Degree Plus Voluntary Work

Degree Plus
Voluntary Work
Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.
- Mother Teresa
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.
- Elizabeth Andrew
The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.
- Gandhi
Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed,
it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Mead
Voluntary Work with Migrants
AWAS – Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers
AWAS is the Agency for the Welfare of Asylum Seekers in Malta. The agency’s vision is
to achieve high standards of professional and organizational development to excel in
the delivery of services to refugees, persons enjoying international protection and
asylum seekers. AWAS offers a variety of services to assist asylum seekers in Malta.
These include managing accommodation facilities (seven ‘open centres’ for families,
unaccompanied minors, single males adults and single females adults), helping persons
identified as vulnerable, providing information programmes in the areas of
employment, housing, health, welfare and education, and promoting the Government’s
schemes related to resettlement and assisted voluntary returns.
Usually the main work of the volunteers will be to organise activities with the residents
such as English lessons, helping children with their homework, take part in activities
which are already taking place in the centres by the NGOs, etc...
Students, depending on need at the time, will either teach English or Maltese to
refugees (relatively formal teaching setting) or work in our Drop In centre providing non
formal educational support to refugees in the form of informal classes based mostly on
conversation through the use of games, reading books etc or using more traditional
methods depending on the clients, assistance with job seeking, CV writing, basic
computer support etc..
For formal classes, commitment till end of June (1 or 2 semesters depending when the
For Drop In, the student must be committed for a minimum of 6months (2semesters).
At the moment we are seeking to recruit a teacher to provide Maltese lessons weekly
on Tuesdays 5.30-7.30.
Volunteering with Children & Youths
Eucharistic Youth Movement – St Aloysius College, Birkirkara/Balzan
Volunteers wishing to help school children in their human and spiritual formation are
welcomed to join this movement present at the school. Volunteers will help Jesuits or
teachers in facilitating short sessions, and then will join the students in playing games
afterwards. The placement is carried out once a week, on Fridays (from 14:30-16:30;
ages 10-15) at the Secondary School or on Thursdays (from 13:15-14:45; ages 7-10) at
the Primary School.
Young People’s Unit, Mount Carmel Hospital, Attard
This unit caters for adolescents (16 years and under) with psychological, social,
emotional, and behavioral problems. They come from all over the island and all have
different problems. The aim is to help these adolescents to re integrate into society and
live as good a life as anybody else. We, as a multi-disciplinary team, do our best through
different therapies and skills to attend to their various needs.
Volunteers would be asked to help these youngsters with their Home Work, play group
games, play ball and be creative so that they can engage these youngsters in craftwork
or help them with some reading. Members of staff will always accompany volunteers.
Qawra Community Services - Qawra Access Centre
Qawra Community Service is an initiative run by Appogg; the local National social
welfare agency. In Qawra, where a number of social problem cases exist, Qawra
Community Service run a home-work club for primary school children who have no help
at home with their home- work. Volunteers are required to be with the young children
and assist them with their home- work. The centre also plans to start a playgroup for
children living in the area.
Proġett Tgħanniqa, Bormla
Volunteers working with Tgħanniqa are needed during the scholastic year to assist
children with their homework and revision. Sometimes, help to organize interactive
activities is also needed. This project caters for children/teenagers aged 5 - 16 years.
Sessions take place in Cottonera every Monday and Wednesday from 6 - 8pm.
Paolo Freire Institute, Zejtun
Students are invited to join the youthful team at PFI in order to participate in fun and
energetic group activities, for children and youths, starting off with helping children with
their homework and then playing some games afterwards.
Participants are required to give their input in facilitating the sessions. This placement is
carried out once a week, on a one-to-one individual basis with the children depending
upon the availability of the volunteer.
Cottonera Resource Centre
At the Cottonera Resource Centre we run a Mentoring Programme and Revision Classes.
The majority of the mentors and teachers are University students who would be
interested in gaining experience in teaching. Each of the mentioned programmes, is held
twice, in the academic period (October-May) and the summer period (July- August).
Students can therefore participate in 3 seperate creditations, 1st Semester, 2nd
Semester and Summer.
