PROJECT OVERVIEW T F T F A A R R ACCELERATED BRIDGE PROGRAM (ABP) TIME LINE D D The historic $3 billion Patrick-Murray Accelerated Bridge Program represents a monumental investment in Massachusetts bridges. This program will greatly reduce the number of structurally deficient bridges in the state system, while creating thousands of construction jobs on bridge projects. To complete this program MassDOT will rely on the use of innovative and accelerated project development and construction techniques. As a result, projects will be completed on-time, on-budget and with minimum disruption to people and to commerce. Since 2008, the number of structurally deficient bridges has dropped from 543 to 482, a decline of over 11 percent. Over the course of the eight year program, more than 200 bridges are planned to be replaced or repaired. P L A N N IN G STUDY D E S IG N 2011 D E M O L IT IO N A N D C O N S T R U C T IO N 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 C o m m u n ity In vo lvem en t T hro u g h out P roject S elect A lternative D esign R eview C onstruction S taging & T raffic M anagem ent M eetings P hasing T F D A R T F A R D PLANNING & CONCEPT DESIGN STUDY TIME LINE The schedule for the Casey Overpass Study includes five public meetings at critical points in the study. P U B L IC M E E T IN G S 1 2 E X IS T IN G C O N D IT IO N S MAR APR 3 S E L E C T IO N C R IT E R IA & IN IT IA L C O N C E P T S MAY 4 5 ID E N T IF IC A T IO N O F P R E F E R R E D A L T E R N A T IV E CONCEPT DEVELOPM ENT & A L T E R N A T IV E S E V A L U A T IO N JU N JU L AUG A R T F D CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT SEP EXISTING CONDITIONS T F A R D T F A R PHYSICAL FEATURES D REDEVELOPMENT RE ST TO N NG HI W AS mu ter R STREET ail Pla tfo rm SOUTH Residences ARNOLD ARBORETUM ARBORWAY YARDS Electrical Substation Com ARBORW AY The right-of-way containing the Casey Overpass is around 200 feet wide in most locations. Important buildings and features lining the edge of the corridor have been identified to be kept free of impacts. The removal of the Overpass creates an opportunity to reconnect Arnold Arboretum with Franklin Park and the Forest Hills Cemetery. ET SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR PARK Residences MBTA Arborway facilities and driveways Viaduct Meets Grade MBTA Tunnel Document depth with MBTA H el MB TA Tun n T Verify ability to shift location with MBTA EET T OU SURFACE PARKING SURFACE PARKING Route 39 Bus Turn-a-round Orange Line Platform Headhouse STR F M Ventilation S Stacks EET ST RE E R O ST H L IL S ST E RE T FRANKLIN PARK Multi-Family Housing Church ET KEY ORCH RED PARC E VE EL LOP S ME NT Designated parks, landscaped areas or other publicly accessible open space NU E OPEN SPACE* K A VE MB TA Par kin g STR TON ING TO N Municipal Courthouse ARD H ILL RO AD Verify as fixed location with MBTA OR FITZGERALD LOT PLANNED REDEVELOPMENT MBTA Forest Hills Station and bus driveways (except Route 39) Approximate configuration of parcels in the Public ROW or otherwise available for use AVAILABLE ROW* EXISTING BUILDINGS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT** FOREST HILLS *Verify with MassDOT CEMETERY Development identified in public documents **Verify with City of Boston 0 100 200 300 HY DE PA R WAS H Viaduct Meets Grade 400 feet T F A R D T F A R D OWNERSHIP ALONG THE CORRIDOR W AS HI NG SOUTH TO N ST RE ET Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Commonwealth of Massachusetts STREET ARBORW AY Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Comm of Mass City of Boston Comm of Mass DPW Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority MBTA Comm of Mass Comm of Mass Comm of Mass Comm of Mass Commonwealth of Massachusetts DCR City of Boston Commonwealth of Massachusetts Comm of Mass F M SO H UT ST ET E R Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority ORCH EET RE ET City of Boston St. Andrew Ukranian City of Boston City of Boston