ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive City of Chicopee April 2013 Prepared for: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared by: Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates 38 Chauncy Street Boston, MA 02111 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Location Description .....................................................................................................5 Corridor-Wide Issues ........................................................................................................................ 11 Location 1: Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street ................................................................... 13 Location 2: Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street.............................................................. 16 Location 3: Montgomery Street/Grattan Street ................................................................................. 20 Location 4: Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive .................................................... 22 Potential Safety Enhancements ...............................................................................................25 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 2. Broadway Street at East Street/Belcher Street and at East Main Street/Main Street/Church Street 6 Figure 3. Montgomery Street at Grattan Street and at Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive ....................... 8 Road Safety Audit Observations .............................................................................................................. 10 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 4 Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements ....................................................................... 27 Page 1 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Background The Road Safety Audit (RSA) focused on four intersections along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive in Chicopee. According to crash records provided by the City of Chicopee Police Department, 161 crashes were reported and documented by the Chicopee Police Department at the four intersections from 2010-2012, including 50 crashes resulting in personal injury. The intersection of Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street is listed second on the top 100 crash locations in the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission’s (PVPC’s) region. The intersections of Montgomery Street/Grattan Street and Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive are together listed third on the top 100 crash locations list. From 2010-2012, 56 crashes were reported at these locations; however, an RSA team member noted that 77 crashes occurred from 2007 to 2009, the years that PVPC used to compile the top 100 crash locations list. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has determined that the City of Chicopee would be eligible to receive Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding for reconstruction of the intersections if an RSA were conducted and the proposed design incorporated the safety improvements identified in the RSA. The four study area intersections are located along the Broadway Street/Montgomery Street corridor in Chicopee. The RSA study area is illustrated in Figure 1. The intersections of Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street and Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street are located south of the Deady Bridge over the Chicopee River, and the intersections of Montgomery Street/Grattan Street and Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive are located north of the bridge. The Deady Bridge was recently reconstructed, completed in 2006. The intersection of Montgomery Street/Grattan Street was updated with new signal equipment as part of the Deady Bridge reconstruction. It operates with actuated signal control. All other intersections operate on pretimed signal operation. There is no coordination among the study area intersections, despite their proximity. In general, the RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of future design efforts for reconstruction. The short-term, low-cost potential improvements could be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to reconstruction, as appropriate. Page 2 G ROAD Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Locus Map IA L RY ME G STR RA TT AN DR TGO IV E N MO RSA Study Area EET ST ME MO R Figure 1. RE ET CH ICO PE ER IVE R EAST M AIN ST EA ST ST RE ET REET BROADWAY ST CH UR CH ST RE ET REET Source: Google Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Not to scale. Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Project Data The audit team conducted an RSA for the four locations in Chicopee on Tuesday, April 30, 2013. The RSA agenda appears in Appendix A. Table 1 lists the audit team members and their affiliations. Appendix B provides contact information for all team members. Prior to the RSA, in order to begin assessing possible safety issues, the team reviewed collision diagrams and crash detail summaries based on crash records supplied by the Chicopee Police Department for the intersections. Appendix C provides the detailed crash data for the study area. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Gary Roux Richard Nunes Steven Frederick Steve Savaria Bao Lang Carrie Lavallee Lisa Schletzbaum Corey O’Connor Mike Tremblay Keri Pyke Agency/Affiliation Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Chicopee Police Department Chicopee Department of Public Works Fuss & O’Neill MassDOT District 2 MassDOT Project Management MassDOT Highway Division, Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division, Safety Section Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates According to the data provided by the Chicopee Police Department, 161 crashes were reported and documented by the Chicopee Police Department within the study area from 2010-2012, including 50 crashes resulting in personal injury. Of the 161crashes, 113 (or 70%) occurred in daylight, 42 (26%) occurred after dark, and 6 (4%) occurred during dawn or dusk. Most crashes occurred on dry pavement; of the 161 crashes, 118 (73%) occurred on dry pavement, 36 (23%) occurred on wet pavement, and 7 (4%) occurred on snow or ice. One crash involved a bicyclist; however, according to the police report, the crash was the fault of the cyclist. Page 4 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Project Location Description The RSA focused on four signalized intersections along Broadway Street and Montgomery Street in Chicopee. Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street is a signalized intersection with four approaches. The signals at the intersection are pretimed. The East Street westbound approach consists of a shared left­ turn/through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. The Broadway Street northbound approach consists of a left-turn lane, a shared left-turn/through lane, and a channelized right-turn lane. Vehicles turning left would continue along Broadway Street northbound. The Broadway Street southbound approach consists of a one shared left-turn/through lane and two right-turn lanes. The two right-turn lanes are used for vehicles to continue along Broadway Street southbound. The Belcher Street southwestbound approach consists of a single travel lane. Sidewalks and crosswalks are provided at the intersection. Some pedestrian indications are missing, and team members noted that the pedestrian walk period is too short when called. Accessible ramps are in poor condition in some locations. Pavement is in fair condition, and pavement markings are in poor condition. Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street is a signalized intersection with five approaches. The Main Street eastbound approach consists of one exclusive left-turn lane and one shared through/right-turn lane. The East Main Street westbound approach consists of a shared left-turn/through lane and an exclusive right-turn lane. The Broadway Street northbound approach consists of an exclusive left-turn lane, a through lane, and a shared through/right-turn lane. The Broadway Street southbound approach from the Deady Bridge consists of a shared left-turn/through lane and a through lane on the east side of a channelization island, and a through lane and an exclusive right-turn lane on the west side of the island. The through movements from the east side of the island are used by traffic continuing on Broadway Street, while the through movements from the west side of the island would continue onto Church Street. The Church Street southeast-bound approach is a channelized right-turn slip lane that intersects Broadway Street southbound approximately 175 feet south of the intersection. The Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street intersection is located approximately 500 feet north of the Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street intersection. Sidewalks are provided, but pedestrian indications, where provided, do not function, and some accessible ramps were damaged or not present. Pavement is in fair condition, and pavement markings are in poor condition. The signal at the intersection is pretimed. An aerial image of the intersections of Broadway Street at East Street/Belcher Street and East Main Street/Main Street/Church Street is shown in Figure 2. Montgomery Street/Grattan Street is a signalized intersection with four approaches. The signals at the intersection were updated along with reconstruction of the Deady Bridge in 2006 and are currently actuated. The Grattan Street eastbound approach consists of a shared left-turn/through lane and an exclusive right-turn lane. The Grattan Street westbound approach consists of a single travel lane. The Montgomery Street northbound approach from the Deady Bridge consists of an exclusive left-turn lane, a through lane, and a shared through/right-turn lane. The Montgomery Street southbound approach consists of a shared left-turn/through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. The intersection of Montgomery Page 5 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Figure 2. Broadway Street at East Street/Belcher Street and at Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street BROADWAY STRE ET EAST MAIN STREET BE LC HE R ST RE ET CH UR CH ST RE ET MAIN STREET REET BROADWAY ST EA ST ST RE ET Source: Google Not to scale. Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Street/Grattan Street is located just 200 feet south of Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive. Pedestrian sidewalks and signal indications are provided. The pavement is in fair condition, but the pavement markings are in poor condition. Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive is a signalized intersection with four approaches. The Sheridan Street westbound approach consists of one wide travel lane that often functions as two travel lanes. The Montgomery Street northbound approach consists of an exclusive left-turn lane, a through lane, and a shared through/right-turn lane. The Montgomery Street southbound approach consists of a channelized left-turn lane that allows access to Memorial Drive and Sheridan Street, and a through slip lane that allows “free” movement through the signal after stopping at a stop sign. The Memorial Drive southwest-bound approach consists of a shared left-turn/through lane, a through lane, and a channelized right-turn lane that provides access to Montgomery Street northbound. Pedestrian crosswalks are provided; however, there is no crosswalk provided across the north leg of Montgomery Street. Pedestrian indications, where provided and functional, did not give sufficient walk time. Pedestrian ramps are not provided in some locations. The intersection is pretimed. The Montgomery Street northbound approach operates concurrently with the Memorial Drive southwest-bound approach, with permissive left-turn movements for both approaches. The Memorial Drive southwest-bound approach is then stopped, allowing for a lagging protected left-turn phase for the Montgomery Street northbound approach to move along with Montgomery Street northbound through movements. Finally, the Montgomery Street southbound approach operates concurrently with the Sheridan Street westbound approach. Field observations indicated that the pavement is in very poor condition, and that the pavement markings are in poor condition. The intersections of Montgomery Street/Grattan Street and Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive are shown in Figure 3. These intersections are the junctions of the following roadways, which are categorized according to MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning functional classifications: Belcher Street is a two-lane roadway that is classified by MassDOT as a local roadway that falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. Belcher Street runs in a northeast-southwest direction between East Main Street to the northeast and Broadway Street to the southwest. Sidewalks and on-street parking are provided along Belcher Street. Broadway Street is classified by MassDOT as an urban minor arterial south of East Street and an urban principal arterial north of East Street, and falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. Broadway Street generally runs in a north-south direction between the Deady Bridge to the north and the Springfield city line to the south. Within the study area, Broadway Street consists of three lanes northbound and two lanes southbound, but generally consists of one travel lane in each direction. Sidewalks are provided along Broadway Street, and, south of the study area, parking is generally provided along one side of the roadway. Page 7 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Figure 3. Montgomery Street at Grattan Street and at Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive MEM ORI AL D RIV E T TREE ERY S GOM MONT SHERIDAN STREET PRIDE GAS GRAT TAN S TREE MONTGOMERY STREET T Source: Google Not to scale. Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Church Street is a two-lane roadway classified by MassDOT as an urban principal arterial and falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. Church Street generally runs in a northeast-southwest direction between Broadway Street to the northeast and Grove Street to the southwest. Pedestrian sidewalks and on-street parking are provided on Church Street. East Street is a two-lane roadway classified by MassDOT as an urban principal arterial and falls under the City of Chicopee jurisdiction. East Street generally runs in a northwest-southeast direction between Broadway Street in the northwest and Page Boulevard to the southeast. Sidewalks are provided along East Street, and parking is generally prohibited. East Main Street (Route 141) is a two-lane roadway within the study area and classified by MassDOT as an urban minor arterial. East Main Street falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. East Main Street generally runs in an east-west direction between the Springfield city line to the east and Broadway Street to the west. Within the study area, sidewalks are provided along East Main Street, and parking is generally permitted. Grattan Street (Route 141) is a two-lane roadway and is classified by MassDOT as an urban principal arterial. Grattan Street falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. Grattan Street generally runs in a northwest-southeast direction, running from Chicopee Street in the northwest to approximately 500 feet beyond Montgomery Street in the southeast. Sidewalks and on-street parking is provided along Grattan Street. Main Street is a two-lane roadway that is classified by MassDOT as an urban principal arterial. Main Street falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. Main Street runs in an east-west direction between Broadway Street to the east and West Main Street to the west. Sidewalks are provided along East Street, and parking is generally permitted. Memorial Drive (Route 33) is a four-lane divided highway that is classified by MassDOT as an urban principal arterial. Memorial Drive falls under MassDOT jurisdiction. Memorial Drive runs in a northsouth direction between the South Hadley City line to the north and Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street to the south. Sidewalks are generally not provided along Memorial Drive, and parking is prohibited. Montgomery Street is a two-lane roadway that is classified by MassDOT as an urban minor arterial and falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. Montgomery Street runs in a north-south direction between Prospect Street to the north and the Deady Bridge to the south. Sidewalks are provided along Montgomery Street, and parking is generally permitted on at least one side of the roadway. Sheridan Street is a two-lane roadway that is classified by MassDOT as an urban collector and falls under the City of Chicopee’s jurisdiction. Sheridan Street runs in an east-west direction between the Army Corps of Engineers office in the northeast to Montgomery Street in the southwest. Near the study area, sidewalks are provided on Sheridan Street, and parking is generally prohibited. . Page 9 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Observations Based on field observations on Tuesday, April 30, 2013, the RSA team determined that the four study area intersections have the following issues that affect safety: � � � � � � � � � Signage; Pavement markings; Intersection geometry; Access management; Lane use; Lighting; Pavement condition; Pedestrian accommodations; and Bicycle accommodations. The following sections describe in more detail the safety issues and potential enhancements determined during the RSA. Several of these issues require further study and engineering judgment to determine the feasibility of implementing the improvements to address them. Page 10 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Corridor-Wide Issues The RSA team made the following observations with regard to traffic signals, signage, pavement markings, pedestrian accommodations, and bicycle accommodations along Broadway Street and Montgomery Street within the study area. Observations: Traffic Signals RSA team members noted that the four traffic signals are not currently coordinated, and that all of the signals, with the exception of the signal at Montgomery Street/Grattan Street, are pretimed. During field observations, team members noted that some signal indications do not have visors or backplates, and that most signal indications use incandescent lights, which are more difficult to see than LED lights. Signal equipment is damaged in some locations. Team members stated that there is no emergency vehicle Visors and backplates are missing preemption at any of the traffic signals, with the from some signal indications. exception of hard-wired preemption from the public safety complex on Church Street to the Broadway Street/East Main Street/Main Street/Church Street intersection. Signage RSA team members noted that there is a general lack of guide signage, including street name signage and destination signage. There is also a general lack of lane use signage along Broadway Street and Montgomery Street that would allow motorists to move into the proper lane before arriving at an intersection. Pavement Markings During field observations, team members noted that pavement markings were worn away in many areas, particularly white longitudinal lane lines, lane use markings, and crosswalks. There were 28 sideswipe crashes at the study area intersections that may have been caused by motorists changing lanes unexpectedly or by motorists who failed to keep in the proper lane. Pedestrian Accommodations Pedestrian indications are missing at some locations. During field observations, team members discovered that pedestrian signal indications were not functional, or did Page 11 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. not provide adequate time to cross the roadway. Some pedestrian indications were missing entirely. Several Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) bus routes are located within the study area. Team members suggested that inadequate pedestrian accommodations may make it difficult for pedestrians to access PVTA stops within the study area. Bicycle Accommodations During field observations, team members noted that there are no bicycle accommodations within the study area. Shoulders are provided in some locations, including over the Deady Bridge, but they are not consistent. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider repairing or replacing damaged signal indications. 2. Consider updating signal equipment, including LED signal indications, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)-compliant pedestrian indications, visors, and backplates. New signal equipment should be capable of actuation and coordination with nearby traffic signals and should include retroreflective backplates and a flashing yellow arrow operation, where applicable. 3. Provide emergency vehicle pre-emption at all study area intersections. 4. Provide clear and consistent guide signage and street name signage throughout the study area. All signage should comply with MUTCD standards on size and retroreflectivity. 5. Consider providing advance lane use signage throughout the study area to reduce the frequency of crashes involving vehicles using the incorrect lane or unexpectedly changing lanes. 6. Replace worn longitudinal, lane use, and crosswalk pavement markings. Retroreflective thermoplastic should be used for all new pavement markings. 7. Retime all pedestrian phases in the study area, providing MUTCD-compliant “walk” and “flashing don’t walk” times. Consider using countdown pedestrian indications. 8. Replace all missing pedestrian signal indications. 9. Consider providing bicycle facilities in the study area, including shared lane markings, shoulders, and/or bicycle lanes, where possible. 