In summary students can participate in,
Mentoring Programme - academic period
- summer period
Revision Classes - academic period
- summer period
Cottonera Resource Centre is in need of volunteering who would help with the Winter
Revision Classes for Form 4 students. We are looking particularly for students who could
help in English and Physics. The sessions will be held at the Cottonera Resource Centre,
on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Friday afternoon between 16.00 and 19.00.
HW Club – Senglea
We would like to open the HW Club again this year and are looking for volunteers willing
to work in our Centre in Senglea.
Last year we had 40 children in this sought-after activity (Year 4 to Form 1).
There were 13 children (max) who attended in any one day.
In order to do this again, we need to have enough volunteers available, for it to run it
Our program runs from 3.30pm till 5.00pm during weekdays.
Valletta Community Services, Appogg
Aġenzija APPOĠĠ Valletta is seeking to recruit volunteers within its community-based
services in Valletta and Floriana to support their upcoming summer projects. People
from all walks of life, with various talents, skills and capabilities, are needed to help with
the implementation of the Summer School. Volunteers are encouraged to involve
themselves and dedicate some of their free time and energy. We are specifically looking
for people who are over 16 years of age.
Aġenzija Support
At the moment they need volunteers with a 19 year old woman who has Asperger’s and
needs help catching the bus from her house to Żebbuġ.
They also need volunteers to help 28 year old man who has Huntingon’s Disease. His
mother would like someone who is willing to take him out of house for some time.
Organisation for Friendship and Diversity (OFD) (2semesters)
The Organisation for Friendship in Diversity (OFD) is a small youth-led NGO
working with children and adults from local and migrant communities, to foster a
respect for diversity and promote social inclusion. The objective of OFD’s members is to
help cultivate friendship amidst diversity through cultural understanding. As a forward
looking and enthusiastic team, OFD is constantly working to improve its methods and
develop new ways to challenge social stereotypes that lead to discrimination.
The main aims of our projects are:
1 To connect youth from different backgrounds with children from different
backgrounds within an environment that fosters mutual exchange of learning.
2. To create projects in which youth participate in promoting the values of diversity and
social inclusion, respect and human rights.
3. To create an impacting experience for young volunteers, children and families alike so
as to have a spill-over effect on the community at large
4. To involve young volunteers in a project which provides them with the opportunity to
discover project management and implementation through hands-o, value-driven work,
fortes an active growth process, and encourages the desire to contribute to a better
With OFD You Can
- Support Children in Balzan Open Centre with their homework
- Teach English through informal methods (no TEFL required) in Hal Far
- Organise Football Tournaments
- Be a Volunteer in Summer Camp (September)
- Support the organisation in ongoing awareness raising activities, fundraising events or
Volunteers with OFD will learn:
- event management
- project management
- how to work with vulnerable individuals
- strengthen/build an open-minded approach towards migration
- learn more about refugee/migrant issues in Malta
- how to organise informal yet educational activities
Sacred Heart Junior School, St Julians
Volunteers who would like to help with basic literacy skills in Years 1 and 2 during school
hours between 8.30am to 2.30pm.
Savio College, Dingli
The task for those who will enroll in this activity will be that to assist the club in training
young youths (10-13 yrs) during school-breaks (12.30 - 13.30) at Savio College, Dingli.
Training sessions will be discussed and formulated prior to commencement with our
technical group. These will then be carried out by the volunteer.
Applicants will be asked to members of the school and club administration for a brief,
informal, interview. Not more than 4 candidates will be chosen. 2 is the target number.
Successful candidates will then be accountable to the Headmaster - who will take care
of the log-book. Students with IAAF coaching certification and/or studying for a B.Ed PE
degree will be considered as an asset.
This is a unique opportunity for those University Students who are interested in
developing their coaching skills and maybe pursue a career in coaching and sports
empowerment in the future.
Malta Girl Guides
We welcome young women of all backgrounds. We are flexible and volunteering can be
arranged to fit around your busy life as a student. You can volunteer to help out with:
o Preparing and delivering the program for girls of your preferred age
Dolphins 4 – 7
Brownies 7-10
Guides 10 – 13
Rangers 13 – 16
Senior Rangers 16 +
o Communications Team – writing articles for our website, working on the monthly
newsletter and /or creating promotional material.
o Events – Be part of the planning team of a specific event or simply volunteering
on the day of the event
o Program – Be part of the innovative team developing new badge curricula for
girls of different ages
Youtheme Foundation
Youtheme Foundation supports youth and international development work.
