Reprinted from Crop Science Vol. 26. Nov.-Dec. 1986.r266-1267 REGISTRATION OF KS8SWGRCO1HESSIAN FLY. RESISTANT HARD RED WINTER WHEAT GERMPLASM KS85WGRCOI( GP-278),P1499691, a Hessianflyresistant,hard red winter wheal (Triticum aesttvum L.) gerrnplasmwas developedcooperativelyby the KansasAgricultural ExperimentStation,the USDA-ARS, and the Wheat GeneticsResourceCenter (WGRC), KansasState University. It was releasedas germplasmin 1985. KS85WGRCOIis homozygousfor resistanceto Hessian fly lMayetiola destructor(Say)1.The resistance,conditioned by a singledominant gene,is derived from an Aegilopssquarrosa (7. tauschii)accession,T A1644,collectedin Iran. The geneis independentof H13, the only other named Hessian fly-resistancegene known to be in the D-genome,and is effectiveagainstthe known biotypesof the Hessianfly (1). KSSSWGRCOIis a bulk of sevenF5-derivedF, lines from the crossTAl644l'Newon'//'Wichita'. The crossTA1644l Newton was made using an embryo rescuetechnique,and the self-sterileF, plants were crossedwith Wichita. A plant from the final crosshad a chromosomenumber of 2n:49 and was fertile. ResultingF, plantswerescreenedusingbiotype D ofHessianfly, and four resistantplants(83-571,83573,83-575,and 83-577)were selfed.Wheat-like,highly fertile progeniescarrying42chromosomeswereadvanced.Seven Fr-derived Fofamilies were homozygousresistantto biotype D. Selfed seed from these seven lines was bulked to form KS85WGRCol. Based on replicated field evaluation of sibling lines, KS85WGRCOl is heterogeneous for charactersother than Hessian fly resistance.It has averagedthe same or slightly earlier maturity than Newton, and is lO-cm taller. It is heterogeneousfor soilbornemosaicvirus resistance,and has a reaction to leaf diseasessimilar to that of Newton. It is cytogenetically stable. Small quantitiesof seedof KS85WGRCOl are available upon written request. It is requestedthat appropriate recognition of the source be given when this germplasm contributes to researchor development of new cultivars. Seed stocksare maintained by the Wheat GeneticsResourceCenter, Department of Plant Pathology, Throckmorton Hall, KansasStateUniversity, Manhattan, KS 66506. B. S. Grr-r-,J. H. H.qrcHerr, T. S. Cox, W. J. Rnupp, R. G. Senns,T. J. MnnrlN (2) and Notes References I Harchetl,J H., and B S. Gill. | 983-Expressionand geneticsof resistance to Hessianfly in Tritrcumtauschii(Coss)Schmal.p E07-81l- /n S. Sakamoto (ed.) Proc 6th Int Wheat Genet.Symp , Kyoto, Japan,28 Nov.3 Dec. PlanrGerm-PlasmInstitute,Kyoto University.Kyoro, Japan. 2 Associaleprofessor,Dep ofPlant Pathology;researchenlomologrst,USDAgeneticist, USDA-ARS,Dep of AgronARS. Dep.of Entomology;research professor.Dep. omy; researchassistant. Dep. of PlantPathologylassociate of Agronomy:associateprofessor,Fort Hays Branch Exp. Stn., Kansas of the KanStateUniv . Manhattan,KS 66506 Cooperativeinvestigations KansasAgrrc.Exp Stn and the USDA-ARS.Contributionno. E6-368-J, sasAgric.Exp Stn., KansasStateUniv., Manhattan,KS 66506.Research supponedin part by the KansasWheat Commissionand KansasCrop ImprovementAssociation.Registrationby the Crop Sci. Soc.of Am. Acce p te d3 0 Ju n e 1 9 8 6 .