ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Main Street (Route 9) From Church Street to West Street Town of Ware May 2015 Prepared For: MassDOT On Behalf Of: Town of Ware Prepared By: CHA Consulting 101 Accord Park Drive Norwell, MA 02061 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 4 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 4 Project Location Description ..................................................................................................... 6 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 8 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 24 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Road Safety Audit References List of Figures Figure 1 Locus Map ................................................................................................................................... 5 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 4 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary ............................................................................ 25 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Background The intersections of West Street / Main Street and North Street / Main Street in Ware, Massachusetts are listed as High Crash Locations for the years 2008-2010 and 2009-2011, however these locations were not listed on the most current High Crash Location list. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and the Town of Ware determined that a Road Safety Audit (RSA) would be beneficial to the project despite not being required based on the most recent data. The project is currently under design (MassDOT Project #607987) and is awaiting placement in a funding year on the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) list. The purpose for this RSA is to identify existing safety deficiencies and potential safety improvements that could be implemented as part of the Reconstruction and Related Work on Main Street project. Additionally, potential short term low cost improvements are identified for consideration by MassDOT for implementation prior to the reconstruction of the intersections. The location of the project area included in the RSA is depicted in Figure 1. Project Data The audit team conducted a RSA for Main Street (Route 9) on Monday April 27, 2015. The RSA Agenda is included in Appendix A. Table 1 lists the audit team members and their affiliations. Appendix B includes contact information for all team members. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Members Agency / Affiliation William Ullom MassDOT Safety Luke Hayes MassDOT District 2 Traffic John Mastera MassDOT Safety Thom Martens Town of Ware DPW Edward Wloch Town of Ware Fire Department Stuart Beckley Town of Ware Town Manager Karen Cullen Town of Ware Planning and Community Development David Tworek Town of Ware DPW Khyati Parmar PVPC Ken Kovitch Town of Ware Police Department John Morgan CHA Consulting Melissa Davis CHA Consulting Page 4 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Traffic data was provided to the audit team prior the RSA, including crash data and collision diagrams based on crash records from the Town of Ware Police Department and MassDOT for the five year period of 2010 to 2014. Crash records were provided for a total of 68 crashes along the project limits. Of the 68 crashes reported, twenty-three (34%) were angle crashes, twenty-five (37%) were rear end crashes. Of the 68 crashes, 52 (76%) were property damage only, with personal injuries reported in the other fifteen accidents, with one accident unknown. Appendix C provides the detailed crash data for the project area. Project Location and Description The RSA focused on Main Street (Route 9) from West Street to Church/South Street in Ware, with an emphasis on the Main/West and North/Main intersections. However, deficiencies were also discussed for the intersection of South/Church Street & Main Street and Pulaski Street and West Street. The Town Center Intersection Improvement project in Ware, MA is an approximately 0.4 mile corridor improvement project. Intersection improvements, sidewalk reconstruction, pavement rehabilitation, and enhanced bicycle accommodation are proposed on Main Street (Route 9) from West Street (Route 32) to Church/South Street. The project limits are graphically depicted in Figure 1. Main Street (Route 9) Street is functionally classified as an urban principal arterial, and also known as Route 9, which continues to the east and west. Main Street has a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour (mph). The primary land use along this section of the corridor is commercial businesses. Ware Town Hall is located at the corner of West Street and Main Street. There is a Veterans’ Park across from Town hall and historical Nenameseck Square located at the corner of South Street and Main Street. At the westerly limit of work, at Parker Street, Main Street is a three lane cross section with sidewalks both sides. The eastbound approach to the Main Street/West Street intersection operates under STOP control and has a dedicated right turn lane onto West Street, and an eastbound thru lane along Main Street. There is also one lane in the westbound direction along Main Street. A flashing signal is RED on this approach. There is a crosswalk across Main Street that goes to poorly aligned apex ramps that also serve Parker Street and West Street. West Street, approaching the intersection with Main Street, is a two lane cross section with sidewalks both sides. There is striped parking on the eastern side starting at the driveway for the Town Hall. Right turns from West Street onto Main Street operate freely. Left turns onto Main Street are prohibited from West Street. A flashing signal is YELLOW on this approach. There is a crosswalk across West Street. The westbound approach to the Main Street/West Street intersection is a three lane cross section with sidewalks both sides. There is striped parking on the southerly side of Main Street. There is a dedicated left turn lane onto West Street, and these turns, as well as the thru movement along Main Street, operate freely, because eastbound traffic is stopped, and only right turns are allowed from West Street. A flashing signal is YELLOW on this approach. North Street is a two way roadway that terminates at Main Street. It has a two lane cross section with sidewalks both sides, and striped parking on the western side starting before the intersection. The intersection of North Street and Main Street is signalized. West of the intersection, Main Street is a 4 lane cross section. There are sidewalks on both sides, and striped parking on the northern side. There is an eastbound thru lane, a dedicated left turn lane to make turns onto North Street, a westbound thru lane, and a dedicated left turn lane. However, this left turn lane is for people to move into in anticipation of turning onto West Street. East of the intersection, Main Street is a three lane cross section. There is an eastbound thru lane, a shared westbound thru and right turn lane, and a dedicated Page 6 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting left turn lane. However, this left turn lane is for people to move into in anticipation of turning onto West Street. There are sidewalks on both sides, as well as parking. There is a crosswalk across North Street, and a crosswalk across Main Street. Church Street is a two way roadway that terminates at Main Street. It has a two lane cross section with sidewalks both sides, and striped parking on the eastern side. South Street is a two way roadway that terminates at Main Street. It has a two lane cross section with sidewalks both sides. The intersection of South/Church Street and Main Street is signalized. West of the intersection, Main Street is a 3 lane cross section. There are sidewalks on both sides, and striped parking on the northern side. There is a shared eastbound thru and left turn lane to make left turns onto Church Street, a dedicated right turn lane to make right turns onto South Street, and a wide westbound thru lane. East of the intersection, Main Street is a two lane cross section. There are sidewalks on both sides, as well as parking on the northern side. There is a crosswalk across Main Street, and a crosswalk across South Street and Church Street. As stated previously, this project is currently under design (MassDOT Project #607987). The timeline for implementation is several years out as the project is currently waiting to be programmed into a funding year on the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) list. Page 7 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements During the RSA performed on April 27, 2015 the following safety issues were identified for the intersections of Main/West Street, Main/North Street, Main/South Street, and Pulaski/West: Pulaski Street / West Street: 1. ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety 2. Gas Station Access Management 3. Vehicles Trying to Pass Stopped Vehicles Turning Left Onto Pulaski West Street/Main Street: 1. Double Stop Line (Eastbound) 2. Northbound Lane Delineation on West Street 3. Illegal Left Turns Onto Main Street 4. ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety 5. Truck Turning From West Street Onto Main Street 6. Traffic Stopping Even Though It Has The Flashing Yellow (Westbound) Main Street/North Street: 1. Lane Usage Confusion / Bump Out Conflicts 2. Signal Deficiencies 3. ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety 4. Business Deliveries Block Eastbound Lanes Main Street/Church & South Street: 1. Using Right Turn Lane For Thru Movement (Eastbound) 2. ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety 3. Signal Deficiencies 4. South Street / Church Street Left Turns Page 8 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting 5. Drainage In addition to the discussions involving individual intersections, the following was discussed for the project area as a whole: Overall Bicycle Safety: 1. Lack of Bicycle Accommodations Pulaski Street @ West Street Safety Issue #1: ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Observations: RSA team members noted several concerns with regards to pedestrian accommodation and safety. It was noted that both the crosswalk across Pulaski Street and the crosswalk across West Street do not have ADA compliant ramps. Also there is a utility pole located in the Southeast corner of the intersection. This is a potential clearance issue. Safety concerns were also noted for the existing crosswalk that crosses West Street. There is no existing signage at the crosswalk and there is no advance warning signage approaching the crossing Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to add the appropriate MUTCD compliant pedestrian signage, including advanced warning to the crosswalk across West Street. This would alert drivers to the presence of a crosswalk at the intersection. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to reconstruct the wheelchair ramps at Pulaski and West Street. This would provide for ADA compliant access for all users, and combined with appropriate signage would allow for a safer path for pedestrians looking to cross at this intersection. The location of the utility pole on the Southeast corner would need to be relocated for pedestrian clearance requirements. Safety Issue #2: Gas Station Access Management Observations: RSA team members noted several concerns with regards to the gas station located on the Southeast corner of the intersection. There were three accidents in the study period that were related to exiting/entering the gas station. Also, it was noted by some of the team members that there have been instances of people exiting the Pulaski Street driveway and turning left and traveling the wrong way into the intersection. Signage on Pulaski Street includes a “No Left Turn” graphical sign and a one way sign set back from the edge of road, partially hidden Page 9 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting behind a row of brush/bushes, across from the driveway. There is also a “Do Not Enter” sign on the utility pole at the Northeast corner of the West Street intersection facing the wrong way direction of Pulaski Street. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to add the appropriate MUTCD compliant one way signage in an appropriate location on Pulaski Street to keep people from traveling the wrong way down the one way street. (The Town has relocated these signs as of May 2015). 2. A potential long-term solution would be to reconstruct the Pulaski Street gas station driveway curb cut by adding channelizing islands so that exiting motorists would have to turn right and travel the correct way down Pulaski Street. Safety Issue #3: Vehicles Trying to Pass Stopped Vehicles Turning Left onto Pulaski Street Observations: Some RSA team members noted that there have been instances of Southbound traveling motorists trying to pass cars stopped to take a left onto Pulaski Street. It was noted that cars often use the driveway at the business located across from Pulaski Street, drive up onto the sidewalk, and over the curb. There appeared to be no accidents in the study period that were related to these passing vehicles. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to restripe the centerline in the road so that there was more space on the southbound side of the road to allow passing. However this would require the removal of the striped parking spaces along the northbound side of the roadway. It was noted that these parking spaces are well used and their removal would likely not be accepted favorably. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to add vertical granite curb to the area between the two garages at the business to close off the large opening. This would deter people from trying to go around stopped vehicles, but not hinder access to the business. However, not allowing cars to go around stopped vehicles could cause a backup into the West Street intersection. This potential solution would require additional evaluation to determine impact on traffic flow and queueing prior to implementation. 3. Another potential long-term solution would be to reverse the direction of the one-way traffic flow on Pulaski Street. This alternative has been reviewed with respect to traffic flow and safety. Although there would no longer be left turns from West Street onto Pulaski Street, there would be new turns from Pulaski Street introduced. Due to the anticipated volume of turns from Pulaski Street and the potential for limited sight distance, a full traffic signal would likely be required if the direction of one-way flow was reversed. The traffic signal would operate at a poor level of service during peak periods based on preliminary analysis. Audit participants agreed that this alternative was unlikely to represent a benefit based on initial review. Page 10 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting West Street @ Main Street Safety Issue #1: Double Stop Line on West Street (Eastbound) Observations: There are two stop lines at the eastbound leg of this intersection. There is one stop line (with a stop sign) in advance of the crosswalk across Main Street, and then another stop line located further into the intersection with a “Stop” painted legend. The location of the second stop line is presumably as a result of the poor sight distance looking down West Street due to retaining wall on the Southwest corner and to reinforce the need to yield to left turning vehicles approaching from Route 9 Westbound. There were four accidents in the study period that were related to the stop sign / double stop line at this approach. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to remove the first stop line and add a MUTCD compliant “Stop Ahead” sign in advance of the intersection to better prepare motorists for the approaching condition. This may result in a decrease of pedestrian safety however, because motorists may not stop prior to the crosswalk. One way to prevent this would be to add a yield line (triangles) and a MUTCD compliant sign in advance of the crosswalk indicating that vehicles are required to yield to pedestrians. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to add a signal system to the intersection, with one stop line before the crosswalk and highly visible signals. The addition of a signal would eliminate the need for the Page 11 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting second stop line, or any stop line to be located so far into the intersection because sight distance would no longer be an issue. With a signal, motorists would be able to travel safely through the intersection without potential conflicts from West Street vehicles. Vehicles traveling northbound on West Street would have a MUTCD compliant “No Turn on Red” sign because of limited sight distance looking left when stopped on West Street. Safety Issue #2: Lane Delineation on West Street (Northbound) Observations: RSA team members made note that the Northbound lane heading towards Main Street, despite being striped for a right turn only, is too wide and can lead to confusion as to whether there is actually more than one lane in that direction. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to stripe a shoulder line 5’ feet from the curb line, to better define the travel lane. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to stripe a dedicated bike lane that would allow for a potential connection to a proposed bike lane on Main Street. The curbing could be removed and reset in order to narrow the roadway, but truck turns are also a consideration as discussed under Safety Issue #5. Page 12 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Safety Issue #3: Illegal Left Turns Onto Main Street Observations: RSA team members made note that there have been instances of people making illegal left turns from West Street onto Main Street. There are existing markings that indicate right turn only, and existing signage, both mounted on the flashing warning light mast arm and post mounted, indicating no left turn. These signs are faded and in poor condition. There is also limited advanced warning of the right turn only condition. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to follow the striping suggestion in Safety Issue #2 to better define the lane as only being one lane. Also, adding the appropriate MUTCD compliant signage, including advanced warning signs. This would alert drivers to the presence of the upcoming condition. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to include an illuminated, LED no left turn sign, for better visibility. Page 13 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Safety Issue #4: ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Observations: RSA team members noted several concerns with regards to pedestrian accommodation and safety. It was noted that both the crosswalk across West Street do not have ADA compliant ramps. The crosswalk across Main Street that terminates at Parker Street does not have wheelchair ramps at all. The crosswalk across West Street is also very long and has no pedestrian signalization which creates a dangerous situation for pedestrians combined with the free-flow left turns from Main Street. There were two rear end accidents at the crosswalk across Main Street where people stopped for a pedestrian and the vehicle behind hit them. Another concern was the midblock crosswalk on Main Street located between West Street and North Street. The crosswalk is located about 70’ from intersection, and vehicles making a right turn onto Main Street from West Street may not be expecting people in the crosswalk. There is only one sign at the crosswalk on the eastbound side of Main Street and no advanced warning. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to add the appropriate MUTCD compliant pedestrian signage, including advanced warning to the crosswalks across Main Street. This would alert drivers to the presence of a crosswalk at the intersection and at the midblock location. Page 14 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting 2. A potential long-term solution would be to reconstruct the wheelchair ramps at West and Main Street. This would provide for ADA compliant access for all users and would allow for a safer path for pedestrians looking to cross at this intersection. Some readjustments of grades at the southeast corner of the intersection may better provide a more compliant ramp. Addition of pedestrian signals in conjunction with a traffic signal, will allow for a protected pedestrian crossing phase that will allow for a safer crossing of the long crosswalk at West Street. A long term solution for the midblock crosswalk would be to move it to the intersection at West Street. Moving it here, along with the addition of pedestrian signals would create a safer location for crossing Main Street. If the mid-block crosswalk was relocated to the east side of the intersection, consideration should also be given to removing the crosswalk from the west side of the intersection. This would address the difficult grades on the southwest corner, but may result in pedestrians crossing Main Street without using a crosswalk. Safety Issue #5: Truck Turning From West Street onto Main Street Observations: Some RSA team members noted that there have been problems with larger trucks making the right turn from West Street onto Main Street. Drivers need to occupy the whole lane width, swing far into the intersection, and still cross the double yellow center line to complete the turn. Adding to the difficulty of the movement, there are two parking spots located in front of Town Hall on the eastbound side of Main Street that can impede truck movements as the vehicle turns. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to remove the parking spots from in front of the Town Hall. This would remove the potential conflict of a truck and parked car, and allow trucks to better remain in the correct lane. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to change the radius of the southeast corner of the intersection. Changing the radius would allow trucks to stay closer to the edge of the road and, combined with the removal of the parking spots, potentially navigate the turn without having to cross into the oncoming traffic’s lane. Safety Issue #6: Traffic Stopping Even Though It Has the Flashing Yellow (Westbound) Observations: Traffic traveling westbound on Main Street has the option of freely taking a left turn onto West Street or continuing through the intersection. The traffic control in this direction is a flashing yellow warning light, and this traffic is not required to stop. However, the eastbound traffic is required to stop and has a flashing red warning light. This appears to cause driver confusion because westbound drivers may assume that eastbound drivers do not have to stop and that they need to yield when making a left turn. There were two accidents in the study period that involved angle collisions from these two approaches, although they weren’t directly related to the condition outlined above. However, there was one read-end collision involving vehicles traveling westbound on Main Street that could be attributed to this condition outlined above. It was noted by team members that Page 15 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting westbound drivers do come to a full stop occasionally at this location when they are permitted to freely exit the intersection. Enhancements: 1. A potential long-term solution would be to add a full traffic signal system to the intersection, with clear indications of the movements allowed during the phases affecting this approach. Use of a flashing yellow arrow for the westbound left turn lane during the permissive phase should be considered in design of the traffic signal. North Street @ Main Street Safety Issue #1: Lane Usage Confusion / Bump Out Conflicts Observations: The lane assignments at this intersection are marked and signed in a confusing manner. Headed westbound, there are two lanes, one marked for a left turn and one marked as thru, which continues through the intersection. However, this left turn lane is actually for vehicles taking a left onto West Street, which is about 240’ beyond the intersection. There is a sign for “Left Lane Must Turn Left” on the northwest corner of North Street. Headed eastbound there are two lanes at the intersection, a lane marked with a thru arrow, and a lane marked for a left turn. This left turn lane is intended to be used as a left turn only lane, because there is only one receiving lane on the other side of the intersection. However, there is no appropriate signage directing that this is a turn only lane. There is a sign on the mast arm that says “Center Lane, Left Turn Only” however, this is not the proper sign for this location. There were three accidents in the study period related to people in the left “only” lane traveling straight and conflicting with the vehicles in the thru lane. Also at this location there is a bump out island to shorten crossing distances for the crosswalk at Main Street. The team members have suggested that this can pose a hazard for those that are trying to shift over from the thru lane on the west side of the intersection to get into the receiving thru lane on the east side of the intersection. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to restripe the lanes with appropriate legends and arrows. Another enhancement would be to add appropriate MUTCD compliant signage in advance of and at the intersection to better prepare motorists of the intended lane usage. Additional directional signage prior to the intersection may also aide motorists traveling westbound to position themselves in the proper lanes. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to reconstruct the bump out or remove it altogether. With appropriate pedestrian phasing, there would be less need for the shorter walking distance that the bump out affords. Removing the bump out may also lessen or avoid the current sharp “jog” that vehicles have to make to move into the receiving lane as they travel straight through the intersection. Another long term solution would be the removal of the parking in front of the Town Hall, which would allow the short thru lane at the west side of the intersection to be extended all the way to the West Street Page 16 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting intersection. Re-striping the approach lanes would allow for a longer area for motorists to make the decision about what lane they need to be in to complete their movements through the intersection. Safety Issue #2: Signal Deficiencies Observations: The signal equipment at this intersection is older and in need of updating. There is one overhead signal and one signal head posted on the mast arm for the westbound approach. For the eastbound approach there is one overhead signal head, one posted on the mast arm, and one post mounted. For North Street there is one signal head posted on the mast arm and one post mounted. The signal lenses are 8”. There is no emergency preemption. There are pedestrian signal heads for the Main Street crossing. There were eight accidents in the study period that might be related to people either not being able to see the signals, or stopping short because the signal changes too quickly. These reports do not have enough information to say whether signal deficiencies could be a contributing factor, or just driver inattention. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term solution would be to check the yellow clearance time to see if that is causing some of the rear end collisions mentioned above. Page 17 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting 2. A potential long-term solution would be to update the signal system to include the appropriate pedestrian signals, updated signal heads and equipment, and additional overhead signal heads on the mast arms. Emergency vehicle preemption should also be added. For eastbound vehicles wanting to turn left onto North Street, a flashing yellow arrow could be considered at this location to alert drivers that they have to yield to oncoming traffic when making a left after the protected/permissive left turn phase is over. Safety Issue #3: ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Observations: RSA team members noted several concerns with regards to pedestrian accommodation and safety. It was noted that both the crosswalk across North Street and the crosswalk across Main Street do not have ADA compliant ramps. Also there is a mast arm and a light pole in the level landing of the ramp on the south side of Main Street. There are no pedestrian signals crossing North Street and an outdated style is installed across Main Street. There were two accidents in the study period involving pedestrians being struck, both of these occurred within in the crosswalks, one going across North and one going across Main. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to add the appropriate MUTCD compliant pedestrian signals onto the existing signal equipment. Page 18 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting 2. A potential long-term solution would be to reconstruct the wheelchair ramps at North Street and Main Street. This would provide for ADA compliant access for all users, and combined with appropriate signals would allow for a safer path for pedestrians looking to cross at this intersection. The location of the mast arm and light pole would need to be evaluated to determine if they should be relocated. Safety Issue #4: Business Deliveries Block Eastbound Lanes Observations: RSA team members made note that businesses receive deliveries in the eastbound thru lane, at the west side of the intersection, causing vehicles to have to weave into the left turn lane and then go through the intersection. This causes problems if there are vehicles waiting to turn left from the correct lane. The thru vehicles become stuck and have to wait for the left turn vehicles to clear out the lane before they can switch over. This opens up the potential for sideswipe crashes. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to limit the hours when businesses could get deliveries to non-peak times. This would allow the lanes to remain open when needed the most. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to have all deliveries taken from the rear of the building, or have the trucks utilize the existing driveway. However, depending on the size of the delivery vehicle, this could prove challenging because the driveways along Main Street are very steep and narrow. 3. Another potential long-term solution would be to provide an area for loading along Main Street that does not interfere with traffic flow. This would require re-striping of travel lanes and may result in the loss of parking spaces. This could possibly be accommodated with the removal of the bump out at the intersection. This space could be considered to be a loading area with limited delivery hours that would not interfere with the parking at this location. Main Street @ South/Church Street Safety Issue #1: Using Right Turn Lane For Thru Movement (Eastbound) Observations: Headed eastbound, there are two approach lanes, one marked for a left turn and thru movement, and one marked with right turn arrows. There is no signage or “only” legends for this right turn lane, but the intended use appears to be to allow right turns only onto South Street. The RSA team members witnessed several vehicles using the right turn only lane to continue straight going eastbound on Main Street, either because they had to wait behind several vehicles waiting to turn left onto Church Street, or were just using that lane as a thru lane. RSA members indicated that left turns waiting to turn into the package store located between Bank Street and South/Church Street can sometimes block the eastbound marked left/thru lane. People may go around these stopped vehicles and then remain in the right turn only lane. Page 19 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting There were no accidents in the study period indicating eastbound lane usage as the cause, but there is a potential for collisions if two vehicles were to go straight at the same time, especially if cars were parked in the designated parking lanes on East Main Street on the eastern leg of the intersection. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to restripe the lanes with appropriate legends and arrows. Another enhancement would be to add appropriate MUTCD compliant signage in advance of and at the intersection to better prepare motorists for the approaching condition. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to reassign the lanes in this approach. The intersection may be better served by a left turn only lane, and a right turn/thru combination lane. Appropriate MUTCD compliant signage and striping would be implemented to inform drivers of the intended lane usage. If a left turn only lane were implemented, then a flashing yellow arrow should be considered for a permitted left turn phase. Safety Issue #2: ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Observations: RSA team members noted several concerns with regards to pedestrian accommodation and safety. It was noted that all crosswalks at the intersection do not have ADA compliant ramps, with the possible exception of the ramp at the southwest corner that has a detectable warning panel. Just to the west of the intersection, there is a ramp in Page 20 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting the southwest corner, in front of Ware Cooperative Bank that has a drainage manhole cover in the ramp and a set of stairs that are unexpected in the sidewalk. The sidewalk in this area has a tree and a post for an overhead street lighting fixture in the path of travel for people using the ramp. There are no pedestrian signals crossing Church/South Street and an outdated style is installed across Main Street. There was one accident in the study period involving a pedestrian being struck while crossing Church Street. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to add the appropriate MUTCD compliant pedestrian signals onto the existing signal equipment. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to reconstruct the wheelchair ramps at the intersection. This would provide for ADA compliant access for all users, and combined with appropriate signals would allow for a safer path for pedestrians looking to cross at this intersection. Also, the crosswalk located at the bank would be moved closer to the intersection to make it part of the intersection, instead of a midblock crosswalk. This would also allow the crosswalk to be signalized with the rest of the crosswalks at the intersection. Safety Issue #3: Signal Deficiencies Page 21 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Observations: The signal equipment at this intersection is older and in need of updating. There is one overhead signal and one signal head posted on the mast arm for the westbound approach. For the eastbound approach there is one overhead signal head, one on the mast arm pole, and one post mounted. For the northbound approach there is one overhead signal head, one on the mast arm pole, and one post mounted. There is one overhead signal and one signal head on the mast arm pole for the southbound approach. The signal lenses are 8”. There is no emergency preemption. There are pedestrian signal heads for the Main Street crossing only. There were four accidents in the study period that might be related to people either not being able to see the signals, or stopping short because the signal changes too quickly. These reports do not have enough information to say whether signal deficiencies could be a contributing factor, or just driver inattention. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term solution would be to check the yellow clearance time to see if that is causing some of the rear end collisions mentioned above. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to update the signal system to include the appropriate pedestrian signals, updated signal heads and equipment, and provide additional overhead signal heads on the mast arms. Emergency vehicle preemption should also be added. Safety Issue #4: South Street / Church Street Left Turns Observations: RSA team members indicated that the leading left turn phase for South Street may cause confusion for drivers approaching from Church Street to take a left turn, and for drivers approaching from South Street that wish to make a left turn after the leading phase ends and the opposing traffic is allowed to proceed. Drivers turning left from South Street have been observed not to yield to oncoming through traffic Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term solution would be to add the appropriate MUTCD compliant signage for “Left Turn Yield on Green (ball)” to the intersection on the South Street approach. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to upgrade the signal system with appropriate signage and additional leading green time if appropriate to provide additional capacity for left turns from South Street. The solution of adding a flashing yellow arrow to this intersection was discussed at the RSA. However, neither Church nor South Street have an exclusive left turn lane, and are not appropriate locations for this solution. Page 22 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Safety Issue #5: Drainage Observations: RSA team members indicated that drainage in the intersection can sometimes be a problem. There is a low point west of the intersection along Main Street. Church Street drains down the hill and into the intersection. There were seven accidents in the study period that happened on wet or snowy roads. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term solution would be to clean the catch basins in and near the intersection. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to evaluate the drainage and grading of the intersection during the MassDOT project phases to determine if drainage improvements are needed.. Overall Bicycle Accommodations Safety Issue #1: Lack of Bicycle Accommodations Observations: RSA team members indicated the lack of bicycle facilities in the project area. There are no markings or signage indicating a safe route for bicycles to follow. Enhancements: 1. A potential short-term enhancement would be to add sharrows to the existing roadways. Appropriate MUTCD “Share the Road” signage would also be added. 2. A potential long-term solution would be to provide a dedicated bike lane where there is enough room to do so. On Main Street, this would involve restriping the lanes within the existing cross section to allow for parking, a 5’ minimum bicycle lane, and the appropriate number of travel lanes. In areas where a dedicated bike lane could not be provided, consideration should be given to adding sharrows. Appropriate MUTCD compliant signage would also be added. Page 23 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Summary of Road Safety Audit Table 2 summarizes the safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, estimated cost, and the responsible party. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and are based on engineering judgment. Safety payoffs are classified as low medium, and high. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Page 24 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Pulaski Street / West Street Safety Issue ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Gas Station Access Management Vehicles Trying to Pass Stopped Vehicles Turning Left Onto Pulaski Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility Improve signage at the crosswalk on West Street. MUTCD compliant signage and advance warning signs could be installed to better alert drivers of the crossing. Medium Short-term Low Town Install ADA compliant wheelchair ramps at the intersection and designate crosswalks with MUTCD compliant signage. Move any obstructions that might cause a clearance issue for pedestrians. Medium Long-term Medium Town / TIP Project Add MUTCD compliant signage to clarify the direction of Pulaski Street for vehicles leaving the gas station. (Completed by the Town May, 2015). Medium Short-term Low Town Reconstruct the driveway so that the entrances / exits are better channelized, and that vehicles exiting will be forced to take a right down Pulaski. Medium Long-term Restripe the existing roadway centerline to allow more space in the southbound lane. However, this would result in the loss of striped parking in the northbound lane. Low Short-term Low Town Install vertical granite curb in between the two garages to prevent people from using the wide driveway to go around stopped vehicles waiting to turn onto Pulaski. This may result in queues and impacts to traffic flow. Low Long-term Low TIP Project Medium Town / Abutter Page 25 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – West Street / Main Street Safety Issue Double Stop Line (Eastbound) Northbound Lane Delineation on West Street Illegal Left Turns Onto Main Street ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility Remove the first stop line and add a MUTCD compliant “Stop Ahead” sign in advance of the intersection to better prepare motorists for the approaching condition. This may result in a decrease of pedestrian safety at the crosswalk across Main Street. One way to prevent this would be to add a yield line (triangles) and a MUTCD compliant sign in advance of the crosswalk indicating that vehicles are required to yield to pedestrians. Low Short-term Low Town Add a signal system to the intersection, with one stop line before the crosswalk and highly visible signals. Vehicles traveling northbound on West Street would have a MUTCD compliant “No Turn on Red” sign because of limited sight distance looking left when stopped on West Street. High Long-term High TIP Project Stripe a shoulder line 5’ feet from the curb line, to better define the travel lane from the extra pavement. Low Short-term Low Town Stripe a dedicated bike lane that would allow for a potential connection to a proposed bike lane on Main Street. Low Long-term Low TIP Project Follow the striping suggestion in Safety Issue #2 to better define the lane as only being one lane. Also, adding the appropriate MUTCD compliant signage, including advanced warning. This would alert drivers to the presence of the upcoming condition. Low Short-term Low Town Add an illuminated, LED no left turn sign, for better visibility. High Long-term Medium TIP Project Add the appropriate MUTCD compliant pedestrian signage, including advanced warning to the crosswalk across Main Street. This would alert drivers to the presence of a crosswalk at the intersection. Medium Short-term Low Town Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – West Street / Main Street Safety Issue Truck Turning From West Street Onto Main Street Traffic Stopping Even Though It Has The Flashing Yellow (Westbound) Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility Reconstructing the wheelchair ramps at West and Main Street and addition of pedestrian signals in conjunction with a traffic signal, will allow for a protected pedestrian crossing phase that will allow for a safer crossing of the long crosswalk at West Street. A long term solution for the midblock crosswalk would be to move it to the intersection at West Street. Moving it here, along with the addition of pedestrian signals would create a safer location for crossing Main Street. High Long-term High TIP Project Remove the parking spots from in front of the Town Hall. This would remove the potential conflict of a truck and parked car, and allow trucks to better remain in the correct lane. Medium Short-term Low Town Change the radius of the Southeast corner of the intersection. Changing the radius would allow trucks to stay closer to the edge of the road and, combined with the removal of the parking spots, potentially navigate the turn without having to cross into the oncoming traffic’s lane. Medium Long-term Low/ Medium TIP Project A potential long-term solution would be to add a signal system to the intersection, with clear indications of the movements allowed during the phases affecting this approach. High Long-term High TIP Project Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Main Street / North Street Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Restripe the lanes with appropriate legends and arrows and add appropriate MUTCD compliant signage in advance of and at the intersection to better prepare motorists on the intended lane usage. Additional directional signage prior to the intersection may also aide motorists traveling westbound to position themselves in the proper lanes. ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Cost Responsibility Medium Short-term Low Town High Long-term Medium TIP Project Check the yellow clearance time to see if that is causing some of the rear end collisions mentioned above. Low/Medium Short-term Low Town Update the signal system to include the appropriate pedestrian signals, updated signal heads and equipment, and additional overhead signal heads on the mast arms. Emergency vehicle preemption should also be added. For eastbound vehicles wanting to turn left onto North Street, a flashing yellow arrow could be considered at this location to alert drivers that they have to yield to oncoming traffic when making a left after the protected/permissive left turn phase is over. High Long-term High TIP Project Add the appropriate MUTCD compliant pedestrian signals onto the existing signal equipment. Medium Short-term Low Town Reconstruct the bump out or remove it Lane Usage Confusion / altogether. With appropriate pedestrian phasing, there would be no need for the Bump Out Conflicts increased sight distance that the bump out affords. Another long term solution would be the removal of the parking in front of Town Hall, which would allowed the short thru lane at the west side of the intersection to be extended all the way to the West Street intersection. Re-striping the approach lanes would allow for a longer area for motorists to make the decision about what lane they need to be in to complete their movements through the intersection. Signal Deficiencies Safety Payoff Time Frame Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Main Street / North Street Safety Issue Business Deliveries Block Eastbound Lanes Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility Reconstruct the wheelchair ramps at North and Main Street. This would provide for ADA compliant access for all users, and combined with appropriate signals would allow for a safer path for pedestrians looking to cross at this intersection. The location of the mast arm and light pole would need to be evaluated to determine if they should be relocated. High Long-term Medium/Hi gh TIP Project Limit the hours when businesses could get deliveries to non-peak times. This would allow the lanes to remain open when needed the most. Low/Medium Short-term Low Town / Abutter Low/Medium Long-term Low Town / Abutter Medium Long-term High TIP Project A potential long-term solution would be to have all deliveries taken from the rear of the building, or have the trucks utilize the existing driveway. However, depending on the size of the delivery vehicle, this could prove challenging because the driveways along Main Street are very steep. A potential long-term solution would be to provide an area for loading along Main Street, which would not interfere with traffic flow. This would require re-striping of travel lanes and may result in the loss of parking spaces. This could possibly be accommodated with the removal of the bump out at the intersection. This space could be considered to be a loading area with limited delivery hours that would not impact the parking at this location. Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Main Street / Church & South Street Safety Issue Using Right Turn Lane For Thru Movement (Eastbound) ADA Compliance / Pedestrian Safety Signal Deficiencies South Street / Church Street Left Turns Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility Restripe the lanes with appropriate legends and arrows and add appropriate MUTCD compliant signage in advance of and at the intersection to better prepare motorists for the approaching condition. Medium Short-term Low Town Reassign the lanes in this approach. The intersection may be better served by a left turn only lane, and a right turn/thru lane. Appropriate signage/striping would be used. Medium Long-term Low TIP Project Add the appropriate MUTCD compliant pedestrian signals onto the existing signal equipment. Medium Short-term Low Town Reconstruct the wheelchair ramps at the intersection. This would provide for ADA compliant access for all users, and combined with appropriate signals would allow for a safer path for pedestrians looking to cross at this intersection. Also, the crosswalk located at the bank would be moved closer to the intersection to make it part of the intersection, instead of a midblock crosswalk. This would also allow the crosswalk to be signalized with the rest of the crosswalks at the intersection. High Long-term Medium /High TIP Project Check the yellow clearance time to see if that is causing some of the rear end collisions mentioned above. Low Short-term Low Town Update the signal system to include the appropriate pedestrian signals, updated signal heads and equipment, and provide additional overhead signal heads on the mast arms. Emergency vehicle preemption should also be added. High Long-term High TIP Project Add the appropriate MUTCD compliant signage for “Left Turn Yield on Green (ball)” to the intersection on the South Street approach. Low Short-term Low Town Medium Long-term High Town Upgrade the signal system with appropriate signage and additional leading green time if appropriate to provide additional capacity for left turns from South Street. Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Overall Bicycle Accommodations Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility A potential short-term enhancement would be to add sharrows to the existing roadways. Appropriate MUTCD “Share the Road” signage would also be added. Medium Short-term Low Town A potential long-term solution would be to provide a dedicated bike lane where there Lack of Bicycle Accommodations within is enough room to do so. On Main Street, this would involve restriping the lanes Study Area within the existing cross section to allow for parking, a 5-6’ bicycle lane, and the appropriate number of lanes. In areas where a dedicated bike lane could not be provided, consideration should be given to adding sharrows. Appropriate MUTCD compliant signage would also be added. Medium Long-term High TIP Project Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Ware, MA Main Street and West Street Meeting Location: Ware Town Hall 126 Main Street, Ware MA 01082 April 27th, 2015 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 1:00 PM Welcome and Introductions 1:15 PM Review of Site Specific Material Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries– provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 2:00 PM Visit the Site Walk to intersections of Main Street at West Street and North Street As a group, identify areas for improvement 2:30 PM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA Discuss observations and finalize findings Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 3:00 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on April 27th, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Participating Audit Team Members Date: April 27, 2015 Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Location: Main Street (Route 9), Ware, MA Email Address William Ullom MassDOT Safety 857-368-9622 Luke Hayes MassDOT District 2 Traffic 413-582-1525 John Mastera MassDOT Safety 857-368-9648 Thom Martens Town of Ware DPW 413-967-9620 Edward Wloch Town of Ware Fire Department 413-967-5901 Stuart Beckley Town of Ware Town Manager 413-967-9648 x100 Karen Cullen Town of Ware Planning and Community Development 413-967-9648 x186 David Tworek Town of Ware DPW 413-687-2609 Khyati Parmar PVPC 413-781-6045 Ken Kovitch Town of Ware Police Department 413-867-3571 John Morgan CHA Consulting 781-982-5437 Melissa Davis CHA Consulting 781-982-5429 Phone Number Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table Pulaski St @ West St, Ware, MA 2010-2014 Crash Diagram Ref # 1 Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Wednesday 3:38 PM m/d/y 6/23/10 Manner of Collision Type Single Vehicle Crash Light Condition Weather Condition Type Daylight Road Surface Type Clear Driver Contributing Code Type Dry Type Inattention 2 4/8/10 Thursday 6:25 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 3 2/17/11 Thursday 3:49 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 4 1/20/11 5 6 7 Ages D1 D2 61 Comments Injury Status Type No Injury Nonincapacitating # People Injured 0 V1 was exiting a gas station when she hit a fire hydrant 1 32 20 Possible 1 41 Non52 incapacitating 1 2:57 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 10/24/12 Wednesday 2:34 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 49 23 Possible 1 11/17/14 Monday 4:30 PM Head on Daylight Clear Dry Fatigued/asleep 20 24 No Injury 0 1/3/14 6:06 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Driving too fast for conditions 50 38 No Injury 0 Thursday Friday V1 was stopped on West St in traffic, V2 was stopped behind V1. V3 struck V2 which pushed V2 into V1 V1(Ambulance) was traveling SB when V2 turned in front of V1 and collision occurred V1 turned onto Pulaski St from Hess Gas station. V2 turning onto Pulaski St from West St struck the side of V1. V2 rearended V1 when it was stopped to turn left into Hess Gas Station V1 was traveling NB on West St, V2 was traveling SB on West St. V1 crossed over the double yellow road lines and sturuck V2 head on. V1 was stopped in traffic, V2 was unable to stop and collided with the rear of V1 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Pulaski St @ West St, Ware, MA CRASH MONTH 30% 29% 25% 20% 14% 15% 14% 14% 14% 14% 10% 5% 0% 0% J F 0% M A M 0% 0% 0% J A S J 0% O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 50% 43% 40% 29% 30% 20% 14% 14% 10% 0% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0% 0% Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 57% 29% 14% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6AM8AM 8AM10AM 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2PM4PM 4PM6PM 6PM8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 12AM2AM 2AM4AM 4AM6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 50% 43% 40% 29% 30% 20% 14% 14% 10% 0% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Pulaski St & West St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 0% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 1 of 3 Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Peds/Bikes 4/17/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Pulaski St @ West St, Ware, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 86% Daylight 0% 0% Dawn Dusk 14% Dark Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown Blowing sand, snow 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke Rain 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Snow 0% Cloudy 100% Clear 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 150% 100% 100% 50% 0% Dry 0% 0% 0% Wet Snow Ice Pulaski St & West St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 2 of 3 4/17/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Pulaski St @ West St, Ware, MA CRASH DRIVER AGES 36% 40% 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% 18% 18% 9% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 0% 0% 70-79 80+ INJURY STATUS 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 43% 29% 0% 0% Fatal Incapacitating Pulaski St & West St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 29% 0% Non-incapacitating Possible 3 of 3 No Injury Unknown 4/17/2015 Crash Data Summary Table West St @ Main St, Ware, MA 2010-2014 Crash Date Crash Day Crash Diagram m/d/y Ref # Wednesday 7/7/10 1 Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Type Type Weather Condition Road Surface Ages D1 Accident Report Narrative Injury Status Angle Daylight 2 10/29/10 Friday 11:14:00 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy 3 12/3/10 Friday 6:00 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 30 47 No Injury 0 4 5 1/22/11 2/4/11 Saturday Friday 8:15 PM 7:50 AM Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Daylight Clear Dry Ice Made an improper turn No Improper Driving 47 58 62 No Injury 47 No Injury 0 0 6 8/16/12 Thursday 3:04 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 23 50 No Injury 0 7 8/29/12 Wednesday 4:30 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 8 9/3/12 Monday 9:09 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 0 12/27/12 Thursday 3:06 PM Head on Daylight Snow Snow Made an improper turn Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings No Injury Non- 9 18 28 incapacitating 2 10 4/15/13 Monday 5:30 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 21 52 No Injury 0 11 5/1/13 Wednesday 9:09 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 39 22 No Injury 0 12 5/15/13 Wednesday 3:28 PM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 22 78 No Injury 0 13 5/30/13 Thursday 6:35 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 43 42 No Injury 0 14 10/16/13 Wednesday 7:57 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 55 50 No Injury 0 15 16 1/27/14 2/26/14 Monday Wednesday 4:43 PM 6:57 AM Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Followed too closely