10. As part of long-term planning efforts, consider the feasibility and appropriateness of providing continuous, dedicated bicycle facilities within the study area. Page 12 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Location 1: Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street The RSA team made the following observations with regard to intersection geometry, pavement markings, signage, and pedestrian signals at the intersection of Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street. Observations: Intersection Geometry Two sideswipe crashes involved vehicles turning through the intersection along Broadway Street southbound. The southern leg of Broadway Street narrows from two lanes to one lane just south of the intersection, creating a merging movement between the vehicles traveling along Broadway Street southbound. No pavement markings or warning signage for the merge are provided. One sideswipe crash involved vehicles traveling along Broadway Street northbound. RSA team members noted that the Broadway Street northbound departure lanes may be too narrow to accommodate two vehicles side-by-side, especially given that the vehicles must make a left turn to continue through on Broadway Street northbound. The channelizing islands are confusing for motorists and the existing signage to guide cars through them adds to the confusion and clutter. Because of the damage to signs on the islands, it was assumed that vehicles frequently drive over the islands. Signage RSA team members noted that there is significant sign There is significant sign clutter at the clutter at the intersection. On the Broadway Street southbound approach to the intersection, there are “No intersection. U-Turn” (R3-6) and “No Right Turn” (R3-1) signs facing traffic on the left side of the median, and a “No Left Turn” (R3-2) sign facing traffic on the right side of the median. The placement of the “No Right Turn” sign may confuse drivers that want to bear right to continue onto Broadway Street southbound; likewise, the placement of the “No Left Turn” sign may confuse vehicles that intend to turn left onto Belcher Street. Text signs stating “No U-Turn” and “No Left Turn” are located below the respective diagrammatic signs. A text “No Left Turn” sign and a diagrammatic “No Left Turn” sign are located on the island adjacent to There are two stop lines along the Broadway Street southbound rightthe Broadway Street channelized northbound right-turn turn lanes. Page 13 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. lane. RSA team members also observed that there are very few street name signs in the vicinity of the intersection. This may lead to confusion, especially considering the complex geometry and channelization of the intersection. Pavement Markings RSA team members observed that there are two stop lines for the Broadway Street southbound right-turn lanes. Two rear-end crashes occurred in the Broadway Street southbound right-turn lanes; one occurred upstream of the crosswalk, and the other occurred downstream of the crosswalk. Team members also noted that pavement markings are generally in poor condition. Pedestrian Signals RSA team members observed that several pedestrian indications are missing at the intersection. It appears as though signal indications were hit by vehicles and never replaced. Team members noted that there is substandard “walk” time for those signal indications that are provided. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider providing dotted lane line markings through the intersection for Broadway Street northbound traffic to better define the two-lane geometry of the roadway. 2. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, widening the Broadway Street northbound departure lanes so that two vehicles can comfortably turn through the intersection. 3. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider altering the geometry of the intersection, removing the channelization islands and providing a more traditional intersection layout. 4. Reduce sign clutter at the intersection. Consider replacing the “No Left Turn” and “No Right Turn” signage on the Broadway Street southbound approach with advance lane use signage. Remove any redundant signage or any signage that is not MUTCD-compliant. 5. Provide advance guide signage and lane designation signage to help guide motorists safely through the intersection. 6. Provide merge warning signage on the Broadway Street southbound departure. 7. Provide additional street name signage at the intersection that complies with MUTCD size and retroflectivity. 8. Remove the stop line located downstream of the crosswalk for the Broadway Street southbound right-turn lanes. Page 14 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. 9. Replace missing pedestrian signal indications. 10. Retime all pedestrian phases at the intersection, providing MUTCD-compliant “walk” and “flashing don’t walk” times. Page 15 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Location 2: Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street The RSA team made the following observations with regard to traffic signals, lane use, intersection geometry, and signage at the intersection of Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street. Observations: Traffic Signals Of the 84 crashes that occurred at the intersection, 31 (37%) involved left-turning traffic from Broadway Street and opposing through traffic. The intersection currently uses protected and permitted signal phasing for both Broadway Street approaches, and split phasing for the Main Street eastbound approach and the East Main Street westbound approach. Of the 31 crashes involving Broadway Street left-turning traffic and opposing Broadway Street through traffic, 20 (64%) involved motorists who claimed to have a green light. The signal currently provides a leading left-turn interval to Broadway Street southbound traffic, and a lagging left-turn interval to Broadway Street northbound traffic. Left-turning vehicles from the Broadway Street northbound approach may be unaware that they need to yield to both Broadway Street southbound through movements to Broadway Street and those to Church Street during the permissive phase. Motorists turning left during the Broadway Street southbound permissive left-turn A horizontal curve and a tree line phase may be unaware of the Broadway Street obscure signals from Broadway Street northbound traffic. northbound lagging left-turn phase, and believe they will be able to clear the intersection. RSA team members noted that the Broadway Street northbound approach to the intersection consists of a significant horizontal curve that, combined with the downhill geometry and tree line along the east side of the roadway, obscures sightlines of the traffic signals at the intersection. There are only two signal indications facing the Broadway Street northbound approach, both of which are postmounted and located next to each other in the median. . Seven rear-end crashes occurred on the Broadway Street northbound approach to the intersection. Queues along Main Street eastbound are extremely long, even during offpeak periods. During field observations, the RSA team noted long queues on the Main Street eastbound approach. The field observations were conducted during an off-peak period; team members commented that queues can get much longer during peak periods. The adjacent Page 16 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. bridge to the west is closed for reconstruction, which may account for some of the queuing. Team members stated that the signal is pretimed and may not allocate green time appropriately. Team members stated that emergency vehicle preemption is not provided at the intersection. Lane Use RSA team members stated that vehicles sometimes turn left from the through lane on Main Street eastbound. This may present a safety issue if the vehicle in the left-turn lane does not expect a vehicle in the through lane to turn left, or if a vehicle on East Main Street westbound attempts to make a right turn on red. Team members also observed vehicles pulling ahead of the crosswalk across the East Main Street westbound approach in order to see oncoming vehicles before turning right on red. Two crashes occurred between left-turning vehicles from Main Street eastbound and vehicles on East Main Street westbound making a right turn on red. One crash involved a vehicle who underestimated the left turn from Main Street eastbound and hit a light pole. Team members also noted that the East Main Street westbound approach sometimes operates as only one travel lane, if the first vehicle in the queue stops in the middle of the approach. Three sideswipe crashes and five rear-end crashes occurred along the East Main Street eastbound approach. RSA team members also noted that there is sometimes confusion regarding lane use along Broadway Street. Five sideswipe crashes occurred along Broadway Street northbound, and six sideswipe crashes occurred along Broadway Street southbound, indicating that motorists may be changing lanes unexpectedly. Intersection Geometry The intersection geometry may be confusing to those unfamiliar with the area. Motorists must bear left along the Broadway Street southbound approach to the intersection over the Deady Bridge in order to access East Main Street or Broadway Street, and must bear right to access Church Street or Main Street. The Church Street southbound may be accessed by bearing right along Broadway Street southbound over the Deady Bridge; however, the Church Street northbound approach functions as a Church Street consists of a right-turn slip lane leading to Broadway southbound. A slip lane onto Broadway Street southbound, except for a mountable mountable curb and exclusive signal allows emergency vehicle access road. emergency vehicles to access the intersection from Church Street northbound; however, there is no way for general traffic to access the intersection from Church Street. Since u-turns are prohibited at the Broadway Street southbound approach to the intersection of Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street, motorists on Church Street Page 17 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. northbound that mistakenly turn onto Broadway Street southbound are significantly diverted from their intended route. The channelization island on the Broadway Street southbound approach creates confusion for vehicles turning left from Broadway Street northbound to Main Street. Broadway Street northbound left-turning traffic may not expect to have to yield to the Broadway Street southbound through movements to Church Street, and if they do yield, they may block the Broadway Street southbound through movements to Broadway Street. Signage RSA team members observed a lack of guide signage and lane use signage at the intersection, particularly along the Broadway Street southbound approach. Guide signage and lane use signage is located within the splitter island; however, there is no advance lane use signage that would inform motorists as to which side of the island to use. One advance guide sign is provided, informing motorists to keep left for Broadway Street and for Route 141; however, it does not provide any information for traffic keeping right at the island. Six sideswipe crashes and five rear-end crashes involved vehicles traveling along the Broadway Street southbound approach. Pedestrian Accommodations RSA team members noted that pedestrian indications are missing at the southwest corner of the intersection, and that the other pedestrian indications do not currently function. Team members stated that the area has moderate pedestrian traffic, including some motorized wheelchair activity. Potential Enhancements: 1. Evaluate the feasibility of changing the signal phasing of the intersection so that Broadway Street northbound left turn movements operate only during a protected left-turn phase. 