Commonwealth NU Private PA R Forest Hills Cemetery Forest Hills Cemetery HY DE MBTA Commonwealth - Approximate boundary of corridor ROW ownership City of Boston - approximate boundary of street ROW ownership Institutional K A VE MBTA City of Boston Church E STR WAS H City of Boston ST City of Boston ING TON MBTA City of Boston TO N H S T Commonwealth of Massachusetts ARD H ILL RO AD Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority OR E R O ST L IL ST E E R 0 A R T F D CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT 100 200 300 400 feet EXISTING CONDITIONS A R D RECENT PROJECTS IN THE FOREST HILLS AREA D 2010 Centre & South Street Streetscape & Transportation Action Plan Jamaica Pond 2008 Franklin Park Transportation and Access Study CENTRE Recommendations • For the area near Forest Hills the study referenced the 2008 Forest Hills Improvement Initiative: Transportation Action Plan Final report due to be released in the spring of 2011 MBTA Route 39 Key Bus Route Enhancements 2007 Arborway Traffic Review Southwest Corridor Based on the 2004 Arborway Master Plan, this study looked at specific improvements for the Arborway between Murray Circle and Kelly Circle. RE TO N ST Recommendations • Short-Term Recommendations (13 intersections were studied) o Recommendations for the majority of intersections studied consist primarily of adjustments to pavement markings and crosswalks and recommendations for improved signage. o At the two intersections on New Washington Street (at Washington and South Streets), additional recommendations include signal coordination and slight modifications to the roadway geometry. o At Washington Street, right turn slip lane on the northwest corner may be eliminated due to relatively light volume, creating an opportunity to increase green space at this corner. • At South Street, reverse bus lane entrance and exit to allow cars to pass while busses queue under the Arborway. • Long-Term Recommendations o One way roadway loop around T-station (Ukraine Way, Hyde Park Avenue, Washington Street, South Street and New Washington Street) o Roadway realignment of New Washington Street – shifted toward Casey Overpass. o Casey Overpass: Aesthetic improvements to the structure. o Removal of the Casey Overpass (This alternative was suggested but not studied in detail in this report – Alternatives should be explored that minimize the impact to the Forest Hills Area). G IN SH A TH STREET Franklin Park Recommendations • Maintain existing structure. Recommendation to provide improvements to the existing Casey Overpass and provide landscape enhancements in the remaining green space adjacent to the viaduct. • Due to the heavy traffic demand and local traffic access requirements, no significant changes to roadway design and traffic circulation are proposed for Forest Hills. • Two options for continuous shared-use bike/ped path: o Approach from Arnold Arboretum on western side of Arborway, one option passes underneath the Casey viaduct and parallels New Washington Street and Arborway Westbound Surface Road to connect to Circuit Drive in Franklin Park; second option follows surface roadway south of Casey Overpass to connect to Shea Circle and Circuit Drive. [The preferred alternative is the first alternative – this provides a better connection to Southwest Corridor Park and also avoids the courthouse south of the Overpass]. • Replace large rotary at Shea Circle (just east of Casey Overpass) with a signalized intersection that provides an improved gateway to Franklin Park, and signal-protected crossings to Franklin Park Key Issues Identified: • Accepted that the current level of motor vehicle traffic must be accommodated – NOT diverted to other roadways. • If Casey Overpass is removed, surface roadways would have to be widened to 7 or 8 lanes to accommodate the additional traffic loads – undesirable from an urban design standpoint. • Balance three elements – landscape, ped/bike access, and vehicle traffic. Arnold