Towards efficient multiagent task allocation Fernando dos Santos

Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
DOI 10.1007/s10458-010-9136-3
Towards efficient multiagent task allocation
in the RoboCup Rescue: a biologically-inspired approach
Fernando dos Santos · Ana L. C. Bazzan
Published online: 22 May 2010
© The Author(s) 2010
Abstract This paper addresses team formation in the RoboCup Rescue centered on task
allocation. We follow a previous approach that is based on so-called extreme teams, which
have four key characteristics: agents act in domains that are dynamic; agents may perform
multiple tasks; agents have overlapping functionality regarding the execution of each task but
differing levels of capability; and some tasks may depict constraints such as simultaneous
execution. So far these four characteristics have not been fully tested in domains such as the
RoboCup Rescue. We use a swarm intelligence based approach, address all characteristics,
and compare it to other two GAP-based algorithms. Experiments where computational effort,
communication load, and the score obtained in the RoboCup Rescue are measured, show that
our approach outperforms the others.
Keywords Optimisation in multiagent systems · Task allocation · Robocup Rescue ·
Swarm intelligence
1 Introduction
In multiagent systems, task allocation is an important part of the coordination problem. In
complex, dynamic and large-scale environments arising in real world applications, agents
must reason with incomplete and uncertain information in a timely fashion. Scerri et al.
[17] have introduced the term extreme teams that is related to the following four characteristics in the context of task allocation: (i) these teams act in domains whose dynamics
may cause new tasks to appear and existing ones to disappear; (ii) agents in these teams may
F. dos Santos · A. L. C. Bazzan (B)
PPGC—Universidade Federaldo Rio Grande do Sul, Caixa Postal 15064,
Porto Alegre, RS 91.501-970, Brazil
F. dos Santos
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
perform multiple tasks subject to their resource limitation; (iii) many agents have overlapping
functionality to perform each task, but with differing levels of capability; and (iv) some tasks
in these domains are inter-task (e.g. must be simultaneously executed).
In the RoboCup Rescue for example, different fire fighters and paramedics comprise an
extreme team; while fire fighters and paramedics have overlapping functionality to rescue
civilians, one specific paramedical unit may have a higher capability due to their specific
training and current context.
The problem of task allocation among teams can be modelled as that of finding the assignment that maximizes the overall utility. The generalized assignment problem (GAP) and its
extension, E-GAP, can be used to formalize some aspects of the dynamic allocation of tasks
to agents in extreme teams.
In [17], Scerri et al. have performed experiments using their algorithm, Lowcommunication Approximate DCOP (LA-DCOP), in two kinds of scenarios. In an abstract
simulator, all four characteristics mentioned above were used. In another scenario, the RoboCup Rescue simulator, they only deal with one kind of team of agents, the fire brigade, and
hence characteristic (iii) was only partially addressed.
In [5], Ferreira Jr. et al. use the RoboCup Rescue scenario including the various actors,
thus addressing characteristics (i), (ii), and (iii). However, it does not deal with inter-task
constraints in an efficient way, especially considering the full RoboCup Rescue scenario.
In the present paper we consider all four characteristics of extreme teams and test our
approach both on an abstract simulator for task allocation, as well as on the RoboCup Rescue. In the latter, characteristic (iv) is needed in situations such as the following: if a task
is large, a single agent will not be able to perform it successfully. For instance, a single fire
brigade will not extinguish a big fire; a single ambulance may require too much time to rescue
a civilian, ending up with no reward if this civilian dies before being rescued.
We expect an improvement in the overall performance with some tasks being jointly performed by the agents. For this purpose, we decompose the tasks into inter-related subtasks
which must each be simultaneously executed by a group of agents. Thus, we fully address
the concept of extreme teams proposed by Scerri et al.
To this aim we propose and use eXtreme-Ants, an algorithm that is inspired in the ecological success of social insects, which have the characteristics of extreme teams. We compare
eXtreme-Ants with two other algorithms that are GAP-based and show that, by decomposing
tasks, eXtreme-Ants outperforms other approaches in the RoboCup Rescue scenario.
In the remaining sections of this paper we describe the model of division of labor in social
insects and the process of recruitment used by ants to cooperatively transport large prey
(Sect. 2). In Sect. 3 we briefly describe E-GAP as a task allocation model, while related work
regarding distributed task allocation is presented in Sect. 4, followed by the description of
eXtreme-Ants in Sect. 5. Section 6 models the RoboCup Rescue as an E-GAP, identifying
inter-constrained tasks and defining agent’s capabilities. An empirical study is presented in
Sect. 7, together with a discussion about the results achieved. Finally, Sect. 8 points out the
conclusion and future directions.
2 Social insects: division of labor and recruitment for cooperative transport
An effective division of labor is key for the ecological success of insect societies. A social
insect colony with hundreds of thousands of members operates without explicit coordination. An individual cannot assess the needs of the colony; it has just a fairly simple local
information. A complex colony behavior emerges from individual workers aggregation.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
The key point is the plasticity of the individuals, which allows them to engage in different tasks responding to changing conditions in the colony [2].
This behavior is the basis of the theoretical model described by Theraulaz et al. [21]. In this
model, interactions among members of the colony and individual perception of local needs
result in a dynamic distribution of tasks. The model is based on individuals’ internal response
threshold related to tasks stimuli. Assuming the existence of J tasks to be performed, each
task j ∈ J has an associated stimulus s j . The stimulus is related to the demand for the task
execution. Given a set of I individuals that can perform the tasks in J , each individual i ∈ I
has an internal response threshold θi j , which is related to the likelihood of reacting to the
stimulus associated with task j. This threshold can be seen either as a genetic characteristic
that is responsible for the existence of differences in morphologies of insects belonging the
same society, or as a temporal polyethism (in which individuals of different ages tend to
perform different tasks), or simply as individual variability.
In the model of Theraulaz et al. [21] the individual internal threshold θi j and the task
stimulus s j are used to compute the probability (tendency) Ti j (s j ) of the individual i to
perform task j, as shown in Eq. 1.
Ti j (s j ) =
s 2j
s 2j + θi2j
The use of the tendency replicates the plasticity of individuals because any individual
is able to perform any task if the corresponding task stimulus is high enough to overcome
the individual’s internal threshold. This flexibility enables the survival of the colony in an
eventual absence of specialized individuals, since other individuals start to perform the tasks
as soon as the stimulus exceeds their thresholds.
Another useful characteristic found among social insects is that, in some species of ants,
the transportation of large prey in a cooperative way involves two or more ants that cannot
do the transport alone [15]. The main purpose of the cooperative transport is to maximize
the trade-off between the gained energy (food) and the energy spent to take the prey to the
nest. Further, this process speeds up the transport.
