96 $1.81 2470 $1,663.00 $1.16 $2,857.37 $5,248.80 $520.02 $5,768.82 28.83% 97 $1.71 2075 $628.00 $1.41 $2,924.73 $5,417.37 $520.02 $5,937.39 10.58% 98 $1.71 2200 $832.00 $1.33 $2,925.81 $5,568.77 $520.02 $6,088.79 13.66% 99 $1.69 1940 $321.00 $1.52 $2,947.40 $5,721.03 $520.02 $6,241.05 5.14% Average $1.71 2183 $982.40 $1.28 $2,769.27 $5,024.46 $520.02 $5,544.48 18.14% 99% Based on no costs for quota. Price Received / lb. Yield Net Return Total Cost / lb. Total Cost / Acre Investment / Acre Irrigation Investment / Acre Total Investment / Acre Return on Investment Chance for Profit Hogs Price Received / cwt. Net Return Total Cost / cwt. Total Cost Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $1.68 2415 $1,532.00 $1.05 $2,532.72 $4,333.00 $520.02 $4,853.02 31.57% 91 $1.69 2015 $736.00 $1.33 $2,677.33 $4,485.97 $520.02 $5,005.99 14.70% Based on a farrow to finish 1200 sow enterprise with 19 pigs weaned per sow per year. 90 $53.00 $885,163.00 $37.28 $1,898,991.00 $2,112,112.00 41.91% 91 $47.90 $616,211.00 $37.30 $1,900,033.00 $2,087,142.00 29.52% 92 $37.80 $176,821.00 $35.50 $1,808,859.00 $2,037,693.00 8.68% 93 $43.50 $351,882.00 $37.95 $1,933,255.00 $2,065,600.00 17.04% 94 $39.30 $188,035.00 $36.83 $1,876,441.00 $2,045,037.00 9.19% 95 $39.70 ($97,392.00) $42.86 $2,182,880.00 $2,046,995.00 -4.76% 96 $49.00 $382,498.00 $43.03 $2,191,531.00 $2,092,528.00 18.28% 97 $48.60 $537,079.00 $39.57 $2,015,937.00 $2,090,570.00 25.69% 98 $29.10 ($278,718.00) $35.47 $1,807,375.00 $1,995,098.00 -13.97% 99 $31.00 ($213,756.00) $36.16 $1,842,223.00 $2,004,400.00 -10.66% Average $41.89 $254,782.30 $38.20 $1,945,752.50 $2,057,717.50 12.09% 70% 92 $37.80 $25,120.00 $38.48 $1,960,560.00 $2,037,693.00 1.23% 93 $43.50 $207,162.00 $40.79 $2,077,945.00 $2,065,600.00 10.03% 94 $39.30 $28,186.00 $39.96 $2,036,290.00 $2,045,037.00 1.38% 95 $39.70 ($283,009.00) $46.50 $2,368,498.00 $2,046,995.00 -13.83% 96 $49.00 $200,013.00 $46.61 $2,374,016.00 $2,092,528.00 9.56% 97 $48.60 $367,662.00 $42.90 $2,185,354.00 $2,090,570.00 17.59% 98 $29.10 ($422,075.00) $38.28 $1,950,733.00 $1,995,098.00 -21.16% 99 $31.00 ($359,619.00) $39.01 $1,988,086.00 $2,004,400.00 -17.94% Average $41.89 $87,024.30 $41.48 $2,113,507.60 $2,057,717.50 3.95% 51% (including interest) Price Received / cwt. Net Return Total Cost / cwt. Total Cost Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit Dairy 90 $53.00 $676,560.00 $41.37 $2,107,593.00 $2,112,112.00 32.03% 91 $47.90 $430,243.00 $40.94 $2,086,001.00 $2,087,142.00 20.61% Based on 150 cows with calving intervals of 13.3 months Price Received for milk / cwt. Net Return Total Cost / cwt. Total Cost Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $15.80 $64,813.00 $13.18 $317,523.00 $920,705.00 7.04% 91 $13.70 $23,510.00 $12.80 $308,236.00 $920,705.00 2.55% 92 $15.10 $56,643.00 $12.82 $308,830.00 $920,705.00 6.15% 93 $14.70 $40,231.00 $13.10 $315,606.00 $920,705.00 4.37% 94 $14.90 $40,396.00 $13.29 $320,259.00 $920,705.00 4.39% 95 $14.30 $42,004.00 $12.63 $304,196.00 $920,705.00 4.56% 96 $16.30 $45,406.00 $14.49 $348,976.00 $920,705.00 4.93% 97 $14.70 $20,197.00 $13.93 $335,640.00 $920,705.00 2.19% 98 $16.60 $75,475.00 $13.54 $326,133.00 $920,705.00 8.20% 99 $17.83 $122,831.00 $12.80 $308,408.00 $920,705.00 13.34% Average $15.39 $53,150.60 $13.26 $319,380.70 $920,705.00 5.77% 94% 92 $15.10 $5,030.00 $14.96 $360,443.00 $920,705.00 0.55% 93 $14.70 ($4,115.00) $14.94 $359,951.00 $920,705.00 -0.45% 94 $14.90 ($9,198.00) $15.35 $369,853.00 $920,705.00 -1.00% 95 $14.30 ($4,292.00) $14.55 $350,493.00 $920,705.00 -0.47% 96 $16.30 $253.00 $16.36 $394,128.00 $920,705.00 0.03% 97 $14.70 ($24,283.00) $15.78 $380,119.00 $920,705.00 -2.64% 98 $16.60 $37,926.00 $15.10 $363,682.00 $920,705.00 4.12% 99 $17.83 $83,331.00 $14.44 $347,908.00 $920,705.00 9.05% Average $15.39 $6,026.20 $15.21 $366,505.00 $920,705.00 0.65% 58% (including interest) Price Received for milk / cwt. Net Return Total Cost / cwt. Total Cost Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit Cow- Calf Price Received- steers 4-500 lb Md #1 / cwt. Price Received- heifers 4-500 lb Md #1 / cwt. Price Received- cull cows / cwt. Net Return Total Cost / cwt. Total Cost / cow Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 $15.80 $6,875.00 $15.59 $375,461.00 $920,705.00 0.75% 91 $13.70 ($31,265.00) $15.07 $363,012.00 $920,705.00 -3.40% Based on 100 brood cows (North Georgia) with average weaning weights of 490 lbs. for steers and 440 lbs. for heifers. 90 $102.34 $90.44 $51.80 $15,148.00 $51.51 $165.69 $91,000.00 16.65% 91 $105.04 $94.47 $52.10 $14,771.00 $55.80 $179.51 $91,000.00 16.23% 92 $91.60 $81.98 $46.90 $10,011.00 $57.45 $184.82 $91,000.00 11.00% 93 $98.32 $86.71 $46.60 $13,360.00 $53.13 $170.93 $91,000.00 14.68% 94 $88.67 $77.94 $42.40 $8,545.00 $58.73 $188.93 $91,000.00 9.39% 95 $70.45 $61.54 $35.40 $1,406.00 $63.28 $203.57 $91,000.00 1.55% 96 $55.22 $46.01 $29.80 ($4,712.00) $66.97 $215.45 $91,000.00 -5.18% 97 $84.62 $72.63 $33.30 $3,946.00 $68.58 $220.63 $91,000.00 4.34% 98 $81.60 $69.99 $33.10 $2,707.00 $69.53 $223.69 $91,000.00 2.97% 99 $85.92 $75.73 $33.75 $4,292.00 $69.37 $223.17 $91,000.00 4.72% Average $86.38 $75.74 $40.52 $6,947.40 $61.44 $197.64 $91,000.00 7.63% 87% (including interest) 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Average Price Received- steers 4-500 lb Md #1 / cwt. Price Received- heifers 4-500 lb Md #1 / cwt. Price Received- cull cows / cwt. Net Return Total Cost / cwt. Total Cost / cow Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit $102.34 $90.44 $51.80 $6,921.00 $77.08 $247.97 $91,000.00 7.61% $105.04 $94.47 $52.10 $7,027.00 $79.87 $256.95 $91,000.00 7.72% $91.60 $81.98 $46.90 $3,191.00 $78.65 $253.02 $91,000.00 3.51% $98.32 $86.71 $46.60 $7,395.00 $71.68 $230.59 $91,000.00 8.13% $88.67 $77.94 $42.40 $1,920.00 $79.32 $255.18 $91,000.00 2.11% $70.45 $61.54 $35.40 ($4,933.00) $82.98 $266.95 $91,000.00 -5.42% $55.22 $46.01 $29.80 ($10,676.00) $85.51 $275.09 $91,000.00 -11.73% $84.62 $72.63 $33.30 ($2,083.00) $87.32 $280.09 $91,000.00 -2.29% $81.60 $69.99 $33.10 ($2,721.00) $86.40 $277.96 $91,000.00 -2.99% $85.92 $75.73 $33.75 ($1,288.00) $8,672.00 $278.98 $91,000.00 -1.42% $86.38 $75.74 $40.52 $475.30 $940.08 $262.28 $91,000.00 0.52% Broilers Years 1990 - 1993 were based on a North Georgia contract broiler production unit. Years 1994 - 1999 were based on a North East Georgia contract broiler production unit. 96 25,000 6 97 23,000 6 98 25,500 5.9 99 25,410 5.85 Average 23,965 $5.7500 House Capacity Number of Batches 90 21,600 6 91 27,000 6 92 16,840 5 93 22,200 5 94 26,600 6 95 26,500 5.75 Bird Weight (lbs.) Contract Payment / lb. Net Return Total Cost / Batch Total Cost / lb. Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit 4 $0.0390 $3,915.00 $2,549.00 $0.0311 $89,850.00 4.36% 4.2 $0.0390 $8,178.00 $2,838.00 $0.0263 $89,925.00 9.09% 5.9 $0.0450 $3,983.00 $3,451.00 $0.0366 $87,925.00 4.53% 6.15 $0.0450 $9,319.00 $3,973.00 $0.0306 $112,550.00 8.28% 4.65 $0.0420 $10,351.00 $3,210.00 $0.0273 $120,525.00 8.59% 5 $0.0450 $10,925.00 $3,764.00 $0.0299 $133,525.00 8.18% 5 $0.0460 $9,555.00 $3,870.00 $0.0326 $133,500.00 7.16% 5 $0.0460 $7,317.00 $3,806.00 $0.0348 $133,600.00 5.48% 5.45 $0.0480 $12,683.00 $4,188.00 $0.0317 $139,225.00 9.11% 5.4 $0.0478 $10,670.00 $4,407.00 $0.0338 $147,050.00 7.26% $5.0750 $0.0443 $8,689.600 $3,605.600 $0.0315 $118,767.500 7.20% 99% 92 16,840 5 5.9 $0.0450 $378.00 $4,172.00 $0.0442 $87,925.00 0.43% 93 22,200 5 6.15 $0.0450 $5,380.00 $4,761.00 $0.0367 $112,550.00 4.78% 94 26,600 6 4.65 $0.0420 $5,692.00 $3,987.00 $0.0339 $120,525.00 4.72% 95 26,500 5.75 5 $0.0450 $6,059.00 $4,611.00 $0.0366 $133,525.00 4.54% 96 25,000 6 5 $0.0460 $5,812.00 $4,494.00 $0.0378 $133,500.00 4.35% 97 23,000 6 5 $0.0460 $2,643.00 $4,585.00 $0.0420 $133,600.00 1.98% 98 25,500 5.9 5.45 $0.0480 $8,517.00 $4,894.00 $0.0371 $139,225.00 6.12% 99 25,410 5.85 5.4 $0.0480 $6,073.00 $5,193.00 $0.0398 $147,050.00 4.13% Average 23,965 $5.7500 $5.0750 $0.0443 $4,462.900 $4,342.100 $0.0380 $118,767.500 3.56% 99% (including interest) House Capacity Number of Batches Bird Weight (lbs.) Contract Payment / lb. Net Return Total Cost / Batch Total Cost / lb. Total Investment Return on Investment Chance for Profit 90 21,600 6 4 $0.0390 ($195.00) $3,234.00 $0.0394 $89,850.00 -0.22% 91 27,000 6 4.2 $0.0390 $4,270.00 $3,490.00 $0.0324 $89,925.00 4.75% * A North Georgia contract broiler production unit is based on a unit with tunnel ventilation, foggers, forced air furnaces and nipple drinkers * A North East contract broiler production unit is based on a unit with solid walls, tunnel ventilation, cool pads, infrared brooders and furnaces, and nipple drinkers.