ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street Town of Grafton December 11, 2015 Prepared for: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared by: Howard Stein Hudson 11 Beacon Street, Suite 1010 Boston, MA 02108 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Data................................................................................................................................. 4 Project Location Description ..................................................................................................... 5 Road Safety Audit Observations ...............................................................................................7 Safety Issue #1. Congestion ................................................................................................................ 8 Safety Issue #2. Traffic Signal Visibility ............................................................................................ 9 Safety Issue #3. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations ............................................................... 11 Safety Issue #4. Travel Speed and Passing Regulations ................................................................... 13 Safety Issue #5. Traffic Signal Phasing & Intersection Geometry .................................................... 15 Safety Issue #6. Lighting ................................................................................................................... 17 Potential Safety Enhancements ......................................................................................................... 18 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Locus Map.............................................................................................................................. 3 Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street ................................................................... 6 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 4 Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements ....................................................................... 20 Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) .................................................... 21 Page 1 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Background The Road Safety Audit (RSA) focused on the intersection of Providence Road (Route 122)/Millbury Street in the Town of Grafton. From 2011 to 2014, 16 crashes were reported at the intersection. The intersection was identified by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) as a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) High Crash Cluster from 2010-2012, indicating that the location falls within the top 5% of High Crash Locations within the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) area. However, as of 2013 the intersection is no longer considered a High Crash Cluster. The intersection is also currently being evaluated by MassDOT District 3 for any low cost improvements that can be implemented at this location. In general, the RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of future design efforts for reconstruction. The short-term, low-cost potential improvements could be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to reconstruction, as appropriate. The study area is shown in Figure 1. Page 2 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton, MA Figure 1. Locus Map STUDY AREA INTERSECTION GRAFTON MIDDLE SCHOOL GRAFTON HIGH SCHOOL Brigh ill R am H MIL HOWARD STEIN HUDSON R Y ST BUR L MIL D Not to scale. EET E ROA IDENC PROV 122) E (ROUT REET Y ST LBUR oad PROVIDENCE ROAD (ROUTE 122) GRAFTON MUNICPAL CENTER Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Project Data The audit team conducted the RSA for intersection of Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. The RSA agenda can be found in Appendix A. Table 1 lists the audit team members and their affiliations. Appendix B provides contact information for all team members. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Brian Szczurko Stephen Charest Dave Crouse Normand Crepeau Dan Daniska Yahaira Graxirena Promise Otaluka William Ullom John Mastera Lori Shattuck Lola Campbell Joe SanClemente Alex Siu Jessica Lizza Agency/Affiliation Town of Grafton Grafton Fire Department Grafton Highway Supervisor Grafton Police Department Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission Federal Highway Administration MassDOT MassDOT Highway Safety MassDOT D3 Traffic MassDOT D3 Traffic Howard Stein Hudson Howard Stein Hudson Howard Stein Hudson Prior to the RSA, in order to begin assessing possible safety issues, the team reviewed collision diagrams and crash detail summaries based on crash records supplied by the Town Police Department. From 20112014, 16 crashes were reported at the intersection. Of these crashes, 8 (or 50%) were angle crashes, 6 (38%) were rear-end crashes, one (6%) was a sideswipe crash, and one (6%) was a head-on crash. Of the 16 crashes, 8 (50%) occurred during daylight hours, 7 (44%) occurred during dark-lighted conditions, and one (6%) occurred during dawn. Of the 16 crashes, 10 (63%) occurred during clear weather and 11 (69%) occurred on dry pavement. Of the 16 crashes, 7 (44%) resulted in personal injury. Appendix C provides the detailed crash data for the study area. Page 4 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Project Location Description The RSA focused on the intersection of Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street in Grafton, as shown in the aerial image in Figure 2. Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street is signalized intersection with four approaches and is owned and maintained by MassDOT. The Millbury Street eastbound approach has one left-turn lane and one shared through/right-turn lane. The Millbury Street westbound approach has one all-purpose lane. The Providence Road (Route 122) northbound approach has one shared left-turn/through lane and one shared through/right-turn lane. The Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approach has one allpurpose lane. No pedestrian or bicycle accommodations are provided at the intersection, with the exception of bicycle detection that is provided at each of the approaches. These intersections are the junctions of the following roadways, which are categorized according to MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning functional classifications: Providence Road (Route 122) is classified as minor arterial and falls under the jurisdiction of the MassDOT. Providence Road (Route 122) runs north-south through from Northbridge to the south to Worcester Street (Route 140) which becomes Route 122. Providence Road (Route 122) generally consists of one travel lane in each direction. Shoulders are provided along both sides of the roadway but generally no pedestrian or bicycle accommodations are provided along Providence Road (Route 122). Millbury Street is classified as a minor arterial to the west of Providence Road (Route 122) and a collector to the east. Millbury Street falls under the Town of Grafton’s jurisdiction. Millbury Street generally runs in an east-west direction, running from Grafton Street in Millbury to the west to North Street in Grafton Town Center to the east. The street generally has one travel lane in each direction. To the west of the intersection with Providence Road (Route 122), shoulders are provided in each direction. Millbury Street was repaved in 2014. No pedestrian or bicycle accommodations are provided along Millbury Street in the vicinity of the intersection with Providence Road (Route 122). Narrow sidewalks are provided along the north side of Millbury Street within Graton Town Center. A truck exclusion is in place along Millbury Street due to bridge over the Quinsigamond River located to the west of the intersection. Page 5 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton, MA Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street PROVIDENCE ROAD (ROUTE 122) Figure 2. STUDY AREA INTERSECTION REET Y ST BUR MILL REET Y ST LBUR MIL D (RO E ROA IDENC PROV 2) HOWARD STEIN HUDSON 2 UTE 1 Not to scale. Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Road Safety Audit Observations Based on field observations on Tuesday, November 10, 2015, the RSA team determined that the study area intersection has the following issues that affect safety: Congestion; Traffic signal visibility; Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations; Travel speed and passing regulations; Traffic signal phasing & intersection geometry; and Lighting. The following sections describe in more detail the safety issues and potential enhancements determined during the RSA. Several of these issues require further study and engineering judgment to determine the feasibility of implementing the improvements to address them. Page 7 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Safety Issue #1. Congestion Observations: Grafton High School and Middle School are located approximately 0.4 miles north of the intersection. The intersection and surrounding roadways experience heavy congestion during the peak hours, especially at school start and release times. A team member noted that in the morning the queuing from the vehicles looking to park or drop-off students at the schools extends south along Providence Road (Route 122) through the intersection with Millbury Street. An audit member stated that some vehicles will avoid the traffic along Providence Road (Route 122) by travelling west on Millbury Street then turning right onto Hudson Avenue and Brigham Hill Road to drop-off students at the Grafton Municipal Center, located adjacent to the schools. While only two crashes were reported during the morning drop-off period, congestion can lead to increased driver frustration that may have been a contributing factor to the crash experience at this intersection. The signal appears to operate on a single timing plan which can be inefficient when dealing with fluctuations of traffic in different directions based on time of day. For instance in the morning, the majority of vehicular traffic is heading towards the school but in the afternoon when the schools let out most of the vehicular traffic is away from the schools. During the audit, an RSA team member from the Town stated that Grafton experienced an influx of vehicular school traffic when it began implementing a $200 fee per student to ride the school bus. They stated that since the cost is now the same to ride the bus as it is to park at the school, school bus ridership has significantly decreased which has resulted in the higher levels of congestion along Providence Road. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider restructuring the bus and parking fees to create incentive for more residents to utilize school buses instead of driving to school to help reduce congestion and driver frustration. 