2. Consider the safety benefits of reversing the lead/lag signal phasing for the Broadway Street northbound and southbound approaches, providing the Broadway Street northbound left-turn movements with a protected left-turn phase before the permissive phase. 3. Consider protected-only left-turn phasing for the Broadway Street northbound left-turn movement. The potential impacts of this change on intersection operations and capacity should also be considered before making this change. 4. Upgrade signals to allow for a flashing yellow arrow to indicate permissive left-turn movements if permissive movements are retained. 5. Consider trimming the tree line along the east side of the Broadway Street northbound approach to improve visibility of the signal indications. 6. Provide overhead signal indications and a far-side signal for the Broadway Street northbound approach to maximize signal visibility. Consider sight distance limitations along the approach. Page 18 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. 7. Provide advance lane use signage along all approaches to the intersection. 8. Consider the safety benefits of prohibiting right turns on red from East Main Street westbound. 9. Consider the feasibility of allowing a double left-turn on Main Street eastbound. If feasible, dotted lane line extensions should be painted within the intersection so that two vehicles may safely turn left onto the Deady Bridge. 10. Replace worn pavement markings with MUTCD-compliant retroreflective thermoplastic. 11. Evaluate the need for the Church Street emergency vehicle access roadway and signal indication. 12. Provide additional guide signage along the Broadway Street northbound approach to the intersection, such as “Church Street/Main Street Keep Right” to supplement existing guide signage for Route 141 and Broadway Street. If possible, provide overhead guide signs. 13. Replace the missing pedestrian indications at the southwest corner of the intersection, and ensure that pedestrian indications are functional. 14. Retime all pedestrian phases at the intersection, providing MUTCD-compliant “walk” and “flashing don’t walk” times. Page 19 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Location 3: Montgomery Street/Grattan Street The RSA team made the following observations with regard to traffic signals, access management, and signage at the intersection of Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street. Observations: Traffic Signals RSA team members stated that the green time for the Montgomery Street northbound left-turn phase may be insufficient. According to team members, one to two vehicles often turn left without yielding once the signal goes from a protected left-turn arrow to a green ball. Seven crashes occurred between Montgomery Street northbound left-turning traffic and Montgomery Street southbound through traffic; four of these resulted in personal injury. Team members noted that signal indications are often struck by trucks turning into the private driveway opposite the Grattan Street eastbound approach. Access Management The Pride gas station, which also contains Subway and Dunkin’ Donuts, has one driveway along the Montgomery Street southbound approach to the intersection, and two driveways on Grattan Street westbound approach. RSA team members noted that motorists often turn left out of the Montgomery Street driveway. A custom “No Left Turn per Chicopee Traffic Department” sign is located at the exit to the driveway. The entrance to the Pride gas Station along Grattan Street is located along the Grattan Street eastbound approach to the Grattan Street/Montgomery Street intersection. Team members also noted that the eastern Pride driveway on Grattan Street is very close to the intersection. One crash involved a vehicle that was rear-ended while turning left from the Grattan Street exclusive left-turn lane into the Pride gas station’s east driveway. The “following” vehicle in the crash may have assumed the “front” car was turning at the intersection and not into the driveway. While no crashes were reported within the Pride gas station, an RSA team member noted that additional crashes may have occurred within the gas station due to access and circulation issues. Lighting Of the 30 crashes that occurred at the intersection, 14 (47%) occurred in dark lighting conditions; one crash occurred at dawn. Team members stated that lighting conditions appear to be satisfactory, and the high instance of crashes may be related to the nearby Pride gas station, which was noted by an RSA member as being known for the lowest-priced gas in the area. Page 20 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. Evaluate the appropriateness of providing the Montgomery Street northbound protected leftturn with additional green time or clearance time. Consider the appropriateness of restricting left turns to the protected left-turn phase only. 2. If permissive left-turn movements are retained, upgrade the signal to allow for a flashing yellow operation during the permissive left-turn phase. 3. Evaluate the feasibility of moving signal indications so that they are not struck by heavy vehicle traffic. 4. Replace the “No Left Turn per Chicopee Traffic Department” sign, with a standard “No Left Turn” (R3-2) sign at the Pride gas station’s driveway along Montgomery Street. Consider increased enforcement of the “No Left Turn” restriction. 5. Consider restricting the Pride gas station driveways on Grattan Street to entrance- and exitonly, or restricting the eastern driveway to right-turn in, right-turn out only. 6. Evaluate the need for additional roadway lighting at the intersection. Page 21 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Location 4: Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive The RSA team made the following observations with regard to intersection geometry, traffic signals, pavement, and pedestrian accommodations at the intersection of Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive. Observations: Intersection Geometry The Montgomery Street northbound approach has a left-turn lane of approximately 80 feet. Field observations indicated that queues often extend beyond this pocket, and left-turning traffic blocks the center travel lane due to a raised median island that shadows the Montgomery Street northbound left-turn pocket at the Montgomery Street/Grattan Street intersection to the south. The island makes it more difficult for traffic leaving the parking lot along the east side of Montgomery Street to turn left; however, team members stated that some traffic still attempts to turn left, using the painted gore area south of the island as a refuge. Two rear-end crashes occurred within the Montgomery Street southbound through lane, which is stop-controlled and allows motorists to travel through the intersection without stopping at a signal. This geometry is unique, and motorists may not expect to have a stop sign for a movement at a traffic signal. The MUTCD prohibits a stop sign at a traffic signal. Public safety officials stated that motorists often travel through the lane at high speeds due to the downhill grade along the Montgomery Street southbound approach. Montgomery Street southbound The Sheridan Street westbound approach consists of one through traffic uses a stopcontrolled slip lane. lane that is sometimes used as two travel lanes. A cobblestone island separates the two directions of traffic at the approach; however, the cobblestones are in poor condition. Signal Indications RSA team members observed that there are no far-side signal indications facing the Sheridan Street westbound approach. Vehicles at the front of the queue on Sheridan Street may not be able to see the two existing overhead signal indications. Five rear-end crashes occurred on Memorial Drive southbound. High speeds and poor signal visibility combined with a lack of advance warning signage approaching the intersection may be contributing factors to these crashes. Page 22 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Similar to the Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street and Broadway Street/Main Street/East Main Street/Church Street intersections, the Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive signal is pretimed. Two angle crashes involved left-turning vehicles from Montgomery Street southbound to Sheridan Street. In each crash, both motorists claimed to have a green light. Team members noted that the signal phasing at the intersection allows only permissive left-turns from Memorial Drive southbound, and left-turning vehicles must yield to two lanes of Montgomery Street northbound traffic. Two sideswipe crashes and one rear-end crash occurred when uninvolved vehicles turned left from Memorial Drive onto Sheridan Street. One sideswipe crash occurred on the Montgomery Street northbound approach to the intersection; the other two crashes occurred on the Memorial Drive southwest-bound approach. The two crashes on Memorial Drive occurred when a vehicle slowed or stopped unexpectedly to take a left turn. The downhill slope of the Memorial Drive southwest-bound approach may cause higher travel speeds on the approach, which may have contributed to these crashes. The sideswipe crash on Montgomery Street northbound occurred when a vehicle swerved to avoid a vehicle that had stopped unexpectedly to avoid a Memorial Drive southbound left-turning vehicle. Pavement Condition Team members observed that the pavement condition in the vicinity of the intersection is poor, and the road as rutted due to heavy vehicle traffic. Team members also commented that, due to the slope of the roadways, storm water from Montgomery Street and Memorial Drive flows into the intersection, which may contribute to the rutted roadway. Pedestrian Accommodations There are currently no pedestrian accommodations that would make it possible for pedestrians to cross Montgomery Street. Pedestrians would need to walk to the intersection of Montgomery Street/Grattan Street in order to cross Montgomery Street using a crosswalk. Several PVTA buses travel along Montgomery Street, and the lack of pedestrian crossings across Montgomery Street at the intersection may inconvenience patrons of the bus service. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider removing the raised median island at the entrance to the Montgomery Street northbound left-turn lane to allow for an extended queue. 2. Evaluate the feasibility and safety benefits of removing the Montgomery Street southbound through lane and incorporating all Montgomery Street southbound movements into the intersection to reduce confusion. Page 23 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. 3. Remove the cobblestones on the Sheridan Street westbound approach to the intersection, and formalize two approach lanes. Include lane use and/or guide signage along the Sheridan Street westbound approach, as appropriate. 