Comparing Our Sun to Observations of Supernova-Nova-Exploding-Changing Stars-

Comparing Our Sun to Observations of Supernova-Nova-Exploding-Changing StarsExploring the Bethe Carbon Cycle Model through Comparison to Recent Changes in Stars
James T. Struck [], Evanston, Illinois
This presentation, letter chooses stars which have recently collapsed, exploded, behaved
differently or gone through supernovae to understand our Sun in comparison with those stars.
We will use the Astrophysics Data System and to uncover some recent
popularly discussed stars and compile some of the previous characteristics of those stars that
changed recently. Then our Sun's characteristics will be compared to those changed stars'
characteristics to determine if our Sun shares any features of recently altered stars.
Supernovae 1987A is an example of a recently changed star that will be compared to our
Sun's characteristics. Comparisons are criticized as faulty or simplistic, but may yield
insights into what significance the Bethe Carbon Cycle standard model has or if the model
really is too simplistic as the Bethe model was partly constructed while riding a train separate
from observations.