Welcome Back Smith Undergraduates! UnderGraduatE Newsletter Undergraduate Career Connection

Undergraduate Career
UnderGraduatE Newsletter
Fall 2012, Issue 1
Welcome Back Smith Undergraduates!
Director’s Corner
Rachel Loock, Director of
Undergraduate Programming,
Office of Career Services
Welcome to the fall semester and to
the premiere issue of Undergraduate
here to assist you discover career
visit the OCS during walk-in hours
opportunities, develop leadership skills,
from 12-2, Monday – Friday. SUSA’s
connect with employers and engage in
Business Week begins on September
groups and clubs that will help you
10th and culminates with the
learn more about your chosen career
Undergraduate Career Fair on
September 14th at Riggs Alumni
Career Connection which will provide
Prepare now for the fall recruiting
practical tips and valuable information
season with a solid resume that makes
you can use in your job search.
the most of your skills and experience.
As you begin the semester, remember,
your job search starts at the Office of
Career Services (OCS)! The
Undergraduate Team of the OCS is
Employer Resume Reviews will take
place on September 10th, 11th, and 12th,
from 12:00-3:00 p.m., in VMH 2570.
Students may also schedule a career
coaching appointment via HireSmith or
Inside This Issue
SUSA President’s Welcome
Business Week Events
Meet the Undergraduate Programming Team
OCS Fall Programming
OCS Job Offer Policy
Center. Don’t miss the biggest
undergraduate networking event of the
year. Over 75 companies hiring for
internships and full time positions will
be in attendance. From the entire
Undergraduate Programming Team,
welcome back! We look forward to
seeing you soon!
Business Week Events
Lorem Ipsum
September 10th, 11th, 12th
Employer Resume Reviews
12:00 – 3:00 pm, VMH 2570
September 11th & 12th
SUSA First Look Fair
10:00–2: 00 pm, VMH Atrium
September 11th
The transformation of mobile apps in
today's dynamic business environment
will be addressed by Ross Hoffman,
Brand Strategist, Twitter.
Sponsored by BITS
6:30 – 8:00 pm, Frank Auditorium
September 12th
On behalf of the Smith Undergraduate
with some of Smith’s top employers.
Career Fair Best Practices, presented
by Under Armour, Carefirst BlueCross
BlueShield, and Enterprise
Student Association, welcome back to
On October 25th and 26th, SUSA will
Smith for the 2013-2014 school year,
hold its annual New York City trip.
and to the Class of 2016, welcome to
This year, we are offering 5 different
5:30 – 7:00 pm, Frank Auditorium
the Smith Community! My name is
tracks (finance, accounting,
September 13th
Pratik Dixit, and I will be serving as
marketing, consulting, and
your President for the Fall 2012
entrepreneurship). Each track
semester. The SUSA Executive Board
provides the opportunity to visit top
has worked hard this summer, and we
companies pertaining to your career
September 14
are looking forward to an exciting
interests, hang out with fellow Smith
2012 Undergraduate Career Fair,
Riggs Alumni Center
semester ahead. Keep in mind, your
students, network with alumni, and
experience at Smith is what you make
learn more about potential employers
Career Fair First Look (Freshmen &
Sophomores only)
it. SUSA is a platform to get involved
and career paths. Watch for our other
and make the most out of your college
social and professional development
9:00 – 10:00 am
education. I encourage you to take
events throughout the semester such
advantage of the great events we are
as our Alumni Networking Night.
Deloitte Olympic Athlete Event
Riggs Alumni Center
All undergraduates
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Riggs Alumni Center
offering this Fall. We have a
tremendous lineup of events planned
for Business Week 2012 (see sidebar)
where you will have the opportunity
to learn valuable skills and network
I also strongly encourage you to get
involved with our clubs. There are
more than 25 individual clubs at
Smith, each of which focuses on a
specific area of interest. Clubs are a
fantastic way to connect with other
with event planning and execution. I
students in the Smith school and grow
joined SUSA in my freshman year and
as a leader. Clubs are always looking
I have not looked back. The
for motivated students to join and fill
experiences I have gained and the
leadership positions. Be sure to take
friends that I have made have
advantage of SUSA’s First Look Fair
completely changed and enriched my
on September 11th and 12th to explore
college experience. I am so excited to
all of our clubs and find the one that is
work with you all this semester and
right for you. Finally, SUSA itself is a
hope to meet as many of you as
great way to get involved. Attend the
possible. If you have any questions at
SUSA Assembly, and voice your
all, please email me at
opinions on how to make the Smith
School better. SUSA committees
provide the chance to get involved
Student Club Programming
September 20, 2012
ABA Accounting Career
Fair, Riggs Alumni Center
September 21, 2012
AkPsi Consulting Career Fair
Fall Undergraduate Programming
Events – September
9/10, 9/11, 9/12- Employer Resume Reviews
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm, VMH 2570
9/18 – Ethical Job Search Lunch and Learn,
Presented by Karrie Goldstein, Reznick Group
September 26, 2012
Careers in IS Night,
Sponsored by the Business
Information and
Technology Society (BITS)
On-Campus Recruiting
September 6, 2012
OCS Fall Job Offer Deadlines
Full Time Offers to 2012 Summer Interns – 3 weeks from
receipt of written offer
Full Time Offers to Students Graduating in Spring and Summer
2013 – November 16, 2012 OR 3 weeks from receipt of
written offer, whichever comes first
Full Time Offers to Students Graduating in December 2012 – 3
weeks from receipt of written offer OR November 16, 2012,
whichever comes first
For more information on offer deadlines, visit HireSmith
Big Four Accounting Employer
Information Day
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
September 14, 2012
Undergraduate Career Fair
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Riggs Alumni Center
FaLL 2012, Issue 1
Meet the Undergraduate
Programming Team
Jeanni Simpson, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programming, is
responsible for undergraduate career programming and assists with
programming for student clubs. Jeanni also meets with students for career
coaching and mock interviews.
Ashlee Kerkhoff, Assistant Director, Career Curriculum, is responsible
for the management of the Career Strategies in Business (BMGT367), a
required, one credit course for all BMGT students and the Internship for
Credit course (BMGT398a) offered in the Fall and Spring semesters.
Morgan McMillan, Graduate Assistant, is the newest member of the
team and is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Education with a
concentration in Student Affairs. She will assist with career coaching, the
Student Career Advisor Program, and other special projects.
Rachel Loock, Director of Undergraduate Programming, manages the
Undergraduate Programming team. She oversees undergraduate career
coaching and programming and the Student Career Advisor Program. She
also serves as staff advisor to SUSA, student clubs and organizations, and
the SmithPeer Mentor Program.