Town of Bourne Road d Safetty Aud dit dwich Road at Cranberryy Highw way Sand Interrsectio on ember 2012 Nove Table of Conte ents Backgro ound .............................................................................. ...................................... 1 Introduction ............................................................................. ...................................... 1 Project Data ............................................................................. ...................................... 2 Multidis sciplinary Team ............................................................. ...................................... 2 Project Location and Descrip ption ............................................. ...................................... 3 Road Sa afety Audit: ................................................................... ...................................... 5 Audit Ob bservations and Pote ential Safetty Enhancements ...... ...................................... 6 Safetty Issue #1. Signage ................................................................. ........................................ ... 6 Safetty Issue #2. S ight Distan nce and Vegetation............................ ........................................... 8 Safetty Issue #3. S peed .................................................................... ........................................... 9 Safetty Issue #4. G eometry .............................................................. ..........................................10 Safetty Issue #5. P avement Level and Ma arkings ............................ .......................................... 11 Safetty Issue #6. B icycle / Pe edestrian Acccommodations ............... ..........................................12 Summary of Road S afety Aud dit ................................................ ................................... . 13 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. RSA A Meeting Agenda ........................................................................... 15 RSA A Audit Tea am Contact List .............................................................. 17 Dettailed Cras sh Data ............................................................................. 20 Add ditional Infformation ....................................................................... 26 Roa ad Safety Audit Referrences ............................................................ 28 List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Ma ap showing Sagamore Brridge, Cape C od Canal, and intersecttion. ............... 3 Figure 2.. Sandwich h Road at Cra anberry High hway............................... ........................................... 3 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Te eam Memberrs ..................................... ........................................... 2 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary.......................... .......................................... 14 Road Safety y Audit – Bourn ne, Sandwich Road at Cranberrry Highway Backgrround All levels of government— — local, regio onal, state, a nd federal— —have been considering ocations wheere crashes are most severe for manyy years. Sevveral years ag go the lo hat there should be goalls to reduce crashes, and d in the 2005 5 national conssensus was th ation: Safe, Accountablee, Flexible, E fficient Tra ansportation n Equity Actt: feederal legisla A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), there was m ore emphassis on improvving highwaay afety along with a dedica ated funding g program—tthe Highwayy Safety Imp provement sa Program (HS SIP). The lattest federal legislation: M oving Aheead for Progress in the 211st Century (MAP-21), signed into la aw on July 6 , 2012, has consolidated d many grams while retaining th he Highway S afety Impro ovement Pro ogram highway prog HSIP) as onee of the five core highwa ay programs.. (H In n an effort to o reduce the number of crash-related d fatalities and incapaciitating njuries, Massachusetts developed a Strategic Higghway Safetty Plan in 20 006. The in mission of thee Safety Plan n is to “Deveelop, promotte, implemen nt, and evalu uate datadisciplinary strategies to o maximize s afety for ussers of the ro oadway driven, multid ystem.” Onee of the man ny strategies noted in thee Safety Plan n is to “condu uct Road sy Safety Auditss (RSA) at high-crash loccations throu ughout