Arboretum 2001 MOU between City of Boston & MBTA M Key Issues Identified: • To improve Traffic Patterns which includes better pedestrian and bicycle connections. • To create a vibrant mixed use district. • To provide community orientation which includes the creation of public spaces for public gatherings and markets, artist exhibits, and locally owned retail and service businesses. • Provide Green/Sustainable Development which includes transit-oriented, neighborhood scaled development that reduces building and transportation based pollution and carbon emissions. • Increase access to Green Space Assets by better connections and new landscaping. O RT O N ST RE ET Forest Hills Cemetery W A SH IN G TO N ST Recommendations • Arborway should remain in a grade-separated configuration, maintaining existing geometry and traffic operations. • Replace the viaduct with a new Overpass to approximately the same lines and grades as the existing structure. HYDE P A R K AV ENUE RE ET 2008 Structural Condition Investigation & Traffic Study Key Issues Identified: • Arguments for maintaining Overpass of similar profile and alignment as existing structure: o Although elevated rail lines under Casey Overpass has been removed to below surface streets, construction raised surface streets, minimizing opportunities to replace the Overpass with one that is reduced in height and width. o Current height above surface streets allows for drivers and pedestrians in the area to look through the open spaces and see the skyline on the other side. o Height provides increased natural lighting underneath the bridge; reduces sheltering from weather. Both these features reduce attractiveness for unwanted loitering. o Address aesthetics of structure: slimming width of viaduct and use cast-in-place concrete construction. 2004 Arborway Master Plan W SOU Key Issues Identified: • Automobiles: Area very auto dependent; other modes of transportation have been designed around the auto, instead of the reverse. • Bicycles: Forest Hills is a critical connection for regional circulation, yet few accommodations are provided along the corridor around the station. • Pedestrians: Without signal coordination, drivers may become frustrated having to stop frequently in the corridor. This frustration may lead to drivers disregarding the rules of the road, ultimately jeopardizing the crossing pedestrian Recommendations • General for all parcels: Promote a high quality and accessible pedestrian environment in and around the building(s) that promotes walking to nearby uses, activities and public transit. • Arborway Yards Parcel: Focus active uses at southern end to reinforce connections under Casey Overpass. • Fitzgerald Parking Lot: Focus active uses at corner to reinforce connections under Casey Overpass. Reinforce Emerald Necklace connection along Arborway with large landscaped pathway. Issues & Recommendations • Separate local from regional traffic • Provide conventional intersection layout for improved traffic patterns • Improve local access to Arborway • Provide fewer/safer pedestrian crossings • Provide direct connections to local streets ET 2008 Forest Hills Improvement Initiative: Transportation Action Plan 2008 Forest Hills Improvement Initiative: Use & Design Guidelines 2000 Green Triangle Study OVERPASS INSPECTION & REPAIR 2010 bridge inspection photos THE BRIDGE IS SAFE 2010 bridge inspection photo T F A R STREET T F 2010 photo of bridge repair CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT EXISTING CONDITIONS EXISTING CONDITIONS / UNDER THE VIADUCT The Casey Overpass creates a confusing surface roadway configuration due to the location of bridge supports and access ramps. The removal of the Overpass allows the opportunity to design a more logical surface street system for cars, pedestrians, bicycles and buses. CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES OLMSTED PLAN OF 1892 The 1892 Frederick Law Olmsted plan for the Arborway included this portion