DESIGN PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 4, 2011 AT GREAT HALL, WELLESLEY TOWN HALL 525 WASHINGTON STREET WELLESLEY, MA 02482 7:00 PM FOR THE PROPOSED BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION – BRIDGE NO. W-13-015 CEDAR STREET OVER ROUTE 9 Contract No. 65281 IN THE TOWN OF WELLESLEY MASSACHUSETTS COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION LUISA PAIEWONSKY DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR FRANK A. TRAMONTOZZI, P.E. CHIEF ENGINEER THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - HIGHWAY DIVISION NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING Project File No. 604329 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassDOT - Highway Division to discuss the proposed Superstructure Replacement of Bridge W-13-015 carrying Cedar Street over Route 9 in Wellesley, MA. WHERE: Great Hall, Wellesley Town Hall 525 Washington Street Wellesley, MA 02482 WHEN: January 4, 2010 @ 7:00 PM PURPOSE: The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed bridge superstructure replacement project. All views and comments made at the hearing will be reviewed and considered to the maximum extent possible. PROPOSAL: The proposed project consists of the reconstruction of Bridge No. W-13-015 carrying Cedar Street over Route 9 in Wellesley, Massachusetts. The objective of the project is to upgrade deteriorated components of the bridge, restoring the structural integrity of the bridge to statutory load capacity and extending its service life. The project will also increase the vertical clearance under the bridge. The scope of work includes the replacement of the bridge superstructure with a two-span continuous steel stringer superstructure with cast-in-place concrete deck. Accelerated bridge construction techniques will be employed to minimize the duration of construction and impacts on the travelling public. The replacement superstructure will be prefabricated on site to allow for demolition of the existing superstructure and placement of the new superstructure within a 72-hour period over the July 4th weekend, 2011. Bridge piers and abutments will be repaired and modified to accommodate the new superstructure. Approach roadways will be modified to accept the vertical geometry of the new superstructure. A secure right-of-way is necessary for this project. Acquisitions in fee and permanent or temporary easements may be required. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is responsible for acquiring all needed rights in private or public lands. MassDOT’s policy concerning land acquisitions will be discussed at this hearing. Written views received by MassDOT subsequent to the date of this notice and up to five (5) days prior to the date of the hearing shall be displayed for public inspection and copying at the time and date listed above. Plans will be on display one-half hour before the hearing begins, with an engineer in attendance to answer questions regarding this project. A project handout will be made available on the MassDOT website listed below. Written statements and other exhibits in place of, or in addition to, oral statements made at the Public Hearing regarding the proposed undertaking are to be submitted to Frank A. Tramontozzi, P.E., Chief Engineer, MassDOT – Highway Division, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, ATTN: ABP Section, Project File No. 604329. Such submissions will also be accepted at the hearing. Mailed statements and exhibits intended for inclusion in the public hearing transcript must be postmarked within ten (10) business days of this Public Hearing. Project inquiries may be emailed to The community has declared that this facility is accessible to all in compliance with the ADA / Title II. However, persons in need of ADA / Title II accommodations should contact Angela Rudikoff by phone at (617) 973-7005 or email to Requests must be made at least 10 days prior to the date of the public hearing. In case of inclement weather, hearing cancellation announcements will be posted on the internet at LUISA PAIEWONSKY HIGHWAY DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR FRANK A. TRAMONTOZZI, P.E. CHIEF ENGINEER Boston, Massachusetts WHAT IS A PUBLIC HEARING? WHY A PUBLIC HEARING? To provide an assured method whereby the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can furnish to the public information concerning the State’s highway construction proposals, and to afford every interested resident of the area an opportunity to be heard on any proposed project. At the same time, the hearings afford the Commonwealth an additional opportunity to receive information from local sources which would be of value to the State in making its final decisions to what design should be advanced for development. WHY NOT A VOTE ON HIGHWAY PLANS? The hearings are not intended to be a popular referendum for the purpose of determining the nature of a proposed improvement by a majority of those present. They do not relieve the duly constituted officials of a State highway department of the necessity for making decisions in State highway matters for which they are charged with full responsibility. WHAT DOES A PUBLIC HEARING ACCOMPLISH? It is designed to ensure the opportunity for, or the availability of, a forum to provide factual information which is pertinent to the determination of the final alternative considered by the state to best serve the public interest, and on which improvement projects are proposed to be undertaken. It is important that the people of the area express their views in regard to the proposal being presented, so that views can be properly recorded in the minutes of the meeting. These minutes will be carefully studied and taken into consideration in the determination of the final design. TO SAFEGUARD THE PROPERTY OWNER If your property, or a portion of it, must be taken by the State for a highway in the interest of all people of the Commonwealth, your rights are fully protected under the law. Briefly, here are some of the answers to questions you might ask. 1. WHO CONTACTS ME? Representatives of the Right of Way Bureau of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Highway Division. They will explain the procedure to be followed in acquiring and paying for the property. An appraiser may ask questions needed to arrive at a fair price for your property. 