the Commonweaalth.” MassDOT inccorporated th he RSA as a requiremen nt for securin ng Federal fu unding Highway Saffety Improveement Progrram [HSIP] f unds) for saafety projectts. (H The Federal Highway Adm ministration n (FHWA) deefines a Roaad Safety Aud dit (RSA) ass th he formal safety examina ation of an existing or fu uture road orr intersectio on by an ndependent,, multidiscip plinary team.. The purposse of an RSA A is to identiffy potential in sa afety issues and possiblee opportunitties for safetyy improvem ments while considering alll roadway users. The Cape Cod d Commissio on, serving as the region nal planning agency for the fifteen owns on Cap pe Cod, has reviewed ma any transporrtation locatiions over thee years to us processes,, including the h Regionall Transportaation Plan, th he during variou Transportatio on Improvem ment Progra am, and Deveelopments of Regional Impact, onsidering th he existing safety issues and potentiial improvem ments. In ad ddition, the co CCC began lo ooking at speecific safety locations annually throu ugh safety studies and Road Safety Audits (RSAs). A portion n of the fedeeral HSIP funds are alloccated for mprovementts to the regiion’s highestt crash locatiions. im Introdu uction The Town of Bourne has 20,384 resid dents as of th he 2010 Uniited States Census of Population, and is the firsst of the fifteeen towns on n Cape Cod. Bourne hass recreationaal nd visitor atttractions—swimming, fiishing, whalee watches, cruises, pathw ways on both an ong with com mmunity cen ntered to siides of the Canal, historiic sites and villages—alo seervice and manufacturin ng businessees, and the N ational Marrine Life Cen nter. Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Bourne, Sa andwich Road at Cranberry H ighway Page 1 Bourne has an estimated summer population of a bout 40,00 00 residents,, and is also nd summer v isitors traveeling into and out of the trraversed by most of the residents an ad djoining fou urteen townss. The Town n of Bourne i s situated on n both sides of the Cape Cod Canal with two bridg ges for vehicu ular transpo ortation and one for rail crossings. As a result, lo ocal traffic neeeds includee crossing th he Canal for emergency response, seervices, scho ools, recreatiion, and sho opping destin nations. Thee interregion nal traffic he additionall summer deemand addin ng to the con ngestion on the Canal peaks with th bridges, and most of the roadways th hat provide a ccess toward d the bridgees. n March 20112, CCC stafff presented a safety updaate and poteential Road Safety Audit In RSA) locatio ons to the Ca ape Cod Join nt Transportaation Comm mittee (CCJT TC), and the (R d by the CCJJTC included d the Bournee intersection n reesulting 2012 RSA locatiions selected off Sandwich Road and Crranberry Hig ghway with a n equivalen nt property damage onlyy (E EPDO) of 58 8, ranking it as the 22nd highest safetty problem intersection in Barnstablle County. Projectt Data The crash rep ports were reequested from the Town n of Bourne for this Road d Safety Audit and weere supplied by b the Bourn ne Police Deepartment. The crash daata were d a crash diag gram was deeveloped. CC CC staff prep pared a grap ph of the reeviewed and trraffic volumee data. The crash diagra am, summarry data, and the traffic co ount data arre ncluded in th he appendicees. in The Road Saffety Audit wa as scheduled d with MassD DOT and thee Town. Thee Road Safetyy Audit meeting was held on Septembeer 5, 2012, beeginning aro ound 10:00 a.m., at the Bourne Town n Hall. The multidiscipliinary team a lso visited tthe site: Bou urne, ay, during th he RSA meetting, and theen Sandwich Road at Cranbeerry Highwa reeconvened at the Town Hall. Multidisciplin nary Te eam Table 1. Participating Auditt Team Mem mbers Audit Team m Member Rickie Tellier Dennis Wo oodside Brandon Es sip Martin Gree ene Lisa Schlettzbaum Edward Feeney Barbara La achance Bill Travers s Glenn Cannon, P.E. Priscilla N. Leclerc Pa age 2 Agenc cy/Affiliation Superrintendent, Bo ourne Departm ment of Publicc Works Chief, Bourne Policce Departmen nt Sgt., Bourne Police e Departmentt Chief, Bourne Fire Department MassD DOT Highwayy Division – Traffic Safety MassD DOT Highwayy Div.– Districct 5 MassD DOT Highwayy Div.– Districct 5 MassD DOT Highwayy Div.