between the Arnold Arboretum and Franklin Park. It features a separate travel way for different modes: a center carriage way, frontage roadways lining the edges of the corridor, a walking path and a bridle path know as The Ride. Rows of red oak shade trees were planted between and along the paths and roads. The Forest Hills railroad bridge was designed by the architectural firm of Shepley, Rutan, and Coolidge as an integral part of the parkway. Ar ea of E nl ar ge m en t Overall Plan 0 100 200 300 400 Feet EXAMPLES OF VIADUCTS If a viaduct is the preferred alternative that results from this study, a replacement for the Casey Overpass is likely to be smaller in height, length and width than the structure there today. Both the structural and aesthetic aspects of the bridge will require study. Pier supports will need to carefully located. Materials, such as steel and concrete, will be investegated. The space under the structure, the view from various vantage points and the relationship of the bridge to surrounding context will be included as part of the study. Ushibuka Bridge, Kumamoto, Japan Elevated Street, Dusseldorf, Germany Elevated Street, Dusseldorf, Germany Hochstrasse Jan-Wellem-Platz, Dusseldorf, Germany William R. Bennett Bridge B9 Viaduct Highway, Bonn, Germany San Francisco Airport Bridge The “Green Bridge” Mile End, London [above and right] Metropolitan Expressway, Tameike-kosaten Viaduct CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT Green Bridge, London IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES T F A R D D A R T F WITH AND WITHOUT THE VIADUCT Imagining Forest Hills without the Casey Overpass is an important step toward determining what the area will look like in the future. Whether the final solution is an at-grade roadway system or includes a smaller replacement viaduct, what is there today will be taken down. CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT T F A R D D A R T F LOCAL & REGIONAL TRAFFIC HIGH-VOLUME PEDESTRIAN LOCATIONS PM ET RE RE ET SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR PARK ET S OU TH STR TO N NG HI 120 85 50 EET K A VE NU E STR ST RE ET PA R 175 TO N HY DE WAS H PA R HY DE WAS H ARNOLD ARBORETUM T ING 145 105 OR ARD H ILL RO AD RE M ORCH ST EET ARD H ILL RO AD TO N 170 50 110 TON E NU STR ING TON 60 OR ORCH T 55 M 185 K A VE H EET S T OU 55 70 ARNOLD ARBORETUM 90 STR 55 ARBORW AY ARNOLD ARBORETUM EET STREET STREET 80 ARBORW AY W AS W AS HI NG SOUTH SOUTH TO N ST ST AM Arrows show the locations of high pedestrian crossing volumes during the AM and PM peak hours based upon the traffic count data collected in June of 2010. The pedestrian volume at these locations exceeds 50 crossings per hour. Crossing numbers are SOUTHWEST SO OU UTHWEST ST rounded to the nearest 5. CORRIDOR C CORRIDO O OR R PARK ARNOLD ARBORETUM November 2, 2010 50 HIGH-VOLUME BICYCLE LOCATIONS PM ARBORW AY ARNOLD ARBORETUM TO N NG HI STREET STREET ARBORW AY W AS W AS HI SOUTH NG SOUTH TO N ST ST RE ET CORRIDOR C ORRIDO R OR PARK ET SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR PARK RE AM Arrows show the locations of high bicycle crossing volumes during the AM and PM peak hours based upon the traffic count data collected in June of 2010. The volume of bicycles crossing at these locations exceeds 15 per hour. SOUTHWEST Ocrossings UTHWEST U ST ARNOLD ARBORETUM M H T M TO N ST RE ET S T OU H STR EET T ARNOLD ARBORETUM CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT ORCH E NU K A VE PA R DE HY HY DE WAS H PA R ING TON K A VE NU STR E EET ORCH EET STR TON ING WAS H ARNOLD ARBORETUM ARD H ILL RO AD ARD H ILL RO AD S T OU STR EET OR OR TO N ST RE ET LOCAL & REGIONAL TRAFFIC EXISTING PEAK-HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Weekday morning peak hour directional traffic volumes (rounded to the nearest 50 vehicles) based upon traffic count data collected in June 2010. ET RE ST W AS HI 750 SOUTH 300 450 TO N 1,700 AM NG SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR PARK STREET 700 ARBORW AY 450 1,150 ARBORWAY YARDS 1,350 400 SERVICE ROA D M 550 ST RE 550 T FRANKLIN PARK 550 650 1,150 850 FOREST HILLS CEMETERY HY DE WAS H H S ET PA R ING TON K A VE NU E STR T 900 ORCH 600 TO N ARD H ILL RO AD 1,150 EET EET SO H UT STR OR F E R O ST L IL ST E RE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 700 450 0 100 200 300 400 feet Peak hour traffic volumes are fairly symmetrical on both the overpass and on local streets. ET RE HI STREET ARBORW AY ARBORWAY YARDS 500 T 1,800 PM 600 NG 350 W AS SOUTH 450 TO N 1,100 850 ST SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR PARK Weekday afternoon peak hour directional traffic volumes (rounded to the nearest 50 vehicles) based upon traffic count data collected in June 2010. 850 450 950 TO N ST RE K A VE NU E STR TON PA R 650 FRANKLIN PARK ET 800 FOREST HILLS CEMETERY HY DE 750 H S T 600 1,350 ORCH 950 ING WAS H ARNOLD ARBORETUM OR F E R O ARD H ILL RO AD 600 ET RE EET SO H UT ST 1,350 M SERVICE ROA D ST L IL ST E RE 450 700 0 CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT 100 200 300 400 feet LOCAL & REGIONAL TRAFFIC PERCENT BY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ZONE (TAZ) The shaded portions of the map show either where trips using the Casey Overpass originate or where the trips on Casey Overpass are destined. CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT LOCAL & REGIONAL TRAFFIC VEHICLE TRIP PATHS No rfo lk Route selection for vehicles using the Casey Overpass during peak periods. Volumes using any given route are proportional to the thickness of the line. CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT St LOCAL & REGIONAL TRAFFIC NG SOUTH T EXISTING BUS CIRCULATION BY ROUTE HI 37/38 39 W AS 42 STREET ARBORW AY Existing bus circulation by route. The volume of bus trips in the study area during the peak hour is between 140 and 150 bus trips per hour. ARBORWAY YARDS ARNOLD ARBORETUM 39 SERVICE ROA D T 16 21 31 32 42 TO N ST RE 16 MBTA Bus Service at Forest Hills Station AM PEAK NU K A VE PA R DE HY Routes to the Northwest Routes to the Northeast Routes to the Southwest Routes to the Southeast PM PEAK Headway Trips/Hour Headway Trips/Hour (Minutes) (Both Directions) (Minutes) (Both Directions) 16 15 8 18 7 21 9 13 13 9 30 15 8 20 6 31 7 17 9 13 32 10 12 11 11 34 9 13 7 17 34E 20 6 20 6 35 12 10 15 8 36 12 10 15 8 37 20 6 15 8 38 22 5 22 5 39* 6 20 6 20 30 40 FOREST HILLS 12 42 25 CEMETERY 50 4 30 4 10 25 5 5 22 5 25 5 22 5 E STR TON ING WAS H KEY 32 FRANKLIN PARK 21/31 Bus Route ARNOLD ARBORETUM 34/34E 35 36 37 40 50 51 E H S T ET ORCH H ET EET S T OU 34/34E 35 36 37 38 40 50 51 E R T S OR ARD H ILL RO AD M R O F ST L IL ST E E R 51 TOTAL 153 138 * Route 39 service operates high-capacity articulated buses Source: MBTA Ridership and Service Statiistics, 12th Ed (2009) 0 CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT 100 200 300 400 feet March 21, 2011 Compiled by Don Kindsvatter - Send comments and additions to Courtesy Boston Public Library Courtesy Library of Congress R D T F A 1892 Olmsted Plan 1842 - Benjamin Bussey donates estate Woodland Hill to Harvard University Aerial view of Forest Hills Square area - 1910 1840 1846 - First modern baseball game played 1851 - West Roxbury incorporated as a town from parts of Roxbury, including Forest Hills Entrance to Forest Hills Cemetery 1843 - Nancy Johnson invents hand-cranked ice cream maker 1842 - Boston & Providence Railroad opens stations at Green Street and Toll Gate (now Forest Hills) 1845 - First station for passengers constructed at Toll Gate 1846 - Town of Roxbury becomes a city 1848 - Forest Hills Cemetery created 1850 1857 - Filling of the Back Bay begins 1857 - Toll Road through Forest Hills between Dedham and Dudley made a free public road Courtesy Jamaica Plain Historic Society Courtesy Library of Congress Courtesy Boston Public Library Courtesy Historic New England CASEY OVERPASS PROJECT Spanish