We are inspired by the values of hope, compassion, dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity as
provided by the Gospel and the Catholic Social Teaching. What guides us is the
conviction that every young person should be able to live his/her life to the full. This in
turn provides us with a solid value base towards the development of both our projects
throughout the world, and the strengthening our relationships with our collaborators on
the field.
Working with the Youtheme Foundation means being part of a team of people who look
at the world around them, realise they are important actors in the fight against global
injustice and poverty and decide to transform that potential into effective action!
In practice we are presently engaged In the running and growth of a fair trade shop,
educational projects in schools and community. You will join our team of volunteers in
our various projects related to promoting the fair choice, explaining how it makes a
difference to the farmers and workers in the developing world.
Supporting young readers in schools
Student teachers will assist teachers in supporting young pupils as they learn to read.
The reading approaches and techniques used include: shared, paired and guided
To develop skills in assisting young learners as they become readers
To encourage and/or support reluctant or struggling readers through different
reading approaches
To assist emerging and developing readers to become independent readers
To present the pupils with a positive reading experience
Training Sessions: Participants will attend 3 hours of training (shared, paired and
guided reading with primary school pupils)
Puttinu Cares
Volunteers will be able to engage with children in educational and other entertaining
activities. Children will also need help with their homework.
Private Lessons
Occasionally students are required to help children who are lacking behind at school yet
come from a background that cannot afford to pay Private tuition. This placement is
available depending on requirement at the time.
Communiy Work in Xgħajra
Youth workers are needed to work with children and teens during this scholastic year, to
help them with their homework after school (moslty in Maltese, English, Maths and
other basic subjects.
There are many facilities which can be used for activities, live-ins, anything needed to
help children integrate more.
The volunteers would also be needed to work in a project throughout the year.
Domestic Violence - Volunteering with Mothers and Children
Għabex Shelter
Għabex emergency shelter has opened its doors to women, victims of domestic violence
in October 2000. It can accommodate up to 14 residents including the children.
Women and their child/children can use this service for about three months, as an
emergency, during which a care plan for each resident will be formulated so that they
would be able to find alternative placement/accommodation amongst other targets.
Since this is an emergency shelter, some women end up spending days on end inside the
shelter because it would be too risky, especially right after their admission to go out,
therefore volunteers have the opportunity of adding some color to the women and
childrens’ lives in a very hard and difficult time of their lives.
This placement is only available for female volunteers.
Any activity would be of interest to residents:
With the very young - singing nursery rhymes/reading a story/using puppets and
educational toys....
With older children - activities such as crafts, arts, dancing, singing, drama etc.
With youngsters - how to write a CV, how to look for a job, studying skills and arts
activities,indoor games etc.
With young adults - as with youngsters
With older adults - how to write a CV, cooking session
Victim Support Malta
Victim Support Malta is a registered Non- Governmental organization which provides support
and assistance to victims of crime, such as theft and burglaries, domestic violence, sexual
assault, harassment and discrimination. Whilst continuing to provide emotional and practical
support through its network of trained volunteers, VSM is now offering the following services to
provide a more holistic treatment to its beneficiaries:
Legal advice/ representation
Witness support service
Psychological/ psychiatric assistance
Victim-offender mediation
Volunteering to support victims of crime is a noble endeavour. In the name of society, you will
be called to give empathy, endearment, and particular attention to suffering people.
Working as a volunteer with Victim Support Malta entails a number of hours of obligatory
training. Volunteers are also given periodic refresher courses for their continuous development.
If accepted, you will be invited to attend the upcoming training sessions.
Volunteering with Disabled Children and Persons
One-to-one help
I require assistance with my thirty-two year old daughter who suffers from severe
intellectual impairment and suffers from epileptic fits. Someone strong, lovable and
responsible who can dedicate some time to take her out for walks, swim, etc, and make
sure she will not hurt herself. When the weather is not suitable, do some exercise, or
play music, read a book, or some other game at home. I am also open to any
suggestions which might even help me to do some improvements with my daughter. My
daughter has no sense of danger and she also has a poor balance.
