Forest Hills Improvement Initiatives SUMMARY - September 23, 2008 Final Design Guidelines Introduction

Forest Hills Improvement Initiatives
A Partnership for Building a Better Community
SUMMARY - September 23, 2008
Final Design Guidelines
Beginning in October 2006, a Working Group of area residents has led the Forest
Hills Improvement Initiative (FHII) and guided the City of Boston and the MBTA’s
planning efforts. In continuation of thier efforts to involve and inform the community,
the Working Group for the Forest Hills Improvement Initative has prepared this
summary of recommendations as an update for the community and invites the
community to join them at the upcoming community meetings.
District Plan
The FHII is a community based approach to improving and growing the Forest Hills
Station area and planning for the sale and development of several area MBTA owned
parcels. Beginning with an overall Community Vision for the Forest Hills area, the
work progressed toward more detailed recommendations and actions to enhance the
character, function, and vitality of Forest Hills. Specific goals of the planning process
ƒ A Community Vision that guides and promotes residential and business growth, and
open space preservation and reflects the scale and nature of Forest Hills.
ƒ A Comprehensive Transportation Action Plan that promotes the overall
Community Vision including both transportation and streetscape
improvments and short term action items.
ƒ Development Scenarios for selected publicly and privately owned sites that
advance the Community Vision.
ƒ Use & Design Guidelines for the MBTA parcels including transportation
improvement and analysis requirements, for inclusion in the MBTA’s
Invitation to Bid.
Parking Lot
After seven major Community Meetings and numerous Working Group meetings with
the MBTA’s release of a DRAFT Invitation to Bid for public comment on May 9th, the
process is nearing completion.
Please note: these architectural renderings are intended to illustrate the use and
design concepts only.
MBTA Parking Lot
District Civic Center and
Commercial Core
MBTA Parcel W
MBTA Parcel U
MBTA Parcel V
District Wide
Activity Node /
Plaza Location
Open Space /
Green Space
Emerging Community Vision
Based on community input to date, the Forest Hills Improvement Initiative envisions growth that
supports the neighborhood in five key ways.
Improved Traffic Patterns: Improvements will reduce car dependency, minimize any
additional automobile traffic to and through Forest Hills and result in smoother, safer flow for cars,
pedestrians, and bicycles. All new buildings and uses should promote pedestrian, bicycle, and
public transit use, with only the minimum parking necessary to allow retail stores and residential
uses to flourish. Better pedestrian and bicycle connections throughout Forest Hills--especially
north-south connections--are a priority.
Vibrant Mixed Use District: Improvements will increase the number and range of local retail
and service businesses and community uses for area residents while recognizing area commuters
also contribute to local businesses. New residential development should add to the existing mix of
rental and ownership housing in the area. Affordable rental and ownership housing, services and
programs for the elderly, and facilities and programs for youth are particularly important.
Community Orientation: Improvements should provide opportunities for community ownership and interaction by creating spaces for public gatherings and markets, artist exhibits, and
locally owned retail and service businesses. The Forest Hills community values its diversity (age,
socioeconomic, race, and ethnicity); all new growth and uses including retail, commercial, and
housing should support and continue that diversity.
Green / Sustainable Development: Forest Hills should be a model for green / sustainable
development including healthy, energy efficient buildings and transit-oriented, neighborhood-scaled
development that reduces building and transportation based pollution and carbon emissions.
Green Space Assets: Access to Forest Hill’s numerous green space assets including the
Arboretum, the Southwest Corridor Park, Franklin Park, Forest Hills Cemetery, and the Station
area should be increased by better connections and improved with new landscaping.
Forest Hills Improvement Initiatives
A Partnership for Building a Better Community
Sustainable Development & Green Building Guidelines
New development should enhance the overall sustainability of the Forest Hills neighborhood through a
careful mix of new uses and compact / low impact development strategies. The potential new uses will
aproximate the following:
ƒ Open Space: 192,000 SF
ƒ Housing: 375 to 461 Units
ƒ Office / Commercial: 145,000 to 356,000 SF
ƒ Retail / Services: 98,000 to 118,000 SF
All new buildings are to be Green Buildings and must be designed and constructed to meet the most
appropriate U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standard at
the Certified level or better and comply with Department of Neighborhood Development Healthy Homes
Standards. U.S. Green Building Council Certification is highly encouraged but not required.
