NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Design, Engineering and Technology Civil Engineering Specialisms [ADVANCED HIGHER] Acknowledgements Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledge th is contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Civil Engineering, in particular the work of Brian Cook in preparing it. Electronic version 2003 © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2003 This publication may be reproduced in whole or i n part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. CONTENTS Overview 1 Tutor Guide 2 Student Guide 3 Study Guide 1 Road systems and their structure Study Guide 2 Traffic engineering 10 Study Guide 3 Water supply and sewerage systems 17 Study Guide 4 Geotechnics 32 Study Guide 5 Civil engineering and the environment 42 iv CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 4 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) v © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 OVERVIEW These support materials are provided to assist teachers/lecturers in the delivery of the Advanced Higher Civil Engineering course unit Civil Engineering Specialisms. They will also help to prepare students for assessment. The Tutor Guide offers brief advice on appropriate teaching approaches for the unit and on additional learning and tut orial materials that will have to be prepared by teachers/lecturers. A brief description of each Study Guide is included. Student’s support materials are provided in the form of five Study Guides. Each Study Guide covers one outcome of the unit. The Study Guides are as follows: Study Guide 1: Road systems and their structure Study Guide 2: Traffic engineering Study Guide 3: Water supply and sewerage systems Study Guide 4: Geotechnics Study Guide 5: Civil engineering and the environment CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 1 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 TUTOR GUIDE Introduction The Advanced Higher in Civil Engineering allows students to apply the skills acquired in previous studies, such as Higher Civil Engineering, to the solution of a broad range of problems in structural design, highway and traffic engineering, and water and public health engineering. The unit Civil Engineering Specialisms has a unit credit rating of 1.5. It should attract students with an interest in solving practical problems in a range of relevant civil engineering issues related to the des ign and construction of roads, foundations and water systems as well as the environment. Teaching and learning The Study Guides provided in these support materials contain teaching material that will enable students to acquire a knowledge and understandi ng of a range of topics at a sufficient level to encourage further study. Teachers/lecturers should encourage the use of the internet as an important resource in these subjects which are subject to changing legislative requirements as well as technological developments, as for example with environmental issues, or with new systems such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). 2 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 STUDENT GUIDE Introduction Civil Engineering covers many aspects of the built environment and infrastructure and services. Professional civil engineers and technicians usually specialise in particular areas, such as roads, railways, water and sewerage. Civil Engineering Specialisms therefore provides a basic introductory look at: Roads Traffic engineering Water and sewerage Geotechnics Environmental aspects Students wishing to further develop their knowledge in any particular specialism will find a range of HN units, which are component parts of the HNC and HND in Civil Engineering. Recommended Texts Your tutor will advise you on appropriate textbooks for each outcome. Check your library for the New Civil Engineer journal, which provides up-todate discussions and case studies. Assessment Assessments will be ‘closed book’; some team work will be involved, however, for example, in carrying out traffic surveys. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 3 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 1 STUDY GUIDE 1 Road systems and their structure Outcome 1 Describe road systems and their structure. On completion you should be able to: Describe the different categories of roads making up the highway network Describe the different structural types of road pavement Describe the functions of the layers making up the road structure Describe road construction materials. 4 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 1 Introduction The infrastructure of highways in Scotland comprises motorways, pri mary routes, major roads and minor roads. These are defined in BS 6100: 1992 as: Motorway: Limited access dual carriageway road not crossed on the same level by other traffic lanes, for the exclusive use of certain classes of motor vehicles. Primary route: Route consisting of roads other than motorways, that forms part of a national network of important through routes. Major road: Road to which is assigned a priority of traffic movement over other roads. Minor roads: Road that is assigned a lesser traffic value than that of a major road. Within these broad categories we can further describe roads as trunk roads, classified roads, principal roads and regional roads. Roads of lesser importance than the aforementioned include single -track roads and private streets. The nucleus of Britain’s road system (adopted by Central Government following the Trunk Roads Acts of 1936 and 1946) were the classified ‘main’ roads or ‘trunk’ roads. The term trunk road is an all -embracing term including roadways ranging from busy motorways to carriageways less than 5.5m in width. Similarly all dual carriageways are not necessarily trunk roads. The system of principal roads was introduced in 1967. Only 10% of the principal roads are in urban areas. Trunk roads became principal roads when they crossed a county boundary. The classification of a road depends upon its importance within the national system. A glance at a map will reveal A roads and B roads, and also unclassified roads. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 5 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 1 Urban highway network This consists of a system of primary distributors, district distributors, local distributors and access roads. Primary distributors may be motorways or all purpose roads. They allow fast movement of traffic to or from towns and cities. Typically, access and parking is restricte d. District distributors are the feeder roads that carry district traffic, allowing free movement within a particular district. Local roads are bounded by primary and district distributors. Low speed limits and traffic calming measures are normal. Parking may be designated. A typical network is shown in fig. 1.1: Fig 1.1 Rural highway network This constitutes the majority of the country’s roads network with the principal routes connecting and bypassing major towns and cities. Secondar y routes connect smaller towns. In addition, motorways for high -speed traffic are separated from other traffic movements. Roads of only local importance are termed all-purpose roads, and are located normally in semi –rural low populated areas. Further information can be obtained from the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the web site 6 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 1 Components of the highway The part of the road or highway constructed for use by vehicular traffic is called the carriageway. The highway generally has a hardened verge, and in some cases a hard shoulder. The structure of the road above the sub -grade is referred to as a pavement. Pavements can be flexible, flexible composite, rigid, or rigid composite depending upon the design. Flexible pavement The wearing course of the road provides its waterproofing and skid resistance. The base course supports the wearing course and assists in protecting the road. The road base is the main load-spreading layer of the road structure. Students should refer to Design Manual Volume 7 Section 2 Part 2 HD 25/94 for suitable materials. To improve and protect weak subgrades, a capping of cheap material can be used to increase the stiffness and the strength of the formation. The sub base assists load spreading, assists subsoil drainage and can act as a temporary site access road. All layers of the surfacing and road base are constructed from bituminous bound materials, hence commonly re ferred to as ‘blacktop’. The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Design Criteria, Volume 7, Section 2 Part 3 HD 26/94 permits the use of the following as roadbase materials: Dense Bitumen Macadam (DBM) Hot Rolled Asphalt (HRA) Dense Tar Macadam (DTM) DBM + 50 penetration bitumen (DBM50) Heavy Duty Macadam (HDM) Fig 1.2 In this design of road structure, the road base is non -cement bound. A flexible road is not made up of a single layer of homogenous material and so the work of Boussinesq in respect of distribution of stress, where the average stress at any depth can be contained within an angle of 45 ° , is not appropriate. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 7 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 1 Instead, Burmister’s theory for stresses on layered systems, expressed in terms of the elastic modulus, is appropri ate. The purpose of the road structure is to provide a means of reducing the stress due to the wheel load to a value that the structure can support. The characteristics of modern flexible roads are that the work can proceed at a number of points progressively along the road, and the road can be laid in distinct sections to be joined up later without detriment to the final finished surface. The road can be laid without joints and to a high degree of accuracy. Care must be taken with terminology. Frequently called ‘blacktop’ the colour of the road is determined by the aggregate colour of the chippings or the aggregate in the wearing coat. The term ‘tarmac’ is generally inaccurate as the common binder is now bitumen and so the surfacing may be referred to as ‘ bitmac’. The surfacing layer provides the riding surface and this requires to resist skidding, be laid to falls, and to protect underlying layers from water ingress and possible frost action. Materials commonly used are hot rolled asphalt, or coated macadam. Open texture or ‘friction’ course surfacing with carefully designed voids are used to avoid icing. The base course is the lower surfacing layer and is also formed with HRA. The roadbase is the main structural layer that ensures that underlying materials are not overstressed. Dense bitumen macadam can be used for this layer. Where fuel spillage is likely, dense tar macadam might be used. The sub-base is another distributing layer and may be used as a temporary site access surface. Materials are commonl y crushed rock type 1 or 2 or weak cement-bound material. The capping is a protective ‘cheap’ layer laid to protect the sub -grade. Coarse grained crushed rock or cement-treated soil can be used. Flexible composite Here, the surfacing and upper roadbase materials are bound with bituminous binder on a lower roadbase of cement -bound material (CBM). Flexible composite road structure is therefore similar to the flexible, except the road base is cement bound. Such carriageways are usually built to last twenty years with an allowance made for annual traffic growth. This road construction can be used for economy, but the thinner construction depth is likely to lead to deterioration by general cracking, which is not mitigated by restricting the individual laid width. Where the pavement is designed with indeterminate life, limiting the width of the roadbase to 4.75m minimises the risk of longitudinal cracking. 8 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 1 Rigid pavement The slab provides both the wearing course and the main structural layer of the road. It is termed rigid because there should be no deflection of the slab under traffic load. The concrete can be unreinforced concrete (URC), jointed reinforced concrete (JRC), or continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). Selection is based on technical or environmental considerations. Fig 1.3 high strength concrete or reinforced slab sub base formation sub grade improvement layer or capping The main structural element is a high-strength slab, formed in pavement quality concrete (PQC), which is also the wearing finish. This transfers the loads to the sub-grade, resists cracking and provides the ride quality. The sub-base is usually formed by cement-bound materials to prevent joints or cracks causing damage to the sub-base. To avoid transverse joints, bituminous surface may be applied for a rigid composite pavement. Where transverse joints a re unacceptable, the concrete slab may be reinforced to form a continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). Such roads are designed to have a long life without the need for further strengthening, unlike the flexible pavements which require major strengthening or partial reconstruction to extend the serviceable period. A typical example is the A90 Brechin bypass, where a slip -formed drainage channel was formed as an integral part of the carriageway slabs. Recent innovations include the ecopave economic pavement where un-reinforced machine-laid carriageway slabs rely on a system of purpose induced micro cracks to cope with movement. This avoids the need for breaks in continuity and dowel bars. It allows a blacktop wearing course to be applied over the continuously reinforced road base without reflective cracks occurring. Rigid composite This road construction comprises the continuously reinforced concrete roadbase (CRCR) with bituminous surfacing. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 9 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 2 STUDY GUIDE 2 Traffic engineering Outcome 2 Describe, carry out and analyse traffic surveys. On completion you should be able to: Use traffic engineering terminology Describe the relationship between speed, flow and concentration Describe the reasons for carrying out traffic surveys Carry out and analyse a traffic survey. 10 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 2 Survey methodologies Why survey? Surveys are necessary when the requirements for road design cannot be met from any other source. If the survey is essential then great care should be taken in the design. It is desirable to avoid di srupting the public. The survey objectives must be precise. Such clarification leads to a more efficient survey. Without such studies there can be no factual basis for the development and evaluation of plans at national, regional and local levels. It is also necessary to know the distribution and performance of traffic on existing roads. This is required to allow for predicted traffic movements. Measurements of both traffic flows and speeds are needed. The traffic engineer is concerned with spot speeds, run ning speeds and journey speeds. Spot speed: This is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified location. Running speed: This is the average speed maintained over a given route while the vehicle is in motion. Journey speed: This is the overall average time taken to complete the given journey and includes time when the vehicle is at rest, for example at traffic lights. Clearly the major requirement of a road is its ability to accommodate traffic under specific conditions. This is measured in vehicl es per day or passenger carrying units (pcu) per day. The traffic engineer is concerned not only with the number of vehicles passing a specific point in unit time (the flow), but also with the concentration of vehicles occupying a unit length of road at a specific time. These relationships can be plotted graphically. Types of survey There are surveys which involve interviews and in consequence entail disruption to the public, and there are traffic counts. Studies can vary from those based on simple volumetric surveys concerned only with vehicular flow, to highly sophisticated and complex conurbation studies. The methods include: Questionnaires Household surveys Roadside interviews Pilot surveys Automatic traffic counts Manual classified counts Axle load surveys. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 11 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 2 A transportation study is basically iterative in nature with feedbacks to preceding elements of study. Surveys can be broadly classified into four groups: Travel characteristics Transportation facilities Land use Economic activity. Questionnaire It is vital that the scope of the questionnaire, the definitions, the instructions and the wording are carefully considered. Normally returns from questionnaires are disappointing. This method does require less skilled personnel, as interviewers leave forms at households and collect them completed (hopefully) two days later. Telephone interviews can also be used as an alternative to uplifting the completed forms. The framing of the questions is of great importance to the effectiveness of the survey, and questions should be objective in style, clear and unambiguous. They should be designed to enable answers to be classified into predetermined groups. Household and roadside surveys Household surveys offer the possibility of follow -up personal interviews. Roadside interviews are normally short personal interviews. When a home interview survey is conducted, an imaginary continuous line known as a cordon will have been drawn around the area, and the study will focus upon movements out of and through the imaginar y external cordon boundary. Where further detail is required an area can be further sub -divided by additional cordons. The most widely used method is the direct interview. Alternatively, where trained staff is not available, questionnaires may be used. The success of roadside surveys depends upon the voluntary cooperation of drivers and the assistance of the police. In terms of sample size the appropriate formula is: n = [P (1-P) N 3 ]/ [(E/1.96) 2 (N-1) + (1-p2) N2] Where n N E P = = = = the sample size the total number of households accuracy proportion of households Pilot surveys Where there is no historical data or prior experience it is clear that certain things require to be clarified before an efficient survey can be carried out. This is a small survey to give guidance on the sampling frame, the variability of the population in the study, the adequacy of the questionnaire, and the efficiency of the instructions. 12 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 2 Automated traffic counts This operation requires substantial investment in instrument s, equipment, data handling systems and staff time. There are intrinsic errors in such systems of course. Induction loop detection is more reliable than pneumatic tube detection, but electronic equipment requires to be accurately set and adjusted. Pneumatic tubes also detect numbers of axles and not vehicles. This is another factor that can result in undercounting. There are also sampling errors to be allowed for. The three main types of detectors today are magnetic, photo-electric and contact strip devices. Manual counts The number of enumerators varies with the traffic flow. Roughly one enumerator can handle about 500–600 vehicles per hour. Each half hour a fresh recording sheet should be used, and notes should also be kept of factors such as accidents, weather and convoys. The recording sheet shows silhouettes of the different categories of vehicles. Typical recording forms are in Highways and Traffic, Vol 1, by C.A.O’Flaherty. Manual counts have the advantages of providing more specific information. The moving observer method requires the use of a test car to facilitate the estimation of the estimated average traffic speed. The traffic flow in vehicles per hour is given by: q = [60(x + y)]/(t a + t w ) Where q = traffic flow in one direction, vehicles pe r hour x = number of vehicles met while driving against the flow to be estimated. Y = number of vehicles overtaking minus the number of vehicles overtaken while driving with the flow to be estimated. t a = travel time while driving against the flow to be estimated in minutes. t w = travel time while driving with the flow to be estimated in minutes. Hand-held electronic systems This is the modern alternative to handwritten sheets and results in lower costs, fewer mistakes, and enhanced data quality. This is particularly useful at junctions. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 13 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 2 Journey time systems In the past, vehicle count and speed was taken as the best measurement of network performance; however, increasingly the journey time is taken as the lead indicator. There are some systems which read number plate readings to register details of passing vehicles. This is very useful for modelling and prediction purposes. Adhesive loop sensors These are placed on the road surface and are suitable for months of survey work. They may also be used to detect pollution, particularly levels of carbon monoxide. 14 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 2 Fundamentals The purpose of the surveys is of course to improve flow and reduce accidents and delays. Definitions Flow, q, is the number of vehicles passing a given point in a unit of time, commonly the number of vehicles per hour. Concentration, k, is the number of vehicles in a given length of road, measured in vehicles per mile. Speed, u, is the distance covered by a vehicle in a unit of time, measured in miles per hour. The relationship between the three is: q = uk As fluctuations in flow, concentration and speed are common, it is only useful to consider average figures. Example If a man travels to work at a steady 20miles/h and returns home at a steady 30 miles/h what is the average speed? The man covers the distance x to work in x/20 and from work in x/30 hours. The total distance is 2x. The average speed is therefore: 2x/[x/20 + x/30] = 24 miles/h. This is the average of the space distribution of speed known as the space-mean speed, and this is different from the time mean speed of 25 miles/h which you probably calculated. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 15 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 2 Relationships There are three fundamental relationships between flow, concentration and speed. Figure 2.1 Where qc is the capacity flow, ki is the jam concentration and Vf is the free spread. In the graphs the section OA corresponds to a free flow condition in which the concentration of vehicles is low and the speed is at the desired speed of the drivers. As the flow increases s o the concentration increases and the speed reduces as vehicles interact with one another. The rate of change continues until the flow reaches the maximum qc. At point A therefore, small interferences to the traffic stream can cause rapid fluctuations in f low, concentration and speed. This is called congestion. Traffic engineering objectives This is an empirical specialism but the engineer should try to achieve: A design for the capacity of a road or intersection greater than the flow, which must be accommodated. Prevention of the propagation of queues and other disturbances by the regulation of traffic in severe traffic conditions. Students should examine the use of detectors for responsive traffic signals described in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 8, available from the Stationery Office. 16 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 STUDY GUIDE 3 Water supply and sewerage systems Outcome 3 Describe water supply and sewerage disposal systems. On completion of this outcome you should be able to: Describe the components of water supply and sewerage systems Describe problems associated with water pollution Outline the treatment processes of water and sewerage Outline the equipment used in the treatment of water and sewerage. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 17 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Introduction Water is sourced from rivers, lakes and aquifers. The surface water supplies are augmented by reservoirs. When all the convenient sources have been tapped we have to turn to reusing polluted water from the lower reaches of rivers and the sea. Water treatments and desalination are then ess ential. Our reserves are finite, so it makes sense to conserve our resources and improve the treatment of effluent. Catchment area The boundary of any river basin is defined naturally by the watershed along the tops of the hill ridges that separate it fr om all the neighbouring valley catchments. The area within the line of the watershed is called the catchment area where the rain is collected and drains into a stream, lake, reservoir or valley. The run-off from the catchment area depends on: Rainfall Size and shape of catchment area Topography Vegetation cover Nature of surface Nature of subsoil Level of water table Reservoirs Reservoirs are built to store water at times of surplus, for steady release to the public supply or for controlled release to re gulate river flow during dry seasons. Types of reservoir Upland reservoirs, river regulating reservoirs, lowland storage basins and storage over estuaries, bays and flats are supplemented by special high -level reservoirs. Many lowland towns were forced to tap upland sources when local rivers became polluted and unsafe. As the run -off from the upland catchment areas can be meagre at times, storage is necessary to ensure continuity of supply. Sometimes water storage can be created by the construction of dams . Reservoirs can impact on amenity and the environment, however. At the Tummel Garry scheme in Perthshire, for example, a fish ladder was provided to accommodate migrating fish. 18 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Fig 3.1 Upland surface water system Groundwater There is a long history of the use of groundwater in the UK, particularly in the south. This is in the form of springs, hand -dug wells, boreholes and aquifers. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 19 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Distribution systems Water mains After water has been treated and conveyed to the supply area it has to be distributed. A network of pipes (mains) of various sizes is laid beneath streets, pavements and verges of our towns. This network connects individual consumers to the transmission or trunk main. The system also includes booster pumps and service reservoirs. Service reservoirs are usually constructed of concrete and are sunk wholly or partially below the ground. In flat areas reservoir water towers are necessary to obtain an adequate head of water pressure to supply the buildings. Figure 3.2 Water distribution network Service pipes The water authority makes the connection between the water main and the service pipe of the customer. The pipes can be made of a variety of materials depending upon the corrosive power of local wate r. Figure 3.3 Figure 3.3 shows typical details of the connection from the town water main and the service/supply pipe on the site. 20 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Water treatment Water may be unsuitable for domestic or industrial use because of natural impurities or as a result of industrial or domestic pollution. The degree of pollution by pathogenic bacteria is based upon the count of escherichia coli per unit volume of water. (This is the most common intestinal bacteria.) Test laboratories will refer to the coliform count. Water treatment can be seen as the removal or reduction to acceptable levels of: Suspended matter, which affects the colour, taste or odour Bacteria Chemicals Corrosive properties Material that might encourage biological growth. Figure 3.4 Typical water treatment process Preliminary treatment Abstracted water is first stained to remove floating debris that might interfere with the operation of the treatment plant machinery. Then the water is directed through a preliminary storage area, to allow settlement before being screened again. Screens are coarse (metal bars 50–150mm apart), or fine (with a bars spaced at10–25mm). Collected material is removed by raking, which can be by hand or mechanical. As an alternative, the rotat ing drum microstainer can be used, in which case the drum and mesh are cleaned by high-pressure water jets. Preliminary settlement reduces the suspended solids content and the numbers of pathogenic bacteria, but in the case of water with low dissolved oxy gen content, it is then necessary to aerate the water by allowing the water to fall over a series of steps, and this is known as cascade aeration. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 21 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Coagulation and flocculation This is used to remove particles that cannot be removed by sedimentation or filtration alone. Such particles are very small in size and are called colloids. They can result in turbid water as they include clays, metal oxides, proteins and organic substances. In peat catchment areas, the water is typically brown in colour. When water stands still, suspended solids sink to the bottom. In water treatment plants large shallow basins are used to stop the flow of water, as turbulence inhibits the settlement of fine particles. To aid this sedimentation, engineers introduce chemicals to induce the fine particles to form clusters. This action is known as flocculation. Common to such particles is the negative charge and this prevents aggregation of the particles, and hence prevents settlement. Ions with opposite charge are introduced to overc ome the charge, thus allowing the particles to be aggregated, which then allows the colloids to settle. These are called chemical coagulants. Aluminium and ferric salts are commonly used coagulants. Sedimentation When water has little movement, suspended solids sink to the bottom under gravity. This process is called sedimentation. This is used to settle solids from waters with high sediment content, and also to settle flocculated particles of colloids. Clearly the settling velocities are different for th e various types of suspended solids. Table 3.1 Nature of solid Settling velocity/(mm/s) Clay, silt 0.07 Retention time for settling in a 3m deep tank/h 11.9 Organic waste 0.42 1.98 Aluminium and iron flocs 0.83 1.00 Activated sludge 2.00 0.42 Grit 20.00 0.042 22 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Figure 3.5 Typical sedimentation tank The principle of upward flow sedimentation is shown above. Raw water with added flocculants flows from A to the base of the inverted cone. The upward velocity of the water is reduced with the increasing volume of the cone. A sludge blanket forms at B. This acts as a filter and clear water is led off at C. The sludge at D is pumped out. Sand filtration A bed of sand acts as a strainer and also as a chemical and bacteriological filter. The top layer has organisms, which decompose organic matter. Below this layer non-pathogenic bacteria complete the decomposition of the organic matter reducing this to inorganic simple substances. Slow sand filters are expensive to build and maintain whereas rapid gravity sand filters use flocculated water and are cheaper and faster; but unfortunately they are less efficient in that a completely sterile effluent cannot be guaranteed. Rapid gravity sand filters have generally replaced slow filters b ecause the flow is approximately 20 times that of the slow sand filter. In consequence a smaller space is required for filtration. No ‘schmutzdecke’ or layer of fine filtration is formed, and the filter is cleaned, simply by pumping water backward under pressure through the filter, to wash out impurities. This is known as backwashing. This method gives higher bacterial counts. Figure 3.6 Typical rapid gravity sand filter outlet for backwash gravel CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 23 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Flotation This is an alternative technique to sedimentation. G as bubbles are used to increase the buoyancy of the suspended solids by attachment to the particles, effectively reducing the density and causing the particles to rise to the top. Once at the top the particles can be removed by a skimmer. Figure 3.7 Air flotation system Aeration Oxygen is a powerful purifying agent. It is beneficial to water with a low oxygen content to force aeration by use of a cascade, such as a weir or waterfall, which forces turbulence, or by spraying the water th rough jets into the air. Disinfection Before treated water is passed into the public supply, all pathogenic micro organisms must be removed. Sedimentation and filtration cannot guarantee this and so the organisms must be rendered inactive. Chlorine is a popular oxidisng agent which kills most bacteria, but not viruses. It is cheap and soluble in water, but requires