Ports Compact Meeting September 9, 2013 1 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Agenda Introductions Meeting purpose Approach to complete Strategic Plan Analysis Technical Memorandum Funding & Finance Technical Memorandum Next Steps Public input 2 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Meeting Purpose Discuss remaining Plan process logistics Summarize work completed since last meeting Provide overview of Analysis and Funding Memos Obtain public input Discuss next steps 3 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Approach to complete Strategic Plan Finalize & distribute technical memorandums Develop preliminary recommendations Discuss recommendations with Compact and other stakeholders via individual meetings throughout September and October Finalize recommendations at Compact Meeting in late October/early November Hold public meetings in early November Finalize and publish Strategic Plan 4 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Project Update Tech Memo 4 (Analysis) identified gaps, deficiencies, and unmet needs of the five compact ports in terms of Port operations (cargo, passenger transportation, fishing and fish processing, new technology sectors) Landside access (highway, rail) Institutional context Tech Memo 6 (Funding) reviewed funding and financing options at federal and state levels No recommendations yet made 5 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Tech Memo 4: Analysis Major Points of Emphasis 6 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Compact-Wide Issues and Themes Cargo Major, multi-faceted cargo businesses in Boston and New Bedford Common issues Dredging Vertical and lateral clearance Capacity in cargo facilities Passenger Transport Cruises – all ports could operate cruises with existing or planned infrastructure; marketing is paramount Ferries – all have or want to have ferries Commercial excursion business - large operations in Boston, Salem, and Gloucester; significant local spending and jobs Private recreational vessels – important presence in all 5; private vessel marinas not allowed in DPAs 7 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Compact-Wide Issues and Themes (continued) Fishing and Fish Processing Relevant to Gloucester, New Bedford, Boston Need for modern infrastructure Severe impact of groundfishery crisis in Gloucester and Boston Local fleet landings and seafood processing largely disconnected New Technology Sectors New Bedford – offshore wind energy Gloucester – New Maritime Port Economy / Marine Sciences and Technology Landside Access: Highway and Rail 87% of freight tonnage moved by truck , 6.5% by rail Relieve highway bottlenecks, maintain and improve existing infrastructure (major projects underway or proposed in Boston, Fall River, and New Bedford) Rail access in Boston, Fall River, and New Bedford; issues include passenger service compatibility, bridge clearances, track conditions Institutional Context 8 DPA Structure – all 5 have DPAs that cover much of the study areas Ownership & Control – Ports differ widely in organizational structure | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Boston Focus Future of the container business at an expanded Conley Terminal, as global and coastal markets evolve Channel depth: Deep Draft Navigation Project affects containers (Conley), liquid bulk (Chelsea Creek), break bulk (Marine Terminal, Medford Street) Adequacy of landside access network in South Boston for containers, other cargo (fish, bulk), and Massport real estate (which supports the Port bottom line) Future trajectory of Boston’s ocean cruise business Long-term future of the Fish Pier Track 61 improvements and buildout of Marine Industrial Park and Massport Marine Terminal Long-term future of Medford Street Terminal 9 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Fall River Focus The role of the DPA in the central waterfront A State Pier passenger strategy involving ferries (Newport, Block Island), cruises, and excursions State Pier improvements for cargo and passenger uses Reuse of City Pier, as its remediation concludes An enhanced city/waterfront connection through reconfiguration of the “spaghetti ramps” and the Route 79/Davol Street waterfront boulevard Opportunity for freight and passenger rail to the Port Long-term future of Weaver Cove DPA site, taking into account its highway, rail, and deep water attributes and need for remediation 10 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Gloucester Focus The New Maritime Port Economy, requiring a business development strategy as well as infrastructure investment Short- and long-term impacts of federal groundfishery regulation and the condition of groundfish stocks Extensive private ownership of DPA facilities and the opportunity for a financing and reinvestment strategy in partnership with MassDevelopment. Dockage needs of fishing, excursion, and recreational vessels Marketing Gloucester as a cruise port, taking advantage of Cruiseport Gloucester and Cape Ann attractions Channel and berthing depth in the DPA, and channel depth in the Annisquam River 11 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 New Bedford Focus Short- and long-term improvements at State Pier and a strengthened state-City management partnership With South Terminal under construction, New Bedford’s role in offshore wind business, workforce, supply chain Future of New Bedford cargo, optimizing State Pier, North Terminal, and Maritime Terminal, Inc., and advancing the Marine Highway concept on the East Coast Berthing needs of commercial fishing fleet, potentially extending Leonard’s and Homer’s Wharves Role of a waterfront access/excursion hub near the main downtown/waterfront nexus Future course of action on Route 6 Bridge clearance 12 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Salem Focus Complete Salem Wharf, including full-length deepwater berth at the coal pier A cruise marketing opportunity connecting new Port facilities to historic waterfront and downtown Opportunity to expand commercial excursion sector, with Salem Wharf complementing Pickering Wharf, depending on market, dockage, access, and parking needs South River Basin, which if dredged could bring small boat activity into an integrated downtown/Pickering Wharf destination Constrained vehicular access via Derby and Webb Streets DPA plan for the Power Station site once the plant is gas-fired and 2/3 of the site is developable 13 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Tech Memo 6: Funding & Financing Major Points of Emphasis 14 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Introduction – Tech Memo #6 Provides the basis for developing a strategy Sources examined Federal State and local Program domains Port-specific Broadly applicable 15 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Introduction – Tech Memo #6 Provides the basis for developing a strategy Sources examined Federal State and local Program domains Port-specific Broadly applicable Program types Federal State PortSpecific Broadly Applicable Grant funding Loan financing 16 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 The Seaport Bond Two bond bills: 1996 $280 million, 2008 $110 million From 2007-2012, $50 million committed on 98 grants For FY13, $11 million in bond cap Harbor Coordinators and Port Security Grant Local Match Representative Capital Grants: Boston • Charlestown Navy Yard Pier 4 Dredge Fall River • State Pier Improvements • City Pier Remediation Gloucester • Harborwalk Design and Construction • I4-C2 Development Parcel Acquisition New Bedford • South Terminal Offshore Wind Facility (via MA CEC) • Phase III Dredging and CAD • State Pier Improvements Salem • Salem Wharf and Ferry Pier • South River Harborwalk and Dredging Design 17 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 MassWorks Companion or alternative to Seaport Bond Consolidation of 7 former stand-alone capital grants Annual bond cap amounts in the $40-65 million range Can be used for a broad range of urban infrastructure Funding guidance favors Gateway Cities, sites within ½ mile of transit, reuse of previously developed sites Gloucester a recent recipient for a port-related project 18 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Massport Capital Program Maritime capital projects funded by internally generated Massport revenues and federal grants—no state funding FY13-17 Capital Program provides funding for $153 million in Maritime projects $117 million for improvements at Conley Terminal The big one on the horizon: $300 million Deep Draft Navigation Improvement—~$100 million non-federal share Massport funding generally limited to its facilities—which do not constitute the entire Port 19 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 FHWA/MassDOT Surface Transportation Programs somewhat realigned in MAP-21, but the structure is familiar: FHWA, MassDOT, and the MPOs State Transportation bond dollars match FHWA and fund NonFederal Aid projects Funding levels (Boston MPO and SE Mass MPO TIPs, $million) 20 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Boston 368.0 264.9 138.6 156.5 148.7 SE Mass 260.8 58.1 24.3 48.8 16.0 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 FHWA/MassDOT Surface Transportation Port area projects Boston Fall River Gloucester New Bedford Salem 21 • • • • • • Chelsea Street Bridge East Boston Haul Road Summer & Congress Street Bridges Brightman/Route 6 Bridge Braga Bridge/Route 79 Mega-Project Annisquam River Bridge • • • • • Route 6 Bridge Preservation Route 18/JFK Boulevard Fisherman/Homer Wharf Electrification Bridge Street & Bypass (Route 1A) Canal Street Reconstruction | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 TIGER Most versatile, competitive, and over-subscribed of all federal grant programs Five rounds completed, but still not permanently authorized Eligible projects include any federally-eligible highway or bridge, port infrastructure, freight rail In TIGER I through IV, 26 port or related winners, including New Bedford Fast Track In TIGER V results, announced last week: 7 of the 52 winners were port projects, grants up to $14 million 22 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Specialized Federal Programs Program 23 Status and Applicability Water Resources Development Act (US ACE) • Multi-year reauthorization pending. • Harbor Maintenance Trust funds Army Corps of Engineers dredging projects. • Primary funding for Massport’s proposed Deep Draft Navigation Improvement. Ferry Boats and Facilities (US DOT) • New formula program allocated to state DOTs replaces prior discretionary grant. • Salem (Fast Ferry) and BRA (East Boston Ferry) got grants under old program. • Also a new set-side of FTA 5307 funds; program details pending. Port Security Grant Program (Homeland Security) • Over $90 million a year nation-wide, for technology and management . • Fall River, Gloucester, New Bedford, and Salem have received grants. • Seaport Advisory Council provides local match. Small Shipyard Program (MARAD) • Highly competitive grant program makes awards in $.5-$1 million range. • Can be used for capital improvements or workforce development. • Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding in Somerset has received 3 grants since 2008. Clean Diesel Program (EPA) • EPA makes competitive grants of up to ~$1 million for diesel emission reduction. • Especially applicable to vessel power while in port. • Massport received grant for Fish Pier on-shore power. | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Key Concept: Infrastructure Debt Finance US DOT TIFIA Credit Program Direct loans at low rates and favorable terms Expanding and deepening TIFIA a major thrust of MAP-21 Any FHWA- or FTA-eligible project is TIFIA-eligible State value capture mechanisms using bond finance 24 Traditional municipal tax increment: District Infrastructure Finance (“DIF”) Special assessment district: Local Infrastructure Development Program (“LIDP”) Unique “state TIF” using income and sales taxes: Infrastructure Investment Incentive (“I-Cubed”) | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Key Concept: Business Development MassDevelopment: multi-faceted finance and TA Taxable and tax-exempt industrial bonds Seafood Loan Fund and SE Revolving Loan Fund Deep, widely respected capacity for geographic and market sector development MA Clean Energy Center Offshore Wind program Business development support to complement South Terminal Federal programs targeted to private stakeholders 25 Small Shipyard Program National Marine Fisheries Service vessel financing Saltonstall-Kennedy funding for R&D partnerships | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Next Steps Finalize Memos 4 and 6 Publish Memos 1, 2 and 3 Develop of Preliminary Recommendations Discuss/Confirm Recommendations Hold Compact/Public Meetings Finalize Plan 26 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013 Public Input & Contact Information www.massdot.state.ma.us/planning/Main/StatewidePlans/PortsStrategicPlan.aspx Matthew Ciborowski - MassDOT - (857) 368-8845 - matthew.ciborowski@state.ma.us 27 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | www.mass.gov/massdot September 9, 2013