Responsibility of all • Literacy • Numeracy • Health and Wellbeing

Responsibility of all
• Literacy
• Numeracy
• Health and Wellbeing
Why the responsibility of all?
•Literacy and numeracy skills are essential to
access the wider curriculum.
•Literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing
enhance opportunities in life, learning and
•Low literacy, numeracy skills are linked with
social and economic disadvantage which in
turn impacts negatively on health and wellbeing
What is numeracy?
“Being numerate involves developing a
confidence and competence in using
number that allows individuals to solve
problems, interpret and analyse
information, make informed decisions,
function responsibly in everyday life and
contribute effectively to society.”
Numeracy across learning
•To what extent do you already provide
numeracy experiences to learners?
•Where does numeracy play a part in your
normal learning and teaching?
•Does your teaching programme involve
estimating, measuring, using and managing
money, reading information from charts
and tables?
What is literacy?
“Literacy is the set of skills which
allows an individual to engage fully
in society and in learning, through
the different forms of language
which society values and finds
Literacy across learning
‘…the greatest impact for learners will
come from all practitioners, in all
learning environments, including rich
literacy experiences as part of their
day-to-day learning and teaching
programmes.’ (principles and practice)
Literacy across learning
To what extent do you provide opportunities for
learners to:
•learn collaboratively and explain their thinking to
•consider the purpose and main concerns in texts,
think about reliability of information and
acknowledge sources?
• find, select, sort, summarise and link information
from a variety of sources?
• use language effectively to create texts which
allow learners to persuade/argue/explore ideas?
What is health?
Health is holistic and includes different dimensions individual, societal, environmental and global. A
holistic approach to health means taking account of
separate influences and the interaction of different
Naidoo & Wills 2009
Health and wellbeing across learning
Learning through health and wellbeing
promotes confidence, independent thinking
and positive attitudes and dispositions.
Because of this, it is the responsibility of
every teacher to contribute to learning and
development in this area
Building the Curriculum 1
Health and wellbeing across learning
Contributes to:
learning environments which support development of mental,
emotional, social and physical health
young people’s learning and development through integrated
links within the health and wellbeing curricular area
interdisciplinary learning and a broad general education
And is supported by:
a holistic, partnership approach to promoting the health and
well being of children and young people, within social and
community contexts.
Workshop question
What are the first steps that will allow all
practitioners to contribute effectively within
LIT-NUM-HWB across learning
Cross sector
Whole school