Followed too closely 23 61 28 No Injury 37 No Injury 0 0 1:56 PM Type Driver Contributing Code Type Snow Dry Type Failed to yield right of way D2 52 Type 24 No Injury # People Injured 0 Veh.1 was struck by veh. 2 which failed to stop on a Stop sign Dry Failed to yield right of way 19 93 No Injury 0 Possible *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Veh. 1 was heading west on Main St, as she began to turn onto West St. she was struck by veh. 1 V1 backed out of a parking spot, striking the rear passenger side quarter panel of V2 The Op of V1 stated he was pulling into a parking space, next to V2, at which time he struck the rear of V2 Vehicle could not stop due to the snow and ice covered road V2 was struck by bouncing trire that came off of V1's rear drivers side V1 was stopped at a stop sign headed east on west Main st. V2 was exiting a parking lot and backed into traffic, striking V1 V1 was traveling west on Main st. V2 was traveling east on West Main and in the right only lane. V2 made an illegal U turn and the passeger side front bumper struck the drivers side doors of V1 V2 proceed through intersection without stopping at second stop line V2 had stopped in traffic behind two other vehicles. V1 was travelling WB behind V2 and failed to stop, striking V2 V3 stopped at the stop sign. V1 passed V3 on the right and drove forward past the stop sign striking v2 V1 travelling west to turn SB onto West St. V2 was stopped at the stop line at West Main st, and thought she had enough room to go safely but did not, and struck v1 in the front bumper. V1 had Right of way V1 was travelling west Bound on Main st and stopped suddenly at a cross wal for a ped, and V2 struck v1 in the rear bumper V2 was stopped at the sidewalk on West Main and Main St to allow Ped through. V1 was unable to stop in time to avoid Veh 2 was slowed in traffic and veh 1 was following too closely and rear ended Veh 2 V1 was stopped iin traffic V2 struck V1 causing Damage to rear end Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts West St @ Main St, Ware, MA CRASH MONTH 19% 20% 15% 13% 13% 13% 10% 6% 13% 6% 13% 6% 5% 0% 0% J F 0% 0% M A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 38% 40% 30% 20% 19% 19% 19% 6% 10% 0% 0% Monday Tuesday 0% Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 20% 19% 19% 19% 15% 19% 13% 10% 6% 6% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6AM8AM 8AM10AM 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 2PM4PM 4PM6PM 6PM8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 12AM2AM 2AM4AM 4AM6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 50% 44% 38% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 6% 6% 0% Single Vehicle Crash 6% 0% Rear-end West St @Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 1 of 3 0% Head on Rear to Rear Peds/Bikes 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts West St @ Main St, Ware, MA 80% CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 75% 60% 40% 25% 20% 0% Daylight 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 69% 60% 40% 13% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow Snow 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 6% Rain Clear 0% Cloudy 13% 20% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 81% Dry 6% 6% 6% Wet Snow Ice West St @Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 2 of 3 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts West St @ Main St, Ware, MA CRASH DRIVER AGES 29% 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% 11% 7% 15-20 21% 21-29 30-39 7% 40-49 50-59 60-69 4% 4% 70-79 80+ INJURY STATUS 100% 88% 50% 0% 0% 0% Fatal Incapacitating West St @Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 6% 6% Non-incapacitating Possible 3 of 3 0% No Injury Unknown 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Table North St @ Main St, Ware, MA 2010-2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Type Type Type m/d/y Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Ages D1 D2 Comments Injury Status D3 D4 # Type Nonincapacitating # People Injured 1 2/18/10 Thursday 1:20 PM Peds/Bikes Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 50 76 2 4/1/10 Thursday 3:42 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 85 59 5 No Injury 0 3 4 4/23/10 4/28/10 Friday Wednesday 8:38 AM 7:48 AM Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Distracted Followed too closely 55 22 5 4 No Injury Possible 0 1 5 5/14/10 Friday 6:45 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 19 28 5 No Injury 0 1 3 1 6 9/20/10 Monday 5:11 PM Peds/Bikes Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 33 12 3 Nonincapacitating 7 9/26/10 Sunday 11:36 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 43 16 5 No Injury 0 8 9 12/1/10 2/9/11 Wednesday Wednesday 1:12 PM 2:37 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Wet Dry Inattention Inattention 60 28 19 53 5 5 No Injury No Injury 0 0 10 4/23/11 Saturday 6:34 AM Sideswipe, same direction Dawn Rain Wet 23 49 5 No Injury 0 11 6/18/11 Saturday 9:55 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 5 No Injury 0 12 13 9/23/11 2/26/12 Friday Sunday 7:52 PM 4:33 PM Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Daylight Clear Wet Dry 32 34 21 26 5 5 No Injury No Injury 0 0 14 6/14/12 Thursday 8:53 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 48 30 5 No Injury 0 15 9/12/12 Wednesday 10:29 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 87 64 5 No Injury 0 16 10/4/12 Thursday 1:22 AM Angle Daylight Rain Wet No Improper Driving 53 66 5 No Injury 0 17 11/19/12 Monday 5:50 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 84 33 5 No Injury 0 18 11/27/12 Tuesday 6:27 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 5 0 19 6/10/13 Monday 8:30 PM Peds/Bikes Dusk Rain Wet No Improper Driving 43 52 3 No Injury Nonincapacitating 20 6/25/13 Tuesday 5:12 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 27 35 4 Possible 2 21 6/27/13 Thursday 8:02 PM Head on Dusk Rain Wet Over-correcting/over-steering 18 55 4 Possible 3 22 8/19/13 Monday 3:36 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 59 59 5 11/22/13 Friday 8:57 AM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 66 48 3 No Injury Nonincapacitating 0 23 24 3/15/14 Saturday 11:31 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry 74 69 4 5/14/14 Wednesday 7:20 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 77 37 3 Possible Nonincapacitating 1 25 No Improper Driving Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 26 7/11/14 Friday 1:09 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 51 29 5 No Injury 0 27 10/17/14 Friday 3:52 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Physical Impairment 30 48 5 No Injury 0 28 10/27/14 Monday 11:00 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 46 61 5 No Injury 0 Inattention *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. 1 1 1 Veh turning left onto Main St from Norh St struck the ped who was crossing Main St- Ped direction of travel not indicated on the report As veh. 1 turned onto Main St. it struck the side of Veh. 2 which was travelling West bound on Main St. V1 had stopped for a red light on Main St, when he was struck from behind by V2 V1 was stopped at stop light when V2 struck V1 from the rear V1 was coming out of a driveway by Uncle Sam's Pizza and struck on the rear passanger side of V2 V1 skidded attempting to stop but was unable to and hit the child and bicycle. Bicycle was pushed across main street from the south side of the street to the north side. Bike's initial direction of travel not indicated V1 had stopped for a red light on Main St, when he was struck from behind by V2 V1 stopped at the crosswalk to allow a ped to cross Main St, V2 behind V1 did not stop in time and hit the right rear corner of V1 V1 was stopped at a red light when V1 hit it in the rear V2 was in the left only lane. V1 was traveling past V2 when V2 failed to turn and continued to travel straight. V2 struck the rear driver side of V1 V1 was stopped on Main st speaking with the toll collector, V2 attempted to go around V1. At this point V1 went forward and struck V2 as they were side by side causing damage V2 was turning left onto North st from Main when it was struck by V1 traveling Wb on Main St V1 was stopped at a red light, WB on Main St when V2 rear ended V1 V2 was turning left onto Main St from North St. V1 failed to stop at EB traffic signal and struck the front passenger side of V2 V1 was attempting to turn into parking lot, prior pulling into the spot operator of V1 side swiped V2 which was parked in a marked parking spot V1 exiting driveway from Otto Florist, travelling north bound onto Main St. V2 traveling east bound on Main st. v2 struck the driver's side of V1 1 was traveling east on Main st and began making a left turn onto North St, V2 was heading west on Main St and collided with V1. Tractor trailer unit traveling NB on North st accidently ripped down a couple cable wires. V1 was traveling east on Main st. V1 turned left onto North, striking a Ped that had just stepped into the crosswalk As V1 truned left onto North St, she was struck by V2 which was traveling Wb on Main St V1 was making a left turn onto North St. V2 was stopped at a redlight exiting North St. V1 turned, oversteered, and struck the front of V2 while it was still stopped at the red light V1 and V2 (pulling V3) were all stopped at a stop light. V2 was in a left turn only lane, when the light turned green both ehicles continued straight. The back of V3 clipped the front bumper of V1 causing damage to the bumper of V1 V1 stopped at the traffic light, V2 struck rear of V1 V1 and V2 were