KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY THEATRE PROGRAM ___________________________________________ SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FOR 2015-2016 For New and Transfer Students Intending to Major in Theatre in Performance and/or Tech/Design *Auditions/Interviews are Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the K-State campus* Instructions: Complete the application information below Attach a resume of your theatrical experience Attach a brief statement about your theatre interests and career goals Mail or email a letter of recommendation from your drama teacher or college instructor (for transfer students) Review on-campus audition/interview requirements on page two Please submit all application materials by: January 30, 2015 Email or mail to: Jennifer Vellenga, Program Director School of Music, Theatre, and Dance 109 McCain Auditorium Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-4702 vellenga@ksu.edu APPLICANT’S NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE (If applicable) DRAMA TEACHER PHONE E-MAIL SAT/ACT* HS GPA* College GPA* (If applicable) PHONE EMAIL *Scholarship eligibility minimums: ACT: 21; GPA: 2.5 Please check your PRIMARY area of interest: __Performance __Stage Management __Technical Theatre/Design Please check other areas of interest: __ACTING __STAGE MANAGEMENT __SET DESIGN __MUSIC THEATRE __DIRECTING __THEATRE HISTORY AND LITERATURE __COSTUME DESIGN __LIGHTING DESIGN __DRAMA THERAPY __PLAYWRITING __TECH. THEATRE For specific audition/interview information please see the reverse side/next page Kansas State University Theatre Scholarship Auditions/Interviews/Application Process for Incoming and Transfer Students: All incoming and transfer students who wish to be considered for a theatre scholarship must participate in the K-State Theatre audition/interview process on campus on February 7, 2015 (see first page for application instructions). Prospective students who are unable to participate in the scheduled audition/interview should make arrangements for an alternate audition/interview appointment. Scholarship applications are due by January 30, 2015. Auditions and interviews will begin at 10:00am in Chapman Theatre in Nichols Hall. Prospective students and accompanying family members will be given a tour of our facilities and lunch will be provided. K-State Theatre students and faculty will be available to answer questions about our program during the lunch hour. If you are able to stay for the evening performance of Bustown by Lachlan Philpott, you will receive complimentary tickets to the production, which begins at 7:30pm in Chapman Theatre. Auditions: Acting students should prepare two short contrasting monologues or a monologue and 16 bars of song- each piece approximately one minute in length. If singing, please bring your own accompaniment. A sound system will be available, but no live accompanist. Interviews: Technical theatre, design, stage management, directing, and playwriting students should bring any written and/or visual materials that will help our faculty to understand your experience and interests. Students with dual interests will be given the opportunity to present in all areas of interest. To be awarded an incoming or transfer scholarship, students must: Major theatre and enroll in at least one theatre course each semester. Work on at least one production during the year Arrive with and maintain a minimum of a 2.5 GPA For more information about the K-State Theatre Program, please visit our website http://www.kstate.edu/theatre or the blog http://www.kstatemtd.com. Are you social? Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @KStateTheatre. For live interaction, contact: Jennifer Vellenga Program Director of Theatre School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Kansas State University vellenga@ksu.edu (785) 532-6871