2. Consider creating multiple timing plans to address the traffic variations and level of congestion experienced throughout the day and week at this intersection. Any future analysis should include commuter peak periods and school start and release times. Page 8 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Safety Issue #2. Traffic Signal Visibility Observations: At the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound approach, two overhead signal indications are provided on a mast-arm and one signal indication is mounted to the mast-arm post on the right side of the roadway. However, due to the horizontal curvature of the roadway, combined with the presence of trees on the right hand side of the road, motorists have limited visibility of the signal indications until they arrive at the intersection. Traffic signal indications are not visible along Providence Road northbound due Two of the 16 crashes involved northbound to sight distance restrictions when vehicles that ran a red light and proceeded to approaching the intersection. collide with a vehicle in the intersection. The lack of signs to warn vehicles that they are approaching a signalized intersection along Providence Road (Route 122) combined with the limited visibility of the traffic signal indications may have been a contributing factor to these crashes. The Millbury Street eastbound approach is provided two overhead signal indications mounted on a mast-arm and one signal indication postmounted on the far left-side of the intersection. The post-mounted signal indication is located close to a large evergreen tree that could potentially limit the visibility of the indication without continual pruning of the tree. Meanwhile, signal ahead warning signage is not provided along the Millbury Street eastbound approach. The Millbury Street westbound approach has a steep downward grade approaching the intersection. At the Millbury Street westbound approach, only one signal indication is provided overhead and a second signal indication is provided at the far right-side. When approaching the intersection from the east on Millbury Street, motorists can only see the one overhead signal because the view of the postmounted signal is obstructed by the large evergreen tree. When motorists are waiting at Millbury Street WB view of signal and signal the stop bar, they are unable to see the overhead ahead warning sign signal, which is positioned too close to the approach. An RSA team member also stated the visibility of the overhead signal indication is limited due to the solar glare during the afternoon even though the indication is provided with back plates. A signal ahead warning sign is provided at this approach but it is located too close to the intersection to provide adequate warning. One rear-end accident reported at the Millbury Page 9 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Street westbound approach occurred because a vehicle was stopped at the red light and another vehicle was approaching the intersection could not stop in time to avoid hitting the stopped vehicle. This crash could potentially be the result of the limited visibility combined with the steep down grade at this approach. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider adding a new post-mounted signal for the Providence Road northbound approach at the far left-side of the intersection to allow for better sight lines of the indications when approaching the intersection and to provide redundancy. 2. Consider installing signal ahead warning signs (W3-3) along the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound and southbound approaches and the Millbury Street eastbound approach. 3. Consider revising the location of the signal ahead warning sign along the Millbury Street westbound approach to be further from the intersection to allow for more advanced warning. 4. Work with the land owner to remove the large evergreen tree at the northeast corner of the intersection to improve the visibility of the signal indications along the Millbury Street eastbound and westbound approaches and eliminate the need for continual pruning of the tree. Page 10 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Safety Issue #3. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Observations: No pedestrian or bicycle accommodations are provided at or near the intersection, with the exception of bicycle detection. Shoulders are narrow along all approaches and physically limited in width by the presence of guardrails at the northwest and southwest corners of the intersection. Meanwhile, the Grafton High School and Middle School are located just 0.4 miles north of the intersection along Providence Road Vehicle passing a pedestrian walking eastbound on Millbury Street. (Route 122) and no sidewalks, crosswalks, or pedestrian indications are provided at the intersection and sidewalks are not provided along Providence Road north of the intersection. RSA team members stated that while pedestrian traffic through the intersection is generally low, it is common for people to walk to and from school, despite the lack of the accommodations. Team members also observed several pedestrians walking along the Providence Road and Millbury Street during the field visit. RSA members noted that the sight lines at the northwest corner of the intersection are limited due to vertical alignment combined with the presence of the guardrail and vegetation. During the RSA, pedestrians were witnessed walking along the roadway shoulder adjacent to the guardrail on the north side of Millbury Street. Team members noted that motorists making a right-turn from Providence Road southbound onto Millbury Street may not be able to see pedestrians walking at this location. While none of the reported crashes involved a pedestrian or cyclist, the lack of pedestrian accommodations combined with the high travel speeds along Providence Road (Route 122) and Millbury Street puts pedestrians and cyclists at greater risk and limit the potential for students to walk or bike to school which can have an impact on the level of congestion on the roadway. Another RSA team member stated that on the weekends Providence Road (Route 122) is frequently used by cyclists. Cyclists travelling through the intersection are forced to mix with vehicles in the travel lanes due to inadequate shoulder width along the roadways. The lack of separation between vehicles and these vulnerable road users, pedestrians and cyclists, creates an unsafe environment for due to the traffic volume and speed along Providence Road (Route 122) and Millbury Street. Page 11 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Potential Enhancements: 1. Install sidewalks, crosswalks, accessible ramps, and pedestrian indications at the intersection as part of long-term improvements. 