Minutes of the meeting of the Safety Committee held on 10th February 2006
Professor P Scott (Chair), Ms H Hutchings, , Dr S Al-Khalifa, Mr R
Buckle, Mr G Day, Mr J Burrows, Mr A Cooling, Mrs A Walters, Mrs A
Boutall, Mr D Wilson, Mr M Smith, Mr A James, Mr P Hand, Mr J
Dempsey, Mr M Joy, Mr D Welchman, Mr R Farr, Mr D Wright, Mr Z
Hirani, Mr D Beaton, Mr F Buxton, Mr F Aitken, Ms. Karen Kelleher,
Mrs S Foy, Ms E Shield, Ms L McCarthy
Miss J Gardner, Prof D Hodgson, Mr R Jenkins
Attendance: Dr D Veale, University Safety Officer
Mrs C Beament, Assistant University Safety Officer
Mr A Kay, Senior Occupational Health Advisor
Mrs J Watkin, Occupational Health Advisor
Ms J Strong, Secretary to the University Safety Committee
(a) That the minutes of the meeting held on the 4 November 2005 be
(b) That a copy of the minutes be placed on the restricted access area
of the Safety Office website.
Smoking in the University (USC 3/04-05)
A report from the University Safety Office on the response from
the Senate and the Council regarding the propose ban on
smoking in academic buildings (Paper USC.01/05-06)
The Senate and Council concurred that a ban on smoking in all
University academic buildings, including building entrances and
windows be introduced with effect from the beginning of the
06/07 session.
That the agreed ban on smoking in all University Academic
Buildings be communicated to Heads of Departments, by the
University Safety Officer.
A report from the University Safety Officer on the consultation
exercise, conducted on a propose ban on smoking in University
residences including staff common and rest rooms, student
communal areas and student bedrooms (Paper USC 13/05-06).
That paper USC 13/05-06 is submitted to the Senate and
Council outlining this committee’s recommendation that a ban
on smoking in staff common rooms and communal student
areas such as kitchens and lounges be imposed with effect from
the beginning of the 06/07 session.
That no ban on smoking be imposed in tutor’s rooms. That the
need to consider students wishes and protection from passive
smoking be reinforced.
That no ban on smoking is imposed in student bedrooms. That
the need for students to consider domestic assistants who clean
their accommodation and their protection against passive
smoking be reinforced.
Recognition and Reward of Departmental Safety Officers
An oral report from the Health and Safety Committee Secretary
providing an update on progress noting that practical methods of the
proposals in Paper USC 02/05-06 concerning the reward and
recognition of Departmental Safety Officers were being considered for
implementation by the end of the 05/06 session.
Emergency Refuges for Disabled People (USC 11/05-06)
A report from the Assistant University Safety Officer (Paper USC
14/05-06) noting that
(a) The working group established to consider methods of evacuation
for employees with mobility impairments had met on two occasions.
(b) That a presentation by a supplier of a communication system was
That further information is sought from alternative suppliers and/or
different types of system.
That information from other University’s will be requested by the
Assistant University Safety Officer
Road Safety
A report from the University Security Manager (Paper USC
28/05-06) regarding the impact of high usage of the Arts Centre
facilities on road safety including parking of coaches and
disabled parking and findings of a risk assessment carried out.
An oral report from the Building Surveyor, Estates Services
regarding the safety assessment carried out by TMS
Consultancy (Paper USC 15/05-06) on the footpath width
adjacent to the stream between the access road to car park 15
and Library Road following an accident involving a student being
struck by the mirror of a passing vehicle.
That the University Security Officer liaises with the Arts Centre
to ensure that the recommendations of the risk assessment are
implemented expediently.
That the recommendations provided by TMS were inappropriate
and therefore an alternative of moving the handrail to widen the
footpath would be implemented and reviewed following a 12
month trial period.
Report from the University Safety Officer
A report from the University Safety Officer (Paper USC16/05-06)
Fire and Safety Officer
That Mr. E Birch, University Fire and Safety Officer will be
joining Estates Services at the beginning of April 2006.
Pulse Survey
That the Pulse staff survey indicated general satisfaction with
standards of health and safety in the University. The survey
highlighted work related stress as a potential problem area.
Health and Safety Audits
That health and safety audits will be carried out at Warwick HRI,
the Sport’s Centre and the Library shortly.
