Document 13049787

Massachusetts Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 1:00 – 3:00 PM
State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston
Welcome, Introductions & Safety Message: Trey Wadsworth called the meeting to
order at 1:05 PM. Members present: Cameron Bain, Glen Berkowitz, Tom DiPaolo,
Kurt Gaertner, Steve Heinrichs, Janie Katz-Christy, Wendy Landman, Josh Lehman,
John McQueen, Rob Miceli, Joe Repole, Jim Tozza, David Watson Member on
conference call: Jeff McCollough Members Absent: Rosalie Anders, Ken Brisette,
Dan Driscoll, Linda Lally, SGT Shawn Lydon, Steve Miller Guests present: John Allen,
Heramb Banemali (MA DEP), Rebecca Cyr (MassRides), William Hanson (Framingham
Bike-Ped), Anne McKinnon (Jacobs), Alan Moore (Path Friends), Ari Ofsevit
(MassRides), Jimmy Pereira (MassBike), Megan Ramey (Livable Streets), Arnold
Sapenter (MA DEP), Ben Wood (MDPH)
Highway Design Guide Update: Ideas, Issues & Desired Outcomes: Wendy
Landman summarized the Board’s 5/15 Lawrence meeting discussion. Tom DiPaolo
asked if the proposed Guide revision was to be total or targeted. Design issues such as
crosswalks, highway off-ramps, & lane widths were addressed. Tom DiPaolo also
observed that FHWA oversight might negate narrower lanes as the default design.
Landman pointed to the importance of lowering speeds on local streets, & the resultant
impact of mode shift. The status of the Pedestrian Plan update was also addressed;
Trey Wadsworth stated that is was currently on hold owing to staff shortages. David
Watson moved that action be taken to convene a working group to update the Design
Guide, seconded by Wendy Landman.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs): Process, Collaborations &
Outcomes; Engaging 351 Partners: Towns & Cities, Bicyclists & Pedestrians:
Trey Wadsworth presented an encompassing PowerPoint overview (to be provided to
Board members and guests) covering both regional & local issues. He noted that there
are 10 actual MPOs & three Transportation Planning Organizations (TPOs), and
reviewed their planning requirements relative to bicycling & walking improvements.
Public participation is a central element to both regional & local planning. He also
touched upon new Federal funding requirements & their impact on bicycle & pedestrian
project funding. Tom DiPaolo noted that some local projects may not garner the Highway
Division’s attention. Wendy Landman added that this is an additional reason to provide
Complete Streets & Design Guide training to consultants. Providing financial incentives
to localities may induce greater adherence to Complete Streets design. The Department
of Public Health’s (DPH) is also developing resources to enable localities to promote
healthy transportation.
• Trey Wadsworth announced that Catherine Cagle was now Waltham’s Planning
Director. He also noted that the planning position in the Sustainable
Transportation Section previously held by Tom Evans had been posted. The
position of Assistant Secretary for GreenDOT was also advertised.
• Jim Tozza mentioned the Bike Friday event July 19 at Boston City Hall Plaza.
• Ben Wood announced that a Public Health conference on the built environment
was planned.
Wendy Landman stated that the National Walking Summit was scheduled in
Washington, DC, October 1-3.
Rob Miceli announced that the Cape Cod Bicycling Summit is scheduled
November 11.
Josh Lehman announced that the Moving Together 2013 conference was
scheduled October 23 at the Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, with transit being added
to the traditional walking and bicycling mix.
Bill Hanson stated that the Framingham Open Space Plan had been adopted,
and that it provided gains for bicycling and walking.
Kurt Gaertner stated that the Sustainable Growth conference is scheduled for
November 20.
Becca Cyr announced that Car Free Week would be held September 16-22.
Next Meetings
The September 18 meeting will be held 1 – 3 PM at the Montachusetts Regional
Transportation Authority (MRTA) conference room, 1427R Water Street, Fitchburg. The
November meeting will be moved to Thursday, November 21, in order to avoid a conflict
with the Sustainable Massachusetts conference being held November 20
Trey Wadsworth adjourned the meeting at 2:55 PM.