2. Consider adding sidewalks along Providence Roadway to enhance connections between the intersection, the schools, and the nearby residential areas. Explore the Safe Routes to School Program for potential funding to construct sidewalks. 3. Consider installing Share the Road warning signs as a short-term solution to inform motorists that pedestrians and cyclists are present. 4. Consider widening the roadway shoulders to provide adequate space to safely accommodate cyclists. Page 12 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Safety Issue #4. Travel Speed and Passing Regulations Observations: The speed limit along Providence Road (Route 122) is posted as 45 mph travelling southbound just past the intersection with Millbury Street. According to the speed regulations, the speed limit is 40 mph through this intersection to just north of the school. Eight of the 16 crashes reported occurred during low-volume times. This could potentially indicate that high travel speeds, which often occur during low volume conditions, are a contributing factor to the number of crashes experienced. Providence Road (Route 122) NB passing zone just south of intersection. Passing zones are provided on Providence Road (Route 122) north and south of the intersection. Team members commented that the passing zones did not seem appropriate given the proximity to the adjacent residential uses, which have become more densely developed in recent years, and the schools located just north of the intersection. The passing zones may encourage vehicles to travel at higher speeds in the vicinity of the intersection. Team members also commented that the passing zone along Providence Road northbound combined with the limited sight lines of the signal indications may make it more difficult for motorists to perceive and react to the traffic signal. During the audit, team members noted that the clearance intervals seemed short at all of the approaches given the prevailing travel speeds in combination with the grade, and length of the intersection. One of the 16 crashes reported involved a vehicle that claimed the light turned yellow as they were approaching the intersection but they could not stop in time and had to continue through the intersection where they were hit by a vehicle with a green light on a conflicting approach. Team members also noted that the radii at the northeast and southwest corners of the intersection seem large and may encourage vehicles to take turns at higher speeds. Page 13 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider evaluating the location, and overall appropriateness, of the passing zones along Providence Road (Route 122) within the vicinity of the intersection and the schools. 2. Install regulatory speed limit signs in accordance with the 40 mph speed regulation. 3. Consider the appropriateness of narrowing the lanes to 11-feetas a traffic calming measure. 4. Re-evaluate clearance intervals to ensure that they are timed appropriately for the prevailing travel speeds. 5. Evaluate the feasibility of tightening the northeast and southwest current corner radii to help slow turning speeds. Consider heavy vehicle turning requirements and truck restrictions along Millbury Street. Page 14 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Safety Issue #5. Traffic Signal Phasing & Intersection Geometry Observations: Four (or 25%) of the 16 crashes that occurred at the intersection were angle collisions that involved a left-turning vehicle from Millbury Street. The signal currently operates with permitted left turns even though dedicated left-turn lanes are provided for the Providence Road northbound and Millbury Street eastbound approaches. Team members commented that motorists may have a difficult time identifying appropriate gaps in traffic due to the high travel speeds. Team members also noted that vehicles traveling along Millbury Street westbound will maneuver around the left-turning vehicles and cannot be seen by the oncoming eastbound left-turning vehicles. Meanwhile, the skewed intersection geometry results in a wide intersection along Millbury Street approaches that makes it difficult for eastbound and westbound left-turning vehicles to turn simultaneously. During the RSA tire tracking was observed along the Providence Road northbound left-turn. These marks show that the geometry of the intersection causes vehicles take tight left turns and drive over the double yellow center lines. Tire tracks along the Providence Road (Route 122) NB left-turn. The Millbury Street eastbound stop line is set back from the intersection which combined with the slope of the intersection and surrounding vegetation, obscures drivers’ view of the Providence Road southbound approach. The poor sight lines and approach geometry make it difficult for drivers to safely execute right-turns on red. The Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approach is a single 12-foot lane with a 6-foot shoulder. Because of the wide shoulder, vehicles sometimes