Attachment 2: Less than 9% Impervious Cover Assessments 06/08/12 Impaired Waters Assessment for Impaired Waters with <9% Impervious Cover in Contributing Watershed Impaired Water Bodies The list of impaired water bodies covered by this assessment is included in Table 1. Impairments Impairments included under this assessment methodology include those typically associated with storm water runoff from impervious cover. Impairments for specific water bodies are listed in Table 1 for each water body as listed on MassDEP’s Massachusetts Year 2010 Integrated List of Waters (MassDEP, 2011). Relevant Water Quality Standards This assessment covers a wide range of impairments related to a variety of water quality standards. Relevant Water Quality Standards can be found on MassDEP’s website: Site Description This assessment applies to the water bodies listed in Table 1. These water bodies are located across the state and have various impairments that could potentially be related to storm water. They potentially receive direct discharge from MassDOT urban roadways. Assessment under BMP 7U A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has not been developed for the impairments for the water bodies listed in Table 1. Therefore, MassDOT assessed these impairments using the approach described in BMP 7U of MassDOT’s Storm Water Management Plan. As described in BMP 7U’s Description of MassDOT’s Application of Impervious Cover Method (MassDOT Application of IC Method, MassDOT 2011), impervious cover (IC) provides a measure of the potential impact of storm water on many impairments. MassDOT’s Application of the Impervious Cover Method MassDOT’s IC Method applies many aspects of USEPA Region I’s Impervious Cover Method described in USEPA’s Stormwater TMDL Implementation Support Manual (ENSR, 2006) to MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Assessment Program. The MassDOT IC method assesses potential storm water impacts on the impaired water and evaluates the impervious cover reduction required to ensure that storm water is not the cause of the impairments. Consistent with findings of USEPA and others, when the impervious cover for a watershed exceeds 10% a decline in stream quality occurs and that severe impairment can be expected when the IC exceeds 25%. Alternatively, the Center for Watershed Protection states that the influence of IC on the receiving waters when the Impaired Waters Assessment for Pathogen Impaired Waters Page 1 of 5 06/08/12 watershed is in the range of 1-10 percent impervious “is relatively weak compared to other potential watershed factors”. Therefore USEPA chose a 9% target (1 point less than 10%) as the value at which storm water impairments are no longer a significant source of pollutants (CWP, 2003). MassDOT also chose to use the 9% impervious cover target for its IC Method analysis. Additional information regarding this method is provided in MassDOT’s Application of IC Method document. Figure 1 illustrates the flow chart steps from the MassDOT’s Application of IC Method document that are addressed by this assessment. To be conservative, MassDOT did not rule out water bodies based on the IC value of the total watershed and instead based Table 1 on those water bodies where the local watershed contributing to the impaired segment (referred to as the subwatershed in this analysis) is equal to or less than the 9% target (Step 2). The subwatershed to the impaired water body was delineated using the USGS Data Series 451. When USGS Data Series did not delineate the subwatershed of the water body under review, the GIS shapefiles were modified based on USGS topography to add specificity. Impervious cover data was available as part of the USGS data layers Data Series 451 and MassGIS’s impervious surfaces data layer. For the water bodies listed in Table 1, MassDOT calculated that each subwatershed had less than 9% impervious cover. Therefore, as described in the MassDOT IC Method storm water is not a likely cause of the impairments to these water bodies. Conclusions MassDOT has concluded, using the IC Method, that there is no required reduction in impervious area for the water bodies listed in Table 1 because the percent of impervious cover within the subwatershed is equal to or less than the 9% maximum IC target. This indicates that storm water from this watershed is not likely the cause of the impairments. Therefore, further assessment of these water bodies is not warranted under the Impaired Waters Program. MassDOT will continue to identify opportunities to implement additional structural BMPs to address pollutant loading when road work is conducted under MassDOT’s Programmed Projects Initiative portion of the Impaired Waters Program. Work on programmed projects, which often include broader scale road layout changes, may provide additional opportunities for construction of new treatment BMPs. This is consistent with an iterative adaptive management approach to address impairments. Furthermore, MassDOT will continue to implement the measures outlined in its Storm water Management Plan (SWMP) to minimize the impacts of storm water from its property. Impaired Waters Assessment for Pathogen Impaired Waters Page 2 of 5 06/08/12 References CWP, Center for Watershed Protection. 