– Districct 5 Techn nical Servicess Director, Cape Cod Comm mission Seniorr Transportatiion Planner, Cape Cod Co ommission Roa ad Safety Auditt – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway Projectt Locattion an nd Desscriptio on The intersection of Sandw wich Road att Cranberry Highway in the Town off Bourne is n angled con nnection, and both roadw ways are fun nctionally claassified as u urban an ollectors. co Cranberry Hiighway conn nects Route 6 with Sandw wich Road, and is also th he collector or the surrou unding neigh hborhood. Cranberry H ighway has a four-lane undivided fo ay’s two-lanee eastbound d section narrrows in advaance of the crross section.. The roadwa issland located d at the interrsection with h Sandwich R oad. The dashed divid ding line is bound as thee roadway narrows, and d then the traaffic is split. The left dropped eastb urning traffic lane moves to the left of the island d to a STOP control, and d the right tu la ane, to the riight of the island, mergees into Sandw wich Road with a YIELD D. Sandwich Road is an eastterly-westerlly two-lane r oadway, alsso known as Route 6A. The special sp peed regulattion numberr 7604 for Saandwich Roaad is set at 35 5 miles per hour, and thee posted speeed limit is allso 35 miles per hour. Fiigure 1. Loccus Map show wing Sagamore e Bridge, Cap pe Cod Canal,, and intersecction. Figure 2.. Sandwich Road at Cranb berry Highwayy Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Bourne, Sa andwich Road at Cranberry H ighway Page 3 0 CAPE COD COMMISSION Pa age 4 Roa ad Safety Auditt – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway Road Safety Audit: own as Routee 6A, is a reggional two-laane roadwayy, and is often Sandwich Road, also kno oute 6 durin ng congested d times. Cran nberry High hway providees used as an altternate to Ro a connection from Route 6A to Routee 6 just beforre the Sagam more Bridge.. Many locall businesses an nd residencees are situateed along both h roadways and in the area. The ntersection of these two roadways was the focus of the Road d Safety Audiit (RSA). in The RSA Team m met for diiscussion of the existing conditions, visited the site for field bservations,, and returneed to discusss the safety i ssues at thee location. ob The RSA Team m reviewed the crash diagram, the c rash summary, the traff ffic volumes, an nd discussed d the existing conditionss. Due to a c rash reportiing softwaree glitch in ocating Statee Police crash hes reported d through th he Registry of Motor Veh hicles (RMV)) lo sy ystem, only local crash reports were used for thiis RSA. The summary crrash data, crrash diagram m, and trafficc volume chart were bro ought to the RSA team meeting, and d arre included in the Appen ndices. Bourne Policee Departmen nt provided local l crash r eports, and after review w, 12 crashess were found to o be at the lo ocation from m 2009-2011,, with 7 prop perty damag ge only, 5 njury crashes, and no fattal crashes. The resultin ng equivalen nt property damage only in (E EPDO) for ju ust the local crashes is 32. Of the 12 2 crashes from m 2009-20111, the majority, or 58%, were an ngle crashes, with 17% each of rear-eend and sideeswipe n crash. crrashes, and one head-on Traffic volum mes on the tw wo routes aree about even n. Sandwich Road totaleed 13,945 in Average Daily y Traffic (AD DT) for both directions, w hile Cranb berry Highwaay’s ADT forr both direction ns totaled 13 3,013 vehiclees. Both of t he roadway peak hour volumes werre frrom 4:00-5:0 00 p.m., witth 1,135 vehicles on Sand dwich Road and 1,021 veehicles on Cranberry Hiighway. Road Safety Audit observ vations of thee safety issu ues and poten ntial enhanccements, and d a summary ta able follow. Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Bourne, Sa andwich Road at Cranberry H ighway Page 5 Audit Observvationss and Potenttial Saffety Enhanccemen nts SAFETY IS SSUE #1. SIGNAGE Observation n: T The team discussed the existing signs in the vicin nity of the in ntersection. All of the signs need to be upgradeed for etro-reflectiv vity, and in particular, it was mentioned that a re ouple of sign ns were fade ed, such as, the “Enter H ere” co siign. Itt was pointed out that visitors in the e area are freequent, arby towns are sometim mes looking and even resiidents of nea or certain de estinations. Signage in the area in g eneral is fo co onfusing, esspecially if drrivers are un nfamiliar with h the arket Baskett” shop that recently opeened is area. The “Ma he latest desstination that many have e stopped to o ask th d it. Althoug gh adding a directions in order to find