use the approach as two lanes to turn right on red or maneuver around a vehicle waiting to turn. An RSA team member mentioned that vehicles at the Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approach often do not come to a complete stop when turning right on red and have difficulty seeing approaching vehicles on either Millbury Street approach due to obstructed sight lines. The right-turns on red and obstructed sight lines on the Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approach could be a contributing factor to the rear-end collisions reported at this approach. Page 15 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson The two northbound receiving lanes along Providence Road merge to one lane just north of the intersection. The merging condition creates a bottleneck on Providence Road that exacerbates the congestion experienced and adds to driver frustration. A RSA team member noted that at times vehicles will be waiting for extended periods of time for a green light at the intersection with no traffic along the opposing approaches which may indicate that the vehicle detection is not functioning properly or does not have adequate zone sizes. Potential Enhancements: 1. Evaluate the impact of restricting right turns on red at the Millbury Street eastbound and Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approaches. Since there are no right-turn lanes it may not have a large impact on operations and will help to resolve some of the collisions may be a result of poor sight lines. 2. Consider adding dotted centerline extensions between the Millbury Street eastbound approach and the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound approach and from the Millbury Street westbound to the Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approach to help guide vehicles through the intersection and avoid potential conflicts with other turning vehicles. 3. Consider providing split phasing for the Millbury Street eastbound and westbound approaches to allow for protected left-turn phases in order to eliminate left-turn conflicts and the likelihood of angled collisions. 4. Consider evaluating the benefit of changing the lane-use at the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound approach to a left-turn only lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. This would eliminate the merging condition north of the intersection and could allow the second receiving lane to be restriped as a southbound left-turn lane. Also consider the operational and safety benefits of providing protected left-turn phasing. 5. Verify that the vehicle detection for all approaches is fully functional and that the detection zone is the appropriate size and location. 6. While the traffic signal is equipped with Opticom detection, the local emergency vehicles are not equipped with proper Opticom emitters to utilize the emergency vehicle preemption. Consider installing Opticom emitters in emergency vehicles to utilize emergency vehicle preemption at the intersection. Page 16 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Safety Issue #6. Lighting Observations: The crash data reveals that 7 of the 16 crashes occurred at night and one crash occurred during dawn. This trend in crashes could indicate that there is a lack of adequate lighting in the intersection. The lighting at the intersection consists of one small overhead light provided at the southeast corner of the intersection. Potential Enhancements: 1. Evaluate the lighting conditions at the intersection to determine if additional lighting fixtures are necessary and consider upgrading the existing light to a LED. Page 17 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Potential Safety Enhancements Based on its observations and discussions, the RSA team identified the issues and possible enhancements that could improve safety at the intersection of Providence Road (Route 122)/Millbury Street. Short-term enhancements include, but are not limited to: Consider restructuring the bus and parking fees. Create multiple timing plans to accommodate the traffic variations throughout the day. Consider adding a new post-mounted signal to the far left-side of the intersection at the Providence Road northbound approach. Consider installing signal ahead warning signs (W3-3) along the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound and southbound approaches and the Millbury Street eastbound approach. Consider revising the location of the signal ahead warning sign along the Millbury Street westbound approach to be further from the intersection to allow for more advanced warning. Remove the large evergreen tree at the northeast corner of the intersection. Consider installing Share the Road warning signs as a short-term solution to inform motorists that pedestrians and cyclists are present. Consider evaluating the location, and overall appropriateness, of the passing zones along Providence Road (Route 122) within the vicinity of the intersection and the schools. Install regulatory speed limit signs in accordance with the 40 mph speed regulation. Consider the appropriateness of narrowing the lanes to 11-feet to create wider shoulders as a traffic calming measure. Re-evaluate clearance intervals. Evaluate the impact of restricting right turns on red at the Millbury Street eastbound and Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approaches. Consider adding dotted centerline extensions. Consider providing split phasing for the Millbury Street eastbound and westbound approaches. Verify that the vehicle detection for all approaches is fully functional and that the detection zone is the appropriate size and location. Page 18 