Integrated Inspection by the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education of St Andrew’s Developmental Nursery Aberdeenshire Council 15 February 2006 St Andrew’s Developmental Nursery St Andrew’s Gardens Inverurie Aberdeenshire AB51 3XT The Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act, 2001, requires that the Care Commission inspect all care services covered by the Act every year to monitor the quality of care provided. In accordance with the Act, the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education carry out integrated inspections of the quality of care and education. In doing this, inspection teams take account of National Care Standards, Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16, and The Child at the Centre. The following standards and related quality indicators were used in the recent inspection. National Care Standard Child at the Centre Quality Indicator Standard 2 – A Safe Environment Resources Standard 4 – Engaging with Children Development and learning through play Standard 5 – Quality of Experience Curriculum Children’s development and learning Support for children and families Standard 6 – Support and Development Standard 14 – Well-managed Service Management, Leadership and Quality Assurance Evaluations made using HMIE quality indicators use the following scale, and these words are used in the report to describe the team’s judgements: Very good Good Fair Unsatisfactory : : : : major strengths strengths outweigh weaknesses some important weaknesses major weaknesses Reports contain Recommendations which are intended to support improvements in the quality of service. Any Requirements refer to actions which must be taken by service providers to ensure that regulations are met and there is compliance with relevant legislation. In these cases the regulation(s) to which requirements refer will be noted clearly and timescales given. HOW TO CONTACT US If you would like an additional copy of this report Copies of this report have been sent to the headteacher, staff and the education authority. Copies are also available on the Care Commission website: and HMIE website: If you wish to comment about integrated pre-school inspections Should you wish to comment on any aspect of integrated pre-school inspections, you should write in the first instance to Kenneth Muir, HMCI, at HM Inspectorate of Education, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA. Our complaints procedure If you have a concern about this report, you should write in the first instance to either: Complaints Coordinator Headquarters Care Commission Compass House Riverside Drive Dundee DD1 4NY Hazel Dewart HM Inspectorate of Education Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA If you are not satisfied with the action we have taken at the end of our complaints procedure, you can raise your complaint with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman is fully independent and has powers to investigate complaints about Government departments and agencies. You can write to The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, 4-6 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS. You can also telephone 0870 011 5378 or e-mail More information about the Ombudsman’s office can be obtained from the website: A copy of the HMIE complaints procedure is available from the HMIE website at or by telephoning 01506 600 258. Crown Copyright 2006 Care Commission HM Inspectorate of Education This report may be reproduced in whole or in part, except for commercial purposes or in connection with a prospectus or advertisement, provided that the source and date thereof are stated. _______________________________ Integrated Inspection by the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education of St Andrew’s Developmental Nursery Aberdeenshire Council Introduction St Andrew’s Developmental Nursery was inspected in October 2005 as part of the integrated inspection programme by the Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education. HMIE carried out this inspection on behalf of both organisations and consulted the Care Commission about its findings. The nursery catered for pre-school children aged three to five years. It was registered for ten children attending at any one session. At the time of the inspection the total roll was ten. The environment Standard 2 The nursery was accommodated within a classroom in St Andrew’s School. The building was in a good state of decoration and repair and the playroom was bright and well ventilated. The nursery had effective procedures in place to ensure that children were safe and secure. Staff carried out useful risk assessments. They ensured that premises were very clean and hygienic. Staff implemented appropriate guidance to control the spread of infection. They ensured that toys and equipment were well maintained. Staff had organised the layout of the playroom effectively to allow children to move around and play on their own and come together for small group activities. They displayed children’s art work attractively to celebrate their achievements. Children had access to a ball pool, soft play area and a sensory area. They had regular use of the school swimming pool. The nursery also used the large, attractive and well-equipped garden area for outdoor play. Quality of children’s experience Standard 4 & 5 Staff were very caring towards children and made very good use of praise to encourage children’s confidence and self esteem. They interacted very positively with children during play experiences. They had carefully chosen activities and resources to meet children’s individual needs. Activities were carefully structured and adult-led. Staff systematically built up children’s confidence to enable them to make choices and access activities and resources. Children played by themselves with the support of an individual member of staff or member of the child development team. They enjoyed coming together for a story and to sing. Staff had very good procedures for planning children’s learning. They carried out regular observations and kept detailed records 1 on individual children to monitor their progress. Parents were kept well informed about their children’s wellbeing on a daily basis through the use of a diary. Features of the programmes for children included the following. 