4. Provide far side signal posts on the Sheridan Street westbound approach so that they are visible to motorists stopped at the Sheridan Street westbound stop line. 5. Evaluate the visibility of the signal indications on Memorial Drive southwest-bound, and consider advanced warning signage regarding the signal for Memorial Drive southwestbound vehicles approaching the intersection. 6. Evaluate the safety benefits and operational and capacity impacts of providing a protected left-turn phase for the Memorial Drive southwest-bound approach to the intersection. 7. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider full-depth reconstruction of the intersection to repair pavement rutting. Consider the volume of heavy vehicles, as well as the flow of water from Montgomery Street and Memorial Drive, when designing pavement structures. 8. Evaluate the need for a pedestrian crossing across Montgomery Street, considering PVTA access. Page 24 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements Based on its observations and discussions, the RSA team identified the issues and possible enhancements that could improve safety at the four study area intersections. Because the intersection of Montgomery Street/Grattan Street was updated in 2006, most improvements at that intersection will be short-term upgrades; at the other intersections, both short-term and long-term improvements are recommended. Short-term enhancements include, but are not limited to: � Provide lane use signage and guide signage; � Repaint longitudinal, lane use, and crosswalk markings; � Evaluate signal timings and phasing; � Provide visors and retroreflective backplates on signals; � Improve access management at the Pride gas station; � Remove sign clutter; and � Provide street name signage. To enhance the safety of the corridor, the long-term enhancements are to: � Widen the Broadway Street northbound departure lanes at East Street/Belcher Street; � Close the Montgomery Street southbound lane at Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive; � Upgrade signal equipment to allow for actuation, coordination, and flashing yellow left arrows for permissive movements; � Coordinate all signals in the study area; � Evaluate the need for existing channelization islands; � Evaluate the need for additional lighting; � Reconstruct pavement; � Provide improved pedestrian access; and � Provide bicycle accommodations. Page 25 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2 summarizes these safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, cost, and responsibility. Safety payoff estimates are based on engineering judgment and are categorized as low, medium, and high. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (typically >3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,000 to $50,000), or high (>$50,000). It is the responsibility of MassDOT to ensure that the designer incorporates the relevant safety enhancements identified as part of this RSA. The RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements. Those improvements should be evaluated and included as part of the design process for the resurfacing. Page 26 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements Safety Issue Corridor-Wide Issues Safety Enhancement Consider repairing or replacing damaged signal indications. Consider updating signal equipment, including LED signal indications, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)-compliant pedestrian indications, visors, and backplates. New signal equipment should be capable of actuation and coordination with nearby traffic signals, and should include retroreflective backplates and a flashing yellow arrow operation, where applicable. Provide emergency vehicle pre-emption at all study area intersections. Provide clear and consistent guide signage and street name signage throughout the study area. All signage should comply with MUTCD standards on size and retroreflectivity. Consider providing advance lane use signage throughout the study area to reduce the frequency of crashes involving vehicles using the incorrect lane or unexpectedly changing lanes. Replace worn longitudinal, lane use, and crosswalk pavement markings. Retroreflective thermoplastic should be used for all new pavement markings. Retime all pedestrian phases in the study area, providing MUTCD-compliant “walk” and “flashing don’t walk” times. Consider using countdown pedestrian indications. Replace all missing pedestrian signal indications. Consider providing bicycle facilities in the study area, including shared lane markings, shoulders, and/or bicycle lanes, where possible. As part of long-term planning efforts, consider the feasibility and appropriateness of providing continuous, dedicated bicycle facilities within the study area. Safety Payoff Medium Time Frame Short-term Cost Medium Responsible Party City of Chicopee High Long-term High City of Chicopee Medium Mid-term Medium City of Chicopee Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee High Short-term Medium City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Long-term Low City of Chicopee Page 27 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Location 1: Broadway Street/East Street/Belcher Street Safety Enhancement Consider providing dotted lane line markings through the intersection for Broadway Street northbound traffic to better define the two-lane geometry of the roadway. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider widening the geometry of the Broadway Street northbound departure lanes so that two vehicles can comfortably turn through the intersection. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider altering the geometry of the intersection, removing the channelization islands and providing a more traditional intersection layout. Reduce sign clutter at the intersection. Consider replacing the “No Left Turn” and “No Right Turn” signage on the Broadway Street southbound approach with advance lane use signage. Remove any redundant signage or any signage that is not MUTCD-compliant. Provide advance guide signage and lane designation signage to help guide motorists safely through the intersection. Provide merge warning signage on the Broadway Street southbound departure. Provide additional street name signage at the intersection that complies with MUTCD size and retroflectivity. Remove the southern stop line located downstream of the crosswalk for the Broadway Street southbound right-turn lanes. Replace missing pedestrian signal indications. Retime all pedestrian phases at the intersection, providing MUTCD-compliant “walk” and “flashing don’t walk” times. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee High Long-term High City of Chicopee High Long-term High City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee High Short-term Medium City of Chicopee Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee Page 28 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Location 2: Broadway Street/East Main Street/Main Street/Church Street Safety Enhancement Evaluate the feasibility of changing the signal phasing of the intersection so that Broadway Street northbound left turn movements operate only during a protected left-turn phase. Consider the safety benefits of reversing the lead/lag signal phasing for the Broadway Street northbound and southbound approaches, providing the Broadway Street northbound left-turn movements with a protected left-turn phase before the permissive phase. Consider protected-only left-turn phasing for the Broadway Street northbound left-turn movement. The potential impacts of this change on intersection operations and capacity should also be considered before making this change. Upgrade signals to allow for a flashing yellow arrow to indicate permissive left-turn movements if permissive movements are retained. Consider trimming the tree line along the east side of the Broadway Street northbound approach to improve visibility of the signal indications. Provide overhead signal indications and a far-side signal for the Broadway Street northbound approach to maximize signal visibility. Consider sight distance limitations along the approach. Provide advance lane use signage along all approaches to the intersection. Consider the safety benefits of prohibiting right turns on red from East Main Street westbound. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Medium City of Chicopee Low Short-term Medium City of Chicopee Medium Long-term Low City of Chicopee Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee High Mid-term High City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Page 29 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Location 2: Broadway Street/East Main Street/Main Street/Church Street Safety Enhancement Consider the feasibility of allowing a double left-turn on Main Street eastbound. If feasible, dotted lane line extensions should be painted within the intersection so that two vehicles may safely turn left onto the Deady Bridge. Replace worn pavement markings with MUTCD-compliant retroreflective thermoplastic. Evaluate the need for the Church Street emergency vehicle access roadway and signal indication. Provide additional guide signage along the Broadway Street northbound approach to the intersection, such as “Church Street/Main Street Keep Right” to supplement existing guide signage for Route 141 and Broadway Street. If possible, provide overhead guide signs. Replace the missing pedestrian indications at the southwest corner of the intersection, and ensure that pedestrian indications are functional. Retime all pedestrian phases at the intersection, providing MUTCD-compliant “walk” and “flashing don’t walk” times. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Long-term High City of Chicopee Low Short-term Medium City of Chicopee High Short-term Medium City of Chicopee Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee Page 30 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Location 3: Montgomery Street/Grattan Street Safety Enhancement Evaluate the appropriateness of providing the Montgomery Street northbound protected left-turn with additional green time or clearance time. Consider the appropriateness of restricting left turns to the protected left-turn phase only. If permissive left-turn movements are retained, upgrade the signal to allow for a flashing yellow operation during the permissive left-turn phase. Evaluate the feasibility of moving signal indications so that they are not struck by heavy vehicle traffic. Replace the “No Left Turn per Chicopee Traffic Department” sign, with a standard “No Left Turn” (R3-2) sign at the Pride gas station’s driveway along Montgomery Street. Consider increased enforcement of the “No Left Turn” restriction. Consider restricting the Pride gas station driveways on Grattan Street to entrance- and exit-only, or restricting the eastern driveway to right-turn in, right-turn out only. Evaluate the need for additional roadway lighting at the intersection. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Long-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee/ City of Chicopee Police Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee/ Pride gas Station Medium Long-term High City of Chicopee Page 31 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Location 4: Montgomery Street/Sheridan Street/Memorial Drive Safety Enhancement Consider removing the raised median island at the entrance to the Montgomery Street northbound left-turn lane to allow for an extended queue. Evaluate the feasibility and safety benefits of removing the Montgomery Street southbound through lane and incorporating all Montgomery Street southbound movements into the intersection to reduce confusion. Remove the cobblestones on the Sheridan Street westbound approach to the intersection, and formalize two approach lanes. Include lane use and/or guide signage along the Sheridan Street westbound approach, as appropriate. Provide far side signal posts on the Sheridan Street westbound approach so that they are visible to motorists stopped at the Sheridan Street westbound stop line. Evaluate the visibility of the signal indications on Memorial Drive southwest-bound, and consider advanced warning signage regarding the signal for Memorial Drive southwest-bound vehicles approaching the intersection. Evaluate the safety benefits and operational and capacity impacts of providing a protected left-turn phase for the Memorial Drive southwest-bound approach to the intersection. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider full-depth reconstruction of the intersection to repair pavement rutting. Consider the volume of heavy vehicles, as well as the flow of water from Montgomery Street and Memorial Drive, when designing pavement structures. Evaluate the need for a pedestrian crossing across Montgomery Street, considering PVTA access. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Medium Long-term Medium City of Chicopee High Long-term High City of Chicopee Medium Long-term Medium City of Chicopee High Long-term High City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Medium Short-term Low City of Chicopee High Long-term High City of Chicopee Low Short-term Low City of Chicopee Page 32 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Chicopee, MA 4 locations along Broadway and Memorial Meeting Location: Dept. of Public Works 115 Baskin Drive, Chicopee, MA Tuesday, April 30 2013 10:00 AM – 1 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Locations – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Discussion of Safety Issues • Crash history– provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions 11:00 AM Site Visit • Drive to the intersections of Broadway / East St / Belcher St; Broadway / Main St / Church St; Memorial Dr/Montgomery/Sheridan; and Memorial Dr / Grattan St. • As a group, identify areas for improvement 12:00 PM Discussion of Potential Improvements • Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 1:00 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on April 30th, participants are encouraged to drive/walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Participating Audit Team Members Date: Monday, April 5, 2013 Location: Chicopee City Hall, 24 Perry Avenue, Buzzard’s Bay Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation E-mail Address Phone Number Gary Roux Pioneer Valley Planning Commission 413-781-6045 Richard Nunes Chicopee Police Department 413-594-1774 Steven Frederick Chicopee Department of Public Works 413-594-3416 Steve Savaria Fuss & O’Neill 413-452-0445 Bao Lang MassDOT District 2 413-582-0547 Carrie Lavallee MassDOT Project Management 857-368-9343 Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section 857-368-9634 Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section 857-368-9638 Mike Tremblay Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates 617-348-3347 Keri Pyke Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates 617-348-3301 Road Safety Audit Four Locations along Broadway Street and Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table Broadway St, East St and Belcher St January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2013 Crash Crash Diagram Date Crash Day Ref # m/d/y 1 2 3 4 1/6/10 4/3/10 5/17/10 5/25/10 5 6 7 8 9 Wednesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 12:47 PM 10:31 AM 1:42 PM 4:36 PM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Angle Rear-end 7/3/10 Saturday 10/14/10 Thursday 11/12/10 Friday 11:59 PM 8:30 AM 2:15 PM Single Vehicle Crash Angle Rear-end 11/30/10 Tuesday 12/28/10 Tuesday 9:30 PM 7:49 AM Rear-end Rear-end Light Condition Type Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Driver Contributing Code Type Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving Inattention Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Fatigued/asleep Inattention Followed too closely 72 30 57 Rain Clear Wet Snow Unknown Followed too closely unk 52 Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, non-motorist in roadway, etc. 10 3/4/11 Friday 12:16 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry 11 3/24/11 Thursday 10:41 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry 12 13 14 15 3/30/11 4/27/11 5/20/11 5/29/11 Wednesday Wednesday Friday Sunday 5:59 PM 2:31 AM 9:05 AM 6:44 PM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear 16 7/14/11 Thursday 3:34 PM Angle Daylight 17 18 19 20 9/2/11 2/7/12 2/18/12 3/13/12 Friday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday 4:58 PM 2:35 PM 5:30 AM 10:35 AM Sideswipe, opposite direction Angle Single Vehicle Crash Angle 21 4/17/12 Tuesday 12:09 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Daylight Dawn Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Chicopee Police Department Ages D1 D2 60 89 unk unk 52 25 92 unk Comments Both operators claim to have been hit by the other when lanes merged into one V1 pulling out of #65 Broadway St V2 waiting at red light when hit by V1, V1 fled scene V1 stopped at red light when V2 failed to stop properly & hit it Operator dozed off and hit parked vehicle 29 V1 exiting out of #70 Broadway St 61 V1 slowed and stopped for yellow light and was hit by V2 unk V2 stopped at traffic light when hit by V1 61 V1 stopped in traffic when hit by V2 35 67 V1 cut in front of V2 to causing V2 to hit it 30 31 V1 stopped for red light when hit by V2 Dry Dry Dry Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Followed too closely No Improper Driving Inattention 56 49 46 27 Clear Dry Made an improper turn 65 Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Dry Dry Dry Dry Other improper action Glare Unknown Inattention 35 86 22 27 43 V2 swiched lanes to access East St and hit V1 25 84 V2 changing lanes. Both operators claim to have been hit by the other 49 V1 stopped at red light when V2 hit it V2 stopped in traffic when hit by V1 who claims to have not seen anyone 40 while pulling out of #50 Broadway St V1 backed into V2 while making room for uninvolved vehicle to access a 34 driveway 31 V1 (SB) could not see red light due to sun glare Operator left scene before police arrival - hit fence 21 V2 hit V1 when lanes merged into one Clear Dry Unknown 26 V1 collided with tree, fence and light pole, no occupants upon police arrival Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Broadway St, East St and Belcher St CRASH MONTH 19% 20% 19% 14% 15% 10% 10% 5% 10% 5% 0% 0% J F M A 29% 30% 0% M 5% 5% S O 5% 0% J J A N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 19% 20% 10% 10% 14% 14% 14% 5% 5% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 14%14%14%14% 15% 10% 10% 5% 0% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 6AM­ 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM 2PM­ 4PM 4PM­ 6PM 6PM­ 8PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 12AM­ 2AM 2AM­ 4AM 4AM­ 6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 38% 40% 29% 30% 20% 14% 14% 10% 0% 5% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction Crash Summary Data Broadway St, East St and Belcher St.xlsx2 of 3 0% 0% 0% Head on Rear to Rear Unknown 4/24/2013 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Broadway St, East St and Belcher St CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 80% 81% Daylight 5% 0% Dawn Dusk 14% Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 76% 60% 0% 0% Blowing sand, snow 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Rain Clear 0% 10% Cloudy 14% 20% Snow 40% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 90% Dry 5% 5% 0% Wet Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 24% 21% 20% 15% 12% 15% 10% 0% 3% 0% 15-20 12% 21-29 30-39 40-49 Crash Summary Data Broadway St, East St and Belcher St.xlsx3 of 3 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 4/24/2013 Crash Data Summary Table Broadway St, Main St and Church St January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 1/6/10 Wednesday 4:44 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 30 21 2 1/22/10 Friday 11:04 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry 21 84 3 4 1/24/10 1/26/10 Sunday Tuesday 2:22 PM 2:39 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Dry Dry 22 36 unk 17 5 2/2/10 Tuesday 7:57 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 52 27 V1 changed lanes from middle lane to right lane to hit V2 Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Inattention Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Followed too closely Other improper action Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield to right of way 22 34 44 67 21 20 V1 stopped in traffic when V2 hit it V1 attempted to switch lanes to turn right 52 41 79 46 Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type 6 7 8 2/20/10 4/18/10 5/25/10 Saturday Sunday Tuesday 9:27 PM 1:02 PM 3:02 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction 9 10 7/4/10 7/13/10 Sunday Tuesday 2:28 PM 6:32 PM Angle Angle 11 7/23/10 Friday 2:02 AM 12 8/22/10 Sunday 13 14 8/26/10 8/29/10 Thursday Sunday 15 16 17 18 Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Cloudy Rain Dry Wet Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 12:34 PM Angle Daylight Rain Wet 6:09 AM 10:35 AM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Clear Clear 9/3/10 Friday 9/20/10 Monday 10/27/10 Wednesday 8:12 PM 2:23 PM 3:00 PM Angle Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight 11/2/10 3:13 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Daylight Tuesday 19 11/11/10 Thursday 10:51 AM Angle 20 11/19/10 Friday 11:20 PM Rear-end 21 22 11/30/10 Tuesday 12/2/10 Thursday 5:55 PM 3:11 PM Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight 23 24 25 12/15/10 Wednesday 12/16/10 Thursday 12/20/10 Monday 8:28 AM 8:19 AM 11:26 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Daylight 26 12/23/10 Thursday 7:38 AM 27 1/1/11 Saturday 7:16 PM 28 29 1/11/11 2/3/11 Tuesday Thursday 6:35 PM 9:02 AM Sideswipe, opposite direction Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2/21/11 3/10/11 3/23/11 4/5/11 4/16/11 6/22/11 7/5/11 Monday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Tuesday 10:49 AM 1:20 PM 10:12 AM 8:20 AM 6:35 PM 10:53 AM 3:04 PM Angle Rear-end Head on Single Vehicle Crash Sideswipe, same direction Angle Head on Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Driver Contributing