The group involved in the cooperative transport is formed by means of a process called
recruitment. When a single scout ant discovers a prey, it firstly attempts to seize and transport
it individually. After unsuccessful attempts, the recruitment process starts. In order to recruit
nestmates, ants employ a mechanism called long-range recruitment (LRR). Some species
also employ a second mechanism called short-range recruitment (SRR). In both mechanisms
ants use communication through the environment (stigmergy) [9].
In the SRR the scout that discovers the prey releases a secretion. Shortly thereafter, nestmates in the vicinity are attracted to the prey location by the secretion odor. When the prey
cannot be moved by the scout and the ants recruited via SRR, one of the ants begins the LRR.
Hölldobler et al. report that SRR is sufficient to summon enough ants to transport the prey
in the majority of the cases [9].
In the LRR the scout ant that discovers the prey returns to the nest to recruit nestmates.
In the course towards the nest, the scout lays a pheromone trail. Nestmates encountered in
the course are stimulated by the scout via direct contact (e.g. antennation, trophallaxis), thus
establishing a chain of communication among nestmates. After, the stimulated nestmate also
begins to lay a pheromone trail even though it had not yet experienced the prey stimulus
itself. When the scout arrives at the nest, nestmates are attracted by the pheromone and run
to the prey site.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
After the recruited ants arrive at the prey site, they begin the cooperative transport. The
number of ants engaged in the transport is regulated on site and depends on the prey characteristics, such as weight, size, etc. [8]. When the number of ants present is not enough to
move the prey, more ants are recruited by one of the aforementioned processes, until the prey
is successful transported. Although in a more economic approach the scout ant should recruit
the exact number or nestmates, it was suggested that the scout cannot make a fine assessment
of the number of ants required to retrieve the prey [15]. Therefore, the most effective strategy
may be to recruit a given number of ants followed by a regulation of the group size during
the transport.
In summary, the recruitment for cooperative transport consists in three steps:
1. The scout ant that has discovered the prey starts the recruitment, inviting nestmates;
2. The ants that accept to join move to the prey site;
3. The size of the transportation group is regulated according to the prey characteristics.
3 Task allocation
In many real-world scenarios, the scale of the problem involves both a large number of agents
and a large number of tasks that must be allocated to these agents. Besides, these tasks and
their characteristics change over time and little information about the whole scenario, if any,
is available to all agents. Each agent has different capabilities and limited resources to perform each task. The problem is how to find, in a distributed fashion, an appropriate task
allocation that represents the best match among agents and tasks.
The generalized assignment problem (GAP) is one possible model used to formalize a
task allocation problem. It deals with the assignment of tasks to agents, constrained to agents’
available resources, and aims at maximizing the total reward.
A GAP is composed by a set J of tasks to be performed by a set I of agents. Each agent
i ∈ I has a capability to perform each task j ∈ J denoted by Cap(i, j) → [0, 1]. Each agent
also has a limited amount of resource, denoted by i.r es, and uses part of it (Res(i, j)) when
performing task j. To represent the allocation, a matrix M is used where m i j is 1 if task j is
allocated to agent i and 0 otherwise.
The goal in the GAP is to find an M that maximizes the allocation reward, which is given
by agents’ capabilities (Eq. 2). This allocation must respect all agents’ resources limitations
(Eq. 3) and each task must be allocated to at most one agent (Eq. 4).
M = argmax
Cap(i, j) × m i j
∀i ∈ I ,
i∈I j∈J
Res(i, j) × m i j ≤ i.r es
mi j ≤ 1
∀j ∈ J,
The GAP model was extended by Scerri et al. [17] to incorporate two features related
to extreme teams: scenario dynamics and inter-task constraints. This extended model was
called extended generalized assignment problem (E-GAP).
There are some types of inter-task constraints; here we focus on constraints of type AND,
meaning that all tasks that are related by an AND must be performed. In other words the
agents only receive a reward if all constrained tasks are simultaneously executed. We remark
that this kind of formalization can be extended to other types of constraint as well.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
AND-constrained tasks can be viewed as a decomposition of a large task into interdependent subtasks. The execution of only some subtasks does not lead to a successful execution
of the overall task, wasting the agents’ resources and not producing the desired effect in
the system. For example, in the case of physical robots, they can be damaged while trying
to perform an effort greater than their capabilities (e.g., trying to remove a large piece of
collapsed building from a blocked road).
To formalize AND-constrained tasks, the E-GAP model defines a set = {α1 , . . . , α p }
containing p sets α of AND-constrained tasks in the form αk = { j1 ∧ . . . ∧ jq }. Each ANDconstrained task j belongs
to at most one set αk . The number of tasks that are being performed
in a set αk is xk = i∈I j∈αk m i j .
Let vi j = Cap(i, j) × m i j . Given the constraints of , the reward V al(i, j, ) of an
agent i performing the task j is given by Eq. 5.
⎨ vi j if ∀αk ∈, j ∈ αk
V al(i, j, ) = vi j if ∃αk ∈ with j ∈ αk ∧ xk = |αk |
0 otherwise
To represent the dynamics in the scenario all E-GAP variables are indexed by a time step t.
The goal is to find a sequence of allocations M , one for each time step t, as shown in Eq. 6. In
this equation, a delay cost function DC t ( j t ) can be used to define the cost of not performing
a task j at time step t.
(V al t (i t , j t , t ) × m it j )
f (M) =
t i t ∈I t j t ∈J t
t j t ∈J t
(1 −
i t ∈I t
m it j ) × DC t ( j t )
The E-GAP also extends the GAP in what regards agents’ resource limitations at each
time step t, as well as the issue that each task must be allocated to at most one agent. This
way, in the E-GAP, Eqs. 3 and 4 are rewritten as Eqs. 7 and 8 respectively.
∀t, ∀i t ∈ I t ,
Res t (i t , j t ) × m it j ≤ i t .r es
j t ∈J t
∀t, ∀ j t ∈ J t ,
m it j ≤ 1
i t ∈I t
Several task allocation situations in large scale and dynamic scenarios can be modeled as
an E-GAP, including the RoboCup Rescue domain.
4 Related work
This section discusses some pieces of work related to distributed task allocation, concentrating on existing approaches for flexible task allocation. We remark that a complete review of
the subject is outside the scope of this paper; thus we focus on classical approaches as well
as on GAP-based ones. For each presented approach, we point out their limitations for the
case of extreme teams.
