UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Minutes of the meeting of the Safety Committee held on 26 May 2006 Present: Professor P Scott (Chair), Ms H Hutchings, Mr A Taylor, Dr S AlKhalifa, Mr R Buckle, Mr J Burrows, Mr A Cooling, Mrs A Walters, Mrs A Boutall, Mr D Wilson, Mr M Smith, Mr A James, Mr J Dempsey, Mr D Welchman, Mr D Wright, Mr Z Hirani, Mr D Beaton, Mr F Buxton, Mr F Aitken, Ms. Karen Kelleher, Ms L McCarthy, Professor D Hodgson, Mr C Fountain, Mr E Birch, Miss J Gardner, Ms H Hutchings, Ms A Packwood Apologies: Mr G Day, Ms S Russell, Mr M Joy, Mr P Mills, Mr R Farr, Mr P Hand In Attendance: Dr D Veale, University Safety Officer Mrs C Beament, Assistant University Safety Officer Mr A Kay, Senior Occupational Health Advisor Mrs J Watkin, Occupational Health Advisor Ms J Strong, Secretary to the University Safety Committee 31/05-06 Minutes RESOLVED: (a) That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2006 be approved. (b) That a copy of the minutes be placed on the restricted access area of the Safety Office website. 32/05-06 Matters Arising on the Minutes (a) Smoking in the University (minute USC 17/05-06 refers) REPORTED: (by the University Safety Officer) That the revisions to SITU Part 2 – Smoking Policy (USC 28/05-06) be approved. (b) Recognition & Reward of Departmental Safety Officers (minute USC 18/05-06 refers) REPORTED: (by the Secretary to the Committee) That a draft policy for the Reward and Recognition of Departmental Safety Officers has been provided to the Personnel Operations Director JS/USC.Minutes/26/05/06 with a view to implementation of this policy by the start of the 2006/07 academic year. NOTED: That Departmental Safety Officers are unhappy about the length of time this policy has taken to be written and implemented. Implementation of the Reward and Recognition of Departmental safety Officers by the start of 2006/07 academic year will make this policy two years in its design and implementation. (c) Occupational Health Strategy (minute USC 25/05-06 refers) RECEIVED: An oral report on progress, from the Senior Occupational Health Adviser, on the progress of development of the University’s Occupational Health Strategy. REPORTED: That the Occupational Health Service was reviewing the proposed Occupational Health Strategy for the next three years, in the light of comments from the Director of Personnel Services and the University Safety Officer. RESOLVED: That the Senior Occupational Health Adviser continue to review and revise as necessary the Occupational Health Strategy and report back to the University Safety Committee at its next meeting. (d) Accident Statistics (minute USC 26/05-06 refers) CONSIDERED: A report from the University Safety Officer on the benchmarking exercise carried out to compare the University of Warwick’s accident statistics against those of other Universities (Paper USC 29/05-06). REPORTED: (i) (ii) That the University’s RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) reportable accident statistics were in line with average statistics for other Universities That the total number of accidents reported at the University was higher than those at comparator Universities. JS/USC.Minutes/26/05/06 RESOLVED: That it was the view of the Committee that work to improve accident reporting within the University had been successful as reflected in the higher than average number of total accidents reported. 33/05-06 Report from the University Safety Officer RECEIVED: A report from the University Safety Officer on the Safety departments current projects (Paper USC 30/05-06). REPORTED: (a) Occupational Health That new equipment had been purchased by the Occupational Health Service in order to extend its range of services, including an audiometry booth and physiotherapy plinth. (b) Fire Risk Assessments That more fire risk assessments had been reviewed and that future assessments would be carried out by Mr. E Birch, University Fire and Safety Officer. (c) Visits to Departments by University Safety Officers That in Area 5, Physics Level 4, recommendations had been made that the consumption of food and beverages in several areas where chemicals are handled must not be permitted. 34/05-06 Report from the Director of Estates Services RECIEVED: A report from the Building Surveyor, Estates Services (Paper USC 31/05-06) noting: (a) International Manufacturing Centre Footpath That modification to the handrails and fixing had widened the footpath by 400 - 450mm. JS/USC.Minutes/26/05/06 (b) University House/Ring Road – Oval Table That the height of the willow fences in this area was controlled to ensure that visibility for pedestrians crossing the road at this point is maintained. (c) Social Studies Refurbishment That Phase II of the Social Studies Building refurbishment has commenced and would continue over the summer and that pedestrian access would be restricted around the courtyard and periphery of the Social Studies Building for the duration of these works. 35/05-06 Report from Student & Ancillary Services RECEIVED: A report from the University House Facilities Manager on fire drills, the speed of evacuation from buildings and any faults or failures recorded during the drills (Paper USC. 32/05-06) REPORTED: (by the Facilities Manager) That ambulance attendances, where arrival time at the University exceeds 20 minutes from the request being made, relates to non urgent calls made from the University Health Centre and not emergency calls made by the Switchboard or Gate House 36/05-06 Emergency and Disaster Planning RECEIVED: A paper setting out the Union of Student’s Emergency & Disaster and Business Recovery Plan (Paper USC 33/05-06) together with a demonstration by the Students Union Health & Safety Manager of the emergency kit used by the Students Union. 37/05-06 Management of Health and Safety in the University CONSIDERED: A proposal from the University Safety Officer recommending changes to the management of health and safety in the University (Paper USC 34/05-06). JS/USC.Minutes/26/05/06 NOTED: That the committee had concerns relating to the proposals by the University Safety Officer recommending changes to the management of health and safety in the University (Paper USC 34/05-06). RECOMMENDED: That discussion of the proposals led to the following recommendations regarding the management of health and safety in the University being made by the Committee; (a) That the title of the University Safety Committee be changed to the University Health and Safety Committee. (b) That the University Health and Safety Committee report to the Senate and the Council via a new committee, to be entitled the University Health and Safety Executive Committee (c) That the Chair of the University Health and Safety Committee be a senior member of academic staff and also a member of the University Council. (d) That a lay member of the Council be appointed to serve on the University Health and Safety Committee (e) That a review of the composition of the University Health and Safety Committee and Safety Areas be carried out by a Working Party set up by the University Safety Committee. (f) That Departmental Safety Officers not appointed to the University Health and Safety Committee attend meetings of the Committee for relevant items (g) That a Technical Sub Committee of the University Health and Safety Committee be formed (h) That the University Health and Safety Committee continue to meet on a termly basis. NOTED: RESOLVED: That the proposed revisions to the Management of Health and Safety in the University be approved as proposed in paper USC 34/05-06. 38/05-06 Revision of the University Safety Policy REPORTED: (a) That the Senate at its meeting held on 8 March 2006 and the Council at its meeting held on 15 March 2006 approved the Health and safety Committee’s recommendations for: JS/USC.Minutes/26/05/06 (i) An addition to SITU Part 2 – Work at Home (ii) A revision of SITU Part 12 – Disabled People (iii) A revision of SITU Part 4 – Ionising Radiation CONSIDERD: Draft revisions to SITU Part 1 – Health and Safety Management (Paper USC 35/05-06). RESOLVED That paper USC 35/05-06 be amended further to reflect suggested changes put forward at the meeting to the recommendations relating to the management of Health and Safety in the University (minute 37/0506 refers). 39/05-06 Review of Work Related Stress RECEIVED: A report from the Assistant University Safety Officer on the proposed methodology for reviewing work related stress in the University (Paper USC 36/05-06). 40/05-06 Visits from Enforcing Authorities RECIEVED: A report from the University Safety Officer on recent visits to the University by the Environment Agency, the West Midlands Fire Service and Coventry City Council Environmental Health Department (Paper USC 37/05-06). 41/05-06 Improving Employee Involvement RECEIVED: A report from the University Safety Officer on a consultative document from the Health and Safety Commission regarding improvements to worker involvement in relation to improving health and safety risk management (Paper USC 38/05-06). RESOLVED: That member’ views and comments on the proposals set out in the Health and Safety Commission’s consultative document be directed to the University Safety Officer for future discussion by the Committee. JS/USC.Minutes/26/05/06 JS/USC.Minutes/26/05/06