Sustainability Subcommittee of Campus Planning California State University, Fresno October 16, 2008 8:30am-930am

Sustainability Subcommittee of Campus Planning
California State University, Fresno
October 16, 2008
Police Briefing Room-Police Department
Members Present:
David Moll, Amy Allen, Mike Mosinski, Andrew Jones, Briana
McDonald, Ron Durham, Lisa Kao, Gary Nelson, Nate Wills, Ron
Leach, Christopher Pluhar
James Tyner, Joseph Oldham, Thomas McClanahan, Caryl Jacobs,
Lanny Larson, Jeri Willis
The meeting was called to order by Dave Moll at approximately 8:34am.
Approval of last meetings minutes: Motion to approve placed by Chris Pluhar, seconded
by Andrew Jones and all accepted.
Introductions were made.
Dave Moll introduced Matt Harmin, Sustainability Coordinator, to the Subcommittee.
Matt Harmin started Sept 29, 2008. He is the first Sustainability Coordinator ever for
Matt Harmin – gave his background history.
 Came from Lexington, Kentucky.
 Has a diverse background which is all centered round University Sustainability
Initiatives and student groups.
 Loves farming.
 Has worked with Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher
Education as a student intern. They have great resources and encouraged all to
check out their website.
 Has worked for local government in Kentucky involving educational programs for
public schools and greenhouse gas emissions audits.
 Role at CSUF to find ways to improve quality recycling programs.
 Work on the Greenhouse Gas Audit on campus with this committee and use as a
baseline for strategies to reduce the greenhouse gases.
 Generate a brochure displaying the innovative design features of the new library.
 Long Term-get involved in whatever sustainability opportunities come up on
campus. This is a very diverse campus and I would like to unify the programs to
get everything going in a more cohesive direction to benefit the university.
Dave – will be taking Matt to the Fresno Green Meeting October 24, 2008 so he can meet
everyone and start being the coordinator between CSUF and City of Fresno. Dave will
remain the University Representative to the Fresno Green Team.
Matt – went to Green Day at The Fresno Fair on October 13, 2008. He went at 3:30pm
and most of the booths were closing so he didn’t get to meet anyone. There were many
organizations and booths.
Dave – The fair is just before Sustainability Day and we would like to have a
Sustainability Day on campus next year in the fall.
Matt- Green House Gas inventory.
 Working with Mike Mosinski on compiling composting data and livestock count.
 Working with Dick Smith on energy information and energy budget.
 Working with Accounting for estimated air miles travelled which is difficult right
now due to how travel is reported in a lump sum (travel, meals, hotel). There
seems to be a debate CSU system wide to make some changes to accounting
policies to have more detailed information regarding travel.
 Working with Amy Armstrong on commuter data regarding where faculty and staff
live and hopefully also to include students.
Matt-Madden Library Green Team
 Meeting with Sarah Wallet in the Library on Oct 17, 2008 regarding library
brochure to be available for the library open house.
 Brochure to include information on the design process, furniture, fixtures, carpet
etc for the library.
 Goal is to have the brochure printed on recycled paper with soy based ink.
Dave-The Library Green Team is a standing committee appointed by the Dean, Peter
McDonald. They are split in 2 groups with a good plan for recycling within the library.
They are planning an area called the Green Zone where you can get information on
environmental issues. This will be added after the library opens.
Dave-Fresno Green Team is absent today and they didn’t email a report.
Brianna-No longer part of ASI but she is still the President of the Recycling Club. She
will meet with the new ASI president and get him to appoint some students appointed to
this committee.
 Recycling Club will be participating in the Recyclemania Competition which is a
national competition for universities. It measures all recyclables on the campus as
a whole. Starts in January 2009 and ends around Earth Day, April 2009.
 Work with Matt to get data from Sunset Waste to incorporate with the competition.
 Working on a week long Dorm Recyclemania end of Fall 2008 which will be a
good promotion for the Spring 20009 Recyclemania.
 Student project is to start a petition to get rid of plastic bags in Fresno.
 Get departments to make their own pledge regarding sustainability and on what
they will do to help CSUF be a more green campus.