I live in Sliema, close to the seafront, so most week-days after ATC, we usually go for a
walk along the Sliema seafront. I always accompany them, however, if they are happy
about it, occasionally, I might require some time on my own, in which case, I would
prefer that there are two not one person.
Aġenzija Support
At the moment we are working with a 19 year-old woman who has Asperger’s and
needs help catching the bus from her house to Żebbuġ.
Another one is a 28 year old man who has Huntingon’s Disease and his mother would
like someone who is willing to take him out of house for some time.
INSPIRE, Ir-Razzett Tal-Hbiberija, M’Scala
Inspire is a non-profit organization which helps people with disabilities. Volunteering
with Inspire could involve working directly with clients or else assisting in various areas
such as our park, fundraising events, or administration.
The organization is looking for volunteers willing to work directly with children of all
abilities in activities such as arts and crafts, pottery, swimming, accompanying children
on outings and so on. A number of places are also available within the programs for
children with autism.
One-to-one tuition for ECDL Advanced
A tutor is needed to provide one-to-one support for a person with intellectual disability
who is doing the ECDL Advance course. The person in question has already obtained the
ECDL certificate, and Module 6 of ECDL. She needs support to be able to sit for the
Module 4 and possibly also Module 3 tests. She already has the notes, sample files and
mock tests and needs one-to-one guidance to be able to understand them.
Living Ability not Disability (LAND)
Are you an energetic youth?
Do you have some free hours to spare?
Do you wish to make new friends?
Do you wish to do voluntary work in Malta?
Then you can consider joining LAND. LAND organises social activities for youth with
physical disability with the aim of promoting independence, socialization, and inclusion.
Its request for helpers arises from the fact that in order to keep on organising social
Equal Partners Foundation, Floriana
EPF is a parent-run, non -profit foundation supporting children and adults with
disabilities and learning difficulties. This support extends also to the families of the
children with a disability and adults to provide ongoing help and advice on
understanding their challenges and increase value of life.
Following the social model of disability, all our support programmes are individualised
and are delivered in the community; in the natural environment where he/she requires
the support, including homes, schools, places of work and recreation and the
community at large.
It is in these places that one can find out members receiving support. Equal Partners
seeks to support people with disabilities and learning difficulties toward a more
independent and meaningful life within an inclusive society.
The Social Model of Disability is the basis upon which all the services offered by the
Foundation are organised:
Inclusion - Equal Partners emphasizes the importance of providing support within the
community by offering support where it is required: at home, at school, etc.
Self-Determination - Equal Partners strives to empower persons with disability and their
parents to make their own choices and to speak up for themselves, and thus be in
control of their lives. Persons with disabilities and parents have an active participation in
the designing of the support programmes.
Working Towards an Inclusive Society - Equal Partners tirelessly advocates for equal
rights and equal opportunities. Equal Partners is committed to train its professionals and
create awareness amongst the general public.
Believe in Me
Believe in Me is the mission statement of the St Lazarus Foundation. For several years
we have been working with people who have different abilities and after lots of ifs and
buts we decided it’s time for a move to do something more concrete for these people.
With the help of The Saint Lazarus Foundation, which is the charitable arm of the United
Grand Priories of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem we are now able to
open this Foundation which helps the disadvantaged, but especially those with different
abilities, in order to find a suitable job.
As per above introduction this project is driven by our belief that the highest form of
social inclusion is reached in the labor market. In fact, we are aiming to contribute
towards the integration of these people in the labor market by offering training,
detailed assessments and support services that hopefully lead to success when it comes
to employment.
We will be working to increase the participation rate of these disadvantaged groups in
the labor market and provide opportunities to further their skills and enhance their
employability in order to adapt to market changes and requirements, thus enhancing
their social inclusion. Social cohesion implies empowerment, enabling people towards
effective participation, inclusion and well-being. Inclusion into the labor market will
ensure that such persons contribute to the general wealth of society whilst enhancing
their dignity and financial independence. The Coop is intended to assist the referred
disadvantaged persons in obtaining as well as retaining employment.