2. WHAT IS A FAIR PRICE FOR MY PROPERTY? Every offer is made to insure that an equitable value is awarded to you for the property, or to appraise the “damage” to the property as a result of the taking. MassDOT appraisers, independent appraisers, MassDOT “Review Appraisers” and a Real Estate Review Board may all contribute in arriving at a fair price. The State also pays a proportionate part of the real estate tax for the current year, and interest from the date the property is acquired. 3. MUST I ACCEPT THE DEPARTMENT’S OFFER? No. If, after the figure established as a fair market value has been offered to the owner, the owner feels he or she is not being offered a fair price, he or she has the right within two years to appeal to the courts. PENDING a court decision, he or she can be paid a “protanto” (or “ for the time being”) amount that in no way prejudices the court appeal. 4. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY HOUSE? The owner will have the opportunity to buy back his or her house, provided he or she has a location to which it can be moved; and the proper permits for its removal. If the owner does not wish to repurchase, the house will be advertised for bids. The highest bidder, who must also have a location and permits for removal, will be awarded the house. 5. WHAT HAPPENS IF I MUST RELOCATE? In addition to the fair market value of the property, the Department pays certain relocation benefits for both owners and tenants of acquired residences and businesses who meet eligibility requirements. Assistance in relocation is also provided. Department brochures are available for details on these benefits. BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION – BRIDGE NO. W-13-015 CEDAR STREET OVER ROUTE 9 Contract No. 65281 IN THE TOWN OF WELLESLEY MASSACHUSETTS Bridge W-13-015 Cedar Street over Route 9 LOCUS MAP MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION PUBLIC HEARING BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION – BRIDGE NO. W-13-015 CEDAR STREET OVER ROUTE 9 Contract No. 65281 IN THE TOWN OF WELLESLEY MASSACHUSETTS Project Location and Limits: The project is located in the Town of Wellesley on Route 9, and includes the Cedar Street Bridge over Route 9 (MassDOT Bridge Number W-13-015 BIN 2MH); the Cedar Street roadway approaches to the bridge; the intersection of Cedar Street and Worcester Street; and the Worcester Street roadway approaches to its intersection with Cedar Street. The attached locus map shows the location of the project. Project Purpose: The proposed project consists of the reconstruction of Bridge Number W-13-015 carrying Cedar Street over Route 9 in Wellesley, Massachusetts. The purpose of the project is to upgrade deteriorated components of the bridge, restoring the structural integrity of the bridge to statutory load capacity and extending its service life. The project will also increase the vertical clearance under the bridge. Existing Conditions: Cedar Street is classified as an urban minor arterial and provides access to predominantly commercial land uses north and south of Route 9. Cedar Street carries two travel lanes, one in each direction, northbound and southbound through the project. Worcester Street connects Route 9 eastbound to Cedar Street and provides two-way access to adjacent commercial and residential development for a portion of the street and provides a single one-way eastbound lane in the vicinity of the two access connections to Route 9. The existing Cedar Street/Worcester Street intersection is signalized with two mast arms and two 10-foot posts supporting traffic signals. The intersection consists of one through/shared right turn lane and an exclusive left turn lane on both the northbound and southbound Cedar Street approaches. The easterly westbound Worcester Street approach consists of a single shared left turn/through/right turn lane and the westerly eastbound approach consists of an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane. Right turns on red are prohibited on all approaches. Sidewalks are located on both sides of Cedar Street, but the easterly sidewalk north of Route 9 terminates at an existing concrete stair that descends from Cedar Street to a sidewalk in the interchange infield. Power and communication lines are carried overhead by utility poles located on the easterly side of Cedar Street and the northerly side of Worcester Street. Electrical and communication lines are also located underground, as are gas, sanitary sewer and water lines. Built in 1932, the existing two-span bridge has a cast in place concrete deck, supported steel stringers, which are founded on a concrete pier and concrete abutments. The exterior stringers are encased in concrete. The deck provides two travel lanes and sidewalks on both sides. Concrete bridge railing provides protection on both sides of the bridge. The minimum clearance under the bridge is 13’-9”. Recent inspection reports indicate significant deterioration of the deck and superstructure elements. The concrete deck and railing has numerous spalls, with exposed reinforcing steel throughout both spans. Screens have been placed on top of the bottom flanges between the interior stringers in both spans to protect motorists below from falling debris from deck spalls. Netting has been wrapped around the fascia beams for the same reason. There are numerous locations where concrete has fallen onto the screens. The steel stringers and bearings are in fair to poor condition, with varying amounts of corrosion and section loss. The