Welcome Working Advisory Group Meeting #5C November 9, 2011 Today’s Agenda Livability Focus 1. The Perspectives (Revised and Expanded) 2. Livability: Objectives and Experience a. Discussion: What makes this area special to YOU? 3. The Conceptual Alternatives: At-Grade & Bridge 4. MOE’s: The Evaluation a. Discussion: Mobility & Livability Measures 5. Public Meeting #5: Preparation 6. Follow Up SENSE OF SPACE BASE AREA = 25 ACRES SENSE OF SPACE +/- 2 ACRES SENSE OF SPACE +/- 1.5 ACRES SENSE OF SPACE BOULEVARD COMMONWEALTH AVENUE SENSE OF SPACE IMPROVED INTERSECTION Perspectives on the Alternatives View 1 Arborway Yard towards Courthouse EXISTING AT GRADE BRIDGE View 2 Southwest Corridor Park towards Forest Hills Station EXISTING AT GRADE BRIDGE View 3 New Washington Street Corridor – between South Street and Hyde Park Avenue EXISTING AT GRADE BRIDGE View 4 South Street towards Arnold Arboretum EXISTING AT GRADE BRIDGE View 5 New Washington Street Corridor – Easterly between Hyde Park Avenue and Shea EXISTING AT GRADE BRIDGE View 6 Corner of Morton and Hyde Park Avenue – Northwest toward SW Corridor Park EXISTING AT GRADE BRIDGE Livability: Objectives and Experience With the removal of the Casey Overpass we face a choice: Replace it with an at-grade solution or put back a bridge ***** Look at some local Boston examples where elevated infrastructure was removed and the transformation that has occurred ***** Two urban design concepts that are common to examples Changing Looking-Out to …. Today, the orientation is looking away from the corridor. …. Looking-In The opportunity is here to change that and to create a center for Forest Hills. Object versus Space Change the focus from the viaduct to the surrounding area. City Square, Charlestown The elevated Orange Line and the approach to the Mystic Bridge discouraged redevelopment in City Square. City Square, Charlestown Removing the elevated created the opportunity for redevelopment around City Square. City Square, Charlestown Today, City Square is an inviting and welcoming asset to the neighborhood. It did not happen all at once and is still going on. Central Artery – Downtown Boston One of the lessdesirable locations in the downtown. Central Artery – Downtown Boston Properties abutting the artery corridor are reorienting toward it and activating its edges. Central Artery – Downtown Boston Properties abutting the artery corridor are reorienting toward it and activating its edges. Spaces that were once considered left over, are now programmed with active uses. Washington Street, South End The aging infrastructure was a blight to the neighborhood. Washington Street, South End Removal of the elevated Orange Line created the opportunity for redevelopment. With the object in the center gone, the edges became what defined the space… … And helped create a vibrant street life. Sullivan Square, Charlestown Originally a true Square: a small park surrounded by buildings. Sullivan Square, Charlestown Originally a true Square: a small park surrounded by buildings. Chipped away by transit and roadway infrastructure until any remnant was gone and became a transportation nexus. Sullivan Square, Charlestown Today the elevated Orange Line is gone, the viaduct removed. Sullivan Square, Charlestown Today the elevated Orange Line is gone, the viaduct removed. Plans are underway to remove the underpass and modify Rutherford Avenue - creating a new surface street network and allowing transformation to begin. Forest Hills Like Sullivan Square some of the overhead structures were already removed. The elevated Orange Line and Commuter Rail tracks were relocated. The last elevated structure – the Casey Overpass – is coming down. We have seen some example of how the effects of bridges on public spaces can be mitigated, but… No one says, “Let’s put a bridge in that space to improve it.” Spaces under bridges are not inherently places people flock to. They are places people pass through but do not congregate in. An at-grade solution will provide the opportunity for a transformation process similar to what we have seen in other locations. With a bridge alternative that transformation is unlikely to ever happen. Livability Discussion What Makes this Area Special To YOU? The At- Grade Alternative What is included in the current concept design What will continue to be developed in the 25% design phase At-Grade Alternative At-Grade Alternative – includes: Assumes Bus #39 remains in current location At-Grade Alternative – includes: Only 2 Bus Bays on Upper Deck At-Grade Alternative – includes: Location of bus bay exit moved south of Asticou. Reduces impact of bus idling and operations from today At-Grade Alternative – includes: MBTA Emergency vent stack move south of station At-Grade Alternative – includes: Replace drop off lane with travel lane on western end between South and Arborway At-Grade Alternative – includes: Reduced parking on frontage road at eastern end next to residential area At-Grade Alternative – includes: Bow Tie moved westerly to reduce travel times The Experience - New Washington Street Relocated Orange Line Head house Olmsted tree line boulevard Off street bike lanes connect to and cross at intersections Area for community gathering Bus #39 remains at current location passenger loading at intersection On street bike lanes Area for crossings – approx 20’ wide for bikes and pedestrians Landscaped median allows for minimal plantings in this section At-Grade Alternative – To further explore in 25% design Examine adding flexibility for Bus #39 by using Plaza area in front of station At-Grade Alternative – To further explore in 25% design Allocation of uses for taxi and drop off areas (space preserved) At-Grade Alternative – To further explore in 25% design