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Consider installing Opticom emitters in emergency vehicles to utilize emergency vehicle preemption at the intersection. Evaluate lighting conditions. To enhance the safety of the corridor, the long-term enhancements are to: Install sidewalks, crosswalks, accessible ramps, and pedestrian indications at the intersection as part of long-term improvements. Consider adding sidewalks along Providence Roadway to enhance connections between the intersection, the schools, and the nearby residential areas. Explore the Safe Routes to School Program for potential funding to construct sidewalks. Widen the roadway shoulders to provide adequate space to safely accommodate cyclists. Tighten corner radii to help slow turning speeds Consider evaluating the benefit of changing the lane-use at the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound approach to a left-turn only lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. This would eliminate the merging condition north of the intersection and could allow the second receiving lane to be restriped as a southbound left-turn lane. Also consider the operational and safety benefits of providing protected left-turn phasing. Table 2 summarizes these safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, cost, and responsibility. Safety payoff estimates are based on engineering judgment and are categorized as low, medium, and high. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (typically >3 years). Long-term improvements are typically considered to be substantial improvements with an expected time frame for implementation of greater than 3 years. The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,000 to $50,000), or high (>$50,000). The RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of the design process for the future reconstruction efforts. The short-term low-cost improvements should be considered by the responsible agency for immediate implementation, as appropriate. Page 19 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Consider restructuring the parking fee to create incentive for more residents to utilize the school buses instead of driving to school. Congestion Traffic signal visibility Consider creating multiple timing plans to address the traffic variations and level of congestion experienced throughout the day and week at this intersection. Any future analysis should include commuter peak periods and the school start and release times. Consider adding a new post-mounted signal for the Providence Road northbound approach at the far left-side of the intersection. Consider installing signal ahead warning signs (W3-3) along the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound and southbound approaches and the Millbury Street eastbound approach. Consider revising the location of the signal ahead warning sign along the Millbury Street westbound approach to be further from the intersection. Work with land owner to remove the large evergreen tree at the northeast corner of the intersection. Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations Install sidewalks, crosswalks, accessible ramps, and pedestrian indications at the intersection as part of long-term improvements. Consider adding sidewalks along Providence Road to enhance connections between the intersection, the schools, and nearby residential areas. Explore the Safe Routes to School Program for potential funding to construct sidewalks. Consider installing Share the Road warning signs as a short-term solution to inform motorists that pedestrians and cyclists are present. Consider widening the roadway shoulders to provide adequate space to safely accommodate cyclists. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Town of Grafton/ Grafton School District Low Short-Term Low Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-term Low MassDOT/ Abutter/ Town of Grafton High Long-Term High MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT/ Town of Grafton Low Short-Term Low MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Page 20 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Table 3. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Consider evaluating the location, and overall appropriateness, of the passing zones along Providence Road (Route 122) within the vicinity of the intersection and the schools. Install regulatory speed limit signs in accordance with the 40 mph speed regulation. Travel speed and Consider the appropriateness of narrowing the lanes to 11-feet as a passing traffic calming measure. regulations Re-evaluate clearance intervals to ensure that they are timed properly for the prevailing travel speeds. Evaluate the feasibility of tightening the northeast and southwest corner radii. Consider heavy vehicle turning requirements and truck restrictions along Millbury Street. Evaluate the impact of restricting right turns on red at the Millbury Street eastbound and Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approaches. Consider adding dotted centerline extensions between the Millbury Street eastbound approach and the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound approach and from the Millbury street westbound to the Providence Road (Route 122) southbound approach. Traffic signal Consider providing split phasing for the Millbury Street eastbound phasing & and westbound approaches. intersection geometry Verify that the vehicle detection for all approaches is fully functional and that the detection zone is the appropriate size and location. Consider evaluating the benefit of changing the lane-use at the Providence Road (Route 122) northbound approach to a left-turn only lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. Consider installing Opticom emitters in emergency vehicles to utilize the Opticom equipment installed at the intersection. Evaluate the lighting conditions at the intersection to determine if Lighting additional lighting fixtures are necessary and consider upgrading the existing light to a LED. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT High Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Long-Term High MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Long-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low Town of Grafton Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Page 21 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Grafton, MA Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street Meeting Location: Grafton Memorial Municipal Center 2nd Floor School Department/Superintendent’s Conference Room 30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA Tuesday, November 10, 2015 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 9:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 9:15 AM Discussion of Safety Issues Crash history, Speed Regulations – provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:00 AM Site Visit Drive to the intersection of Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:00 AM Discussion of Potential Improvements Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:00 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on November 10, 2015, participants are encouraged to drive/walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Participating Audit Team Members Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Location: Grafton Municipal Center, School Department/Superintendent’s Conference Room (30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA) Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation E-mail Address Phone Number Brian Szczurko Town of Grafton 508-839-5335 Stephen Charest Grafton Fire Department 508-839-4606 Dave Crouse Grafton Highway Supervisor 508-839-5335 Normand Crepeau Grafton Police Department 508-839-8517 Dan Daniska Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission 508-459-3331 Yahaira Graxirena Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission 508-459-3321 Promise Otaluka Federal Highway Administration 617-494-2528 William Ullom MassDOT 857-368-9622 John Mastera MassDOT Highway Safety 857-368-9648 Lori Shattuck MassDOT D3 Traffic 508-929-3945 Lola Campbell MassDOT D3 Traffic 508-929-3887 Joe SanClemente Howard Stein Hudson 617-348-3334 Alex Siu Howard Stein Hudson 617-348-3346 Jessica Lizza Howard Stein Hudson 617-348-3330 Road Safety Audit Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton Prepared by Howard Stein Hudson Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data 5 12 16 13 Collision Diagram - Providence Road (Route 122) at Millbury Street, Grafton, MA 14 3 2 6 1 15 10 9 11 7 4 8 Key Fatal Accident Rear-End Overturned Turning Movement Pedestrian/Bicyclist Head-on Fixed-Object Parked Vehicle I.D. Number ## Sideswipe Angle Out of Control Injury Accident ## ## Crash Data Summary Table Intersection Providence Road(Route 122) at Millbury Street - Grafton, MA January 2011-December 2014 # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments 1 1/22/2011 Saturday 9:10 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Made an improper turn 26 39 - Veh1 was traveling south on Providence Rd. Operator failed to use care in turning while attempting to make a right hand turn onto Millbury St. and was struck by Veh2 which had been traveling east on Millbury St. and also failed to use care in turning while attempting to make a left hand turn onto Providence Rd. 2 3/28/2011 Monday 8:42 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 17 32 - Veh1 traveling east in the eastbound traffic lane of Millbury St. entered the intersection of Providence Rd. Rt. 122 in an attempt to make a left turn and struck Veh2 who was traveling west in the westbound travel lane of Millbury St. 3 4/8/2011 Friday 10:16 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 39 54 - Veh1 was traveling west in the westbound lane of Millbury Street. Oper1 failed to use care in stopping and struck Veh2 that was stop in westbound lane of said street. 4 5/19/2011 Thursday 7:13 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Wet Inattention 18 V2 and V3 traveling north on Providence Road approaching Millbury Street intersection. V2 traveling in the left northbound travel lane, V3 traveling in the right northbound travel lane. V1 traveling east bound on Millbury Street at the intersection. V2 and 3 operators report they had a green traffic light proceeded through intersection and struck by V1. V1 18 17 crashed into V2 and V3 in the intersection, failed to yield right of way and fail to use care in stopping. From statements on scene of Operator 1, it appears that V1 may have had a yellow traffic signal and did fail to stop resulting in the collision with the other vehicles involved. V1 crashed into V2, which as a result caused V2 to crash into V3. 5 5/22/2011 Sunday 8:51 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit 18 31 - Veh1 was traveling south in the southbound lane of Providence Road Rte 122. Oper1 failed to stop and struck Veh2 that was stopped in said lane for a red traffic light. 6 1/15/2012 Sunday 9:29 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet Failed to yield right of way 18 17 - Oper1 traveling east in the eastbound travel lane of Millbury St. entered the intersection of Providence Rd. Rt.122 subsequently turned left directly in front of Veh2 striking same who was traveling west in the westbound travel lane on said street. 