destination sign to the sp pecific retail establishmeent is not ent from the Market Baskket, there permitted witthout payme ould be a sig gn directing people to “F Factory Outleet Road”. co or drivers na avigating alo ong Sandwicch Road - Ro oute 6A, it Fo was brought up that both h signs “Route 6A West”” with the Route 6A We est Providence, RI Bosto on Next arrow, and “R Le eft” are conffusing. There should be e a sign with h the nformation “T To Route 6 / Sagamore Bridge” beccause that in iss what motorists in the area may be looking for the co onnection ba ack to Route e 6. Another sign discussed was the yellow warning s ign n the left howing an angled interssection with the arrow on sh fo ork; this sign n was on San ndwich Road d westbound d approaching the Cranberry Highway intersection,, and directss traffic o the Route 6A designated route. Ed Feeney, M assDOT Hig ghway to Division District 5 Office reported tha at Route 6A w estbound follows Cranberry Hig ghway from Route 6A an nd Sandwich h Road to Ro oute 6, while Route 6A eastbound follows Sa andwich Roa d from the MidCape Connecttor. There was surprise e by those prresent, and this was mentione ed as being confusing fo or the traveliing public be ecause ad is Route 6A in section ns, and com mmonly know wn as Sandwich Roa Route 6A. Pa age 6 Roa ad Safety Auditt – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway SIGNAGE (continued d) Itt was noted that there iss no intersecction warning g sign for th his busy intersection. ap directionss were discusssed, and a statement was made th hat Bing map ps Electronic ma h Road listed d as Old King gs Highway. GPS inform mation needss has Sandwich o be accuratte and consisstent with lo ocal signage.. to Enhancement: T The directional informatio on should be e enhanced t hrough add ditional or evised signs.. Adding the e information on the signs “to Route e 6 west” re e Sagamore Bridge” will clarify that Cranberry Highway is and/or “to the th he roadway connecting to Route 6 westbound. Many driverrs traveling on Sandwich Road may be looking to o connect wi th Route 6. Since the e is closer to o 195 / 495 and connecttions to Provvidence, RI Bourne Bridge In ntersection warning sign ns should be added to Saandwich Roa ad for mproved awa areness of th he Cranberry y Highway in ntersection. It was im uggested tha at the W2-3L sign, show wing the ang gled intersecttion, should su re ning left. eplace the ex xisting W1-1 10L sign thatt includes th he arrow turn In n addition, itt would assisst certain mo otorists to in nclude directtional signs to o Factory Ou utlet Road, where redeve elopment off that area has added ad dditional sho opping attractions. All signs shou uld be upgraded for retro o-reflectivityy as the MasssDOT Districct Office maintenance schedule alllows. Itt was suggessted that having street signs with th he roadway names may assist in h the change e in Route 6A A and the co orresponding g roadway alleviating confusion with names. An effort should be made e to contact online map companies to update na ame and Route numbe ers. As more e people use e Global Posiitioning Systtems (GPS), there should d be a check to o ensure thatt the street signs and th he GPS have e the same directional nformation. in Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Bourne, Sa andwich Road at Cranberry H ighway Page 7 SAFETY IS SSUE #2. SIGHT DIISTANCE AND VEGETATION Observation n: Itt was observ ved that sigh ht distance from he Cranberry y Highway approach to turn th le eft onto Sand dwich Road is obscured by bushes that have grown high on the issland at the gas station. With 58% of crash type being angle crrashes, imprroving the sight distance e for urning vehicles will contrribute to saffety. tu Vegetation on n Sandwich Road westbound was also note ed to be grow wing ver the signs. ov Enhancement: T Trim or cut back the vege etation for im mproved visibility on the e corner islan nd of th he gas statio on property. T Trim the tree branches back on Sandwich Roa ad and/or re elocate the sign fo or improved prominence e. Pa age 8 Roa ad Safety Auditt – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway SAFETY IS SSUE #3. SPEED Observation n: It was no oted th hat speed co ombined with h the e and volume of siight distance tu urning move ements results in crrash experie ence. 58% of the ocal intersecttion crashess from lo 2009-2011 were angle crrashes. Sandwich Roa ad, also known as