4.1 Contract net protocol and auction based methods
One of the earliest propositions in multiagent systems for task allocation was the contract
net protocol (CNP) [20]. In the CNP, the communication channel is intensively used: when
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
an agent perceives a task, it follows a protocol of messages to establish a contract with other
agents that can potentially perform the task. This fact, allied with the time taken to reach a
contract, severely limits the application of CNP to allocate tasks among agents in extreme
Auctions are market-based mechanisms. Hunsberger and Grosz [10] present an approach
for task allocation based on combinatorial auctions. Items on sale are tasks and the bidders
are the agents. These put bids to an auctioneer, depending on their capabilities and resources.
After receiving all bids, the auctioneer makes the allocation of the tasks among the bidders.
Bids are put via communication. Thus, as pointed out by [22], auctions require high amounts
of communication for task allocation. In recent works, Ham and Agha [6,7] evaluate the
performance of different auction mechanisms. However, the tackled scenario is composed
only by homogeneous agents, and is thus different from extreme teams.
4.2 Coalition based methods
Shehory and Kraus [18] propose a coalition approach for task allocation. In this approach,
the process of coalition formation is composed of three steps. In the first step all possible
coalitions are generated. In the second step, coalition values are calculated, and, in the last
step, the coalitions with the best values are chosen to perform the tasks.
The generation of all possible coalitions is exponential in the number of agents. Given a
coalition structure, a further problem is to assign values to each coalition, taking into account
the capabilities of all the agents. To accomplish this, one possibility is to use communication. These facts (size of coalition structures, determination of values, and finding the best
coalition) suggest scalability issues regarding extreme teams in large scale scenarios.
Recently, Rahwan and Jennings [14] have proposed a new approach that does not require
additional communication to decide which agent will compute the value of each coalition.
However, to compute the value of a coalition, each agent still needs to know the capabilities
of other agents.
4.3 DCOP based methods
A distributed constraint optimization problem (DCOP) consists of a set of variables that can
assume values in a discrete domain. Each variable is assigned to one agent which has the
control over its value. The goal of the agents is to choose values for the variables in order
to optimize a global objective function. This function can be described as an aggregation
over a set of cost functions related to pairs of variables. A DCOP can be represented by a
constraint graph, where vertices are variables and edges are cost functions between variables.
An E-GAP can be converted to a DCOP taking agents as variables and tasks as the domain
of values. However, this modeling leads to dense constraint graphs, since one cost function
is required between each pair of variables to ensure the mutual exclusion constraint of the
E-GAP model.
In order to deal with these issues, Scerri et al. present an approximate algorithm called
Low-communication Approximate DCOP (LA-DCOP) [17] that uses a token-based protocol; agents perceive a task in the environment and create a token to represent it, or they
receive a token from another agent. An agent decides whether or not to perform a task (thus
retaining the token) based both on its capability and on a threshold. Varying this threshold
makes the agent more or less selective and has implications on the computational complexity
as discussed next. If an agent decides not to perform a task it sends the token to another
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
randomly chosen agent. To deal with inter-task constraints, LA-DCOP uses a differentiated
kind of token, called potential token.
If an agent in LA-DCOP is able to perform more than one task, then it must select those that
maximize its capability given its resources. This maximization problem can be reduced to a
binary knapsack problem (BKP), which suggests that the complexity of LA-DCOP depends
on the complexity of the function implemented to deal with the BKP.
As mentioned, Scerri et al. have proposed the concept of extreme teams, and tested it
using an abstract simulator that allows experimentation with very large numbers of agents
[17]. In the same paper, the LA-DCOP algorithm was used in a RoboCup Rescue scenario in
which characteristics (i) and (ii) described in Sect. 1 were present. However, in this particular
scenario, as they only deal with one kind of team of agents, the fire brigade, characteristics
(iii) and (iv) were only partially or potentially addressed.
4.4 Swarm intelligence based methods
The use of swarm intelligence techniques for task allocation have been reported in the literature. Cicirello and Smith [3] used the metaphor of division of labor to allocate task to
machines in a plant. However, the approach does not take into account dynamic or interconstrained tasks. Kube and Bonabeau [13] have used the metaphor of cooperative transport
in homogeneous robots that must forage and collect items. Since the environment is fully
observable, the authors just explore the adaptation of the transportation group to the size of
the item (step three of the recruitment process discussed in Sect. 2). Both Agassounon and
Archerio [1] and Krieger et al. [12] have used the metaphors of division of labor and recruitment for cooperative transport in teams of homogeneous forager robots. However, neither of
these approaches deal with inter-related tasks.
Swarm-GAP [4] resembles LA-DCOP in the sense that it is also GAP-based, is approximate, uses tokens for communication, and deals with extreme teams. An agent in Swarm-GAP
decides whether or not to perform a task based on the model of division of labor used by
social insects colonies, which has low communication and computation effort. The former
stems from the fact that Swarm-GAP (as LA-DCOP) uses tokens; the latter arises from the
use of a simple probabilistic decision-making mechanism based on Eq. 1. This avoids the
complexity of the maximization function used in LA-DCOP. A key parameter in the approach
is the stimulus s discussed in Sect. 2 as it is responsible for the selectiveness of the agent
regarding perceived tasks.
In order to deal with inter-task constraints, agents in Swarm-GAP just increase the tendency to perform related tasks by a factor called execution coefficient. The execution coefficient is computed using the rate between the number of constrained tasks which are allocated
and the total number of constrained tasks (details in [4]).
In [5] Ferreira Jr. et al. tested Swarm-GAP considering the various actors in the RoboCup
Rescue, thus addressing characteristics (i), (ii), and (iii). However, the issue of inter-task
constraints was not addressed in an efficient way.
5 eXtreme-Ants
5.1 Probabilistic nature of the algorithm
eXtreme-Ants [16] is a biologically-inspired, approximate algorithm that solves E-GAPs. It
is based on LA-DCOP (discussed in Sect. 4.3) but differs from it mainly in the way agents
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
make decisions about which tasks to perform. An agent running LA-DCOP receives n tokens
containing tasks and chooses to perform those which maximize the sum of its capabilities,
while respecting its resource constraints. This is a maximization problem that can be reduced
to a binary knapsack problem (BKP), which is proved to be NP-complete. The computational
complexity of LA-DCOP depends on the complexity of the function it uses to deal with the
BKP. Since in large scale domains the number of tasks perceived by agents can be high, the
time consumed to decide which task to accept may restrict the LA-DCOP applicability.
On the other hand, eXtreme-Ants uses a probabilistic decision process, hence the computation necessary for agents to make their decision is significantly lower than in LA-DCOP. In
eXtreme-Ants, agents use the model of division of labor among social insects (presented in
Sect. 2) to decide whether or not to perform a task. Stimuli produced by tasks that need to be
performed are compared to the individual response threshold associated with each task. An
individual that perceives a task stimulus higher than its own threshold has a higher probability
to perform this task.