7 6/2/2012 Saturday 3:32 PM Head-on Daylight Cloudy Wet Wrong side or wrong way 16 61 - 8 7/8/2012 Sunday 10:53 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 74 57 - 9 7/27/2012 Friday 7:56 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 39 64 - Veh1 was making a left hand turn onto Millbury Street from the northbound lane of Providence Road Rte 122. Oper1 failed to enter the proper lane and struck Veh2 that was stop in the eastbound lane of Millbury Street. Veh1 was traveling north in the northbound lane of Providence Rd. Operator failed to use care in stopping and struck Veh2 which was stopped in traffic while traveling north in the northbond lane of said street. Veh 1 was traveling northbound on Providence Rd and failed to stop for a red light at the intersection of Millbury St and Providence Rd. Veh2 was traveling eastbound on Millbury St and attempted to take a left turn onto Providence Rd but was struck by Veh 1 . Veh1 failed to stop for a red light. 10 9/19/2012 Wednesday 5:30 AM Angle Dawn Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 40 53 - Vehicle # 1 failed to stop at the intersection at Providence rd rt-122 and Millbury st causing his vehicle to skid thru the intersection and strick Vehicle # 2 which was traveling though the intersection on Millbury st. Vehicle # 2 had the right of way due to having the green signal at this intersection during the time of the crash. Operator of vehicle # 1 failed to stop at intersection. 11 11/22/2012 Thursday 8:22 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 29 37 - Veh #1 was making a left hand turn from Millbury Street onto Providence Road Rte 122. Oper #1 failed to grant right of way to Veh #2 that was traveling east in the ebl of Millbury Street. 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Table Intersection Providence Road(Route 122) at Millbury Street - Grafton, MA January 2011-December 2014 12 12/5/2012 Wednesday 4:44 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 17 52 65 13 1/31/2013 Thursday 6:09 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely 49 37 - 14 10/22/2014 Wednesday 8:25 AM Side-Swiped Daylight Cloudy/Rain Wet No improper driving 47 Vehicle #1 travelling south in the southbound lane of Providence Rd. Operator failed to use care in stopping striking vehicle #2 which was stopped in traffic. Vehicle #2 was forced by impacted into vehicle #3 which was also stopped at the red light. Veh 1 was traveling south in the southbound lane pf Providence Rd. Route 122. Oper 1 failed to stop for stopped traffic and struck Veh 2 that was stopped in the southbound lane of said street. 36 - Vehicle #1 was traveling North on Providence Rd. through the intersection of Millbury St. when the operator, Operator 1 stated he was side swiped by Vehicle #2 turning onto Providence Rd. from Millbury St. The operator of Vehicle #2 stated he was turning right onto Providence Rd. from Millbury St. when he was side swiped by vehicle #1. Both operators stated they had a green light. No witnesses were available. Both vehicles sustained minor damage and were driven from the scene. No injuries were reported. 15 11/30/2014 Sunday 8:40 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 55 18 - Veh. #2 operator stated he was stopped at the red light on Millburry Street, facing eastward, waiting for the green light to cross over Providence Rd. and continue on Millbury St. Operator 2 stated when the light turned green, he proceeded forward, when he was struck in the drivers side door area by Vehicle #1 traveling South on Providence Rd. Operator 1 stated the light was changing from green to red when he was traveling south through the intersection. Vehicle # 1 struck Vehicle #2 in the drivers side door area. Vehicle #1 was towed from the scene. Operator 1 was issued, Citation R4204415 for Ch.89 S.9 Failure to Stop / Light. Providence Rd. and Millbury St. are both public ways in the Town of Grafton. 16 12/8/2014 Monday 2:52 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Followed too closely 33 54 - Vehicle #1 was traveling south in the sbl of Providence Road Route 122. Oper failed to stop and struck Veh #2 that was stopped at the red traffic light. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the State and Grafton Police Department. 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts CRASH MONTH 30% 20% 19% 13% 10% 6% 13% 6% 6% 6% 6% S O 13% 13% N D 0% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 25% 19% 20% 19% 13% 13% 13% Friday Saturday 10% 0% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 40% 31% 31% 30% 19% 20% 10% 6% 6% 6% 10‐2 a.m. 2‐6 a.m. 0% 6‐10 a.m. 10‐2 p.m. 2‐6 p.m. 6‐10 p.m. CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 60% 50% 50% 38% 40% 30% 20% 10% 6% 0% 6% 0% 0% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear‐end Angle Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, opposite direction Head‐on Unknown/Other 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 60% 50% 44% 40% 20% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ‐ Roadway not lighted Other Unknown 0% Daylight 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark ‐ Lighted Roadway CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 63% 25% 13% 0% Clear Cloudy Rain 0% Snow 0% 0% 0% Sleet, Hail, Fog, Smog, Severe Blowing Freezing Smoke Crosswinds sand, snow Rain 0% 0% Other Unknown CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 69% 60% 40% 31% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Snow Ice Sand, mud, dirt, oil, gravel Water (standing, moving) Slush Other Unknown 0% Dry Wet CRASH DRIVERS AGES 40% 30% 27% 27% 18% 20% 10% 9% 6% 9% 3% 0% 15‐20 21‐29 30‐39 40‐49 50‐59 60‐69 70‐79 2 of 2