Electronic & Electrical Fundamentals Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Intermediate 2) 5839 September 1999 HIGHER STILL Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals Introduction to Semiconductor Applications Intermediate 2 Support Materials CONTENTS Lecture’s / Teacher’s information and support material SECTION DETAILS Section 1 The learning outcomes Section 2 Teaching and learning advice Section 3 Recommended entry Section 4 Assessment procedures Section 5 Resource list Section 6 Laboratory requirements Section 7 Safety Section 8 Acknowledgements Student information and support material SECTION CONTENTS Section 1 The learning outcomes Section 2 Instruments of assessment Section 3 Required achievement standard Section 4 Student guide Section 5 safety Section 6 Student notes a) Outcome 1 b) Outcome 2 c) Outcome 3 d) Outcome 4 SECTION 1 The learning outcomes to be covered in this unit Outcome 1 Interpret the operation of semiconductor diode circuits Performance criteria a. The identification of operational limits from manufacturer’s data sheets is correct. b. The measurement and recording of diode circuit voltage levels are correct. c. The explanation of the circuit operation is correct. Evidence requirements The student will be set tasks, which assess the ability to interpret the operation of two different semiconductor diode circuits. The student will be required to take measurements of diode circuit voltage levels and answer questions, which relate these measurements to manufacturer’s data sheets. The measurements will be recorded in a prespecified format. The student will be required to maintain a logbook, which includes a brief explanation of the operation of the circuits. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome will be based on the student attaining all of the performance criteria and correctly answering the questions connected with PCs (b) and (c). Outcome 2 Outline the use of power control devices Performance criteria a. Power control devices are correctly identified from their symbols. b. The actions of the power control devices are correctly described. c. Applications for power control devices are correctly stated. Evidence requirements The student will be set a structured question to test understanding of the use of power control devices. The student will be given a circuit diagram(s) containing a thyristor, diac and triac, which he/she will be required to identify from their symbols. The student will be required to describe the action of the device and a typical application for each. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome is based on all parts of the question being correctly answered. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 1 Outcome 3 Interpret the operating conditions of a single-stage resistance loaded small signal amplifier. Performance criteria a. The measurement and recording of circuit voltages levels are correct. b. The measured voltage are correctly related to the biasing of the transistor c. The gain of the circuit is correctly determined from the measurement of input and output signals. d. The circuit operation is described correctly. Note on the range of the outcome Amplifier: bipolar (common emitter) or FET (common source) Evidence requirements The student will be set a task, which assesses the ability to interpret the operating conditions of a single-stage resistance, loaded small signal amplifier. The student will be required to take measurements of circuit voltage levels and relate these measurements to the biasing of the transistor and gain of the amplifier and describe the overall circuit operation. The measurements will be recorded in a prespecified format. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome will be based on the student attaining all of the performance criteria. Outcome 4 Investigate operational amplifier circuits. Performance criteria a. Appropriate adjustments are made to the circuit to provide a voltage null at the output. b. The gain of inverting and non-inverting configurations is correctly calculated from measurements taken and recorded. c. The phase relationship between input and output signals in inverting and noninverting configurations is correctly recorded. Evidence requirements The student will complete practical exercises to demonstrate an ability to investigate operational amplifier circuits and explain the requirement for offset null. The student will be given two preconstructed units in which adjustments and measurements are to be made and recorded. Exercises will be carried out in conjunction with a suitably constructed observation checklist. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome will be based on the student attaining all of the performance criteria. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 2 SECTION 2 Teaching and learning advice including how to use the resource material Teaching methods In general the teaching and learning methods used are very dependent on the contents of the unit and the facilities and expertise available at the delivering centre. By their very nature, however, the units in the Intermediate 2 Electronic and Electrical fundamentals Course suggest the following teaching methods: • • • • • Student handouts for basic component and circuit theories Laboratory based learning activities Use demonstration circuits where possible Use student centred circuit testing and analysis Place components used in a commercial context. Introduction to Semiconductor Applications Unit Delivery MAIN TOPICS SUGGESTED DELIVERY OUTCOME 1 Semiconductor theory Explain basic technology, handout and tutorial examples PN junction Explain concept of depletion layer , forward and reverse biasing, tutorial examples Diodes Laboratory based practical exercises covering rectification, clipping, clamping and voltage stabilisation. Use could be made of suitable software, such as ‘Electronic Workbench’ for further investigations. OUTCOME 2 Power control devices Explain basic technology, handout and tutorial examples Demonstration of working circuit(s) including waveforms on oscilloscope should be used as part of the lesson. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 3 MAIN TOPICS OUTCOME 3 SUGGESTED DELIVERY Bipolar transistor amplifier Explain basic transistor operation followed by biasing conditions required for small signal amplification. Bipolar transistor amplifier(cont’d) Simple demonstrations and practical exercises to illustrate the correct biasing conditions, reduction of negative feedback using a bypass capacitor. Calculation of gain. FET small signal amplifier Explain basic FET operation followed by biasing conditions required for small signal amplification. Simple demonstrations and practical exercises to illustrate the correct biasing conditions. Calculation of gain. Use could be made of a computer software package to aid the investigation of different biasing conditions. Operational amplifier circuits Explain basic technology, tutorial examples. Demonstration of offset null adjustments followed by student based exercises. Practical laboratory based exercises using inverting and non-inverting amplifier configurations. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 4 SECTION3 Recommended entry for this unit is Mathematics and either Technological Studies or Physics at Standard Grade 3 or above. The following gives a guide to the areas that the student should be familiar with before starting this unit. Mathematics Drawing and interpretation of graphs Transposition of formulae Electrical Having covered the work for Electrical Fundamentals prior to starting on Introduction to Semiconductor Applications the student would have covered all the electrical concepts required for this unit. Electronics Identification of electronic components, and the interpretation of schematic diagrams and their relationship with wiring diagrams should be covered before starting this unit. Use of electronic test instruments, such as digital multimeters, signal generators and oscilloscopes should also have been covered before attempting this unit. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 5 SECTION 4 Assessment procedures showing what is to be assessed, when it is to be assessed and result recording methods. Using the instrument of assessment The unit requires four assessment tasks as follows The following table shows how assessment tasks are related to their learning outcomes. It also lists the evidence, which should be collected. ASSESSMENT TASK OUTCOME EVIDENCE 1 Interpret the operation of two semiconductor diode circuits Laboratory assignment reports 2 Outline the use of Power Control Devices Structured question answers 3 Interpret the operation of a single stage resistance loaded small-signal amplifier Laboratory assignment reports and calculations 4 Investigate operational amplifier circuits (inverting and non-inverting configurations only) Laboratory investigation reports and checklist The assessments including both assignments and the practical exercises are carried out individually and under closed book conditions. Data sheets should be supplied. Timing and duration In principle, there are no time limits for the completion of each instrument of assessment but it is likely that in practice a maximum time will be allocated for the completion of each task. It is expected that the average student will complete the task well within the maximum time allowed. The table below indicates the maximum time that could be allocated to each instrument of assessment. OUTCOME SUGGESTED MAXIMUM TIME 1 60 minutes 2 45minutes 3 75 minutes 4 75 minutes Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 6 Reassessment Time is allowed within the units for assessment and reassessment of outcomes. Where a candidate has not attained the standard necessary to pass a particular outcome or outcomes, they should have the opportunity to be reassessed. Reassessment should focus on the outcome(s) concerned and as a general rule, should be offered on a maximum of one occasions, once shortly after the initial assessment. In some cases candidates will be required to resubmit original work which has been revised to take account of earlier weaknesses. In other cases, candidates will be required to undertake a new instrument of assessment designed to assess the particular outcome(s) in which they were unsuccessful, for example, outcomes concerning the ability to recall knowledge and understanding. In all cases evidence from the original unit assessment, should be used for formative purposes prior to reassessment. For all the outcomes the reassessment can be based on the original instruments of assessment. There are two ways in which this can be accomplished: 1. When candidates have not produced a satisfactory answer to a section or sections of an assessment, e.g. parts a, b, etc. In these cases, the candidates should only be asked to redo those section(s) in which they have not produced suitable responses. Candidates should also be asked to complete this reassessment under the original controlled conditions. This reassessment should take place as soon as practical after the initial assessment, and staff should delay any discussion / analysis of the initial assessment until reassessment has taken place. However, candidates should be informed which sections of the assessments they will be required to redo and given guidance on where they can find information to help them tackle the reassessment. In cases where there are substantial numbers of candidates requiring reassessment, it would be beneficial before reassessment to hold a revision lesson on the problem area(s). 2. When candidates have produced an answer which is substantially correct but which contains minor errors, such as incorrectly reading an instrument (100mA instead of 10mA). In these situations, candidates could be reassessed by asking them to demonstrate the correct answer orally. Again this should take place as soon after the initial assessment and before any discussion / analysis of it. The conditions under which assessment takes place. Higher Still Arrangements and subject guides refer to assessment being carried out under controlled conditions to ensure reliability and credibility for the purposes of internal assessment, this means that assessment evidence should be compiled under supervision to ensure that it is the candidates own work. Supervision may be carried out by a teacher, invigilator, or other responsible person, e.g. a workplace provider. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 7 Using internal assessment evidence to contribute to course estimates. The unit assessments contained in this pack are designed exclusively for internal assessment purposes and do not have the potential to generate evidence for external assessment. To generate evidence for external assessment it is recommended that the candidate undertakes an end of unit assessment that will comprise of two structured questions that will test the candidates recall of knowledge and understanding. Together with the results from other end of unit assessments from the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Intermediate 2 course the candidate performance in the course external assessment may be predicted. This evidence, if required, could support the candidate through an appeal procedure. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 8 SECTION 5 Resource requirements including course notes, book list, and audio/visual aid list. Course notes Student notes covering all course work are provided in the student’s support material. These should be either adopted by the centre or modified to suit the teaching approach taken and the equipment available. Book list The following book will provide all the information required for the electrical and electronics fundamentals course and is only one of many books that could be adopted as a course book Electronics for today and tomorrow Tom Duncan The following books provide useful background information. Electronics: Circuits and Devices Ralph J Smith, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-08751-3 Electronic principles and Applications, John B Pratley, Arnold, ISBN 0-340-69275-8 Applied electronics, John C Morris, Arnold, ISBN 0-340-65284-5 Audio/visual aids The electronics laboratory should have prominently displayed an electrical safety notice. These are available from a variety of electrical and electronic wholesale outlets and distributors and are relatively inexpensive. Component manufacturers and distributors offer wall charts and posters showing many aspects of electronics. These vary from resistor colour codes to product processing details and application advertisements. They are generally free and available on request. They are useful as visual aids on the walls of the electronics teaching laboratory as they create atmosphere and over a period of time act as a constant reminder to students. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Teacher/Lecturer material 9 SECTION 6 Electronics laboratory requirements including technical information sources, components, material, facilities and equipment. Technical information sources It should be noted that developments in electronics, communications and computing continue to offer tremendous opportunities for the dissemination and retrieval of information. At the time of writing the Internet, CD-ROM and on-line component distributors catalogues and web sites for manufacturers, suppliers and providers of educational material are current examples. All of these and similar potential future products originate from the electronics technology. Accordingly students should be encouraged to use them and to explore and take advantage of such technological products as they emerge. A culture of using the technology to its limits should be encouraged. There are numerous sources of technical information on electronics other than the traditional library books. These sources, however are only helpful if they are both accessible and relevant. The following has been refined through use and experience but inevitably will be superseded by better methods as the technology advances and they become available. Component Distributors catalogues MPS [ Maplin] Web Site http://www.maplin.co.uk e-mail <recipient>@maplin..co.uk Telephone: Customer services 01702 554002 Telephone: Free technical helpline 01702 556001 Address Maplin MPS, Freepost SMU 94, P.O. Box 777, Rayleigh Essex SS6 8LU RS Web Site http://rswww.com e-mail http://rswww.com Telephone: Customer services 01536 201201 Telephone: Free technical helpline 01536 402888 Address RS Components Ltd. P.O.Box 99, Corby, Northants NN17 9RS Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 10 Teacher/Lecturer material Farnell Web Site http://www.farnell.co.uk e-mail Enquiries@farnell.com Telephone: Customer services 0113 263311 Telephone: Free technical helpline 0113 2799123 Address Farnell Electronic Components, Canal Road, Leeds, LS12 2TU Access should be provided for students to one or more of the above component distributor’s catalogues in paper, CD-ROM or on-line form. Selected data books, reference books and specialist texts should also be provided from those offered by the above sources. There are so many good items on offer it is impossible to recommend a definitive list, which is largely a matter of local preference. Choices should be based on staff expertise, the teaching and learning approaches used and the available budget. As many of the smaller specialised texts are low cost it should be possible to provide several reference copies for use in the electronics laboratory. Many manufacturers of electronic components have web sites. These may be located by a net search using the manufacturer’s name. Once into the web site it is often possible to locate technical data, application information and in some situations design tutorials. Components The Electronics Laboratory should offer access to component stocks as a standard facility. This is for the benefit of both staff and students who will require access to components for demonstrations, experimentation and for case study and project work. The stock however, has to be managed and controlled if the quality of the facility is to be sustained. The approach taken to this is a matter for the centre’s organisational structure but experience suggests that one person needs to be clearly identified as having responsibility for the stock, for issuing it and reordering. Below is a typical basic selection of components COMPONENT resistors DETAILS (RANGE) Low cost metal film 0.25 W – standard preferred values from 1Ω to10 MΩ High powered resistors 2.5 W silicon coated – standard available values. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 11 Teacher/Lecturer material COMPONENT DETAILS (RANGE) Potentiometers 150mW carbon trimmers - standard preferred values from 100Ω to10 MΩ capacitors Metallised ceramic plate capacitors - standard preferred values from 1.8 pF to 120 pF Resin dipped plate ceramic capacitors - standard preferred values from 10 pF to 0.47µF Radial polystyrene capacitors - standard preferred values from 100 pF to 8200 pF Radial lead electrolytic capacitors - standard preferred values from 1µF to 47000 µF Axial lead electrolytic capacitors - standard preferred values from 1µF to 47000 µF diodes 1N4148, 1N4001, 1N5401, BZX85- range of voltages from 2.7V to 15V Bridge rectifier W005G Light emitting diodes 3mm and 5mm red, orange and green transistors BC184L, BC214L, 2N3053, BFY50, TIP31A, TIP32A, TIP33A, 2N3055E, 2N2955, 2N3819, 2N3820 Op-amps µA 741, LM324N, CA3140E Logic chips 74 LS series TTL – selected functions as appropriate 4000 series CMOS - selected functions as appropriate Other analogue integrated circuits NE555N timer, ICM7555 timer, L7805CP, L7812CP positive voltage regulators, L7905CT, L7912CT negative voltage regulators Other digital integrated circuits DACs and ADCs to suit laboratory applications Fuses As required for instruments switches Push button, toggle, slide and DIL miniature as required transformers As required Lamps and bulbs Low voltage and power selection to meet requirements connectors Terminal blocks, 4mm plugs and sockets in red, black, blue yellow and green Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 12 Teacher/Lecturer material Facilities There are many possible layouts for an electronics teaching laboratory and each centre will probably be developed to suit that centres particular requirements. However it is important that whatever the layout the following features should be available. Each student should have available a 2 metre run of surface and at least 4 -13 Amp sockets outlets. This is necessary to allow adequate working surface for test equipment, circuits, components and papers. A suitable device such as an RCD (Residual Current Device) and a central safety switch with key lock should protect the socket outlets. A specialist should undertake the design and installation of such facilities, as they constitute important safety features. Equipment In the electronics laboratory each student should have access to the following equipment. Ideally there should be one set of equipment per student. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Multimeter Dual power supply Signal generator Dual beam oscilloscope Computer The computer does not necessarily form part of the set It is also helpful to have a limited range of tools available such as • • • • Long nosed pliers Wire cutters Wire strippers Screw drivers The types of tools and equipment on the market are constantly changing through a process of continuous improvement. It is strongly recommended that before purchasing any items for an electronics laboratory advice is sought from a current user experienced in this area. Issues such as the cost of hand tools in relation to their quality and life expectancy with inexperienced users who may damage or remove them from the laboratory have to be given due consideration. Equipment may be found which is both adequate for the teaching laboratory, student proof and inexpensive requiring little maintenance. There are many suppliers of test equipment and tools and those specialising in the educational market are likely to offer products at an acceptable price. These suppliers are also likely to have tools and equipment, which can survive the rigours of the teaching laboratory. Other centres, which have tried and tested equipment are often the best source of information and should be consulted as part of the purchasing exercise. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 13 Teacher/Lecturer material Software The electronics teaching laboratory is greatly enriched by the presence of computers with appropriate software. Since computers are one of the main products of electronics technology they find extensive use in the application of the technology and form part of the electronics environment. While the capital outlay for this may be significant there has to be recognition of the part played by the computer with the specialised software in the electronics environment. Through access to suitable computing facilities and software students should be exposed to this environment in the teaching laboratory. Commercial software for word and data processing is widely available at reasonable cost and is generally selected by centres to conform to their local policy. These may find application in the creation of reports and the analysis of results. In addition, however, circuit simulation and drawing software may also be used but is less widely available and more difficult to locate in a form, which is cost effective for the teaching, laboratory. To meet these criteria the software must be easy to use without extensive training and be available at low cost with multiple copy site licensing. The following packages might be considered. Invent! CROCODILE CLIPS: Simple simulation of electronics and mechanics Web Site www.crododile-clips.com/education/v3.htm e-mail Sales@crocodile-clips.com Telephone: 0131 226 1511 Fax 0131 226 1522 Address Crocodile-clips, 11 Randolph Place, Edinburgh EH3 7TA Electronics Workbench: circuit simulation and testing Web Site http://www.adeptscience.co.uk e-mail Info@adeptscience.co.uk Telephone: 01462 480055 Fax 01462 480213 Address Adept Science plc, 6 Business Centre West, Avenue One, Letchworth. Herts. SG6 2HB Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 14 Teacher/Lecturer material Smart Draw: drawing of diagrams and plans with associated symbol libraries Web Site http://www.smartdraw.com e-mail Sales@ttp.co.uk Telephone: 01889 564601 Fax 01889 563219 Address The Thompson Partnership, Lion Buildings, Market Place, Uttoxeter, Staffs. ST14 8HZ Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 15 Teacher/Lecturer material SECTION 7 Safety The safety of teaching staff and students working in the electronics laboratory must be the primary concern of everyone involved. This has to precedence over all other activities and be sustained against all other pressures There are many aspects to safety as follows: • Statutory requirements • Centre procedures • Centre structure • Staff training and behaviour • Laboratory features • Student training and behaviour It is beyond the scope of this document to provide details of all aspects of a centre’s safety policy. Staff must, however, be content that all appropriate safety measures are in place before embarking on work within the electronics laboratory. Student training is a recurrent activity, which is likely to be the direct responsibility of the lecturer/teacher. While this has to take place on a continuous basis as work in the laboratory proceeds it is helpful to perform specific safety training at course commencement. Such training might form part of the course induction as its relevance extends across all course units. This is particularly important for electronic students, as they should be encouraged to develop their own safety culture, which should become a lifelong asset. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 16 Teacher/Lecturer material SECTION 8 Acknowledgements The support and assistance provided by colleagues at South Lanarkshire College who have contributed material and helpful advice for this pack is gratefully acknowledged. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 17 Teacher/Lecturer material STUDENT INFORMATION AND SUPPORT MATERIAL SECTION CONTENTS Section 1 The learning outcomes Section 2 Instruments of assessment Section 3 Required achievement standard Section 4 Student guide Section 5 Safety Section 6 Student notes Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 1 SECTION 1 The following information and support material will help you to work on the Introduction to Semiconductor Applications unit. Information is provided about the contents and the learning outcomes. There is a guide to working on the unit and technical notes for you to study. Exercises and tutorial work are provided to help you understand the technology and prepare you for the assessments, which are also explained. As you will be working in the laboratory there is a safety reminder sheet which you should study before you start. The learning outcomes covered in the unit Outcome 1 Interpret the operation of semiconductor diode circuits Performance criteria a. The identification of operational limits from manufacturer’s data sheets is correct. b. The measurement and recording of diode circuit voltage levels are correct. c. The explanation of the circuit operation is correct. Evidence requirements The student will be set tasks, which assess the ability to interpret the operation of two different semiconductor diode circuits. The student will be required to take measurements of diode circuit voltage levels and answer questions, which relate these measurements to manufacturer’s data sheets. The measurements will be recorded in a prespecified format. The student will be required to maintain a logbook, which includes a brief explanation of the operation of the circuits. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome will be based on the student attaining all of the performance criteria and correctly answering the questions connected with PCs (b) and (c). Outcome 2 Outline the use of power control devices Performance criteria a. Power control devices are correctly identified from their symbols. b. The actions of the power control devices are correctly described. c. Applications for power control devices are correctly stated. Evidence requirements The student will be set a structured question to test understanding of the use of power control devices. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 2 The student will be given a circuit diagram(s) containing a thyristor, diac and triac, which he/she will be required to identify from their symbols. The student will be required to describe the action of the device and a typical application for each. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome is based on all parts of the question being correctly answered. Outcome 3 Interpret the operating conditions of a single-stage resistance loaded small signal amplifier. Performance criteria a. The measurement and recording of circuit voltage levels are correct. b. The measured voltage are correctly related to the biasing of the transistor c. The gain of the circuit is correctly determined from the measurement of input and output signals. d. The circuit operation is described correctly. Note on the range of the outcome Amplifier: bipolar (common emitter) or FET (common source) Evidence requirements The student will be set a task, which assesses the ability to interpret the operating conditions of a single-stage resistance, loaded small signal amplifier. The student will be required to take measurements of circuit voltage levels and relate these measurements to the biasing of the transistor and gain of the amplifier and describe the overall circuit operation. The measurements will be recorded in a prespecified format. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome will be based on the student attaining all of the performance criteria. Outcome 4 Investigate operational amplifier circuits. Performance criteria a. Appropriate adjustments are made to the circuit to provide a voltage null at the output. b. The gain of inverting and non-inverting configurations is correctly calculated from measurements taken and recorded. c. The phase relationship between input and output signals in inverting and noninverting configurations is correctly recorded. Evidence requirements The student will complete practical exercises to demonstrate an ability to investigate operational amplifier circuits and explain the requirement for offset null. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 3 The student will be given two preconstructed units in which adjustments and measurements are to be made and recorded. Exercises will be carried out in conjunction with a suitably constructed observation checklist. Satisfactory achievement of the outcome will be based on the student attaining all of the performance criteria. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 4 SECTION 2 The assessment instruments for the outcomes The Introduction to Semiconductor Applications unit will involve you in four main topics with their assessment activities. The first topic is semiconductor diodes and their applications and this will be preceded by some explanation of semiconductor theory and P-N junction characteristics. The applications will be assessed by two laboratory assignments on semiconductor diode circuits combined with information that will have to be extracted from relevant data sheets. The assignment should last a maximum of 60 minutes The second topic covers electrical power control devices and their applications. The assessment will be by structured questions. The test will last for a maximum of 45 minutes. The third topic is small signal resistance loaded amplifiers. An explanation of their operating conditions and biasing arrangements will be backed up with some practical exercises. Both bipolar transistor (common emitter) and FET (common source) circuits will be looked at. The assessment will be a laboratory assignment along with some calculations on the results obtained. Finally you will be asked to investigate the operation of inverting and non-inverting operational amplifier configurations and to make adjustments to give a null output. Again this will be preceded by an explanation of operational amplifiers and their characteristics backed up with some tutorial exercises. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 5 SECTION 3 The required achievement standard for each assessment Learning outcome1 semiconductor diode applications You require to complete all parts of the exercises correctly to satisfactorily achieve this outcome. Learning outcome 2 power control devices Again you must answer all the questions correctly to satisfactorily achieve this outcome. Learning outcome 3 small signal resistance loaded amplifiers Satisfactory achievement in this outcome requires successful completion of the practical exercises illustrated by providing correct answers to all associated questions. Learning outcome 4 inverting and non-inverting operational amplifiers Satisfactory achievement in this outcome requires successful completion of the investigation and correct answers to the questions posed in the assessment. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 6 SECTION 4 Students guide to working on the unit The main purpose of this unit is to provide an introduction to basic analogue devices and their application in electronic circuits The first part of this unit covers semiconductor diodes their theory and applications; you will examine the effect they have on electrical and electronic signals by a series of practical exercises. You should try and understand diodes by studying these practical examples. The unit then requires you to look at the characteristics of more advanced semiconductor devices, namely power control devices. You require an understanding of their function and how they are used in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The third part of the unit looks at single stage resistance loaded amplifiers and again this will involve a series of practical exercises to demonstrate how the correct conditions for amplification can be set up for transistors. Again you should try and understand diodes by studying these practical examples. The final part of this unit looks at the operational amplifier in terms of its characteristics and its two simplest applications. This will also be done using practical exercises, which you should study in order to gain an insight into operational amplifiers. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 7 SECTION 5: SAFETY Information sheets/references for safety and laboratory work You should read these guidelines and discuss them with your tutor to clarify their significance in your working environment. • Enter the electronics laboratory only at agreed times • Enter the electronics laboratory only when you are authorised • You should only work on equipment when a supervisor is present • Always avoid bulky, loose or trailing clothes, long loose hair, heavy metal bracelets or watch straps • Do not take food or drink into the electronics laboratory • Avoid wet hand or clothes and clean up any liquid spillage • Be as careful for the safety of others as yourself • Think before you act, be tidy and systematic • Keep passages and work areas free of obstructions • Voltages above 120 V dc and 50 V rms. are always dangerous, take extra precautions as voltages increase • Never remove earth connections and make sure that all accessible conducting parts of equipment or experiments are earthed. If in doubt check for earth continuity • Multimeters and hand held probes should be of good fused design and are not recommended for dangerous levels of voltage and power • Understand the correct handling procedures for batteries, capacitors, inductors and other energy storage devices. Always handle them carefully • Fluorescent lights can cause rotating equipment to appear stationary. You should be aware of this and take precautions as necessary • Before equipment is made live all casings, covers or shrouds must be in place so that no live parts can be touched with fingers • Before equipment is made live all casings, covers or shrouds must be in place so that no moving parts can be touched with fingers • Before equipment is made live circuit connections and layouts should be checked by your supervisor • If you are working in a group, everyone in the group should give their assent before the equipment is made live • Never make changes to either circuits or mechanical layouts without isolating the circuit by switching it off and removing connections to supplies • Experimental equipment left unattended should be isolated from the supply unless it has to be left on for some special reason, in which case a barrier and warning notice are required • Equipment found to be faulty in any way should be reported to your supervisor immediately and not used until it is inspected and declared safe • You should know what to do if there is an emergency in the electronics laboratory • Use hand tools carefully and treat them with respect as they can be dangerous when misused or faulty • Do not remove equipment, tools or materials from the electronics laboratory without authorisation from your supervisor Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 8 SECTION 6 Introduction to Semiconductor Applications notes Semiconductors Semiconductors are materials whose ability to conduct electricity lies somewhere between that of good conductors (like copper) and good insulators (like polythene). Examples of semiconductors are silicon, germanium, cadmium sulphide and gallium arsenide. Intrinsic semiconductors Many properties of materials can be explained if we assume that the electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom are arranged in orbits or ‘shells’. The electrons in the outermost shell are known as ‘valence’ electrons. These determine the chemical combining power (valence) of the atom as well as many other physical properties. These valence electrons form ‘bonds’ with the valence electrons of neighbouring atoms to produce, in the case of most solids, a regular repeating three-dimensional pattern of atoms called a crystal lattice. An atom of a semiconductor material such as silicon and germanium has four valence electrons as shown below in figure 1a. In a lattice, each one of these valence electrons is shared with a nearby atom to form four ‘covalent’ bonds, as shown below in figure 1b. Valence electrons Covalent bond Fig 1b Fig 1a Simplified model of a silicon atom Nucleus and inner electrons Thus, every atom has a half share in eight valence electrons. It so happens that this number of electrons gives a very stable arrangement. A strong crystal lattice results and it is difficult for any electrons to escape from their atoms. Pure silicon and germanium are therefore very good insulators (nearly perfect at absolute zero -273oC). The atoms in the lattice structure vibrate and at normal temperatures the atoms vibrate sufficiently for a few bonds to break and this sets some valence electrons free. When this happens and the electron moves away, a deficit of negative charge exists where the electron had previously been. This deficit of negative charge is called a ‘hole’ and a hole has a positive charge of the same magnitude as the electrons negative charge. The atom, now short of an electron, becomes a positive ion. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) Student material 9 Free electron Intrinsic semiconductor hole hole Electron flow (a) Crystal lattice of silicon with free electron and hole Fig 2 (b) When a battery is connected across a pure semiconductor, it attracts free electrons to the positive terminal and provides a supply of free electrons at the negative terminal (see figure 2). These free electrons drift through the semiconductor by ‘hopping’ from one hole to another nearer the positive terminal each time. This makes it appear as if the positive holes are moving towards the negative terminal. The current in a pure semiconductor material is very small and can be thought of as a stream of free electrons travelling in one direction and a stream of holes travelling in the other. This is called intrinsic conduction because the charge carriers come from inside the material. If the temperature of a semiconductor rises, more bonds break and intrinsic conduction increases because there are more free electrons and holes produces. The resistance of a semiconductor decreases as temperature increases. Extrinsic semiconductors The use of semiconductors in diodes, transistors and integrated circuits, depends on increasing the ability of pure semiconductors to conduct electricity. This is done by adding a tiny, but controlled amount of impurities. This process is called doping and the material obtained is called an extrinsic semiconductor because the impurity supplies the charge carriers (which add to the intrinsic charge carriers). These impurity atoms must be about the same physical size as the semiconductor atoms so that they fit into the crystal lattice without causing distortion. There are two types of extrinsic semiconductors. n-type This type is made by doping pure semiconductor with, for example, phosphorus. A phosphorus atom has five valence electrons. The diagram shown in figure 3 shows what happens when a phosphorus (or any other 5 – valence atom) is introduced into the lattice of a silicon crystal. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 10 Student material Silicon atom (nucleus and inner electrons) extra electron Figure 3 Donor impurity atom (phosphorus) Crystal lattice of n-type silicon Four of its valence electrons form covalent bonds with four neighbouring silicon atoms but the fifth is spare and, being only loosely held, it can take part in conduction. The impurity (phosphorus) atom is called a ‘donor’. The ‘impure’ silicon is an n-type semiconductor because the majority charge carriers are negative electrons. The overall charge in the crystal is still zero since every atom present is electrically neutral. Impurity atoms are added in the amount that produces the required conductivity. A few positive holes are also present in n-type materials and they are the minority carriers. The diagram of figure 4 shows conduction in an n-type material. n-type semiconductor Majority charge carrier (electron) Minority charge carrier (hole) Electron flow Figure 4 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 11 Student material p-type In this type, the pure semiconductor is doped with, for example boron, which has three valence electrons. The diagram, figure 5, shows what happens when one is introduced into the silicon crystal. Silicon atom (nucleus and inner electrons) Figure 5 Donor impurity atom (boron) Hole (incomplete bond) Crystal lattice of p-type silicon Its three valence electrons each share an electron with three of the four silicon atoms surrounding it. One bond is incomplete and the position of the missing electron, that is the hole, behaves like a positive charge since it can attract an electron from a nearby silicon atom. This causes another hole to be formed. For this reason the impurity (boron) atom is called an acceptor. The impure silicon is a p-type semiconductor since the majority of carriers causing conduction are holes but note again that the semiconductor as a whole is electrically neutral. In p-type material a few electrons are present as minority carriers. The diagram of figure 6 shows how conduction occurs in such a material. p-type semiconductor Majority charge carrier (hole) Minority charge carrier (electron) Electron flow Figure 6 In both n- and p-types of semiconductor a temperature rise increases the proportion of minority carriers and increases the conductivity of the semiconductor device. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 12 Student material The p-n junction The operation of many semiconductor devices depends on the effects, which occur at the boundary (junction), between p- and n- type materials found in the same continuous crystal lattice. Unbiased Junction A p-n junction is shown in figure 7. As soon as the junction is produced, free electrons near it in the n-type material are attracted across into the p-type material where the electrons combine, and fill, the holes. As a result the n-type material becomes positively charged (due to a loss of electrons) and the p-type material becomes negatively charged (due to a gain of electrons – remember that both the nand p-types were previously electrically neutral). At the same time holes pass across the junction from p- to n-type, capturing electrons there. p-type material p-type material n-type material Junction voltage n-type material Figure 7 Hole moving across junction Electron moving across junction Depletion or barrier layer The exchange of charge soon stops because the negative charge now on the p-type material opposes the further flow of electrons and the positive charge now on the ntype material opposes the further flow of holes. The region on either side of the junction becomes fairly free of charge carriers (see figure 7), and this region is called the depletion or barrier layer or region. It is less than 10 µm wide and is, in effect, an insulator. A potential difference known as the junction voltage, acts across the depletion layer from n- to p-type material, being about 0.6 V for silicon and 0.1 V for germanium. Reverse Biased Junction If a battery is connected across the p-n junction with its positive terminal joined to the n-type side and its negative terminal joined to the p-type side, it helps the junction voltage. Electrons and holes are repelled farther from the junction and the depletion layer widens as shown in figure 8a. only a few minority carriers cross the junction and a tiny current, called ‘leakage’ current or ‘reverse’ current, flows. The resistance of the junction is very high in reverse bias. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 13 Student material p-type n-type p-type n-type electrons Holes Electrons Holes Widened depletion layer Figure 8b Fig 8a Forward Biased Junction If a battery is connected so as to oppose the junction voltage, the depletion layer narrows. When the battery voltage exceeds the junction voltage, appreciable current flows because majority carriers are able to cross the junction. Electrons travel from nto p- side and holes travel in the opposite direction as shown in figure 8b. The junction is then forward biased, that is the p-type side is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and the n-type side is connected to the negative terminal of the battery. A small leakage current again flows due to minority carriers. The resistance of the junction is very low in forward bias. Diodes, which are used only for one way conduction, are called signal diodes and rectifier diodes and they are indicated by the symbol shown in figure 9a. Diodes used for voltage regulation, called Zener, diodes, are indicated by the symbol in figure 9b, while diodes used to give a light signal, are called light emitting diodes or LED’s use the symbol shown in figure 9c. Anode Direction of forward current flow (a) (b) (c) Cathode Figure 9 diode symbols (a) Signal or rectifier diode. (b) Zener diode. (c) Light-emitting diode (LED). The arrowhead part of the symbol indicates the connection to the part of the diode called the anode. The flat bar indicates connection to the part called the cathode. For normal (forward) conduction of current, the anode needs to be at a voltage, which is more positive than the cathode. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 14 Student material Tutorial Either insert the answer or delete the wrong answer 1) Name two insulating materials a) b) 2) Name the materials falling between the categories of insulators and conductors. 3) A simplified model of a silicon atom is shown in figure Q3. Name the parts marked 1 and 2 2 Figure Q3 1 1 2 4) A bond between atoms which results in them sharing electrons is called a _________________________ bond 5) The figure shown in figure Q5 is called a ________________ structure Fig Q5 6) Pure silicon and germanium are good INSULATORS / CONDUCTORS especially at very low temperatures. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 15 Student material 7) A pure semiconductor is said to have a DOPED / PERFECT crystal lattice structure 8) The current in a pure semiconductor is very SMALL / LARGE when an external battery is connected to it, and this conduction is called _________? 9) Increasing the temperature of the semiconductor DECREASES / INCREASES this conduction. 10) Adding impurities to a pure semiconductor is known as _______________ This forms a material, which is known as a ___________________ semiconductor. 11) There are Two types of these semiconductors known as ___________type, and ___________ type. 12) The junction shown in figure Q12 is FORWARD / REVERSE biased. P N A Fig Q12 13) The reading on the ammeter A will be LARGE / SMALL. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 16 Student material Exercise 1 Using a digital multimeter and the selection of diodes given to you, test the diodes in the following ways: • Set the multimeter to the lowest resistance setting (if the meter is not auto-ranging) then measure and record the resistance with one lead connect to the anode and the other connected to the cathode. • Reverse the leads and repeat the tests. • Repeat the tests with the other diodes with which you have been supplied. • Set the multimeter to the diode test setting and repeat all of the tests carried out above. In the first set of tests a good diode should give a low resistance in one direction and a high resistance (normally indicated as 2/) in the other direction. The second set of test should give, for a good diode, a reading in the range of 0.55V to 0.75V in one direction and an 2/ reading in the other. Signal and rectifier diodes Signal diodes are used for demodulation; clamping and gating are often point contact diodes. These have very small junctions, which can pass only small amounts of current, but they have the advantage that the capacitance between the anode and cathode is very small, which is a desirable characteristic of any component used in high frequency circuits. Junction diodes having larger area junctions are better suited to rectifier circuits, which operate at low frequencies but pass large amounts of current. Exercise 2 Diode investigation Object: to measure and plot the forward and reverse characteristics of a silicon diode. Equipment: 0 – 10 V d.c. supply, prototype board, leads, 3 digital multimeters, 1kΩ 0.25 W resistor, 1N4001 diode Method: connect the circuit as shown in figure 10 and measure the supply voltage, the voltage across the diode and the diode current. Enter you results in table 1. Increase the supply voltage until you have measured the current for each of the diode voltages shown in table 1. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 17 Student material d.c. Power supply Vd - + 1N4001 1KΩ Vs Figure10 Id Vs Vd 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.65 Id Table 1 Now plot the diode voltage against the diode current. (ensure that you make maximum use of the graph paper). Id mA Vd Reconnect the circuit as shown in figure 11 by reversing the diode connections. Take the measurement as before and complete table 2 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 18 Student material 0.66 d.c. Power supply Vd - + 1N4001 1kΩ Vs Figure11 Id Vs Vd Id 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 2 Now plot the diode voltage against the diode current on a second sheet on graph paper. (ensure that you make maximum use of the graph paper). -Vd -Id µA Characteristics of diodes A resistor is specified by its values of resistance and its power rating, so asking for a 47 kΩ 0.25 W resistor ensures that the correct item is obtained. Diodes are less easy to specify because they do not obey Ohm’s law, and so have no consistently valid resistance value. To specify diodes completely, their characteristics have to be given i.e. graphs of current plotted against voltage in both directions. (refer to your results for exercise 1). Diodes can be specified by their voltage and current ratings but this does not give the full picture. The two main electrical properties of the diode are its average forward current If (the amount of current in can continue to pass) and its maximum reverse voltage Vrrm (the maximum repetitive reverse voltage it can withstand before it breaks down). Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 19 Student material Typical characteristics for a silicon diode are shown in fig 12 . The characteristics show voltage plotted on the X-axis, with forward (anode Positive) plotted on the right hand side and reverse voltage (anode negative) plotted on the left-hand side. Note that the scale used in plotting reverse voltage is very different from the scale used in plotting forward voltage because the values differ. Current in the forward direction is plotted on the Y-axis above the centre line, with reverse current plotted below the centre line, again on different scales because of the great difference in values. This method of plotting is always used for diode characteristics, so that the scale markings must always be examined carefully. tF (mA) 100 80 60 40 20 -150 -100 -50 V(VOLTS) F 0.2 V(VOLTS) R -2 0.4 0.6 Figure 12 -4 -6 tR µ (A) Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 20 Student material Zener diode As we have already noted the amount of doping affect the quantity of charge carriers available within a semiconductor, but this process can be taken a stage further. With precise control of the doping the characteristics can be as shown in figure 13 . IF VR VB VF 0.2 0.4 0.6 5.1V IR In this case a very precise reverse breakdown characteristic has been produced and the diode can recover from this breakdown every time. This type of diode is known as a Zener diode and is always used in the reverse direction. The symbol for a Zener diode is shown in figure 14 Figure 14 Zener reverse bias conditions The reverse current that flows in a p-n junction is due to minority carriers crossing the depletion region. However if the reverse voltage is continuously increased, the point of reverse breakdown is eventually reached and the current increases very suddenly. Zener diodes have a low reverse breakdown and they can recover from this reverse breakdown as long as their other ratings such as power are not exceeded. Strictly speaking, Zener breakdown applies to breakdowns at less than 5 volts and above 5 volts the breakdown is due to the avalanche effect. As mentioned earlier the Zener is always connected in the reverse direction the cathode being connected to the positive of the supply and the anode to the negative. Once the diode is reversed biased breakdown will occur as soon as the applied voltage reaches the value specific to that diode. After breakdown occurs, the voltage across the diode remains virtually constant at that value for a large variation of current through it. The Zener diode is used as a voltage reference source, for protection of analogue meter movements and for waveform shaping. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 21 Student material The power rating of a zener diode shall not be exceeded to prevent damage e.g. a BZX79 series diode with a rating of 5.1 volts can dissipate 500mW( see manufacturer’s catalogues) and its maximum current is given by: Imax = Power = 0.5 W = 0.1 A = 100mA Voltage 5.1V If the diode was used to supply a reference voltage (i.e. negligible current) of 5.1 V from a 9 V battery (whose output reduces with use) the maximum voltage to dropped across the series resistor is 9 –5.1 = 3.9 V The value of the series resistor required to protect the zener diode is therefore: V Imax = 3.9 0.1 = 39Ω Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 22 Student material DIODE APPLICATIONS Rectification One of the most common applications for a diode is rectification. This uses the diode’s ability to conduct in only one direction, to convert an alternating current (a.c.) into a uni-directional current (d.c.) Half-Wave rectification When only one diode is used in a circuit as shown in figure 15 then current will flow in the load only when point A in the circuit is more positive than point B A ac supply I Load Figure 15 B For positive half cycles, A is positive relative to B, the diode conducts and a current flows in the load resistor R.. The waveform at R is the same as that at the transformer secondary, less the small volt drop across the diode, (the barrier potential) as shown in figure 16. For negative half cycles, A is negative relative to B, the diode does not conduct and therefore no current flows in the load resistor R . Due to the fact that the voltage across the resistor is zero for every half cycle the average dc level is very low for this type of circuit (see figure 16) V H ALF W AV E t Figure 16 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 23 Student material Full-Wave rectifier (Bi-Phase) The circuit diagram for the Bi-phase rectifier is shown in figure 17. For positive half cycles, A is positive relative to B, and B is positive relative to C. therefore D1 is forward biased, and D2 is reverse biased. D1 conducts and current flows in the load. D1 A ∼ B IL C D2 V FUL L W AV E t For negative half cycles, C is positive with respect to B and B is positive with respect to A. This means that D2 is forward biased and D1 is now reverse biased. D2 now conducts and current flows in the load in the same direction as before. The output waveform is also shown in figure 17. As can be seen in the output waveform the average d.c. output voltage is higher than the half-wave rectifier output. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 24 Student material The bridge rectifier The bridge rectifier circuit arrangement is the most commonly used arrangement for single-phase rectifiers. The circuit connections can be shown in a number of ways, but the two most common diagrams are shown in figure 18. D1 D2 D3 ac ac Load D2 D4 D4 D3 D1 load Figure 18 In the full-wave rectifier two diodes are conducting and two diodes are blocking at any one time. The current path for the positive half cycle is from the ac supply, through D1 down through the load then through D4 and back to the ac supply. The current path for the negative half cycle is from the ac supply, through D2 down through the load then through D3 and back to the ac supply. These current paths are shown in figure 19. + D3 D1 D3 D1 ac ac - D4 D2 load D4 D2 Figure 19 The output waveform is the same as that shown in figure17 As with the Bi-Phase circuit the average dc. output voltage is 0.64 x the peak ac.input voltage. This is much better than the half wave circuit where the value is only 0.32 x the peak ac input voltage. The major problem with this type of dc voltage is that it returns to zero twice every cycle and this would not be very useful in electronic circuits. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 25 Student material load In order to improve this waveform a reservoir capacitor is added across the output of the rectifier and this produces the output voltage as shown in figure 20. As the output voltage is increasing the capacitor charges up and as the output voltage starts to return to zero the capacitor discharges into the load and hence helps to maintain the output voltage at a higher level. The effect of the capacitor can be observed by carrying out practical exercise 3. This, as can be seen during the practical exercise still leaves a small ripple on the output voltage which can be reduced by connecting a simple filter before the load, as shown in figure 21 V AVERAGE DC LEVEL t 0 Figure 20 R C Vout Figure 21 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 26 Student material In all rectifier circuits, every diode will be reversed biased for half of the ac cycle. The amount of this reverse bias depends on the type of circuit used, and is greatest for a half wave circuit feeding into a reservoir capacitor. Table 3 shows the operating results which may be expected from rectifiers of the three types already described given an ac input of E volts peak and smoothing by reservoir capacitor. Note that in all rectifier circuits, reversing the connections of the diodes reverses the polarity of the output voltage. CIRCUIT DC. OUTPUT (10KΩ) REVERSE VOLTAGE ON DIODES DC. OUTPUT (FULL LOAD) Half-wave E – 0.7V 2E 0.32E Bi-phase E – 0.7V E 0.64E Bridge E – 1.4V E 0.64E Table 3 Summary All rectifier diodes must be chosen for the correct forward current and the correct reverse voltage when not conducting. The addition of a reservoir capacitor brings the output voltage up to almost peak ac value. The ripple is at supply frequency when using a half wave rectifier and is at twice supply frequency when using a full wave rectifier. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 27 Student material Exercise 3 Equipment 1 signal generator 1 dual beam oscilloscope 1 digital multimeter 1 1N4001 diode 1 470µF/ 25V electrolytic capacitor 1 rectifier pack (as available) 0.5 W resistors 470R, 1K, 4K7 Prototype board and wires Object To investigate the operation, and sketch the waveforms of a half-wave and full-wave rectifier. Method Part1 1. Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram of figure 1, set the output of the signal generator to 4 Vpk- pk. Measure the voltage across the load resistor and note it on table 1, then with the aid of the oscilloscope, draw a sketch of the input and output waveforms on the graph paper provided. 2. Connect the capacitor across the load and repeat step 1 3. Disconnect the capacitor, the reverse the diode and repeat the measurements of step 1. A 1N4001 4V pk-pk 1kHz B 1KΩ Figure 1 Part 2 WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DISPLAY / MEASURE THE INPUT AND OUTPUT WAVEFORMS OF A FULL WAVE RECTIFIER AT THE SAME TIME, ON YOUR OSCILLOSCOPE. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 28 Student material 1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2 2. Measure and record in table 2 the voltage across the load resistor and draw the waveform, on the graph paper. 3. Connect the capacitor across the load resistor and repeat step 2 4. Change the load resistor to i) 1K0, ii) 470R and repeat steps 2 and 3 for each resistor. ∼ ac +ve Rectifier pack 4.7KΩ ∼ Figure2 Table 1 SUPPLY LOAD VOLTAGE LOAD VOLTAGE VOLTAGE AC (WITHOUT CAPACITOR) (WITH CAPACITOR) RES. SUPPLY LOAD VOLTAGE LOAD VOLTAGE VOLTAGE AC (WITHOUT CAPACITOR) (WITH CAPACITOR) COMMENTS COMMENTS 4K7 1K0 470R Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 29 Student material Conclusions (with reference to the voltages and waveforms obtained write your own description of differences between half-wave and full-wave rectification, and also on the effectiveness of capacitor smoothing under differing load conditions) Zener stabiliser The circuit of a simple Zener stabiliser is shown in fig 22. The input to the circuit is an unstabilised d.c. voltage. Resistor RS is connected in series with the Zener diode and it provides the necessary protection against excess current flow at the breakdown point. RL is the normal load connected across the diode. The Zener is reversed biased and, under normal conditions, will operate in the reverse conduction region of its characteristics. Is Rs IL Vin Vz = 20V RL Figure 22 Iz The output voltage across the load will remain constant for i) changes in load current and ii) changes in supply voltage. If the current in the load increases the current in the Zener diode will fall (assuming that it is not already at its minimum value) this allows the current in the series resistor RS to remain constant. Therefore the voltage drop across RS remains constant and hence the output voltage remains constant. If the supply voltage increases, the current in the Zener diode increases causing the voltage drop across the series resistor to increase. The output voltage therefore remains constant. Care must be taken to ensure that the current through the Zener diode does not increase beyond the maximum value or permanent damage to the Zener diode will occur. Example If the Zener diode circuit of fig 22, stabilises with a minimum current of 1mA. Calculate the maximum and minimum supply voltages between which stabilisation is obtained. The load resistance RL is 1kΩ, RS is 300Ω and the Zener diode is a BZX79. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 30 Student material 1/ IL = VZ / RL = 20 / 1000 = 20mA IZ = Imax = 100mA (from data sheets) IS = IL + IZ = 120 mA Vsupply(max) = IS * RS + VZ = (120mA * 300) + 20 = 56 V 2/ IL = VZ / RL = 20 / 1000 = 20mA IZ = 1mA (minimum value for stabilisation) IS = IL + IZ = 21 mA Vsupply(min) = IS * RS + VZ = (21mA * 300) + 20 = 26.3 V If the supply voltage of example 1 is 50 V, determine the minimum value of RL(i.e. the maximum current the circuit can supply) if stabilisation is to remain effective. IS = (Vin – VZ) / RS = (50 – 20) / 300 = 100mA IZ = 1mA (minimum value for stabilisation) IL = IS - IZ = 99mA RL = VZ / IL = 20 / 99mA = 202Ω Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 31 Student material Exercise 3 Q1. Calculate a suitable value of series resistor for a Zener stabiliser circuit whose input voltage varies from 15 V to 35 V for a stabilised output of 12 V. the load resistor is 680Ω and the Zener characteristics give a minimum current of 2mA and a maximum of 200mA. Q2. Calculate the value for a suitable series resistor for a zener stabiliser circuit whose load current varies from 20mA to 120mA with an output voltage of 5.1 V, the input voltage is 9 V and the minimum Zener current must be 1mA and the maximum permitted is 150mA. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 32 Student material Diode Clipping It is sometimes necessary to limit or clip a waveform to a particular predetermined level. Examples of clipping are shown in figures 23 and 24 Clipper circuit output Clipper circuit input output input Figure 24 Figure 23 In figure 23 the clipper is used to remove high voltage spikes from the input waveform. In figure 24 the clipper is used to produce a square wave from the sine wave input. R 0.6V Figure 25 During the positive half cycle of the input waveform the diode is reverse biased (non-conducting) therefore the output takes the same shape as the input. During the negative half cycle the diode is forward biased (conducting) and the voltage dropped across the diode is 0.6 V (the forward voltage drop across a silicon diode). As the diode is connected across the output then 0.6 V appears at the output If the input voltage is large enough then this 0.6 V can be neglected and the therefore the circuit shown in figure 25 can be used to completely clip the negative half cycle. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 33 Student material +2V 2V Figure 26 To produce clipping at other levels, an emf may be added in series. In the circuit shown in figure 26 the series emf used causes the diode to be forward biased until the input voltage is greater than 2 V when it will become reverse biased and the output will then follow the same shape as the input. During the negative half cycle the output will remain at +2 V. Output D1 D2 +2V Input 4V 2V -4V Figure 27 For the circuit shown in figure 27 diode D1 is reversed biased for the positive half cycle. The cathode of D2 is at +2V and only become forward biased when its anode potential rises above +2V, at that point the output stays at +2V until the anode voltage drops below + 2V (i.e. The positive peak is clipped to +2V). during the negative half cycle of the input, diode D2 is reverse biased. The anode of D1 is at – 4V and is reverse biased. D1 only become forward biased when its cathode potential drops below –4V , at that the output stays at –4V until its cathode rises above –4V (i.e. The negative half cycle is clipped at –4V). Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 34 Student material Zener clipping Zener diodes can also be used in clipping circuits as shown in figure 28. During the positive half cycle of the input diode ZD1 conducts only when its cathode reaches breakdown voltage (+6Volts in this case) where the output remains until the input voltage drops below this value (i.e. The input positive peak is clipped at +6V). During the negative half cycle the diode ZD1 is forward biased, assuming this is an ideal diode Vout = 0V clipping all the negative half cycle. Rs +6V Input ZD1 Output Figure 28 Diode Clamping A clamper circuit or dc restorer is used to provide an ac waveform with a dc level. A clamper does not change the shape of the input signal, it just provides it with a dc component. As an example a video signal contains a dc level which corresponds to the average brightness of the screen. This level is sometimes lost due to ac coupling and has to be restored the circuit shown in figure 29 shows a clamping circuit. Y +5V X C1 Vin +10V R1 D1 Vout 0V -5V Figure 29 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 35 Student material Note: The impedance of a capacitor is dependent on the highest frequency component of the input waveform. XC = 1 / 2πfC If the component frequency is high the impedance will be low. The frequency components of the supply waveform can be determined by the slope of the waveform, the steeper the slope the higher the frequency. Therefore as the leading and trailing edges of the square wave input in figure 29 have a very high frequency components the impedance of the capacitor is very low. Circuit operation In the circuit of figure 29, point Y goes from +5V to –5V during the trailing edge of the input waveform and the potential at point X becomes the same as that at point Y due to the low impedance of the capacitor. This means that point X is negative and diode D1 is forward biased (short circuit across R1) so Vout becomes 0 Volts and the capacitor C1 is quickly charged through D1. During the transition to the leading edge point X goes from –5V to +5V, the diode is reverse biased. Therefore the voltage drop across R1 is 10V with point X being positive. C1 will charge through R1 which will cause Vout to fall, but if the RC time constant is large compared to the period of the wave form the output will be that shown in figure 29 (remains constant until the trailing edge appears). The same circuit can be used to restore the dc level to an ac sine wave. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 36 Student material Exercise Equipment 1 dual dc power supply 1 signal generator 1 oscilloscope 1 10µF / 63 V capacitor 1 BZX 85 5V1 diode 2 1N4148 diode 1 100 KΩ 0.5W resistor 1 180 Ω 0.5W resistor Object To investigate diode clipping and clamping Method Connect the circuit as shown in figure 30. Set the output of the signal generator to 4V pk – pk 1KHz and measure and record the output using the oscilloscope. 100kΩ Vin 4V 1kHz Vout 1N4148 Figure 30 After completing the previous part of this exercise switch of your equipment and add the dc power supply to the circuit as shown in figure 31. Set the dc supply to 2V and measure and record the output as before. 100kΩ 1N4148 Vin 4V 1kHz Vout 2V Figure 31 Adjust the dc supply to 1V and measure and record the output. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 37 Student material Switch off your equipment and replace the 1N4148 diode with the zener diode and remove the dc power supply from the circuit. This should give you the circuit as shown in figure 32 180Ω BZX 85 5V1 Vin 8V 1kHz Vout Figure 32 Connect the signal generator and set the frequency to 1kHz. Switch on and adjust the input to 8V then measure and record the input and output waveforms with the aid of you oscilloscope. Part 2 diode clamping Connect the circuit as shown in figure 33 and adjust the input to 10 V peak to peak 10kHz square wave. Measure and record the input and output waveforms with the aid of the oscilloscope. Y X 10µF/63 V Vin 100kΩ 1N4148 Vout Figure 33 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 38 Student material POWER CONTROL DEVICES Thyristors A thyristor is a semiconductor device, which acts, in a similar fashion to a rectifier diode with one important difference. When the thyristor is forward biased, unlike a normal diode, it will not conduct until a trigger voltage is applied to the gate. The symbol for a thyristor is shown in figure 33 Anode Anode Gate Alternative symbol Gate Cathode Figure 33 Cathode Operation The thyristor is triggered into a conducting state by applying a positive voltage (or pulse) to the gate, while the anode is positive with respect to the cathode (the thyristor is forward biased) and the current flowing exceeds the latching current. Once the thyristor is in its conducting state, the gate losses all control over the device. In order to bring the thyristor back into its non-conducting state, the anode current has to be reduced below the holding current. This can be achieved by reducing the voltage across the anode and cathode to zero volts or by reverse biasing the thyristor (as will happen if the supply is ac). The gate current required to trigger the thyristor is much smaller than the main current that will flow through the device. Latching current The latching current is the minimum current at which the gate voltage can be removed while the thyristor remains in its conducting state. If the gate voltage is removed before this value of current is flowing, the thyristor will revert back to the nonconducting state. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 39 Student material Holding current The holding current is the minimum current which must be flowing through the thyristor in order to hold the device in conduction after it has been switched on. If the current is reduced below this value the device will switch off. Operating modes The thyristor is said to have three modes of operation, forward blocking, forward conduction and reverse blocking. These are all shown in figure 35 . IF FO RW AR D CO N DUCTIO N RE G IO N (O N ) FO R. I G = 0 Varying Values Of IG VR V BR ( R ) VF RE VE RSE BLO C KIN G FO RW AR D BLO C KIN G (O FF) Figure 35 Applications The thyristor has no moving parts and can operate at extremely high speeds without arcing. Typical applications of the thyristor include controlling the power in light dimmer circuits, motor speed control circuits and alarm circuits. These power control applications can be achieved by varying the point at which the thyristor is switched on during the positive half cycle, which is known as phase control, or by firing the thyristor for several cycles then having several cycles with no triggering. This second method is known as burst triggering and is suitable for applications where this will not be noticed, such as an electric furnace. It cannot be used for lamp dimming as the lamp would be on full brightness for several second and then off for several seconds, whereas this would have no adverse effect on the heating of the electric furnace. Since the thyristor is a half wave device it can only control power in the positive or negative half cycles of an ac waveform. To overcome this problem the triac was developed. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 40 Student material Triac The triac is a single devices containing essentially two thyristors back to back. When triggered, the triac can therefore conduct during both the positive and negative half cycles of the ac supply. The power available to the load can therefore be controlled from zero up to full wave. The symbol for the triac is shown in figure 36. MT1 Gate Figure 36 MT2 Operation The triac operates in a similar fashion to the thyristor and has to be triggered before it will conduct. In the case of the triac however, terminal MT1 can either be positive or negative with respect to MT2. It is also possible to use positive or negative gate pulses to trigger the triac into conduction. The triac has four modes of operation and these are forward blocking, forward conduction, reverse blocking and reverse conduction. Applications Typical applications of the triac include ac power control of electric furnaces, lamp dimmer circuits and motor speed control. Diac The diac is a two terminal device containing a two directional zener diode. It is mainly used as a triggering device for the thyristor and triac. The symbol for a diac and its physical appearance are shown in figure 37. Physical appearance Symbol Glass encapsulation Non-polarised Figure 37 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 41 Student material The diac conducts or turns on when some predetermined voltage level is reached, say 30 volts and therefore it can be used to trigger the gate of a thyristor or triac each time the input wave form reaches this predetermined value. Since the diac contains back to back zener diodes it conducts on both positive and negative half cycles. A typical lamp dimmer circuit using a triac and a diac is shown in figure 38 Lamp R Triac VR a.c. mains supply Figure 38 C Diac Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 42 Student material VS LO A D T IM E Th a.c. S U P P LY VS IG IG G AT E T R IG G E R C IR C U IT IL T IM E IL T IM E Figure 39 VS LO A D T IM E Th a.c. S U P P LY VS IG IG G AT E T R IG G E R C IR C U IT IL T IM E IL T IM E VS LO A D T IM E IG Triac a.c. SU PPLY VS IT IL T IM E G AT E T RIG G ER C IR C U IT IL T IM E Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 43 Student material Exercise mA Equipment 1 C106 thyristor 1 1kΩ 0.5W resistor 1 6V 60mA Lamp 1 dc power supply 1 multimeter 1 switch 1kΩ + 6V dc - Switch Figure 40 Object Lamp To investigate the operation of a thyristor Method Connect the circuit shown in fig 40 and switch on the power supply to 6 volts with the switch in the open position and note that the lamp is off. Put the switch into the on position and the lamp should light. Now return the switch to the off position and the lamp should remain lit. Measure and record the current through the thyristor. Reduce the supply voltage slowly, noting the current just before the lamp goes off. This value is known as the holding current. Switch off and reverse the connections from the power supply as shown in figure 41. Switch on to 6V and close the switch, note what happens to the lamp. mA 6V dc + 1KΩ Switch Figure 41 lamp The lamp did not light when the switch was closed as the thyristor is in reverse blocking mode. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 44 Student material Tutorial 1. Draw the BS symbol for a Thyristor, a Triac and a Diac 2. Give two examples of where you would normally us a Thyristor 3. Explain the function of a Thyristor (the use of input and output waveforms may help to illustrate the operation of the device). 4. Give two examples of where you would normally us a Triac. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 45 Student material 5. Explain the function of a Triac (the use of input and output waveforms may help to illustrate the operation of the device). 