In eXtreme-Ants, the response threshold θi j of an agent i regarding a task j is based on
the concept of polymorphism, which is related to the capability Cap(i, j) as shown in Eq. 9.
If an agent is not capable of performing a particular task, then its internal threshold is set to
infinity, avoiding the allocation of the task to this agent.
θi j =
1 − Cap(i, j) if Cap(i, j) > 0
Each task j ∈ J has an associated stimulus s j . This stimulus controls the allocation of
tasks to agents. Low stimuli mean that the tasks will only be performed by agents with low
thresholds (thus, more capable). High stimuli increase the chance of the tasks to be performed,
even by agents with high thresholds (less capable).
Algorithm 1 presents eXtreme-Ants. We remark that this is the algorithm that runs in each
agent. When the agent perceives a set Ji of non inter-constrained tasks (line 1) it creates a
token to store the information about them. The use of tokens to represent the tasks ensures
the mutual exclusion constraint of the E-GAP model, which imposes that each tasks must be
allocated to at most one agent. A token thus contains a list of tasks it represents. The agent
that holds a token has the exclusive right to decide whether or not to accept and perform the
tasks contained in the token. The decision takes into account the tendency and the available
resources (lines 21–28). The tendencies are normalized.
When an agent accepts a task, it decreases the available resources by the amount required.
If some tasks contained in the token remain unallocated, the agent sends the token to a
randomly selected teammate.
As in Swarm-GAP, the use of a model of division of labor yields fast and efficient decision-making: the computational complexity of eXtreme-Ants is O(n) where n is the number
of tasks perceived by the agent. This is different from LA-DCOP, as discussed at the end
of Sect. 4.3. Thus, the agents can act on dynamic environments such as the RoboCup Rescue, fulfilling characteristic (i) of extreme teams. Characteristic (ii), which relates to agents
being able to perform multiple tasks subject to their resource limitation, is realized by taking
into account both the agents capabilities and the available resources (line 24 in Algorithm 1).
Characteristic (iii), i.e. agents having overlapping functionality to perform tasks (though with
differing levels of capability) is carried out by the response threshold (Eq. 9).
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
Algorithm 1: eXtreme-Ants for agent i
1 when perceived set of tasks Ji
token := newToken();
foreach j ∈ J do
token.tasks := token.tasks ∪ j;
6 when perceived set α of constrained tasks
if has enough resources to perform all tasks of α then
compute and normalize Ti j of each j ∈ α;
foreach j ∈ α do
if r oulette() < Ti j then
accept task j;
if all tasks of α were accepted then
perform the tasks and decrease resource i.r es;
discard all accepted tasks in α;
19 when received token
21 procedure evaluateToken(token)
compute and normalize Ti j of each j ∈ token.tasks;
foreach j ∈ token.tasks do
if r oulette() < Ti j and i.r es ≥ Res(i, j) then
perform task j and decrease i.r es;
token.tasks := token.tasks − j;
if some task in token.tasks were not performed then
send token to a randomly selected teammate;
5.2 Recruitment
To deal with AND-constraints among tasks, i.e. characteristic (iv), agents in eXtreme-Ants
reproduce the three steps of the recruitment process for cooperative transport observed among
ants (presented at the end of Sect. 2). The recruitment process is used in eXtreme-Ants to form
a group of agents committed to the simultaneous execution of the inter-constrained tasks.
When an agent perceives a set of inter-constrained tasks α (line 6), it acts as a scout ant. Firstly
it attempts to perform all the constrained tasks. If it fails, then it begins a recruitment process.
This process is based on communication i.e. message exchange. These messages are part
of the protocol presented in Algorithm 2. There are five kinds of messages used in the
recruitment protocol of eXtreme-Ants:
to invite an agent to join the recruitment for a task j ∈ α and to commit to it;
committed: to inform that the agent joined the recruitment for a task j ∈ α and is committed to it;
to inform that the agent was indeed selected to perform the task j ∈ α;
to inform that the agent was not selected to perform the task j ∈ α and must
decommit to it.
to inform that a request for a task j ∈ α has reached its timeout, thus preventing deadlocks.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
Algorithm 2: Recruitment for agent i
1 procedure performsRecruitment(AND set α)
j := pick a task from α;
send (“request”, j) to a teammate;
until the maximum number of requests sent for all j ∈ α is reached or the recruitment for α is
finished or aborted.;
6 when received (“request”, j) from agent i s
/* decides whether or not to commit */;
if r oulette() < Ti j and i.r es ≥ Res(i, j) then
join the recruitment and commit to j;
send (“committed”, j) to i s ;
if request timeout reached then
send (“timeout”, j) to i s ;
forward (“request”, j) to a teammate;
16 when received (“committed”, j) from i c
α := AND group which contains j;
if recruitment for α is finished or aborted then
send (“release”, j) to i c ; return ;
if at least one agent committed to each j ∈ α then
recruitment for αk is finished!;
/* forms the group of engaged agents */;
foreach j ∈ α do
pick a committed agent i p with probability ≈ to Cap(i p , j);
send (“engage”, j) to i p ;
send (“release”, j) to non selected agents;
27 when received (“engage”, j)
perform task j and decrease i.r es;
29 when received (“release”, j)
decommit to j;
31 when received (“timeout”, j)
α := AND group that contains j;
if the number of received timeouts for each j ∈ α is equal to the number of requests sent then
recruitment for αk is aborted!;
foreach j ∈ α do
send (“release”, j) to committed agents;
For the first step of the recruitment, the scout agent sends a certain number of request messages for each task j ∈ α (lines 1–5). These requests are sent to randomly selected agents
and correspond to the role of the pheromone released in the air (SRR) or released on the
way to the nest (LRR). As it occurs with the scout ant, which recruits a fixed number of
nestmates independently of prey characteristics, eXtreme-Ants fixes a maximum number of
requests that must be sent for each AND-constrained task. This maximum number must be
experimentally determined to maximize the total reward.
In the second step, the agents must decide whether or not to join the recruitment. When
an agent receives a request originated by a scout agent i s for a task j (lines 6–15), it uses the
tendency (Eq. 1) to decide if it accepts the request and then joins the recruitment, avoiding
double commitment. If the request is accepted, the agent commits to the task, reserving the
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
amount of resources required; a committed message is sent to the scout. If the request is not
accepted, the agent forwards it to another agent, reproducing the chain of communication
present in the LRR.
