September 20, 2012, Room 1096, Teaching & Learning Center
ATTENDEES: Isabel O’Connor, Sue Slater, Mark Hopkins, Patrick Meyer, Marcy Alancraig, and
Francine Van Meter
Fall Flex Week Review
The Committee reviewed the flex activities evaluation report and discussed the feedback. Overall the
evaluations were predictably favorable. Isabel mentioned several faculty shared comments about the
glossy color programs printed for All College Day; they were an unnecessary expense. This is the
second year in a row this has happened. Also, faculty are required to fulfill 4 hours of flex activity on
ACD. Finishing before 11am falls well short of the required flex time. That extra time would be best
spent showing the video(s) produced specifically for ACD, and not during the ‘breakfast time’ when
only a handful of people are in the theatre. This happened last year as well. Put College videos on
YouTube (captioned) so others may watch them. Committee members recommended we be more
specific about the format of All College Day.
The following suggestions were made: Curriculum Pitfalls did not accurately describe who the target
audience should be; new faculty attending would be better served by Sue Nerton’s Curriculum
workshop. The Curric Committee workshop should describe who the intended audience is. Remove
“join your division” and state something like “open to all faculty.” Spring flex should include a session
on the new version of CUnet. The Mindfulness workshop was very popular. Vicki Fabbri is doing a
follow-up this semester.
Breakfast with Brian could be improved with more information about the state of the college. Also,
when a workshop ends more than 20 minutes ahead of schedule, perhaps people could be informed it
will not take the full 1.5 hours.
Spring 2013 Flex Week Planning
The Committee decided on the following theme. Francine and Marcy are working on the description.
The Golden Age is NOW!
Bringing the best of Cabrillo’s traditions into the future.
Has Cabrillo left its traditions behind, or have we moved into a new era that blends the best from the
past with innovative thinking for the future? Faculty, staff, and administrators are encouraged to submit
proposals that focus on the New Old Way of supporting student learning at Cabrillo. What Cabrillo
traditions will we carry forward into 2013? How are you using technology to extend learning beyond the
classroom? What strategies do you use to engage students and motivate them to make the commitment
to their education? What ‘social networks’ do we have that bring students of diverse backgrounds
together for a common cause? How have we been innovative in a time of scarcity?
The format will be the same as last spring. Div/dept day will be on Friday.
Staff Development Committee Fall 2012 Meeting Dates
Thursday, September 20, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, October 25, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, November 29, 3:30–5pm
All meetings in room 1096, Teaching and Learning Center
SD Minutes 9-20-12.doc