Grupp Flimkien Naslu
The year 2003 was dedicated to disabled persons in Europe. In Malta, the slogan was
Flimkien Naslu ‘Together We Can Make It’. These words have remained alive in the
name of the Grupp Flimkien Naslu (GFN), a registered voluntary organisation led by
persons with intellectual disability who work with the support of other persons. The
GFN’s aims are to help disabled people, be a voice for them, take care of each other,
integrate in society, and to give disabled people the opportunity to meet with each
other. Membership is free.
Among other work, the GFN organises social activities for its members and their friends.
Activities are held on average once every two months and include occasions such as a
meal out or a pasta night for Easter and Christmas, an annual day outing to Gozo, and
similar activities.
Organising these activities entails the venue, transport, food, sponsors, games,
collecting money, etc. The GFN Committee Members are included as much as possible in
the organisation of these activities and all efforts are made to make the activities as
accessible as possible. Volunteers are needed to help with the organisation of these
Special Olympics Malta
We train athletes with an intellectual disability in most Olympics sports. Mainly football,
volleyball, athletics, aquatics, bocce, bowling, table tennis and young athletes. Sessions
are done in the afternoon from around 4.30 till around 7.00. All week we have some
kind of sports discipline going on.
Those who wish to help us out will be off course with our training sessions. In any sports
discipline mentioned above and to which they are comfortable with. They will be
assisting our coaches and obviously seeing that the exercises or training is being done as
instructed by coaches.
Volunteering with the Elderly
Visiting Service for the Elderly
Amongst these less fortunate citizens, there are many older persons living in residential
homes who have no visitors and have become lonely and marginalised. Our volunteers
visit them about once a week at a time convenient to themselves at the care home
concerned. They spend these visits chatting with the residents, listening to their life
experiences and bringing some joy into their lives.
Volunteers may select to visit a residence of their choice that may be close to their own
homes or to the university. Monthly meetings of volunteers are held in each district to
share experience and organise Christmas or other such events for the residential homes.
An introductory training course that lasts only a couple of hours is provided for all newly
recruited volunteers to introduce them to matters related to ageing.
St. Vincent De Paul Residence
St. Vincent De Paul is one of the largest home for the elderly on our island. The aim of
the home is not just to see to the medical need of the residence but to give a more
holistic service. This is especially possible through the generous hearts of volunteers
who give their time to be with the residents, mainly to help those who are independent
and mobile to do activities such as walks in the gardens. Volunteers may also
accompany residence to say, mornings out to Valletta (a bus passes right in front of the
home - all travel expenses would be reimbursed). Volunteers would be giving residents
the courage needed to perform such activities, thus keeping them independent and
promoting a better life- style for the elderly.
The interaction with young people alone makes them feel encouraged and above all
Volunteering in Government Residential homes for older people
(Floriana Home and Mtarfa Home)
Many older people in residential homes enjoy the company of younger generations,
especially since some of them may feel lonely. Volunteering with older people residing
in community residential homes could offer you the opportunity to bring a smile to a
variety of persons and improve their quality of life. Your role could vary from having a
chat with the residents and listen to their stories, running some errands, helping older
people in simple activities or helping in activities organized for the elderly.
The more daring could try to introduce some activities themselves, such as reading
stories, helping them with acquiring skills in digital literacy or doing crafts with the
residents. It all depends on your interests and those of the older persons. All activities
must be discussed with the head of home that will guide you and support you
Most of all volunteering with older persons could offer a wonderful learning experience
since older adults have a wealth of experience which they are often very willing to
Voluntary Work in Mental Health
Richmond Foundation
Persons experiencing psychological or mental health difficulties:
Richmond Foundation is a leading local NGO in the provision of community services for
persons with mental health difficulties and in the promotion of mental health and the
prevention of mental illness
Volunteers will assist in coordinating programs of life skills, entertainment and activities
at Villa Chelsea, Birkirkara, Home Support Service and at the 'Never Mind' Leisure
Centre at St Augustine Centre, Valletta (meeting every Monday between 5 – 7pm).
