Welcome Working Advisory Group Meeting #3 A June 2, 2011 Planning Study Meeting Schedule Meeting 1 Project Purpose, Goals and Existing Conditions Meeting 2 Issues & Opportunities, Evaluation Criteria, 2035 Traffic Projections, Framework for Design Elements Meeting 3 Development of Design Concepts, Refinement of Evaluation Criteria Meeting 4 Establish Alternatives, Apply Evaluation Criteria Meeting 5 Selection of Preferred Alternative 2 Working Group Meeting #3 A June 2, 2011 Today’s Agenda Approach to Design Areas At-Grade Challenges and Opportunities Break Out Groups: New Washington Focus Assignment #3 WAG June 14th Bridge Concept Break Out: Cross Sections Refined At-Grade Options Evaluation Criteria •Open House – Design Concepts •Agenda –Topics and Speakers Priority Sub Areas Shea Circle New Washington Street MBTA Station/Washington/Asticou/South Street Viable At Grade Sub–Area Design Elements Shea Circle DRAFT CONCEPTS DRAFT CONCEPTS Design Challenges Arborway Yard Arnold Arboretum Casey Overpass Franklin Park T Morton Street Forest Hills Cemetery Confusing and Overly Complicated Street Network T Opportunity Replace Critical Missing Link T Maximize Flexibility Arborway Yard Arnold Arboretum Casey Overpass Franklin Park T Morton Street Forest Hills Cemetery Maximize Flexibility Arborway Yard Arnold Arboretum Casey Overpass Franklin Park T Morton Street Forest Hills Cemetery DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Viable At Grade Sub–Area Design Elements New Washington Street Area Fatal Flaw Criteria Improve safety for all modes and users ABP timeline and budget Restore Emerald Necklace Connections Avoid impact to Arborway Yard Provide for acceptable local and regional operations Allow for urban design opportunities Avoid adverse impacts on future transit operations and inter-modal connections Overview of At Grade Sub-Area Design Elements Eliminated Through Fatal Flaw Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jug Handle (2 ideas) Diverging Diamond Double Roundabout Elongated Rotary Frontage Road Traditional Intersection Design (Maximizing Pavement) The Designer General’s WARNING: The tools we use today for designing and drawing, principally AutoCAD and other software programs, make the process faster, more efficient and make coordination between drawings easier. There is an unfortunate side effect of AutoCAD which is the hard-line style makes all drawings look more finished, more thought out than they may actually be. This often leads people to incorrectly conclude that concepts and ideas shown at the early stages of a design process are finished designs. Let us assure you: this is not the case. Break Out Sessions Concerns and Opportunities Review Design Concepts for New Washington Street Sub-Area Break Out Sessions Report Back Viable At Grade Sub–Area Design Elements MBTA Station/ Washington/Asticou-South Streets EXISTING CONDITIONS Double signals at Viaduct Conflicts at South Street S-curve at exit drive Cars parked at Asticou Street Conflicts at taxi stand 2 250’ bus aisles Connection between SW Corridor and Blackwell Footpath at the Arboretum GOALS Forest Hills Improvement Initiative Circulation opportunities Address in growth opportunity for Forest Hills Station Taking advantage of MBTA parcel development DRAFT CONCEPT FOR WASHINGTON STREET – MBTA ACCESS – Potential Idea Upgraded signals at Arborway with bus priority Taxi stand relocated Multi-use path between SW Corridor and Blackwell Footpath at the Arboretum Bus lane to head of queue Pick-up/drop-off lanes 2 500-foot bus aisles Rail decked over DRAFT CONCEPT FOR WASHINGTON STREET – MBTA ACCESS – Potential Ideas Upgraded signals at Arborway Taxi stand relocated Multi-use path between SW Corridor and Blackwell Path at the Arboretum Bus lane to head of queue with priority signals Pick-up/drop-off lanes 4 250-foot bus aisles Lower parking lot decked over Assignment #3 Taking the Pulse