Code Type D1 20 Dry Dry Other improper action Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Failed to yield to right of way Cloudy Cloudy Rain Dry Dry Wet Clear Ages D2 Comments D3 V2 turning right on red, V1 turned too wide Both operators claim green light. Witness claims that V1 (northbound) had green ball. V2 (westbound) ran red light V1 stopped at red light when V2 hit it V1 (turning left) may have had red light V1 underestimated turn and hit light pole #25 60 60 48 25 45 58 Failed to yield to right of way Inattention Followed too closely 22 62 36 50 25 V1 drove over curb and sign V1 waiting to turn left when V2 hit it Dry Unknown 40 37 V1 claims to have had green arrow while V2 claims to have had green ball Cloudy Dry Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, non-motorist in roadway, etc. 36 30 V1 pulled to side and hit V2 in order to give way to TT unit turning left into E. Main Street Clear Dry Followed too closely 48 38 Rain Clear Dry Dry 79 57 38 53 V1 stated that V2 stopped abruptly for no reason when it hit it. Both operators claim to have been struck by each other Clear Clear Cloudy Dry Ice Dry Inattention No Improper Driving Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road No Improper Driving Inattention 29 33 66 50 36 34 V2 changed lanes from LTL to hit V1 V2 stopped in traffic, V1 slipped on ice and hit V2 V1 (traveling straight) swiped V2's mirror (turning onto East Main St) Clear Dry Other improper action 28 55 Clear Wet Unknown 34 22 Courtesy Crash* V1 stopped to turn left once green arrow disappeared. V2 assumed V1 would proceed left and attempted to avoid V1 but swiped it Cloudy Clear Wet Dry Made an improper turn Inattention 19 30 61 42 Snow Rain Cloudy Cloudy Rain Rain Cloudy Wet Wet Dry Wet Wet Wet Dry Failed to yield to right of way Unknown Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving Inattention Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way 26 23 20 72 85 30 23 27 37 56 46 36 42 V1 attempts to make a U-turn and does not see V2 in blind spot Both operators had green ball unk V2 and V3 stopped in traffic when V1 hit V2 which hit V3 V2 stopped behind uninvolved vehicle turning left. V2 switches lanes and hits V1 V1 stopped in traffic when hit by V2 V1 claimed to have had green left arrow. Witnesses (NB thru) claim to have seen green ball V1 stopped in traffic when V2 hit it. Op 2 claims that brakes locked up V1 had green light as cyclist cut in front of it V1 crossed solid line and hit V2 Op 1 claims to have had green ball, Op 2 claims to have had green arrow Crash Data Summary Table Broadway St, Main St and Church St January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 37 38 39 7/10/11 7/10/11 7/22/11 Sunday Sunday Friday 2:23 AM 11:54 AM 7:49 AM Head on Rear-end Rear-end 40 41 7/30/11 8/6/11 Saturday Saturday 2:01 AM 10:53 AM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end 42 43 44 45 46 47 10/8/11 10/14/11 10/20/11 11/3/11 11/10/11 11/15/11 Saturday Friday Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday 2:12 PM 5:41 PM 12:36 PM 12:30 PM 11:15 AM 9:38 AM Rear-end Rear-end Angle Angle Rear-end Angle 48 11/24/11 Thursday 12:15 AM Rear-end 49 50 12/5/11 Monday 12/23/11 Friday 5:14 PM 3:05 PM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end 51 52 53 54 55 56 12/24/11 1/3/12 1/7/12 1/16/12 1/17/12 2/4/12 Saturday Tuesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Saturday 7:03 PM 2:45 PM 8:41 AM 3:16 PM 1:53 PM 10:46 AM Angle Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight 57 58 2/14/12 2/19/12 Tuesday Sunday 8:30 PM 6:29 PM Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight 59 60 2/22/12 3/13/12 Wednesday Tuesday 3:56 PM 8:17 AM Rear-end Angle 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 3/13/12 3/20/12 4/6/12 4/28/12 5/11/12 6/6/12 6/11/12 6/15/12 6/20/12 Tuesday Tuesday Friday Saturday Friday Wednesday Monday Friday Wednesday 10:59 PM 8:46 AM 2:39 PM 12:32 PM 12:07 PM 9:11 AM 4:18 PM 7:03 AM 10:18 AM Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted Sideswipe, opposite direction roadway Rear-end Daylight Angle Daylight Angle Daylight Angle Daylight Rear-end Daylight Angle Daylight Rear-end Daylight Sideswipe, same direction Daylight 70 6/25/12 Monday 12:11 PM Sideswipe, same direction Wet Unknown 40 73 7/3/12 7/31/12 Tuesday Tuesday 10:16 PM 5:52 PM Rear-end Angle Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Rain 71 72 Clear Other Dry Dry 22 48 22 31 73 74 8/5/12 8/15/12 Sunday Wednesday 5:35 PM 10:59 AM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Cloudy Cloudy Wet Dry Followed too closely Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Followed too closely 35 69 40 85 75 76 77 8/20/12 9/28/12 9/28/12 Monday Friday Friday 3:58 PM 1:35 AM 10:03 AM Rear-end Angle Angle Clear Rain Rain Dry Wet Wet Inattention Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving 51 51 78 19 49 31 78 10/18/12 Thursday 6:37 PM Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway V1 claims to have had green arrow while V2 claims to have had green ball V1 stopped in traffic when V2 hit it V1 stopped in traffic when V2 hit it. Op 2 trying to remove shirt when foot slipped off brake pedal Both operators claim to have had green light V2 claims to have had green arrow while V1 claims to have had green ball Clear Dry Failed to yield to right of way 16 34 Both operators had green ball Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 Comments D3 Clear Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Followed too closely Inattention 31 29 26 18 84 34 V2 stopped in traffic when hit by V1 Both vehicles stopped at first. As traffic moved forward V1 ran into V2 Rain Clear Wet Dry 39 62 40 V1 (motorcylce) lost control and "skidded on the roadway." V1 stopped to give donation to a CHS football player when hit by V2 Clear Rain Clear Clear Rain Rain Dry Wet Dry Dry Wet Dry Unknown Followed too closely Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Driving too fast for conditions Made an improper turn Failed to yield to right of way Followed too closely Failed to yield to right of way 31 37 40 29 41 unk 34 21 23 29 54 unk Both operators had green ball Vehicle 2 stopped at red light when hit by V1 Op 1 claims to have had green arrow, Op 2 claims to have had green ball Clear Dry Followed too closely 27 unk V1 stopped at intersection. V2 did not attempt to stop and hit V1 Clear Clear Dry Dry Inattention Followed too closely 26 36 59 19 Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry 19 18 23 50 27 49 34 61 21 86 54 38 Clear Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Followed too closely Glare Unknown Inattention Illness Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Unknown 18 32 50 31 Clear Cloudy Dry Wet 51 65 18 52 Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Distracted Failed to yield to right of way Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road No Improper Driving Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way Followed too closely Other improper action Inattention No Improper Driving 20 32 29 72 56 38 61 63 46 18 48 28 22 20 80 86 41 47 V2 changed lanes and hit V1 V1 stopped for uninvolved vehicle coming from ramp and was hit by V2 51 V2 rear ended V1 pushing it into the NB lane to be hit by V3 V1 did not see V2 while changing lanes V1 attempted to change lanes V1 (northbound) failed to stop at red light V1 stopped in traffic when V2 hit it Both operators had green ball V1 claims to have had green arrow while V2 claims to have had green ball V2 got distracted by costumed dancer outside Liberty Tax which caused collision with V1 Both operators claim to have had green light V2 stopped in traffic after turning when V1 hit it V2 (turning left) followed car in front of it into intersection as V1 got green light V1 right on red V1 stopped in traffic when V2 hit it V1 claims to have had green arrow while V2 claims to have had green ball V1 stopped at red light when V2 hit it V2's (truck) tire brushed up against stationary V1 V1 changing lanes with directional says V2 approached at a high rate of speed 30 V2 claims to have had green arrow while V1 claims to have had green ball Crash Data Summary Table Broadway St, Main St and Church St January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 79 80 81 82 11/3/12 11/7/12 11/9/12 11/21/12 2:14 AM 4:39 PM 5:53 PM 12:16 PM Angle Head on Rear-end Rear-end 83 11/21/12 Wednesday 7:26 PM Rear-end 84 11/29/12 Thursday 5:46 PM Angle Crash Diagram Ref # Saturday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Dark - lighted roadway Dusk Dusk Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 Comments D3 Clear Snow Clear Cloudy Dry Wet Dry Dry Made an improper turn Unknown Driving too fast for conditions Inattention 29 54 29 88 24 18 19 27 Both operators had green ball V1 claims to have had green arrow while V2 claims to have had green ball V1 stopped at red light when V2 hit it Both operators had green ball Clear Dry Inattention 65 43 V1 stopped in traffic when hit by V2 Clear Dry Failed to yield to right of way 30 52 Both operators had green ball Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Chicopee Police Department *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Broadway Street, Main Street, and Church Street, Chicopee, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 15% 17% 12% 12% 10% 10% 6% 6% 10% 8% 7% 5% 5% 6% 2% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 21% 20% 15% 10% 15% 14% 15% 13% 10% 11% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 20% 19% 17% 15% 12% 11% 12% 11% 10% 5% 0% 4% 4% 2% 5% 5% 6AM­ 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM 2PM­ 4PM 4PM­ 6PM 6PM­ 8PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 12AM­ 2AM 2AM­ 4AM 0% 4AM­ 6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 33% 33% 18% 7% Single Vehicle Crash 4% Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction Crash Summary Data Broadway St, Main St and Church St.xlsx4 of 5 5% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 4/24/2013 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Broadway Street, Main Street, and Church Street, Chicopee, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 74% 60% 40% 24% 20% 0% Daylight 0% 2% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 0% 1% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow 0% Severe Crosswinds Rain Cloudy Clear 2% Fog, Smog, Smoke 75% 18% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 80% 24% Snow 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 55% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 60% 40% 24% 20% 0% Dry Wet 0% 1% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 25% 22% 20% 10% 0% 14% 14% 8% 8% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 Crash Summary Data Broadway St, Main St and Church St.xlsx5 of 5 50-59 60-69 4% 5% 70-79 80+ 4/24/2013 Crash Data Summary Table Memorial Dr at Grattan St, Chicopee, MA January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012 Crash Crash Diagram Date Crash Day Ref # m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 1 1/7/10 Thursday 8:44 PM Head on 2 1/28/10 Thursday 11:16 PM Single Vehicle Crash 3 4 2/3/10 4/6/10 Wednesday Tuesday 6:36 PM 1:37 PM Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction 5 4/24/10 Saturday 2:07 AM Single Vehicle Crash 6 7 6/24/10 7/13/10 Thursday 10:07 PM 2:18 PM Angle Angle 8 10/5/10 Tuesday 8:14 PM Angle 9 10/27/10 Wednesday 5:59 PM Angle 10 11 11/12/10 Friday 11/25/10 Thursday 6:19 PM 3:15 PM Angle Rear-end 12 12/1/10 1:01 PM Head on 13 12/10/10 Friday 11:52 PM Single Vehicle Crash 14 1/8/11 Saturday 8:56 PM Rear-end 15 16 17 18 1/9/11 1/22/11 2/7/11 4/20/11 Sunday Saturday Monday Wednesday 6:03 AM 12:09 PM 1:16 PM 5:21 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end 19 6/16/11 Thursday 5:32 PM Angle 20 21 22 23 24 9/9/11 1/6/12 1/11/12 1/16/12 1/29/12 Friday Friday Wednesday Monday Sunday 11:18 PM 10:05 PM 4:21 PM 10:33 AM 2:26 PM Angle Angle Angle Angle Rear-end 25 3/23/12 Friday 10:06 PM Rear-end 26 27 28 5/20/12 5/27/12 8/27/12 Sunday Sunday Monday 8:46 PM 6:52 PM 12:37 PM 29 10/3/12 30 11/16/12 Friday Wednesday Light Condition Type Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 Comments Clear Dry Blowing Sand, Ice Snow Failed to yield to right of way 39 Driving too fast for conditions 21 Cloudy Clear Ice Dry Followed too closely Unknown 20 53 Clear Dry Over-correcting/over-steering 18 Clear Cloudy Dry Dry No Improper Driving Followed too closely 17 40 68 V2 lost control while sliding on ice and hit V1 While turning right, TT trailer strikes utility pole Op 1 claims to have lost control of vehicle after tire blew. Witness states that Op 1 may have been showing off because of fast shifting. V2 hit only by 56 debris. V2's rear end swung out while turning and hit V1, a police vehicle with active 45 emergency lights attempting to pass V2 . 