104 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT April 8, 2013 SUBJECT: 2012-13 Budget Revision—Allocation of FTES Reserve REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 2 G.4 BACKGROUND: The Governing Board took action to create an FTES operating reserve of $500,000 on October 9, 2006. The reserve was established to provide the college with resources to safeguard the district against a decline in enrollment. The reserve was established at a time with the college’s enrollment was below the state enrollment cap. At the time, the college was at risk for a permanent loss of state apportionment funding. The FTES reserve was increased from $500,000 to $2.8 million. The college was able to increase the reserve by capturing growth revenue for the 2006-07 and 2007-08 fiscal years. The increase in revenue was temporary so the resources were treated as one-time. Funds were allocated and replenished as follows: 2008-09 FTES Reserve balance: 2008-09 Allocation to generate FTES 2009-10 Bridge 2009-10 budget deficit 2010-11 Bridge 2010-11 budget deficit 2011-12 Allocate one-time funds to FTES reserve Current balance of FTES reserve $2.8 million ($ .7 million) ($ .3 million) ($1.3 million) $ .5 million $1.0 million The college was significantly over the state funded enrollment cap for several years. The college’s enrollment is now declining. Enrollment for spring 2013 is 4.3% below the spring enrollment for the prior year. Classes have been added to spring 2013, and summer 2013. Continued next page FISCAL IMPACT: $666,503 from the One-time FTES Reserve RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the recommendations of the College Planning Council and authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to make the budget adjustments to allocate $666,503 of the FTES reserve in 2012-13 for the 2013-14 Academic Year. The college will restore the FTES back up to $1 million when the 2012-13 fiscal year is closed in August 2013. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis/ Graciano Mendoza Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 105 In order to maximize state apportionment funding and stabilize enrollment the college needs to utilize the FTES reserve. The allocation of resources is consistent with the 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Strategies and Criteria II.B, C & D. The college is planning to allocate one-time reserves as follows: Credit Courses FTES BELA HASS HAWK NAS VAPA Library Counseling TUs spring 2014 Total TUs from FTES Reserve Fund TUs 32.31 38.55 12 89 42.06 28.25 9 63.35 38.38 0.8 9 9 222.92 148.78 @ $1770 per TU Total Cost to FTES Reserve Fund Public Safety Courses 1. CEED Related Costs $2.25 per contract hour payment to agencies Dean CEED, 0.05 FTE S&B Public Safety Program Coordinator, 0.5 FTE S&B Program Specialist, 0.45 FTE S&B (new) Faculty, 4 TU @ 1,850 Student Worker Benefits, Vacations, Step @ 10% Programming, software, systems development Contingencies Total cost allocation to CEED 2. Business Services Related Costs Sr. Accounting Specialist Accounts Payable Review Process Total cost allocation to BSO 3. Admissions & Records Related Costs 20 hours @ $26.81 per hour + 20% mand. Ben. (two times per year) 20 hours @51.90 per hour + 20% mand. Ben. (two times per year) Total Cost Allocation to A & R Total Costs to Offer Courses Public Safety Cost per FTES (assuming 232 FTES) Projected FTES Total allocation from FTES Reserve $263,341 $263,341 PROJECTED EXPENSES $274,050 7,878 47,500 27,201 7,400 2,000 9,315 4,000 2,000 $381,344 12,470 4,770 800 $18,040 1,286 2,492 $3,778 $403,162 1,738 455 $666,503 It is still unclear whether the college will be able to capture all of the restoration/growth funding for 2012-13 and 2013-14. The short term goal is to capture restoration funding for 2012-13. It is also unclear whether the college will be able maintain restoration/growth funding once it is earned. Enrollment will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. The college will allocate ongoing resources to sustain enrollment and capture the maximum funding available.