In the third step, the size of the group of agents engaged in the simultaneous execution
of the AND-constrained tasks must be regulated. In eXtreme-Ants this regulation is done by
the scout agent. When it receives enough commitments for each constrained task j ∈ α (line
20), it forms the group of agents that will execute the tasks simultaneously. Following the
E-GAP definition, just one agent must be selected among those committed for each constrained task. The scout then performs a probabilistic selection, picking an agent i p with
probability proportional to its capability Cap(i p , j). The scout then informs i p that it was
the selected one and thus must engage in the execution of j (via an engage message, line
25). All other non-selected agents are released (via a release message, line 26). Agents that
commit to an already allocated task are also released to avoid deadlocks. At this moment
the recruitment is finished. As a result, a group of agents is formed, in which each agent is
allocated to a task j ∈ α, enabling the simultaneous execution of all AND-constrained tasks
in α.
After the group of engaged agents is formed, the requests not yet accepted by other
agents become obsolete. To avoid agents from passing obsolete requests back and forth,
eXtreme-Ants uses a timeout mechanism. The timeout is given by the number of agents that
a recruitment request is allowed to visit. When the timeout is detected (line 12), the scout
is notified (timeout message, lines 31–36). It then checks if a timeout was received for all
recruitment requests for each AND-constrained task j ∈ α. If it is the case, it aborts the
recruitment process and releases the committed agents.
It is important to note that due to the algorithm asynchronism, the scout agent can perform
other actions during the recruitment. These actions comprise the perception and allocation
of other tasks, and even a recruitment for other AND-constrained task groups. Although
eXtreme-Ants reproduces the inter-agent communication via messages, it can be easily modified to use some kind of indirect communication (e.g., pheromones) when the environment
allows it.
6 Modelling RoboCup Rescue as an E-GAP
The goal of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League (RRSL) [11,19] is to provide a testbed for simulated rescue teams acting in situations of urban disasters. Some issues such as
heterogeneity, limited information, limited communication channel, planning, and real-time
characterize this as a complex multiagent domain [11]. RoboCup Rescue aims at being an
environment where multiagent techniques that are related to these issues can be developed
and benchmarked. Currently the simulator tries to reproduce conditions that arise after the
occurrence of an earthquake in an urban area, such as the collapsing of buildings, road blockages, fire spreading, buried and/or injured civilians. The simulator incorporates some kinds
of agents which act trying to mitigate the situation.
In the RoboCup Rescue simulator,1 the main agents are fire brigades, police forces, and
ambulance teams. Agents have limited perception of their surroundings; can communicate,
but are limited on the number and size of messages they can exchange. Regarding information and perception, agents have knowledge about the map. This allows agents to compute
the paths from their current locations to given tasks. However this does not mean that these
1 available at
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
paths are free since an agent has only limited information about the actual status of a path,
e.g. whether or not it is blocked by debris.
To update the current status of the objects in the map, each agent has a function called
“sense”. More precisely, the RoboCup Rescue simulator provides to the agent information
about the current time step and about the part of the map where it is located. This information
contains attributes related to buildings, civilians, and blockages for instance. Regarding the
civilians these attributes are the location, health degree (called HP), damage (how much the
HP of those civilians dwindles every time step), and buriedness (a measure of how difficult it
is to rescue those particular civilians). The attributes related to buildings are location, whether
or not it is burning, how damaged it is, and the type of material used in the construction. All
this is abstracted in an attribute called fieriness. Finally the attributes of blockages are location in the street, cost to unblock, and their size (a measure of how they hinder the circulation
of vehicles and people through the street).
To measure the performance of the agents, the rescue simulator defines a score which is
computed, at the end of the simulation, as shown in Eq. 10, where P is the quantity of civilians
alive, H is a measure of their health condition, Hinit is a measure of the health condition of
all civilians at the beginning of the simulation, B is the building area left undamaged, and
Bmax is the initial building area.
Scor e = P +
In order to model task allocation in the RoboCup Rescue as an E-GAP and use
eXtreme-Ants, we need to identify which are the tasks that must be performed by the agents
as well as the agent’s capabilities regarding these tasks.
6.1 Identifying tasks
In the rescue scenario, the tasks that must be performed by the agents are the following:
– Fire fighting. The goal is to minimize the building area damaged. These tasks are primarily
performed by fire brigade agents.
– Cleaning road blockages. The goal is to minimize the number of blocked roads in order
to improve the traffic flow. These tasks are performed by police force agents.
– Rescuing civilians. The goal is to maximize the number of civilians alive. These tasks
are normally performed by ambulance agents and comprise the rescue and transport of
injured (eventually buried) civilians to a refuge.
If a task is large and complex, a single agent will not be able to perform it successfully.
For instance, a single fire brigade will not extinguish a big fire; a blocked road will be cleared
more efficiently if many police forces act simultaneously; a buried civilian will be quicker
rescued if many ambulance teams act jointly. For this purpose, we decompose the tasks into
inter-constrained subtasks that must be simultaneously performed by groups of agents. In the
following we present the approach used to decompose these tasks.
6.1.1 Decomposing fire fighting
The approach takes into account the sites located near a building, in a radius of 30 meters,
which is the maximum distance a fire brigade can dump water. This pragmatic approach
is motivated by the fact that two fire brigades cannot occupy the same physical space.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
Defining d(s, b) as the Euclidean distance between site s and building b, the decomposition of a fire fighting task into a set αff of inter-constrained subtasks is formalized as:
αff = s | s is a site with d(s, b) ≤ 30 meters
6.1.2 Decomposing cleaning of road blockages
The decomposition of these tasks takes into account the cost to clean the road. The cleaning
cost corresponds to the number of time steps a single police force would take to completely
clean the road. Alternatively, the cost can be seen as the number of police forces that must act
simultaneously to clean the road in a single time step. However, there are blockages in which
the cost (number of police forces to clean it in a single cycle) is greater than the number of
lanes in the road. Due to physical restrictions, the decomposition of cleaning tasks takes into
account both the cleaning cost and the number of lanes in the road. The decomposition of a
cleaning blockage task on a road r into a set αcb of inter-constrained subtasks is formalized
0 < j ≤ lanes(r )
if clean cost (r ) > lanes(r )
αcb = j|
0 < j ≤ clean cost (r ) otherwise
6.1.3 Decomposing rescue of civilians
To decompose a task of rescuing civilians, their buriedness factor, HP, and their health conditions are taken into account. The buriedness is related to the number of time steps a single
ambulance team would take to completely remove the debris over a civilian. Alternatively,
the buriedness can be seen as the number of ambulance teams that must act simultaneously to
rescue a civilian in a single time step. The ambulance teams do not have restrictions regarding
the physical space, meaning that the value of the buriedness attribute can be used to define
the exact number of ambulances that are necessary to rescue a single civilian. However, it is
not efficient to allocate a large number of ambulance teams to a single civilian. We must take
into account the life expectancy of the civilians to better define the number of ambulances
that are needed. The life expectancy shown below specifies how many time steps the civilian
civ will remain alive given its HP and damage:
li f e ex pect (civ) :=
To be rescued, an agent with low life expectancy requires more ambulance teams acting
simultaneously. On the other hand, an agent with high life expectancy can be rescued by a
single ambulance team. The decomposition of the task of rescuing a civilian c into a set αc
of inter-constrained subtasks is formalized as follows:
if c is not buried or
⎨0 < j ≤ 1
f e ex pect (c) > remaining time
αc = j|
⎩0 < j ≤ buriedness(c)
li f e ex pect (c)
The first case generates a single task (in fact no subtasks) and corresponds to a civilian
that is not buried or will remain alive until the end of the simulation. In this case just one
ambulance team is enough. The second case computes the necessary number of subtasks to
keep the civilian alive.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
6.2 Defining agent’s capabilities
To define the agents’ capabilities we use the Euclidean distance from the agent to the tasks.
