October 6, 2014 KANSAS CORN COMMISSION SPONSORED RESEARCH/EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY To: All Interested Parties From: Sue Hardman – Programs Manager Re: Proposals for the Kansas Corn Commission for Fiscal Year 2016. Please bring this request for Proposals to the attention of the faculty and other interested parties. The deadline for submitting Proposals to the Kansas Corn Commission is November 7, 2014. They may be submitted via email to me (shardman@ksgrains.com) with the proposal attached as a PDF or word processing file which will include the signed cover page. Please follow the “Proposal Instructions”. Note the length is limited to five pages plus the cover page. The “Request for Proposals” has been revised by the commission, so please review carefully. The areas in bold specify higher priorities for the Kansas Corn Commission. Fewer, larger projects that are multi-disciplinary are welcome and encouraged. KANSAS CORN COMMISSION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FISCAL YEAR 2016 The Kansas Corn Commission is soliciting research and education Proposals for FY 2016. Proposals are due at the Commission by November 7, 2014. An individual may be listed as lead principal investigator on only one proposal, but may be a secondary principal investigator on multiple proposals. Please note that the following topics are of significant importance and Proposals identifying these topics are more likely to receive funding. Proposals will be accepted and given priority in the following areas: 1. Value-Added Projects The proposal program should be commercially significant and have the potential to use large quantities of corn. Proposals having principal investigators from at least two disciplines plus private entity cooperation are preferred. The research must address at least one of the following topics: a. Identify additional value-added uses of the chemicals/components of the corn plant. b. Opportunities for alternative ethanol uses and/or blends. c. Identify additional value-added uses of distiller’s grains. 2. Marketing Extension Program and Transportation The proposed program should include extensive educational training of corn pricing, crop disappearance/market share, risk management and crop insurance options, yield protection, farm program considerations and options in marketing available to Kansas Corn producers. 3. Production/Environmental Programs Proposals should address cropping systems for the Kansas corn industry for the year 2016 and beyond and should focus on the most economical/efficient cropping systems with minimal impact on the environment. Proposals that take into consideration technology advances i.e. drought tolerant corn, are of interest to the commission. Proposals having principal investigators from at least two disciplines are preferred and must include an economic impact analysis. Proposals should address either of the following topics: a. Best management practices (BMPs) for corn production in Kansas to minimize the impact of nutrient elements and pesticides on the environment; compare new BMPs to current ones with verification of the on-site benefits to water quality (this includes monitoring runoff samples for specific nutrients and pesticides); (preferences will be given to multi-disciplinary research/extension team projects) crop protection/pest management; replacement of existing controls/seed treatments. b. Irrigation efficiency/sprinkler efficiency. Projects looking at improving water usage to preserve resources like the Ogallala Aquifer. Projects to determine the best use of irrigation with new drought tolerant crop technologies. PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions are provided to aid in the preparation of project Proposals. Failure to follow these instructions may eliminate your proposal from further consideration. 1. Estimated Period of Performance. We anticipate awards will be announced in January 2015. We further anticipate contracts shall begin on or about July 1, 2015, with quarterly reports required and a final report due no later than June 30, 2016. If this contract period is not the most suitable for completing the project, recommend a different contract period. 2. Technical Questions. All questions pertaining to this solicitation shall be directed to Sue Hardman, Programs Manager (email shardman@ksgrains.com), at the Kansas Corn Commission (phone 785-448-6922.) 3. Submission of Proposals. The deadline for submitting Proposals to the Kansas Corn Commission is November 7, 2014. An individual may be listed as the lead principal investigator on only one proposal but be listed as a secondary principal investigator on more than one proposal. 4. Proposal Format. Proposals should be no longer than five (5) pages plus the cover page. Proposals should be written in lay language and they should contain the following information: a. Cover Page: Follow the format of the enclosed cover page. i. Title: The major thrust of the project. Highly technical words or phraseology should be avoided. No more than 15 words for title. ii. Principal investigator(s), department, email and telephone number. d. Objectives: A clear and complete one-sentence statement for each specific, numbered objective of the project arranged in logical sequence. e. Procedure: A description of the investigations and/or experiments proposed, the techniques to be used in carrying out the proposed project, the methods by which experimental date will be analyzed or interpreted, and the procedures for applying results or accomplishing technology transfer. f. Justification: Importance of the issue to the improvement of Kansas corn production. g. Project Location(s): Location(s) for field research. h. Duration of the project (number of years). If this is a multi-year project, which year does this proposal represent? i. Budget total: Provide a detailed budget using the template provided indicating how the requested funds will be used. Indirect costs are not allowed. j. Facilities and Equipment: Are they adequate to complete the project? k. Related Information: A summary of the most significant work related to the project should be described. Provide a brief review of how the proposed project will supplement previous work. l. Expected Outcome: Provide a brief description of the expected outcomes of the proposed research or education program. The expected outcomes may be the generation of new information as reflected in tangible products such as new varieties, development and/or acceptance of new methodologies, research, Extension, or other publications, patents, software, and others. Where feasible, identify the measurable economic, social and environmental benefits expected to result from the project. Examples of such benefits include cost savings, enhanced economic and employment impacts, improved health and nutrition, human or community development, more efficient natural resource utilization and minimizing the impact of agriculture on the environment. Identify, where appropriate, the potential recipients of the benefits such as producers, consumers, taxpayers and communities. Describe how the results of the research will be communicated to potential users. If outcomes are not expected during the life of the project, please develop a schedule. 5. Project Proposals will be reviewed by the Commission and/or independent panels using the following criteria: a. Significance of the proposed project to the topics list for the commission. b. Likelihood the project will improve the profitability of growers and meet the expected outcomes of the project. c. Relationship of proposed research to ongoing and past research. d. Interdisciplinary expertise/talents are of priority. e. Facilities and equipment already available. f. Duration of project. 6. Funds not used shall be returned to the Commission. Proposal Cover Page Project Title: Proposal to: Kansas Corn Commission From: Funding Period: Amount Requested: Project Status: New ____ Continuing_____ If Continuing, Year ___ of ____ total years Lead Investigator Name, Unit, Email and Phone: Other Investigators Name, Unit, Email and Phone: By signature below, I certify that the investigator(s), department head(s), and appropriate Dean(s)/Director(s) associated with this proposal have indicated their agreement with the content, procedures, commitments, and obligations included in this submission. This submission is thus institutionally authorized. __________________________________ Name, title, institution Budget For the period of ______________ Personnel: Equipment: Travel: Supplies and Materials: Other Expenses: Total Request: Per Year Total