Criteria for Space Allocation Requests

505 Ramapo Valley Road, Mahwah, NJ 07430-1680
Phone (201) 684-7663
Fax (201) 684-7955
Criteria for Space Allocation Requests
Space Allocation Committee - Reporting to President’s Cabinet
1. Establish procedures to allocate space
2. Develop up-to-date space inventory that identifies what space is used and for what
3. Fulfill space requests
Criteria for Reviewing Space Requests:
1) Logic of the request (new, expansion, or relocation): unit changes that drive the
request with an eye on their relationship to the Strategic Plan
2) Efficiency and effectiveness of unit’s current space utilization (complete an onsite review, as needed)
3) Required timeframe for completing the request, and whether the request is
intended to fulfill a temporary or permanent need
4) Benchmarking to internal and external groups or market data, where possible
5) Governmental mandates, including health and safety issues
6) Other space needs this request might resolve or other reasons that might be of
benefit to other units/divisions
7) Budget implications/cost analysis of the space request:
a. In a relocation, potential for bringing certain functions together to
decrease the number of support staff needed, thus saving the college
money in the long term.
b. With assistance from Facilities, an estimated cost should be generated to
include an itemization of what will be vendor provided and what will be
completed in-house.
c. Proposed source of funding. Unit budget? Facilities budget? General
college budget? Other?
8) Impact of not obtaining the space
Created 1/11/08