stopped at the red light. V2 though V1 was starting to move and hit V1 from behind V1 was making a right turn off North St onto main st. V1 crossed the solid divider line and struck V2 head on V2 was stopped in traffic at a crosswal on Main street for Ped. V1 operator was distracted by something and collided with rear end of V2 V1 stopped in traffic waiting for traffic light to change. V2 struck rear of V1 due to unknown medical issue V1 was stopped at stop light on Main St. V2 was stopped directly behind V1 and struck the rear of V1 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts North St @ Main St, Ware, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 18% 14% 15% 14% 11% 11% 10% 7% 4% 5% 0% 11% 4% 4% J A 4% 0% J F M A M J S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 20% 21% 18% 18% 18% 15% 11% 10% 7% 7% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 14% 15% 11% 10% 14%14%14% 11% 11% 7% 5% 0% 4% 0% 6AM8AM 8AM10AM 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 2PM4PM 4PM6PM 6PM8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 0% 0% 12AM2AM 2AM4AM 4AM6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 40% 36% 29% 30% 20% 10% 0% 14% 4% Single Vehicle Crash 11% 7% 0% Rear-end North St @ Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 1 of 3 0% Head on Rear to Rear Peds/Bikes 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts North St @ Main St, Ware, MA 80% CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 75% 60% 40% 20% 0% 80% Daylight 4% 7% Dawn Dusk 14% Dark Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 75% 60% 40% 0% 0% 0% Unknown 0% 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown Blowing sand, snow 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke Rain Cloudy 0% Other 80% 0% Clear 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 20% Snow 25% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 75% 60% 40% 25% 20% 0% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice North St @ Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 2 of 3 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts North St @ Main St, Ware, MA CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 20% 10% 0% 16% 16% 10% 15-20 21-29 30-39 20% 14% 40-49 12% 50-59 60-69 6% 6% 70-79 80+ INJURY STATUS 80% 68% 60% 40% 20% 0% 18% 0% 0% Fatal Incapacitating North St @ Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 14% 0% Non-incapacitating Possible 3 of 3 No Injury Unknown 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Table South St @ Main St, Ware, MA 2010-2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition (2,3) Road Surface Type Type Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 Injury Status Type Comments # People Injured 1 2/10/11 Thursday 4:30 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Dry Failed to yield right of way 61 23 No Injury 0 2 4/1/11 Friday 8:53 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 33 17 Possible 1 3 4 6/10/11 8/18/11 Friday Thursday 1:48 PM 4:12 PM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry No Improper Driving Followed too closely 53 68 80 No Injury 69 No Injury 0 0 5 9/6/11 Tuesday 2:00 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet No Improper Driving 61 24 Possible 1 6 7 1/21/12 1/28/12 Saturday Saturday 1:18 PM 10:46 AM Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Snow Dry No Improper Driving 41 34 No Injury 0 8 3/28/12 Wednesday 9:01 AM Rear-end Daylight Rain Dry Inattention 9 4/25/12 Wednesday 10:56 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 10 6/13/12 Wednesday 12:13 AM Peds/Bikes Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Unknown 11 12/28/12 Friday 12:53 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 12 13 12/30/12 Sunday 8/11/13 Sunday 11:54 AM 5:56 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Wet Dry 14 11/30/13 Saturday 6:03 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway 15 16 1/24/14 3/17/14 5:51 PM 5:21 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear 17 11/14/14 Friday 9:32 AM Rear-end Daylight 18 12/6/14 9:49 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Friday Monday Saturday Clear Clear Unknown 63 36 No Injury 0 No Injury 0 No Injury 0 40 48 No Injury 0 Failed to yield right of way No Improper Driving 51 No Injury 33 No Injury 0 0 Dry Other improper action 38 22 No Injury 0 Dry Dry Over-correcting/over-steering Operating defective equiptment 49 25 24 No Injury 31 No Injury 0 0 Wet No Improper Driving 26 23 No Injury 0 Wet No Improper Driving 40 17 Non-incapacitating 2 *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. V1 was stopped on church St int. of Main St. V1 proceeded to turn right on red and pulled out in front of V2. V2 proceed to speed up and try to cut V1 off. V2 struck V1 V2 stated that the light turned green and she proceed to turn left. V1 was traveling straight. V2 collided with V1 V1 (TT unit) was making right turn from Main to South St. The tire of the TT unit hit the drivers side of V2 V2 was stopped at red light, V1 failed to stop striking the rear of V2 V1 stopped to let a ped cross in the crosswalk. V2 could not stop in time and hit V1 from behind V1 turning left from East Main onto South St. slid on snow covered road into V2 No accident report V1 was at intersection waiting to turn left onto Church St, when it was struck from behind by V2 V2 and V1 bith headed WB on East Main St. V2 stopped as traffic light changed from green to yellow. V1 struck the read of V2 causing demage Ped was struck by a dark colored SUV while she was walking EB in the marked crosswalk V1 backed into the front of V2 to clear way for TT unit. Ball hitch on V1 damaged grill on V2 V2 had the green light/right of way prior to the collision. Accident took place at the 4 way intersection V1 stopped in traffic, V2 failed to stop in time striking V1 V2 was at the intersection stopped for a red traffic light. V1 was traveling south bound on Church St. V1 failed to notice V2 was stopped and struck the rear driver's side bumper of V2 V1 was turning right onto South St. V2 was stopped at a traffic light on South st. V1 made a wide right turn, sideswiping Veh 2 in the process V2 ran red light striking driverside of V1 Both vehicles were stopped for traffic. V1 backed up in traffic to allow the ped to cross. V1 backed into V2 V1 was traveling North on South St approaching a flashing red light on South St, making a left turn on Main st. V2 was traveling West on East Main St. onto Main st at a flashing yellow light. V1 pulled into the intersection and V2 struck V1 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts South St @ Main St, Ware, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 17% 17% 15% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 10% 6% 6% 5% 0% 0% J F M A 0% M J 0% J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 28% 30% 22% 20% 17% 11% 10% 0% 6% 6% Monday Tuesday Wednesday 11% Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 28% 30% 20% 17%17% 11% 11% 10% 0% 6% 6% 6% 0% 0% 6AM8AM 8AM10AM 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 2PM4PM 4PM6PM 6PM8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 0% 0% 12AM2AM 2AM4AM 4AM6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 50% 44% 40% 33% 30% 20% 10% 0% 11% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end South St @ Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet Angle 6% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 1 of 3 0% 0% Head on Rear to Rear 6% Peds/Bikes 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts South St @ Main St, Ware, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 72% 60% 40% 28% 20% 0% Daylight 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 61% 28% 11% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow 0% Severe Crosswinds Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Snow Rain Cloudy 0% Clear 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 60% 61% 33% 40% 20% 0% 6% Dry Wet Snow South St @ Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 0% Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 2 of 3 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown 3/16/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts South St @ Main St, Ware, MA CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 25% 21% 20% 10% 0% 18% 7% 18% 7% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 4% 80+ INJURY STATUS 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 78% 0% 0% Fatal Incapacitating South St @ Main St-Crash Data Spreadsheet 6% Non-incapacitating 11% Possible 3 of 3 6% No Injury Unknown 3/16/2015 Road Safety Audit Main Street (Route 9), Ware Prepared by CHA Consulting Appendix D. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Weekday AM Peak Hour 25 15 1 CHURCH ST. Main St, West St, North St, South St & Church St.: 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. MAIN ST. 110 30 15 400 MAIN ST. 40 135 45 195 65 220 75 415 40 5 185 10 120 25 5 160 380 PULASKI ST. PULASKI ST. 230 120 40 160 Legend: XX # of Vehicles MASS. Main Street, Ware Town Center Project Ware, MA 2015 A.M. Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts Figure 2 Weekday PM Peak Hour 25 20 2 CHURCH ST. Main St, West St, North St, South St & Church St.: 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. MAIN ST. 130 50 45 530 MAIN ST. 105 215 30 75 505 45 430 145 390 10 210 10 225 60 25 220 580 PULASKI ST. PULASKI ST. 415 180 60 200 Legend: XX # of Vehicles MASS. Main Street, Ware Town Center Project Ware, MA 2015 P.M. Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts Figure 3 Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995.