careful handling and in certain circumstances, where organics are present, can produce trihalmethanes which are carcinogenic. Also in the presence of phenols, chlorine forms chlorophenols which have a strong odour and taste. If the source of a public water supply is consistently suspect, the risk can be eliminated by using a killing agent such as chlorine or ozone. Chlorination is the commoner method of sterilizing public water supplies. Although such treatments render the water wholesome the water may not be aesthetically desirable with respect to taste, colour and odour. World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines recommend a minimum free chlorine concentration of 0.5mg/l after a contact time of 30 mins at a pH of 24 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 less than 8. An alternative to chlorine is ozone, which is effective against viruses and spores and does not produce toxic by-products. Question List the advantages and disadvantages of chlorine and ozone as disinfecting agents. Answer Chlorination is cheaper and has a residual effect to protect the water in the distribution system. However, chlorination does not kill all viruses, is not effective against spores, and can result i n the production of trihalomethanes. Ozonation acts quickly and kills all bacteria, spores and viruses and reduces taste and colour effects. Unfortunately, there is no residual germicidal effect. Other treatments Nitrate removal Associated with agricultural run-off and a causal factor in ‘blue baby’ syndrome, nitrate in water is a significant problem. The relevant EC directive sets a limit of 50mg/l. Nitrates are removed by ion exchange. A typical nitrate ‘scrubber’ unit has recently been constructed at Loch Leven (Kinross). Here biological fluidised beds grow nitrate-removing bacteria. When a carbon source is added, the bacteria reduce the nitrate to nitrogen gas. Trace organics removal Synthetic organic compounds may affect the taste and odour of water . These can be removed by granulated activated carbon (GAC) and the effectiveness of this is measured by the reduction in the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the treated water. A typical trace organic would be soluble phenols. Fluoridation A controversial treatment incorporated for the beneficial effects in the reduction of tooth decay. Some waters naturally have a fluoride content. Where it is added artificially, fluoride is added as the last process in the water treatment, in the form of sodium fluorosil icate, sodium fluoride, and fluorosilic acid. Sludge removal The sludge collected in the sedimentation tank has to be removed. Wet sludge can be transported to the sewage works and entered into the raw sewage inlet. Alternatively, the sludge can be dewatered and the resultant ‘cake’ can be sent to a landfill site. Dewatering is carried out by pressure filtration, vacuum filtration or centrifugation. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 25 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Desalination Desalination is used in the dry climates of the Middle East and some islands where people are forced to use seawater and brackish water sources, and also on ships. The two main methods are multistage flash distillation and reverse osmosis. Recently electrodialysis and solar distillation have been used. In multistage flash distillation, seawater is distilled in a series of sealed tanks where the water flashes (evaporates suddenly) at correspondingly lower temperatures. This causes pure water to condense on cooling coils. In reverse osmosis dissolved salts are removed by filtering. Electrodialysis i s an electrochemical process involving ion transfer which separates salt from water. 26 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Sewage treatment Sewage is mainly water, which has been used for a variety of purposes in the home, at work or during leisure activities, and may include rainwater fro m roads and roofs. Trade effluents produced at work, including farm effluents, are often treated at sewage works for admixture with sewage. Sewage contains a wide variety of human, animal and vegetable material, some of which is in solution and sometimes in suspended solids form. There are three main forms of solids: Those that sink Those that float Those that remain suspended in the water. It is the suspended material, called colloidal matter, which makes settled sewage look cloudy. It does not make sense to treat all of the effluent at the one time, when the flow in a sewer can fluctuate greatly. To provide a limit on the capacity of the works required, a storm overflow is usually incorporated as a safety device whereby in times of excessive flows, the treatment works can be bypassed, and the overflow is directed through a coarse screen before entering the river. Basic treatment processes are: Removal of suspended solids Oxidation of dissolved organic material. These treatments are to reduce the oxygen demand and the proportion of suspended solids. After the removal of materials that are easily separated there are further treatments. The processes are: Primary: removal of coarse solids removal of fine solids Secondary: biological oxidation of organic matter removal of solids resulting from biological treatment Tertiary: further removal of suspended solids and oxygen demand Nutrient removal: removal of phosphorous and nitrogen compounds. WHO guidelines indicate that a standard of a 30/20 effluent is to leave the sewage works. Such an effluent is one where the suspended (SS) solids CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 27 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 content does not exceed 30 g/m 3 and where the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), does not exceed 20 g/m 3 . This should be the quality of the effluent after the secondary treatment. After this the quality of the effluent can be improved by tertiary treatment and disinfection. Table 3.2 below shows limits at each stage of the treatment process. Table 3.2 Crude sewage Settled sewage Final effluent BOD g/ m 3 250 175 Less than 20 SS g/m 3 250 75 Less than 30 Ammonia Ng/ m 3 30 20 Less than 5 Nitrate Ng/ m 3 less than 5 less than 5 5 Sewage works Sewage works differ in design according to age and local circumstances, in the strength and volume of sewage received, and in th e time at which the highest and lowest flows arrive. A plan view of a typical large sewage works is shown in figure 3.8 below. Figure 3.8 28 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Storm overflow This is a safety device to avoid the plant being damaged by excessive flows. In the event of storm/flood conditions, the excess flow can bypass the works, and flow via an open channel to a river. As the initial early flow in a storm will be contaminated by oil etc from roads, this is directed to storm tanks. Later, when the tanks are full, the less polluted storm water is allowed to reach the river. Usually the capacity of the storm tanks is not reached and this permits the polluted storm water to be collected and pumped back into the treatment process. Primary treatment The comminutor is a unit which screens and macerates. The object in comminition is to reduce the size of large solids so that they are no longer likely to cause problems in later stages of the treatment by blocking pumps and valves for example. To ensure that the sewage can flow under the influence of gravity, it is sometimes necessary to pump it through a rising main or pumping main. With the coarse particles removed, the next stage is for the sewage to travel at low velocity through large tanks so that the particles in suspension are allowed to settle. This produces primary sludge that is removed for further treatment such as anaerobic digestion or dewatering. The tanks used for this purpose are similar to those used for water treatment and can be circular or rectangular. Secondary (biological) treatment Biological oxidation The purpose of biological oxidation is to remove from sewage or settled sewage polluting substances, which may be in solution, as settleable particulate matter or as colloid. Biological oxidation r equires close contact between sewage, living organisms and oxygen. This contact is achieved by providing