Document 13077559

ROSES-15 Amendment 12: Major changes to the final year of the Cassini Participating Scientist program.
The final text for ROSES-2015 Program Element C.10 The Cassini Data Analysis and Participating Scientists
(CDAPS) Program has been posted. Due to the significant changes in the Participating Scientist portion of this
program element, the solicitation has been restructured and the prior version of the text has been replaced in
its entirety.
The major changes are:
1) The Participating Scientist proposal is now separate from a parent Data Analysis proposal. Step-2 Participating
Scientist submissions now require their own fifteen-page proposal that is accompanied by a five-page
appendix on the Relevance to the Cassini Participating Scientist Program. See Sections 2.2 and 2.3.
2) Only those Participating Scientist proposals that demonstrate the need for future mission data for achieving
successful closure of the scientific objectives are eligible for selection. That is, this year’s Participating Scientist
program focuses on and solicits proposals that would address the science goals and objectives for the Cassini
Solstice Mission or Grand Finale. However, proposals that would require and would use future mission data to
address other science questions are eligible for consideration. See Section 2 for details on and requirements
for the Participating Scientist proposals.
This is the final year that the Cassini Participating Scientist program will be offered, although the Cassini Data
Analysis Program will continue. The Participating Scientist program’s final year focuses, in part, on the Cassini
end-of-mission; this includes Cassini’s Grand Finale, where the spacecraft passes inside of the planet’s rings.
To facilitate this focus, the Participating Scientist program now allows proposals to use future mission data and
further requires that successful completion of the proposed scientific objectives depend upon their use.
As in prior years, proposals to this program will be taken by a two-step process in which the Notice of Intent is
replaced by a required Step-1 proposal submitted by an organization Authorized Organizational
Representative (AOR). However, this year no PDF upload is required for the Step-1 proposal. Step-1
proposers merely must fill in the Proposal Summary text box on the NSPIRES cover pages. Only proposers
who submit a Step-1 proposal are eligible to submit a Step-2 (full) proposal. See Section 5 for details.
The proposal due dates remain unchanged. Step-1 proposals are still due by June 1, 2015, and Step-2
proposals are due by August 18, 2015.
All potential proposers are strongly urged to carefully read the entire amended call, the Frequently Asked
Questions, and all other supporting documentation. These documents may be found on the NSPIRES web
page for ROSES-2015 Program Element C.10 CDAPS at
On or about April 22, 2015, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in
Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2015" (NNH15ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research
opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:
Questions may be directed to the CDAPS point-of-contact, Jared Leisner, at