GOALS AND EVALUATION CRITERIA Goals Expand Mobility Definition / Vision Objectives / Measures Ensure faster service to integrate Everett in the metro Boston region and transportation network Does the Project Support Economic Development Transit investments support identified growth areas, employment centers, and foster new opportunities to make Everett a more attractive place to live, work, and play Does the Project Enhance Comfort and Safety Improve the transit experience for riders in Everett Does the Project Advance Equity Provide a range of transportation options that are socially and economically equitable and accessible for all transit riders Does the Project Support sustainable transportation strategies aimed to reduce resource consumption, improve the environment and support active transportation and public health initiatives Does the Project Prioritize transportation investments that can be implemented quickly, sustained long term, and maximize overall travel benefits Does the Project Improve Health and the Environment Invest Strategically • • • • • • • • • • • • Provide direct (one seat ride) service to additional locations Decrease overall travel time for transit riders Provide greater range of options from Everett neighborhoods Enhance service outside typical service peaks Create or enhance transit service in identified growth areas Support Everett’s job centers Improve infrastructure for all users Support local/ regional plans Improve the quality of facilities in Everett Improve bicycle and pedestrian connections to transit Reduce wait times Reduce crowding • Benefit Everett’s Environmental Justice (EJ) populations • Improve transit access to education, healthcare, and shopping. • Reduce or minimize cost to the user • • • • • • • • • • Reduce Single Occupancy Vehicle(SOV) trips in Everett Contribute to improved public health in line with identified needs and vulnerable populations Create or enhance active transportation facilities Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Reuse or improve existing infrastructure Enhance cost effectiveness- minimize public cost per persons served Have the ability to be implemented quickly Qualify for non-state funding Provide the opportunity for public/private partnerships to maximize resources Advance service/ reliability improvements for existing services