Community Volunteering
Malta Red Cross Society
The mission of the Malta Red Cross Society is to prevent and alleviate human suffering,
improving the situation of the most vulnerable people with absolute impartiality and
without discrimination. The Malta Red Cross Operations section is the unit that is
responsible for Ambulance and First Aid Service, First Aid Training to volunteers,
Disaster Response and Preparedness, and Water Rescue including pool, open-water and
rapid water rescue. The Welfare section of the Malta Red Cross is based on human
support, social assistance and refugees migration, and the elderly.
Volunteers would have the opportunity to attend posts which are organised events
during which the Malta Red Cross offers its Ambulance and First Aid Service by having
an ambulance on stand-by with a team of first aiders manning the event. Volunteers
would also have the opportunity to attend the weekly training sessions that the
Operations Section organises. The training sessions would cover various sectors such as
first aid, Urban Search and Rescue, Water Rescue, blue light driving, shelter and much
YMCA Valletta
YMCA Valletta is presently searching for volunteers to help in its daily work.
a) Drop in Centre: People in need drop by at the Drop in Centre and ask for the
assistance of the social workers who are available from 9am to 7pm. Apart for the Social
workers at the drop in centre there is also the administration staff who take care of all
the staff , fund raising and activities.
b) Emergency Shelter: a home for people who need to spend the night. Volunteers are
needed here too.
Usually one works according to the experience of the volunteers and what the
volunteers are ready to do. Of course if they want to help out because they want an
experience in working with the homeless residents supported by our staff this can be
offered especially if they are studying social work. On the other hand the other
voluntary work depends on the time they can offer. Usually the other type of voluntary
work might be fund raising and promotion of services...but I do not limit this as if I see
that the student has a particular talent or wants to grow in some particular skill I try to
see how to accommodate her/him and in this way develop her /his skill.
Emergency Fire and Rescue Unit (EFRU)
The Emergency Fire & Rescue Unit (EFRU) is a nonprofit making voluntary organization,
which is set up primarily to provide emergency rescue services as a backup to the
constituted authorities in case of national catastrophes such as earthquakes, major
disasters, airplane crashes, floods, and similar occurrences.
Specializing in Basic and Advanced Rescue; Cliff Rescue; High Angle Rescue; Basic and
Advanced Fire-Fighting; Rescue Diving, USAR, USAR – K9 and First Aid, the unit is also
equipped to offer its services to commercial and other charitable organizations who
may, from time to time, request its assistance be it on land or sea.
Ultimately, it is the aim of our unit to organise, train and co-ordinate a body of
disciplined men and women efficient in Basic & Advanced Rescue Techniques, Fire
Fighting, Rescue Diving, High Angle Rescue and First Aid; able to deploy immediately in
time of emergency.
VolServ Voluntary Services for Mater Dei Hospital
This organization requires a minimum of 50 hours of voluntary work
The voluntary services provided aim to satisfy the needs identified by the hospital staff.
These needs focus on any service that if provided, will enhance the quality of the
hospital experience of the patients and their families. SOS Malta liaises with the hospital
authorities who coordinate the logistics of the process in the hospital with regard to the
(non-nursing and non-medical) services carried out by the volunteers (See various
services below). Training and support is provided by SOS Malta to all volunteers prior to
and during their voluntary service.
Greeting and guiding service
Outpatient clinics
Tea and coffee service
Telephone assistance
Renal Unit
DISCERN - Institute for Research on the Signs of the Times
Discern’s mission is to “promote and undertake research and formation in order to
scrutinize the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel” (Gaudium
et Spes: 4), thus helping the Church’s approach to deal effectively with thetations,
longing, and often dramatic social and religious characteristics in contemporary Malta.
o Tasks for the volunteers:
o Assist in the Clerical work (data entry; assist in the organizing of annual
conferences and carry out other office soft tasks);
o Assist the Librarian of the Institute
o Assist the researchers whilst planning the logistics of research projects and while
compiling data;
o Carry out telephone interviewind.