Design Guideline Summary
CM 10 - September 23, 2008 Focus & Character
1. Arborway Yard
Character - Office & Multi-family
Commercial - brick masonry w/ tall ground
floor retail windows. Residential - wood frame
row house & multi-family flat. Consistant with
existing area buildings. Provide for high
quality construction & materials.
2. Fitzgerald Parking Lot
Commercial / Residential
Mix of commercial and / or residential at the
Hyde Park Ave. / Arborway corner.
Character - Office / Apartment
Brick masonry consistant with existing area
buildings. Provide for high quality construction & materials.
1. Arborway Yard
3. MBTA Parcel S (Station Parkin Lot)
2. Fitzgerald Parking
6. MBTA Parcel W
Commercial / Residential
Mix of residential with some community uses
at northern half; residential at adjacent
interior; and commercial office over retail; at
southern half.
Commercial Core / Office
Mix of commercial office / institutional over
retail. Include “Village Center” plaza and
pedestrian pathway connecting Hyde Park
Ave. to Arnold Arboretum. Replace existing
commuter parking spaces at southern end.
Character - Office / Retail
Brick masonry consistant with existing area
buildings. Tall ground floor retail windows.
Screen parking garage elements & cars from
view. Provide for high quality construction to
address adjacent train vibration & noise.
3. MBTA Parcel S (Station Parking Lot)
4. MBTA Parcel U
4. MBTA Parcel U
5. MBTA Parcel V
Neighborhood Residential
Residential with some local retail along
Hyde Park Ave. at Ukraine Way and at
Walk Hill St.
Recommended Uses &
Disposition Status
Office / Commercial
Upper story commercial / office space as
anchor use for district; locate at southern
end of site including LRV Reserve if
Active ground floor retail / service businesses
with youth orientation and usable outdoor space
that provide for community needs. Include
mini-anchor business(es) - e.g. grocery, drug
store. Focus active uses at southern end to
reinforce connections under Casey Overpass.
Mix of unit types including family housing;
Studios, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom units on Other
northern half of site. Consider some artist Community service needs including on-site
focus with live / work spaces and / or lofts. childcare, youth and senior service centers.
Potential Build Out
Site Area
Building Hts
Open Space
Housing Units
Office / Comm.
6.37 Acres / 277,323 SF
4 and 5 stories
62,000 SF / 23% of Site
160 Units
45,000 SF
20,000 SF
8,000 SF (childcare)
120 SP (Resident)
155 SP (Commercial)
Site Area
Building Hts
Open Space
Housing Units
Office / Comm.
Parking Options
2.31 Acres / 100,477 SF
4 with 5 stories at corner
36,000 SF / 37% of Site
Option / up to 135 Units
15,000 SF
Option / up to 40,000 SF
120 SP (Resident)
15 SP (Retail)
40 SP (Commercial)
City RFP in 3 to 6 years.
Office / Commercial
Upper story commercial / office space
located along Hyde Park Ave. and the
Arbor Way.
Active ground floor retail / service businesses
with usable outdoor space along Hyde Park
Ave. that provide for community needs. Include
mini-anchor (i.e. pharmacy) and locally based
businesses. Focus active uses at corner to
Mix of unit types including family housing; reinforce connections under Casey Overpass.
Studios, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom units.
Privately Owned - Available.
Commercial Office / Institutional
Active commercial and office / institutional
space (education, office, health services,
movie theater) at Washington St. ground
level (2nd floor on Hyde Park Ave.).
Provide upper story commercial office /
institutional space as anchor use for the
district at the northern end of site adjacent
to the MBTA Station.
Site Area
Active ground floor retail / service businesses
Building Hts
with usable outdoor space along Hyde Park Ave.
Open Space
that provide for community needs. Include
mini-anchor and locally based businesses.
Office / Comm.
Focus active uses on Center Plaza.
Community service needs including on-site
3.16 Acres / 137,662 SF
5 / 6 stories (Wash. St. / HP Ave.)
22,000 SF / 16% of Site
42,000 SF
163,000 SF
6,000 SF
411 SP (Commercial / Retail)
240 SP (Commuter)
childcare, youth, and senior service centers.