Equation 11 shows how the capability Cap(i, j) of an agent i is computed regarding each
perceived task j ∈ J . In this equation d(i, j) is the Euclidean distance between agent i
and task j. We adopt the distance as the agent’ capability based on our observation that the
position of the agent has an effect on its performance. Close tasks require few or no movement by the agent. Thus, an agent saves more time when performing close tasks than when
spending time moving to distant tasks.
if d(i, j) = 0
d(i, j)−min d(i,k)
Cap(i, j) =
⎩ 1 − max d(i,k)−min d(i,k) otherwise
The first case in Eq. 11 corresponds to the maximal capability (task and agent are located in
the same position). Regarding fire brigades, this means that the maximal capability is associated with tasks located in the 30 meters radius in which the fire brigade can dump water.
The second case defines capability as inversely proportional to the distance from the agent
to the task.
7 Experiments and results
We use the eXtreme-Ants algorithm to allocate tasks to agents in two scenarios that have the
characteristics associated with extreme teams. One is the abstract simulator used by Scerri
et al. in [17], while the other is the RoboCup Rescue scenario. In both cases eXtreme-Ants
was compared to Swarm-GAP and LA-DCOP. In all experiments, we tested thresholds
(LA-DCOP) and stimuli (eXtreme-Ants and Swarm-GAP) in the interval [0.1, 0.9].
In the next subsection we address the rescue scenario in details. Section 7.2 presents only
the main conclusions of the use of eXtreme-Ants in the abstract scenario; for more details
please see [16].
Regarding the metrics used, the following was measured: communication, computational
effort, and performance measures that are particular of each domain. The former is important
in scenarios with communication constraints. Some scenarios require fast decision-making.
Thus, the computational effort is also an issue.
7.1 RoboCup Rescue simulator
We have run our experiments in a map that is frequently used by the RRSL community,
namely the so-called K obe_4. To render this scenario more complex, we have substantially
increased the number of agents and tasks regarding the default quantities used in the RRSL.2
In our experiments there are 50 fire brigades, 50 police forces, and 50 ambulance teams.
There are also 150 civilians and 50 fire spots. We remark that the number of fire spots
may increase as fires propagate. Figure 1 shows the K obe_4 map, along with agents’ initial
Each simulation consists of 300 time steps (default of the RRSL). Each data point in the
plots represents the average over 20 runs, disregarding the lowest and highest value. The
2 The quantities used in RRSL are the following: fire brigades: 0–15; police forces: 0–15; ambulance teams:
0–8; civilians: 50–90; fire spots: 2–30.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
Fig. 1 K obe_4 map used in
experiments with all three types
of agents
Fig. 2 Score achieved by each
algorithm as a function of
threshold (LA-DCOP) or
stimulus (eXtreme-Ants and
Stimulus or Threshold
perception of each agent is not restricted to the tasks it can perform (e.g., a fire brigade also
perceives civilians and blocked roads). Agents’ capabilities are computed as described in
Sect. 6.2. The tasks an agent perceives but somehow cannot perform have their capabilities
set to zero.
Next we discuss the performance of the algorithm regarding score, computational effort,
and communication.
7.1.1 Score
Score at the end of the RoboCup Rescue simulation is measured as in Eq. 10. Figure 2 shows,
for each stimulus or threshold tested, the score achieved by each algorithm. The best performance of eXtreme-Ants occurs when the stimulus s is low. In this case, Tθi j , as defined in
Eq. 1, is high for the tasks an agent is highly capable of performing because θi j = 1 − Capi, j
(Eq. 9). Conversely, LA-DCOP uses a threshold T that represents the minimum capability
that an agent must have in order to perform the task represented by the token. Hence, the
higher the T , the more selective the process. This however does not mean that the higher the
T (lower s), the higher the score. A degrading in performance occurs when T is too high
because agents turn too selective and start rejecting tasks. Similarly, for eXtreme-Ants, when
s is too low, agents have a high tendency of doing only tasks they are capable of, thus ending
up being too selective as well. At the end, in both cases, tasks remain unallocated when T is
too high or s is too low.
Table 1 Scores for the best and
worst threshold/stimulus for each
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
Best case
Worst case
Thresh. / Stim.
Thresh. / Stim.
A summary of the information in Fig. 2 appears in Table 1. This table shows, for each
algorithm, the best and worse scores observed, as well as the corresponding threshold or
stimulus. As we can see, the best score for LA-DCOP is roughly the same as the worst score
of eXtreme-Ants (t-test, 99% confidence).
The performance of LA-DCOP can be explained by the way agents decide which tasks
to execute, as discussed in Sect. 4.3. Because an agent always performs the task for which it
has maximal capability, tasks with sub-optimal capabilities are never performed.
On the contrary, the probabilistic decision-making of eXtreme-Ants allows agents to perform sub-optimal tasks from time to time, leading to a better distribution of agents in the
environment. The spreading is effective in RoboCup Rescue because it tackles tasks that are
large or difficult (e.g., avoiding fire propagation to neighbor buildings and the worsening of
civilians’ health).
The scores of eXtreme-Ants and LA-DCOP are superior to Swarm-GAP due to the way
Swarm-GAP deals with constrained tasks; in fact it does not ensure the simultaneous execution of the constrained subtasks. Besides, frequently, agents in Swarm-GAP tend to select
tasks that are dispersed thus spending precious time moving to tasks rather than performing
the close ones.
