An Giomach/The Lobster ‐ Nicolson Institute School Magazine An Giomach The Lobster Na aonar Alone a’ spàgail trudging anns an dorchadas in the deep dhomhainn, darkness a’ sealg gu carefully mionaideach hunting airson an ath for the next bhiadh. meal. Sgiobalt agus Neat and pròiseil, tha proud, he e ri dèanamh makes his a shlighe way am measg amongst nan claisean the dips 's nan and cnapan. the mounds. Na sùilean His small beaga sharp biorach aige eyes ri gabhail take ùidh note of anns a h-uile every gluasad, movement, ’s e na aonar while he is alone a’ spàgail trudging anns an dorchadas. in the darkness. Leabhran Sqoil Mhic Neacail 1978 Nicolson Institute School Magazine 1978