2003. Impact of Impervious Cover on Aquatic Systems. Watershed Protection Research Monograph No. 1. Ellicot, MD. ENSR. (2006). Stormwater TMDL Implementation Support Manual for US Environmental Protection Agency Region 1. ENSR International & USEPA Region 1, Boston, MA. Project No.: 10598-001-500. Retrieved from: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). (2011). Massachusetts Year 2010 Integrated List of Waters - Final Listing of the Condition of Massachusetts’ Waters Pursuant to Sections 305(b), 314 and 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Retrieved from: Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). (2011). Description of MassDOT’s Application of Impervious Cover Method in BMP 7U (MassDOT Application of IC Method). Impaired Waters Assessment for Pathogen Impaired Waters Page 3 of 5 06/08/12 Figure 1 MassDOT's Application of the IC Method Step 1: Calculate % IC of Total Contributing Watershed Watershed 9% IC Stop Analysis under this program. Revisit during programmed projects Watershed > 9% IC Step 2: Calculate % IC of Subwatershed Subwatershed 9% IC Stop Analysis under this program. Revisit during programmed projects Subwatershed > Step 3: Calculate Amount of Effective IC Reduction Required in Subwatershed Step 4: Apply Target Percent Reduction of IC Needed in Subwatershed to MassDOT ‘s Urban Directly Discharging Areas Step 5: Calculate Effective IC Reduction Credit from Existing MassDOT BMPs BMPs Provide Target Effective IC Reduction BMPs Do Not Provide Target Effective IC Reduction Step 6: Recommend Additional BMPs to Extent Practicable to Reduce Effective IC to Target Stop Analysis: Storm Water from MassDOT is not causing the Impairment Forward Analysis and BMP Recommendatio ns to Designers for BMP Design and Permitting Impaired Waters Assessment for Pathogen Impaired Waters Page 4 of 5 06/08/12 Table 1. Impaired Waters Addressed by IC Method with <9% IC in Watershed Waterbody ID MA35-07 Waterbody Name Otter River Impairments of Concern (2010)** Turbidity, Nutrient/Eutrophication Biological Indicators, Fishes Bioassessments, Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Bioassessments % IC in Subwatershed 8.0% MA36-11 Sevenmile River NA 7.3% MA36056 Eames Pond Oxygen, Dissolved 6.9% MA41-06 Cady Brook (Low flow alterations*), Nutrient/Eutrophication Biological Indicators 8.8% MA81-07 Nashua River Phosphorus (Total), Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Bioassessments 8.6% MA81-19 Squannacook River NA 5.3% MA91-08 Mill River Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Bioassessments 7.6% MA94-18 Bound Brook (Fish-Passage Barrier*), Turbidity 5.9% MA94-28 Aaron River (Fish-Passage Barrier*), Excess Algal Growth, (NonNative Aquatic Plants*) 5.0% MA11019 Cheshire Reservoir, South Basin (Non-Native Aquatic Plants*), Excess Algal Growth, (Eurasian Water Milfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum*) 3.6% MA32021 Congamond Lakes Oxygen, Dissolved, (Eurasian Water Milfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum*) 7.7% MA72122 Uncas Pond Oxygen, Dissolved, (Non-Native Aquatic Plants*) 7.0% MA81098 Partridge Pond Aquatic Plants (Macrophytes), Turbidity, (Non-Native Aquatic Plants*) 3.4% MA93080 Upper Banjo Pond Turbidity, Aquatic Plants (Macrophytes) 0.4% *Non-pollutant according to MA DEP 303d Year 2010 Integrated List of Waters **Impairments listed on the MA DEP 303d Year 2010 Integrated list of Waters Impaired Waters Assessment for Pathogen Impaired Waters Page 5 of 5 PHILLIPSTON WINCHENDON Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads TEMPLETON MA DOT Urban Area Roads ASHBURNHAM ¯ Otter River MA35-07 Town Boundaries 5,500 2,750 0 MA35-07 Otter River GARDNER June 2012 HUBBARDSTON WESTMINSTER 5,500 ft NEW BRAINTREE OAKHAM Subwatershed RUTLAND NORTH BROOKFIELD Impaired Water Body Being Assessed SPENCER Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed ile enm -11 Sev MA36 er Riv Impaired Stream Segment PAXTON MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads ¯ Town Boundaries Eames Pond MA36056 EAST BROOKFIELD 5,500 2,750 0 5,500 ft MA36-11 and MA36056 Sevenmile River and Eames Pond LEICESTER HOLDEN June 2012 CHARLTON Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment Cady Brook MA41-06 MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries 4,000 2,000 0 ¯ DUDLEY STURBRIDGE SOUTHBRIDGE MA41-06 Cady Brook June 2012 4,000 ft Nashua Riv MA81-0 er 7 DUNSTABLE Subwatershed PEPPERELL Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries 6,500 3,250 0 ¯ 6,500 ft TOWNSEND MA81-19 and MA81-07 Squannacook River and Nashua River GROTON Squan na River M cook A81-19 June 2012 AYER SHIRLEY LUNENBURG WEST NEWBURY NEWBURY ROWLEY GROVELAND Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Impaired Water Body Mill River MA91-08 Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment GEORGETOWN MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries 4,000 2,000 ¯ 0 MA91-08 IPSWICH Mill River BOXFORD June 2012 TOPSFIELD 4,000 ft HULL COHASSET k roo nd B 18 u o B 94MA SCITUATE Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Aaron River MA94-28 Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries 4,000 2,000 0 ¯ 4,000 ft MA94-28 and MA94-18 NORWELL Aaron River and Bound Brook HINGHAM June 2012 HANOVER DALTON CHESHIRE Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Impaired Water Body LANESBOROUGH Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries Cheshire Reservoir, South Basin MA11019 3,750 1,875 0 ¯ MA11019 Cheshire Reservoir (South Basin) PITTSFIELD June 2012 3,750 ft Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Impaired Water Body SOUTHWICK Congamond Lakes MA32021 Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries 2,500 1,250 ¯ 0 MA32021 Congamond Lakes June 2012 2,500 ft NORFOLK FRANKLIN Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries Uncas Pond MA72122 2,500 1,250 ¯ 0 MA72122 Uncas Pond WRENTHAM June 2012 2,500 ft GARDNER WESTMINSTER Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed Partridge Pond MA81098 Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Town Boundaries 2,500 HUBBARDSTON 1,250 ¯ 0 MA81098 Partridge Pond June 2012 2,500 ft GLOUCESTER Subwatershed Impaired Water Body Being Assessed GLOUCESTER Impaired Water Body Impaired Stream Being Assessed Impaired Stream Segment MA DOT Roads MA DOT Urban Area Roads Upper Banjo Pond MA93080 Town Boundaries 2,500 1,250 ¯ 0 MA93080 Upper Banjo Pond June 2012 MANCHESTER 2,500 ft