We would like to remark that in the present work we are primarily concerned with task
allocation. Because we try to avoid ad hoc methods and/or heuristics for specific behavior
or unnecessary communication among agents in that scenario, our algorithm is of course
outperformed by the winner of the rescue competition as we do not deal with aspects of the
simulator other than task allocation. For instance we have turned off all central components,
namely those that centralize information that aim at facilitating the coordination of the agents.
These components are the fire station, the police office, and the ambulance center, which are
in charge of facilitating the communication and coordination of firemen, police forces, and
ambulance teams respectively.
However, for sake of completeness we have performed a comparison with the vicechampion of the RRSL in 2008.3 The reason for not using the champion is that, due to
certain restrictions the authors of this code have made, it is not possible to use the higher
number of agents we have used in our experiments.
The score of the vice-champion is only 11.1% superior to that of eXtreme-Ants (19.8%
superior to Swarm-GAP and 14.2% superior to LA-DCOP), using a t-test, 99% confidence.
We consider this a very good result given that the participants at RRSL intensively exploit the
characteristics of the simulator (including the central components) in order to develop their
strategies which do include a lot of situation-specific coding and ad hoc methods. However
3 Code available at
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
Evaluated tasks by agent
Fig. 3 Computational effort of
each algorithm as a function of
threshold (LA-DCOP) or
stimulus (eXtreme-Ants and
Stimulus or Threshold
this is not generalizable. We see the big advantage of using GAP-based approaches in the
fact that this modelling allows the code to be used in situations with little or no change.
7.1.2 Computational effort
Agents in RoboCup Rescue have limited time (half second) to decide which tasks to perform.
Thus, the decision-making must be fast or the allocation becomes obsolete. Therefore, the
intuition is that low computational effort methods are required. To evaluate whether this is
the case we measure the number of operations that are performed by an agent during the
decision-making, in each time step.
Figure 3 shows the average computational effort of each algorithm, for different values of
stimuli and thresholds. The lower effort seen for Swarm-GAP is due to its simple probabilistic
decision-making. However, as mentioned previously, the score obtained by Swarm-GAP is
worse than that of eXtreme-Ants. The higher effort of LA-DCOP relates to the fact that the
agents must solve a BKP to decide which tasks to perform. To solve a BKP our implementation of LA-DCOP uses a greedy approach, which sorts the tasks by the agent’s capability and
then selects the task to perform i.e. the complexity is O(n log n). The computational effort in
LA-DCOP decreases when the threshold increases due the fact that higher thresholds imply
that agents are more selective and thus perceive less tasks (i.e. n decreases), which has an
impact in the maximization function. In other words, low thresholds mean more perceived
tasks and hence higher computational effort.
7.1.3 Communication channel
In all three algorithms, when an agent decides not to perform a task, it passes on the task
to a teammate. To evaluate the efficient use of the communication channel, we measure the
total of bytes sent during the simulation, regardless of message type (e.g. token, recruitment
request, etc.). This is shown in Fig. 4.
eXtreme-Ants sends fewer bytes than LA-DCOP and Swarm-GAP. This is explained by
the fact that the use of the communication channel is directly related to the score (see Fig. 2).
For instance, when a fire is efficiently extinguished, it does not propagate to other buildings.
Thus, an algorithm with good task handling and execution reduces the chances of appearance
of related tasks (e.g. fire spreading) in the long run, with a consequent reduction in the need
for communication.
Sent bytes
Fig. 4 Use of the
communication channel (bytes
sent) over time as a function of
threshold (LA-DCOP) or
stimulus (eXtreme-Ants and
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
0.1 0.2
0.3 0.4
0.5 0.6 0.7
0.8 0.9
Stimulus or Threshold
7.2 Abstract simulator
The abstract simulator used by Scerri et al. allows experimentation in scenarios comprising
a number of agents and tasks that are not supported by the rescue (thousands). On the other
hand, it is not realistic in the sense that it does not address issues such as consequences of
not handling a task such as a fire that can then spread creating new tasks. In other words, task
appearance and disappearance in the abstract simulator obey a time-independent statistical
distribution. This renders this scenario less complex than the rescue, at least from the point
of view of task allocation.
As in [17], each experiment consists of 2000 tasks, grouped into five classes, where each
class determines the task characteristics. The number of agents varies from 500 to 4000.
This means that the load (ratio between tasks and agents) is 4 in the first case and 0.5 in
the latter. Each agent has a 60% probability of having a non-zero capability for each class.
In this case the agent has a randomly assigned capability ranging from 0 to 1. Regarding
the AND-constraints among tasks, 60% of the tasks are related in groups of five tasks. The
communication channel is reliable (every message sent is received) and fully connected (each
agent is connected to every other agent). Each experiment consists of 1000 time steps. The
total number of tasks is kept constant. At each time step, each task has a probability of 10% of
being replaced by a task potentially requiring a different capability. The tasks are persistent,
which means that non allocated tasks are kept in the next time step. At each time step, each
token or message is allowed to move from one agent to another only once. Despite the fact
that each task may have a particular stimulus value, we adopt the same value for all tasks.
Each datapoint in the plots we show here represents the average over 20 runs.
7.2.1 Performance regarding total reward
As defined by the E-GAP, the goal is to maximize the total reward i.e. the sum of the reward
at each time step (Eq. 6). As in the RoboCup Rescue scenario, we have tested each algorithm with threshold (for LA-DCOP) and stimulus (for eXtreme-Ants and Swarm-GAP) in
the interval [0.1, 0.9]. Additionally, in the case of eXtreme-Ants the number of recruitment
requests is five for each AND-constrained task, and the timeout is 20.
Results from the experiments (details in [16]) show that low stimuli (0.2) yields higher
rewards for both eXtreme-Ants and Swarm-GAP, whereas LA-DCOP achieves the best
reward when the threshold tends to 0.6, as already expected given hints by Scerri et al.
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
The explanation for this behavior is the same as already discussed in Sect. 7.1.1, namely
selectiveness given the threshold or stimulus.
On average, eXtreme-Ants yields rewards that are 25% higher than those of Swarm-GAP
and 19% lower than those of LA-DCOP (t-test, 99% confidence). Rewards achieved by
Swarm-GAP are worse than those achieved by eXtreme-Ants and LA-DCOP because agents
accept tasks according to the available resources, but this allocation does not necessarily
translate into a reward because some AND-constrained tasks are not performed. LA-DCOP
yields higher rewards than eXtreme-Ants because each agent maximizes its capability when
accepting the tasks, taking into account the available resources. On the other hand, agents in
eXtreme-Ants make a simple one-shot decision to allocate tasks that has a positive impact
in the communication/computational effort.