Route 6A, is a major eastt-west re egional route e where driv vers may tend to travel over the peed limit. sp Sandwich S Road d (Route 6A) att Cranberry Hig ghway, Bourne e. Note N that secon nd vehicle is pu ulling over the centerline/cutti c urn. This ng the corner tto take a left tu vehicle v may not be visible to Sandwich S Road d eastbound tra affic until it is to oo late. ue periodic police enforccement of tra aveling spee eds along Enhancement: Continu Sandwich Roa ad and in the vicinity of the intersecction to enco ourage comp pliance for im mproved safe ety. Consider additional meassures in the long term, ssuch as a rou undabout to reduce sp peeding and d enhance multi-modal safety. Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Bourne, Sa andwich Road at Cranberry H ighway Page 9 SAFETY IS SSUE #4. GEOMETR RY Observation n: T The island on n Cranberry Highway at the in ntersection was brought up in nd it was sug ggested thatt discussion, an ging the inte ersection perhaps bring mprove sttraighter to a “T” may im operations. Vehicles turn ning left from m Cranberry Hig ghway have a STOP sign n, while vehicless turning right merge an nd th hen YIELD in nto eastboun nd Sandwich h Road. There was also a comment th hat emoving the e island and having adjaccent re anes for right and left turns may cau use la siight line visib bility issues. A vehicle in he right lane e, especially a larger spo ort th uck, may blo ock uttility vehicle (SUV) or tru th he view of th he driver turrning left. oted that driivers on Itt was also no Sandwich Roa ad westboun nd taking the e eft onto Cran nberry Highw way were le he actual sttarting to turn prior to th ntersection, and this may y be in co ontributing to the crashe es. Reportedly, his cutting accross the ce enterline earlly to th urn was worse prior to the installatio on tu off the island. A roundaboutt was suggested as a lon ngte erm considerration for this intersectio on to o improve sa afety, reduce e conflicts, slow traffic, a nd ontrol turnin ng movemen nts. co Itt was stated that on San ndwich Road d the lack of dequate sho oulders is a possible conttributing facctor ad o crashes. to Enhancement: Conside er improving g the geomettric onfiguration of the intersection through co djustment of the Cranbe erry Highway y approach ad and island, orr through co onversion to a roundabo ut. Consider shou ulder widening on Sandw wich Road in n th he vicinity off the intersection. Pa age 10 Roa ad Safety Auditt – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway SAFETY IS SSUE #5. PAVEMEN NT LEVEL AND MAR RKINGS Observation n: Itt was mentio oned that the vel on Cranberry pavement lev Highway for the left turn ower than Sa andwich approach is lo Road. The issland is just prior to hat leg coming westboun nd on th ad. Therefo ore, Sandwich Roa drivers comin ng westbound on ad and turning left Sandwich Roa onto Cranberry Highway may not ee the double yellow cen nterline se until they are e actually tak king the urn. This ma ay add to wh hy tu utting over early to drivers are cu tu urn left, as mentioned on the e. previous page Craanberry High hway at Sandwich Road,, Bourne Enhancement: Consider raisiing the levell of the Cran nberry Highw way way improve ements or approach as part of roadw maintenance efforts. Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Bourne, Sa andwich Road at Cranberry H ighway Pa age 11 SAFETY IS SSUE #6. BICYCLE / PEDEST TRIAN ACC COMMODA ATIONS Observation n: A curbed side ewalk exists on part of th he northerly side of Sand dwich Road and the en ends oppo osite the Cranberry Hig ghway interssection. Ex xisting bicyccle accommo odations are generally lacking thro ough the ntersection. in Enhancement: oved accomm modation forr pedestrian s and bicyclists through roadway Provide impro im mprovementts or mainten nance effortss. Pa age 12 Roa ad Safety Auditt – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway Summa ary of Road Safetyy Auditt T The summary y list of the Road Safety Audit obserrvations and enhanceme ents is or implemen ntation of po otential improvements provided to assist in the design and/o elicited during g the processs. It is also o recommend ded that anyy design pro ocess for more involved d geometric changes incclude furtherr analysis an nd public inp put. Safety payofff estimates are subjectiv ve and may b e based on n the relative e percent of crrashes that may be redu uced by the enhancemen