A Voyage In The Dark By Mimi and Phoebe Prostitution • Prostitutes-they are thought to be because they are chorus girls • When her first land lady said “No, I don’t let to professionals” p8 • Would have been seen at 3am in the morning “crawling up the stairs” • Beautiful but poor, undercurrent of disapproval from other characters ‘sneering’ implied they think she is a prostitute to be black...being black is warm and gay, and being white is cold and sad” (p27) Racial Identity • Her step mum accuses her of being mixed race • The step-mother, Hester, hates the childhood friend, Francine very much • Can’t reconcile identity, caribbean heritage contrast to her English race Clothes • “About clothes, it’s awful. Everything makes you want pretty clothes like hell. “ p22 • Anna sees class as something that can be brought; she thinks the way to access a better life is is by dressing nicely and making a man fall in love with you • She dresses in “black velvet”, metaphor she is mourning for her past Caribbean life • Sleeping all day, headaches, fevers, lethargy, Depression • “I was thinking it was funny I could giggle like that because in my heart I was always sad, with the same sort of hurt that the cold gave me in my chest.” p14 • Everyone says how miserable she is, “soppy” • “I sleep as if I were dead.” p97 Claustrophobia/Agora • ‘It’s a very nice place.’ She said so phobia long as you don’t suffer claustrophobia. p70 • Sentence structure being long and descriptive and claustrophobic and all over the place a bit like the Gothic • In England she feels it like a “high dark wall” p127 so it’s like an impasse • She doesn’t leave the house often Language • Simple language , monosyllables for most of the book, which Jean Rhys herself describes like ‘a kitten mewing’. This reflects Anna Morgan’s naivety as a character and also her emotionlessness and fogginess like a blanket over her. Her thoughts and feelings are unclear and not described in word but we get the meaning in what is left unsaid. Like a wordless sadness we know something is wrong. Childishness and vulnerability of Anna. • Anti-thesis of Caribbean and England. The cold grayness of England contrasted with the colorful-purple in particular of the sunny Caribbean Male Gaze • “A cat may look at a King, so why not I at a prettier thing” p60 • Men treat her a child. Walter calls her a child, act as authority figures and takes advantage. • Financial support, the males are used for this Trapped/lost in time • “It was one of those days when you can see the ghosts of all the other lovely days. “p122 • “Sometimes it was as if i were back there and it was as if England were a dream. At other times England was the real thing and out there was the dream, but I could never fit them together.”p7-8 • Uprooted, stuck in between the 2 part of neither, doesn’t belong Aging • “Yet they are always so scared of getting old,” p78 • “That’s when you can hear time sliding past you, like water running” Time going too fast • She doesn’t enjoy life at all, she is told she should but doesn’t • Do you feel sympathy for our narrator, Questions Anna Morgan, and if so why and if not why not? • Who do you think is the villain of the novel, if there is one at all? • Do you consider this a book about race considering there are few if any nonwhite characters and none who get a real voice • How do we as modern readers react to how abortion is dealt with?