concrete pier and abutments are in relatively good condition, with small areas of spalling and cracking. Proposed Improvements: The scope of work includes the replacement of the bridge superstructure with a two-span continuous steel stringer superstructure with cast-in-place concrete deck. Sidewalks will be provided on both sides of the bridge, along with a 3’-6” high concrete barrier railing and 6’-1” high protective screening. The clearance underneath the bridge will be increased to 15’-0”, by modifying the vertical roadway profile and by utilizing a shallower superstructure. Accelerated bridge construction techniques will be employed to minimize the duration of construction and impacts on the travelling public. The replacement superstructure will be prefabricated on site within the east cloverleaf ramp north of the bridge to allow for demolition of the existing superstructure and placement of the new superstructure within a 72-hour period over the July 4th weekend, 2011. Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMT’s) will be used to roll the superstructure into place and set it onto the existing bridge pier and abutments, which will have been repaired and modified to accommodate the new superstructure. The Cedar Street approaches to the bridge over Route 9 will be reconstructed to match the new bridge and adjusted to final grade, along with similar adjustments to the Cedar Street/Worcester Street intersection and Worcester Street approaches to the intersection. The roadway width will remain the same as the existing roadway. The sidewalks on the bridge approaches and at the Cedar Street/Worcester Street intersection will be reconstructed to be ADA complaint. In addition, the easterly sidewalk on Cedar Street will be extended further north beyond the existing stairs that are on the northerly side of Route 9 to match with an existing sidewalk that is further to the north. The traffic signal system at the intersection will be completely replaced with new mast arms and traffic signal equipment. The grass and wooded areas north of the Route 9 bridge will be restored after the new bridge is in place, with new landscape plantings, loam, and seed. Existing utilities will remain in service during construction, and no changes to utilities are proposed. Traffic Management: To minimize the duration of construction and subsequent traffic disruption, the section of Cedar Street that is located over Route 9 will be closed to traffic from July 1, 2011 to the end of the day on July 4, 2011 for the removal and replacement of the existing bridge using accelerated construction techniques. In addition to the partial closure of Cedar Street, the section of Route 9 that passes under the bridge will be closed to traffic during that holiday weekend. Both Cedar Street and Route 9 traffic will be routed on detours during that time period. The Route 9 eastbound detour will carry either one travel lane or two travel lanes, depending on actual traffic volumes encountered, on Worcester Street through the Cedar Street intersection and back to Route 9 eastbound. Because of this detour, Worcester Street will be one-way for its entire length, and access/egress for abutters on Worcester Street will be in a clockwise direction. The westbound Route 9 detour will likewise carry either one or two travel lanes, diverting traffic through the interchange ramps that are north of Route 9. In the weeks prior to the commencement of the bridge replacement, portable variable message signs will be positioned on I-95, Cedar Street and Route 9 to provide project alerts and information to motorists. Some preliminary construction work on Route 9 and Cedar Street will be conducted in the weeks before and after the July 4th holiday weekend. Lane closures will be set up on Route 9 and Cedar Street during the night or off-peak day periods. One lane in each direction will be maintained or will be under police control. Environmental: No environmental permits are required for the project. Right of Way: No permanent right of way takings are required for the project. Temporary construction easements to access property adjacent to the work site will be needed for reseeding any disturbed grass areas and constructing smooth driveway and sidewalk transitions. Project Cost: The estimated cost of the proposed reconstruction of the Cedar Street Bridge over Route 9 is approximately $3,450.00. Project Status: The plans on display tonight are at the 25% Design Stage. Comments received this evening will be considered in determining the final design. The design and construction of this project are anticipated to be completed in the summer of 2011. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN WELLESLEY MASSACHUSETTS CEDAR STREET OVER ROUTE 9 Contract No. 65281 Bridge No. W-13-015 This sheet is provided for your comments. Your input is solicited and appreciated. Please return your sheet, with comments, to a staff member at the meeting, or mail to: Frank A. Tramontozzi, P.E., Chief Engineer MassDOT, Highway Division 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116-3973 Attn: Design/Build Program The final date for receipt of written statements and exhibits for inclusion into the official hearing transcript will be ten (10) days after the Public Hearing. Please type or print legibly. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Name _________________________________ Title ____________________________ Organization __________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Please Fold and Tape ________________________ Please Place Appropriate Postage Here ________________________ ________________________ Frank A. Tramontozzi, P.E. Chief Engineer MassDOT, Highway Division 10 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116-3973 RE: PUBLIC HEARING BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION CEDAR STREET OVER ROUTE 9 WELLESLEY, MA CONTRACT NO. 65281 DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT