Aerosol Impacts on Earth’s Energy Budget: What we know, and what we don’t Ralph Kahn [], NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD Aerosols play a significant role in the global energy balance, and especially in atmospheric and surface energy balances regionally. A combination of surface direct radiative cooling, atmospheric warming through diabatic heating, and indirect effects of aerosols on clouds, all contribute to the net aerosol effect. They are represented in modern climate models, yet their magnitudes are highly variable in space and time, and all are highly uncertain. Space-based remote sensing is a key tool for constraining aerosol impacts on Earth’s energy budget, due to the frequent, global coverage it provides. However, information from such observations about aerosol amount (i.e., aerosol optical depth or AOD), and especially about aerosol type, is limited. The current generation of aerosol remote-sensing instruments, including NASA’s MISR and MODIS, offer vast improvements over previous instruments. MODIS provides AOD over water and darker land surfaces, and fine vs. coarse particle type over ocean. MISR contributes AOD over bright desert, discrimination of about a dozen aerosol types under good retrieval conditions, based on particle size, shape, and single-scattering albedo (SSA) constraints, and near-source aerosol layer heights for wildfire smoke, desert dust, and volcanic ash plumes. The CALIPSO lidar complements the MISR plume heights, providing vertical distributions of aerosols globally, downwind of sources. This presentation will briefly summarize capabilities and expected improvements to the currently available aerosol products, in light of required energy budget constraints. Ways of addressing the need for detailed information about particle microphysical properties, especially SSA, unobtainable from current or planned space-based instruments, will be discussed.