nt based on known and documented d crrash reductio on factors, iff available, or estimated d crash reducction based on a stated ource [for ex xample, low (<30%), medium (31% % to 70%), and high (>7 71%)]. The e so time frame is categorized d as short-te erm (<1 yearr), mid-term m (1 to 3 yea ars), or long-te erm (>3 yea ars). The costs are categ gorized as lo ow (<$10,00 00), medium m ($10,001 to o $50,000), or high (>$50,,001). Bourne is hom me to many residents an nd also a desstination forr visitors to Cape Cod. In ad ddition to th hose traveling to visit Bo ourne, fourteeen towns to o the east arre accessed hrough Bourrne as gatew way to Cape Cod. There is a desire in n the town to improve th trraffic operatiions and saffety for both residents and visitors. Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Bourne, Sa andwich Road at Cranberry H ighway Pa age 13 Table e 2. Potential Safety Enhanccement Summa ary Sa afety Issue Potenttial Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Ag gency Siignage C Confusion / directtional W Warning C Condition E Electronic mappin ng Add sig gns to direct travele ers to Route 6 and/o or Sagamore Bridg ge from Sa andwich Road; Add d directional sign “to o Factory Outlet Ro oad” Add inttersection warning signs s on Sandwich h Road; remove the e sign W1-10L L and replace with W2-3L All sign ns to be Retro reflec ctive Coordin nate with online ma ap companies to ha ave improved public c directio onal information tha at is tied in with loca al signage Low to Medium Short-term Low M MassDOT with local input Trim orr remove bushes on n the gas station island at Cranberry Highwa ay where left turning g vehicles line of siight is obscured Low Short-term Low Trim otther vegetation as necessary to allow improved visibility of highwa ay signs along Sand dwich Road Low Short-term Low Continu ue periodic enforce ement of the speed limit. Medium Mediumterm Medium Consider a roundabout orr other traffic calmin ng High Siight Distance Vegetation Sp peed C Continue monitoring C Consider a roundabout Ge eometry C Consider roundab bout sland I S Shoulders Consider converting this intersection to a rou undabout in the longterm stments to provide improved guidance for Consider geometric adjus vehicular movements arou und the island Consider shoulder improv vements on Sandwiich Road in the viciinity of the intersection Pa avement Level & Markings Adjust pavement level where lower on the Cranberry Highway ach to turn left onto Sandwich Road to bring up to Sandw wich approa Road le evel Biicycle / Pedestrian acccommodation Consider improved accom mmodation for bicyc clists and pedestria ans with futture improvements or maintenance prrojects Page 14 Medium too High Long-term High MassDOT with w local input M MassDOT with local input Long-term High Long-term High Low Mediumterm Medium to High M MassDOT with local input Medium Medium to Long-term Medium to High M MassDOT with local input Low Road Safety Au udit – Bourne, Sand dwich Road at Cran nberry Highway MassDOT with w local input Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit – Page 15 Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit – Page 17 Road Safety Audit – Page 19 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Page 20 Road Safety Audit – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway Colrsion Diagram 0 Cl) ... c .2:: » (,) c: Cl) * tJ) Cl) a: CAPE COD Indicate North by arro COMMISSON Route 6A ( andwich Rd.) < E s.G) . ~® 0'fsJ[S;J .~··· ,. . . ·· ··· · · Not to Scale SYMBOLS TYPES OF COLLISIO Each accident is numbered and +--­ ~ Bac ·ng Vetfcle on-involved Ve ·cle <( - - - R. Pedestlian cro Bicyclist [SJ p 0 • 0 E E ed Vehicle Fatal Accident Acdden Vehicle Path INTERSECTION _ CRASHES FRO addi ional information is induded ~-E- Head On E~ on the acciden summary. SideS · ~ OUt o Control FocedObjed In· Rear-End =:r ~ ~ Turning ovement Angle Lane Departu e Ani _!R ~o ~ut ~e"-.:6~A~ S!!! an~d......,~ R""' oa ""d,._ AND -----~2~00~9~_________ To Cranbeny High ay Towno Bourne ___~2~0~11~---------------- n of Source: Crash Diagrram developeed based on 2009-2011 c rash reportts provided by the Town Bourne Police Deparrtment Road Safetty Audit – Page 21 Crash Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page 22 Crash Date 1/22/2009 5/14/2009 7/13/2009 8/14/2009 3/24/2010 3/24/2010 7/16/2010 Crash Time 8:23 PM 2:18 PM 10:30 AM 3:08 PM 4:31 PM 5:08 PM 9:29 AM # of vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 # of injuries 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Manner Vehicle action prior to crash Veh. travel direction Veh. sequence of events Road Surface Weather dry clear sideswipe Vehicle 1 & Vehicle 2 travelling in the same direction Veh 1 SB Veh 2 SB Vehicle 2 attempts RT from left lane into 1 STOP hitting Vehicle 1 in the next lane angle Vehicle 1 travelling NB thru intersection Veh 1 NB Veh 2 EB motorcycle Vehicle 1 crossing Rte. 6A while Vehicle 2 motorcycle EB lays down to avoid Vehicle 1 in path dry cloudy angle Vehicle 1 attempts LT while Vehicle 2 EB on Sandwich Rd Veh 1 NB making LT Veh 2 EB Vehicle 1 pulling out to turn left hit passenger side of Vehicle 2 dry clear angle Vehicle 1 at Cranberry Highway STOP attempt LT while Vehicle 2 EB on Sandwich Rd Veh 1 NB making LT Veh 2 EB Vehicle 1 pulls out to take LT colliding with EB Vehicle 2 dry clear rear-end Vehicle 1 and Vehicle 2 travelling same direction in traffic Veh 1 WB Veh 2 WB Vehicle 1 stopping in traffic is rear-ended by Vehicle 2 dry clear angle Vehicle 1 WB on Sandwich Rd and attempts LT to Cranberry Hwy Veh 1 WB making LT Veh 2 EB Vehicle 1 turning left onto Cranberry Highway & Vehicle 2 hits passenger side dry clear rear-end Vehicle 1 and Vehicle 2 travelling same direction Veh 1 WB Veh 2 WB Vehicle 1 stops suddenly for a raccoon crossing and is rear-ended by Vehicle 2 dry clear Road Safety Audit – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway Crash Number 8 9 10 11 12 Crash Date 8/22/2010 3/27/2011 5/5/2011 10/7/2011 11/17/2011 Crash Time 2:30 PM 5:26 PM 6:36 PM 10:59 AM 7:43 AM # of vehicles 2 4 2 2 2 # of injuries 0 1 1 0 0 Vehicle action prior to crash Veh. travel direction angle Vehicle 1 at Cranberry Highway STOP attempt LT while Vehicle 2 EB on Sandwich Rd Veh 1 NB making LT Veh 2 EB sideswipe Vehicle 1 EB Sandwich Rd then left, right and out of control rolling over Veh 1 EB Veh 2-3 Prk Veh 4 WB head-on Vehicle 2 WB on Sandwich Road and swerves Veh 1 EB Veh 2 WB Manner angle angle Vehicle 1 WB on Sandwich Rd and swerves Vehicle 1 at Cranberry Highway STOP attempt LT while Vehicle 2 EB on Sandwich Rd Vehicle 2 hits Vehicle 1 as Vehicle 1 attempts LT from Cranberry Highway to Sandwich Rd WB Vehicle 1 EB crosses into WB lane hitting mirror Vehicle 4 then right into two parked vehicles ( 2, 3) & roll over Road Surface Weather wet cloudy dry clear wet cloudy Veh 1 WB Veh 2 EB Vehicle 1 travelling EB on Sandwich Rd. when hit head on by Vehicle 2 Vehicle 1 sees slow/stopped traffic in front and swerves into oncoming traffic and was hit by EB box truck dry clear Veh 1 NB making LT Veh 2 EB Vehicle 2 hits Vehicle 1 as Vehicle 1 attempts LT from Cranberry Highway to Sandwich Rd WB wet cloudy Source: Bourne Police Department crash reports for this location from 2009-2011. Road Safety Audit – Veh. sequence of events Page 23 Page 24 Road Safety y Audit – Bourn ne, Sandwich Road at Cranberrry Highway CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% Single Vehtde Crash Rear-end Ange Sldeswtpe. Sideswipe. Head 011 S.1l11e ~e dtri!C1ion dftelion 0% 0% Rea.r 10 Rear Unknown Driver Contributing Code 30% 25% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% ~ ~ ~ e en 0% 1! 0% t:! - ti-al c: · t:~t ~~ ~ 0% 0% 0% 0% ci-.-=~ --o ~ i ~ 0 ! f! e .iZ CJ) c; ~ CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Road Safetty Audit – 0% -0% -0% - -0% - -0% -0% - -0% 1 Page 25 Appendix D. Additional Information o Page 26 Hourly Traffic Volumes Graph: Road Safety Audit – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway Bourne Route 6A- andwich Road and Cranberry Highway, Hourly Traffic Volumes 1400 1200 !5 1000 -+-- :I: ... ~ : u 6A~arut. e t sa 800 s::. 41 > '14. at. IC:I'I T Tlle5clay, J ry 19, 2()1 1 0 600 Cape Cod Commission Traffic Counts Time of D y Road Safety Audit – Page 27 une. Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References Page 28 Road Safety Audit – Bourne, Sandwich Road at Cranberry Highway Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors. Report No. FHWA-SA-08-011. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, September 2008 MassDOT Highway Division Traffic Engineering and Safety resources online, at U.S. DOT Memorandum from Tony Furst, Acting Associate Administrator for Safety, to Division Administrators, January 12, 2012, Promoting the Implementation of Proven Safety Countermeasures Road Safety Audit – Page 29