2 • The programme for emotional, personal and social development was very good. Children were settling into the nursery and becoming familiar with the routine. They played happily on their own and were interacting with staff who responded appropriately and sensitively to their individual needs. Staff encouraged children to complete tasks to improve their concentration and celebrate their achievements. Children were making very good progress. They were becoming independent in hand washing before snack. They responded very well to the happy, purposeful learning environment created by the staff. • The programme for communication and language was very good. Staff were very sensitive to the communication and language needs of individual children. They worked very closely with speech and language specialists to meet children’s needs. Children were making very good progress in using the pictorial, exchange communication system. They were identifying musical sounds and using vocal sounds to activate lights in the sensory area. Staff provided a wide range of experiences for children. They made good use of puppets and sensory materials and books. A few children used the wall-mounted drawing board well to scribble and make marks. Children were beginning to identify objects and name them. They were making very good progress in following simple instructions. • The programme for knowledge and understanding of the world was very good. Children’s progress was good and they responded well to the sensory curriculum provided by staff. They enjoyed sand and water play. They were taking an interest in everyday objects and explored how they could be used. Staff had appropriately planned to bring visitors into the nursery and to take children out in the local area to enhance their experiences. They used information and communications technology (ICT) well to support children’s learning. A few children appropriately used the touch screen on the computer to look at patterns and shapes. Children used an area in the garden for digging and planting bulbs. Staff used the outdoor area very well to provide opportunities for children to enjoy the natural environment. • The programme for expressive and aesthetic development was very good. Staff organised a range of experiences that met individual children’s needs. A few children were using paint to express themselves. Others were enjoying musical instruments. A few engaged enthusiastically in role-play in the home corner. Staff carefully planned activities which encouraged children to create collages, use glue and finger paint. Children accessed a range of different materials. They enjoyed singing in a group. Staff used puppets very effectively to engage with children. • The programme for physical development and movement was very good. Staff planned a range of activities indoors and outside that were appropriate to children’s physical needs. Children enjoyed climbing and sliding on the climbing frame. They enjoyed riding on the roundabouts in the garden with the support of staff. They had regular opportunities to use the ball pool. Staff supported children very well in the swimming pool and provided opportunities for them to experience movement in water. Staff used the hall appropriately to support children to use wheeled toys and play ball games. They were becoming aware of what their bodies were able to do, and gaining confidence. Staff provided a broad range of materials to help children develop finger and hand control. Staff encouraged healthy eating at snack time to promote fitness. Support for children and families Standard 6 All children in the nursery required additional support with their learning. Staff knew children very well and provided highly effective support for them and their families. Parents who responded to the pre-inspection questionnaire were very satisfied with all aspects of provision. Staff communicated very well with parents. They consistently made effective, daily use of a home diary to inform them of their children’s progress and their achievements. Staff had very good arrangements to support children’s transition to primary school. Nursery staff shared records of children’s development and progress with the receiving primary teacher to ensure appropriate targets were set. Staff effectively implemented a range of learning and teaching strategies to assist children with additional support needs. In close consultation with parents and support agencies, staff prepared very well structured individualised educational programmes with clear and appropriate learning targets. They held regular, review meetings to discuss children’s progress and to plan for their future needs. The school had made suitable progress to ensure the requirements of the recent changes in legislation relating to children with additional support needs would be addressed. The school was very well served by a suitable range of specialists in meeting the specific needs of individual children. Specialists, including speech and language therapists, worked very effectively alongside staff, providing direct support to children. They also provided staff with clear guidance on how best to support individuals. Where necessary, children received appropriately coordinated support from a range of specialists. Overall, they made a significant contribution to the work of the nursery and to children’s progress and development. Management Standard 14 The headteacher provided very effective leadership. She had provided a clear vision and direction in successfully establishing the nursery as an integral part of the school. She had suitably delegated the management of the nursery to the depute headteacher who carried out her remit very well. The class teacher, who had responsibility for the day-to-day running of the nursery, worked very effectively with the nursery nurse and auxiliary in providing a high-quality provision. All staff involved with the nursery were enthusiastic, dedicated and motivated. 3 There were appropriate procedures in place for staff appraisals and reviews, that were carried out by the manager. Staff were very well supported, and the information from the reviews was used effectively to identify staff training and development needs. All staff had undertaken training in child protection and were aware of their role and responsibilities for protecting children. They followed local and national guidance appropriately. Staff were familiar with the Scottish Social Services Council Codes of Practice and the implications for their practice registration process. The school had established clear procedures for the systematic evaluation of all aspects of the nursery’s work. The headteacher, along with staff, systematically monitored the quality of children’s learning experiences in the nursery classroom on a regular basis. All staff had been involved in evaluating the quality of the provision against national standards of quality and in identifying priorities to further improve children’s learning and development. An appropriate development plan was in place and priorities were being successfully implemented. Key strengths • Children’s individual needs were very well met. • High quality of staff/child interaction. • Happy children who were settling into the nursery routine. • Five, very good, quality programmes, particularly in emotional, personal and social development and communication and language. • Effective support for children and families from a range of support agencies. • Leadership of the headteacher and depute and the strong team approach of the nursery staff. Recommendations for improvement • 4 Continue to take forward the priorities as identified in the nursery development plan. Care Commission Officers and HM Inspectors have asked the pre-school centre and education authority to prepare an action plan indicating how they will address the main findings of the report. Where requirements are made, the action plan should include timescales to deal with these. The plan will be available to parents and carers. In liaison with the pre-school centre and education authority, Care Commission Officers and HM Inspectors will monitor progress to ensure improvements are in line with the main findings of the report. Hilary Long HM Inspectorate of Education 5