CTPS CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING STAFF Staff to the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization MEMORANDUM DATE TO FROM RE March 20, 2013 Paul Nelson, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Office of Transportation Planning Annette Demchur, Thomas Humphrey MPO Staff Conceptual Scope for Ferry Compact Technical Assistance The Massachusetts Ferry Compact’s principal mission is to establish an overall vision for the ferry system in Massachusetts for improving the transportation of people, goods, and vehicles by water. The MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning has requested that CTPS provide technical assistance to the Compact in support of their mission. The following scope of work provides an outline of the work expected to be included in those technical services. The scope of work is composed of two tasks. The first includes a set of essential data collection and analysis subtasks that will help inform the Compact’s discussions and decision making. The second task consists of ongoing technical support that CTPS will provide to the Compact. This ongoing technical support is expected to include technical analyses and the preparation of additional reports at the request of the Compact. All work done as part of the technical support will be renegotiated as needed. Ferry transportation differs from other modes for which CTPS typically does planning in that many ferry routes are operated only seasonally, from late spring through early fall, and are used predominantly for nonrepetitive recreational travel. The geographical distribution of ferry operations is also much more limited than that of other modes, since ferries require either navigable waterways between the origin and destination pairs they are to serve or land-side connections between the ports and passengers’ actual trip ends. It is anticipated that a senior planner in the CTPS Transit Service Planning group, who has extensive knowledge of water transportation planning issues, will be doing most of the work on the tasks listed below. The time estimates below are based on experience from previous water transportation studies in which CTPS was involved and a brief review of the availability of information needed to complete these tasks. State Transportation Building • Ten Park Plaza, Suite 2150 • Boston, MA 02116-3968 • (617) 973-7100 • Fax (617) 973-8855 • TTY (617) 973-7089 • ctps@ctps.org Boston Region MPO 2 March 20, 2013 Task 1: Required Data Collection and Analysis Subtask 1.1 Conduct Inventory of Ferry Systems in the Commonwealth CTPS produced a ferry service inventory in 2001-02 which included: • Route endpoints and intermediate stops, if applicable • Number of trips operated on weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays • Range of time intervals between trips for routes with more than one trip each way per day • Capacities and top speeds of boats used on the route • Fares • Sources of operating subsidies, if applicable CTPS will update this inventory using various information sources including but not limited to direct contact with boat and facility operators, published schedules, websites of the operators, and the FHWA ferry boat database. The inventory will include descriptions of all passenger ferry services in the study area (which extends between Gloucester/Rockport and New Bedford and includes Cape Cod and the Islands), including commuter, airport, Harbor Islands (ferries and water taxi services), and multipurpose routes. The inventory will include information about the services (routes and schedules), ridership, fares and fare structures, facilities, vessels (types and capacities), and, when available, maintenance and operation costs. Historically and continuing to the present time, much of the ferry transportation in Massachusetts has been provided by private operators. The role of the private operator can range from owning and operating the vessels and terminals with revenues entirely from fares or concessions to operating publicly owned vessels and terminals under contracts with guaranteed revenue. CTPS will summarize the level of private participation in providing ferry services. The inventory, including a summary of the role of private operators in providing ferry services, will be documented in a memorandum to the Ferry Compact. The memorandum will include a discussion of the determinants of eligibility for federal and state funding programs. Subtask 1.2 Conduct Review of Trends in Passenger Ferry Systems This subtask will be comprised of a literature review of recent trends in passenger ferry systems nationwide and a discussion of how these trends may affect the provision of service in the Commonwealth, including ridership, funding availability, and trip purpose. Current information on such trends, particularly with respect to ridership, appears in news articles and published studies by organizations such as the Transportation Research Board, and additional information may be obtained through contact with operators. The Boston Region MPO 3 March 20, 2013 findings of the review will be documented in a memorandum to the Ferry Compact. Subtask 1.3 Conduct Literature Review of State-of-the-Practice Ferry Passenger Service Demand Estimation As noted above, traditional demand estimation techniques have much more limited applicability for ferry transportation than for other passenger transportation modes. However, some published reports on demand estimation for ferry service in other cities are available. For this task, CTPS will conduct a literature review of techniques used to estimate demand for ferry service and document the findings of this review in a technical memorandum to the Ferry Compact. (This information may be used in optional Subtask 2.2 below to estimate demand.) Subtask 1.4 Attend Meetings and Present Findings It is anticipated that CTPS will be called on from time to time to present results of the preceding tasks to members of the Ferry Compact, the MPO, or the general public. This task includes the time to prepare for, attend, and present findings at meetings as necessary. Task 2: Ongoing Technical Assistance to the Ferry Compact It is anticipated that during the course of this project CTPS will be called on to provide technical assistance for additional tasks requested by the Ferry Compact members which are not set forth specifically above. This assistance is likely to involve the following subtasks; however, CTPS will not begin work until directed by MassDOT on behalf of the Ferry Compact. Subtask 2.1 Analyze Benefits and Impacts of Ferry Service on Host Communities Proposed new ferry services typically have anticipated positive impacts in the form of economic benefits and anticipated negative impacts in the form of increased traffic on roads leading to and from the ferry terminals. In this task CTPS will review available studies of expected or actual impacts of ferry services in other cities. Additionally, CTPS will examine how land use in the vicinities of existing ferry terminals in Massachusetts has been affected by ferry operation. CTPS will use this information to develop a methodology for analyzing the benefits and impacts of ferry service on host communities. Subtask 2.2 Analyze the Massachusetts Ferry System for any Unmet Ferry Travel Demand Another potential subtask would be to estimate the overall demand for ferry services as part of the integrated transportation system in the Commonwealth and to identify any unmet ferry travel needs. This subtask would build upon Boston Region MPO 4 March 20, 2013 the literature review conducted in Subtask 1.3 to develop a methodology for estimating the unmet demand for ferry service in the Commonwealth. Subtask 2.3 Develop a Process for Evaluating Ferry Services For ferry service, as for any transportation service, evaluation criteria will vary depending on the objectives defined for the service. Meeting these objectives will be the justification either for starting new services or for continuing existing ones. Success in meeting purely transportation objectives such as moving people from Point A to Point B or reducing crowding on existing routes/modes can be measured directly. Success in the form of general economic benefits can be much more difficult to quantify. CTPS will work with Ferry Compact members to determine the objectives for establishing new ferry services or maintaining existing ones, standard measures to be used in determining whether these objectives are met or are likely to be, and processes for evaluating services that draw upon the findings of previous tasks. AD&TH/ad&th cc: G. Bresnahan, MassDOT C. Cenizal, MassDOT