American War Sheep grazing in Franklin Park Arnold Arboretum 1924 Sanborn Map Orange Line and railroad viaducts at Forest Hills 1884 - Design for Franklin Park unveiled 1886 - Statue of Liberty dedicated Boston Elevated station (left) adjacetn to RR station - 1910 Circa1910 Sanborn Map 1874 - West Roxbury annexed to Boston 1887 - Boston Public Library construction begins 1890 - Electric street cars replace horse-drawn service to F. H. 1892 - Olmsted plan for Arborway completed 1909 - Boston Elevated Railway extended to Forest Hills Courtesy Library of Congress World War I 1938 Ortho Photo World War II Looking west over the Arborway from railroad viaduct - 1914 Courtesy Jamaica Plain Historic Society Looking northward on South Street 1930 Courtesy Library of Congress Courtesy Historic New England T F A R D 1955 Ortho Photo Courtesy Jamaica Plain Historical Society Looking eastward toward Franklin Park Vietnam War Forest Hills Orange Line station under construction Korean War 1951 - Casey Overpass construction begins Looking northward on Washington Street, west of the railroad - 1914 1950 1955 - MTA replaces street car service between Egleston Square and Forest Hills with bus service 1964 - MBTA replaces MTA 1969 - New State Laboratory Building begins construction 1971 - Olmsted’s Emerald Necklace is placed on the National Register of Historic Places Courtesy Historic New England Red Oak trees adjacent to Orange Line viaduct FOREST HILLS TIMELINE 1871 - First Bussey Institute building completed Looking northward on Hyde Park Avenue Civil War 1860 1865 - First horse-drawn street car service to Forest Hills opens as part of Metropolitan Railroad via Washington St. 1870 Forest Hills railroad viaduct 1865 - MIT opens 1869 - Hyde Park Avenue laid out between Walk Hill Street and what is now Cummins Highway 1872 - Great Fire destroys 65 acres of downtown 1872 - James Arnold wills his estate to Harvard 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone 1879 - Olmsted completes design for Arboretum 1880 1882 - Arboretum becomes part of Boston Parks 1888 - Boston & Providence RR becomes part of the Old Colony RR 1890 1893 - New York, New Haven & Hartford RR takes over Boston & Providence RR 1896 - Boston & Providence RR relocated from at-grade tracks to elevated rail between Mass Ave and Forest Hills 1897 - First subway opens at Park Street 1900 - First World Series Boston defeats Pittsburgh 1900 Courtesy Library of Congress 1908 - Filene’s Basement opens 1910 1912 - First game played at Fenway Park 1912 - Franklin Park Zoo opens 1919 - Boston Molasses Flood 1919 - Babe Ruth traded to the Yankees 1920 Courtesy Library of Congress 1925 - Shea Circle rotary constructed 1925 - First bus garage opens at Arborway Yards 1931 - “Star Spangled Banner” becomes national anthem 1932 - Murray Circle rotary constructed 1939 - “Wizard of Oz” released in theaters 1940 1943 - Kelly Circle rotary constructed 1947 - Boston Elevated Railroad succeeded by Metropolitan transit Authority 1949 - “Charlie on the M.T.A.” written by Jacqueline Steiner & Bess Lomax Hawes for Walter O’Brien’s mayoral campaign 1956 - National Interstate & Defense Highway Act 1960 1961 - JFK sworn in as 35th President 1963 - Bussey Institute land purchased by State 1969 - Neil Armstrong walks on the moon 1969 - Boston opens new city hall 1970 1976 - First Night begins 1980 1987 - Orange Line relocated to the Southwest Corridor 1990 - Casey Overpass begins major reconstruction Courtesy Library of Congress Looking southeast at the Forest Hills MBTA station Iraq War Casey Overpass crossing the Orange Line viaduct Persian Gulf War 1990 Courtesy Library of Congress 2000 T F A R D Circa 2010 Ortho Photo 1989 - Berlin Wall comes down 2003 - Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge opens 2004 - Curse of the Bambino lifted; Red Sox win World Series 2007 - Red Sox win World Series again 2010 2010 - Casey Overpass restricted to 2 lanes 2010 - Additional repairs underway