Report from the Director of Estates
A report from the University’s Estates Officer (Paper USC 17/05-06)
International Manufacturing Centre
TMS consultants were commissioned to examine the
installation of a pelican crossing to replace the Belisha
crossing currently in use.
University House – Pedestrian Access from University
The University Safety Officer had requested that the
Estates Office consider the installation of handrails or
barriers to prevent pedestrians crossing at unauthorised
That no change will be made to the Belisha crossing in
situ, as this crossing suits the campus environment.
That the Estates Office will further consider the
installation of handrails as recommended by TMS
consultants. In the interim pedestrian visibility may be
improved by lowering the willow barrier to allow safer
Report from Student & Ancillary Services
A report from the University House Facilities Manger on fire drills, the
speed of evacuation from buildings and any faults or failures recorded
during the drills. (Paper USC. 06-05/06)
(a) That there has been an increase in the number of false
alarms from student residences.
(b) That there have been complaints from Rootes and Jack
Martin student’s residences’ regarding noise from the
Student’s Union.
(a) That the University Security Manager is investigating the
increase and will fine those setting off alarms £50 and
possible remove offenders from University residences.
(b) That the Student’s Union will liaise with the Estates Office to
improve noise insulation with the replacement of doors.
Revision of University Safety Policy
(a) An addition to SITU Part 2 on work at home (Paper USC 19/05-06).
Including cross reference to an additional document relating to mobile
computing and teleworking (USC 19/05-06 a).
(b) A full revision of SITU Part 12 – Disabled People (Paper USC
(c) A full revision of SITU Part 4 – Ionising Radiation (Paper USC
RECOMMENDED: (to the Senate and the Council)
That the revisions to SITU Part 2, SITU Part 12 and SITU Part 4 be
approved as set out in papers USC 9/05-06 and 19/05-06 a, USC
20/05-06 and USC 21/05-06.
Report from the Senior Occupational Health Advisor
A report from the Senior Occupational Health Advisor outlining the
proposed Occupational Health Strategy for the next 3 years (Paper
USC 22/05-06).
That the Occupational Health service will develop and implement a
University wide work related health surveillance programme.
That the Occupational Health service will develop and implement a
University wide pre-employment medical questionnaire.
That the Senior Occupational Health Adviser will meet with the
Personnel Operations Director to seek agreement on the proposal and
report on progress at the next committee meeting.
26 /05-06
Work Related Accidents Reported in 2005
A report from the Assistant University Safety Officer on accident
statistics for 2005 (Paper USC 24/05-06).
(a) That the work related accident statistics from 2005 show that the
total number of accidents reported has remained static with an
increase from 618 in 2004 to 611 in 2005.
(b) That the decrease in number of accidents resulting in a time loss of
5 to 15 minutes from 486 in 2004 to 5 in 2005, reflects an issue with
reporting of accidents resulting in minor time loss.
(b) That Departmental Safety Officers encourage accident reporting for
all accidents including those resulting in minimal loss of time.
University Health and Safety Plan 2005 – 2007
A report from the University Safety Officer on progress against the
Health and Safety plan, during 2005 (Paper USC 25/05-06).
(a) That progress on the Health and Safety Plan is on target.
(b) That the departmental review of health and safety requirements had
been circulated in questionnaire format to all Departmental Safety
(b) That the University Safety Officer will re-send the questionnaire
reviewing the health and safety requirements to all Departmental
Safety Officers for completion.
University Safety Officer’s Annual Report to Senate and Council (USC
A draft report from the University Safety Officer to Senate and Council
for the year ending 31/12/2005 noting:
(a) A summary of reports received by the Health and Safety Committee
in 2005
(b) A summary of other matters discussed by the Health and Safety
Committee in 2005
(c) A summary of current and future activities to be considered by the
Health and Safety Committee.
That the draft report will be revised and sent to Senate and Council for
approval together with the work related accident statistics for 2005.
Visit of External University Radiation Protection Adviser
An oral report from the University Safety Officer (Paper USC 27/05-06),
on the results of the audit conducted by Independent Radiation
Protection Advisers, on two laboratories in Biological Science.
That the Biological Science Departmental Safety Officer liaises with
Contractors to fit a continuous sheet of floor covering as
Portable Appliance Testing
An oral report from the Information Technology Services Departmental
Safety Officer regarding portable appliance testing and responsibility
for conducting testing.
(a) That the Estates Office will clarify their remit for portable appliance
(b) That Departmental Safety Officers will share information relating to
external consultancies that have been used to carry out portable
appliance testing previously.