solid substances in contact with the sewage and air on which the living organisms develop, or by bringing the air into close contact with sewage as bubbles or vigorous surface agitation in such a way that the living organisms develop as free-floating flocculent sludge. The two main categories of processes that use biological oxidation are the activated sludge process and biological filtration. Biological filters These can be circular or rectangular in shape, and are known as percolating filters or bacteria beds. Settled sewage is sprayed over the surface of the filter media (stone or clinker), and as it trickles down, oxidising bacteria on the media comes into contact with the organic constituents of the sewage and CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 29 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 oxidation takes place. In the circular bed, a rotating arm distributor sprays the sewage over the surface of the bed. The media in the bed is typically 1.2 – 2 metres deep. After this stage, further settling is undertaken and from this tank, humus sludge is removed. Figure 3.9 Flow arrangements humus tank flow diversion structure Activated sludge process This process is more popular than the percolating filter because it requires less space. The process produces a flocculent microbial culture that is easily settled. The elements of the process are: An aeration tank An aeration system A sedimentation tank A return activated sludge system A removal system for excess activated sludge. Air is introduced into the settled sewage by bubbling compressed air through the liquid, or by mechanical agitation. Figure 3.10 Section through aeration tank 30 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 3 Advantages of activated sludge system Proportion of sludge that is recycled can be varied to contr ol quality of effluent Filter flies are avoided Less loss of head than filter bed saves pumping Space is saved. Disadvantages of activated sludge system Require continual attention Cannot handle peak loads They are noisy They are more vulnerable to toxic materials They do not convert ammonia to nitrate. Other forms of biotreatment Contact stabilisation is another form of biotreatment. It uses the adsorptive properties of activated sludge, so that finely suspended material is adsorbed by the sludge, and then the adsorbed organics are adsorbed metabolically. Figure 3.11 Contact stabilisation process Local treatment Where no mains drainage is available, isolated or small groups of properties are often served by cesspools or septic tanks . Cesspools are storage devices and the flows have to be tankered away. Septic tanks provide a degree of treatment by discharging to sub-surface drains or by biological filtration. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 31 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 STUDY GUIDE 4 Geotechnics Outcome 4 Explain the formation, classification, structure and erosion of common rock types, and their use as civil engineering materials. On completion you should be able to: Describe the formation of rocks Identify rock samples Sketch and explain features of rock formations Sketch and explain landforms resulting from erosion and deposition of rocks Explain the uses and behaviour of rocks as civil engineering materials. 32 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Rock materials What is a ‘rock’? Igneous rocks, formed by the crystallisation from a silicate melt, contain several different kinds of minerals. Sedimentary rocks, formed by erosion of other rocks, may be predominantly composed of a single mineral; this indicates some process of selection in the rock cycle that has favoured its inclusion. The rock cycle Geological cycles are important in the production of rocks. When basaltic ocean crust is created at constructive plate margins, it returns to the mantle again at a destructive plate margin. The hydrological cycle, in which rain falling on land is carried to the sea in ri vers and then evaporates, condenses and falls again over land as rain and snow, can be regarded as another geological cycle – the sodium cycle. Linked closely to this is the rock cycle first recognised by the Scottish geologist, James Hutton (1726 –97). In his book A Theory of the Earth with Proof and Illustrations (1785), he showed how igneous rocks are eroded to form sediments by weathering and decay. These sediments are compacted into rocks, which can subsequently be exposed and subjected to further erosion. This cycle as envisaged by Hutton is: Existing rocks eroded Sediments are deposited Earth movements throw up rocks Rocks are subjected to igneous and metamorphic movements. The three main processes involved in the production of rocks therefore are igneous, sedimentation and metamorphic. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 33 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Igneous processes The mantle The biggest proportion of the Earth’s rocks is mantle rocks. This consists of mainly peridotite. Peridotite is composed of olivine, which is an iron magnesium rich silicate. Sea floor spreading is driven by convection currents in the mantle, which rises up and spreads outwards beneath the mid -ocean ridges. Volcanic rocks As a consequence of the Earth’s very hot interior, volcanoes are active on the surface, producing rocks which have three important characteristics. They are: Crystalline Fine structured Rest on top of older rocks. Formed from these processes are typically basalts. Contained within basalts may be aluminium, calcium, sodium and potassium. Plutonic rocks Plutonic rocks are an important group of igneous rocks that originate as liquid magmas; but unlike basalts, they are squeezed into other older rocks. As a result plutonic rocks cool extremely slowly, and the centre is therefore very coarse grained, although at the edges they will be much finer grained because of the chilled margin. Coarse -grained basalts are called gabbros. Where partial melting and crystal fractionation occur rocks of a granitic nature are formed. Destructive plate margins Where one slab of oceanic crust is forced down beneath another there is a great deal of friction and the associated generated heat together with heat from the mantle leads to the generation of magma from volcanic action. The first lavas produced are basaltic but the later products a re siliceous rocks known as andesites. These are generally lighter in colour. Igneous rocks These rocks form the bulk of the earth’s crust and have been formed by cooling and consequent solidification from the molten state. The texture of the rocks depends upon the rate of cooling and solidification. The slower the rate of cooling gives more perfect crystallisation with coarser texture. 34 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Between the plutonic and volcanic rocks there is a third class known as hypabassal rocks. These were formed by the intr usion of small masses of magma into fissures in the surrounding rock. This gives a rock of fine texture intermediate between the plutonic and volcanic varieties. These rocks can be further subdivided in accordance with their chemical composition, and in particular the proportion of silica or quartz. Acid rocks have more than 66% silica, whereas basic rocks have less than 52%. Table 4.1 Slow cooling acidic intermediate basic Plutonic (coarse grained) granite dierite gabbro Hypabassal (fine grained) quartz syenite dolorite Volcanic (glassy) rhyolite andesite basalt Rapid cooling Granite is composed of quartz, feldspar and mica. Feldspar forms the bulk of the material, and this mineral contains soda and lime. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 35 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Sedimentary processes The sedimentation of rocks is the next stage in the rock cycle and where exposed igneous rocks are weathered. Physical and chemical weathering Physical weathering is the mechanical disintegration of the rock caused by freezing of rainwater in cracks. When rainwater fre ezes in rock, splits occur and blocks of rock fall under gravity and this causes further weathering. Chemical weathering takes place most effectively when physical weathering is well advanced and when the presence of dissolved atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide causes chemical reactions to take place between the minerals and the water. Transportation Residual products of chemical weathering and large fragments of physical weathering can be transported by water, wind and ice. This removal of further material is called erosion. This combined wearing down of mountains is called denudation. There are three types of movement whereby rocks can be transported. Figure 4.1 When particles roll along the bed of streams they can coll ide with each other, and can be lifted up by the current for short distances. This irregular jumping is called saltation. Finer grained particles form a suspended load, which is carried by the water itself. Grain size is important in the way sedimentary particles are transported. This relationship is known as Stoke’s Law. Changes in water current velocities are responsible for the natural selection and deposition of certain grains in sediments. This sorting is a measure of the size-frequency distribution of grain sizes in sediment. Fast-flowing water carries the coarsest material. Fine-grained sediments are characteristic of low energy environments. 36 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Sedimentary rocks These can be classified according to the manner of their formation as: Mechanical Chemical Organic. Mechanically formed rocks are derived from older rocks that are decayed by the action of the weather, and carried down to the river in fragments. The loosely deposited material gradually becomes compacted by further layers being deposited. Chemically formed rocks are formed due to chemical precipitation in fissures and crevices, for example calcium carbonate running through chalk or limestone. Stalactites and stalacmites are formed in this way. Organically formed rocks are made up from calcareous and siliceous sea organisms that are deposited on the sea bed and are gradually consolidated. Sedimentary rocks form 5% of the earth’s crust, and most of this is of shale, with a little sandstone (0.75%) and limestone (0.25%). The durability of a sandstone depends upon the cementitious material which binds the grains together. The presence of mica results in laminations. Such stone will split easily into slabs. Limestones are sedimentary stratified rocks containing in excess of 90% calcium carbonate. Limestones are classified by their structure into granular, (formed organically), oolitic (rounded grains bound with calcite), shelly (containing large numbers of shells), and crinoidal (containing sea lily stalks). Dolomite is the name given to any stone which contains an appreciable amount of magnesia, combined as a carbonate. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 37 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Tectonic and metamorphic processes Tectonic processes Mechanical deformation of rocks occurs when one layer is deposited on another. The lower layer is compacted. When the re is a sideways force folds may form. This results in rocks seeking relief to movements in the earth’s crust, by rising vertically. Figure 4.2 Isoclinal folding Thus mechanical deformation can result from temperature stresses with compression leading to shear cracks and brittle deformations, and tensile stresses leading to swelling up. Figure 4.3 Metamorphic processes This involves rocks derived from other chemical and physical processes. The simplest process is contact metamorphism, which occurs when a rock is intruded with hot magma. Depending upon the size of the intrusion the adjacent rock will be heated and can result in a baking effect, which produces hard splintery rock called hornfelses. When muds are subjected to metamorphism coarsely crystalline schists and finally gneiss is formed. 38 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Metamorphic rocks These rocks are sedimentary or igneous in origin, and have undergone some change of formation due to the effect of heat or pressure or a combination of both. This can come about through the intrusion of a magma into fissures in the earth. This heats up the surrounding ‘mother’ rock causing it to crystallise. An example of this type of rock is marble. More commonly used in construction is slate. Slates are usually formed from clay that has undergone metamorphosis due to the action of great heat and pressure. Table 4.2 Common rocks Igneous Intrusive Granitic Ultrabasic Extrusive Basaltic Volcanic Welded tuff Metamorphic Foliated Slate Schist Gneiss Non foliated Quartzite Marble Sedimentary Detrital Shale Sandstone Conglomerate Chemical Limestone Rocksalt coarse coarse feldspar, quartz ferromagnesians fine mixed fine feldspar feldspar glass fine coarse coarse shale, basalt shale, basalt shale, basalt, granite coarse coarse sandstone limestone fine coarse mixed clay quartz, feldspar, rock fragments quartz, feldspar, rock fragments coarse to fine coarse to fine calcite, shells, calcareous algae halite Thus metamorphic rocks are changed rocks, and it is difficult to generalise about their suitability for engineering projects. Consider the fractures formed during folding. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 39 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Figure 4.4 Fractures formed during folding Engineering considerations Foliation planes are potential planes of weakness, as there is a potential to slide and there is a movement of ground water through the rock along this orientation. Figure 4.5 Likelihood of instability In the situation on the left the foliation is inclined aw ay from the road and there is less likelihood of rocks falling on the road than in the situation on the right where the foliation is inclined towards the road. Foliation planes are also a source of weakness at dams and reservoirs with associated potential leaks. 40 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 4 Figure 4.6 Plan view of foliation planes at dam Engineering properties of rocks An important use of stone is for aggregate in a concrete mix. Such stone must be chemically inert, have high resistance to crushing and be of a cceptable shape. (Spherical preferred to flaky.) Stone as a fill material in roads, or as in railway ballast, must have a high resistance to abrasion. Where stone is exposed to weather, for example in external walls, then not only is compressive strength required, but also the ability to resist the effects of weathering through excessive porosity and resultant frost action. Such building stone must be quarried and dressed to be suitable for construction purposes. The presence of bedding planes (the way the rock was originally laid down) facilitates this and determines the way that the block should be laid in a structure. Figure 4.7 Bedding planes Activity Examine six structures in your locality in which stone is the principal material of construction. Report on the type of stone used, the reason for its suitability, its appearance and its resistance to weathering. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 41 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 STUDY GUIDE 5 Civil engineering and the environment Outcome 5 Describe the effects of civil engineering projects on the environment. On completion of this outcome you should be able to: Describe the features of the natural environment which may be affected Describe the principal impacts on, and the interactions with, natural environmental systems Describe ways of reducing the unwanted effects of projects. 42 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 The Engineering Council’s aims The Engineering Council’s aims include the following environmental aspirations: To increase awareness of the essential and beneficial part engineering plays in all aspects of modern life To spread best engineering practices to improve efficiency and competitiveness of UK businesses To advance engineering knowledge through education and training. To achieve these aims the Council emphasises the interdisciplinary aspects of training programmes for engineers, and the need for a proper balance between efficiency, public safety and the needs of the environment when carrying out engineering activities. Legal obligations The 1990 Environmental Protection Act indicates the areas where e ngineers will be involved: Pollution control of land, air, and water systems Disposal of wastes on land Statutory nuisances and clean air Litter Radioactive substances Genetically modified organisms Conservation. Thus the activities of engineers have many ways of affecting the environment. Materials have to be quarried, transformed, transported and changed. All of this activity can release dust, water -borne pollutants, erode landscapes, and can result in secondary effects to wildlife both land -based and marine, and of course requires large amounts of energy. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 43 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 Waste disposal is now regulated to avoid toxic leachate from landfill sites, and dumping and accidents are also regulated. Excavations for projects or for obtaining construction materials can also create damage to the environment of flora, fauna, and marine life and in so doing reduce agricultural land and woodlands. Figure 5.1 Aspects associated with a typical engineering site Landfill disposal of hazardous wastes This is now strictly regulated and licensed because of the reduction in the availability of sites, and increasing awareness and regulation of materials that can be harmful to the environment. There are three basic classes of site: 1. 2. 3. 44 Those providing significant containment for wastes and leachates. Those allowing slow leachate migration. Those allowing rapid leachate migration and insignificant attenuation. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 Figure 5.2 Attenuation Attenuation of the concentration may be brought about by: Physical processes: Dilution, dispersion, filtration, gas exchange Biochemical processes: Organic decay, respiration, cell synthesis Chemical processes: Oxidation-reduction reactions, precipitation and coprecipitation, ion exchange and adsorption. Sustainable design Saving energy is the most obvious component of sustainable design but it is also about making better use of resources. This includes recycled materials, extending the life of structures, and reducing and recycling waste. The UK government’s environmental policy encompasses this concept of sustainable design and there are two alternatives to meet the concept: Meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs; Consumption of resources at a rate no greater than their renewal. This new design ethic towards resource conservation and ease of recycling is necessary to bring an end to the ‘magic circle’ growth depicted in fig 5.3. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 45 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 Fig 5.3 ISO 14001 When a civil engineer answers the question ‘are we achieving environmental sustainability in a project’, then the engineer must have regard to International Standard ISO 14001:1996, which looks at continual improvement in environmental performance. Environmental aspects of civil engineering Typically, engineers are involved in general waste, sewage effluent, energy, water resources, water quality, oil/chemical storage, air quality, noise, contaminated land and construction materials and their transportation. The involvement in sustainable ‘construction’ includes the built environment and its infrastructure. There are therefore economic and social aspects of concern to the engineer particularly because of the longevity of the structures erected, and their impact on future generations. The UK government’s consultation paper Building a better quality of life has suggested: ‘sustainable development is about ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come’. The paper has four aims: 46 Social progress that recognises everyone’s needs; Effective protection for the environment; Prudent use of natural resources; Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 The BRE environmental assessment method (BREEAM) takes into accou nt all the environmental aspects of a building project, such as materials, design, operation, management and use. The weightings derived are used to assess against UK ecopoints, which measure overall environmental impact. Environmental assessment of materials includes three categories of impacts: Resource depletion Human health impacts Ecological impacts. It is of course essential that there is standardisation to ensure quality of environmental assessments. Risk assessment For many civil engineering projects, the job is individual and unique, and so risks of environmental harm cannot be estimated from relevant statistics of incidents elsewhere. New processes and design concepts, and revised design standards are examples of such situations. Techniques must be used to assess the levels of risks to individuals and the environment. If these techniques are applied at design and planning stages, this will be of economic benefit. The flow diagram in figure 5.4 is an overall risk assessment procedure. Figure 5.4 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 47 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 If after applying the procedure, the risk is unacceptable, then alternative systems will have to be devised. It is the identification of hazards that is the most important step, because hazards are inherent in some activities and materials. Continuing hazards are different from those hazards resulting from systems failure such as explosion or release of toxic substance. Formal hazard assessment techniques include: Hazard and operability study (HAZOP) Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) Event tree analysis and fault tree analysis (FTA). From the cradle to the grave Life-cycle analysis (LCA) is also known as ‘eco-balancing’. The aim of LCA is to encourage the introduction of products that have less cradle -to-grave impact on the environment. LCA then involves quantifying the resource and energy consumption, together with releases to air, land and water associated with the design, construction, use and disposal of civil engineering products. LCA is a method for producing an inventory of all material and energy flows. The environmental issues for LCA are: Depletion of renewable and non-renewable resources Emission of substances with potential to contribute to global warming, ozone layer depletion, and acidification Disturbance through landfill, transport, noise, smell and radiation. Safety issues. Recycling Traditionally, construction and demolition waste has been deposited at landfill sites at low cost. With the increased awareness of environmental issues, a reduction in the number of suitable landfill sites and an increasing quantity of waste, there is a need to recycle waste. There is an opportunity to recycle aggregates as it is difficult now to gain authorisation to open new quarries. Similarly there is scope for the recycling of crushed concrete if the qualities of strength, E value and creep and shrinkage can be solved. Other materials can be recycled by being reused. The BRE information paper IP7/00 Reclamation and recycling of building materials reports on ways to reduce waste by reusing demolition timber and reclaimed stone. 48 CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( AH) © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3 S TU DY G U ID E 5 Energy use Carbon dioxide is produced when fossil fuels are burnt. Increased global warming and climatic changes are affecting rainfall patterns and sea levels. The UK government has set limits on CO 2 emissions and targets for reduction by 2010. Engineers must therefore seek to promote energy efficiency by: Tested and proven technologies and good practices Energy consumption benchmarks for buildings and end use. Typical technologies: Low-energy windows Energy-efficient lighting Photovoltaics Geothermal energy Solar heating Heat pumps Building energy management systems Finally, Concurrent design and engineering in building and civil engineering (CONCUR) has the main objective of composing, develo ping and implementing integrated systems for computer -integrated construction. Funded by the EC, CONCUR will build on past and current research to satisfy the increased governmental regulatory constraints on safety, waste and energy consumption. CI VI L E NGI NEE RI NG SP E CI ALI S MS ( A H) 49 © Le ar ni n g a nd T eac h i n g Sco tla nd , 2 0 0 3