7.2.2 Communication channel
Communication is measured as the sum of messages sent by the agent over all time steps,
regardless of message type. On average, agents in eXtreme-Ants sent 121% fewer messages
than those in LA-DCOP and 80% more messages than those in Swarm-GAP. The smallest difference to LA-DCOP occurs with 3000 agents. Even in this case LA-DCOP sends
66% more messages than eXtreme-Ants. These results are statistically significant at 99%
confidence t-test.
7.2.3 Computational effort
Here computational effort also means the number of operations that are performed by an
agent in the decision-making about which tasks to perform at each time step. This number is computed as follows. Each time an agent decides whether or not to accept a task, an
internal counter is incremented. In the case of eXtreme-Ants and Swarm-GAP, each probabilistic decision causes just one increment in the counter. On the other hand, since an agent
in LA-DCOP solves a BKP to decide which tasks to accept, the increment in the counter is
related to the number of retained tasks.
The computational effort of Swarm-GAP is, on average, 55% lower than those from
eXtreme-Ants. Since in Swarm-GAP there is no explicit coordination mechanism to deal
with AND-constrained tasks, agents do not have to make additional evaluations regarding the simultaneous allocation of constrained tasks, reducing the computational effort of
Swarm-GAP. However, as shown previously, the absence of such mechanism affects the
total reward. The higher computational effort of both eXtreme-Ants and LA-DCOP are due
to the presence of an explicit coordination mechanism to deal with constrained tasks.
eXtreme-Ants outperforms LA-DCOP, with computational efforts on average 151% lower
than those from LA-DCOP. The most significant result is for the case of 500 agents, in which
the computational effort of LA-DCOP is 493% higher than that of eXtreme-Ants.
7.3 Discussion about the experiments
Comparing the results obtained in both environments, the performance of eXtreme-Ants was
higher than LA-DCOP in the RoboCup Rescue simulator, but not in the abstract simulator.
This is due to the way the dynamics is simulated in these environments.
In the abstract simulator, the dynamics is simulated through changes in the characteristics
of the tasks, but the total number of tasks is fixed. This means that tasks not performed in
a time step do not influence the number of tasks that will appear in the future. Therefore,
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
LA-DCOP is more efficient as it performs only tasks that maximize the current total reward.
In the abstract simulator this greedy approach has few consequences.
On the other hand, in the RoboCup Rescue simulator the characteristics and quantity of
tasks are changed throughout the simulation, these changes being influenced by the behavior
of agents themselves (when performing the tasks). For example, the tasks not performed in a
time step may contribute to the emergence of new tasks, as for example when a fire that was
not extinguished spreads to nearby buildings. The performance of eXtreme-Ants in this case
is higher since the probabilistic decision-making allows agents to perform tasks for which its
capabilities are not necessarily the best (suboptimal), causing a better distribution of agents
in the environment. This seems to be more efficient in RoboCup Rescue since it reduces the
amount of tasks that arise on the fly during the simulation.
It is indeed the case as discussed in Sect. 7.1. When the score is considered, the best score
for LA-DCOP is roughly the same as the worst score of eXtreme-Ants. Regarding computational effort (number of operations that are performed by an agent for the decision-making, at
each time step), in the case of eXtreme-Ants this is a one-shot decision for each agent, while
agents in LA-DCOP solve, each, a BKP. Finally, regarding communication load, the ANDconstrained tasks are well handled by eXtreme-Ants, reducing the chances of appearance of
related tasks, with a consequent reduction in the need of communication.
In summary, as shown in the experiments, the swarm intelligence based approaches (probabilistic allocation based on the model of division of labor as well as the recruitment) present in
eXtreme-Ants reduce the amount of communication and the computational effort, and is able
to increase the score in highly dynamic scenarios. However, we emphasize that the choice of
one particular algorithm must be related to the constraints of the scenario. LA-DCOP seems
to be a good choice when one or more of these conditions hold: there are no constraints in
the communication channel or in the time that the agents have to make decisions; the amount
of tasks is fixed; tasks not performed in an time step do not contribute to the emergence
of new tasks. However, in scenarios with communication or time constraints, and where
the number of tasks is not fixed or is influenced by other tasks, eXtreme-Ants seems more
8 Conclusions
In this paper we have addressed the RoboCup Rescue as a problem of multiagent task allocation in extreme teams. We have extended the works previously presented in [5,17] in what
regards the implementation of the concept of extreme teams (as proposed by Scerri et al. and
discussed in the introduction of this paper) applied to the full version of RoboCup Rescue
scenario, i.e. with all 3 kinds of agents. Previously, this concept was tested only in an abstract
task allocation scenario [17], or in the RoboCup Rescue itself but in this case, with a simpler
implementation of the issue of inter-tasks constraints [5].
We have presented an empirical comparison between our swarm intelligence based
method, called eXtreme-Ants and two other methods for task allocation, both based on
the GAP (generalized assignment problem). The experimental results show that the use of
the model of division of labor in eXtreme-Ants allows agents to make efficient coordinated actions. Since the decision is probabilistic, it is fast, efficient, and requires reduced
communication and computational effort, enabling agents to act efficiently in environments
where the time available to make a decision is highly restricted, which is the case of RoboCup Rescue. Moreover, the recruitment process incorporated into eXtreme-Ants provides
efficient allocation of constrained tasks that requires simultaneous execution, leading to
Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst (2011) 22:465–486
better performances. The efficiency of eXtreme-Ants regarding score (in the RoboCup Rescue), communication, and computational effort suggests that techniques that are biologically
inspired can be considered for multiagent task allocation, especially in dynamic and complex
scenarios such as the RoboCup Rescue.
We consider that an investigation about how the efficiency of eXtreme-Ants can be
improved while keeping its swarm intelligence flavor is the main suggestion for future work.
The following are possible directions.
As defined in the model of division of labor, stimuli values reflect the need and urgency
regarding the execution of given tasks. Thus, we intend to work in the direction of changing
stimuli values dynamically, indicating different priorities in the execution of tasks, as well as
constraints related, for instance, to a physical impossibility of performing a given set of tasks
simultaneously. Currently, the tendency to select a task is a function of the capability (via
response threshold) and task stimulus only. Other possibility is to incorporate the resources
that are required by a task in the computation of the tendency. With such modifications, we
expect to deal with capabilities and resources in a better way, leading to a higher overall
The complete elimination of direct communication among the agents can also be considered. To replace the direct communication, we suggest the use stigmergy. This can be
achieved by incorporating the ability to deposit and detect pheromone in the environment.
However, the counterpart of using stigmergy is the need for agents to move through the
environment to release pheromones.
Acknowledgments This research is partially supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
(AFOSR) (grant number FA9550-06-1-0517) and by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions.
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