February, 2016 Transit Need Profile: Transportation Disadvantaged Populations in Massachusetts This analysis compares transit needs identified by each of the 13 Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs) 1 in Massachusetts in their Coordinated Human Services Transportation (CHST) plans updated in 2014. 2 While each plan offers unique regional economic and demographic context, identifies existing services, unmet transit needs 3 and priorities for action, this comparative perspective allows for a broader understanding of the most common transit needs in the state and identifies similarities and differences across regions in the Commonwealth. Data and Methodology The RPOs used different methodologies for the assessment of local transit needs and applied varying rigor to sampling methods, survey techniques, and data analysis in the CHST plans. Although findings cannot be generalized to all transportation disadvantaged populations in the Commonwealth, the compilation of transit needs allows for a broader understanding of what is considered most important to organizations serving people with disabilities, the elderly, and people with low income and to members of the general public that provided feedback at public forums. Each CHST plan was thoroughly reviewed and a master list of transit needs compiled. The analysis shows what needs were most common statewide, within each region, and in each category. Frequency (n=13) indicates the number of RPOs is not equivalent to the number of survey respondents, which is an unknown number. Major Findings 1. RPOs identified 24 mutually exclusive needs that fit into the following distinct categories: Service Expansion (8), Coordination of Service (6), Accessibility (6), and Information Dissemination (4) 2. RPOs identified 11 needs on average, the fewest (7) came from Central Massachusetts and the Islands, respectively and the most (19) were named in the Boston MPO area 3. Needs were diverse yet common to most regions. (Table 1) Half of all needs were identified by at least 50% of RPOs. The most frequently cited needs were: Service Expansion - At least 60% of regions called for Additional routes (11 RPOs) More frequent service (10 RPOs) Evening service and weekend service (9-10 RPOs) Service to career centers (8 RPOs) Access to destinations in rural areas in Western and Central Massachusetts (3 RPOs). Coordination – 50% -70% of all regions indicated service coordination as a missed opportunity. Better communication between providers of transportation services and social service organizations whose clients rely on public transit services was most commonly identified as a specific need. For example, better coordination might mean that transit providers have to work with medical facilities to identify schedules that work for both patients –mostly seniors and people with disabilities– and medical professionals alike or identify a pick-up/drop off location at a hospital campus to avoid traffic jam at the main entrance. Coordination of service with medical facilities (9 RPOs) Coordination of service between transit providing agencies (9 RPOs). In the past decade, social service agencies went through consolidation. In many cases this meant closure of important service centers, leaving remaining centers that might not be located on a fixed transit route, makings access to essential social services difficult for transit dependent populations. Coordination with social service providers (8 RPOs). In addition, it was pointed out that transit agencies should offer interconnected routes, seamless transfers, and coordinated schedules between service regions. Better link between modes of transportation/ease of transfer (7 RPOs). Accessibility – The most widely reported accessibility issues were related to deficiencies of the pedestrian infrastructure (e.g. broken or lack of sidewalks, walkways, curb cuts, or cross walks that would allow riders to easily and safely access transit services), bus shelters, vehicle maintenance issues, and modern equipment. When modern equipment was identified as a need, it was commonly in reference to purchasing new vans with a wheelchair lift to transport people with disabilities with ease. Faulty pedestrian infrastructure (7 RPOs) Lack of modern equipment (7 RPOs) Vehicle maintenance (6 RPOs) Bus shelters (6 RPOs). 2 Information dissemination and education – Seven RPOs indicated a need for educating riders about how to use existing transit services, how to read route maps and schedules, and how to make trip reservations for demand response services. This information provides an opportunity for regional transit authorities to expand travel training services, improve their information dissemination methods and communication strategies with riders. Table 1 4. Within each sub-region, RPOs identified several common needs, signaling the potential for coordinated response at the state level. (Table 2) Every sub-region but most prominently Western Massachusetts (Pioneer Valley, Berkshire and Franklin) and Greater Boston (Lowell, Merrimack, and Boston) had the largest need for service expansion. Coordination was a missed opportunity in Greater Boston, the Cape & Islands and the South East (Old Colony and SRPEDD) Accessibility –e.g. fixing pedestrian infrastructure that makes accessing public transit services possible– was the most frequently cited unmet need in Greater Boston and on the Cape and Islands 3 Need for travel training and better marketing of existing services were named unmet need in Western Massachusetts, Central Massachusetts (Montachusett and Worcester) and Greater Boston. Table 2 Interested readers are encouraged to read individual CHST plans that can be accessed http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/transit/MobilityManagementCenter/InformationHub.a spx. 4 USEFUL CONTACT INFORMATION For detailed information about the need profile of transportation disadvantaged populations in Massachusetts, please contact Aniko.laszlo@dot.state.ma.us. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Author would like to thank Ryan Whalen from the University of Massachusetts Boston, Collins Center for his able research assistance and expert advice on this project. Reference: Aniko Laszlo. (2016) Transit Need Profile: Transportation Disadvantaged populations in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Boston, MA 1 Berkshire Regional Planning Organization (BRPO), Boston Region (BMPO), Cape Cod Commission (CCC), Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC), Franklin Region Council of Governments (FRCOG), Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC), Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC), Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC), Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG), Nantucket Planning and Economic Development Commission (NPEDC), Old Colony Planning Commission (OCPC), Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) 2 Federal Transit Law, as amended by MAP-21, requires that projects selected for funding under the Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) be derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan and that the plan be developed through a process that includes representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human services providers and participation by members of the public. These plans identify the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and people with low incomes, provide strategies for meeting these needs, and prioritize transportation services for funding and implementation. 3 Unmet transit need is any actual or perceived deficiency in the system of public transit services, specialized transportation services, paratransit services or private transportation services which has been identified by community members or through the regional planning process and which has not been funded and implemented. Unmet needs may include desires for transportation services by any group or member of the public wishing to express such needs. 5