Matt- Will try to get on the agenda for the next ASI meeting which is October 29, 2009.
Their mission is to enable students and provide grants and what we are doing will fit right
in their plans.
Dave- Reiterated that this committee has the support of the Administration of this campus
100% up to the cabinet and beyond. His goal is to be sure the 3 main parts, faculty, staff
and students, are equally represented and equally involved with the process of this
committee. The ASI president will need to appoint two-at-large members.
Matt suggested maybe students that are involved with the Organic Agriculture Project
because the more agricultural representation on the committee the better. The Senator for
the College of Agriculture Jessica Sweden would be a good resource.
Dave- Action item-Campus Standard for the indoor and outdoor “Quad” Recycle Bins.
Handout with a price quote handed out. Matt and Lisa Kao went to Sunset Waste on
October 15, 2008 and gave a report.
Matt is working with Elizabeth Potter in Procurement to get a copy of the RFP contract
between CSUF and Sunset Waste so he can review it.
 Extensive debate regarding the recycle program.
 More buy in and higher diversion rate if we go single stream.
 Recyclables we send to waste management are devalued due to co-mingled.
 Quad system could potentially generate more review but requires more man power
to keep it from being co-mingled.
 We get 100% credit of the revenue for anything thing that is separated which can
offset what we own Sunset Waste Company.
 Barstow Recycle area is the community bringing in recyclables.
 Blue bins that are co-mingled we get credit towards our diversion rate but no
 Had some discussion with Ryan McCaughey with Plant Operations about a
possible partnership with local Conservation Corp and maybe City of Clovis for a
buy back recycle center.
 Future goal to build a facility near Barstow and Willow-southwest corner. But
there is no funding currently for the facility.
Dave-Issue at hand:
 We need the Quad bins as a standard for campus to clean up mess and also show
people we are serious about recycling on campus.
 Hopefully people will see the split bins and start using them by keeping trash and
recyclables separate. We currently have funding for about 20 bins for outdoors to
replace some of the blue bins currently on campus.
 The solid waste recycling program needs to have approximately $30-35,000/year to
stand on its own.
 We need show the campus community that we are serious about recycling by
having the look and feel that the recycling program is up and running.
Dave-So the question is do we want to recommend that our parent committee, Campus
Planning, set a standard that all recycle bins look the same like the 4 bin Quad? There is a
commitment from VPA to purchase some bins.
Motion to move on purchasing the outdoor Bush System Recycle bins made by Gary
Seconded by Brianna McDonald.
All approved.
Roundtable reports:
Andrew Jones:
 The Madden Library Green Team has a grant writing workshop on
November 5, 2008 9:30-10:00am. Andrew will be attending. Matt will also
Chris Pluhar:
 Some of our class curriculum has to do with sustainability and bringing
students into recycling. This is the type of material that can be covered in
Nate Wills:
 Not much to report at this time
 Mentioned how the recycles are handled by the Conservation Corp after
Matt Harmin:
 Meet with Chris regarding class material for the Earth and Environmental
Sciences classes.
 Meet with Andrew about the minor program being developed.
 Meet with Gary Nelson regarding Vintage Days to have a sustainability
 Meet with USU Productions regarding their denim drive.
Lisa Kao:
 Mentioned the E-Waste Collection event on October 18, 2008 7:30am3:30pm, Lot C.
Ron Leach:
 New server being installed to get information on energy use on campus.
Brianna McDonald:
 Nothing extra to report.
Amy Allen:
 Working on masters and would like to have Matt come and speak to her
cohort regarding the marketing plan and the buy in.
Ron Durham:
 Lisa was helpful in changing bins with Sunset for the cardboard recyclables.
 Food Services are continuing to work with Ag and the use of waste
Next meeting set for November 20, 2008.
Lisa reported that anyone interested in a tour of Sunset Waste Recycling Center
need to let her know. They do not do tours on Saturday or before 7am but will do a
tour after 5pm. Lisa will poll the group by email to set up tour.
Dave will send out an email regarding subscribing to the listserv.
Motion to adjourn at approx 9:34am made by Ron Durham (?).
Seconded by Lisa Kao.
All approved.