DATE: XX, XX, XXXX Office of Civil Rights FROM: XXXXXXXXXXXX Title VI Liaison SUBJECT: 20XX Title VI Accomplishments Report TO: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Title VI Specialist This report will outline major accomplishments since the last Title VI plan update. Areas that should be addressed include training, identification of Title VI issues, and actions taken to mitigate or prevent adverse impact on minority populations protected under Title VI. Include statistical data where applicable for (relocatees, impacted citizens, and affected communities for which additional outreach was conducted). XXXXXXXXXXXXX Title VI Liaison Title VI Questionnaire for Right of Way General: 1. What outreach efforts have been conducted to advise property owners, tenants, and others of their rights and options regarding negotiation, relocation, etc.? 2. Do letters and notices include appropriate Title VI language? 3. What special efforts have been made to contact and encourage participation of minorities and lowincome persons at public hearings? (race, color, national origin, income, sex, gender, and age) Has the level of participation of minorities and low-income persons at hearings been documented? 4. Does ROW have a policy requiring records to be kept of parcels having minority and female owners/tenants, including residential and commercial properties? (race, color, national origin, income, sex, gender, and age) 5. If so, which ROW division is responsible for maintaining these records? Please describe the procedures in place to gather the data and to maintain the records. 6. After data is collected, how is the data analyzed to ascertain acts of discrimination, if any? How is the record prepared? 7. Who is responsible for reviewing the records? 8. How do you identify and address issues relating to persons of Limited English Proficiency? Describe the methods utilized? Titles: 1. Does the Division of Titles contract out any portion of its title searching responsibility? If so, how does the Division of Titles perform the external assignment of work? 2. If the Division of titles contracts out work, are DBE firms offered an opportunity to perform a percentage of the assignments? If so please describe. Appraisals/Appraisal Review: 1. Does the Division of Appraisals contract out appraisal assignments to fee appraisers? 2. Does the Division of Appraisals maintain a list of acceptable fee appraisers? If so, how does the Division of Appraisals solicit interest for fee appraisers to be included on the list? 3. What kind of training do appraisers receive? 4. Is the solicitation of interest provided to the Screening Committee for a DBE Goals assignment? 5. What procedures are in place to identify and encourage participation of DBE appraisers? How is a fee appraiser chosen to perform a given appraisal assignment? 6. What procedures are in place to ensure that property values and communications associated with appraisal and negotiation operations do not have a disparate impact on minority and low-income populations? 7. How is a fair market value estimate appraisal assignment performed? Is the value arrived at utilizing a non-discriminatory process (including adjustments to comparable sales)? 8. Is the review appraiser process non-discriminatory in its application? Is there consistency in the determination of severance/consequential damages? Please describe. Acquisition/Relocation: 1. How does the Negotiation/Relocation initiate negotiations with a property owner? 2. What efforts are made to negotiate for required property before filing for condemnation? 3. Were property owners fully informed of their rights to receive just compensation for their property? 4. Are property owners afforded a minimum period of time to negotiate regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age, and disability? (Please note the total amount of time will depend upon the situation). 5. Have there been any relocations? If yes, provide breakdown by race, color, national origin, age, income, disability status, and gender of the relocatees. Have payments been established regardless of race, color, national origin, age, income, disability status, and gender. Please describe. 6. Do all agreements for relocation services include the Title VI Assurances? 7. What relocation advisory services does Relocation make available to relocatees? Are all relocation advisory assistance services available to all relocatees? 8. How does Relocation solicit information regarding whether an owner/tenant is lawfully present in the United States? 9. For eligible relocatees, how does Relocation evaluate replacement housing to ascertain whether the housing is decent, safe, and sanitary? Is this process applied regardless of the person’s race, color, national origin, gender, age, and disability? Are safe and sanitary inspection standards consistently applied? 10. How does Relocation process Title VIII (fair housing) complaints? 11. How does Relocation establish the amount of relocation benefits available to relocatees for the following items: Replacement Housing Payments; Rental Assistance; Mortgage Differential payment; and moving expenses? 12. When are the relocatees notified of their eligibility for benefits? 13. How are relocatees notified of the date required to vacate the property? Are all relocatees provided at least 90 days from the initiation of negotiation’s date? 14. How does Relocation determine when to utilize the Housing of Last Resort? Is this process applied uniformly? 15. Was the offer made for the full amount of the review appraiser’s determination of compensation? Is there consistency in the application of minimum payment policy?