– Department of Management and HNU University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Department of Management and HNU University of Applied Sciences, Germany –
April 2015: HNU MBA International Extension Programme & Strategy live case study
Department of Management
The Department of Management has recently run and concluded the April 2015 Edition of
Neu-Ulm University’s MBA International Extension Programme. This intensive 2 week
programme of applied management master classes, seminars and industry visits, is run by
the Department bi-annually and rides on the back of ongoing collaboration and a
long-standing alliance between the Department of Management at the University of Malta
and the Department of Business and Economics at HNU.
Over the 2 week period, German MBA participants, are also engaged on an extended
strategy live case study involving meetings, analysis and direct interaction with the
top-management team of a local collaborating organisation – addressing a current
strategic challenge and presenting their strategic overview, findings and reasoned
recommendations to the board.
For this edition, a healthcare organisation with international presence was the live case
study collaborating partner at this edition. The Department of Management takes the
opportunity to thank the top management team for their direct and active involvement in
this strategy exercise geared towards creating mutual value and opportunities for critical
insight and learning.
Besides, other scheduled industry visits were undertaken at Methode Electronics, Actavis
and Farsons.
Accompanied by their Professors, the profile of this edition’s international cohort of
Neu-Ulm MBA participants hailing from Germany included employed executives at
international blue chip companies such as Bosch, Airbus, MAN, Liebherr, Diamler AG as
well as German SME champions of industry – engaged in sectors spanning automotive,
aerospace and defence, graphic design, electronics, manufacturing, precision engineering,
software, and services.
In concluding this edition of the programme, the formal award dinner and certificate
presentation were held at Capua Palace, Sliema.
(Photos follow … )
Award dinner and certificate presentation at Capua Palace. Prof T Hanichen (Neu-Ulm HNU University,
Germany) toasting the students’ success at this edition and ongoing collaboration – together with faculty
members and collaborating managers from industry.
Mr Charles J Falzon (Programme Manager, Department of Management) together with HNU MBA cohort
participants prior to the certificate award ceremony. (Background on right: Dr Nathaniel P Massa –
Strategy & Live case study coordinator, Department of Management).
Some of the Neu-Ulm HNU MBA International Extension Programme participants – April 2015 cohort.