At you can talk to us about anything…… we are her to listen. We offer
online support services mainly to youths sand adolescents, providing them with
targeted online moral and social support through
A Degree Plus Volunteer can offer their support in many different ways. We are looking
for creative and dynamic individuals who would like to help us getting the service known
to more young people out there. This can be done in various way and new ideas and
initiatives from your end are most welcoming. Whether you are good at public relations,
design, creativity and much more….. we would love to hear from you in which way you
can support us support others in need.
Special Rescue Group
Administrative duties which will including computer work, preparation of
First aid instructors. (This will involve a longer period of involvement with the
Group as training will have to be provided, first as a First Aider, than as a lecturer)
First Aider. (Again this also involves a medium term period as training will have to
Combination of the above.
Anyone is accepted. Only requirements are that they can speak Maltese or English.
Emergency Response and Rescue Corps (E.R.R.C.)
The Emergency Response and Rescue Corps (E.R.R.C.) is a voluntary, charitable and not
for profit organization based in Gozo, Malta. Is was created with the aim of preventing
and alleviating human suffering, improving the situation of the most vulnerable people
with absolute impartiality and without any discrimination as to gender, nationality,
religion, race, class, religious or political beliefs. Its purpose is to protect and preserve
human life and to ensure respect for the human being. Providing assistance to
government established departments (as per statute) and entities is one of the
functions that the organization performs. Furthermore, E.R.R.C. offers water rescue
service at popular beaches around Gozo and Comino during the summer months,
ambulance services and first aid posts during public events. E.R.R.C. has also a youth
section known as the CADETS. E.R.R.C. is a volunteer-led humanitarian organisation that
helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are.
Socjeta` Muzikali Santa Marija (Qrendi)
The student would be required to help in the organisation of the feast, to help other
youths develop their artistic skills, and also to organize sport activities and other fund
raising activities. They would also be asked to help other organisations within the
society; such as broadcasting on the society radio-station, and organizing band activities.
Environmental Volunteering
Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar
FAA is mainly a volunteer-based organization, which has been successful in its
campaigns since its inception in 2006 because of the contribution of volunteers and
thanks to the extensive support received.
Volunteers are needed for short-term work such as taking photographs and videos of
heritage buildings, sourcing and uploading articles for our website, creating artworks for
our fund-raising events or helping to organise tree-planting and similar events.
Volunteers can also help out in the organization of fund-raising activities.
There are many benefits to be gained when you volunteer with an environmental nongovernmental organization like FAA. You will:
Help in the protection and enhancement of the Maltese natural and urban
Help lobby for the improvement of the Maltese environment for the enjoyment
of future generations,
Learn more about environmental problems like development issues and also
about proactive solutions,
Learn and acquire new skills and know-how for the conservation of the natural
and urban environment and how the planning authority works
Become part of a social network, forming closer ties with the local community,
meeting new people and making new friends,
Gain personal satisfaction from doing something worthwhile for the community
and the environment,
Grow in self-esteem and self-confidence,
Participate in enjoyable activities, having fun with like-minded people,
Ultimately, encourage others to also learn and change their attitudes and
If you’re interested in joining FAA as a volunteer, we encourage you to email us
on, indicating your areas of primary interest, be it photographical,
website uploading, or cultural and fund-raising activities.
Funny Farm
The aims of the association are to provide shelter for needy, abandoned, neglected or
ill-treated equines. The majority of our horses have either been saved from being put
down unnecessarily and being sold for horse meat or have been donated to the
association as unwanted ‘pets’.
The volunteers are required to help out with daily needs at the farm. The work varies
and volunteers are required to help with preparing food for the horses, cleaning stables,
bagging hay etc… Once volunteers are comfortable in the environment and around
horses, they are taught basic skills regarding horse care; grooming, walking, and
cleaning of hooves.
Befriending Program
To offer one-to-one support to adults experiencing mental health difficulties living in the
community, the aim is to encourage service users to become more independent and
confident in areas of their lives where they require support and to reduce isolation and
All Volunteer Befrienders must attend initial orientation, induction and a training course
prior to commencing their volunteer role.