18 V1 stopped at red light when hit by V2 Cloudy Dry Failed to yield to right of way 26 19 Rain Wet Failed to yield to right of way 18 22 Cloudy Cloudy Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Followed too closely 47 30 36 unk Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Wet Unknown 28 Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight 19 Driver lost control due to ice on roadway and hit CELD pole #2 Snow Snow Blowing Sand, Snow Snow Physical Impairment 22 V1 stationary preparing to turn left, V2 assumed V1 was proceeding 19 therefore attempted to stop but skidded into V2 on wet surface Operator crosses center double yellow line and hits curb on bridge blowing out two tires. OUI No Improper Driving 19 26 V1 stopped at stop light when V2 hit it due to snowy conditions Snow Clear Cloudy Cloudy Snow Dry Wet Dry Over-correcting/over-steering Other improper action Followed too closely Inattention Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 44 Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Made an improper turn Failed to yield to right of way Inattention Failed to yield to right of way Followed too closely 30 42 37 26 45 64 V2 passed V1 in right lane then attempted to make a U turn at intersection unk 22 V1 (turning left) failed to yield to right of way 69 V2 pulling out of #14 Montgomery Street 56 Clear Dry Distracted 42 31 V1 stopped for pedestrians in crosswalk when V2 hit it Angle Angle Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dawn Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Vehicle began to slide due to snow when Op lost control and hit route sign 32 V1 stopped in left turn lane and was rear ended by V2 22 V1 slowing to turn right unk Turning into Pride Gas Station V1 (TT unit) was backing up with police assistance and backed into parked unk police vehicle being used to block traffic Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry 48 23 74 28 Witnesses state that V2 (turning left) only had green ball 40 Witnesses state V1 (southbound) had right of way unk V1 stopped at blinking red light while V2 hit it 3:19 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Cloudy Wet Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way Unknown Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 17 55 4:12 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Operating defective equiptment 38 V1 stationary at red light, V2 hit it. Op 2 claims brakes were defective. 22 Police tested brakes afterwards and found no defects Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Chicopee Police Department 24 57 35 unk Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Memorial Dr at Grattan St, Chicopee, MA CRASH MONTH 30% 29% 25% 20% 15% 11% 11% 7% 10% 7% 7% 4% 5% 7% 7% S O 7% 4% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 21% 18% 20% 15% 18% 14% 11% 11% 10% 7% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% 4% 6AM­ 8AM 0% 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 11% 7% 4% 21% 18% 14% 0% 12PM­ 2PM 2PM­ 4PM 4PM­ 6PM 6PM­ 8PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 4% 12AM­ 2AM 2AM­ 4AM 0% 4AM­ 6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 50% 40% 40% 33% 30% 20% 13% 7% 10% 0% 7% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Crash Summary Data Memorial Dr at Grattan St.xlsx Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 4/24/2013 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Memorial Dr at Grattan St, Chicopee, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 60% 50% 47% 40% 20% 0% 3% Daylight 0% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 50% 80% 70% 30% 0% Unknown 0% Blowing sand, snow Severe Crosswinds Snow 7% 0% Other 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 7% Rain Cloudy Clear 7% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 60% 40% 13% 20% 0% Dry Wet 10% 7% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 28% 30% 20% 18% 18% 18% 10% 10% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 Crash Summary Data Memorial Dr at Grattan St.xlsx 40-49 3 of 3 50-59 6% 60-69 2% 70-79 0% 80+ 4/24/2013 Crash Data Summary Table Memorial Dr at Montgomery St and Sheridan St, Chicopee, MA January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012 Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 2 2/22/10 3/1/10 Monday Monday 2:10 PM 12:53 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry 3 4 5 6 3/1/10 3/29/10 5/4/10 5/20/10 Monday Monday Tuesday Thursday 4:43 PM 6:32 PM 4:20 PM 10:21 AM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Dusk Daylight Daylight Clear Rain Cloudy Clear Dry Wet Dry Dry 7 8 10/26/10 Tuesday 11/24/10 Wednesday 9:44 PM 10:08 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Rain Clear 9 1/11/11 Tuesday 4:58 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway 10 11 1/15/11 1/20/11 Saturday Thursday 10:57 AM 9:15 AM Rear-end Angle 12 13 1/23/11 3/11/11 Sunday Friday 7:39 PM 11:07 AM Angle Angle 14 6/15/11 Wednesday 6:43 PM Sideswipe, same direction 15 16 7/30/11 9/6/11 Saturday Tuesday 3:53 AM 6:11 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 10/24/11 12/9/11 2/8/12 2/17/12 5/19/12 5/22/12 9/18/12 9/18/12 11/16/12 11/19/12 Monday Friday Wednesday Friday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Friday Monday 10:38 PM 10:10 PM 8:40 AM 9:03 AM 4:26 PM 8:10 AM 10:46 AM 10:48 AM 4:24 PM 12:35 PM Rear-end Rear-end Angle Angle Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 Comments D3 Both operators claim to have had green light. Witness states V2 (NB) may have had red light Operators have conflicting stories 66 46 79 20 35 29 62 48 30 64 83 n.a. Wet Dry Unknown Unknown Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Inattention Inattention No Improper Driving Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, non-motorist in roadway, etc. Unknown 47 31 54 29 Uninvolved vehicle turned left in front of V2 causing it to brake suddenly causing V1 to swerve and hit V2 V1 stationary at red light when V2 rear ended it Clear Dry Over-correcting/over-steering 47 Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Clear Clear Wet Dry No Improper Driving Unknown 37 63 71 23 While making a left turn onto Sheridan St V1 was cut off by an unknown vehicle traveling in an unknown direction causing it to turn into the guardrail V1 stopped suddenly to avoid uninvolved vehicle running stop sign when V2 hit it Both vehicles state they had green light Clear Rain Dry Wet 48 83 33 51 Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dusk Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 53 16 Rain Rain Wet Wet Inattention Followed too closely 21 29 20 Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Rain Rain Clear Cloudy Wet Dry Dry Wet Dry Wet Wet Wet Dry Dry Operating defective equiptment Inattention Unknown Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way Inattention Inattention Unknown Inattention Inattention 27 49 55 55 27 36 36 51 40 59 68 69 18 39 28 58 67 83 V1 attempted to pass V2 but hit it while re-entering lane V2 (NB) appeared to have had green light 38 Uninvolved left turning vehicle stopped traffic causing rear ends 51 V2 falls off of V1 (tow truck) and hits V3 Traffic signals were on flashing operation Traffic signals were on flashing operation V1 attempted to change lanes to pass uninvolved left turning vehicle and hit V2 in the process Operator cut corner while turning and struck guide wire of telephone causing vehicle to roll on to its side. V2 skidded on wet pavement and struck V1 Operator 3 claims that brakes failed and could not stop vehicle and hit V2 50 which hit V1 Operator 2 claims that brakes failed and hit V1 Courtesy Crash* V2 saw yellow light and turned into V1 V1 stopped in traffic for passing ambulance when V2 hit it V2 hit V1 which was involved in the above crash (#24) V2 did not realize V1 stopped therefore hit it Both operators claim to have been hit by the other Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Chicopee Police Department *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Memorial Dr at Montgomery St and Sheridan St, Chicopee, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 12% 12% 12% 10% 8% 4% 5% 0% 0% J F M 4% 4% 0% A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 27% 30% 23% 20% 15% 12% 12% 8% 10% 0% 4% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 30% 23% 20% 8% 10% 0% 19% 15% 0% 6AM­ 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM 15% 4% 2PM­ 4PM 4% 4PM­ 6PM 6PM­ 8PM 8PM­ 10PM 8% 0% 10PM­ 12AM 4% 12AM­ 2AM 2AM­ 4AM 0% 4AM­ 6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 50% 42% 40% 27% 30% 23% 20% 10% 0% 8% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction Crash Summary Data Memorial Dr at Montgomery St and Sheridan2 St.xlsx of 3 0% 0% 0% Head on Rear to Rear Unknown 4/24/2013 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Memorial Dr at Montgomery St and Sheridan St, Chicopee, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 73% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0% Daylight 19% 8% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 35% 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Snow Rain Cloudy 12% Clear 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 54% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 60% 58% 42% 40% 20% 0% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 20% 20% 10% 0% 18% 20% 14% 14% 4% 15-20 4% 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 Crash Summary Data Memorial Dr at Montgomery St and Sheridan3 St.xlsx of 3 60-69 70-79 6% 80+ 4/24/2013