6. Give an example of where you would normally use a Diac 7. Explain the function of a Diac Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 46 Student material TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIERS Before looking at transistor amplifiers and their operation it is necessary to first look at the types of transistor available and how they operate. Two sorts of transistor Despite the widespread use of integrated circuits, the discrete transistor is still in great demand by the circuit designer. The use of a transistor as an amplifier and as a switch is explained in this section. Since the transistor is capable of amplifying a signal, it is said to be an active component. There are two types of transistor in use: (a) the Bipolar or junction transistor (BJT) (b) the unipolar or field-effect transistor (FET) Usually when people talk about the transistor they mean a discrete bipolar transistor since this type is more widely used than the unipolar type. Bipolar means that the transistors operation depends upon two charge carriers at the one time, holes and electrons. Unipolar means that the transistor’s operation depends on the flow of electrons or holes but not both. What do bipolar transistor look like ? There are thousands of bipolar transistors. Figure 42 shows what a few commonly used types look like. e C b b TAG c e c b b e TAG TO 18 O U TLIN E (M ETA L CA N ) c b e c e c b b b c (CASE) b c e E-LIN E O UT LIN E (P LA STIC S ) e TO 92a O U TLINE (P LA STIC S ) TO 3 O UT LIN E (M ETA L CA SE ) c e TAG e Figure 42 c b bce e TO 220 O U TLINE (P LA STIC S W ITH M ETA L M O U N TIN G SU R FAC E ) TO 39 O U TLIN E (M ETA L CA N ) TO 5 O UT LIN E (M ETA L CA N ) TAG The case, which protects the actual transistor, is known as the encapsulation. The two encapsulations in wide spread use are metal and plastic. The shape or outline of the transistor is chosen by the manufacturer and depends on what it is to be used for. Each transistor is given an unique code, which allows identification. American manufacturers use a code, which begins ‘2N’ (for diodes they use ‘1N’) the number which follows the prefix is the registered number of that device. European manufacturers use a code, which indicates the type of semiconductor material used, silicon or germanium, and the intended use of the transistor. For example, the BC107 transistor, the first letter tells what the semiconductor material is; the letter ‘A’ means germanium and ‘B’ means silicon. The second letter indicates the main use for the transistor; the letter ‘C’ indicates that it can be used as an audio frequency amplifier. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 47 Student material The letter ‘S’ would mean its main use is for switching and the letter ‘F’ indicates radio frequency amplification. The bipolar transistor As stated earlier the transistor is called bipolar because both electrons and holes flow during its operation. The semiconductor diode, covered in outcome 1, is a two terminal device having one pn junction in its structure see figure 43. P N figure 43 The transistor is made up of three ‘doped’ semiconductor layers, two relatively wide regions, collector and emitter, with an extremely thin layer, base, between them. The transistor is a three terminal device. The arrangement can be NPN or PNP and this, along with the current paths is shown in figure 44 IC IC C C N IB P IB P N B N B P E E I IE = IC + IB I IC IE = IC + IB C IB IC C IB B B E Figure44 E IE IE Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 48 Student material In the example given in figure 44 the arrows indicate the direction of conventional current flow, but in the following descriptions it is electron flow which will be discussed. What a transistor does Action There are two current paths through a transistor. One is the base emitter path and the other is the collector-emitter (via base) path. The value of the transistor is that the circuits can be linked so that the current in one path can control the current in the other. Electrons Holes IC C +0.6V VBE N IB P B Base emitter path N Collector Emitter path +6V 0V E I Figure45 0V If a potential difference of +6V is connected across an NPN transistor so that the collector is positive with respect to the emitter (leaving the base unconnected), the base collector junction is reversed biased since the positive of the supply goes to the n-type collector. If the base – emitter junction is now forward biased by applying a voltage (VBE) of about + 0.6V, electrons flow from the n-type emitter across the junction (as they would in a junction diode) into the p-type base. The loss of these electrons is made up by electrons entering the emitter from the external supply, to form the emitter current IE. (see figure 45) In the base, only a very small proportion of the electrons (about 1%) from the emitter combine with holes because the base is very thin (less than 10 microns) and is also lightly doped. Most of the electrons pass through the base region under the strong attraction of the positive voltage on the collector. They cross the base collector junction and become the collector current IC. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 49 Student material The small amounts of electron – hole recombination’s occurring in the base gives it a momentary negative charge, which is immediately compensated by a flow of positive charged holes from the power supply to the base. This flow of holes from the external supply creates a small base current IB and enables the transistor to maintain the much larger collector current. If we regard IB as the input current to the transistor and IC as the output current from it, then the transistor acts. i. As a switch in which IB turns on and controls IC (i.e. IC = 0 if IB = 0 and IB = 0 until VBE approaches +0.6V) ii. As a current amplifier since IC is greater than IB. Further points Note the for an NPN transistor the collector and base must be positive with respect to the emitter; for a PNP type they must be negative. The input (base emitter) and output (collector emitter) circuits have a common connection at the emitter. The transistor is then said to be in common - emitter mode. Two other less usual modes are common - collector and common – base. dc. current gain Typically IC is 10 to 1000 times greater than IB depending on the type of transistor. The dc. current gain hfe is an important property of the transistor and is defined by: hfe = IC IB For example if IC = 5mA and IB = 0.05mA, then hfe = 5/ 0.05 = 100. Although hfe is approximately constant for one transistor over a limited range of IC values, it varies between transistors of the same type due to manufacturing tolerances. Also note that the current entering the transistor equals that leaving the transistor. IE = IC + IB Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 50 Student material Transistor as a switch Transistors have many advantages over other electrically operated switches such as relays. They are small, cheap, reliable, have no moving parts, their life is almost indefinite (in well-designed circuits) and they can switch millions of times a second. VCC +6V IC RC C RB IB 1K 2N3019 B 10 K Vin VCE = Vout Figure46 E VBE IE 0V The basic common emitter switching circuit is shown in figure 46. It contains a protective resistor RB in the base circuit and a ‘load ‘ resistor RL in the collector circuit. RL and the transistor form a potential divider across the power supply voltage VCC Vin is the input signal (usually dc) applied to the base emitter circuit. It is the value of Vin, which causes the switching of the circuit output Vout(that is the VCE – taken off across the collector and emitter). The output switches between a ‘high’ value (near VCC) and a ‘low’ value (near 0V). the action of this circuit can be explained as follows. If Vin is gradually increased from 0V to 6V and measurements are take of Vin, Vout, IC and IB, the two graphs can be produced as shown in figure 47 Vo/V A6 (TRANSISTOR PARTLY ON) B 6 5 5 4 (a) 0.6V < Vi < 1.4V AN D h F E = I C /I B I C /mA I B = 0 = I C (TRANSISTOR OFF) Vi > 1.4V AND I C Vcc/R L (TRANSISTOR FULLY ON) 4 h FE = I C /I B (TRANSISTOR PARTLY ON) 3 Vi > 1.4V AND I C Vcc/R L (TRANSISTOR FULLY ON) 2 1 (b) C 3 2 Figure 47 1 D 0 1 0.6 2 3 4 5 6 Vi/V 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 I B /µ A 1.4 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 51 Student material From figure 47 the following can be deduced. i. When VIN is less than + 0.6V, VOUT = VCC = 6V (point AB on graph a) and also IB = IC = 0 (point 0 on graph b). In this region the transistor is not switched on and so it has a very high resistance (infinite in an ideal transistor). Since the resistor RL and the transistor act as a voltage divider, and all the voltage will be across the transistor. Since there is an infinite resistance there must also be zero current. ii. When Vin is greater than 0.6V but less than 1.4 V, VOUT falls rapidly as Vin increases (BC on graph a), and IC increases linearly as IB increases (OP on graph b). In this region the transistor is partly on and its resistance decreases rapidly. As the resistance decreases so the voltage dropped across the transistor decreases and the voltage across the resistor RL increases. Since the resistance of the transistor decreases, the currents IC and IB increase. iii. When Vin is greater than 1.4V VOUT = 0v (CD on graph a) the resistance of the transistor has reached its minimum and so the voltage across the transistor, VOUT levels out. This means that the current IC reaches its maximum and will not be increased by further increases in IB (PQ on graph b). In this region the transistor is fully on and is said to be saturated because increasing IB does not increase IC. When the transistor is being used as a switch its action can be summarised by the two ideal simple circuits shown in figure 48 +6V +6V ICRL = 0V RL ICRL = 6V RL SW SW Vout = 6V 0V 0V Figure 48 S open = transistor off Vout = 0V S closed = transistor on Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 52 Student material Field effect transistor (FET) In a bipolar junction transistor, the small input (base ) current controls the larger output (collector current; it is a current controlled device. In the FET, the input voltage controls the output current. The input current is usually negligible (less than 1pA = 1 Pico ampere = 1 x 10 –12 A). This is very useful as it gives the device a very high input impedance which allows it to match easily with high output impedance devices. The FET is a unipolar device where only one type of charge carrier is involved, either electrons or holes, depending on wither the device is a n-channel or a p-channel. The FET consists of a bar or channel of n- or p-type semiconductor material with metal contacts at the ends. These contacts are called the drain (D) and source (S). a third contact, the gate (G) is connected to a small p- or n-type region, between the drain and source, which forms a p-n junction. A simplified diagram of an N channel and P channel FET is shown in figure 49 Gate Gate Source Source Drain Drain p n n p p n n p Gate Gate Depletion region Depletion region VGS VGS VDS Figure 49 VDS Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 53 Student material The action of an FET The channel acts as a conductor which is narrower in the middle because of the depletion layer at the p-n junctions, caused by the different gate material at either side of the channel. Since the depletion layer is short of charge carriers it behaves like an insulator. When the drain is made positive with respect to the source, electrons flow from source to drain. The gate is usually negative and reverse biases the p-n junction widening the depletion region (figure 50) this narrows the cross sectional area available for current flow therefore the current is reduced. Narrower channel Current reduced Figure 50 Channel closed Current stopped For a given drain-source voltage VDS, ID is controlled by the gate-source voltage VGS (more correctly – by the electric field produced by VGS) and ID decreases as VGS goes more negative. As the FET is a unipolar device it is less susceptible to temperature effects, as there are no minority charge carriers and it also has a lower noise level since the charge carriers do not have to cross a P-N junction. Some advantages in applications of FET’s are as follows: Advantages • High input impedance • Simple biasing techniques • Relatively insensitive to temperature • Low noise level Applications • Constant current resistors • Choppers • Modulators • Voltage controlled switches Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 54 Student material The transistor amplifier (biasing) In order to make best use of a transistor as an amplifier the circuit should be set up to ensure that the transistor, when handling the input signal, is always operating in the linear portion of its characteristic. This is region from O-P on graph b figure 47, this is when the transistor does not switch off (point O) and does not reach saturation (point P). This set up is known as biasing the transistor. Three types of bias circuits are shown in figure 51. The simplest uses a single resistor connected between the supply voltage and the base of the transistor figure 51 (a). This type of bias is seldom used because the correct value for the resistor depends on the hfe of the transistor being used, and would not work properly if the same resistor was used with another transistor of the same type. The circuit shown in figure51 (b) is a considerable improvement on the first because the bias resistor is fed from the variable voltage at the collector. This small change makes the circuit to some extent self adjusting. If the collector current rises, due to some change, the voltage at the collector will drop (ohms law) this will reduce the base current which in turn reduces the collector current. The opposite happens if the collector current falls the collector voltage rises and the transistor is turned on more allowing more collector current to flow. R1 R2 R2 R1 RL R1 Figure51 R2 RE a b c The circuit shown in figure 51 (c) is the most commonly used circuit for small signal amplifiers. The two resistors in the base circuit provide a voltage divider that give the correct bias voltage and the resistor in the emitter circuit provides control of the base emitter current. This type of circuit means that there is very little problem in changing from one transistor to another. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 55 Student material An amplifier constructed using a FET has a much simpler bias arrangement and the circuit shown in figure 52 shows the bias for a FET in depletion mode. For correct bias, the voltage of the gate should be negative with respect to the source voltage, or to put it another way, the source voltage must be positive with respect to the gate voltage. In this circuit the positive voltage is obtained from the voltage drop across R3 in series with the source. When there is no input signal the gate voltage is kept at 0 volts by resistor R1, which needs to have a very large value since no current flows in the gate circuit. +6V R2 1K OUT IN Figure 52 R1 1M R3 470R 0V Summary (biasing) The purpose of biasing the transistor is to set its output current to a value, which permits the best use to be made of its transfer characteristics, to give the maximum output without distortion. For a linear amplifier having a resistive load, the most useful bias setting is to have a collector voltage close to half the supply voltage (this is known as class A). The biasing method chosen must be stable, lest the bias setting be upset by small changes in component values. The output voltage will be a minimum when the transistor is conducting heavily and it will be a maximum when the transistor is nearly off. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 56 Student material Small signal amplification In order to use the amplifier circuit for ac signals capacitors have to be added to the input and output lines. This will prevent the dc bias voltages being effected by any external voltages, and also prevent the bias voltage from effecting the external components, such as the signal source. These coupling capacitors are shown as C1 and C2 in figure 53. A third capacitor CE is required to by-pass the emitter resistor for ac signals this allows the small input voltage to drive a small current through the base emitter circuit without having to flow through the emitter resistor. When the emitter resistor was introduced to stabilise the biasing, it did so by providing negative feedback to the dc circuit, but this negative feedback is not required for the ac signal and therefore the capacitor can remove it for ac only. Using capacitors of different values will allow the amount of negative feedback to be controlled thereby giving some control over the gain of the amplifier. +Vc RC R C2 1 C1 Figure 53 Tr1 2N2222 OUTPUT INPUT R2 RE CE 0V Since as stated earlier the amplifier output goes up when the input goes down, and the output goes down when the input goes up, the amplifier is an inverting amplifier. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 57 Student material Practical exercise (common emitter) Equipment 1 dc power supply 1 signal generator 1 oscilloscope 1 multimeter 1 prototype board Components as per the circuit diagram Object To investigate the operation of a small signal common emitter amplifier. Method Connect the circuit as shown in figure 54. Set the power supply at 12V and take notes and readings of each circuit as you progress. +12V R1 15K RL 1K8 22µF / 25V 22µF / 25V TR1 BC107 C2 C1 Input 0V (part 1) R2 3K3 RE 470R Output Figure 54 0V Using a suitable voltmeter, measure the following dc voltages (no ac signal present). Voltage across R2 = ……………………………………………………. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 58 Student material Voltage across RE = …………………………………………………….. Base- Emitter voltage = …………………………………………………… Collector voltage = ………………………………………………………. Voltage across RL = …………………………………………………….. b) Using the signal generator, apply a sinewave of 20mV peak to peak, at the frequency of 1 kHz into the input of the amplifier. Using the oscilloscope, observe and sketch the following waveforms. +V t Base signal -V +V Collector signal t -V +V Emitter signal t -V Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 59 Student material c) Try switching the scope between ac and dc coupling. What do you find? Answer ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… d) Calculate the amplifier voltage gain. Input signal = 20mV peak to peak Output signal = ……………………………………….. Voltage gain = output signal / input signal = comments ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Part 2 +12V R1 15K RL 1K8 22µF / 25V 22µF / 25V TR1 BC107 C2 C1 Input 20mV pk - pk (part 2) R2 3K3 RE 470R C3 10µF 25V Output 0V Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 60 Student material 2a) Using a suitable voltmeter, measure the following dc voltages ( no ac signal present). Voltage across R2 = ……………………………………………………. Voltage across RE = …………………………………………………….. Base- Emitter voltage = …………………………………………………… Collector voltage = ………………………………………………………. Voltage across RL = …………………………………………………….. Does the addition of C3 affect the dc voltages? …………………………… b) Again apply a sinewave of 20mV peak to peak, at the frequency of 1 kHz into the input of the amplifier. Using the oscilloscope, observe and sketch the following waveforms. +V Emitter signal t -V +V Base signal t -V Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 61 Student material +V Collector signal t -V b) Does the addition of C3 alter the waveforms? And if so how? ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… c) Calculate the amplifier voltage gain. Input signal = 20mV peak to peak Output signal = ……………………………………….. Voltage gain = output signal / input signal = comments ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 62 Student material Practical exercise (common source) Equipment 1 dc power supply 1 signal generator 1 oscilloscope 1 multimeter 1 prototype board components as per the circuit diagram Object To investigate the operation of a small signal common source amplifier. Method Connect the circuit as shown in figure 56. Set the power supply at 20V and take notes and reading of each circuit as you progress. VDD 20V RD 4.7k C2 4.7µF C1 4.7µF Figure 56 Vin 500mV 1kHz RG 560k RS 1.2k CS 10µF Using a suitable voltmeter, measure and record the following dc voltages (no ac signal present) Voltage across RG = …………………………………………………. Voltage across RS = …………………………………………………. Gate – Source voltage = …………………………………………………… Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 63 Student material Drain voltage = …………………………………………………………… Voltage across RD = …………………………………………………. b) Using the signal generator, apply a sinewave of 500mV peak to peak, at the frequency of 1 kHz into the input of the amplifier. Using the oscilloscope, observe and sketch the following waveforms. +V Gate signal t -V +V t Source signal -V +V t Drain signal -V Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 64 Student material c) Calculate the amplifier voltage gain. Input signal = 500mV peak to peak Output signal = ……………………………………….. Voltage gain = output signal / input signal = comments ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 65 Student material THE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Introduction Operational amplifiers (op-amps) are amplifier circuits in which the circuit components (transistors, resistors, etc.) are integrated on to a tiny silicon chip and packaged in IC form. They are extremely versatile devices and are used in a wide range of applications including amplification, signal processing and waveform generation. Many different types of op-amps are currently available, however the most commonly used is the 741. The symbol for the op-amp together with the pin out data for the 741 is shown in figure 57. + VS NC +VS O/P 8 7 6 1 2 Offset Null1 Inv I/P Offset Null2 5 Inverting input _ + Non-inverting input Output 5 1 Figure57 4 3 Non-inv - VS I/P -VS There are two input terminals, one called the inverting input (marked - ) and the other called the non-inverting input (marked + ). The output (assuming zero offset) will be the difference in the signal between both inputs multiplied by the gain. Ideally when both inputs are the same the output should be zero. In practice some offset always occurs (caused by a slight difference in internal components). With both inputs held at zero volts, the resulting output can be easily trimmed to zero by an offset nulling technique such as that shown in figure 58 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 66 Student material Offset null control 2 _ 6 741 3 + Figure58 Output 5 1 10K + VS The 10K potentiometer should be adjusted so that the output voltage is zero. There are two power supply terminals marked + Vs and –Vs (sometimes marked +Vcc and –Vcc). Operation is normally from a dual balanced power supply at ±12V or ±15V , although the circuit can be adjusted to operate from a single power supply. Properties of Op-amps The main properties of Op-amps are: 1. A very high ‘open loop’ gain (about 100,000 for the 741) which decreases as the signal frequency increases. 2. A very high input impedance (typically 106 to 1012Ω), meaning very little current is drawn from the signal source. 3. A very low output impedance (commonly 100Ω), meaning the efficient transfer of its output voltage to any load greater than a few kilohms. Inverting amplifier circuit R1 +Vs R2 2 _ 741 3 Input R3 Figure 59 7 6 + 4 -Vs Output 0V Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 67 Student material The circuit given in figure 59 is that of an inverting amplifier using a balanced power supply. The dc bias conditions are set by connecting the + input to the mid voltage point (ie 0V) via resistor R3 (since the current through R3 is very small, the voltage across R3 is also very small and the non-inverting input + is at virtually 0V. The input signal is applied via R2 to the inverting ( - ) input of the op-amp. The output will therefore be in antiphase with the input (ie 180o for an ac signal). Resistor R1 provides negative feedback for the amplifier and it is this feedback which determines the overall gain of the amplifier circuit. Amplifier gain = - ( R1/ R2) For example if R1 = 220K, R2 = 22K and R3 = 22K the the gain of the amplifier will be –10 Ie. -220 / 22 = -10 Note coupling capacitors can be added to the input and output terminals if required when amplifying ac signals. Non-inverting amplifier circuit R1 +Vs 2 _ 7 741 3 Input R2 R3 Figure 60 6 + 4 -Vs Output 0V The diagram of figure 60 shows the circuit for a non- inverting amplifier again using a balanced power supply. Non inverting amplifiers also make use of negative feedback to stabilise the circuit conditions in the same way as inverting amplifiers, but the input signal is now applied to the ( + ) terminal of the op-amp. The output signal will be in phase with the input signal. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 68 Student material Amplifier gain = (R1 + R2) / R2 = (R1 / R2 ) + 1 Using the same values as previously the amplifier gain will be = 11 Gain = (220 / 22) + 1 = 11 Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 69 Student material Practical exercise (op-amps) Equipment 1 dual power supply 1 signal generator 1dual beam oscilloscope 1 prototype board 1 741 op-amp 2 10K 0.25W resistors (R2 & R3) 1 100K 0.25W resistor (R1) Object To investigate inverting and non-inverting amplifiers Method Using the equipment supplied connect up the circuit shown in figure 61 R1 +Vs R2 741 3 Input Figure 61 7 2 _ 6 + R3 4 -Vs Output 0V a) Calculate the gain of the amplifier using R1/ R2. Gain = R1 / R2 = ……………………….. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 70 Student material b) Using the signal generator and oscilloscope, apply an input signal of 500mV, peak to peak sine wave at a frequency of 1 kHz to the amplifier. Observe and sketch the following waveforms. +V Input signal t -V +V Output signal t -V c) Calculate the gain of the amplifier Gain = output signal / input signal = Compare this to the theoretical gain calculated earlier and comment on any difference. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 71 Student material Part 2 `Non-inverting amplifier Connect the circuit as shown in figure 62 R1 = 100K R2 = 10K R3 = 10K +Vs 2 _ 7 741 3 Input R2 R3 Figure 60 6 + 4 -Vs Output 0V a) Calculate the gain of the amplifier using (R1 / R2 ) + 1 gain = (R1 / R2 ) + 1 = b) Using the signal generator and oscilloscope, apply an input signal of 500mV, peak to peak sine wave at a frequency of 1 kHz to the amplifier. Observe and sketch the following waveforms. +V Input signal t -V Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 72 Student material +V Output signal t -V c) Calculate the gain of the amplifier Gain = output signal / input signal = Compare this to the theoretical gain calculated earlier and comment on any difference. Part 3 Repeat the previous experiment with frequencies of 10kHz, 100kHz and 500kHz and note the effect this has on the gain of the circuit. Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals: Introduction to Semiconductor Applications (Int 2) 73 Student material