Befrienders will have 1:1 supervision with the Team Leader/Volunteer Coordinator a
minimum of four weekly (or as mutually agreed) during which, support and guidance is
offered, mutual feedback given, progress monitored and any arising problems can be
formally addressed. On a day to day basis it is expected that should any issues arise,
volunteers will be able to speak to the Team Leader or Volunteer Coordinator at any
time. The Volunteer Coordinator will meet with the Volunteer and Team Leader on a
minimum of a quarterly basis.
There will also be an opportunity for Volunteer Befrienders to meet and discuss issues
relating to their work and gain peer support from other volunteers.
Further training sessions will also be provided.
Nature Trust
Nature Trust (Malta) was founded in 1962. Today it is one of the oldest and biggest
Non-Government Nonprofit organizations in Malta. NTM is a privileged partner of WWF
International and also active in other International networks. The organization today
focuses on four main areas Ecological site management and conservation - through the
sites Wied Ghollieqa Nature Reserve, Xrobb L-Ghagin Nature Park, Pembroke Natura
2000 site etc.
Other projects include;
o Education for Sustainable Development through the Programs EkoSkola, Young
Reporters for the Environment, Learning about Forests and ESD at the Xrobb LGhagin center;
o Raising awareness on issues such as Climate Change, Biodiversity, water, air
quality, marine life;
o Helping in other educational activities for students, including snorkeling guided
activities, fund raising and marketing, other administrative work;
o Tree nursery maintenance and tree watering.
Strummin’ is an annual live music concert organized by Żgħażagħ Ħaddiema Nsara. It
features a guitar choir which strums along to popular songs in a bid to raise funds for a
local charity. Throughout the years, the concert, which is run solely by volunteers, has
assisted charities such as Puttinu Cares, Richmond Foundation, Suret il-Bniedem
Foundation, the Malta Community Chest Fund, Hospice Malta and Dr. Klown whilst
being a launching platform for Maltese talent. Strummin’ is a concert which fulfills the
ideals of ŻĦN by promoting the potential of young people through working for a good
cause. The project relies on the work of volunteers, as well as money received through
donations, sponsors and ticket sales.
The project has become increasingly successful at harnessing youth potential into
creative projects. The concert is the culmination of over 1200 man hours with 120
volunteers working in coordinated teams. For some, Strummin’ is also a rare
opportunity to learn and enhance skills.
The Biological Conservation Research Foundation, BICREF
This placement allows students to join in ongoing voluntary research and awareness
campaigns related to Maltese species and habitats found on and around the Maltese
Islands. Particular species considered vulnerable such as hedgehogs and bats are among
the terrestrial species to be investigated and promoted while sharks, turtles, dolphins
and coastal fish including seahorses would be among the marine species investigated
and promoted in various educational programs.
Wirt Ghawdex
Wirt Għawdex is a voluntary non-governmental organisation founded in 1981 with the
aims of fostering the knowledge of our heritage amongst all levels of society and to
strive to safeguard the natural, archaeological, historical and anthropological patrimony
of the islands of Gozo and Comino.
Our efforts to increase the awareness and love of our history include the holding of
regular public lectures, promoting the safeguarding of our heritage in school
presentations, issuing publications related to our sites and issuing a quarterly
newsletter. We also strive to be vigilant with regards to the enforcement of existing
laws in order to protect our natural and built heritage
One of our main focuses today is to lobby the Government and obtain Management
Agreements that authorize us to restore heritage sites. Once restoration is complete,
we continue to manage these sites and open them to the general public.
The society is a non-profit organisation and its funds are generated mainly through
membership fees, sales of our publications, voluntary contributions and sponsorships
and donations collected through the management of its sites as public and cultural
attractions. All the revenue it generates goes towards the restoration and ongoing
conservation of these historical sites.
Since our work is in Gozo, any volunteers interested in working with us would need to
be either residing in Gozo or be willing to undertake the travel between the two islands.
We could use a variety of skills such as office administration, proficiency in electronic
media usage (webpage, Facebook page etc.), event organization, fundraising,
proficiency in various languages besides Maltese & English (to guide visitors to our sites)
etc. Our work requires flexibility in the availability of our volunteers since we often
cater to special requests to open our sites for visiting groups in the afternoon or on
BirdLife Malta
Any vacancies for volunteers are to be found on the website, which will also guide you
with applying for the vacancy.