MBTA Owned - Available Now
Mix of unit types with a focus on family
housing; Studios, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom
Character - Apartment & Multi-family
Apartment - wood frame or brick masonry.
Multi-family - wood frame. Consistant with
existing area buildings. Provide for high
quality construction & materials to address
adjacent train vibration & noise.
Limited ground floor uses that provide for local
neighborhood needs. Include such uses as a
small grocery store, dry cleaner, bookstore, and
Community service needs including on-site
childcare, youth and senior service centers.
Site Area
Building Hts
Open Space
Housing Units
Office / Comm.
2.82 Acres / 122,799 SF
3 stories (4 at northern corner)
29,000 SF / 24% of site
120 units
4,000 SF
4,000 SF (day care)
103 SP (Resident)
0 SP (Retail)
Site Area
Building Hts
Open Space
Housing Units
Local Com m .
Com m unity
Parking Options
0.53 Acres / 22,972 SF
3 stories
18,000 SF / 79% of site (min.)
Option / up to 6 units
Option / 4,000 SF
Option / up to 8,000 SF
Option / TBD
6 SP (Resident)
4 SP (Retail)
8 SP (Commercial)
MBTA Owned - Available Now
Renderings by:
Vehicle Parking & Service Access Guidelines
The community goal is for reduced car dependency by requiring the minimum parking necessary for
retail and residential uses to flourish, transportation demand management programs that encourage
public transit, walking and biking, and car sharing. The community also encourages shared parking
strategies to maximize off-hours use of commuter parking spaces and to minimize the overall need
and cost for off street parking.
5. MBTA Parcel V
Character - Multi-family or Business
Wood frame or masonry consistant with
existing area buildings. Provide for high
quality construction & materials to address
adjacent train vibration & noise.
ƒ Residential: 0.75 to 1 space per unit, 1 visitor space per 10 units.
ƒ Retail / Services: over 5,000 SF – 0.75 to 1 space per 1,000 SF
ƒ Commercial / Non-retail: 0.75 to 2 spaces per 1,000 SF
ƒ Loading & Service Areas: are to be located off-street and screened from views
Bike Storage Guidelines
The community goal is to promote pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit use. Better pedestrian and
bicycle connections throughout Forest Hills are a priority.
ƒ Residential: 1 accessible, indoor, secure bicycle space per unit, 1 visitor bike space per 10 units.
ƒ Retail: 1 accessible, indoor, secure bicycle space per 10,000 SF, visitor bike rack(s) with 1 bike
space per 10,000 SF.
ƒ Commercial Non-retail: 1 accessible, indoor, secure bicycle space per 10,000 SF, visitor bike
rack(s) with 1 bike space per 10,000 SF.
Neighborhood Residential or
Local Commercial
Residential and / or neighborhood retail;
retain and improve open space at narrow
southern end connecting to Southwest
6. MBTA Parcel W
Neighborhood Residential or
Local Commercial
Residential and / or neighborhood retail;
provide open space element at narrow
northern end of site.
Character - Apartment or Business
Wood frame or masonry consistant with
existing area buildings. Provide for high
quality construction & materials to address
adjacent train vibration & noise.
Provide for locally based commercial
businesses to support community needs &
as anchor uses for district.
Active ground floor retail / service businesses
with youth orientation and usable outdoor space
that provide for community needs. Include
locally based businesses. Relate uses and
outdoor space to adjacent linear park.
Professional housing limited to Studios, 1
and 2 bedroom units.
Community service needs including youth
oriented businesses.
MBTA Owned - Available Now w/ W
Provide for locally based commercial
businesses to support community needs &
as anchor uses for district.
Mix of unit types with a focus on family
housing; Studios, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom
Active ground floor retail / service businesses
that provide for community needs. Include a
mini-anchor business such as a grocery store,
restaurant / café, dry cleaners, hardware store,
bookstore, or commercial business.
Community service needs including on-site
childcare center.
MBTA Owned - Available Now w/ V
Site Area
Building Hts
Open Space
Housing Units
Local Comm.
Parking Options
1.34 Acres / 58,541 SF
3 stories (4 at southern end)
23,000 SF / 40% of site
Option / up to 40 units
Option / up to 10,000 SF
Option / up to 32,000 SF
2,000 SF
36 SP (Resident)
10 SP (Retail)
32 SP (Commercial)