Landscaping & Lighting Treatments At-Grade Alternative – To further explore in 25% design Non-Peak Hour Treatments (e.g., signalization) Signalization, right turn lanes (pedestrian and transit), and detailed intersection geometry At-Grade Alternative – To further explore in 25% design Bike accommodations on Washington Street – northern side of Ukraine At-Grade Alternative – To further explore in 25% design Treatment of Asticou and Forest Hills Road The Bridge Alternative What is included in the current concept design What will continue to be developed in the 25% design phase Bridge Alternative Bridge Alternative – includes: Assumes Bus #39 remains in current location Bridge Alternative – includes: New street network to replace current east/west roadway Bridge Alternative – includes: Single bridge - shorter, lower and narrower Bridge Alternative – includes: Reduced parking on frontage road at eastern end next to residential area The Experience - New Washington Street Bus #39 remains at current location passenger loading at intersection Regional vehicular traffic located above Area for community gathering Off street Bike lanes connect to and cross at intersections On street bike lanes Usable contiguous open space connections Area for crossings – approx 20’ wide for bikes and pedestrians Bridge Alternative – To further explore in 25% design: Design of piers, under bridge area, and lighting Bridge Alternative – To further explore in 25% design: Examine adding flexibility for Bus #39 by using Plaza area in front of station Bridge Alternative – To further explore in 25% design: Landscaping and lighting treatments Bridge Alternative – To further explore in 25% design: Treatment of Forest Hills Road Signalization,and rightintersection turn lanes Signalization (pedestrian and transit), and turning movements detailed intersection geometry Measures of Evaluation (MOEs) Livability & Mobility The Evaluation The Evolution of the MOEs 1. Approach Taken to Casey’s MOEs a. All modes, livability objectives, new measures 2. WAG Integral to the formation and evolution of the MOEs a. Principles (fatal flaw), Goals, Objectives and Measures 3. MOE’s used throughout the process and to evaluate alternatives on their own merits a. MOEs’ shaped the alternatives (i.e., surface streets redesigned for all alternatives – rendering some MOEs obsolete) Boundaries of Study Area for MOE Analysis Base Area for Evaluation = 25 acres Approximate location to meet existing conditions Back of buffer area for Arborway Yard design Stone wall around Arboretum West edge of Washington St ROW Property Lines Intersection at Cemetery Road MOEs – The Distribution MOEs Mobility Livability Goals 3 3 Objectives 9 7 Measures 16 15 Applied to Existing Conditions and both Conceptual Alternatives The MOEs – Existing Conditions Mobility Goals Total Score = -10 1. Convoluted and Confusing Street network 2. Complicated connections for Bikes and Pedestrians 3. Limited visible connections to businesses, resources and neighborhoods 4. No coherent, systematic organization of access for modes and users The MOEs – Existing Conditions Livability Goals Total Score = -10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Haphazard integration of open space and historical resources Emerald Necklace Interrupted No “There” there for community connections or activities to center upon. Outward focused Obstructed visible connections to Boston’s historic open space resources Unclear order and use of space The MOEs – Bridge Conditions Mobility Goals Total Score = 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Better organized roadways, intersections, pedestrian and bike crossings and circulation North/south connections improved through intersection treatments Limited off-street bike improvements and connections (only east/west direction) MBTA bus operations not addressed – no change from today The MOEs – Bridge Conditions Livability Goals Total Score = 0 1. 2. 3. 4. Improved plantings and landscape treatments along the New Washington Street Corridor Barrier to open space historic resources modified for select areas Emerald Necklace not restored as southwest to northeast views obstructed Limited areas to create a focal point for activities The MOEs – At-Grade Conditions Mobility Goals Total Score = 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Better organized roadways and intersections Less congestions and conflicts for vehicles, pedestrians and bikes Improved pedestrian and bike crossings and circulation both east/west and north/south Improved use of MBTA bus operations and staging areas (Upper Busway) Focal Areas created for simplified crossings and access to historic open space resources The MOEs – At-Grade Conditions Livability Goals Total Score = 13 1. 2. 3. 4. Better organized open space network creating opportunities for gateways and recognition of historic resources Emerald Necklace Restored View sheds restored – visual access to open space, neighborhood, business, recreational resources Increased landscaping and areas for activities Discussion Mobility & Livability Measures Follow Up Items Public Meeting #5 Monday, November 21, 2011 Public Meeting #5 Working Group Participation •Part of the Presentation •Roles & Responsibilities •Agenda & Open House OPEN HOUSE Draft Agenda PROJECT UPDATE – Purpose and Goals TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC • Summary of the Findings • The simulations THE ALTERNATIVES – AT-GRADE & SINGLE BRIDGE • The Alternatives • The Perspectives MEASURES OF EVALUATION •Methodology •Evaluation NEXT PUBLIC MEETING #6 •Recommended Alternative & Next Steps Meeting Schedule Public Meeting #5: Monday, November 21, 2011 WAG Meeting #6: Monday, December 5, 2011 Public Meeting #6: Wednesday, December 14, 2011